Rules for using the perfect future continuous tense. Future perfect continuous tense in English

The English language has a very large and initially incomprehensible table of tenses, the “crown” of which, perhaps, is the future tense Future perfect continuous. Judge for yourself who would think of using time, which consists of 4 elements - will have been doing. In this connection only do denotes an action, the remaining words help “wrap” it into context. Even native speakers find it difficult to manage this cumbersome structure, so this tense has practically fallen out of use. But since it exists, we must at least get to know it and its “ younger brothers» future continuous and future perfect.

In English there are different ways to talk about the future:

Their general basis- the action will take place some time after the specified moment.

Rare forms of the future: future continuous, future perfect, future perfect continuous

The Future Continuous in modern English is replaced by Present Continuous. Future Perfect is used very rarely, and Future Perfect Continuous is found only in exceptional cases, because it is much more convenient to express an idea in two simple sentences than to use a cumbersome grammatical construction.

Will be doing - Future Continuous

1) Denotes a process at a specified point in the future. Those. the action will take place at a specific moment in the future.

2) A longer action in the future will be interrupted by a shorter one. The exact moment will be indicated. Note that the difference between the Future Simple is that the Simple implies that the action will have ended by that point in the future. For Continuous, the action will not be completed at this moment.

3) Two processes in the future, we want to emphasize the duration and changes in these processes.

Grammatical form:
Will + be + -ing verb

Will you be waiting for Kate when her plane arrives? — Will you be waiting for Kate when her plane arrives?

Please note that after when the rules will be used conditional offers, so will can no longer be said. Typically, a short action that will interrupt a long one will be specified using these rules. Remember about Non-continuous verbs, i.e. about verbs that are not used in the Continuous.

Will have done - Future Perfect

Denotes the result of an action at some point in the future. Like any perfect, this form of the verb shows that at a time in the future we will have the result of some action.

Grammatical form:
Will + have + 3rd form of the verb

By Sunday, she will have finished reading that book. — By Sunday she will have finished reading that book.
By Sunday, she is going tohave finished reading that book.

With the Future Continuous and Future Perfect it is possible to replace will with am/is/are going to without changing the meaning.

Will have been doing - Future Perfect Continuous

Indicates the duration - how long the action will take place at a time in the future. Like any Perfect Continuous, it answers the question of how long the action takes place. If you are not going to indicate information about this, then you can simplify the predicate verb to the future continuous.

Grammatical form:
Will + have + been + verb with –ing

The President will have been answering the questions for 30 minutes by 11 o’clock. — The President will answer questions for 30 minutes by 11 o’clock.

I will be studying tomorrow at 6 o'clock. — I will study tomorrow at 6 o’clock. Process at the specified moment

I will have studied by 6 o'clock tomorrow . — I’ll have already studied by 6 o’clock tomorrow. Result at the specified time

Many people think that Future Perfect(completed tense) refers to the most complex group English tenses (Perfect), it is not easy to master.

But this is not so, and now you will see everything for yourself.

This tense is used when you want to say that you will do something by a certain time in the future. For example: “I will lose weight by summer. She will have finished her report by Wednesday. We will fix the car before father comes.”

As you can see, we say that in the future we will get a certain result in the future, so this is perfect - perfect tense.

Knowing this tense will significantly diversify your speech and make it richer.

In this article I will explain to you when to use the Future Perfect and how to correctly construct sentences in this tense.

From the article you will learn:

If you are not familiar with the times of the Perfect group, then I advise you to start with the following articles:

Rules for using the Future Perfect tense in English

When we use Future Perfect

1. We use the Future Perfect tense (future perfect/finished) when we say that we will finish something (get a result) by a certain point in time in the future.

For example: I will read this book by the weekend.

2. This tense can also be used to say that one action will end before another occurs.

For example: They will clean the apartment before their parents arrive.

As you can see, understanding the use of this time is very simple. Let's look at a clear example again.

