Do colors help in healing? Color therapy - color treatment options

The history of color therapy began at the moment when people noticed the healing power of the sun's rays. It soon became clear that individual rainbows also affect the human body - they calm, heal, or, conversely, cause discomfort. According to surviving evidence, even Queen Nefertiti used multi-colored cosmetic oils, believing that red and green shades would have a beneficial effect on her beauty.

In China, India and Persia, somatic diseases were treated with color. Nowadays, even official medicine recognizes the method of color therapy.
It has already been proven that with its help you can increase immunity, regulate hormonal levels, and activate the synthesis of vitamin D, which is responsible for the deposition of calcium in bone tissue. According to some experts, color has a stronger effect on the body than chemicals, and even cancer can be cured with its help.
However, whether this is so is a moot point. But if you are healthy, but find yourself in a stressful or conflict situation, color therapy techniques may be useful to you.
If a new stage begins in your life - you go to university or get a job - surround yourself with yellow objects. This will help you overcome self-doubt and be more accepting of new ideas.
Yellow color helps when passing exams, when you need extreme concentration and the ability to memorize large amounts of text. For people in creative professions, yellow gives inspiration.
Orange is commonly called the color of the sun. It will restore your tired body after a hard day at work, and give you a feeling of warmth and comfort in your home.

If you are tormented by doubts, then your color is blue. In the East, it symbolizes truth and peace. Blue color will help you clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts and will calm you down if you feel anxious.
Use blue shades when decorating your apartment - and you yourself will notice that scandals in the family have practically stopped. Insomnia will stop tormenting you in a blue bedroom.
Have your troubles driven you to a nervous breakdown? Red color can give you a feeling of security. It is traditionally considered the color of the leader.
A red suit will instantly make you the center of attention in any company. You can be sure that your words will be listened to. But since it is very stimulating, it must be handled with care.
A red blouse will give you a feeling of self-confidence, but you should not cover your room with scarlet wallpaper - this is fraught with outbursts of aggression and even hypertensive crises.
Red is most appropriate in the kitchen, as it stimulates the appetite, among other things, but it has absolutely no place in the bedroom.

Green color is appropriate in any situation. This is the color of natural harmony. It will calm the nerves and is also good for the eyes. In addition, there is a theory that it attracts financial well-being (it is no coincidence that when many people hear the word “green” they associate “dollars”).
Blue color has the ability to eliminate fears, even those that you yourself have not yet realized. However, experts note its negative impact on people with low blood pressure.
The color violet is a great color for relieving stress. In addition, it helps to find a way out of a creative crisis and relieve nervous overexcitement.
Based on materials from the site

Home color therapy

What colors do you prefer? Gray clothes or brown upholstered furniture?
Do you think that you are guided only by your taste or the demands of fashion? It turns out that your color preferences are dictated by... your own body!

Our body consists of vibrating particles, which are characterized by various electromagnetic vibrations. Color is a light vibration that has a specific wavelength. For each organ, you can select the color under the influence of which it functions best. It is no coincidence that even in ancient times, Chinese healers associated human insides with various shades. According to their ideas, our liver is light green, our heart, as expected, is red, our lungs are white, and our spleen and pancreas are yellow. When the energy balance is disturbed, which, as Eastern doctors say, is one of the causes of any illness, the organs change color vibration and acquire shades that were not previously characteristic of them. Sometimes this can be seen even with the naked eye. So, with a tendency to form blood clots, the blood darkens, and with anemia, on the contrary, it acquires a light pink tint. Depending on the disease, the color of the bile changes: from olive to dark brown or green. In Ancient China it was believed: if you return the diseased organ to its original color, health will quickly be restored.

Red - most actively influences a person, awakens his physical energy and love of life. It normalizes blood circulation, increases hemoglobin levels, helps with menstrual irregularities, and stimulates sexual activity. But at high temperatures and inflammatory processes in the body, red tones can only do harm.

Orange - source of vital energy. It restores nervous and muscle tissue, improves the functions of the spleen and pancreas, strengthens the respiratory system, and is useful for asthma and chronic bronchitis. Treats diseases associated with genitourinary disorders, improves skin color. Orange color is an excellent way to combat depression. helps with loss of strength, internal stiffness, improves performance.

Color of the Sun stimulates brain function, cleanses the digestive organs, liver, skin, prevents bile stagnation, restores mineral reserves, and, if necessary, reduces acidity. If you have stomach problems, depression or general lethargy, buy amber beads, hang canary yellow curtains in your kitchen and enjoy life again!

Green considered a symbol of rebirth and peace. No wonder a walk through a green forest is one of the best ways to relax. This color normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, helps with arrhythmia, stabilizes blood pressure, and improves vision. Green will relieve headaches and other symptoms of colds. In addition, this “color of life” has a refreshing, antiseptic and antimicrobial effect on the body.

Blue the color has a hypnotic effect and calms. True, an excess of its shades can cause depression. Sky blue is used in the treatment of colds and infectious diseases. It has a positive effect on the respiratory system, prevents the occurrence of glaucoma and cataracts. Eliminates hallucinations, stops the development of senile dementia, regulates the activity of the thyroid gland. In addition, blue color curbs appetite. Do you dream of losing excess weight? Then eat and drink from blue dishes!

Violet - the most passive color. It helps with mental disorders, neuralgia, insomnia, kidney, urinary and gall bladder diseases. Good for the cardiovascular system, reduces temperature and relieves pain.

Practical application of the healing properties of color. Color therapy specialists advise: wearing clothes and jewelry of a certain color, carefully selecting the color scheme in the interior, or simply periodically looking for a long time at an object of a shade that is “useful” to you.

Color therapy is a color treatment method that has become very popular today. Even in ancient times, it was believed that exposure to color was not only capable of restoring mental balance, but was also a serious healing factor for numerous physical ailments. Color therapy was born in ancient times.

Color was used to treat in Egypt, China, India, and Persia. In Egyptian temples, archaeologists discovered rooms whose design forced the sun's rays to be refracted into one or another color of the spectrum. Egyptian doctors seemed to bathe the patient in healing streams of healing rays.
Modern scientists believe that it is one of the most promising and reliable methods of treatment and recovery. The era of chemotherapy drugs will become a thing of the past. A number of scientists argue that modern chemotherapy is a road to nowhere.
Our brain, scientists believe, perceives color in the same way as our stomach perceives food. And just as we sometimes crave a specific food, our body sometimes needs a specific color. It is clear that “pills” are completely safe for humans, while taking conventional tablets - synthetic drugs - can be accompanied by many side and undesirable effects.
So, what and how they affect us.
Red increases internal energy, libido (sexual in) and sexuality, helps to activate hematopoiesis, normalize blood circulation and metabolism.
Orange helps overcome fatigue, blues, depression, uncertainty, anxiety and fear.
Yellow increases concentration, improves mood and memory. Its effect is very beneficial for liver disorders.

Green promotes the rhythmic functioning of the heart, relaxation of the eyes, has a moderate anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effect, and is useful for reduced kidney function, dizziness, and nervousness.
Blue calms, improves immunity, relieves inflammation and burning sensations, such as sunburn, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland.
Blue helps with insomnia, causes a feeling of comfort and peace, relieves tension, lowers blood pressure, and calms breathing. Color therapy specialists especially recommend blue color to women with menstrual irregularities and during menopause.
Purple enhances intuition, normalizes the lymphatic system, helps with migraines

About the mechanism of color therapy: the effect of different colors on the psyche and physical condition of a person.

Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits. Magic of color.

“Wait for me and I will return, just wait very long.
Wait for the yellow rains to make you sad..."

Frankly, I have never wondered why in this poem by Konstantin Simonov, which has become a textbook, the rains are... yellow? Why did the poet choose this particular color from the entire palette of colors? It seems to me that I realized this when a tearful friend came to me with a grudge against her lover, who gave her a luxurious bouquet of roses. What’s wrong with that, I just couldn’t understand. So, roses are yellow, sobbed my friend. Well, of course, I didn’t immediately guess, because yellow is the color of separation and betrayal. More precisely, change.
It is ridiculous to assume that the poet, seized by a burst of inspiration, suddenly began to study the symbolic meanings of flowers. What shade does it say symbolizes separation? Of course not! He just felt it that way. He just knew it. And millions of readers feel exactly the same way, which is why this, you see, is still a strange definition of rain does not hurt our ears. What does this or that color mean?
At school, we carefully copied these interpretations into albums next to romantic poems. But it turns out that they were not invented by anyone, but rather... discovered? After all, no one invented that red, yellow, orange colors are “warm”, and blue, violet are “cold”. We just feel that way. Therefore, we are not surprised that Greene’s sails are scarlet, Maeterlinck’s bird is blue, the cardinal standing behind the monarch is gray, and the blood of aristocrats is blue. We can give dozens more examples of how we “color” various images, phenomena, and events with one color or another. Moreover, people in different countries, without saying a word, “paint” the same phenomena with the same colors. I'm not even talking about our physiological reactions! All over the world people turn purple with anger, turn black with grief, and turn green with envy. And not the other way around!

The head of the laboratory for research into the reserves of the human psyche at the Higher School of Social and Managerial Consulting, Svetlana KURALINA, a great enthusiast of color therapy, can call your mood yellow, your attitude purple, and the period of your life pink. She introduced me to the research of physicists and doctors about how and why the colors of the world around us affect us.
Science explains what everyone feels on an intuitive level. But, I must admit, I didn’t come to Svetlana to find out the meanings of flowers and “apply” them to life. I’m not going to advise you on what color dress to wear or what wallpaper to choose for your home. We will talk about something else, about how to learn to understand the logic of color. In fact, why are we completely “accidental”! — do we choose this or that clothing, the room, do we fix our gaze on this or that person?
The magic of color is something that we all use, whether we like it or not, when dressing in something, buying bedspreads and curtains, choosing wallpaper and carpets... We see the colors of the clothes of the people around us, we notice the tone of lipstick and the shade of stones in earrings or beads. And our subconscious mind takes all this into account, giving the answer: “like” - “don’t like.”
I could tell you that “cell metabolism is controlled by the emission of photons”, that “color is a specific irritant of the eye and when it acts on the visual analyzer, photostimulation of the retinal receptors is carried out”, that the eye “winds up the biological clock located in the thalamus, hypothalamus and pineal gland” .

But I won’t go deep into the theory. If you are interested in scientific stuff, I can tell you the names of scientists who studied the problems of human perception of color. This is Peter Mandel, Fritz-Albert Popp, Dr. Wendel. For those who have forgotten their school physics course, let me remind you that light is a set of electromagnetic waves of different lengths. And the wavelength determines its color. Electromagnetic waves interact with our energy structures - they enhance or suppress their vibrations. It is clear that waves of different lengths (different colors!) have different effects on certain organs of a person, his psyche. In the specialized literature you can find tables, diagrams and graphs of the effects of electromagnetic waves of different lengths on microorganisms and plants, on humans.
Acting on the iris of the eye, color excites certain receptors. Those who have at least once been diagnosed using the iris of the eye know that it is possible to “read” the disease of any organ. This is understandable, because the “iris” is reflexively connected with all internal organs and, of course, with the brain. From here it is not difficult to guess that this or that color, acting on the iris of the eye, thereby reflexively affects the vital functions of the organs of our body.

