Ways to orient a person in space. Orientation on the map


Relevance: Terrain orientation is an equally important topic. Since, when lost in any area, a person needs to know basic ways to navigate without a map. If you get lost in the forest, or in the mountains, in the steppe, you need to determine the sides of the horizon for the correct movement. You also need to pay attention to the location of signs of local objects. The most well-known methods for determining the sides of the horizon are not always correct; you need to pay attention to their location, otherwise you may completely lose your way.

Purpose of the work: To show the essence of terrain orientation, to describe the most common methods of determining the sides of the horizon. Determine the accuracy of folk orientation methods.

Hypothesis: if you study in detail how to navigate the terrain without a map, this will provide an opportunity.

Accurate orientation on the ground, especially in difficult conditions, is one of the most important conditions for a successful transition and reaching the intended goal. With the help of a topographic map and compass, you can easily reach your goal. Well, what if you don’t have a map or compass with you? What to do?

Orientation is the ability to determine the cardinal directions, imagine the direction of roads and the location of settlements in relation to the place in which you are. You can always find the road if you know the location of the cardinal points. There are only four of them: north (N), east (E), south (S) and west (W).

There are many different ways to navigate without a map. The main ones include orientation by compass and the location of celestial bodies and the Moon. Plants and animals can also help us in determining the sides of the horizon. You should pay attention to the terrain features.

Types of orienteering

Orientation by compass

To determine the sides of the horizon using a compass, you need to release the brake of the magnetic needle and set the compass horizontally. Then turn it so that the north end of the magnetic needle is opposite the letter C, which represents north. In this position, the letters B, Z and S will indicate the directions to the east, west and south, respectively. Now, you just need to choose the direction of your movement and correspond to it.

The use of compasses is well known, and therefore there is no need to dwell on this in detail. You just need to know that when determining the sides of the horizon using a compass, it is necessary to take into account the magnetic declination. In most cases, the direction indicated by the magnetic needle (magnetic meridian) deviates from the direction of the true meridian (geographic) by a certain angle, which is called magnetic declination. If its value is more than 3°, then when orienting a map or determining azimuth from it, it is necessary to introduce a correction for magnetic declination.

On the ground, it is often necessary to make transitions not along the directions to the sides of the horizon, but along any other given directions. In such cases, azimuths are used. Azimuth is a horizontal angle measured from the north direction of the meridian to the direction towards the object in a clockwise direction. If the azimuth is measured from the true meridian, then it will be true, and if it is measured from the magnetic meridian, it will be magnetic. Magnetic azimuths on the ground are determined using a compass on its scale. The Adrianov compass scale is divided into 120 divisions, each division equals 3°. To determine the azimuth to any local object, you need to stand facing the object, give the compass a horizontal position and release the brake of the magnetic needle. When the arrow calms down, align the zero line of the scale with the northern end of the arrow. In this position the compass will be oriented, that is, the letter C on the scale will indicate the direction north. Then, turning the lid, we install it so that the slot is directed towards us, and the front sight is directed exactly towards the object. Counting against the pointer at the front sight will show the azimuth value to the given object.

But using a compass is not possible everywhere. For example: in areas of natural magnetic anomalies, during a thunderstorm, near power lines and electrified railways, near large masses of iron, compass readings are distorted, and you have to navigate in other ways. The compass may not show exactly accurately in the mountains, and very large errors are observed near the North Pole. Therefore, before any trip to the area, you need to check the serviceability of the compass. To do this, the compass with the brake released is set to a horizontal position. By bringing any steel or iron object to the arrow, the arrow is unbalanced and monitored to see whether it returns to its original position. If the needle does not stop at the previous reading or does not calm down for a long time, you cannot use the compass. When moving, the compass needle must be stopped by a brake, otherwise the constant shaking will demagnetize it and the compass will fail.

If you don’t have a compass, you can navigate by clocks, celestial bodies, local objects and natural signs. When you find yourself in an unfamiliar area and feel the need for orientation, first of all you need to use the celestial bodies, which provide the most reliable ways to determine the sides of the horizon. However, it should be borne in mind that individual natural signs cannot always provide reliable information, since the conditions for their formation largely depend on local conditions. Therefore, to more accurately determine the sides of the horizon, you need to evaluate several features at once. This will help you avoid a serious mistake. It is useful to remember a few simple rules of orientation based on natural features.

Orientation by the Sun and stars

If you don’t have a compass with you, then you can find the right path with the help of the sun and stars.

In northern latitudes, on summer nights, from the proximity of the setting Sun to the horizon, the northern side of the sky is the lightest, the southern side is darker.

