The suffix ment in English. Noun suffixes in English

In this lesson from the section we will continue talking about noun suffixes. We have already covered These are five suffixes.

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Now let's look at the remaining suffixes to get full picture about how nouns are formed in English. If you are preparing for an English language exam in the form of the Unified State Exam, then knowing them is simply necessary.

Total English nouns have 16 suffixes:

  • -er/or, -tion, -ing, -ness, -ence/ance (main list - 9th grade),
  • -hood, -ship, -dom, -th, -t, -(i)ty, -ment, -age, -ure, -ee, -ist (extended list - 11th grade).

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Word formation of nouns

Noun suffixes in English

1.Suffixes -hood, -ship, -dom, with the help of which nouns are formed from other nouns and adjectives.

noun/adj + Ʌ =noun

  1. hood
    child - childhood (child - childhood)
    neighbor - neighborhood (neighbor - neighborhood)
  2. ship
    friend - friendship (friend - friendship)
    champion - championship (champion - championship)
    partner - partnership (partner - partnership)
  3. dom
    king - kingdom (king - kingdom)
    free - freedom (free - freedom)
    wise - wisdom (wise - wisdom)

2. Suffixes -th, -t, -(i)ty, with the help of which nouns are formed from adjectives.

adj + Ʌ =noun

  1. th(possibly alternating a vowel at the root of a word)
    warm - warmth (warm - warmth)
    long - length
    strong - strength
    wide - width
    deep - depth
    young - youth
  2. t: high - height (high - height)
  3. (i)ty
    electric - electricity (electric - electricity)
    possible - possibility
    probable - probability

3. Suffixes -ment, -age, -ure, with the help of which nouns are formed from verbs.

verb + Ʌ =noun

  1. ment
    state - statement (state - statement)
    develop - development
  2. age
    marry - marriage (marry - marriage, marriage)
    break - breakage
  3. ure
    press - pressure (press - pressure)
    please - pleasure
    depart - departure

4. And we will separately consider the suffixes of the profession — ist and suffix -ee.

  1. ist
    biology - biologist (biology - biologist)
    psychology - psychologist (psychology - psychologist)
  2. ee
    address - addressee (address - addressee/recipient)
    employer - employee (employer - employee)

Total turned out 11 suffixes. To remember them, I recommend learning 11 words (the simplest ones) with these suffixes in the form of mnemonic phrases. For example, these:

1.In my childhood I made a friendship with a king of a kingdom. He had good strength and great height. — As a child, I made friends with the king of one kingdom. He had great strength and enormous height.

2.Electricity resulted from the development of science. — Electricity was the result of the development of science.

3.The breakage was because of high pressure.— The breakdown was due to high pressure.

Suffixes of nouns in English. Exercises

Exercise 1. Read the noun and indicate the suffix with which it is formed.

EXAMPLE. performance - The noun performance e is formed with the help of the suffix -ance.

silence, biologist, employment, humanity, modesty, settlement, feeling

Exercise 2. Find a noun in each line and translate it.

Exercise 3. Form nouns with the indicated suffixes from the stems of the highlighted words and write them.

— ment:
1.The child was greatly excited when he received a big bear as a birthday present.
The child’s ____________was very great.

2. My English has improved very little for the last two months.
There is very little ___________ in my English, I am afraid.

3. The children enjoyed entertaining the guests.
They enjoyed giving an _____________ for their guests.

4. He collected a good library of books.
He had a good __________ of books.

5. The machines exhibited in the hall were very interesting to us.
The machines at the ___________ are very interesting.

6. He said he wanted to continue studying after he graduated from the institute.
He said he wanted to continue studying after….

7. The scientists had difficulty explaining how the star had disappeared.
They had difficulty in explaining the____________.of the star.

8. We were surprised to find out how different her speech had become.
We were surprised at the ________________in her speech.

Exercise 4. Fill in the spaces with verbs formed from the nouns given in brackets.

1. He said good bye and ____________ (departure)
2. Your pronunciation has _____________ wonderfully. (improvement)
3. The doctor ______________the boy’s arm carefully. (examination)

Exercise 5. Fill in the blanks with nouns formed from the verbs given in brackets.

