The existence of other worlds. How to get into a parallel world

The belief in the existence of invisible neighbors borders on fantasy. Or with a sick imagination. That's what the skeptics say. And supporters stand their ground and give as many as 10 arguments in favor of an alternative reality.

1. Many-Worlds Interpretation

The question of the uniqueness of all things worried great minds long before the authors of science fiction novels. The ancient Greek philosophers Democritus, Epicurus and Metrodorus of Chios thought about it. Alternate universes are also spoken of in Hindu sacred texts.

For official science, this idea was born only in 1957. American physicist Hugh Everett created the theory of many worlds, designed to fill gaps in quantum mechanics. In particular, find out why light quanta behave either like particles or like waves.

According to Everett, each event leads to a split and copying of the Universe. In this case, the number of “clones” is always equal to the number of possible outcomes. And the sum of the central and new universes can be depicted in the form of a branched tree.

2. Artifacts of unknown civilizations

Some finds baffle even the most experienced archaeologists.

For example, a hammer discovered in London, dated to 500 million BC, that is, a period when there was not even a hint of Homosapiens on Earth!

Or a computing mechanism that allows you to determine the trajectory of stars and planets. A bronze analogue of the computer was caught in 1901 near the Greek island of Antikythera. Research on the device began in 1959 and continues to this day. In the 2000s, it was possible to calculate the approximate age of the artifact - 1st century BC.

So far nothing indicates a fake. There are three versions left: the computer was invented by representatives of an unknown ancient civilization, lost by time travelers, or... planted by people from other worlds.

3. Teleportation Victim

The mysterious story of Spaniard Lerin Garcia began on an ordinary July morning when she woke up in an alien reality. But I didn’t immediately understand what had happened. It was still 2008, Lerin was 41 years old, she was in the same city and house where she went to bed.

Only the pajamas and bedding changed their color dramatically overnight, and the closet ran into another room. The office where Lerin worked for 20 years was not there. Soon the ex-fiancé, who had been dismissed six months ago, materialized “at home.” Even a private detective could not figure out where the current friend of his heart had gone...

Alcohol and drug tests were negative. As well as consultation with a psychiatrist. The doctor attributed the incident to stress. The diagnosis did not satisfy Lerin and prompted her to search for information about parallel worlds. She was never able to return to her native dimension.

4. Deja vu in reverse

The essence of déjà vu does not boil down to the familiar vague feeling of “repetition” and everyday foresight. This phenomenon has an antipode - jamevu. People who have experienced it suddenly stop recognizing familiar places, old friends and scenes from films they have watched. Regular jamevu indicates mental disorders. And isolated and rare memory failures also occur in healthy people.
A striking illustration is the experiment of English neuropsychologist Chris Moulin. 92 volunteers had to write the word “doors” 30 times in a minute. As a result, 68% of subjects seriously doubted the existence of the word. A glitch in thinking or instantaneous leaps from reality to reality?

5. The Roots of Dreams

Despite the abundance of research methods, the reason for the appearance of dreams still remains a mystery. According to the generally accepted view of sleep, the brain merely processes information accumulated in reality. And it translates it into pictures - the most convenient format for the sleeping mind. Solution number two - the nervous system sends chaotic signals to the sleeping person. They are transformed into colorful visions.

According to Freud, in dreams we gain access to the subconscious. Freed from the censorship of consciousness, it hastens to tell us about repressed sexual desires. The fourth point of view was first expressed by Carl Jung. What you see in a dream is not a fantasy, but a specific continuation of a full life. Jung also saw a code in the dream images. But not from suppressed libido, but from the collective unconscious.
In the middle of the last century, psychologists started talking about the possibility of controlling sleep. Appropriate manuals have appeared. The most famous was the three-volume instruction manual by American psychophysiologist Stephen LaBerge.

6. Lost between two Europes

In 1952, a strange passenger appeared at Tokyo airport. Judging by the visas and customs stamps in his passport, he has flown to Japan many times over the past 5 years. But in the “Country” column there was a certain Taured. The owner of the document assured that his homeland was a European state with a thousand-year history. The “alien” presented a driver’s license and bank statements obtained in the same mysterious country.