The highest position of the Sun is determined by the length of the shortest shadow, which corresponds to noon, and its direction in the northern hemisphere points to the north. This is only true between the North Pole and the Tropic of the North. The rule is applicable in the following cases:

a) When the Sun is at its zenith (shadow at the base of the object);

b) At the equator, where the midday shadow is directed north for six months (from September 24 to March 20) and south for six months (from March 21 to September 23);

c) In latitudes between the equator and the tropics, where the shadow also changes direction.

In the southern hemisphere, on the contrary, the shadow points south.

Using a watch.

With relative accuracy, the sides of the horizon can be determined by the Sun using a watch. To do this, holding the watch horizontally, you need to turn it so that the hour hand is directed towards the Sun. In this case, the bisector of the angle between the hour hand and the direction to the number 12 on the dial will point south. It should be remembered that before noon it is necessary to divide the angle on the dial that the hour hand must pass before 12 o'clock, and after noon - the angle that it has passed after 12 o'clock.

Orientation by the polar star.

On a cloudless night, the sides of the horizon are most easily determined by the North Star, which always points north with an accuracy of 1°. To find this star in the sky, located in the constellation Ursa Minor, you need to find the constellation Ursa Major, which appears as a huge, clearly visible bucket of seven bright stars, far apart from each other. If you draw an imaginary straight line through the two outermost stars of the bucket, and plot the distance between them along this line five times, then at the end of the last segment a dim star will be visible - this is Polaris, the first star of the handle of the Ursa Minor bucket.

Orientation by the moon

At night and in the evening you can navigate by the moon. To do this, you need to know what the main phases of the moon look like.

There are four main phases of the moon.

New moon. The Moon is between the Earth and the Sun, at this time the shadow side of the Moon faces the Earth, and we do not see it.

First quarter. The moon is visible in the evening in the southwestern side of the sky in the form of a light semicircle, convexly facing to the right.

Full moon. The moon is completely illuminated and looks like a bright disk.

Last quarter. The moon is visible in the morning in the southeastern side of the sky in the form of a light semicircle, convexly facing to the left.

To be able to navigate by the moon, you need to remember the following. The crescent of the “young” moon, curved to the right, is visible in the evening in the western sky and sets shortly after sunset. During the first quarter, the moon is in the south around 7 p.m. The full moon in the south direction occurs around 1 am. At 10 o'clock in the evening it is in the southeastern side of the sky, and at 4 o'clock in the morning it is in the southwest. The last quarter moon is in the south at 7 am. The crescent of the "old" moon, resembling the letter "C", is visible in the morning, shortly before sunrise, in the eastern sky. Knowing this, you can easily determine the points of the horizon based on the position of the moon and its phase.

Orientation by plants and animals

The flora and fauna have certain features that can be used to determine the sides of the horizon. However, orientation by plants and animals is less reliable than the simplest astronomical techniques, so they can be used only in extreme cases, for example, in cloudy weather, when neither the Sun nor the stars are visible.

Many orienteering techniques have become widely known, although they are based on erroneous ideas. For example, you often hear and read that trees on the southern side have bushier crowns than those on the northern side, and this can serve as an indication of the sides of the horizon. In fact, the branches of trees in the forest develop towards free space, and not at all towards the south. Even in free-standing trees, the crown configuration depends mainly on the direction of the prevailing winds and other reasons. True, there are cases when the above sign is justified. In some areas of the Southern Urals we observed birch trees, the crowns of which were especially lush on the southern side. But, of course, one should not draw general conclusions from such observations. Another common misconception is related to the imaginary possibility of orienting the growth of wood on the stumps of cut trees by the annual rings. This feature cannot be used, since the formation of growth rings depends entirely on the growth characteristics of plants. It is believed that these rings are wider in the south than in the north, but in fact, numerous observations do not reveal this pattern. It turns out that the width of the rings depends on a number of factors (for example, on the direction of the winds) and is uneven not only horizontally, but also vertically. Changes in the location of growth rings can be seen if you cut a tree at different heights from the ground.

Now let's turn to more reliable methods of plant orientation. Mosses and lichens on tree bark are concentrated mainly on the north side. By comparing several trees, it is possible to fairly accurately determine the north-south line using this feature. The tendency of mosses and lichens to develop in the shade makes it possible to use for orientation not only trees, but also old wooden buildings, large stones, rocks, etc. On all these objects, mosses and lichens grow mainly on the north side.

Another good guide can be the bark of trees, which is usually rougher and darker on the north side than on the south. This is especially noticeable on birch. But this feature can be used by observing the color of the bark of not one tree, but several. After rain, the trunks of pine trees usually turn black from the north. This is due to the fact that a thin secondary crust is developed on the pine bark, which forms earlier on the shady side of the trunk and extends higher on it than on the southern side. The crust swells and darkens during rain. If there is no rain, but the weather is hot, then pine and spruce trees can serve as a guide in this case. You just need to take a close look at which side of the trunk produces more resin. This side will always be south.