1. This rare book is the first _____________ of Pushkin’s poems. (to edit)
2. The sixth-form pupils’ English ___________was much better this year. (to perform)
3. The dancer’s__________became slower and slower (to move).

Exercise 6. Form nouns from adjectives.

  1. thirsty
  2. hungry
  3. shady

To test yourself, use the DICTIONARY dictionary in the lower right corner. If you click on the arrows, a dictionary window will appear and you need to enter a word that will be the answer.

For example, 1. thirsty (thirsty) - ? your option(thirst).

Enter the word thirst into the dictionary and check if it matches your option t with the one the dictionary suggests.

Exercise 7.Do it right choice. Translate the sentence.
1. What is the (long, length) of the corridor?
2. How (long, length) is the street?
3. He is not (strong, strength) enough to fight with John?
4. My brother can lift the box because of his (strong, strength).
5. Nelly’s skirt is too (wide, width).
6. We can’t get the piano through the door because of its (wide, width).
7. Is spring a (warmth, warm) season?
8. We felt the (warm, warmth) of the sun on out faces and hands.
9. We were surprised at your formal (polite, politeness).
10. We were not struck by the (white, whiteness) of the snow.

Exercise 8. Rewrite the phrases, indicating in brackets the word from which the noun is formed. Translate them.

EXAMPLE. whole-hearted devotion (devote) - devotion with all your heart

whole-hearted devotion, gloomy silence, an outstanding novelist, gathering darkness, limitless possibilities, an important addition, a noticeable improvement, complete understanding, widespread popularity, a gymnastic competition, a new acquaintance, a small settlement, an important announcement.

Exercise 9. Form nouns from these verbs using suffixes: -er/-or -ment -(a)tion -ion -age -ure -th.

to construct, to equip, to divide, to inform, to mix, to observe, to move, to break, to direct, to compete, to grow, to press, to radiate, to develop, to protect, to transport, to solve , to recognize , to measure, to fail, to vibrate, to reflect, to treat, to improve, to elect, to educate, to manage, to govern, to achieve, to imagine, to attract

Exercise 10. B put in the spaces abstract nouns formed from the words given in brackets.

1. Suvorov always showed great courage and __________. (wise)
2. The traveler had to overcome many __________. (difficult)
3. He sat resting, enjoying the ___________ of the fire. (warm)
4. He suffered from his own __________. (fool)
5. This man has extraordinary __________. (strong)
6. The balloon floated at the _________of one mile. (high)
7. She remembered the happy days of her __________. (young)
8. The __________ of the canal is seventy kilometers. (long)
9. Its _________ is one hundred meters. (wide)
10. When he came round he felt a strange ____________and could not stand up (weak).

So, I hope that by completing a cycle of exercises on topic “Word formation of nouns in English” did you remember 16 basic noun suffixes. But if you still have questions, write in the comments. Author, Tatyana Nabeeva

In order to communicate easily and fluently in English, you need to have a sufficient vocabulary, as well as be able to quickly select the necessary words. An easy way to increase your vocabulary is to learn the noun suffixes in English.

What is a suffix?

Before we talk about noun suffixes, we need to understand what a suffix is. This term means significant part the word that comes immediately after the root. In other words, a word is a constructor consisting of several elements that are firmly connected to each other and can be easily separated if necessary. A suffix is ​​one of these elements. It can be attached or, on the contrary, detached from the word. In this case, the “word” construction is not destroyed, only its form changes - sound, spelling and lexical meaning:

  • School - schoolboy - schoolgirl (suffixes -nik-, -nitsa-);
  • Friend (friend) - friendship (friendship) - friendly (friendly) (suffix -ship, -ly).

The suffix has two functions. The first is formative, which participates in the formation of new grammatical forms: clever (smart) - cleverest (smartest) (the suffix -est is involved in the formation of the superlative degree of the adjective). The second is word-forming, necessary for the formation of new lexical units with the same root: to write - writer (to write - writer).