For example, today you are thinking about writing a book, or maybe you have already started writing one. And you tell your friends that by the end of the year (a month, a week, etc.) you will write it. That is, you will have a finished result - a written book.

So you don't get confused Future time Perfect with other future tenses, let's look at their differences.

Difference between Future Perfect, Future Simple and Future Continuous

All these 3 times are very easy to distinguish. Let's see how they differ.

Difference between Future Simple and Future Perfect

Future Simple is translated as "future simple".

We use it when we talk about an action that will happen in the future. Read more about this time.

Let's look at an example:

I will fly to New York.
I'll fly to New York.

In this sentence we are talking about action as fact that will happen in the future.

Now let's look at the sentence in the Future Perfect:

In this sentence you are saying that by a certain time in the future (Friday), the action will have ended and you will receive result- you will be in New York City.

Difference between Future Continuous and Future Perfect

Future Continuous is translated as "future continuous".

We use this tense when we want to emphasize duration of action. That is, the action will begin in the future and will last for some time. You can find out more about this time in this article.

Let's look at an example:

I will be flying to New York this time.
I will be flying to America at this time.

That is, we say that in the future we will board a plane and will be in the process of flying for some time.

Let's go back to our sentence in Future Perfect:

I will have flown to New York by Friday.
I'll be in New York by Friday.

You don’t care how long you will be in flight, that is, the duration/process of the action. Is important to you result- your landing and location in New York.

Tenses comparison table: Future Perfect, Future Simple and Future Continuous

Time Example What do we focus on?
Future Simple

I will clean my room.
I'll clean my room.

We talk about an action as a fact that will happen in the future.

Future Continuous

I will be cleaning my room for 2 hours.
I will clean my room for 2 hours.

We emphasize the duration of an action that will occur in the future. That is, the action will begin in the future and will continue for some time.

Future Perfect I will have cleaned my room by evening.
I will clean my room by evening.
We say that the action will end at a certain point in the future, and we will get the result.

Formation of the Future Perfect tense in English

Sentences in the completed future tense are formed using:

  • auxiliary verb have, which we putin the future tense, adding will to it. It turns out will have;
  • verb in the past tense.

Verbs in the past tense

We put verbs in the Future Perfect in the past tense. There are regular and irregular verbs in English. Depending on the verb, this form is formed as follows:

  • if the verb is correct, then we add the ending -ed to it: cook - cooked, finish - finished.
  • if the verb is irregular, then we put it in the 3rd form: do - done, eat - eaten

There is no rule by which we can determine the correct or irregular verb in front of us. You can only find out by looking it up in a dictionary or memorizing it.

The same is true with forms of irregular verbs. You need to memorize them or look them up in the dictionary.

Scheme for forming an affirmative sentence in the Future Perfect (future perfect tense):

Actor + will have + regular verb with ending -ed or 3rd form of irregular verb

We read
They will have finished
She cooked

I will have cleaned our home by the time you come.
I'll clean our house by the time you come.

She will have passed her exams by the end of summer.
She will take her exams by the end of the summer.

Complex sentences in the Future Perfect

If you are talking about an action that will be completed before some other action occurs in the future, then:

  • in the first part we use the Future Perfect (future complete) - we are talking about an action that we will complete in the future
  • in the second part of the sentence we use the present tense ( Present Simple) - we are talking about an action that will happen after.

Wherein verb (action) in the part where we use Present Simple, will stand in the initial form.

For example:

I will have read this article before you return.
I'll read this article before you come back.

If in the second part the character is he she it, we add ending -s to our verb (action):

They will have cooked dinner by the time she come s.
They will have dinner ready by the time she arrives.


We can shorten will in such a sentence

will = "ll

For example:

They "ll have built a house by the winter.
They will build a house for winter.

Words used in the future completed tense

Very often in the Future Perfect tense we use the following expressions:

by…- To…
by the end of…- by the end…
by the time...- by the time when…
by then- by that time
before- before
when- When

She will have finished it by the end of month.
She will finish it by the end of the month.

They will have built this house by then.
They will have built this house by then.