A little about the mechanism of color therapy. A healthy cell has a “healthy” vibration with a certain wavelength. When a cell becomes sick, its vibration changes. I think there is no need to explain what resonance is? This is what is used in color therapy - “irradiating” a cell with the appropriate color (that is, an electromagnetic wave of a certain length) “imposes” a “healthy” vibration on it.
I allowed myself to delve a little deeper into the theory so as not to return to it again. Color is not only physics, but also psychology and poetry. Knowledge and understanding of the “ABC of color”, the logic of its influence on us, enriches and colors life, brightens the palette of our feelings and relationships with people.

Pink, triangle on blue background

Preferences for certain colors allow us to better understand what motivates us, how we think, what lies in the subtext of certain actions - in the subtext that people themselves sometimes do not even realize.
For example, why on all continents are homosexuals called “gay” and lesbians “pink”? These colors are also “legalized” on the coat of arms of the International Lesbian and Gay Association, where a pink triangle is depicted on a blue background.

“An interesting question,” Svetlana Valerievna laughed. - Let's speculate. Red is the color of masculine energy. In alchemy it symbolizes the "masculine principle." By the way, in Ancient Egypt, gods and men were painted with red or red-brown paints; in ancient tribes, men always painted their bodies with red, brick color. They are hunters - they need aggressiveness, activity, strength. And red is the color of the hot sun and fire. Male psychophysiology “works in unison” with red vibrations. Red is anger, rage, sex, power.
Blue, on the contrary, is the color of feminine energy. According to Christian canons, blue is the color of the Queen of Heavenly Virgin Mary. We subconsciously associate blue with peace and infinity; it calms and relaxes. This is the color of passivity. After all, a woman is called upon to play a passive role - she keeps the fire burning and raises children. And in wild tribes, women, as a rule, painted their bodies with blue or yellow paints. By the way, dancers in Ancient Egypt were painted in blue transparent clothes.
— It turns out that if a man acquires feminine traits, that means he... “turns blue”?
- Rather, he “turns blue” - after all, he does not become a woman in the full sense of the word, you yourself said: “acquires the features” of a woman. A woman who begins to acquire masculine traits, on the contrary, turns a little pink.

This version of Svetlana Kuralina seemed very convincing to me. Moreover, by chance I came across an amazing fact in some medical book. It turns out that women's arterial blood is indeed bluer than men's because it contains more copper ions. Using spectrophotometry, this can even be seen. And there are more iron ions in the blood of men. (Remember that copper is blue, and iron is red.)
True, the question remains: why is it customary to buy blue strollers and a blue “dowry” for newborn boys, and everything pink for girls? After all, it turns out that we should do the opposite? According to Svetlana Kuralina, subconscious therapy is manifested here. Newborn boys are usually more “twitchy”, active, and they experience childbirth more difficult than girls. Women know that the color blue helps reduce men's anxiety levels. Under the influence of blue, heart rate and blood pressure decrease, and breathing slows down slightly. It is logical to assume that a blue blanket or stroller can calm and calm the baby a little.

In fact, why use red on an already active little man? His active, “red” energy needs to be calmed down a little and harmonized with blue. Girls whose psychophysiology is more consistent with the color blue are more able to tolerate the stress associated with birth. Newborn girls are usually calmer than boys. Why “calm them down” even more with the blue color of the vest? On the contrary, the energy of red - the active color - will not bother them at all.

How to cool your feelings

According to Kuralina, each person has his own chromotype. Simply put, the psychophysiology of each of us corresponds to a certain color. It turns out that impulsive choleric people are most often “red” people. Sanguine people are usually yellow. Sensitive melancholic people are usually “blue”, and phlegmatic people are “green”. So, if your baby is a typical melancholic person, and you are trying to no avail to somehow “stir up” him, then perhaps you shouldn’t dress him in all blue? And, on the contrary, is it worth dressing a naughty boy in a bright red jumpsuit?

By the way, have you ever wondered why sugar is usually produced in blue and white packages? Why do we give the white color a bluish rather than a pinkish hue? Why not paint the boxes, for example, tea color or the color of some kind of jam? After all, we think about sugar every day while drinking tea!
I don’t pretend to have an exhaustive answer, but some coincidences seemed interesting to me... Ancient eastern medicine - Ayurveda - divides foods into “cold” and “hot”. Chew, for example, hot pepper and you will feel hot; it is a “hot” product. Drink a glass of sweet water in the heat - and you will understand why Ayurveda believes that sugar has “cold” properties. So is it any wonder then that its packaging is designed in the “coldest” of colors - blue? (I’m sure no one suspects what Ayurveda thinks about the properties of sugar!)

Now try to guess what color should be used to bring down a high temperature when you are sick. Of course, you need to cool a person with “cold” colors - blue, light blue. And diseases that are caused by hypothermia of the body can be treated with warm colors - red, yellow, orange. That’s why, it turns out, when I go skiing, I “accidentally”! — I grab red mittens from the shelf, which don’t go with my ski suit at all. The friend is offended: “You don’t like the mittens I gave you? Why don’t you wear them?” But it turns out that I’m just warmer in the old red ones than in the blue ones.

Experts believe that the blue color has analgesic, antiseptic and even anti-emetic properties. A grandmother in the village may recommend applying a decoction of blue cornflowers to eyes swollen from tears. The use of blue color for medicinal purposes can be heard most often when it comes to the need to reduce some processes - for example, to slow down the heartbeat or reduce the abundance of menstruation in women, to treat diarrhea or insomnia. As for insomnia, blue can apparently help here because it calms and reduces agitation. (mospagebreak)

They say that blue clothes can help with various skin diseases, and purple dishes... will reduce appetite. I really don't like eating on purple plates. I think that you are unlikely to find a lot of purple dishes in your home. The logic of the magic of color here is clear: it is from cold colors that one should seek help when it is necessary to “cool down” something - temperature, nervous excitement or appetite. One cannot help but remember that prostitutes dress not in blue, but in red underwear. Apparently, in order not to cool, but to warm up feelings?

How to warm up your feelings.

Blue and cyan usually evoke associations with the intellect, with a philosophical way of thinking. It is clear that aristocrats are “cold”, who know how to control their feelings, and the blood of a calm, cold color is “blue”. And in the veins of the plebeians, who do not hide the volcano of their passions, their rage and anger, irritation and excitement, of course, “red” blood flows, not blue water! Perhaps now you yourself will be able to put forward many versions about certain “colorful expressions”. I just want to push your imagination and imagination.
We have known about the differences between the right and left hemispheres of the brain since school. Simply put, the right hemisphere is intuition, creativity, irrationality, and the left hemisphere is logic, rational manifestations of the mind. It is believed that women have a more developed right hemisphere, while men have a more developed left hemisphere. Now guess what colors the right hemisphere of the brain is inclined to? Of course, to the “feminine”, cold ones - blue, purple, white. And the left hemisphere gravitates more towards the “masculine” color - red. It is no coincidence that in women's novels, languid maidens wait for a knight on a white (!) horse. And the male artist Petrov-Vodkin has a boy bathing a red horse(!).
Moreover, it turns out that the hemispheres of the brain perceive time psychologically differently. The right - "blue" hemisphere of the brain somewhat underestimates the speed of the passage of time, the left - "red" - on the contrary, overestimates it. It turns out that blue is sort of “slow”, and red is “faster”. It is logical to assume that when surrounded by different colors, we perceive the speed of time differently. To greatly simplify it, we can say this: surrounded by red, time runs, but surrounded by blue, it slowly wanders.
This means that if the walls of a diner are painted red, it will “let in” more customers per day. Many bistro owners know this, but they do not understand why this happens, believing that being surrounded by red walls simply stimulates the nervous system of visitors and increases their appetite. In fact, among the red walls it seems to people that time is passing too quickly, that they are late, that they need to hurry, hurry, hurry... following the time. Therefore, people begin to chew faster - they strive to swallow food quickly and run on about their business.
True, when painting the walls purple, the owner of the diner needs to calculate whether the game is worth the candle, and whether as a result he will also have to spend money on additional security for the establishment: after all, this color can increase the subconscious aggression of visitors and the number of... fights.

It is clear that in a prestigious expensive restaurant, shades of blue and light blue are more advantageous. After all, this establishment is intended for a leisurely relaxation. The slower time passes, the longer visitors will stay in the restaurant, the more food they will order...
Everyone probably knows about the stimulating effect of red. It increases anxiety, excitement, and nervous tension. I will add that under the influence of this color the pulse actually quickens, blood and intraocular pressure increases, and breathing quickens. I think you have now guessed that this color is used to treat melancholy, apathy, depression, and “loss of strength.”
Svetlana Kuralina claims that red underwear is very useful for various female diseases - it reduces pain and tension. The psychologist pays special attention to the fact that “pure” red color is not very common. He is often “allowed” to wear black, for example. We sometimes don’t even notice that very stylish and seductive black lingerie is actually not entirely black. If you look closely, there is a lot of purple “melted” in such black; often dark burgundy is “masked” as black.

“Once, I specially invited an artist to my seminars, who taught me to distinguish tones and shades of colors,” says Kuralina. “He showed how, for example, to get green from blue, and blue from yellow. A high-class professional can name several colors at once, when mixed, one color or another is obtained.” This is a very important note for those who like to look for “symbols” of flowers in romance novels. Not everything is as simple as they say in novels...
Of course, it cannot be denied that red is an “animal passion.” But crimson-red will symbolize anger, and light crimson will symbolize love. As one of my colleagues liked to say, life is made up of nuances...
Experts say that the red color helps the production of red cells in the liver during blood loss and helps remove toxins from the body. It is believed that red color kills viruses and reduces inflammation in the body. Very often in specialized literature you can find a mention that each human organ is characterized by vibrations of different colors. In ancient Chinese drawings illustrating the methods of Eastern medicine, our insides are multi-colored. How to find out the color of a particular organ?

Esotericists distinguish several energy centers in a person, which are called chakras. The lowest one is located just above the perineum, the upper one is in the area of ​​the “third eye”. It is believed that each chakra has its own color. In order to define it, it is enough to remember the phrase by which we learned the colors of the rainbow in childhood - “Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasants Sit (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet).
Distribute this rainbow over your body from bottom to top. The lowest chakra is red, the top is violet. If you have a good imagination, you can thus “see” or simply approximately “calculate” the color of each internal organ. At the same time, it is logical to assume that our “lowest” manifestations, our most “coarse” feelings, including sexual ones, should be colored red. And the most “spiritual”, the most “elevated” ones are in purple.

I am not the same today as I was yesterday!

You should not “diagnose” a person’s character, mood or intentions solely by the color of his clothes. Of course, if a woman prefers dresses or suits of one color, perhaps she is subconsciously trying to add to her character what she is missing. For example, a very shy person can dress in a bright red suit, thus trying to “charge” herself with aggressiveness and pressure.