Noun and its suffixes

A noun, as an independent part of speech, has its own suffixes. They contribute to the formation of new words. The table “Noun Suffixes” in English presents the most productive ones and their general meaning:




Ist (-an, -ian, -ean)

Nationality, affiliation political party, flow)

Scientist (scientist), communist (communist), Russian (Russian), historian (historian)

Er (-or, -eer, -ee, -ant, -ier, -ar)

Profession, occupation, position

Writer (writer), speaker (speaker), inspector (inspector), dreamer (dreamer), employee (employee), engineer (engineer)

Belonging to a particular doctrine or political party

Buddhism (Buddhism), fascism (fascism), nationalism (nationalism)

The result of the work, the result of the work

development (development), punishment (punishment)

Hood (-ship, -cy)

A certain state, level of relationship

Boyhood (adolescence), orphanhood (orphanhood), friendship (friendship), infancy (infancy)

Ness (-dom, -y, -ancy, -ency, -ity, -ty)

A certain condition or quality

Boredom (longing), Wisdom (wisdom), darkness (darkness), prettiness (attractiveness), clarity (clarity), gaiety (gaiety)

Al, -ation, -sion, -tion, -ition,

Ance, -ence, -ing, -age

Obvious result, state, process

Regulation, attention, barrage, shortage

Science section

Mathematics (mathematics), physics (physics)

Place of work, occupation or condition

Laboratory (laboratory), observatory (observatory)

Abstract concepts

Authority (power),
equality (equality),


English suffixes, like Russians, are the elements of the word following the root. They help us form new words. Some suffixes change the part of speech, turning, for example, a verb into a noun. We should also not forget about those suffixes that, while changing the form of a word, do not affect its very meaning.

If you have even a little ideaabout the table of suffixes in English, then any word-formation “delights” in English will seem like child’s play. Moreover, having understood the principles of constructing new words using prefixes and suffixes (by the way, prefixes are significantly inferior to suffixes in terms of flexibility and prevalence), a language learner can easily translate masculine nouns into feminine ones, form a nationality or profession.

It turns out that it is not at all necessary to set records for the number of words learned. Indeed, in English, as in Russian, there is the concept of “cognate words”, differing from each other only in suffixes and prefixes. Therefore, knowing, for example, the meaning of the verb paint (to paint, to paint), you can easily understand that painter is an artist.

Word-forming and form-forming suffixes: differences

Russian speakers consider some English suffixes to be endings. For example, some English textbooks call the suffix -ed an ending. All Suffixes in English is divided into two large groups: formative and word-forming. Thanks to the first, the word does not change its meaning, only the form changes. Compare, short (short) and shorter (shorter).

Word-formingsuffixes in Englishform a new word with a different meaning, albeit often similar to the meaning original word. For example, neighbor (neighbor) - neighborhood (neighborhood).

Form-buildingsuffixes in English

So, in English, unlike Russian, one word can take not so many forms. This is due to the fact that in English many grammatical meanings of a word, such as gender, verb tense, etc., are expressed not by the word itself, but by various auxiliary elements (articles, auxiliary verbs, etc.). In Russian, just one adjective (depending on case, number, gender) can have more than 20 forms. For example, beloved - beloved - beloved - beloved, etc. In English, the adjective favorite (favorite) may not change at all, but we guess about its exact form from the context (environment): This is my favorite book (This is my favorite book ). - He is my favorite writer (He is my favorite writer).

However, in some cases, English words do change form. And for this there are five in English formative suffixes, which are important to remember: -ed, -est, -ing, -s (-es), -er.

Now it’s worth understanding English words, capable of receiving different shapes. So, the English suffix -ed is needed in order to form the second and third forms of the regular verb. For example, finish (finish, complete) - finished (completed).

The suffixes -er and -est in Englishused in the formation of comparative forms of adjectives. We use these suffixes with short adjectives, like close, big, etc. For comparative form The suffix -er is used, and for the superlative - -est. For example, close (close) - closer (closer) - closest (closest).