Citizen Taured, no less surprised than the customs officers, was left overnight at a nearby hotel. The immigration officers who arrived the next morning did not find him. According to the receptionist, the guest did not even leave the room.

Tokyo police have found no trace of the missing Taured. Either he escaped through a window on the 15th floor, or he managed to transport himself back.

7. Paranormal activity

“Alive” furniture, noises of unknown origin, ghostly silhouettes hovering in the air in photographs... Meetings with the dead occur not only in the movies. For example, many mystical incidents in the London underground.

At Aldwych station, which closed in 1994, intrepid Brits hold parties, make films and periodically see a female figure walking along the tracks. The subway section near the British Museum is occupied by the mummy of an ancient Egyptian princess. Since the 1950s, a dandy has been frequenting Covent Garden, dressed in the fashion of the late 19th century and literally melting before our eyes when anyone pays attention to him...

Materialists brush aside dubious facts, believing

contacts with spirits, hallucinations, mirages and outright lies of storytellers. Then why has humanity clung to ghost stories for centuries? Perhaps the mythical kingdom of the dead is one of the alternative realities?

8. Fourth and fifth dimensions

The length, height and width visible to the eye have already been studied lengthwise and crosswise. The same cannot be said about the other two dimensions, which are absent in Euclidean (traditional) geometry.

The scientific community has not yet delved into the intricacies of the space-time continuum discovered by Lobachevsky and Einstein. But there has already been talk about a higher – fifth – dimension, accessible only to those with psychic talents. It is also open to those who expand consciousness through spiritual practices.

If we put aside the guesswork of science fiction writers, almost nothing is known about the non-obvious coordinates of the Universe. Presumably, it is from there that supernatural beings come into our three-dimensional space.

9. Rethinking the double-slit experiment

Howard Weissman is convinced that the duality of the nature of light is the result of the contact of parallel worlds. The Australian researcher's hypothesis connects Everett's many-worlds interpretation with the experience of Thomas Young.

The father of the wave theory of light published a report on the famous double-slit experiment in 1803. Jung installed a projection screen in the laboratory, and in front of it was a dense screen-screen with two parallel slits. Then light was directed onto the cracks made.

Part of the radiation behaved like an electromagnetic wave - light stripes that passed straight through the slits were reflected on the rear screen. Another half of the light flux appeared as a cluster of elementary particles and scattered across the screen.
“Each of the worlds is limited by the laws of classical physics. This means that without their intersection, quantum phenomena would simply be impossible,” explains Weissman.

10. Large Hadron Collider

The multiverse is not just a theoretical model. French astrophysicist Aurélien Barrot came to this conclusion while observing the operation of the Large Hadron Collider. More precisely, the interaction of protons and ions placed in it. The collision of heavy particles produced results incompatible with conventional physics.

Barro, like Weissman, interpreted this contradiction as a consequence of the collision of parallel worlds.

The theory of “parallel worlds” has long been used by fans and authors of science fiction works, both in the genre of science fiction and fantasy and other trends in this direction.

What is a parallel world in the minds of the average person? This is a world almost the same as ours, but inhabited by elves, gnomes and goblins. Or the same one, inhabited by people, but history in it took a different path - for example, the Spaniards did not destroy the Inca state, and it happily survived until the modern period. Could this be possible?

Parallel worlds in human history

The idea of ​​the existence of other worlds is apparently as old as humanity itself. Over the course of their history, many peoples have come up with a wide variety of parallel reality options. Valhalla, the Kingdom of Heaven, Svarga, Iriy, Olympus and its divine inhabitants, Shambhala - all these are “parallel worlds”, the existence of which for millions of people of the past was almost as indisputable and real as life in a neighboring country.

In addition, in the mythology of every nation you can find some kind of magical “”, which you can get to in certain circumstances. As a rule, those who find themselves in this country find themselves in a magical world, where they spend several hours cheerfully and happily, dancing or feasting with its inhabitants.

But after returning to his world, it turns out that years or even decades have passed since the disappearance of the unlucky traveler, all his peers have aged, his parents have died, and his children have grown up.