In the mountains, oak often grows on the southern slopes.

Berries and fruits acquire the color of maturity earlier (turn red, turn yellow) on the south side.

Sunflower flowers always turn towards the sun and never face north.

Near isolated trees, the snow on the north side is loose, and on the south it becomes crusty because the sun shines on it.

You should also pay attention to the grass, which in spring is thicker on the northern edges of the clearings than on the southern ones. If we take isolated stumps, trees, large stones, then here, on the contrary, the grass grows thicker from the south of them, and from the north it stays fresh longer in the hot season. Studying the habits of animals often provides interesting material for orientation, although this requires more a more careful approach than when navigating by plants. Here is some information about the behavior of animals.

Ants almost always make their homes south of the nearest trees, stumps, and bushes. The southern side of the anthill is flatter, while the northern side is steep.

Steppe bees build their homes from very durable material. Their nests are placed on stones or on walls, always facing south, and look like lumps of dirt thrown off by cart wheels or horse hooves. Three-toed gulls, or kittiwakes, nest on the rocks in numerous flocks, and their nests are always located on the western and northwestern shores of the islands.

Determining the sides of the horizon based on terrain features.

Some local signs can serve as a simple, although not very accurate, “compass” for a traveler.

The soil moisture around large stones, individual buildings, and stumps serves as a kind of guideline - in summer, the soil is more moist to the north of these objects than to the south.

The sides of the horizon can be found by the prevailing winds in a given area, if their direction is known in advance.

In deserts, the direction of the prevailing winds can be judged by their effect on easily eroded rocks: sandstones, limestones, loess, etc.

Under the influence of wind, such rocks often develop numerous parallel grooves separated by sharp ridges.

One of the signs by which you can determine the direction of the prevailing winds in a given area is the state of vegetation on the slopes of the mountains. On windward slopes, which freeze more strongly in winter, plants are often tilted, thereby indicating the direction of the prevailing winds. The predominance of winds in one direction or another is also indicated by the flag-shaped crowns of trees.

In sandy deserts, the wind creates unique relief forms - dunes and dunes. The dunes are hill-shaped - accumulations of sand in the shape of a crescent. Their convex part always faces the wind. On the leeward side, the slopes of the dunes are much steeper than on the windward side, and the edges are elongated in the shape of horns in the direction of the wind.

Dunes are low sand ridges, usually without steep slopes and elongated perpendicular to the direction of the wind. The windward slopes of dunes and dunes are compacted. Sand ripples in the form of parallel ridges often form on them. The leeward slopes are crumbling and loose.

Snow near rocks, large stones, and stumps thaws faster on the south side. In ravines, hollows, pits, it thaws faster on the north side, because the southern edges of the depressions do not receive direct rays of the sun falling from the south. On the southern slopes of mountains and hills, the formation of thawed patches occurs the faster, the steeper the slopes.

At the northern edge of the forest, the soil is freed from snow sometimes 10-15 days later than at the southern edge. In March and April, holes are formed around the trunks of isolated trees and stumps in the snow, extending in a southerly direction. In the spring, on the slopes facing the sun, as the snow melts, protrusions elongated to the south are formed - “spikes”, separated by recesses, the open part of which faces south.

Various buildings in some cases can also serve as good reference points. These are mainly buildings of religious worship: churches, mosques and others, which, in accordance with the laws of religion, were built quite strictly oriented along the sides of the horizon. The altars and chapels of Orthodox churches face east, and the bell towers face west. The lowered edge of the lower crossbar of the cross on the dome faces south, and the raised edge faces north.

The exit from the yurts is usually made to the south. In rural houses, more windows in living areas are cut on the south side, and the paint on the walls of buildings on the south side fades more and has a faded color.

In large tracts of cultivated forest, the sides of the horizon can be determined by the clearings, which, as a rule, are cut strictly along the north-south and east-west lines, as well as by the inscriptions of block numbers on poles installed at the intersections of the clearings. On each such pillar, in its upper part and on each of the four faces, numbers are affixed - the numbering of the opposite forest blocks; the edge between the two faces with the smallest numbers shows the direction to the north.

Everyone should be able to navigate the terrain using special means or folk signs. This will help in a critical situation to find the only correct way out. Therefore, next we will consider 10 ways to navigate the terrain.

Navigator by methods

1. Method. Orientation on the map

A map is one of the best ways to navigate the area. Therefore, it is recommended that you take a map before your hike and study it in detail. You need to be able to read all the symbols, so it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the map in advance so that no problems arise in the future.

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In order to navigate the map, it is recommended to compare it with real objects. So you need to find one object on the map in real life. This will be the starting point, which will allow you to find the right path. Of course, the best solution would be to have a map and compass with you.