Among English suffixes-s and -es are widespread. They apply in the following cases:

  • to form the possessive form animate noun- father (father) - father's house (father's house);
  • to form the plural of a noun - face (face) - faces (faces);
  • to form the 3rd person singular of the verb (in the Present Simple) - run (run) - runs (runs).

Finally, the English suffix -ing is used to form tenses. Continuous forms, participles of the 1st type, verbal noun and gerund: to run (run) - I am running (I am running) - running (running, running, running).Read more about this in the article.

Suffixes forming nouns

Word-formingsuffixes in Englishcontribute to the formation of a number of nouns. It is to them that we owe the appearance of the names of many professions. The list of suffixes for nouns is quite extensive.

Suffixes in English: tablefor nouns

Adjective suffixes in English

A huge number of adjectives in English are formed from nouns and verbs. Some suffixes are used to form both nouns and adjectives (for example, -al, -ing). But most of the suffixes we see with the part of speech answering the question “which” are not found on nouns or verbs. For example,suffix less in Englishcharacteristic only of adjectives.

List adjective suffixes in English, just as in the case of nouns, is quite extensive.

  • -able, -ible. The ability to perform or perform any action. To make an adjective, a suffix is ​​added to the verb. For example, to forget (forget) - forgettable (unmemorable).
  • -al. Used to indicate a characteristic. For example, accident (case) - accidental (random).
  • -ant. Adjectives formed with this suffix from verbs and nouns mean “conveying qualities.” For example, please (to please) - pleasant (pleasant).
  • -ar. When forming adjectives, this suffix is ​​often added to nouns or stems Latin origin. -Ar is used to mean “to have the quality of something” (for example, moon, sun, pole): lunar (lunar), solar (solar), polar (polar).
  • -ary, ory. Used to denote a characteristic, quality or relationship to something. For example, diet (diet) - dietary (dietary).
  • -ate. The meaning of adjectives with the suffix -ate, as a rule, can be expressed by the phrase “to have some quality”: affection - affectionate (attachment - loving, affectionate). This suffix also indicates a characteristic. For example, fortune (happiness, luck) - fortunate (happy, fortunate).
  • -ed. Adjectives with this suffix usually describe the influence exerted on someone or something: amaze (amaze, amaze) - amazed (amazed).
  • -ent. Used to mean quality: to differ (different) - different (different).
  • -ern. Used when indicating a part of the world: south (south) - southern (southern).
  • -ese. Denotes nationality or territorial affiliation. For example, China (China) - Chinese (Chinese).
  • -ful. This suffix in English turns a noun into an adjective, meaning “to be endowed with something, some property.” For example, beauty (beauty) - beautiful (beautiful).
  • -ian, ean. These suffixes in Englishfound in adjectives expressing national or territorial affiliation: Italy (Italy) - Italian (Italian).
  • -ic. Added to a noun and describes a quality: majesty (greatness) - majestic (majestic).
  • -ical. Indicates the attribute: myth (myth) - mythical (mythical).
  • -ing. For the formation of adjectives and participles with the meaning of quality and property. For example, to miss (miss, miss) - missing (lost, absent).
  • -ish. The suffix is ​​used in adjectives to mean “approximately”; it is also found in names of nationalities; sometimes it expresses similarity or belonging to something. For example, child (child) - childish (childish).
  • -ive. Used to mean quality, ability: attract (attract) - attractive (attractive).
  • -less. The suffix less in Englishserves as an antonym to the suffix ful and indicates the absence of any quality: home (house) - homeless (homeless).
  • -like. Means similarity to something, similarity: wave (wave) - wavelike (wavy).
  • -ly. To denote quality: friend - friendly.
  • - ous - suffix expressing the characteristic: poison (poison) - poisonous (poisonous).
  • -y. Used in the meaning of “to have a sign”: dirt (dirt) - dirty (dirty).

Verb suffixes

With the help of suffixes in English, a whole series of verbs are formed from nouns and adjectives.

Verbal suffixes in English: table with examples

Adverb suffixes

Word formation of adverbs in English is a much easier process than creating nouns and adjectives. In order to get a part of speech that answers the questions how, in what way, it is usually enough to use one of the suffixes presented below:

  • wise
  • ward/wards

The suffix ward is used to mean direction: home (house, cottage) - homeward (home). -Ly indicates a course of action. For example, true (honest) - truly (honestly). -Wise means the method of action: other (other) - otherwise (otherwise).