We will have fixed it by Monday.
We'll have it fixed by Monday.

Negative sentences in the Future Perfect in English

To say that you will not complete an action by a certain point, we use negation.

To form a negative sentence in the future completed tense to the auxiliary verb will we add negative particle not.

Scheme of a negative sentence in the Future Perfect:

Actor + will + not + have + regular verb ending -ed or 3rd form of irregular verb

We read
They will not have finished
She cooked

He will not have repaired a car by then.
He won't have fixed the car by then.

We will not have read an article by the time she calls.
We won't have read the article by the time she calls.


We can shorten will and not like this:

will + not = won't

For example:

They won't have finished his work by evening.
He won't finish his work by evening.

Interrogative sentences in the Future Perfect in English

To ask whether something will be finished by a certain time, we put will first in the sentence.

Scheme interrogative sentence in Future Perfect:

Will + actor + have + regular verb ending -ed or 3rd form of irregular verb

we read?
Will they have finished?
she cooked?

Will they have painted the walls before we return?
Will they paint the walls before we get back?

Will she have watched the movie by then?
Will they have seen the film by then?

Answers to the question in Future Perfect

The answer to the question can be positive or negative.

We can also give:

  • short answer
  • full answer

Short positive answer in the future perfect tense contains the word yes, the agent and auxiliary will have:

Will will have.
Will they do it by Friday? Yes.

Short negative answer starts with no, and to will we add the particle not.

Will won't have.
Will they do it by Friday? No.

Complete positive answer looks like an affirmative sentence, only at the very beginning we put yes.

Will they have done it by Friday? Yes, they will have done it by Friday .
Will they do it by Friday? Yes, they will do it by Friday.

Complete negative answer looks like a negative sentence, only at the very beginning we put no.

Will they have done it by Friday? No, they won't have done it by Friday .
Will they do it by Friday? No, they won't do it by Friday.

So, we have looked at the Future Perfect tense. Let's practice making sentences in this tense.

Reinforcement task

Translate the following sentences into English:

1. He will buy a new car by then.
2. She won't prepare dinner before we arrive.
3. Will they finish this project by the end of the year?
4. He will draw this picture by Friday.
5. We will not translate the article by 5 o'clock.
6. Will you be back by the time we leave?

One of the most difficult tenses in English for a Russian-speaking person is the Future Perfect Continuous Tense. This is due to the fact that there is simply no analogue of the future perfect continuous in Russian. In the Future Perfect Continuous we are always talking about two actions in the future, one of which will begin earlier, but will continue at the time the other occurs. In Russian, this time corresponds to phrases like: “I will have been working on this project for three hours by the time my colleague returns” or “At night I will have already been asleep for two hours when your plane lands.” Of course, Russian people sometimes think in this way, but in general it is not very common for us to compare two actions in the future. However, native English speakers do not refer to this time too often.

In fact, making friends with the Future Perfect Continuous is not at all difficult. After all, there are very few cases of using this tense in English. All you have to do is remember the scheme for constructing sentences with the future perfect continuous. A, which are quite easily recognizable and often intuitive, will help to accurately determine that we are talking about exactly this tense.

In what cases is the Future Perfect Continuous used?

As we have already said, there are very few situations in which we turn to the Future Perfect Continuous, and to be precise, only two:

  1. If we are talking about continuous actions, the duration of which is indicated at a certain point in the future. For example, By the time of his birthday they have been dating for 5 years. - By his birthday they will have been dating for 5 years.
  2. If a long-term action that began earlier will cause a subsequent action in the future. For example, She will be tired when she gets home because she will have been traveling for over 24 hours. - She will be tired when she returns home, because by that time she will have been on the road for more than 24 hours.

It is also important to understand here that if in a subordinate clause in a statement with the Future Perfect Continuous there is a conjunction when (when), then we are turning not to the Future Simple, but to the Present Simple:

When I finish(not I"ll finish) my work she will have been sleeping for over an hour. - When I finish my work, she will have been sleeping for over an hour.