It is curious that this plot exists in fairy tales and legends of many peoples of Europe and Asia.

Modern science and parallel worlds

The founder of the theory of parallel worlds in science is considered to be the American physicist Hugh Everett, who published his theory in 1954. In this way, he tried to substantiate the strange behavior of the smallest particles of matter at the quantum level, which in different series of experiments of the same type demonstrated completely different states.

Everett expressed the opinion that particles simultaneously exist in all their states, but the intervention of an observer who tries to measure and record them leads to a split in our world. At this moment, our Universe splits, and if in one version of reality the scientist records the wave nature of particles, then in another - the corpuscular nature.

Any interference in the structure of the world leads to its split. Quantum physics today is engaged in research, including this theory.

No less interesting is string theory, developed by the Japanese Michao Kaku. It refers to the subquantum level of existence of the Universe and says that at the heart of everything that exists are the thinnest strings stretched throughout space, of which elementary particles are composed. The vibration of these strings determines the behavior of a particular substance.

Kaku calculated that this structure of the world provides the basis for as many as 11 dimensions, and they exist completely independently of each other. There are still quite a lot of different scientific theories, but in general, science today does not deny the possibility of the existence of parallel worlds.

How to get to a parallel world?

Since scientists have not yet invented a device that would open the door for us to one or many parallel worlds, we will have to turn to the same myths and legends. As we can find out, each of those who found themselves in another reality had to go through a kind of tunnel, at the exit from which he was greeted by an amazing fairy-tale world, unlike the reality that surrounded him.

Perhaps, in some corners of the Universe, parallel worlds touch, and the boundary between them becomes quite unsteady. Anyone lucky enough to be nearby at this time can overcome it, and if lucky, return back.

Of course, a walk into a parallel world is an exciting adventure, but those who visited there paid an extremely high price for it: they found themselves cut off from their time, from family and friends. Is a few hours of adventure worth such a sacrifice?

In any case, transition tunnels do not await us at every step. If someone wants to get into a parallel world, the only advice here can be this: study physics, become scientists and invent ways to get there, beyond the world we are familiar with.


    Every person encounters unusual phenomena in his life. It seems to me that parallel worlds consist of some transparent information fields. But in reality they are pests for us. They somehow look like radio-controlled cars. For example, a sorcerer asks them to do something bad, they certainly do it. Anyone who strongly believes in their miracle - descendants over time turns into a miracle to the devil.


    If you measure the life of parallel worlds at the level of space, they are also hungry wandering creatures. I think a person should not have to live a real life dictated by nature. It is better to perceive the laws of science. The laws of parallel worlds are hostile for humans.


    There are two types of parallel worlds: “natural” and “artificial”. Upon contact with the Powers of the Super Ring, They told me, - In your 3-dimensional spatial world there are concepts of time, distance, but you do not see that next to you, right there, through the wall (are you surprised?) there are four-dimensional, five-dimensional, six-dimensional, ... ten-dimensional spaces that are not available to you.

    And the distance - extend your hand, and you are with them! Your knowledge is approximately 0.001% complete so far. -But you on Earth confuse “parallel worlds” and other dimensions, - This is what the Higher Powers said upon contact, - You have “positive” and “negative axes” on the Cartesian coordinate system.

    So you have “positive” axes with “positive parallel worlds”, and on the “negative” axes there will already be “negative” (“destructive”) “parallel worlds”.

    Therefore, the concept of “parallel worlds” is essentially the concept of “dimensions”. One dimension is available to only Minds and They live and exist in them. Another dimension is available to Other Minds and They inhabit and live in them.

    And you need to already know about this, and knowledge is the most valuable thing in space, let’s call it that in Space, in the Universe, in Galaxies. And we must strive for them. “Parallel worlds” are, on the one hand, an independent phenomenon, and on the other, an artificial one.

    Some of the stars we know also have their own “parallel worlds,” but not all stars have “parallel worlds.” Therefore, representatives of the Higher Powers admit that even They do not know their exact number. “Parallel worlds” are used by the Higher Powers mainly for various Cosmic experiments in different specific areas of the Universe and the Universe!!!