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2. Method. Orientation by compass

The 4 main methods of orientation include determining the terrain using a compass. In order to obtain accurate data, the compass must be placed on a flat horizontal surface. There should be no difficulty in determining the cardinal directions. Having a compass will allow you to determine the exact location on the map.

3. Method. Orientation by the Sun

This way you can easily determine the cardinal directions using the positions of the planets. So there is a special table that will allow you to calculate your location based on the position of the Sun at different times of the year.

You can also use a mechanical watch. In this case, the weather should be cloudless. The watch must be placed on a horizontal surface so that the main hand points towards the Sun. Next, the angle between the two arrows needs to be divided in half and a line drawn that will point south.

4. Method. Orientation by the North Star

This method is only suitable for night time and cloudless weather. If you can see the North Star, then you can try to determine the cardinal directions by it. You need to know that the North Star is in the north, so it is recommended to face it to determine the direction. Polaris is part of the constellation Ursa Major.

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5. Method. Moon orientation

It happens that nothing else is visible in the sky except the Moon, then you can use its position to determine the cardinal directions. You need to know that at different times and phases the Month has different positions. If you have special knowledge, then you can approximately find the right path. These were the main ways to navigate the area.

6. Method. Plant orientation

You can easily determine the cardinal directions in the forest if you navigate by the plants. So there are certain plants that like to grow in damp places, so they choose the northern part of the tree, such as lichen and moss. At the same time, grass likes to grow on the south side of a particular object. Clearings are always cut in the forest from north to south. On the south side, berries and fruits ripen faster.

7. Method. Animal orientation

Insects also allow you to determine the desired direction of the world. So you need to observe where the anthill is. If you find a stump, the anthill from it will be on the south side. We also pay attention to the shape of the anthill. If one of the sides is flatter, then it is the southern one. Steppe bees also choose the south side for their hives.

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8. Method. Terrain orientation

We need to assess the area; if it is winter, then we pay attention to the snow. On the south side the snow melts faster. Moss also grows on the walls of old houses, of course, on the north side.

9. Method. Orientation by radio signals

Of course, first of all you need to have a radio receiver for orientation in space. To do this, you need to record the signals of the most powerful radio stations using the compass azimuth. In this case, it is better that the direction of the signal coincides with one of the cardinal directions. Next, if you lose your orientation, you need to install the receiver in the direction of the worst sound, which will point to the desired side of the world, which was previously recorded by the compass.

10. Method. Orientation by structures

In addition, you can pay attention to various structures. Thus, the altars of Orthodox churches always face east. Bell towers have always been built on the western part. You can also look at the cross. The lower oblique crossbar points to the south and north. These are the lower and upper ends, respectively. The doors of Muslim mosques and Jewish synagogues face north. The facades of Buddhist monasteries face south. These are the most popular methods of orientation and determining the direction of movement.

Each of us can find ourselves in an extreme situation. Not only the ability to read a map, but also the ability to understand the meaning of natural signs will help you correctly navigate an unfamiliar area.

There are several basic ways to navigate the area:

  1. According to the map.
  2. By compass.
  3. For astronomical objects.
  4. Based on plants and other local characteristics.

Orientation using a map and compass. Detailed instructions.

Map orientation

  1. Choose your cards carefully. Make sure they are scaled to suit your needs. Also, make sure you understand the meaning of the numbers and symbols printed on them.
  2. The scale of the standard marching map is 1:50000, in other words. Any distance measured on a map is 50,000 times less than reality. There are some details that cannot be depicted exactly to the scale of the map. These include roads, trails, streams and rivers, which use a standardized approach (lines) in their depiction. Study the symbols and firmly remember what certain symbols represent (swamps, forests, buildings).
  3. Terrain lines will pinpoint your location. To do this, go out onto the road, river bank or other similar object, find it on the map and turn it until the direction of the line (road) coincides. Then check the location of objects on the left and right and compare them with the map. Heights are depicted as closed lines. The place on the map where the lines become denser corresponds to a steep slope on the ground. The greater the distance between the elevation lines, the flatter the slope.
  4. It’s easy to determine your location on the map if there is a clear landmark nearby (building, lake, etc.). Then the standing point coincides with the conventional sign of the map. If there is none, then There are other ways:
  • Based on nearby local objects or terrain.
  • Measuring the distance to the nearest landmark in steps. And comparison of the found distance with the map scale in the desired direction.