But more often it happens differently: active, energetic people love red and burgundy shades in clothes because they match their character. If you want to understand those around you, you must, of course, pay attention to how they dress. But it’s much more useful to learn how to use color to correct your own mood and behavior.
Here, for example, is how Svetlana Kuralina does it:
— When I got divorced, I cut my hair and dyed it red. There are some colored varnishes that wash off quickly. I alternated wearing all the colors of the rainbow and felt great. From my own experience I have seen how useful it is, when protesting against some events in your life, not to push the protest inside, turning it into illness, but to let it break out, at least in such an extravagant way. If you get divorced, you cut off your old feelings to hell, throw away your past failures along with your hair and become different, for starters, at least externally—you repaint your hair. I repeat, I felt great!
Svetlana advises not to suffer over boring, faceless everyday life, but to try to color them - in the literal sense of the word. And you will notice how life around you begins to change. Colleagues will suddenly start approaching you with questions:

“Why are you dressed up in such a red skirt?”, “And where did they paint you like that? They probably look at you, such a redhead, on the street?” And the communication that you have been missing will begin. And, perhaps, people whom you were embarrassed to approach before, not knowing what you can talk to them about, will suddenly start talking to you. And if you start communicating, new acquaintances will appear, and with them a new life. Perhaps a different hair color or suit will help you become a different person, more open to the world?
Svetlana Kuralina changes the color of her Christmas tree decorations every New Year - she tries to make them match her new mood and state of mind.
“Several years ago, I couldn’t get out of certain everyday problems that were preventing me from living,” says Svetlana. “I was looking for ways to solve them, I wanted to change my life, I wanted new thoughts, new ideas. And in my home I got a lot of yellow things that I adore. Why did I prefer this particular color then, why did I call my mood yellow? Galya, what will you answer me if I tell you that Smena is a yellow magazine?
- Of course, I am a peaceful person and, I hope, well-mannered, but...

“I only meant that the wonderful name of your magazine calls for change, for change, calls not to hold on to outdated ideas, to stereotypes. Yellow is the color that symbolizes change! This is the color of searching, changing the usual state, the desire to change places, events, and lifestyle.
- So it’s easy to convince a man dressed in yellow?
— Such a person can have any beliefs, that’s not the point, but he is ready for change, he will not stand his ground conservatively, contrary to the facts and logic of life. Anyone who hangs yellow curtains on the windows at home and buys yellow bedspreads for the sofa and armchairs, subconsciously wants to encourage himself to make some changes, wants to decide on some serious step, a turn in life. Yellow is preferred by people who strive for independence and to expand their horizons of perception.

It turns out that I almost got offended by Svetlana in vain, although, in principle, it is logical that the tabloid press is called yellow. Sometimes change can be perceived as... betrayal. And betrayal is a lie. So it turns out that yellow is the color of the lying press and deceived husbands. Why is yellow so... compromised? There is a version that this happened in the 12th century. The victims of the Inquisition, who were sent to the stake, wore yellow clothes. They say that at this time they began to paint Judas in a yellow robe. And I must admit, I am somewhat offended by this interpretation of yellow - golden, sunny, honey! - colors...
It turns out that there are special psychological techniques that help get rid of unwanted feelings using color therapy. For example, a technique for getting rid of anger is twisting a red towel. You need to take such a towel, put it on your knees and imagine that it is your anger, aggression, hatred that is strangling you and cannot find a way out. So give them a way out - wring out the towel with all the strength and fury you can muster. As you twist it, imagine how your anger and aggression “drain” from it? Are there a few more drops left? Squeeze, twist the towel harder! The psychologist claims that in this way the anger that you want to get rid of will come out of you.
Of course, it is impossible in one article to talk about the influence of all colors on us and interpret their meaning, but the author did not set herself such a task. I just wanted to show you another direction for creativity. Remind us that we live in a colorful world.

Galina Kalinina.
Smena magazine, March 2003


The general influence of color on a person’s physical and mental state

For many centuries People all over the world had a certain association with a certain color. For example, the Romans and Egyptians associated black with sadness and sorrow, white with purity, but in China and Japan white is a symbol of sorrow, but among the people of South Africa the color of sadness was red, in Burma, on the contrary, sadness was associated with yellow, and in Iran - with blue.
The influence of color on a person is quite individual, and also depends on certain experiences, for example, on the method of selecting colors for certain celebrations or everyday work.
  • Each type of temperament matches your color

Depending on the time of exposure to a person , or the amount of space occupied by a color, it causes positive or negative emotions, and affects his psyche. The human eye is capable of recognizing 1.5 million colors and shades, and colors are perceived even by the skin and also affect people who are blind. During the research conducted by scientists in Vienna, blindfolded tests took place. People were taken into a room with red walls, after which their heart rate increased; in addition, they were placed in a room with yellow walls, and their heart rate sharply returned to normal. Then, in a room with blue walls, he noticeably dropped. In addition, a person’s age and gender have a noticeable impact on color perception and a decrease in color sensitivity. Up to 20-25 perception increases and after 25 decreases in relation to certain shades.
Research, which took place at American universities, proved that the primary colors that predominate in a child’s room can affect changes in pressure in children, reduce or increase their aggressiveness, both in sighted and blind people. It can be concluded that colors can have a negative and positive effect on a person.

Color perception and shades can be compared to a musician tuning his instrument. All shades are capable of evoking elusive responses and moods in a person’s soul, which is why he seeks the resonance of vibrations of color waves with the internal echoes of his soul.
According to the Feng Shui method, color is an indispensable assistant to a person in changing his destiny and changing many aspects of his life for the better. This happens if he has knowledge of the mechanism of mutual generation and overcoming the five elements, as well as the location of the premises relative to the four cardinal directions. In the process of choosing a color for a room, ancient Chinese science says that it is necessary to navigate the internal state of the owner and his intuitive feelings.
In China, red is used in wedding ceremonies.

It is known that each person has his own chromotype. That is, psychophysiology can be determined by any color. In fact, impulsive choleric people are “red” people. Since melancholic people are extremely sensitive, they are usually “blue”, and phlegmatic people are “green”. Sanguines are yellow. Thus, it’s worth thinking about, if your child is a melancholic person, and you are making vain attempts to “stir up” him, then maybe you shouldn’t dress him in all blue, but rather put on something red?

Scientists from around the world say that the red color helps the production of red cells in the liver, and also helps the rapid removal of poisons from the human body. It is believed that red color can destroy various viruses and significantly reduce inflammation in the body. Often in specialized literature one comes across the idea that any human organ is characterized by vibrations of certain colors. The multi-colored colors of human insides can be found in ancient Chinese drawings illustrating the methods of oriental medicine.
Esoteric techniques claim that in a person there are several energy centers, the so-called chakras. The uppermost chakra is located in the third eye area, and the lower one is slightly above the perineum. They also believe that chakra has its own color, and to determine it, you can simply remember the well-known children's saying - “Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasants Sit (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet).

If you arrange these colors along the body from bottom to top, then the lowest chakra will be colored red, and the upper one will be purple. With excellent imagination, you can “see” or “calculate” the color of our internal organ using a certain method. Of course, we can also say that a person’s most “rough” feelings (including sexual ones) should have a red tint. And the most “spiritual” and “sublime” ones are purple.
In addition, the colors not only affect a person’s mood and mental state, but also lead to some physiological abnormalities in the body. For example, in a room with red or orange wallpaper, the pulse noticeably increases and the temperature rises. In the process of painting a room, the choice of color usually involves a very unexpected effect. We know of such a case when the owner of a restaurant, who wanted to improve the appetite of visitors, ordered the walls to be painted red. After which the guests' appetite improved, but the number of broken dishes and the number of fights and incidents increased enormously.
  • It is also known that even many serious diseases can be cured with color. For example, in many baths and saunas, thanks to certain equipment, it is possible to take healing color baths.

Color therapy

The color that fills the world is a priceless gift to each of us. We use it daily, hourly, every second, without even thinking about it. We perceive color not only with our eyes, but with every part of our body. Each shade has its own physical nature, electric waves, which influence our subconscious with their micro-oscillations. We can use this miracle consciously, purposefully, when we need it most. With the help of “colored” water, support yourself or a loved one in difficult times, relieve pain, and improve your condition.

A room painted in yellow tones promotes a good mood as it enlivens the environment. Brightly dormant sources of energy in a person, the red color brings hidden sources of energy to the surface, under its influence carnal desires also flare up with a bright flame.

Anyone whose home is designed in blue tones needs tenderness and harmony. The green color dominant in the apartment promotes aggressiveness, although this is not observed in nature. A bedroom designed in these colors does not contribute to the harmonious development of relationships. If you suffer from insomnia, then it is better that the walls are designed in dark colors. It works better than any sleeping pill.

To improve your well-being, water that is charged with a certain color is very effective. As scientists have established, water has memory and many other wonderful properties. These properties can be used to your advantage. Very convenient and effective are colored stands (this can be napkins, colored paper or cardboard), on which a glass of water can be placed freely.

Water perfectly perceives information, so it is enough to place a glass of water on a colored stand for 5-10 minutes so that the water “receives” and transfers its energy to you. “Tsvetnaya” should be drunk slowly, in small sips.

If you have a big quarrel with someone, are excited, irritated, take a few sips from a glass that was on a green stand. After you calm down a little, you can resort to using pink. This way you will get rid of any remaining tension.

The blue color works in a similar way, but it not only relieves the severity of the conflict, but can prevent it altogether. Remember this when setting the table before the arrival of relatives, whose visit may end with the slamming of the door - put water on the table on a blue napkin.

It happens that after an unpleasant event or an unfortunate failure you just can’t calm down: you torment yourself, replaying the situation in your head over and over again, replaying how it all happened. In such cases, lemon color will help. When losing loved ones, when the grief is so great that a person does not know how to live on, it is necessary to use a lemon-colored stand. This color also helps strengthen memory. It is useful to drink lemon water on the eve of exams.

When working on a computer every day, it’s good to have a glass of water on a turquoise stand next to you and drink sip after sip often. The turquoise color protects against radiation, so-called “electric fog” and the thermal radiation of the computer. “Turquoise” water can work a miracle - it will help you easily find the right word during an exam or report.

If your child is going to school for a test, offer him some water “flavored” with yellow energy. Yellow promotes the generation of brilliant ideas and stimulates spiritual activity.

Well, if you suffer from excessive appetite, then let the indigo color take care of you. Drinking 2 glasses of water every day, standing on an indigo-colored stand, will gradually curb your appetite. If you are overtired, take a sip of water from the “red glass”. You will immediately feel a surge of energy. If you are getting older and seem hopelessly old and weak, the color red will help you “rejuvenate” and feel the fullness of life again.

A few sips “charged” with violet color will help you get out of the vicious circle of oppressive thoughts, cleanse the spleen and make the hemispheres work harmoniously. Exposure to the color orange is often the first impetus for positive change. They also improve your baby’s appetite.

As you can see, color therapy techniques are simple and yet very effective. Check it out for yourself and you will see it. You can make stands for charged water yourself, the main thing is that the materials are natural and the colors are clean and pleasing to the eye.

