Wall newspaper on the theme of Cosmonautics Day. Making a simple poster for Aviation and Cosmonautics Day

A wall newspaper is a wonderful project for joint creativity with a child! How? Have you never made wall newspapers before?! Try it and you will definitely like it! This is a very exciting activity!

Wall newspapers are usually thematic and dedicated to some event, a first birthday, for example, a memorable date or holiday. You can decorate your home with them, or even a kindergarten! Imagine how pleasant it will be for your child to see the result of your joint work with him in the building where he spends 8 hours a day, 40 hours a week! Think about the role these wall newspapers can play in the development of his personality, his leadership qualities and self-confidence.

Have you thought about it? Great! Today I’m telling you how to make a wall newspaper for April 12 - Cosmonautics Day.

The easiest thing is to find ready-made templates on the Internet and print them. I love coloring templates, which are immediately divided into A4 sheets.

1. Download the wall newspaper layout, for example, from here www.stengazet.net and print it out.

2. Glue into one whole. We usually use a glue stick for this; sometimes, however, the seams have to be glued with tape on the back side for reliability.

3. Coloring! This is the most exciting activity. A three-year-old child will be happy to help and color to the best of his ability, and even new skates and a helmet are not a hindrance to him.

There is no need to rush and color everything in one sitting. Stretch out the fun! It usually takes us about a week to produce one newspaper. Every day, 40 minutes of coloring after a hard day at work will help you relax and give your child the opportunity to communicate with you. Think about it, a child visiting the kindergarten sees you on average for one hour in the morning (when you are fighting with yourself not to fall asleep while walking) and three hours in the evening (when you are already tired), i.e. he only sees you 4 hours a day and can't help but miss talking to you. Something as simple as making a wall newspaper will solve the problem of your lack of attention in the most productive way for both parties.
And even though his coloring is far from perfect and the strokes go beyond the lines, this will only add charm to your joint creation.

4. After everything is colored, fill in the fields intended for this with text and pictures.
Since this year, March 9, marked the 80th anniversary of the birth of Yuri Gagarin, the first cosmonaut in the history of Mankind, the content of our newspaper is mainly dedicated to him.

If you want to do it again, go for it!

Photo by Yuri Alekseevich

Gagarin's autograph about his impressions of the flight.

I took information about the first flight from Wikipedia.

The font of the text of the poem must be selected so that the poem occupies half of an A4 sheet, for this you can combine two lines into one, as I did.

All planets in order

All planets in order
Any of us can name:
One - Mercury,
Two - Venus,
Three - Earth,
Four - Mars.
Five - Jupiter,
Six - Saturn,
Seven - Uranus,
Behind him is Neptune.
He is the eighth in a row.
And after him, then,
And the ninth planet
Called Pluto.

Or you can also use this rhyme:

Yuri Gagarin

In a space rocket
With the name "East"
He is the first on the planet
I was able to rise to the stars.
Sings songs about it
Spring drops:
Will be together forever
Gagarin and April.

In addition to the wall newspaper, on the eve of the holiday you can visit a thematic exhibition or museum with your child. In St. Petersburg, by the way, near the Peter and Paul Fortress, where the Museum of Cosmonautics and Rocketry is located, every year in honor of this holiday there is a massive launch of homemade rockets. You can develop the theme of space by watching themed cartoons, documentaries of Gagarin’s first flight, the American landing on the Moon, a film about the first lunar rover, etc. etc.

And this is the 1969 documentary film "Yuri Gagarin".

“Humanity will not remain forever on Earth, but in pursuit of light and space, it will first timidly penetrate beyond the atmosphere, and then conquer the entire circumsolar space.” - K.E. Tsiolkovsky


A wall newspaper is a wonderful project for joint creativity with a child! How? Have you never made wall newspapers before?! Try it and you will definitely like it! This is a very exciting activity!

Wall newspapers are usually thematic and dedicated to some event, a first birthday, for example, a memorable date or holiday. You can decorate your home with them, or even a kindergarten! Imagine how pleasant it will be for your child to see the result of your joint work with him in the building where he spends 8 hours a day, 40 hours a week! Think about the role these wall newspapers can play in the development of his personality, his leadership qualities and self-confidence.