Compass orientation

  1. The sides of the horizon using a compass are determined as follows. We release the brake of the magnetic needle and set the compass horizontally so that the northern end is opposite the letter S. In this position, the letters Y, W, E approximately indicate the corresponding directions - south, west, east. in any of them a landmark is selected for further movement.
  2. If the terrain is very difficult without clear landmarks (desert, forest), then it is necessary to determine the northern direction. A compass will also be relevant here; having found the north with its help, you need to point the map correctly. We turn it to the north with the upper frame so that the longitudinal axis of the compass needle coincides with the vertical grid line of the indicative map.
  3. You can find out the direction more accurately by taking into account the declination of the magnetic needle of the compass. Rotate the map so that the north end of the arrow deviates from the 0° compass line by the direction correction indicated in the corner at the bottom left of the map.
  4. Remember that the compass needle does not point to the true pole, but to the magnetic pole - the difference depends on where in the world you are. If the map is not oriented towards the magnetic pole, then it can be determined by the North Star. While in the northern hemisphere, point the arrow at the star and pay attention to the discrepancy between the arrow and the north indicated on the map. If you need to walk, focusing on the magnetic pole, you will have to make corrections for the magnitude of the discrepancy.
  5. It must be remembered that the compass does not work properly near power lines, steel objects or military equipment. All this causes a deviation in the arrow readings. Before you go on a trip, you should check that the main orientation aid is working properly. To do this, bring any steel object to the magnetic needle, unbalance it and observe whether it will return or not. If the arrow does not return to its place, or vibrates for a long time, the compass is not working properly. When moving, it is stopped with a brake so that it does not become demagnetized.
  6. It's easy to make a compass yourself. If a piece of iron wire, such as a needle, is rubbed for some time in one direction on silk fabric, it becomes magnetized and, when suspended, points north. Instead of silk, it is best to use a magnet: when touching it, strictly move the needle or wire from one end to the other in exactly one direction.

Then hang the needle on the thread, inserting it into the loop and balance it. There should be no loops or twists on the thread. A floating needle can be used in the same way as a suspended one; place it on a piece of paper, bark or plant leaf and lower it to the surface of the water.

To magnetize metal, you can use a source of electricity with a voltage of 2 volts or higher, for example a battery, or a piece of insulated wire. Wrap the wire around the needle. If it is without insulation, then wrap the needle in paper or cardboard and connect the ends of the wire to the battery terminals for 5 minutes. A razor blade can also be used as a compass needle. Magnetize it by gentle rubbing on your palm, and then hang it gently.

Orientation by astronomical objects

First of all, you should find out in which direction you need to move. Heavenly bodies are indispensable helpers here.

Sun orientation

  • In the northern hemisphere at noon the sun will be exactly in the south, in the southern hemisphere - exactly in the north. The hemisphere is determined by the direction of movement of the shadow: in the northern hemisphere it moves clockwise, in the southern hemisphere - vice versa.

  • Cast shadow method I. On level ground, stick a 1 meter long stick vertically into the ground. Mark the extreme point of the shadow (a) on the ground. wait 15 minutes and mark the place where the extreme point of the shadow will now be located (b). Connect both points with a line to determine the east-west direction: the first point will point to the west. North-south corresponds to the perpendicular to the line A-B.

  • Cast shadow method II. In the morning, mark the extreme point of the shadow on the ground. Using any stick as a center, draw an arc whose radius will correspond to the distance from the base of the stick to the extreme point of the shadow. At exactly noon, the length of the shadow will decrease. In the afternoon, when the shadow becomes longer, mark exactly the point where it touches the arc. By connecting both points with a line, you will get the east-west direction, with the morning mark being in the west.

  • Determining direction using a watch. A traditional mechanical watch with two hands can show direction, provided that it accurately shows local time (not taking into account seasonal time and conventional time zones). The closer to the equator you are, the less accurate this method is. If you are in the northern hemisphere, place your watch horizontally. Point the hour hand towards the sun. The bisector of the angle formed by the hour hand and the line connecting the center of the dial with the number 12 gives the north-south direction. If you are in the southern hemisphere, then point the number 12 towards the sun. A line drawn through the middle of the arc between the number 12 and the hour hand will give the direction south-north.

Moon orientation

  1. The shape of the moon changes according to its location relative to the earth. When the moon is on the same side of the earth as the sun, no light is reflected from the latter: it is a new moon. Then, arriving, it reflects the light with its gradually increasing visible right side. The moon is in full phase on the opposite side of the earth from the sun, and then begins to wane. Following this, if the moon rises before sunset, then its illuminated side faces west. If it rises after midnight, then its illuminated side faces east. Thus, at night, the east-west direction can be approximately determined.
  2. You need to know that in the summer the waxing moon, with its right side illuminated, is located in the south at 19.00, and in the west at 1.00. The full moon is at 19.00 in the east, 01.00 in the south, 07.00 in the west. The waning moon, with the left side illuminated, is in the east at 01.00, and in the south at 07.00.
  3. When there is a full moon, the sides of the horizon are determined, just like by the sun, using a clock. If the month is not full, then:
  • We divide the disk of the moon into six parts by eye and determine. How many of them are in the illuminated part of the celestial body, and we note the time on the clock.
  • To this time, add (with a waning moon) or subtract (with a waxing moon) as many parts as are in the visible part of the moon. The result obtained will indicate the hour when the sun will be located in the place where the moon is located.
  • Direct the month dial to the appropriate time after calculation. The bisector of the angle between one hour (winter time) or two (summer time) and the direction to the moon will show south.