Of course, you don't have to remember everythingsuffixes in English. Constant speaking practice contributes to the fact that over time the student begins to see the components in words, easily identifying suffixes, prefixes and roots. And understanding the basis of a new word allows you to guess its function in a sentence.

If you determine that you have a noun with the endings “-ER” and “-OR”, then this is a specific noun indicating a person (profession, occupation, place of residence) or an object (tool, device, mechanism, device).

Suffix "-ER" comes from Old English and is productive. The suffix “-ER” gives the following meanings to the noun.

1. Attached to a verb and denotes a person, engaged in the type of activity indicated by the stem of the verb. This may be the name of a profession, position, rank or craft.

For example:

to BUILD = build + ER = BUILD ER= builder;

to DRIVE = drive a car, car + ER = DRIV ER= driver, driver;

to BAKE = bake bread + ER = BAK ER= baker;

to WELD = weld (metal) + ER = WELD ER= welder;

to DANCE = dance + ER = DANC ER= dancer;

to SELL = sell + ER = SELL ER= seller;

to DESIGN = to design, make sketches (clothes, shoes) + ER = DESIGN ER= designer; designer;

to COMMAND = command + ER = COMMAND ER= commander;

to PAINT = paint, paint + ER = PAINT ER= painter, artist;

to TEACH = teach, teach + ER = TEACH ER= teacher, teacher;

to WEAVE = weave + ER = WEAV ER= weaver;

to TURN = rotate, twirl + ER = TURN ER= turner;

to WEIGH = weigh + ER = WEIGH ER= weigher;

2. Attached to a verb and denotes a person, performing an action expressed by a verb. But this is not a profession, but simply an activity. Sometimes such nouns cannot be translated literally, then the translation is expressed in phrases.

For example:

to BEGIN = start + ER = BEGINN ER= beginner, beginner;

to OWN = own, possess + ER = OWN ER= owner;

to SLEEP = sleep + ER = SLEEP ER= sleeping, sleepyhead;

to EAT = eat, absorb + ER = EAT ER= eater;

Compound nouns are common.

For example:

CINEMA-GO ER= someone who often goes to the cinema, a movie lover, a moviegoer;

THEATER-GO ER= one who often goes to the theater, theatergoer, theatergoer;

NEW-COM ER= stranger, newcomer, newcomer;

EARLY-RIS ER= one who wakes up early, a “lark”.

LATE-RIS ER= one who wakes up late, “night owl”;

SCHOOL-LEAV ER= one who graduates from school, school graduate, applicant.

CHESS-PLAY ER= chess player, chess player.

STORY-TELL ER= storyteller, storyteller, inventor

WATCH-MAK ER= watchmaker;

BOOK-LOV ER= book lover;

TIME-WAST ER= someone who wastes time;

PLEASURE-SEEK ER= seeker of entertainment, seeker of pleasure;

RIGHT - HAND ER= right-handed;

LEFT - HAND ER= left-handed;

3. Points to a person living in a certain area or town.

For example:

LONDON —> LONDON ER= resident of London;

NEW-YORK —> NEW-YORK ER= New Yorker;

ISLAND —> ISLAND ER= islander, islander;

VILLAGE —> VILLAG ER= resident of a village, village;

COTTAGE —> COTTAG ER= resident of a country house;

RANCH —> RANCH ER= rancher;

SOUTHERN —> COUTHERN ER= southerner;

FOREIGN —> FOREIGN ER= foreigner;

STRANGE —> STRANG ER= stranger, foreigner;

HIGHLAND —> HIGHLAND ER= mountain dweller, mountaineer;

4. Denotes objects with the help of which the action expressed by the verb is performed. These can be tools, devices, devices, mechanisms or equipment.