Have you thought about it? Great! Today I’m telling you how to make a wall newspaper for April 12 - Cosmonautics Day.

The easiest thing is to find ready-made templates on the Internet and print them. I love coloring templates, which are immediately divided into A4 sheets.

1. Download the wall newspaper layout, for example, from here www.stengazet.net and print it out.

2. Glue into one whole. We usually use a glue stick for this; sometimes, however, the seams have to be glued with tape on the back side for reliability.

3. Coloring! This is the most exciting activity. A three-year-old child will be happy to help and color to the best of his ability, and even new skates and a helmet are not a hindrance to him.

There is no need to rush and color everything in one sitting. Stretch out the fun! It usually takes us about a week to produce one newspaper. Every day, 40 minutes of coloring after a hard day at work will help you relax and give your child the opportunity to communicate with you. Think about it, a child visiting the kindergarten sees you on average for one hour in the morning (when you are fighting with yourself not to fall asleep while walking) and three hours in the evening (when you are already tired), i.e. he only sees you 4 hours a day and can't help but miss talking to you. Something as simple as making a wall newspaper will solve the problem of your lack of attention in the most productive way for both parties.
And even though his coloring is far from perfect and the strokes go beyond the lines, this will only add charm to your joint creation.

4. After everything is colored, fill in the fields intended for this with text and pictures.
Since this year, March 9, marked the 80th anniversary of the birth of Yuri Gagarin, the first cosmonaut in the history of Mankind, the content of our newspaper is mainly dedicated to him.

If you want to do it again, go for it!

Photo by Yuri Alekseevich

Gagarin's autograph about his impressions of the flight.

I took information about the first flight from Wikipedia.

The font of the text of the poem must be selected so that the poem occupies half of an A4 sheet, for this you can combine two lines into one, as I did.

All planets in order

All planets in order
Any of us can name:
One - Mercury,
Two - Venus,
Three - Earth,
Four - Mars.
Five - Jupiter,
Six - Saturn,
Seven - Uranus,
Behind him is Neptune.
He is the eighth in a row.
And after him, then,
And the ninth planet
Called Pluto.

Or you can also use this rhyme:

Yuri Gagarin

In a space rocket
With the name "East"
He is the first on the planet
I was able to rise to the stars.
Sings songs about it
Spring drops:
Will be together forever
Gagarin and April.

In addition to the wall newspaper, on the eve of the holiday you can visit a thematic exhibition or museum with your child. In St. Petersburg, by the way, near the Peter and Paul Fortress, where the Museum of Cosmonautics and Rocketry is located, every year in honor of this holiday there is a massive launch of homemade rockets. You can develop the theme of space by watching themed cartoons, documentaries of Gagarin’s first flight, the American landing on the Moon, a film about the first lunar rover, etc. etc.

And this is the 1969 documentary film "Yuri Gagarin".

“Humanity will not remain forever on Earth, but in pursuit of light and space, it will first timidly penetrate beyond the atmosphere, and then conquer the entire circumsolar space.” - K.E. Tsiolkovsky


Galina Gavrilina

As part of a long-term project "By the Stars and Planets" with children of senior preschool age for the Day Astronautics was made a wall newspaper« Cosmonautics Day. Let's go.

Wall newspaper contains children's sayings about space. Each statement is framed on a star drawn in gouache. Rockets and satellites fly around the stars and planets, which are made using porous rubber appliqué. Photos of children wearing homemade helmets are displayed in rocket windows. Background wall newspapers drawn with gouache using the splatter technique with a toothbrush.

During the conversation, the children were asked to answer the following questions:

What's happened space?

What qualities should you have? astronaut?

Would you like to fly to space?

What would you take with you on a flight?

Who would you like to be with? meet in space?

If you discovered your own star, what would you name it and who would you give it to?

I bring to your attention interesting statements from children about space.


« Space is galaxies, planets, stars, black holes, comets.

Astronaut must be strong and courageous. He must be able to control the rocket, insert a hose to breathe when exiting space.