Color in clothes

Color is a source of a certain energy that carries information about the mental and physical state of each of us. This is a very powerful means of influence. Therefore, it is very important to monitor what colors surround you.
Particular attention should be paid to the colors of your clothes. If you notice that there is no color in your wardrobe, this may mean that your body does not need the energy of this color, or maybe vice versa - the lack of a sufficient amount of this color in your life may be the cause of some problems with your mental health. and physical condition.

For whom: people who prefer things of yellow shades in clothes are subconsciously fueled by the energy of this color, which is why they are distinguished by external activity.

When: If you need to concentrate, then wear clothes of this color, as yellow promotes concentration of thoughts and also helps to avoid mental stress. This is why color therapists believe that it is worth wearing clothes of this color for exams and intellectual competitions.
Orange color

For whom: orange clothes are preferred by people who are engaged in creative activities, as well as those who are distinguished by such a trait as pacifism (it is not for nothing that this color is sacred in Buddhism).
When: You should wear orange clothes in those moments when you feel low.
Red color is suitable if you want to attract attention
Red color

For whom: energetic and ambitious people try to choose things that are red in color. Introverts rarely choose red clothes, as they try not to attract too much attention to themselves.

When: if you want to attract attention, take a dominant position in the company. Red color can add courage and self-confidence to you. Color therapists advise using red clothing during sports, as it gives its owners additional internal energy and stamina.

For whom: just like with the color orange, blue clothes are preferred by creative individuals, only in the case of the blue color, it is preferred by people of a more sensitive and lyrical nature.
When: Since blue is a calming color, it is advisable to wear clothes of this color when you feel that you are about to have an unpleasant meeting or conversation. Blue color will not allow your feelings to get out of control and will relieve unnecessary aggression, both you and your interlocutor.
Blue color in clothes is preferred by creative people
Blue color

For whom: self-sufficient and mentally stable people prefer blue clothes.
When: Color therapists advise choosing blue work clothes, as they are non-distracting and help you concentrate. It is believed that this is the best color to wear when you are going to meet a stranger (for example, when you are applying for a job).
Green color

For whom: green clothing is suitable for introverts (people who like to observe rather than act), who do not like to show their emotions and keep all experiences to themselves.

When: if you need to inspire confidence or convince a person of something, give preference to clothes of this particular color.

For whom: this color is suitable for rationalists who try to keep all their feelings under strict control.
When: Choose purple clothing when you need to boost your confidence. The color purple helps you feel wiser and mentally stronger.
Black color

For whom: black color is suitable for people who strive to control the situation and follow the image of an authoritative person. People who almost always wear black clothes are often quite controversial people. When: In a situation where you don't want to attract too much attention to yourself, choose black clothes.
White color

For whom: people whose clothing is dominated by white color strive for harmony and agreement with the world around them.
When: Choose white when you need to create the impression of a defenseless and vulnerable person.

Color in the interior

We spend most of our time indoors. This is why interior color is very important. It is worth remembering that warm colors (red, yellow, orange, yellow-green, purple) create a tonic effect. Desaturated pastel colors absorb a lot of light and can soften the effect in very sunny rooms. Cool colors (green-blue, cyan, indigo, violet) soften too bright light. Intense colors can help compensate for the lack of light.
White color in the bathroom creates coolness
White color

White color in the interior creates a feeling of spaciousness. However, if there is too much of it (for example, it is now popular to create an oriental minimalist interior, where absolutely everything is white), a feeling of loneliness may arise. Moreover, objects painted white heat up less than others and take longer to cool down. Therefore, white color must be diluted with some bright details.
It is not advisable to make a kitchen white, as the feeling of comfort will disappear. A white bathroom can feel cool. But a white office is considered a good solution, as it symbolizes honesty and accuracy.
Red color

Red color- a very powerful source of energy. However, this does not mean that all the walls in the house should be painted with paint of this color. It is enough to use it in the form of placed accents. But you should not overuse such details. Remember that within half an hour red gives a huge boost of energy, brain activity is activated, but after this time the acquired vigor will begin to give way to fatigue and irritability.
You should not use this color in the bedroom, as the energy of red increases activity, and you are unlikely to be able to relax in such a room. If you still want to decorate your bedroom with this particular color, then opt for softer shades, closer to pink than scarlet.
But bright ones for the kitchen shades of this color are very good, as they increase appetite.
Yellow and orange colors

Just like with red, be careful when using orange in the interior. Give preference to softer shades - peach or amber. But yellow color is considered beneficial for the interior, especially for educational and work spaces, as it helps create an atmosphere for intellectual work and stimulates the nervous system. Just remember that the use of bright shades of yellow is only permissible in well-lit rooms.
Green is a universal color that is considered the most successful for all types of premises.
Green color

Green- a universal color that is considered the most successful for all types of premises. However, different shades of this color have different effects. Cool shades (for example, sea green or aquamarine) are refreshing. A hint of green apple and lime has a stimulating effect. Light shades (with a lot of white admixtures) have a calming effect. Dark green colors create a feeling of balance and confidence.
Black color

Of course, black is a strong color, it evokes feelings of stability and self-sufficiency. But this color should not be overused. Because it can cause side effects such as feeling withdrawn. If there is an excess of this color, the room will seem uncomfortable.

Just like with the color red, you should limit yourself to accessories that will create a feeling of graphics and clarity in the interior, which will evoke associations with composure and organization.
Blue color

This color is considered ideal for bedrooms, so causes a feeling of relaxation. But it is not recommended for bathrooms, since it still belongs to the group of cool colors.


Colored food - special diet

Balik is considered a purple food, which is prescribed for nervous diseases
The possibilities of color and color therapy techniques were well known to many peoples of antiquity. Indians count seven energy centers in humans - chakras, each of which corresponds to a specific color. The Egyptians had color rooms where the sick were brought.
Color perception occurs primarily through the visual channel; the perception of colors through the skin has also been proven.
In the last century, it was confirmed that the color of the food we eat is also important. Tomato (red food)

- good for the circulatory and immune systems
It is possible that some physical, mental or emotional ailments are associated with a lack of a certain color in the diet. It is very important that your diet is properly balanced, depending on what shade your body needs.

Red food

Red food(tomatoes, beets, radishes, rare meat, cherries, plums, apples, raspberries, strawberries, strawberries, red currants, watermelon, etc.) very useful for the circulatory and immune system, as it affects the purification of the blood and excretion free of harmful toxins. This is due to the fact that red foods contain large amounts of iron.
This food also helps get rid of fatigue and depression, so be careful to include it in your diet in the winter, when it is especially necessary to keep your body in good shape.
Melon(orange food) – improves mood
Orange food

Orange foods (oranges, peaches, apricots, tangerines, persimmons, carrots, honey, pumpkin, hazelnuts, melon, dates, etc.) contain vitamin C in large quantities. As is known, this vitamin has antiseptic and analgesic properties.

Orange-colored foods are very beneficial for the immune and pulmonary systems, as they promote cell renewal and increase the elasticity of connective tissue.
On a psychological level, orange foods improve your mood.
Lemon(yellow food) - cleanses the body of toxins
Yellow food

Yellow foods include corn, butter and vegetable oils, nuts, pineapples, lemons, bananas, grapefruits - all these products are very effective for stimulating mental abilities and strengthening the nervous system.
Number of yellow products It is worth increasing in case of problems with the digestive system, since the potassium contained in this food helps cleanse the body of toxins.
  • Provitamin A and vitamins C and E, which have antioxidant properties, are found in large quantities in green foods. These substances have a beneficial effect on the circulatory and nervous systems. That is why, for heart disease, stress, frequent headaches and nervous tension, doctors advise including foods such as lettuce, cabbage, apples, pears, kiwi, greens, broccoli, cucumbers, avocados, and neutral foods, such as yogurts, in your diet.
  • Blue foods include seaweed, eggplant, mushrooms, celery, asparagus, milk, cheese, potatoes, etc. These foods promote good sleep and healthy digestion.
  • A diet of purple foods (black grapes, olives, blueberries, plums, blueberries, black currants, etc.) is prescribed for problems with the nervous system, since the substances contained in them stabilize the mental activity of the body, calm and help in stressful situations and for bladder diseases.
  • Blue foods include almost all types of fish. This food contains omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B, calcium and potassium. All these substances help prevent heart disease and have a beneficial effect on the human skeletal system.

The world is full of colors and light. This cannot be denied - people are happy that they can distinguish between these colors, unlike, for example, sharks and dogs. They see the world in black and white. Do you remember how much joy the first color TVs brought? After all, they helped us see the world as it is, in light and colors! The magical power of color - color therapy, is waiting for us to help.
Child and color- things are interconnected. After all, children are by nature more susceptible to the diversity of our world. color child and especially urgently need it. Therefore, color for a child is a special lifesaver in any critical cases. Color therapy has proven itself in medicine for a long time, and even modern cosmetology uses its elements. This is in no way a profanation. Color therapy is based on the principle of light photons penetrating our brain and influencing certain light-dependent hormones.
In the east, color therapy is associated with the presence of so-called chakras in a person - areas along the spine. They are responsible for color perception color treatment body. Color therapy is even used in Feng Shui, not to mention modern design ideas for decorating apartments.

What do you need to know to start color therapy? Here basics of color therapy. To begin with, you just need to believe in it and see for yourself. And it’s quite easy to be sure - just pay attention to what color your child has the most favorite. Usually children color child color treatment They call bright colors – red, yellow. This expresses their natural tendency to action, brightness in everything and an amazing ability to enjoy life. But in order to fully understand what can be done using different colors
Blue color is indispensable for stress and excessive anxiety. It has a calming effect on the body, mainly due to the fact that it lowers blood pressure. It can also lower the temperature and stop the spread of infection. Similar effects are achieved using blue color. the magical power of color color therapy: It is especially effective for combating stress. It is believed that contemplating the color blue for a long time can relieve pain, and it also has an excellent effect on the eyes as a sedative.

Violet and lilac are similar in action to blue and cyan. These flowers have always been considered basics of color therapy flowers of nobility and the highest nobility. Loving this color means showing yourself as a tall and intelligent person. However, an excess of this color may well lead to depression. Therefore, it is worth paying special attention if the child strives for everything purple or lilac. Perhaps he is not looking for peace, but simply, in this way, subconsciously signals mental discomfort. Treatment blue color
- especially beneficial.

Green color is good for fatigue and headaches. It is also given to stabilize blood pressure and pacify nervous breakdowns, fight chronic fatigue, however, many find this color boring and depressing, so do not overdo it. basics of color therapy Red color seems to physically radiate heat. It activates the body's powers
and even cures colds. Some, keeping this in mind, even cover themselves with red blankets when they have a cold. Red color stimulates cardiac activity and activates metabolism, but you must be very careful with its use! Long-term exposure to the color red can make a person overtired and irritable. color treatment Yellow is the color of joy and optimism. It has the ability to strengthen the nervous system and vision. If you look at yellow for a long time color child, then bad thoughts will quickly leave your head. Have you noticed that in schools almost all classrooms are painted yellow? This is how designers try to awaken more positive thoughts in their heads.
tired students.
Orange color helps improve digestion, and is useful for disorders in the gastrointestinal tract; it also stimulates the thyroid gland. Nutritionists have noted the ability of orange to stimulate appetite - this can also be taken into account. Basics of color therapy
very simple. Color How exactly to treat with color? Should I buy my child a yellow coat and orange mittens? You shouldn't take everything literally. color must be in harmony. Children are generally indifferent to clothes, so bright toys are better suited for them. Use the desired color in the wallpaper in your baby's room or in the decoration elements. Even special lenses for treatment are sold; they are inserted into a special lamp.
Use the color that the child needs most. And remember - everything that we sincerely believe in is useful and brings goodness!