For example:

to CONTAIN = contain + ER = CONTAIN ER= container;

to CONTROL = regulate, control + ER = CONTROLL ER= regulator;

to BOIL = boil, heat + ER = BOIL ER= heater, boiler;

to MIX = mix + ER = MIX ER= mixer; mixer;

to BURN = burn, burn + ER = BURN ER= burner;

to CUT = cut + ER = CUTT ER= cutter, cutting tool;

to RACE = compete in speed + ER = RAC ER= racing car;

to GRIND = grind, grind + ER = GRIND ER= coffee mill, crusher;

to EXTINGUISH = extinguish, extinguish + ER = EXTINGUISH ER= extinguisher, fire extinguisher;

to PROPEL = to actuate + ER = PROPELL ER= propeller;

to RECTIFY = correct, clear + ER = RECTIFI ER= cleaner, straightener;

to MAGNIFY = increase + ER = MAGNIFI ER= magnifying glass, magnifying glass;

The suffix “-OR” comes from Latin and is unproductive. It mainly refers to nouns related to science and technology. The suffix "-OR" gives nouns the same meaning as the suffix "-ER", except to designate a person living in a particular area.

1. Denotes a profession, craft, rank, position person.

to ACT = play theater + OR = ACT OR= actor;

to DOCTOR = to treat, to practice medicine = DOCT OR= doctor, doctor;

to DIRECT = direct + OR = DIRECT OR= manager, director;

to TRANSLATE = translate from one language to another + OR = TRANSLAT OR= translator;

to CONDUCT = accompany, lead; conduct an orchestra + OR = CONDUCT OR= conductor, conductor; orchestra conductor;

to PROFESS = train, teach + OR = PROFESS OR= teacher, professor;

to CONSTRUCT = construct, build + OR = CONSTRUCT OR designer, builder;

to EDIT = edit + OR = EDIT OR= editor;

to INSPECT = inspect, examine + OR = INSPECT OR= inspector, auditor;

to SAIL = sail on a ship, sail + OR = SAIL OR= sailor, sailor;

to INVENT = invent, invent + OR = INVENT OR= inventor, inventor;

to GOVERN = manage, rule + OR = GOVERN OR= manager; governor;

2. Denotes a person’s occupation expressed by a verb. But this is not related to profession or craft.

For example:

to VISIT = to visit, visit, pay a visit + OR = VISIT OR= visitor, visitor;

to NARRATE = tell, narrate + OR = NARRAT OR= narrator;

to DEMONSTRATE = demonstrate + OR = DEMONSTRAT OR= demonstrator, demonstration participant;

to CREATE = create, create + OR = CREAT OR= creator, originator, author;

to SPECULATE = reflect, speculate + OR = SPECULAT OR= thinker, speculator; one who plays on the stock exchange;

3. Denotes objects with the help of which the action expressed by the verb is performed. These can be tools, devices, mechanisms, devices.

For example:

to GENERATE = generate, generate + OR = GENERAT OR= generator;

to ELEVATE = raise + OR = ELEVAT OR= elevator;

to INDICATE = indicate, show + OR = INDICAT OR= indicator, pointer;

to PERFORATE = drill + OR = PERFORAT OR= hammer drill;

to VENTILATE = ventilate, ventilate + OR = VENTILAT OR= fan;

to PROTECT = protect + OR = PROTECT OR= protector;

to SEPARATE = separate + OR = SEPARAT OR= separator;

to CALCULATE = carry out calculations + OR = CALCULAT OR= calculator;

to RADIATE = radiate + OR = RADIAT OR= radiator;

to COMPRESS = compress + OR = COMPRESS OR= compressor;

REVERSE. By the sound of words in Russian, you can guess from which English verb they originated. There are a lot of such words in our everyday life and it would be stupid to look for them in the dictionary. Everyone knows the meaning of words such as LEADER, MANAGER, DIRECTOR, RADIATOR, BATTERY, DECORATOR, INSPECTOR, INDICATOR, CALCULATOR, SEPARATOR, MIXER, COMPUTER, PROTECTOR. Each of these words corresponds to English verb, the meaning of which is clear without translation.