    At one of the contacts with the Forces of the Super Ring, I asked Them a question: do our astronomers find “Black Holes” in almost every Galaxy?! And this is what the Forces answered: Do you take these vortices that you see in Galaxies to be “Black Holes”? No, these are not “Black Holes”, they are just vortices. This is a change of time, a change of time axes and transitions to other dimensions (to other “parallel worlds”) in the Galaxies.

    — So it turns out that there is only one “Black Hole” in the Universe?! – I asked a question. - There is only one in your Universe!!

    My question to the Powers of the Super Ring followed immediately: “So you are also in our Universe?” - Not quite like that. Our concept of the Universe is completely different from yours. You live in 3-dimensional space, and We live in 120-dimensional space (that is, our Universe actually consists of 120 “parallel Universes”)! Your concept of time is for Us one moment, which is almost unnoticeable!

    But those “parallel worlds” that were created artificially were endowed with certain functions. There is a certain form of existence of plants and, of course, their certain perception from the outside.

    For example, the Hyperboreans, who still live on our planet and live precisely in the “artificial parallel world” on our Earth, are ahead of us in development in all respects and continue to perform their specific tasks and functions on Earth!!!

    And so that you can understand at least a little, I’ll tell you what MATTER is!!?? But I will answer not in my own words, but in the words that were spoken by the Higher Powers. This is how they answered the question, what is matter?

    - Matter is not a solid substance, and the foundations of precisely such perception are laid in your (human) world. That is why many worlds (“parallel worlds”) can exist at one point.


    We have very little knowledge. Why? We have simply forgotten how to contact different higher Minds and receive various useful information from Them, and due to our “ignorance” we find ourselves and live in our own “ISOLATED” world. Therefore, the world of our Earth at the moment is an “isolated world” from all those worlds where people like us live.

    But only They have learned to receive energy from the Stars and therefore they use this energy very powerfully and they even know that they have such knowledge that when Their Star goes out, they can quite easily move to another place of their residence. What can we say about the Universe if we know almost nothing about ourselves!!!

    And about yourself, you know, as the Higher Powers said upon contact, somewhere around 0.001%, and your knowledge, if compared with Us, is like that of “trainees” from kindergarten and you simply need to develop and – develop!! ! And a person, possessing “mind-blowing abilities,” is able to move with his body in space and time without using any technical means! But you don't know how to do this yet and therefore cannot use this property.

    This is the whole paradox of the existing problem!!! The trouble is that many processes in the human body occur not in our 3-dimensional space, but in higher planes that are inaccessible to us at this time and about which we currently have almost zero knowledge.

    And when the 4th dimension is available to us, then this concept will be available to us!!! But the fact is that the 4th dimension will just be a transitional phase in the development of humanity. If you compare it, it’s like a corridor between two rooms. Therefore, humanity is actually moving towards the 5th dimension. And it is there that he will receive all sorts of other knowledge about different dimensions and proportions and about the time dependence of a person.

    • Oleg

      YES! We are not as developed as them! You don't know how far we are from them! We ourselves are to blame for this! Look what we are doing to ourselves and the planet!

      We have polluted our PLANET instead of making the planet a FLOWERING GARDEN! Clean the rivers and streams, breed river fish in them, clean the forest from dead wood and dead wood, breed birds, squirrels and hedgehogs in the forest! Put KINDERGARTENS, clinics for children and adults in villages, so that people get treatment in the village, and don’t go to the city to get treatment!

      So that there is all sorts of work for everyone! Cut taxes on everything until we provide for ourselves first! Until there are no excess profits, but after that taxes can be introduced, of course, within reasonable limits! A decent salary and pension so that people can live and not survive! Then they will see and want to communicate with us! But now, unfortunately, this is not possible! And here’s one more thing: A parallel world is needed only to take people from this world (the best of the best, the most worthy) to populate another planet, the same as ours, only a million times cleaner! There are no wars, there are no politicians and policies, there are no oligarchs, there is no pain and tears, everyone is equal there!