We are planning a beautiful garden. Garden color therapy.

author Ziborova E.Yu., photo Ziborov T.Yu.

“Gardens are meant to nourish the heart.” Chinese wisdom

Any garden is a special, unique world of plants with their inherent play of color. When planning a beautiful garden and flower garden, we strive for a harmonious combination of the main colors of flowers, leaves, and shoots. Each gardener selects plants for the garden according to his own taste and color preferences; Some people like contrasting, others - non-contrasting color combinations. Even one type of favorite flower, if planted in different varieties, can decorate the garden with a rich palette of colors - from white to purple-violet: gladioli, dahlias, irises, tulips, daylilies, snapdragons, sweet peas, pansies, zinnias and many, many other flowers.
Green is the main color of foliage in the spring and summer garden, having a calming and calming effect on a tired person. Silver, golden, bronze, purple foliage of some plants beautifully complements the green color.

The variegated leaves are very elegant: with specks, borders, and veins. Many green-leaved garden trees and shrubs acquire bright autumn colors in late summer as the garden's last bounty of the season.
Gardeners choose plants for planting in the garden that are suitable in all respects, with primary colors that successfully harmonize with each other, complementing them with transitional colors. “Strict” landscape designers believe that the bright diversity of various colors in the garden is “a sign of bad taste.” But the motley variety of flowers in a forest clearing and the lush colors of a summer meadow, which are the creation of nature itself, are perceived quite naturally by everyone! It never occurs to anyone to accuse nature of “bad taste.”

Selecting plant species for the garden with various color combinations of foliage and flowers is a very individual matter. Some gardeners want to see active, bright colors and their combinations in their garden, others love romantic pastel or restrained blue-violet tones. Here, in my opinion, criticism from the outside is inappropriate, since “there are no comrades according to taste.”
After all, every gardener - an Artist and Creator of his own comfortable living space - creates a garden at the call of his soul. Here “everyone chooses for themselves,” according to their needs.

Many gardeners are happy to plant variegated mixtures of varieties of their favorite plants - this floral and foliage kaleidoscope of colors is very pleasing, especially on cloudy days and late autumn. A cheerful round dance of variously colored flowers and leaves is typical for the so-called “wild” garden, which does not adhere to any strict canons and rules for combining colors and garden design. In a “wild” garden you will not see straight lines in the outlines of paths and flower beds; such a garden seems to “grow by itself” and looks like a cozy natural corner or “a piece of Heaven on Earth.”
Experimenting with all sorts of combinations of plants in the garden is a very exciting activity and requires a lot of time. Therefore, it is better to plan plantings in advance, and then buy seeds, seedlings and seedlings that correspond to the plans. Recently, they have become increasingly popular among gardeners."monochrome gardens" , in which are selected
plants of one predominant color with a combination of its different tones and shades: - Energetic, active, leaders by nature, public people love red flowers, which excite and attract attention. For creating used: amaranth, red snapdragon, balsams, scarlet dahlias, carnations, red fragrant tobacco, phlox, scarlet flax, salvia, verbena, zinnias, fiery red beans, gravilate, lychnis, poppies, etc. Red flowers are complemented by the bright foliage of purple leaves trees and shrubs (norway maple, warty birch, Thunberg barberry, purple apple tree, etc.). The red bark of some plants (turf, willow, etc.) greatly decorates the garden, especially in winter.
- Orange flowers also “catch” the eye; They are loved by successful or actively striving for success, ambitious people. Glad "orange garden" form tagetes, calendula, dimorphotheca, daylily, mimulus, nasturtium, tithonia, ursinia, venidium, etc. In spring, Japanese quince is covered with numerous and bright orange-coral flowers.

- Yellow color brings a sense of celebration and the presence of sun to the garden in any weather. Yellow flowers are loved by optimists and lovers of life, who draw positive emotions from the color yellow and do not believe in bad omens. They are happy to make “sunny” bouquets, give and receive yellow flowers as gifts. IN "golden garden" uplifting mood: Adonis, autumn helenium, marigolds, goldenrod, doronicum, buzulnik, bartonia, eschscholzia, limnanthes, coreopsis, decorative sunflowers, rudbeckia, thunbergia, heliopsis, evening primrose, bathing suit, etc. Golden forms of shrubs and trees are suitable for a “golden” garden ( barberry, privet, mock orange, euonymus, thuja, elderberry, viburnum-gorodovina, ash, etc.), as well as plants that have a golden border along the edge of the leaf (turf, ash-leaved maple, etc.). Yellow flowers are given by shrubs: mahonia, forsythia, broom, etc.
- Soft, gentle, dreamy natures love pink and lilac flowers. IN"rose garden"

blooming bergenia, kandyk, daisies, pink hyacinths, tulips, basil, dicentra, primroses, begonia, pink peonies, phlox, clarkia, godetia, incarvillea, sidalcea, cleome, pink gypsophila, cosmos, lavatera, sweet peas, gillyflower, loosestrife, pink petunias, echinacea, etc. Romantic people often plant almonds and rhododendrons, which give pink “clouds” of flowers in the spring. Pink color is present in the color of the leaves of some varieties of woody plants (barberry, Flamingo maple, actinidia kolomikta, etc.). - Modest, reserved and patient people often plant blue and blue flowers, which characterize peace and openness - the blue-blue range refreshes the garden space and balances bright colors. For creating use scilla, brunnera, forget-me-nots, borage, navelwort, lungwort, anhusa, nemophila, nigella, phacelia, periwinkle, ageratum, cyanosis, aconite, cornflowers, blue delphiniums, gentians, lobelia, platycodon, bruise, morning glory, agapanthus, meconopsis, bells and etc. A sea of ​​blue can be created in the garden by catnip, blue salvia, sage, speedwell, blue hosta, tenacious, blue flax, cyanotis, turquoise fescue, etc. Flowers and leaves in the garden of blue-blue colors are perfectly complemented by lilac, a lush blue hydrangea bush .
- Purple color is liked by lovers of everything mysterious; it evokes extraordinary fantasies. Deep purple color is found in bearded irises, delphiniums, clematis, violas, heliotrope, anemones, tradescantia, etc. Shiny leaves with a purple tint are unfurled by shrubs: purple hazel, purple mackerel.

- Refined, unfussy and chaste people often strive to create a bright "white garden". White flowers are a symbol of nobility, purity, purity. It is presented to us by white snowdrops, lilies of the valley, daffodils, tulips, hyacinths, peonies, anemones, alyssum, phlox, lilies, astilbe, gladioli, gypsophila, white chrysanthemums, etc.. Lianas (wisteria, clematis) are covered with a white cascade of flowers, like a bride’s veil white varieties, etc.); trees and shrubs give white flowers (lilac, hydrangea, bird cherry, magnolia, spirea, mock orange, etc.) and fruits (snowberry, rowan, etc.). Some trees (birch, angustifolia) have white bark and shoots.

Contemplating a garden with a variety of colors brings gardeners not only joy, but also health. Since ancient times, healers and traditional healers have widely used in their practice the influence of color on a person’s mood and health, and on the functioning of various organs. Scientists from different countries, having studied their experience, were convinced and agreed that color heals. This “discovery” served to create a pleasant and harmless way to combat illnesses - color therapy.

Many effective techniques and methods of color therapy have been developed, which are becoming increasingly popular every year. Research by scientists has shown that each color (electromagnetic waves of a certain length) has a healing effect and significantly affects the functioning of specific organs.
Red color
suppresses depression, raises low blood pressure, normalizes blood circulation and body temperature. Since ancient times, treatment with the color red has been practiced (hence the saying “Red color means no disease!”). To treat lameness and blood vessels in the legs, red woolen socks used to be constantly worn at night. Healers “dressed up” children with measles and chickenpox in a red shirt; the erysipelas were wrapped in a red rag.

Orange and yellow
colors improve mood, promote emotional uplift, activate brain function, and normalize blood pressure.

color, moreover, stimulates appetite and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
Glaucoma and hypertension are treatable green: it reduces eye and blood pressure, has a beneficial effect on nerves and the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
Colors blue-blue scales calm aggression, relieve headaches and eye strain, normalize heart rhythms and blood pressure, as well as the functioning of the respiratory system and thyroid gland.

In gratitude for our care, our beloved garden will thank us with good mood and health - Pleasure and Benefit in one territory.
Ziborova E.Yu.

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One of the methods of non-traditional therapy is color therapy, which is based on the method of influencing color radiation on the human body to treat various diseases. Since ancient times, this method of treatment has been successfully used to treat nervous stress, immune disorders, and some internal diseases. Medical scientists suggest that the human brain perceives different colors in the same way as food is perceived by the stomach.

It has been found that different colors stimulate biochemical reactions that normalize the function of the endocrine glands, and also have a stimulating effect on the areas of the brain that produce hormones (pituitary gland). That is, a person’s health can be determined by the spectrum surrounding him. Today, the most famous scientist studying the effects of colors on humans is the Swiss Max Luscher.

Color therapy for stress relief

Today's world is full of stress and problems that we have to face on a daily basis. The more natural is the desire of any person to find a way to resist the negative effects of the environment. Stress is understood as the pronounced psycho-emotional tension that an individual experiences under the influence of external stimuli, and color therapy (or chromotherapy) is successfully used to combat this condition. The therapeutic effect is produced by radiation of various shades.

Color therapy for stress relief is great for patients who experience these types of situations frequently. But it is necessary to take into account that long-term and severe depression cannot be cured without the help of a specialist; chromotherapy methods alone are not enough in such cases.

There are a few things to consider before starting treatment. The first is that for hypertensive patients and inflammatory processes the red tone is not used, for hypotensive patients blue is not used, and for oncological pathologies green and its shades are not used. Second, when treating stress, black color is used only in combination with others. Third, you cannot use one color in therapy for a long time.

For color therapy, both colored lamps and simple lamps with multi-colored filters are used, as well as glasses with colored lenses. Recently, colored aroma baths have been used with great success, in which color therapy is combined with aromatherapy, which increases the effectiveness of treatment. Such procedures are very pleasant and perfectly relaxing. Colored salt is used for baths; the water temperature should be comfortable. In the first half of the day, invigorating warm colors are used, in the second - cold ones.

Color therapy for stress relief

In color therapy, color plays a major role in relieving stress. In everyday stress prevention, it is recommended to use blue color, which has an excellent relaxing effect, eliminates stiffness, calms, helps to concentrate and increases stress resistance. For those who work behind a monitor screen, we can recommend using a blue desktop screensaver or a blue mouse pad.

