Horror stories for the night - stories from life. The worst horrors

Once upon a time there lived a boy, Andryusha. He really didn't like to dress. In the summer, grandma managed to cope with it, because Andryusha didn’t have to wear anything special, but with the onset of cold weather, difficult times began.
“I don’t want to, I won’t, I won’t wear it...” Andryusha shouted and ran away from his grandmother.
But one day this happened.
Andryusha and his grandmother were going for a walk as always.
“Put on tights,” granny begged.
- I won’t! – Andryusha pushed away his grandmother’s hands.
- Why? - Grandma was upset.
“They are ugly,” Andryusha answered.
- What kind of tights would you like?
- I would... I would... I would like green ones, like the leaves on the trees. Here! – Andryusha blurted out and looked triumphantly at his grandmother. At that moment, the tights suddenly turned into two thin branches covered thick green foliage.
- Oh, what is this? – Andryusha was surprised.
“Tights, just as you wanted,” answered the grandmother.
The branches bent and loudly slapped the harmful Andryusha on the butt.
“Oh, they’re fighting,” Andryusha got scared.
“But you yourself wanted these,” answered the grandmother. – Don’t you like the sweater either?
- I don’t like it! He's nasty and prickly!
- What kind of sweater do you want?
- I want it to be soft, like bird's feathers! - Andryusha answered.
Suddenly the sweater flapped its sleeves and turned into huge bird. The bird stretched out its neck and tried to pinch the naughty boy on the knee.
“Oh, he’s pinching,” Andryusha was scared.
“But you yourself wanted one,” answered the grandmother. -Will you wear overalls?
- No. It has too many fasteners, I don't like putting my arms in the sleeves and my legs in the legs! I want it to be alive and put on me by itself!
Once! And the overalls came to life, stomped its legs, flapped its sleeves and swung at Andryusha.
“Oh, what is he doing?” Andryusha got scared.
“But you yourself wanted one,” answered the grandmother. – Don’t you like boots either?
- No, they have laces. I don't want to tie them. I want them to fit on my feet themselves, and there are no laces!
At that moment, the laces, like two nimble snakes, jumped out of the shoes and crawled away somewhere. And the shoes themselves turned into two small dogs and, with their tongues dangling, began to jump at Andryusha, trying to bite him.
“Oh, they bite,” Andryusha got scared.
“But you yourself wanted these,” answered the grandmother. - Well, don’t you like the hat either?
“No,” Andryusha answered stubbornly. - She’s bad, with a pom-pom! And I want her to have ears like a bear cub!
Immediately the pom-pom jumped up like a ball and ran off after the laces. And the hat turned into an eared bear head, and how it roared:
- Well, what else don’t you like, bad boy? Let's get dressed. Now all things are the way you wanted!
“Grandma,” Andryusha cried. – I want my old things back. Unenchant them, please!
- How can I unspell them if you made them like this? Only you can bring everything back.
- Tights, sweater, overalls, boots, hat! - Andryusha shouted. – Please come back to me! Now I will always dress myself and won’t argue with grandma!
Once! And the green branches turned into Andryushin’s blue tights. Two! And the angry bird folded itself into a neat sweater on the chair. Three! And the overalls obediently lay down next to him. Four! And from somewhere the laces came crawling, and the dogs stopped yapping and turned into Andryusha’s shoes. Five! A pom-pom galloped up like a colorful ball, jumped onto the bear's head, and it again became Andryusha's hat!
- Hooray! – Andryusha was delighted. – Hello my dear things! How wonderful you turn out to be. Granny! Let's get dressed and go for a walk. I definitely have to tell my friends this magical story.

Today, in response to my question about who the fairy tale will be about today, Tyoma said “about a fairy tale” with a sly smile.
And I’ll take it and come up with it!

One day, Skazka felt sad. After all, she herself tells everyone fairy tales, but no one will tell her. The Fairy Tale sat down on a star and became sad. Then the Moon swam closer, illuminated her with its white rays and told her a good story.

Once upon a time there was a fairy tale. She was still very small, just a baby, just for five minutes. And I really wanted to grow up a real fairy tale which will even be published in a book.
And one day her mother advised her to fly in the evening and pick up stories in order to grow up faster.
The fairy tale was delighted and quickly flew to the city.

A fairy tale flew into one window. There, in a lovely crib, lay a little girl, and her grandmother sat next to her and told her a bedtime story. The fairy tale liked the girl so much that she jumped onto her pillow and began tickling her ears and cheeks. The girl laughed loudly, and the grandmother got angry and banished the fairy tale. This is how the fairy tale learned that children should not jump and have fun before bedtime.

Then she flew into another window. There was a dog lying on the bed in the room, which was very sick. Her owner, a boy, was sitting next to the dog and was very worried about her. The fairy tale felt sorry for the boy and the dog. Then it flew into the dog’s ear and flew out of the other, and the dog immediately felt better. The boy noticed this and was very happy. Then he lay down in bed next to the dog and fell asleep peacefully.

The fairy tale flew around the city and flew into another window. It turned out that a very capricious boy lived there. He kicked his feet, waved his arms and shouted: “I don’t want to sleep! I don’t want, I don’t want, I don’t want!” and his mother stroked his head and cried.
The fairy tale felt very sorry for her mother, but she did not want to be friends with such a boy at all and quickly flew away from this room.