How to navigate at night using the stars and the moon

Orientation by stars

The position of the stars relative to each other remains unchanged. Every night they rise above the horizon 4 minutes earlier than the previous night. In the northern hemisphere, the constellations are visible throughout the night. They revolve around a single star - Polaris. This is the most important landmark for locations almost above the North Pole and pointing north.

Starry sky of the northern hemisphere

Ursa Major (a), Cassiopeia (b) and Orion (c) revolve around the North Star. Moreover, the first two are easily recognizable constellations. Which never disappear.

From the seven stars. Forming the Big Dipper (a), the lower two point to the Polar. Cassiopeia is W-shaped, located on the opposite side of the North Star. On clear nights, Cassiopeia is clearly visible against the background of the Milky Way. At the same time, its central star points to Ursa Major. A line can be drawn through the North Star connecting these two constellations.

Orion(in)rises above the equator and is visible in both hemispheres. It rises exactly in the east and sets exactly in the west. This constellation is located significantly further than the North Star than the previous two.

Starry sky of the southern hemisphere

There is no star like the polar star near the south pole, but the Southern Cross, a constellation of five stars, points south. It can be distinguished from the other two cruciform constellations by its smaller size and two pointer stars. Looking at the Milky Way, find a dark area (Coal Sack) - next to it you will see the Southern Cross. To determine the south direction, project an imaginary line along the Cross four and a half times longer than the last one and lower it perpendicular to the horizon. Drive two sticks into the ground; during the day this will help determine the direction.

Orientation by plants and other local features

  • Lettuce and sylphytum plants have leaf edges turned in the north-south direction.
  • On the northern side of the tree, there are mainly lichens and mosses.
  • From the north, the bark on the trees is more cracked and rougher.
  • Pine trunks from the north are blackened by rain.
  • Fruits and berries begin to turn red from the south.
  • On the south side the trees produce more resin.
  • On the pine trunk, the cracked, brown bark rises a little higher than from the south.
  • The rings on the stumps are thicker from the north.
  • Isolated trees have a more luxuriant crown from the south.
  • On the hills, pine and oak grow more often on the south side, and fir and spruce on the north.
  • There is no forest in the forest-steppe in the southern hills.
  • The ravines are wetter and have more lush vegetation on the south side.
  • The soil is drier on the south side of trees and stones.
  • Snow melts faster on the south side. Because of this, spikes appear on the melted snow, facing south.
  • In the tracks, snow melts faster from the north.
  • Birds and bees nest mainly on the south side of trees.
  • Anthills are also located in the south, and their slope is gentle in the south and steep in the north.
  • Along forest clearings. The edge of the quarter post with the smallest numbers points in a northerly direction.
  • In Orthodox churches, the altars face the east, the bell towers are built in the west, and the crossbar on the domes, with its lowered end, points to the south.
  • In Muslim mosques, the doors are directed towards the north.

Orienteering skills will be useful to every person in life, regardless of where he finds himself: in a city, forest, desert, steppe or among expanses of water. In fact, many people have problems with geographic orientation, and some even have difficulty quickly distinguishing between the right and left sides. And if a person finds himself in an unfamiliar place without visible identifying signs of a residential area, random passersby and marks, then he has to rely solely on his intuition and luck or... Or you can learn to navigate well in space with the help of improvised elements, signs and, in fact, nature itself .

We offer you the TOP 10 most popular methods, thanks to which you can learn to navigate on any terrain and even in the wilderness.

By relief

This method, of course, is for advanced “naturalists,” as it requires attentiveness to the features of the landscape. If you find yourself in an open area in summer, autumn or spring, then your faithful assistant will be the notorious moss, which chooses the northern sides of trees, old abandoned houses and other objects to grow. If winter finds you in an unfamiliar place, then a carpet of snow will become your faithful ally. It turns out that in the south the coating melts a little faster.

By map

When going to an unfamiliar city or, for example, on a hike (even with a guide or group leader), do not forget to arm yourself with a map of the area that does not take up much space. Believe me, even if you are not well versed in its marks and drawing the landscape to scale, the map will definitely not be superfluous in your backpack. It is advisable to study the area before traveling so that, with good access to the Internet, you can clarify controversial or unclear points. Also find out in advance how to read symbols and marks on the map. To start navigating along it, select a real large object (for example, a river or lake) from which you can start and correctly determine the cardinal directions. It is advisable to take a compass and, possibly, a telescope along with the map to look out for distant objects on the horizon.