How are sentences constructed in the future perfect continuous tense?

Future Perfect Continuous from the point of view of grammar is a fusion of three tenses: future simple (Future Simple), perfect (Perfect) and simple continuous (Continuous). Therefore, elements of all three of the above English tenses will participate in the formation of this temporary structure. From the future Future Perfect Continuous takes the auxiliary verb will, from the perfect - have been, and from the continuous - the ing form of the semantic verb. We can also say that we obtain the future perfect continuous tense by adding the auxiliary verb to be in the form Future Perfect (will have been) to the semantic verb ending in ing. From here we derive a simple formula for constructing an affirmative sentence in the Future Perfect Continuous:

Subject + will have been + semantic verb with the ending ing.

Johnny will have been studying for 3 hours by the time she arrives. - Johnny will have been studying for 3 hours by the time she arrives.

By the end of the year Jane will have been teaching us for 5 years. - By the end of the year, Jane will have been teaching us for 5 years.

By the time she gets here, we will have been working for 12 hours. - By the time she gets here, we will have been working for 12 hours.

At the same time, in most often act as adverbs of time and are placed both at the beginning and at the end of a sentence.

The question is constructed by rearranging the subject and the auxiliary verb will:

Question word (if present) + will + subject + have been + Ving?

Will they have been eating cake for 15 minutes by the time you bring them coffee? - Will they have been eating the cake for 15 minutes by the time you bring them coffee?

Will I have been feeling better by the time the exams start? - Will I feel better by the time the exams start?

Will I have been working for 5 hours when he finds us? - I will have been working for 5 hours, when will he find us?

In order to express any negative thought, you will need to place the negative particle not (in the abbreviated version won"t) between will and have been:

Subject + will + not + have been + Ving.

By the end of the year Kate will not have been studying Spanish for 3 years. - Kate won't be teaching by the end of this year. Spanish for three years.

By the time you bring them coffee they will not have been eating cake for 15 minutes. - By the time you bring them coffee, they won't eat the cake for 15 minutes.

We won't have been living here for 5 years by next June. - We will not have lived here for 5 years by next June.

Future Perfect Continuous: markers

Future Perfect Continuous markers - these are most often whole phrases, that is, quite cumbersome constructions, although there are also individual words. It is not difficult to remember the indicators of the future perfect continuous tense. In fact, the list of markers of this time includes a couple of words and several similar constructions.

Time indicators Future Perfect Continuous. List

  • Till and until (not yet).I will have been watching TV until you come. - I'll watch TV until you come.
  • for 2 (3, 4, 5...) hours (for/already 2, 3, 4, 5... hours).When you arrive, Julia will have been working for 5 hours. - When you arrive, Julia will have been working for 5 hours.
  • for 2 (3, 4, 5...) weeks (for/already 2, 3, 4, 5... weeks).By the end of the summer the workers will have been constructing this swimming pool for 3 weeks. - By the end of summer, workers will have been building the pool for 3 weeks.
  • for a year (2, 3, 4... years) - during the year (2, 3, 4 years).By the end of the year they will not have been dating for 2 years. By the end of the year, they will not have dated for 2 years.
  • by the end of the hour (by the end of the hour).By the end of the hour she will have been waiting for him for 30 minutes. - By the end of the hour she will have been waiting for him for 30 minutes.
  • by the end of the morning/evening (by the end of the morning/evening).By the end of the morning I will have been waiting for more than 3 hours. - By the end of the morning I will have been waiting for more than 3 hours.
  • by the end of the day (by the end of the day).By the end of the day my mother will have been cooking for 5 hours. - By the end of the day, my mother will have been cooking for 5 hours.
  • by the end of the month (by the end of the month).By the end of the month I will have been studying English for 10 days. - By the end of the month I will be learning English for 10 days.
  • by the end of the year (by the end of the year).By the end of the year John will have been working there for 10 month. - By the end of the year, John will have been working there for 10 months.