In the next window she found a boy and a girl. The boy was just a baby, and the girl was older. The boy woke up from a bad dream and cried, but the girl did not call his mother, but stroked his head and calmed him down, reading poems that they learned in kindergarten with the teacher. Fairy Tale really liked this girl, so when the baby finally fell asleep and the girl also lay down in her crib, Fairy Tale jumped onto her pillow and rocked her with magic words for a long, long time.

And again the Fairy Tale flew over the city, looking into the windows. She flew into another window, where her uncle was sitting on the sofa behind the blue curtains. He was quite big and mature, with a beard and glasses. But he was very sad. It turned out that he was completely alone and very lonely. Then the Fairy Tale fluttered onto his shoulder and began to tell his kindest story in his ear. Uncle smiled, turned off the light, lay down on the pillow and fell asleep - wearing glasses and smiling. So Skazochka learned that even adults sometimes really need someone to tell them a fairy tale.

The fairy tale returned home only in the morning, very tired, but happy - after all, she had seen so much! Mom looked at her on the threshold and was surprised:
- Is it you, daughter? How big you have become!

The fairy tale looked at herself in the mirror and was delighted - after all, it had become a very long and completely real fairy tale!

The first rays of the sun appeared in the east, so the Moon finished her tale for the Fairy Tale. They looked at each other and went to bed - after all, the day was beginning when people had no time to look at the moon and listen to fairy tales.

More tales:

I think you know, baby, kids who are always in a hurry to get somewhere. So in our fairy tale I will tell you about one such girl. Her name was Lyalechka. And she lived in an ordinary city, an ordinary apartment with the most ordinary parents.

Lyalechka constantly demanded to give her candy faster, to turn on a cartoon for her faster, or for night or morning to come faster.

One day in early spring, Lyalechka and her parents went to the village to visit her grandmother. Grandma got sick and asked for help with planting in the garden.

Lyalechka used to come to her grandmother in the summer, when flowers were blooming in the front garden and everywhere in the garden. But this time there were no flowers.

- Grandma, where did the flowers go? - Lyalya was surprised.

- Flowers? And they hid in magic seeds and bulbs.

- Magic?! - Lyalechka admired.

- Yes, magical. And for the magic to work, for the flowers to come out of their shelter and bloom, you just need to do a little magic.

- Grandma, you are a sorceress! After all, you always have a lot of flowers!

- Do you want me to teach you the magic of floriculture?

- Yes! Yes! Want!

And the grandmother handed Lala an onion.

- Here, take it, plant it in a flower pot at home. And water and care for it. Mom has been trained a little by me, so she will help.

- What about the magic words?

Magic words...Will you remember them?

- Yes! I'll remember!

- Okay, then listen. Every evening you need to pour from the tap into a mug cold water and place it next to the pot with the words: “the bad comes out of the water, the good remains.” Do you remember?

- Leave the bad, stay the good?

- Right. And in the morning, when you get up, go to the window and water the soil in the pot with this water with the words: “Wake up, flower, wake up.”

- Oh, grandma, how simple!

- Well, if it’s simple, it means you can do it every day.

- Of course, grandma! Thank you!

And Lyalya, joyful, ran to hide the flower bulb in her purse with toys.

When Lyalya and her parents returned home, the first thing they did was deal with a real miracle.

They removed all the plates and pepper shakers from the kitchen table. They spread out a large newspaper. Mom took out a beautiful flower pot and filled it with soil. After which Lyalya stuck a magic flower bulb into the ground with her own hands. And watered magic water, which her mother gave her.

For three days and three nights Lyalechka watched the onion. Everyone was waiting for the first green leaves. But the onion seemed to have fallen asleep.

- This is probably not the right magic onion. “My grandmother mixed it up and gave me the most ordinary onion,” Lyalya once decided. And she stopped watering the flower. She even stopped looking in its direction. Moreover, Aunt Irina and Uncle Petya came to visit and gave her a new doll.

One day there was a sound in the apartment phone call. Grandma called, not her parents, but Lyalechka.

- Lyalya, how is your magic flower doing? Bloomed? - asked the grandmother.

- Eh, grandma, he’s not magical at all. You're confused. “He doesn’t want to grow,” Lyalya answered.

- How long have you been looking at the windowsill?

“Go and look,” the grandmother asked.

And Lyalya went to her room to look at the flower pot. A large scarlet bud rose above the flower pot.

- Tulip! - exclaimed Lyalya, - grandmother! You are a real sorceress! He blossomed so quickly!

- Lyalechka, did you water it like that, did I tell you?

- A little..

- So you forgot?

- Yes, grandma...

“Then it’s really a miracle that the flower bloomed.” Say thank you not to me, but to your sorceress mother.

“Grandma, it didn’t bloom for so long, and I decided that it wouldn’t bloom again.”

- Oh, you're in a hurry. Nothing in this world happens quickly. Although, if you are distracted by another matter, time goes by faster.

Have you, baby, noticed that when you are busy with something interesting, you go to bed faster than when you are bored?

To make sure that the fairy tale is understandable to the child, you can ask questions:

- Why did grandma give Lyala an onion?

- Why did Lyalya quickly forget about the magic onion?

- Why didn’t Lyalya notice that the flower had bloomed?

- what do you need to do to quickly get what you really want?

- what will you do now when you are asked to wait a little?

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