By compass

This little helper already solves a key issue - it helps to determine where the south is and where the north is. If you accurately indicate the direction of the world, you can immediately find large objects for orientation, or at least simply choose the direction of movement. Do not forget that in order to obtain accurate data, the compass should not be used while moving or twirled in your hand. Stop and place it on as level a horizontal surface as possible. The arrow will immediately point you north, and then use the map to determine where to continue moving to get to the control point.

By radio signals

In order to navigate using this method, you need to take a pocket radio with you. Next, you should try to catch and record signals from powerful radio stations, which the azimuth on the compass will help you with. It is desirable that the direction of the signals also coincides with the selected side of the world. As you move, if you lose your bearings, then set the receiver in the direction of the worst sound, which will help determine the desired direction of the world, previously indicated by the compass.

According to the sun

The celestial body has been helping tourists, wanderers and sailors determine the direction of the world since ancient times. The method, of course, is not always stable, since a small accumulation of clouds, twilight or night will prevent you from orienting yourself to the sun. In fact, a special table has been developed that allows you to determine your location by the position of the Star in the sky in different seasons. If you don’t have a compass at home, then it is very advisable to include a printout of the table in the map. If there is no table, you can use a mechanical clock (only in clear skies). Place them on a flat horizontal surface so that the main (short) arrow points to the current position of the sun in the sky. Next, roughly divide the angle between the minute and hour hands in half and draw an imaginary line that will show you the south side of the world.

By buildings

If you didn’t grab a map and, as luck would have it, moss doesn’t grow in the area you are observing, then you can focus on unknown structures. For example, the altars of Orthodox churches (even destroyed or abandoned) will face east. The bell towers of the churches are oriented to the west. Pay attention to the cross - its lower diagonal crossbar shows the north and south sides (upper and lower ends). As for synagogues and mosques, their doors are located strictly to the north. Buddhist monasteries are built so that the facades point to the south.

By the North Star

So, you are caught in an unfamiliar area at dusk or at night, which means that it is not possible to take advantage of the sun or landscape landmarks. Then all hope is in the starry sky, which will be accessible only in cloudless weather. Take a good look at the sky and find the North Star (as we know from childhood, it is the brightest among others). And here it is important to remember just one detail - the star is located strictly in the north, if you look at it face-on. If the celestial body was not immediately found by its brightness, then remember your astronomy lessons - the North Star is located in the constellation Big Dipper (Ursa).

By the Moon

The second most important celestial body after the sun can help out even on a cloudy, gloomy and completely impenetrable night. Focus on the position of the moon, which will allow you to determine the cardinal directions. But this requires some knowledge that in different phases and periods the satellite has different positions. If you do not want to remember specific information, write it down in the fields of your map, because this may be the only way to navigate the area in the evening and at night.

By animals

We will talk not so much about animals, but about insects that know how to correctly orient their homes and obey the biorhythms of nature. Your first helpers in the warm summer are, of course, steppe bees, which choose the south side to build their hive. In the daytime, in bad weather conditions and in any season, try to find an anthill. As a rule, ants build their “building” also from the southern part of a stump or tree. Pay attention to the shape of the housing itself, since its flatter side is southern.

By plants

And while you are busy searching for anthills and beehives (believe me, this can take many hours of mindless wandering), try to pay attention to the vegetation under your feet. Lichen and moss, we remind you, grow precisely on the northern part of the trees. But the grass more often pecks to the south of any nearby object. And here’s another landmark: clearings are forming in the forest from north to south. And if you come across fruits or berries, then know that in front of you, most likely, is the southern side of the world.

In the modern world, navigators and GPS solve problems with terrain orientation, and without Google Maps many feel like they have no hands. Nevertheless, it’s good that you read this article, because in the most inconvenient and hopeless period, knowledge about orientation in the wild will emerge from the subconscious very timely.

These days definition cardinal directions without modern technical devices is extremely necessary. Many people, having found themselves in the wild, strive to find out direction, in which to move to see incredible, pristine places. In places where no one has set foot, there are no maps or signs. Therefore, before you set off, you need to find complete information about the upcoming route. You must have a clear idea of ​​where you are going, in which direction of the world your goal is located.

Local orientation is not only necessary when you go to discover new places. Very often it is needed if electronic devices refuse to function, or if you get lost or lose your way. In such a situation, all your tools for orientation are improvised objects and natural phenomena. This is quite enough to determine terrain, find out which side you need to continue your journey. If you know how to navigate day and night, then you will definitely not get lost and will be able to get to your planned location on time, safe and sound.

Method 1: using the sun and a clock

Finding the sides of the horizon using the sun and a clock is quite simple. To do this you need a clock with hands. It is important that they go right. You also need to understand exactly which side of the world you need to move towards.