For solving business issues, one of the best colors is black. It imparts rigor and motivates people to work, which is why it is often used at business meetings.

If there are problems in relationships between colleagues or there is a feeling of self-doubt, use green shades in clothes. This color can give determination, improve immunity, and invigorate. Shades of orange are used to improve mood, bringing bright colors to gray everyday life, as it is the color of solar energy, which gives joy to life. Purple color will help cope with anger and temper. Pink color will help reduce aggressiveness and relieve insomnia, so if you have problems with sleep, it is recommended to decorate the bedroom in pink tones. The color red, which improves the production of adrenaline and thereby improves blood circulation, will help get rid of headaches.

Color therapy for children

The role of flowers in a child's life is enormous. They can not only calm, but also excite and sometimes frighten the baby. Through colors you can understand a child’s character, anxieties and experiences of a child. Already from birth, a child distinguishes all colors and color therapy for children is based on the effect of light photons that they have on the baby’s brain. This method is used to eliminate apathetic states, aggressiveness, and disinhibition.

At one year of age, children prefer yellow-green colors, so the color of their toys should be calm and monochromatic. At the age of 2-3 years, a maximum of four different colors is allowed, and by the age of six, children begin to prefer bright shades.

Colors such as red, orange, yellow are active, stimulating colors. And green, pink, blue, white are passive, calming. Brown, lilac, violet increase anxiety, cause feelings of melancholy and sadness. Therefore, you need to think carefully when choosing the color of a toy. The number of toys in exciting colors should be limited.
Similar rules apply when choosing the color of clothing. Plain, calm tones are preferred.

If a child identifies his favorite color as yellow, green, red, then this indicates correct development. Such a baby is inquisitive and active. If preference is given to black and white, then such a baby is withdrawn and unsociable.

Color therapy for kindergarten

Color therapy has very wide possibilities for kindergarten, where educators and psychologists have accessible ways to identify not only certain psychological traits of each child, but also the possibility of timely correction of identified problems. Thanks to the harmonious atmosphere that color therapy creates, children show interest in activities and react to them very emotionally.

Using a color palette, it is possible to identify fears, increased levels of anxiety, low self-esteem, and lack of self-confidence. This is evidenced by the child’s choice of dark colors. Black coloring can also indicate decreased vision, and at the age of about 3 years, express protest. In older children, a preference for dark colors indicates the presence of certain problems.
According to researchers, with the help of chromotherapy, psychological assistance to children is provided by the most natural, gentle methods of correction.

The meaning of flowers

In children's color therapy, the meaning of colors is similar - the green range is good for overwork and nervous tension, but an excess of green causes headaches and melancholy. The use of violet, blue, blue color palette is used to calm, reduce anxiety, concern, and relieve pain. Orange and yellow colors help well if the child cannot calm down on his own for a long time. For therapy, the necessary colors are used in the design of the children's room, when selecting toys, etc.

Color therapy treatment

The energetic influence of various colors on a person is due to the fact that each color corresponds to a certain wavelength and amount of energy, which can both increase and decrease human energy potential. Treatment with color therapy is by no means a panacea, but it is quite possible to use it as an additional method of treatment.

Chromotherapy helps improve emotional and physiological well-being by stimulating the pituitary and pineal glands, which produce hormones that affect many body functions. Related to this are the recommendations of scientists when choosing clothes to take into account the influence of color on a person and select a certain tone for a specific purpose.

The colors of the red palette have an antidepressant effect, stimulate metabolism, increase blood pressure, appetite, immunity, performance, and improve brain activity and vision. These colors are not used for hypertension and obesity; in these cases, exposure to pink is recommended, which has a calming effect and helps improve mood and create a romantic atmosphere.

Orange color will help you get rid of fatigue, constipation, allergies, improve your appetite, and get a feeling of joy. At the same time, purple will promote the development of intuition, increase attention, it will relieve irritation, relieve anemia, obesity, and insomnia. Yellow tones have a mild tonic effect and are used for muscle spasms, epilepsy, diabetes, gallstones, and impotence.

Green color, which is a source of energy for restoring health, will help increase resistance to stress, improve immunity, and relieve pain. Blue and cyan colors are used for depression, inflammation, toothache, joint diseases, migraines, hypertension, thyroid and lung diseases.

Color therapy (color treatment) is the use of color to eliminate illness and heal the body. It has been proven that color can cause physiological changes in the cells of the body. The use of color and light in color therapy leads to alignment and increased energy. Body, mind, soul find a harmonious state.

Color can increase or decrease our energy. Colors play an important role in our lives. Each primary color has its own individual wavelength and a certain amount of energy, i.e. different colors have different effects on people.

For many centuries, Hindus have tested the effect of color on humans. Color therapy, which did not cause any side effects, was used in Ancient Egypt, China, and Tibet.

The fact is that the influence of color on a person causes a healing effect and this is not a secret. Today, color therapy occupies a leading place among alternative treatment methods.

Color therapy cannot completely replace medical care and get rid of all diseases, but if you need to fill your body and mind with new energy, bring your internal state into balance, then therapeutic color therapy will help you.

The influence of color on mood, health, and way of thinking has been studied for many years. According to scientists, when color energy enters our bodies, the pituitary and pineal glands are stimulated. This, in turn, affects the production of certain hormones that affect various physiological processes. All this explains the influence of color on mood, thoughts, and behavior. Color seems to have an effect even in blind people, who are believed to sense color as a result of the energetic vibrations created in the body.

You should always remember that the colors you choose for your clothes, office, home, car, etc. can influence you. It is important that the color you choose suits your specific purpose. For example, blue has a calming, relaxing effect. Blue lowers blood pressure, normalizes heart rate and breathing. To eliminate pain, problems with the spine, get rid of rheumatism, inflammatory diseases, surround yourself with blue. The best place is the countryside, where the blue sky and water evoke a feeling of calm and “oneness” with the Universe.

The most common color of nature is green, which, like blue and indigo, evokes a calming feeling. Green color relaxes, relieves fatigue and anxiety. People who are depressed, tired, or have heart problems should live in green countryside. So, let's look at all the colors of the rainbow separately and analyze how color therapy affects our health and internal state.


Red is my favorite color. I noticed that when I wear red clothes, my mood immediately improves. Red color is considered the color of fire, love, blood; it stimulates the body, activates, brings vitality, strengthens feelings.

It is useful to wear red color for hematopoietic disorders, circulatory disorders, diseases of the digestive system, and low blood pressure. It improves stomach activity and increases appetite. Red color is not recommended for cancer patients or irritable people.

Orange color

This color stimulates appetite, relieves fatigue, fills people with optimism and joy. Use this color for the kitchen, for example, buy an orange tablecloth. This color should be avoided by people who are trying to lose weight. Orange color treats allergies, fatigue, constipation.


This noble color develops spirituality, intuition, and concentration in a person. The color violet calms the nerves, relieves irritation and pain. This color is always associated with magic, mysticism, spirituality, and miracle. It treats insomnia, anemia, obesity (suppresses appetite).

Pink color

Pink has a calming effect on the body, relaxes muscles, and creates a feeling of romance. Pink color is a mixture of neutral red and white. It is a symbol of life and love. It is useful to wear it for depression and nervous feelings. Pink color fills life with positive energy, ideal for the bedroom.


Yellow is the brightest and most memorable of all colors. Yellow color increases blood pressure and pulse rate, but to a lesser extent, unlike red. Yellow has a tonic effect and is used to treat muscle spasms, hypoglycemia, gallstones, and overactive thyroid gland. Yellow is considered the color of artists and intellectuals. People who love yellow are popular in society, brave, and easy to make friends with. It improves memory, thinking, stimulates the brain and nerves. Color therapy using yellow color can be used to treat diabetes, epilepsy, and impotence.

Green color

This color strengthens the immune system, balances physical and mental energy, relieves pain, tension and brings relief.

Green color therapy improves health. This color is a combination of two colors: yellow and blue. Green is an indispensable source of energy necessary for the restoration of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Blue color

Blue color and color therapy with the help of this color helps to cope with nervous tension, treats inflammatory processes, toothache, and joint diseases. Blue color copes with migraines, high blood pressure, and relieves insomnia. This is the color of tenderness, fidelity, the color of the sky, the sea. For angry, irritable people who barely control their emotions, it is very useful to choose only blue clothing. It is also able to cope with skin problems (acne), softens the skin.


This color is a combination of red and blue. Raspberry color improves digestion, stimulates physical activity, and soothes indigestion. Ideal for kidney and lung problems. It has a distracting effect and is great for color therapy (color treatment).


The color indigo is associated with the sixth chakra, located approximately between the eyebrows. This color enhances intuition, the lymphatic system, the immune system, and helps during... Indigo color is ideal for older people. It is used to treat diseases of the head, ears, neck, and addictive feelings. Indigo eliminates mental disorders, spasms, hypothermia, and reduces swelling.

White color

White color reflects all energy frequencies and enhances the aura. White color heals and protects. White color is considered the color of purity and innocence.

Grey colour

This color, as well as black, are practically not used in light therapy. Gray is formed when saturated white combines with the addition of black. Gray color is loved by shy and timid people. People who suffer from depression should avoid the color gray.

Black color

Black is the color of "power" and also a selfish color. Try wearing black clothes all the time to boost your strength and self-confidence. Black suppresses appetite. If you want to lose weight, then cover your dining table with a black tablecloth.

The color of life, fire and blood, danger and sex. If we were deprived of red, we would be deprived of energy, warmth, strength and passion. In order to stimulate our nervous system, release adrenaline in the blood and improve blood circulation, it is important for us to eat red, wear red and surround ourselves with red. Red is also necessary to support our strength in everyday life and give us a sense of security.

Red is a very physical color., it often provokes rage. Perhaps English football fans have a reputation for being troublemakers precisely because English footballers wear red uniforms. The cross of St. George on the English flag is also red. St. George slaying the dragon is a symbol of strength, fearlessness and aggression, which are associated with the color red.

A bouquet of red roses makes it clear what strong feelings you have. Red is the color of carnal love.

Red is an amplifier. If your energy or vitality has decreased, if you are unable to “get up and go,” the “red” treatment may help you.

Red foods

  • Tomatoes, red peppers, red cabbage, beets, red chilies, beans, green vegetables (these also contain iron)
  • Black and white pepper, ginger, rosemary, red sage
  • Cherries, plums, rhubarb, apples, raspberries, strawberries, red currants

Red is the color of Mars. Mars rules aggression, sexual desire and the part of the body that red is associated with - the genitals. Thus, red is a good color to wear when a person has low libido or when he craves variety in his sex life! One of the main properties of red color is passion, joy of being, sexuality(carnal aspect). We give red roses to those we are in love with, and on Valentine's Day, cards with red hearts and gifts. The word “red” can also be used as a euphemism: brothel districts are also called “red light districts.” Carriers of the red ray, or owners of red energy, look into the future with confidence and optimism. They have no fear of tomorrow and cope with troubles boldly and calmly. However, they can also show their “red” character traits negatively: they selfishly pursue their own goals, not paying attention to the feelings of other people.