      The streams and rivers there are not polluted, the oceans there are clean, the air is clean there! And when our planet goes into oblivion, that same planet will take its place! Everyone who died on this one will live on that one, because they are pure both in heart and soul, both in soul and in their thoughts! But we probably won’t get there for what we did on this one, unless we truly repent! We will not repent now and here, and we will not begin to correct everything that we have done! Only this way and no other way! There is a PARALLEL world that you may have heard something about? It's called BELOVODIE! people call them ARIES! YES! There are such people! They can visit our world (WORLD OF PEOPLE) They can go there (to a parallel world and come to ours!) But did you know that these people are WIZARDS who can walk through walls, can bring the dead back to life, heal people from all sorts of diseases, even incurable ones! They can perform operations with their bare hands (without knives and scalpils, without suturing the wound), if suddenly a meteorite approaches the EARTH and threatens to collide, they will avert trouble by deflecting its trajectory! If the military launches a rocket and it deviates from the set course and also threatens the EARTH and people, they will prevent trouble by destroying it without causing any harm to anyone! Also, they know how to split ATOMIC nuclei, these are also seeds! They can also create a small hurricane, a PILLAR filled with electricity (20,000 VOLT) 1.5 meters high - a perfect weapon!

      And if anyone touched these “GATES”, or fell into the field of action of these “GATES”, he died! and what happened to the bodies can only be defined by the word MUMMIFICATION! Others from cancer, others from radiation sickness! “GATEWAY to BELOVODIE” is in every city and every village! Both in the forest and in the water! When people disappear and are not found, know that they have passed through the “GATE!” “Only those who are pure in SOUL and HEART can pass through them, as well as with pure thoughts and nothing more! The rest will die! When people drown and are not found, they say the bottom is to blame! - BULLSHIT!

      There is no 2nd bottom! No and never has been! This “GATE TO BELOVODIE” has been opened! That's where they went! And also, if anytime, anywhere, you see a bright PURPLE-PURPLE flash and after that, immediately, “very thick, dense smoke, fog” appears, please do not expect very dire consequences, run away from this place without looking back! Don't fall into this! Too many people died from this! Trust me!

For thousands of years, people have wanted to cross the threshold of mystery and find out what lies on the other side of reality. How to get to another world? There is no final answer to this question, but it is simply impossible to turn a blind eye to the huge number of facts, testimonies of real people and scientific explanations.

What is a parallel world?

The parallel world, or the fifth dimension, is a space invisible to the human eye that exists along with the real life of people. There is no dependence between him and the ordinary world. It is believed that its size can vary greatly: from a pea to the universe. Patterns of events, rules of physics and other “firm” statements that are valid in the human world may not work at all in the invisible reality. Everything that happens there may have slight deviations from the usual way of life or differ radically.


The multiverse is an invention of science fiction writers. Recently, scientists are increasingly turning to the works of science fiction writers, because many years of observational experience have shown that they almost always predict with amazing accuracy the development of events and the future of humanity. The concept of the multiverse suggests that, in addition to the world familiar to earthlings, there are a huge number of unique worlds. Moreover, not all of them are material. The earth is connected to other invisible realities at the level of spiritual connection.

Speculation about the existence of parallel worlds

Since ancient times, there has been much speculation about whether the fifth dimension actually exists. It’s interesting that the question of how to get to another world was asked by great minds of the distant past. Similar thoughts can be found in the works of Democritus, Epicurus and Metrodorus of Chios. Some have even tried to prove the existence of the “other side” through scientific research. Democritus argued that absolute emptiness conceals a large number of worlds. Some of them, he says, are very similar to ours, even in the smallest details. Others are completely different from earthly reality. The thinker substantiated his theories based on the basic principle of isonomy - equal probability. Pundits of the past also spoke about the unity of time: the past, present, future are at one point. It follows from this that making the transition is not so difficult; the main thing is to understand the mechanism of transition from one point to another.

Modern science

Modern science does not at all deny the possibility of the existence of other worlds. This moment is studied in detail, something new is constantly discovered. Even the fact that scientists around the world accept the theory of the multiverse already speaks volumes. Science substantiates this assumption using the principles of quantum mechanics, and supporters of this theory believe that there are an incredible number of possible worlds - up to 10 to the five hundredth power. There is also an opinion that the number of parallel realities is not at all limited. However, science cannot yet answer the question of how to get into a parallel world. Every year more unknown things are discovered. Perhaps in the near future people will be able to travel instantaneously between universes.