I want to become astronaut, because space is very beautiful. With you in space I'll take all my friends and we'll fly on a big shuttle. I will call the star I discovered the Golden Star and give it to everyone!”


« Space is black, endless world. So far no one has been able to find where it ends.

I'm waiting to be astronaut because I know a lot about space, I have four books about space. I will be able to study planets and alien life. I would name the star I discovered Superstar and give it to Varya S.

IN space I would like to meet green nine-eyed creatures. I hope they would understand my language. I would give them protection from the evil creatures living in the Universe.”


"IN space The Earth and other planets revolve around the Sun, rockets and satellites fly.

Astronaut must be able to overcome any difficulties.

I want to become astronaut. I will study the stars and planets. IN I'll fly into space with my mom. On the flight I’ll take a bag, a spacesuit, and tubes of food with me. You don’t need to take a lot of things, otherwise the rocket won’t fly, it will be very heavy.

I’ll name my star Comet and give it to the aliens because they are good.”


« Space- this is an endless labyrinth, there is eternal darkness in it.

An astronaut must be brave, brave, noble and able to control a complex system in a rocket.

If it were possible to give a star, I would give it to aliens and call it “Bright.”


« Space looks like a deep lake, where it is very dark and cold. You can fly there like a bird.

If I flew to space, then I would take Andrey and his toys: bear and hedgehog.

I would give my star to Andrey and name it Gamma.”


« Space is the stars, planets, comets, meteorites. IN you can fly in space, run on the ceiling, eat from tubes, repair rockets.

I would like to fly to the moon. I would take with me my favorite toy - a teddy bear, plasticine, coloring books and homework to do. I would like to meet aliens there. I would give them a green laughing frog and wish that they would always be visible to people.”


« Space is a black world. I imagine that on Neptune there is

oceans and whales swim in them.

An astronaut must be strong, prepared and beautiful so that the aliens would greet him with a smile.

If I flew to space, then I would take tubes of food, a pastry and a large cake with me.

I would name my star Siren and give it to my whole family.”


« Space is an endless ocean of stars.

I wouldn't become an astronaut because I want to live, and in space You can die during the flight.

If you still had to fly to space, then I would take my dad with me, a toy - the dog Pusha, Legos. It's a pity that you can't have a computer.

If I had a star, I would give it to the dog Naida, Nikita, Vlad, mom, dad, myself and call it the Fluff Star.”


« Space is a dark world.

I would take Vlad with me on the flight and wanted to look at the black hole. I would learn from the aliens how to move a small planet out of its path.

I would like go to Red Square, climb the highest tower and get the star. I would call it the Emerald Star and give it to my friend Feda.”


« Space looks like an endless ocean.

I want to become astronaut, because it will be possible to fly and study everything. Astronaut must be able to not be afraid of shocks when a meteorite hits a rocket.

On the flight I will take with me a spacesuit, a backpack and food. When meeting aliens, I would like to know how they live and what they eat. I would wish them to be careful so that a meteorite does not hit them.

If it were possible to give stars, I would give it to Igor and call it Lightning.”

« Space– this is an endless world. It looks like an impenetrable forest

in which you can get lost.

Astronaut must be able to look into the mirror on the sleeve of the suit to see what is happening behind him. The spacesuit must have a nose scratcher.

I would fly to space with dad, and would give it to foreigners space book. I think they love to read."

"IN there is a sun in space, Moon, stars.

With you in space I would take my friend Vova, a toy doll, dumplings, pasta and apples.

I’ll give my star to my mother and name her Snowball.”


« Space- This is a large galaxy.

Astronaut must be strong and brave, he must be able to fly in zero gravity.

IN space I would take Misha with me. I would like to see the planets and

meet sleepwalkers. I would ask them how they live on their planet.

I would give the star to Misha and call her Artyom, because it is a very good name.”


« Space is the Milky Way, planets, stars, comets.

An astronaut must be brave, be able to control a rocket and should never get sick.

I want to become astronaut, because I love stars and planets. On the flight I would take my things, books, computer, telephone, walkie-talkie.

When meeting aliens, I would ask how they are doing and wish them health and good luck. I would give them a good mood.”

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