It turns out that identifying Future Perfect Continuous is helped by indicator words till/until and phrases starting with the prepositions for and by. That is, if the statement says that by the end of a certain period or/and during a certain time interval actions will take place, then most likely we are talking about the future perfect continuous tense.

Examples with Future Perfect Continuous

In order to get used to the peculiarities of this time, it is recommended to read as much as possible and compose sentences on your own. To begin with, you can take ready-made examples, adapting them to your life situations. When buildingFuture Perfect Continuous indicator wordsextremely important. Without them, the sentence of the future perfect continuous will be incomplete. By this time we can turn to describe both ordinary situations related to work, study, leisure, and to predict some important events from the world of science and art that will happen in the future. Here are some more example sentences with the Future Perfect Continuous:

  1. Betsy won't have been living in London for five years next summer. - By next summer, Betsy won't have lived in London for five years.
  2. By 10 o'clock Jacky will have been writing the article for 3 hours non-stop. - By 10 o’clock Jackie will have been writing an article for three hours without stopping.
  3. They won't have been waiting for more than 3 hours when their train finally arrives. - They won't wait more than 3 hours when their train finally arrives.
  4. By the end of the month my aunt will have been living with her husband for 10 years. - By the end of the month, my aunt will have been living with her husband for 10 years.
  5. Next week this American scientist will have been studying the human brain for 5 years. - Next week it will be 5 years since this American scientist has been studying the human brain.
  6. For how many years will James have been taking part in the Film Festival in Moscow by that time? - How many years will James take part in the film festival in Moscow by then?
  7. When my parents come home my brother will have been talking to his friend for 3 hours. - When my parents come home, my brother will talk to his friend for 3 hours.
  8. How long will you have been talking to your friend when does the film start? - How long will you talk to your friend when the movie starts?
  9. She won"t have been listening to music for 2 hours when you come. - She won’t listen to music for 2 hours when you come.
  10. By the end of the year people will not have been living on the moon for a year. - By the end of the year, people will not live on the moon for a year.
  11. By July I will have been studying English for five months. - By July I will have been studying English for five months.
  12. He will have been working at that company for 5 years when it finally closes. - He will work for this company for 5 years when it finally closes.

In addition to the above-mentioned time markers starting with the words by the end, the preposition for, as well as the conjunction when (when), in the presented examples you can also notice the followingFuture Perfect Continuous tense indicators, such as the adjective next, which is generally characteristic of the future.

It is important to understand that some sentences in the Future Perfect Continuous may sound ridiculous when translated literally into Russian. A Russian-speaking person is unlikely to say that by the end of this month his aunt will have been married to his uncle for 10 years. After all, this same idea can be formulated much more simply by saying that at the end of the month it is the relatives’ wedding anniversary. This is why translating phrases with the Future Perfect Continuous can sometimes cause some difficulties. To avoid this, it is important to understand in what cases this tense is used.

Usually, the study of the grammar of English tenses is completed with the least used and almost never encountered constructions in speech. Today we will consider one of these cases - the category of future perfect continuous. The desire to use this multi-element and confusing aspect rarely arises even among the most prim Englishmen, who zealously honor the traditions of the language, let alone Americans, and even more so foreigners...

But, it is still worth having an idea about this design, otherwise you may end up in awkward situation, misunderstanding the meaning of the interlocutor’s phrase or the context of a sentence in an artistic or journalistic text. Let's find out what the construction of this tense consists of, what its behavior is in the active and passive voice, and in what cases it will still be necessary to use this particular tense form.

If you try to translate the name of this group of tenses, you will literally get the expression “ future perfect continuous" actions. Or, if we take the second name future perfect progressive, we get “ completely progressive in the future" actions. It is unlikely that it will be possible to adapt the translation into Russian into a more correct short phrase, since the meaning of time is difficult to describe in three words. Let us try to analyze in detail what factors make up the meaning of expressions with this aspect.