Esotericists and psychics claim that it is quite possible to get into another world. However, please note that this is not always safe. In order to penetrate the secret world, it is necessary to change the way the brain works. It is advisable to practice the following: lying on the bed, try to fall asleep, relax your body, but keep your mind conscious. Achieving this or similar consciousness will be difficult at first, but it is worth continuing to try.

The main problem for beginners is that it is very difficult to relax the body and be conscious at the same time. In such cases, a person unbearably wants to twitch, move at least a little, or he simply falls asleep. About a month of training - and you will be able to accustom your body to such practice. After this, you should plunge deeper into the new state. Every time new sounds, voices, pictures will appear. Soon it will be possible to move to another reality. The main thing is not to fall asleep, but to realize that you have crossed the threshold of a parallel world. This method is also possible in another variation. You need to do the same thing, but immediately after waking up. Having opened your eyes, you need to fix your body, but keep your mind awake. In this case, immersion into another world occurs faster, but many cannot stand it and fall asleep again. In addition, you need to wake up only at a certain time - preferably around 4 am, since it is during this period that a person is at his most subtle.

Another way is meditation. The key difference from the first method is that there is no connection with sleep, and the process itself must occur in a sitting position. The difficulty of this approach lies in the need to clear the mind of unnecessary thoughts that constantly visit a person as soon as he tries to concentrate. There are many techniques to tame unruly thoughts. For example, you should not interrupt the flow, but give it freedom, but not join in, but be just an observer. You can also concentrate on numbers, a specific point, etc.

The danger that other worlds conceal

The reality of parallel worlds is fraught with many unknowns. But the real threat that can be encountered on the other side is malevolent entities. In order to control your fear and avoid trouble, you need to know who and what causes anxiety. Entering a parallel world will be much easier if you know that frightening entities are just products of the past. Fears from childhood, movies, books, etc. - all this can be found in parallel reality. The main thing is to understand that these are only phantoms, not real beings. As soon as the fear of them disappears, they will disappear on their own. Residents of invisible worlds are mostly friendly or indifferent. They are unlikely to frighten or create trouble, but still you should not irritate them. However, there is still a chance to meet an evil spirit. In this case, it is enough to overcome your fear, because there will still be no harm from the activity of the otherworldly entity. Do not forget that the past, present, and future are in contact, so there is always a way out. You can also think about home, and then the soul will most likely return to the body.

How to get to a parallel world through an elevator

Esotericists claim that the elevator can help in the transition to a parallel world. It serves as a “door” that you need to be able to open. It is best to travel through the elevator at night or in the dark. You must be alone in the booth. It is worth noting that if any person enters the elevator during the ritual, nothing will succeed. After entering the cabin, you should move through the floors in the following order: 4-2-6-2-1. Then you should go to the 10th floor and go down to the 5th. A woman will enter the booth, you cannot talk to her. You should press the button for the 1st floor, but the elevator will go to the 10th. You cannot press other buttons, since the ritual will be interrupted. How do you know when the transition is complete? There will only be you in the parallel reality. It should be noted that there is no point in looking for a companion - the escort was not a person. In order to get into the human world, you need to perform a ritual with the elevator (floors, buttons) in the reverse order.

Gateway to another reality

You can penetrate another reality with the help of a mirror, because it is a mystical gateway to all other worlds. It is used by sorcerers and magicians who have the necessary knowledge. Passing through the mirror is always successful. In addition, with its help you can not only travel to other universes, but also cast magic. That is why the custom of hanging mirrors after a person’s death continues to this day. This is done for a reason, because the soul of the deceased wanders around his home throughout the day. Thus, the astral body says goodbye to its past life. The soul itself is unlikely to want to harm its relatives, but at such moments a portal opens through which various entities can enter the room. They can frighten or try to drag the astral body of a living person into a parallel reality.

There are several rituals with mirrors. To answer the question of how people get into parallel worlds, it is necessary to understand the essence of the mirror ritual, because it is this object that is the original guide to another world.