This is a lesson from the series and in it we will look at common noun suffixes: -er/or, -tion, -ing, -ness, -ence/ance (5). The exercises will help you understand how nouns are formed in English, and also prepare for English language exams in the form of the OGE and the Unified State Exam.

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Basic suffixes of nouns in English (grade 9)

Remember these 5 main suffixes. Next, let's take a closer look at each of them.

  1. er/or
  2. ence/ance

1. Suffixes of nouns formed from a verb

verb + Ʌ =noun

  1. -er/or(doer suffix)
    dance - dancer (dance - dancer)
    work - worker
    collect - collector (collect - collector)
    invent - inventor
  2. -tion(process suffix)
    collect - collection (collection, collection)
    invent - invention
  3. -ing
    suffer - suffering (to suffer - suffering)
    warn - warning
    mean - meaning

Remember three suffixes -er (-or), -tion, -ing, with the help of which nouns are formed from a verb.

2. Suffixes of nouns formed from an adjective

adj + Ʌ =noun

  1. -ness
    ill - illness (patient - illness)
    kind - kindness
  2. -ance/ -ence(corresponding adjectives have suffixes: -ant/ -ent)
    important - importance (important - importance)
    different - difference

Remember two suffixes: -ness, -ence (ance), with the help of which nouns are formed from an adjective.

Suffixes of nouns in English. Exercises

-ness & -tion- the most common suffixes of nouns.

Exercise 1. Suffix -ness.Translate the indicated nouns and indicate the adjectives from which they are formed.

foolishness, happiness, seriousness, illness, readiness, richness, strangeness, carelessness, whiteness, cleverness, greatness, brightness

Note. Please note that the letter “y”, as a rule, occurs at the end of a word, but in the middle of the word its double is used - the letter “i”: happ i ness - happy y.

Exercise 2. Suffix –tion and its varieties -ation /-ion/ -sion/ -ssion.Translate the indicated nouns and indicate the verb from which they are formed.

translation, explanation, admiration, celebration, continuation, invitation, pronunciation, exhibition, demonstration, conversation, competition, communication

Exercise 3. Suffix –tion.Rephrase the sentence using a verb derived from it instead of a noun.

EXAMPLE. Their acting was very good. —— They acted very well.

1.His collection of books was mainly on art.
2. The farmer's quick actions saved the building from fire.
3.Her translation of the poem was so good that the professor invited her to take part in a translation contest.
4. The teacher's explanation of the task was clear to everyone.

Exercise 4. Guess the suffix and form nouns with it. Translate them.

  1. weak
  2. polite -
  3. fresh -
  4. ugly -
  5. cold -
  6. dark —
  7. careful -

Exercise 5. Suffix –er.Guess the profession.

EXAMPLE. Someone who bakes bread is a baker

  1. Someone who interviews people is a….
  2. Someone who plays football is a…
  3. Someone who eats well is a…
  4. Someone who sleeps well is a…
  5. Someone who rules the country is a…
  6. Someone who explores new lands is a…
  7. Someone who makes or repairs shoes is a…
  8. Someone who always causes trouble is a…
  9. Someone who makes films is a…
  10. Someone who has traveled to another place for a holiday is a…


  • trouble maker- bully, hooligan
  • holiday maker- vacationer

Exercise 6. If you know the verbs, then adding a suffix –tion you can easily form new words. Translate them into Russian.

  1. collect -
  2. explain -
  3. protect —
  4. prepare -
  5. found —
  6. inform
  7. celebrate -
  8. compose -
  9. create -
  10. decorate —

Exercise 7. Suffix –er/or.Form nouns from these words using suffixes: -er/-or.

Remember: to fail - failure

to construct, to direct, to protect, to transport, to fail, to educate, to manage, to govern, to achieve, to build, to sing, to act, to sleep

Exercise 8. Suffix –ence/ance.Translate and remember pairs of words with the suffixes -ence/-ance:

  1. import ant-import ance
  2. differ ent- differ ence
  3. indifferent - indifference
  4. independent - independence
  5. dependent - dependence
  6. patient - patience
  7. persistent - persistence
  8. insistent - insistence
  9. indulgent - indulgence

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