Firstly, since the construction contains a continuum, it means that we are talking about a long-term action that is in the process of execution. But how to connect process with perfection? English grammar answers this question as follows: the perfect progressive allows us to denote an action that began quite a long time ago, is happening at the moment and, most likely, will continue to happen. And here we pay attention to the last factor, that is, to the future, and we understand that in our case this action will definitely be performed beyond the present moment. Let's give a simple example.

  • We will have been studying Chinese language for 3 years by 2019 – K2019Wewe willlearnChineselanguage3 years.

The meaning of what has been said is that we started teaching it a long time ago, we are teaching it now, and by 2019 it will be 3 years since we have been teaching it. Note the cumbersome predicate this proposal. The love of English speakers for various simplifications and abbreviations, of course, completely contradicts the use of this type of tense. Therefore, most often, the phrase is transformed into Future Continuous, Simple or any other method of expressing the future, of which the English language is rich. But, since some people prefer to construct such extensive sentences, it is worth studying the composition of such predicates.

Building structures in a sentence

According to the norms of English grammar, this aspect of time is used both in real and in passive voice (active and passive voice). Let's study each type separately and draw up generalized diagrams. According to good tradition, we will consolidate the received theory by completing exercises of varying complexity for the future perfect continuous.

Active voice

To form an affirmative form, it is necessary to combine in the predicate such grammatical elements as: the word-helper for creating the future tense will, the perfect infinitive of the verb to be (=have been) and the present participle, that is, participle I.

  • We(1) will (2) have been(3)painting(4) the pictures for an hour when mother allows us to go in the yard(5) Wewe willpaintthesepaintingsmorehour, WhenMotherwill allowusgoinyard.

When constructing sentences with subordinate clauses attached by time conjunctions, it is important to remember that they cannot use the future tense. Therefore, their predicate is always put in the form of aspects of the present group. The order of words may change slightly if it is necessary to emphasize the circumstance of time.

  • By next April, our teacher will have already been working at our school for 25 years – KnextApril, ourteacherwillworkVourschoolalready25 years.

Please note that when translating, the meaning of phrases is conveyed by imperfective verbs.

To express a question, the predicate is divided and the auxiliary will is put in first place.

  • Will he have been writing his poem for the whole year before they sign a contract with him? - Hewillwritemypoemwholeyear, beforehowTheywill signWithhimContract?

If there are special interrogative constructions, will gives way to them.

  • Howlongwill youhave been living inthisflatbynextyear? – How long will you live in this apartment by next year?

When denoting the negation of an action in the future perfect progressive (continuous), the word not is added to the verb will, and the combination we are already familiar with will not or in the abbreviated form won’t.

  • In two weeks, I will not have been writing a single line of a new novel for 7 month – Viatwoweekswillalready7 months, HowINotwritingneitherlinesnewnovel.
  • By the end of the week, you won't have been doing your homework for 5 days – KendweeksYouNotyou willfulfillhomeI've been working for 5 days already.

The English language also allows you to use a special type of expressions in which negative questions are used. At the same time, in the official form, not remains in the same place, but in informal speech, the abbreviated construction won’t comes completely forward. Let's look at examples of sentences of this type.

  • Will he not have been driving for 8 hours before I replace him – Isn’t itHeNotwillbehindsteering wheel8 ocloc'k, beforehowII'll replace ithis?
  • Won't she have been cooking pizza for 30 minutes, when we come? - Is it possible?sheNotwillpreparepizzaalready30 minutes, WhenWewe'll come?

This is how this tense is used in the active voice. Next, we’ll find out what its forms look like in passive structures.

Passive voice

As already stated, the norms of grammar theoretically allow the use of a category called future continuous passive in expressions of this aspect. But it’s worth mentioning right away that such usage is not at all typical for English speech, and moreover, many linguists consider it completely unacceptable. In many textbooks there is information that passive voice constructions are used only for continuous tenses of the Present and Past Progressive groups. But, nevertheless, these combinations are not officially recognized as incorrect, so let’s take note of their construction.

As in active form, to compose the predicate you will need will and have been. But otherwise the designs differ. To convey duration, a new element is introduced - being, and the main meaning falls on the past participle (participle II).