  1. Point the hour hand towards the sun. Arrow and the sun should form one imaginary straight line.
  2. Draw a line in relation to number 1. Without changing the position of the dial, draw a line that will be directed from the center of the clock to number 1.
  3. The bisector between the hour hand and the line pointing to the number 1 will be your guide to the South. In other words, if the clock says 13:05, you point both hands at the sun. And they show you where the South is. If the clock says 12.05, then you need to draw a straight line between the number 12 and one o'clock in the afternoon. The arrow pointing to 12 should be directed towards the sun, and the imaginary straight line will point to the South.
  4. Draw a straight bisector line in relation to the opposite part of the dial. You have received a direction to the North.

Sun orientation is not 100% accurate. There may be minor errors here. However, this will not be a problem for understanding at least an approximate trajectory of movement.

Orientation by clock can only be carried out during the daytime. If you have walked a sufficient distance and it begins to get dark, then you need to stop orienting using the clock and the sun. Wait out the night, then continue along the given route.

Method 2: using sun and shade

If you need orientation , and you left a watch with a round dial at home, then you can determine the further direction of the journey only with the help of the sun. The sun is an excellent reference point, since it follows the same path every day and is almost always visible - even modern gadgets cannot boast of such constancy. The main thing is to be able to read the signs of the luminary, and it will definitely help you find the way.

  1. Take a long object. It is important that an accurate, visible shadow leaves it. As a rule, this is a long stick. Surely, you have seen that in the center of any sundial there is a long rod. You need to find a similar one locally.
  2. Make a mark of the base and the place where the shadow of the object now ends. To do this, insert a stick into the ground. You can drive it deep enough. Then you will have your hands free for an extended period of time.
  3. Wait 1-2 hours. During this time, the shadow of the stick will shift from its original position.
  4. Make a new mark for the end of the shadow.
  5. Combine the two indicators. This can be done on the ground.
  6. You received the mark: East-West.

Your exact location depends on which hemisphere you are currently in. If this northern continent where you and I live, then your first notch will point to the West, and the second to the East.

Method 3: according to the sun and time of day

If you don’t have an object at hand that could cast a good shadow, and yours, for example, happen to have an electronic dial, then a good way to determine its location is by the sun. The easiest way is to determine the cardinal directions by the rising and setting sun. In the morning time, you can stand facing the rising sun. Before you will be not only a beautiful horizon, but also the eastern side of the world. Accordingly, the West will be behind you. If you go astray at sunset, then the sun, which sets behind the horizon, will point you to the West. Everything is quite simple.

For orientation in the daytime, just wait until 13.00 and stand with your back to the sun - in this case, your shadow will point to the North, your right hand will point to the East, and your left hand will point to the West. All you need is observation and endurance.

Method 4: by stars.

It is very easy to navigate the cardinal directions at night using the stars. They are visible in clear weather. Celestial bodies appear especially clearly away from the bustle of the city.

  1. Find the big bear. This is a well-known bucket. Since childhood, almost everyone identifies it in the sky, first of all.
  2. Identify two stars located on the edges.
  3. Visually measure the distance between them.
  4. Extend this line five times.
  5. You will see the North Star. It points precisely in the direction of the North.

The complexity of this method is that Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, depending on the month and time of year, are at different angles to us. Consequently, visual determination of distance is not always correct.

But you can practice finding the north star in an urban environment. This will make your task much easier in the wilderness.

Navigating by the stars is not the only way to determine the future path. You can take the moon as a starting point.

Method 5: by the moon.

In addition to the stars, it can help you navigate moon: if it is visible, then no compass you don't need it.

  • Waxing moon (the sickle resembles the letter p). This position points to the West.
  • Waning moon (resembles the letter c). Having seen such a moon, we can safely say that it points to the eastern hemisphere.
  • In the evening the moon appears in the South.
  • The full moon also points to the South.

Remember safety

When going into the wilderness, learning how to navigate the forest and unfamiliar terrain, be sure to take it with you. They will take up little space in your backpack, but will provide significant assistance on the road. These kits will help you heat water, light a fire, get food, bandage a wound, etc. However, even they won’t be able to help you out if you don’t know and understand exactly how to use them. On our website you will find a lot of useful information that we have prepared for professional tourists and amateurs who have been in natural conditions only a few times.

Your safety is your ability to survive. The natural environment has its own laws. The important thing here is to stay strong and not panic.

When you realize that you need orientation, pull yourself together and, first of all, try to understand in which direction of the world you need to move. This is the basis on which your further actions are built. If you are lost and don’t know where to go, then the information presented earlier will help you in this matter.

When going on a hike, you need to put your things in a clean and dry backpack. If you don’t know how to properly wash a backpack, how to pack things, how to carry it so as not to injure your back and spine, then refer to our blog for information. Here you will find a lot of useful, practical information, which is constantly updated and supplemented.

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