If you have a breakdown, physical or emotional, and you want to cheer yourself up, you can write a “red” affirmation for yourself. An affirmation is a simple sentence that affirms or strengthens a certain state. It is better to write an affirmation in an affirmative form. An affirmation can be said while looking in the mirror, then the words are reflected and returned back to you with increased energy, which helps you absorb the information contained in the affirmation and believe in it. The text of the affirmation can also be written on paper, which is then placed under the pillow before going to bed. If you do this regularly, your subconscious mind will sooner or later receive your message and act accordingly.

Red affirmation (example): “I have enough strength, will and skill to cope with everything!”

Red properties

Positive– Energy, Love of Life, Willpower, Fearlessness

Negative– Indifference, Aggression, Lust for Power, Selfishness

Precautionary measures

Red color– very strong. It should not be used if you have high blood pressure or heart disease. If you are a quick-tempered person and instantly get upset, then the color red can overexcite you.

Red treatment

Physiological conditions– low energy, anemia, poor circulation, low blood pressure, colds, runny nose.

Negative mental states– apathy, depression, fear, self-doubt – lack of initiative.

From the book “Secrets of Color Therapy” by Stephanie Norris

Orange color helps improve digestion, and is useful for disorders in the gastrointestinal tract; it also stimulates the thyroid gland. Nutritionists have noted the ability of orange to stimulate appetite - this can also be taken into account.

Color therapy as a method of treating the body and soul was used in ancient Egypt, India, China, Rus' and is now successfully used all over the world. Many of us know that in order to get into a calm state of mind, we need to look at the color green: forest, greenery. It is better to wear a blue shirt when going to the boss’s carpet, and people with scarlet fever are recommended to wear red scarves. In the works of the famous philosopher and physician Avicenna, we find a mention that a patient bleeding should not look at red, but should focus on blue, which has sedative properties. History knows many similar examples. But color therapy began to take shape as a separate branch of science only in the 19th century, when English scientists D. Down and G. Blunt proved that ultraviolet radiation has healing properties and can be used to treat skin diseases and rickets. Since then, the color treatment method has become so popular that today it is often used in medical practice and psychology.

The color that fills the world is a priceless gift to each of us.. The method of color therapy becomes especially relevant in winter, when we so lack bright colors. Do you know why in Moscow there are so many gloomy, closed people, meeting whom on the streets, you can read in their faces: go, all of you...? And in the south, for example, in Brazil, Turkey, and even in our south, people are more open, emotional and smiling. Yes, because we have snow for six months, and then it melts for another two months. (and white and gray are colors that promote closeness and self-immersion). Therefore, now is the time to do color therapy and paint your life and mood in bright colors!

Each color has its own property, meaning, energy.

Throughout our lives, we are usually attracted to certain colors. Moreover, your favorite color can change almost every day; today you adored blue, and the next day you woke up and realized that you hated blue, but now you like red. And I want to buy all red items: from underwear to cars. In this situation, instead of harmony with yourself and the world, non-conflict and calmness, you need vital energy, a thirst for action and achievement. And by letting Red into your life, you can easily and painlessly make the transition from one state to another.

What about your least favorite color? Why might it be needed? Because we are often so deeply bogged down in our constant “problem state” that we are not ready to accept the opposite color. For example, a person with low self-esteem often hates orange and excludes it from his environment. It turns out to be a vicious circle. And if he added at least a drop of orange to his life (you don’t need to do this in large doses if the color is unpleasant) and life, you see, would begin to improve..

It’s impossible to say unequivocally about your least favorite color that it is needed; it is advisable to look at the situation. Each color carries a certain functionality and is responsible for harmony in certain areas, both psychological and physical. Knowing a person’s problematic situations, we can recommend that he use one color or another. Having determined what color you need, you can carry out color therapy. Here I will give some of the methods that are the simplest and most understandable. They do not require any specific skills and can be used by anyone.

Visualization. The simplest and most affordable way. You, at least for 5 minutes. a day, look at the color you need. (We don’t recommend looking at red for more than 5 minutes). You can purchase household items of this color, you can use color pictures. (look at the color you need)

Colored water . We put a glass of water on a napkin of the color you need at night near your bed (you can do it in the bright sun during the day) and in the morning on an empty stomach we drink water, saying intentions - affirmation. (For example, on yellow: I am full of new ideas, I am surrounded by joy, interesting people, events. I am light and free! I am a magnet for money! Or on pink: I am beautiful and young, I am surrounded by Love and Tenderness! on red: I I can do everything, I am an arrow flying to the target! I live in a kind and harmonious world. I am loved and loved, etc.)

Wearing clothes of a certain color.

Colored lamps .

Drawing with the required color.

Good luck using this method! And let your world shine with all the colors of the rainbow!

Red color

Since ancient times, red has been considered the color of vitality. Most researchers associate sexual and vital energy with this color. The red color traditionally and reasonably symbolizes the power of creation and vital activity. This is the color of cheerfulness and optimism. With the help of red you can get rid of oppressive melancholy, depression, and lethargy. Modern research has proven that the color red has a very beneficial effect on stiff muscles, helping them to relax. And we know that the effect of many anti-stress techniques is based on the fact that muscle relaxation has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system. Often we feel indecisive, unable to take on a new task, especially if it is quite important. This condition is the result of stress. And in this case, the color red can help us, as it will give us determination and vigor. Red is the color of strength; it helps you carry out your decisions and move forward. If a person is in a state of depression, apathy, hopelessness, if all his work and plans seem unpromising to him, the color red can help overcome this. However, if we are in a state of irritability, increased excitability and aggressiveness, the red color can only aggravate it, giving them excess energy. The color red can provoke unreasonable attacks and give strength to carry out aggressive actions. It was not by chance that red became the color of many rebellions and revolutions, since its energy intensity and a certain direction of the snout have been known since ancient times. Therefore, red color is indicated for those people who are in a depressed state, and is contraindicated for those who are prone to irritability and imbalance. It does not calm, but encourages action.

Orange color

It is believed that orange is the color of such human qualities as perseverance, perseverance in achieving goals, and leadership. Orange is the color of creation. Color therapy experts say that orange regulates the functioning of the adrenal glands, that is, those glands that produce adrenaline. The color orange has a beneficial effect on people who have suffered bereavement, grief, shock, or severe stress. Color therapists believe that people who have gone through a divorce should introduce some orange elements into the interior of their home. Orange color awakens creative forces in a person. This is the color of fruitful transformation, transformation. It helps to reveal and realize the hidden potential of the human personality, awakens and makes tangible unrealized possibilities. Since this is the color of leadership, in cases where you need to get ahead in life or business, orange can be a very good helper. Orange color is very useful for neurasthenia, especially for obsessive states and phobias. It cures old feelings of fear and anxiety, awakens self-confidence in a person, and helps activate the internal reserves of the body and psyche. Orange color is also useful for closed, uncommunicative people. It helps a person to relax when communicating, to reveal the eloquence and sense of humor that lies dormant in him. In addition, orange is a color that activates the capabilities of our intuition. With the help of orange, you can subconsciously, intuitively find a solution to any problem. Orange color helps to shed the burden of old problems and stress and boldly move forward, fruitfully realizing previously untapped potential opportunities. However, excessive passion for the color orange at a time when you are already successfully implementing your plans and desire for leadership can lead to excessive narcissism and arrogance. Therefore, at the moment when your internal capabilities are fully revealed, you should not abuse this color.


Yellow color has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and the body as a whole. It removes decay products of harmful substances and toxins from the body, including those formed under the influence of stress. It heals and cleanses the body. In addition, yellow color helps a person control their weight. This is especially important for those people who react to stressful situations by gaining weight, even if they do not begin to eat more under the influence of stress. It helps food be converted into energy rather than into fat cells, while promoting the elimination of toxins. But it has long been known that the body, cleansed of waste and toxins, has greater physical and mental resistance to negative factors. Yellow color also promotes more active brain function, improves memory, and develops speech. It makes it easier to assimilate and remember any material and is a good assistant for schoolchildren and students. Yellows and color also help to concentrate attention and awaken curiosity. It helps to activate a person’s internal energy and gives self-confidence. Yellow is the color of sociability, joy and fun. It is very useful for those people who are constantly depressed, gloomy or melancholy, and relieves causeless melancholy caused by prolonged stressful conditions. It is also generally accepted that yellow is the color of concentration, prudence, certainty and clarity. You can resort to the color yellow during activities that require concentration and good memory, to get rid of melancholy and depressive moods, in order to streamline some phenomena in your life. You just need to remember that an excess of yellow can lead to excessive talkativeness, bordering on talkativeness, to unfounded and excessive sarcasm and inattention to others.

Green color

Green is rightfully considered the color of balance and complete harmony. A lack of green color can lead to nervousness, which manifests itself as pain in the heart. Green color neutralizes negative emotions and harmonizes relationships between people. It helps restore stability and balance of the nervous system, extinguishes excessive excitement, calms and stabilizes the emotional and mental sphere. Since green is the color of harmony, it acts calmingly in a nervous, tense environment and stimulating in a too sluggish and unproductive environment. The balance that green brings helps you easily overcome stressful situations without negative consequences for the body. In addition, green color stabilizes blood pressure and improves heart function, which is important for people susceptible to negative reactions of these body systems to stressful situations. Green is the color of productivity, the color of decision making. If you are hesitant when making any important decision for you, the color green can help you overcome indecision and make a choice. Green color has a tonic effect on the body in general and the nervous system in particular. It also clarifies thoughts and organizes them; it is the color of wisdom and clarity. True, an excess of green can also have its drawbacks. In people prone to selfishness and immoderate stinginess (including emotional), it enhances these negative character traits.


In ancient times, blue was considered the color of truth. The influence of blue color develops the desire to seek the truth, as well as diplomatic abilities. If a difficult situation requires you to be calm, consistent and strive to achieve your goals through diplomatic skills, the color blue can help you with this. Blue color will also help with stress accompanied by sudden jumps in blood pressure. It well neutralizes the situation in the house, where frequent quarrels are accompanied by loud scandals, as it stabilizes the sphere of the voice. It also has a beneficial effect on noisy children who often scream or cry. Blue is the color of stability. It is useful for people whose psyche and emotional sphere are unbalanced - we. Blue color promotes calmness, prudence, preservation or establishment of stability. It helps to maintain hope for the best in stressful situations. With the help of blue, you can overcome self-doubt and dissatisfaction with yourself. It helps us gain and maintain confidence in ourselves and in the fact that our personality is of undeniable value. If, as a result of exposure to stress, a person loses the ability to sensibly assess his own strengths and his own potential, then the blue color can help him. However, blue also has its drawbacks. In cases where you need to make non-standard decisions, abandon the established and beaten paths of life, when the need for some changes arises, the blue color can awaken indecision and reluctance in you to change anything. It is useful when you need to stabilize the situation and emotional state, but it is better to avoid it in cases where cardinal changes are coming or you yourself want to change something in your life, since blue is a conservative color.