  • Thepromotionalvideo (1) will (2) have been (3) being (4) demonstrated (5) bytheFirstChannelbeforetheelectionsbegin (6) – This commercial will be shown by Channel One before the elections begin.

Please note that in this case the preposition by expresses not time, but the main character.

You may notice that in the passive voice there is a double use of to be (been and being). It is this “butter oil” that causes controversy about the incorrectness of using this form in the future perfect continuous. Stylistically, the phrase sounds ugly, but from a grammatical point of view, everything is correct. Still, most Englishmen would prefer to remove the doubled to be and replace this construction with a simple future perfect.

  • Thepromotionalvideo will have been demonstrated bytheFirstChannelbeforetheelectionsbegin – This commercial will be shown by Channel One before the elections begin.

Future perfect continuous – summary table

Let's compose a generalized table in which we give examples of constructions and sentences different types. This cheat sheet will help you complete any exercise and will be useful when translating texts with a similar structure.

Future perfect continuous tense
Category + ?
Active voice willhavebeen pr.I(-ing)…

Mary will have been singing this song at her concerts until they forbid her to do it.

Mary will sing this song at her concerts until they stop her from doing so.

Will...have been. I (-ing) ...?

Will you have been playing the performance for a year when you take part in the contest?

Will you be performing this performance for a year already when you take part in the competition?

… will not (won’t) have been. I(-ing)…

By June Jack Brown won't have been writing the verses for 9 months.

By June it will be 9 months since Jack Brown wrote these poems.

Passive voice …will have been being. II (-

The song will have been being sung by Mary at her concerts until they forbid her to do it.

This song will be performed by Mary at her concerts until they stop her from doing so.

Will …have been being. II (-ed or 3 form cont. verb) ...?

Will the performance have been being played by you for a year when you take part in the contest?

Will you be performing this performance for a year already, when will you take part in the competition?

…will not have been being. II (-ed or 3 form cont. verb) ...

By June the universes won't have been written by Jack Brown for 9 months.

By June it will be 9 months since these poems were written by Jack Brown.

Hello, hello, my wonderful readers.

Already from the title of the article it becomes clear: neither you nor I, nor the English themselves use the Future Perfect Continuous Tense very often. But it still won’t hurt to know it, because you can go to study abroad or even somewhere you will come across an assignment with this time. Therefore, today we will analyze rules and examples, exercises with answers and even a test.

How is it formed

The education of time consists, perhaps, of everything that we have already taught before. Let's take a closer look:

Subject + auxiliary verbs will\shall + have been + predicate ending –ing. + additions and circumstances.

We shall have been producing this range of products for 6 months by the start of the year. -By the beginning of the year we will be producing this line of products for 6 months.

We shall have been spending a vacation in this country for the 10th time by the middle of the year. - By the middle of the year we will be spending our holidays in this country for the 10th time.

To make this tense negative, add the particle not immediately after the particle will or shall.

If we put the auxiliary verb at the very beginning of the sentence, we get an interrogative sentence.

When to use

The use of this tense has one simple function: to emphasize that the action lasted. With all this, we are talking about an event that will begin in the future and continue thereafter. Let's look at example sentences with translation. Note that any example can be translated into Russian with the words: “It will already be [ 2 years, 3 months, 5 years, etc.] How..."

This time in two years I shall have been publishing books for 20 years. - At this time, in two years, I will have been publishing books for 20 years.

By the start of the week we shall have been preparing this financial statement for a month. - By the beginning of the week, we will have been preparing this financial report for a month (By the beginning of the week, it will have been a month since we have been preparing this financial report).

By the middle of the winter I shall have been taking part in this competition for 2 years. - By mid-winter it will be two years since I have taken part in this competition.

This is where the rule, in fact, ends. Apparently this is why it is used so rarely. But still this does not negate the need to secure it well. , where exercises with answers and a test await you. Test yourself and your knowledge and share your results and questions in the comments.

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And I say goodbye for today.

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