Mirror and candles

This is an ancient method that is still used today. You need to place two mirrors opposite each other. They must be parallel. The candle must be purchased in advance from the temple. You need to place it between the mirrors so that you get a corridor of many candles. Don’t be alarmed if the flame starts to sway, this could very well happen. This means that invisible entities are already with you. You can use more than just candles for this ritual. LEDs or color panels are suitable. But it is best to use candles, since their blinking corresponds to the frequency of the human brain. This helps a person enter a meditative state. But you must enter it, because, being conscious, you can get very scared. The consequence may be not only an interrupted ritual, but also another entity joining you. The ritual must be performed in complete darkness and silence. There should only be one person in the room.

Mirror and prayer

You need to buy a round mirror on Saturday. Its perimeter should be covered with the words “Our Father” on the contrary, written in red ink. On Thursday night you need to place a mirror under the pillow, mirror side up. You need to turn off the light, go to bed and say your name backwards. This must be done until sleep overtakes. A person will wake up in another world. In order to get out of another reality, you need to find an animal in it that will be exactly the same as in real life, and follow it. The danger of the whole action is that the guide may never be found, and the astral body will forever remain in a parallel world or, even worse, between worlds.

Path to the past

For many years and even centuries, people have wanted to know the answer to the question of how to go back in time. There are two known ways that can move a person in time. The most famous are “wormholes” - small tunnels in space that serve as a link between the past and the present. But... Scientific research shows that the “hole” will close faster than a person can cross its threshold. Based on this, it can be argued that as soon as scientists find a way to delay the opening of the tunnel, they will become justified not only from an esoteric, but also from a scientific position.

The second way is to visit places on Earth that have a certain energy. Such journeys have a huge amount of real evidence. Moreover, sometimes people don’t even know how to get into the past, but end up there by accident, having visited an energetically strong place on the Earth. A territory with pronounced supernatural energy is called a “place of power.” It has been scientifically verified that the operation of any installations there deteriorates or even fails. And those indicators that can be measured are off the charts.

Working with the subconscious

Another way is to work with the subconscious. How to get to a parallel world using your brain? Quite difficult, but doable. To do this, you need to enter a state of strong relaxation, create a gate and go through the portal. Sounds simple, but to achieve results. several factors are required: great desire, mastery of meditation techniques, the ability to visualize space in detail and... lack of fear. Many people say that when they achieve results, they often lose touch with the other world out of fear. It takes some time to overcome it, so you should be prepared to find yourself in another reality at any moment.

This question did not arise today. Indeed, do parallel worlds exist in real life or is it a figment of our imagination?

There are many hypotheses, scientific and not very scientific, about this. From time immemorial, mentions of mysterious creatures from other worlds have appeared among every nation.

From the point of view of scientists around the world, the beginning of the study of the existence of parallel worlds can be considered the emergence of Einstein’s theory of relativity. In particular, the existence of a space-time continuum called a “time loop”.

According to Einstein, due to the displacement of space at a certain moment in time, there is a possibility of the emergence of several dimensions that have not been studied by science. So they can be independent, inhabited worlds. This is no longer a figment of the imagination, but a scientific basis.

In our time, the existence of dimensions unfamiliar to the human eye and mind remains a mysterious reality. In order not to harm your health (primarily mental), you should not try to travel to an unknown world.

The great ancient civilizations (Egypt, Greece, Ethiopia) also recognized the existence of (at least two) parallel worlds - “upper” and “lower”. These worlds were inhabited by dead souls and creatures, equated by people to deities, having their own hierarchy. The “lower” world of many civilizations was considered a world of torment and evil, while the “upper” was inhabited by good creatures and was associated with everything pure and bright.

Some modern scientists and supporters of paranormal phenomena suggest that “drummers”, poltergeists and ghosts (inhabitants of the ghost world) are inhabitants of a parallel subtle world that exists alongside ours. Some consider the appearance of anomalous phenomena and creatures to be an attempt to make contact with us (this is evidenced by the phenomena of “white noise”, “prophetic” dreams, the appearance of mysterious signs and recordings).