Blue color

We are talking here about the color indigo, that is, a deep, rich blue color. This is a very effective analgesic color and is used in color therapy for various purposes, having a beneficial effect on both physical health and the psyche and emotions. Blue color neutralizes not only the effects of pathogenic bacteria and harmful impurities in water, food and air on the body, but also protects us from negative energetic influences. Color therapy experts claim that indigo color connects a person with the cosmos and opens up the possibilities of supersensible perception. Blue color is also used for diagnostics and self-diagnosis. With the help of indigo color, you can deeply analyze your mental and emotional state, realize what is bothering you in life, more clearly imagine your own problems and understand what exactly causes the negative reactions of your body. Often we do not even realize that we are in a state of stress, it is so familiar to modern people. Indigo color helps us understand our problems and suggests ways to solve them. Blue color helps a person get rid of unpleasant or difficult memories that have been oppressing him for a long time. It neutralizes the effects of stress and helps to find the best ways to solve problems, opens up optimal prospects, and awakens creativity. When using indigo color in color therapy, you should keep in mind that its excessive use can lead to the development of excessive stubbornness and distrust in the human character.


The color purple must be used with great care. This is the color of isolation, isolation from life and the people around you. It is used in cases where you need to delve into your own thoughts and calm your emotions. It helps to realize and best realize the hidden capabilities and abilities of the individual. The color violet also promotes a feeling of security from the outside world and its negative phenomena, suppresses feelings of fear and self-doubt. Only people prone to excessive emotional excitability can use the color purple, but it is absolutely contraindicated for those suffering from depression. Use it for in-depth reflection and introspection, but only if at the moment you are far from dark thoughts, otherwise it will do harm, not good.

Color therapy, which is otherwise called color therapy, can be used to treat many diseases and to relieve stress and neutralize its consequences. The principle of color therapy is based on the fact that under the influence of a certain color spectrum, the body begins to independently fight its problems. Thus, during treatment with color therapy there is no chemical or mechanical influence. It only activates the internal forces of the body, which begins to fight diseases or negative phenomena in the psycho-emotional sphere on its own. There are various methods of using color for medicinal and strengthening purposes. The most common include color puncture and irradiation with colored light, color design, color nutrition and complex therapy using color.

Abscesses - blue, blue-violet
- aggressiveness - blue, green
- alcoholism - indigo, yellow
- allergies (any) - soft orange, green, blue, indigo
- anemia - red, yellow
- apathy - orange, yellow
- arthritis - purple, blue-violet
- asthma - orange, blue, green
- anxiety - light blue, orange
- insomnia - purple, green, blue
- diseases of the blood and circulatory system - red
- Parkinson's disease - violet, indigo
- pain (any) - purple, blue
- joint pain - red, purple
- bronchitis - orange, blue, blue-green
- chickenpox - red
- blisters - milky blue
- inflammatory processes (any) - blue, green, purple
- gastritis - yellow
- decreased hemoglobin - red
- hemorrhoids - dark blue
- hepatitis (jaundice) - blue
- headache, dizziness - blue, green
- hormonal disorders - blue
- flu - dark blue, turquoise, purple
- depression - orange, yellow (preferably lemon tint), purple
- dermatitis - yellow
- diabetes - orange, yellow, purple
- mental disorders - purple, green
- throat diseases - blue
- diseases of the spleen and biliary tract - yellow, blue, purple
- diseases of the small intestine - yellow, orange
- diseases of the large intestine - orange
- skin diseases (any) - yellow, orange
- diseases of the bones (skeletal system) and joints - purple, yellow
- blood diseases (any) - red, yellow
- lung diseases (any) - orange
- diseases of the lymphatic system - all 7 colors equally
- diseases of the bladder and urinary tract - yellow, orange
- diseases of the nervous system - green, blue-green, blue, yellow, orange
- diseases, ear, nose and throat - blue
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (any) - yellow, orange
- diseases of the pancreas - yellow, orange
- liver diseases - yellow, orange, blue
- kidney diseases - yellow, orange, green
- diseases of the cardiovascular system - green, blue
- thyroid diseases - blue
- diseases of the endocrine system - yellow
- constipation - yellow
- infections (any) - blue, purple
- climax - blue
- skin diseases (any except cancer) - red, lemon, blue-violet
- measles - red
- bleeding (any) - blue
- leukemia (leukemia) - red, purple
- fever - blue
- anemia - red
- menstrual problems - blue, light red
- migraine - purple, green
- muscle pain - pale orange
- metabolic disorders - yellow, purple
- neuroses (including fear, anxiety, fatigue, blues) - orange, blue, green
- nervous exhaustion - purple
- low vital activity - red, orange, yellow
- low regenerative capacity of cells (poor wound healing) - green
- low production of breast milk in nursing mothers - blue
- low intelligence - yellow
- burns (any) - blue
- tumors (any, including cancerous) - silver, blue, purple (preferably any of them should be followed by pink), orange (moderate) - / not red in any case!/
- pneumonia - red, orange, indigo
- increased acidity of gastric juice - yellow
- increased drowsiness - orange
- increased heart rate (“high” pulse) - blue
- high blood pressure - blue, green
- low blood pressure - red, red-orange
- bone fractures - purple, green
- low body weight - red
- loss of appetite - yellow (lemon)
- swelling - pale blue
- dental problems (any, including toothache) - blue
- problems with immunity - red, blue, purple
- intestinal problems (especially chronic ones) - yellow (lemon), green
- memory problems - yellow
- problems with blood vessels - blue
- mental disorders - green
- tissue cancer, blood cancer - silver, blue (see “Tumors...”)
- wounds (tissue damage) - yellow, green, red (has a drying effect)
- hormonal system disorders - yellow
- rheumatism - purple
- sexual disorders - red, orange
- hay fever - red-orange
- heart disease - green, blue, pink
- scarlet fever - red
- sclerosis (any type) - orange
- AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) - red, indigo, violet (purple should be followed by pink, then gold)
- stress - green, blue
- rash - yellow (lemon), turquoise
- nausea - milky blue
- acne - red, purple
- mental disorders - violet (the best shade is purple), yellow
- rapid breathing, shortness of breath - blue
- physical exhaustion - red, orange
- chronic diseases (any) - green
- excessive appetite - indigo
- eczema - yellow (lemon)
- epilepsy - purple, turquoise, blue
- ulcers - green, red (has a drying effect)

Color therapy techniques

The color that fills the world is a priceless gift to each of us. We use it every day, every hour, every second, without even thinking about it. We perceive color not only with our eyes, but with every part of our body. Each shade has its own physical nature, electric waves, which influence our subconscious with their micro-oscillations. We can use this miracle consciously, purposefully, when we need it most. With the help of “colored” water, support yourself or a loved one in difficult times, relieve pain, and improve your condition.

A room painted in yellow tones promotes a good mood, because... enlivens the environment. Yellow has a very beneficial effect on mental activity and promotes relaxation. If you are confused, have lost your sense of reality, or are suffering from your own forgetfulness, choose yellow. If you need to memorize a lot of information quickly, surround yourself with yellow objects when preparing for class or learning something by heart. There is also an opinion that yellow helps in the treatment of skin diseases, such as dermatitis. This is because yellow is the color of the sun and therefore contains a lot of sun energy, which helps heal skin diseases such as psoriasis and dermatitis.

Anyone whose home is designed in blue tones needs tenderness and harmony.

The dominant green color in the apartment promotes aggressiveness, although this is not observed in nature. A bedroom designed in these colors does not contribute to the harmonious development of relationships.

If you suffer from insomnia, then it is better that the walls are designed in dark colors. It works better than any sleeping pill.

Green- a popular and practical color. It has the healing power of mother nature and helps in the treatment of many diseases. In addition, green stimulates growth and development. It calms, relieves irritation and helps achieve inner harmony. If for you your home is your fortress, where you restore your strength, use green and its many shades in the decor (for example, green stones or candles). You can also replenish your wardrobe with items in green colors. A great idea is to get indoor plants. Green also attracts the energy of prosperity and financial success. It is no coincidence that green is the color of money.

Orange- a pleasant warming color, but in large quantities - like red - it can cause rejection and opposite emotions. Orange helps in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system, kidneys and breasts. It also strengthens the immune system and is effective in combating sexual disorders. However, beware: in large quantities, orange can cause anxiety and anger.

Blue- the color of peace and harmony. It calms and helps achieve emotional and physical harmony. In addition, blue and its shades help in the treatment of various diseases. It lifts the mood and balances the character. Cold blue promotes the healing of burns, lowers fever and relieves nervous tension. However, too much blue can cause depression or indifference to life and despondency.

Violet helps in the treatment of epilepsy and arthritis. This color also promotes wound healing and bone healing. It has enormous healing power and has virtually no “side effects” or negative characteristics. Violet helps to discover and develop physical abilities and establish contact with the spiritual world. Use this color in meditation to achieve enlightenment and get an answer to an unanswerable question.

White brings purification and enlightenment. White is one of the most popular colors used to cleanse negative emotions. It helps to achieve inner harmony and higher levels of self-knowledge. White also symbolizes hope, purity and creativity. White is the true color of peace and health.

To improve your well-being, water that is charged with a certain color is very effective. As scientists have established, water has memory and many other wonderful properties. These properties can be used to your advantage. Very convenient and effective are colored stands (this can be napkins, colored paper or cardboard), on which a glass of water can be placed freely. Water perfectly perceives information, so it is enough to place a glass of water on a colored stand for 5 - 10 minutes so that the water “receives” and transmits its energy to you. “Colored” water should be drunk slowly, in small sips. If you have a big fight with someone, are excited, irritated, take a few sips from a glass that was on a green stand. After you calm down a little, you can resort to using pink. This way you will get rid of any remaining tension. The blue color works in a similar way, but it not only relieves the severity of the conflict, but can prevent it altogether. Remember this when setting the table before the arrival of relatives, whose visit may end with the slamming of the door - put water on the table on a blue napkin. It happens that after an unpleasant event or an unfortunate failure, you just can’t calm down: you torture yourself, turning the situation over and over in your head, seemingly losing the whole thing. In such cases, lemon color will help. When losing loved ones, when the grief is so great that a person does not know how to live on, it is necessary to use a lemon-colored stand. This color also helps strengthen memory. It is useful to drink lemon water on the eve of exams. When working on a computer every day, it’s good to have a glass of water on a turquoise stand next to you and drink sip after sip often. The turquoise color protects against radiation, so-called “electric fog” and the thermal radiation of the computer. “Turquoise water can work a miracle - it will help you easily find the right word during an exam or report. Well, if you suffer from excessive appetite, then let the indigo color take care of you. Drinking 2 glasses of water every day, standing on an indigo coaster, will gradually curb your appetite. If you are overtired, take a sip of water from the “red glass”. You will immediately feel a surge of energy. If you are getting older and feel hopelessly old and weak, the color red will help you “rejuvenate” and feel the fullness of life again. A few sips “charged” with violet color will help you get out of the vicious circle of oppressive thoughts, cleanse the spleen and make the cerebral hemispheres work harmoniously. Exposure to the color orange is often the first impetus for positive change. They also improve your baby’s appetite. As you can see, color therapy techniques are simple and yet very effective. Check it out for yourself and you will see for yourself. You can make stands for charged water yourself, the main thing is that the materials are natural and the colors are clean and pleasing to the eye.

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