Others consider people from the subtle world to be exiles, or beings accidentally stuck between our world and their own. An interesting confirmation of this hypothesis is a case in one of the Moscow hostels, which took place during the Soviet era.

Three girls - neighbors began to be disturbed by strange knocks, regularly repeated in the same place. Since the youth of those times did not particularly suffer from prejudices, the girls decided to make contact with the mysterious neighbor. They succeeded quite well using a simple system: one knock meant “yes,” two knocks meant “no.” And what did it turn out to be?

The mysterious guest turned out to be a teenager, by the standards of his world, who accidentally fell out of it and did not know how to get back. The girls made friends with "", placed his crib in the place where knocking was usually heard, and fed him milk and sweets. “Barabashka” did not remain in debt, turned off carelessly forgotten devices, and willingly answered questions regarding the girls’ future. One morning they found clumsily prepared sandwiches on the table.

The rumor about the “drumming noise” spread, and the story ended with the arrival of the police, who officially recorded the presence of strange knocks. The girls were taken away by KGB officers. In the car, according to the witness, one of the girls called out to “drummer,” and the response was a strong blow to the bottom of the car.

There is an assumption that invisible creatures are not at all aware of our existence and live in a reality in which we do not exist. There are many assumptions and hypotheses.

The process of human cognition of the world actively continues in our time. For now, the mysterious country of Shambhala remains a mystery. The secrets of other worlds are unknown: the underwater world that exists at great depths, the underground world. We do not fully understand the secret world of nature (animals, plants, climate). Knowledge of the secrets of space and ancient worlds promises many discoveries.

Do you think our Universe is unique? Moving from science fiction to science, there is a suggestion that parallel worlds may actually exist, where everything you have done in life took place in alternative versions. This concept is known as the "parallel universe" and is an astronomical theory about the multiverse. So, we propose to understand from a scientific point of view, do parallel worlds exist?

First, it will be useful to know how our universe came into being. According to astronomical theory, about 13.7 billion years ago, everything we know about space was an infinitesimal feature. Then, according to the Big Bang theory, some unknown trigger caused the energy to expand into three-dimensional space. As the enormous energy of this initial expansion cooled, light appeared. Eventually, the small particles began to form into the larger particles of matter that we know today, such as galaxies, stars and planets.

"Cold spot" as evidence of the existence of parallel worlds

The idea of ​​a "multiverse" suggests that an infinite number of worlds exist parallel to each other. These universes have different physical properties, with many Big Bangs, cosmic bubbles, and perhaps even an alternate version of whoever is reading this article. Until now, it has been impossible to test the “multiverse” hypothesis, which scientists such as Stephen Hawking, Michio Kaku, Neil deGrasse Tyson and Leonard Susskind are trying to prove.

The British astronomers' research focuses on what is known as the "Cold Spot" - a particularly cold region of space that is observed in the microwave background radiation obtained from the "early" Universe. Typically, the temperature of radiation varies throughout the Universe, but this region is much colder (about 0.00015 degrees Celsius colder than its surroundings).

Map of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) produced by the Planck satellite. Red represents warm areas and blue represents cool areas.

First discovered by NASA in 2004, the Cold Spot is a strange location 1.8 billion light-years from Earth. Some believe that this is simply an illusion created by the expansion of the Universe. Spaces with fewer galaxies, or “voids,” form as expansion accelerates.

Instead of one giant void, the researchers believe that there are clusters of galaxies around small bubble voids in this region, but they are too small to contribute to the drop in temperature in the Cold Spot.

The scientists, led by PhD student Ruari McKenzie and Professor Tom Shanks at Durham University's Center for Extragalactic Astronomy, believe one possible hypothesis is that the Cold Spot was the result of a collision between our universe in its early days and another universe. The energy release of such an impact would create a Cold Spot.

“We cannot completely rule out that the spot is caused by an unlikely fluctuation explained by the standard model, but if this is not the answer, then there are more exotic explanations. Perhaps most interesting of all, the cold spot was created by the collision of our universe with another “bubble” universe. If further, more detailed analysis of the CMB data proves this, then the cold spot could be taken as the first evidence of the existence of parallel worlds - billions of other universes may actually exist,” said Professor Tom Shanks.

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