Tattoos of beautiful phrases in Russian for women. Tattoos with translation: the best sketches (photo)

Text tattoos have been gaining more and more popularity in recent years, becoming more of a fashion trend. What is such a tattoo?! It contains a phrase from a popular song, a quote or a statement from a famous person, usually written in handwritten font.
If you decide to get a temporary or permanent tattoo, then think about whether you should opt for this particular type of body decoration. In addition, no one forbade combining a picture and text in tatoo - there are no limits to imagination!!! This combination is even more interesting and unusual!
And some individuals, making a tattoo in the form of an inscription or text, imprint on their body a memorable date or simply the name of a loved one and dear to their heart, so that he is at least that way closer to his soul! In general, you can make various interesting variations with names in tattoos: for example, a name and a heart. Or a name and a flower!

Among the most common are phrases for tattoos, representing popular sayings (there are even proverbs) and sayings of wise or famous people. I think it’s clear that only a relatively short saying is suitable for such a tattoo. But here, as they say, brevity is the sister of talent! Besides, you are “your own director” and what’s stopping you from stamping on your arm or leg your own slogan or motto for life, which will fully reflect your individuality and exceptional feature that makes you stand out in the crowd!

As an option, you can also tattoo a phrase in Latin, English, French, Spanish, German, Arabic and even Chinese or Japanese. In the latter case, be careful that it doesn’t turn out like in the joke “Sausage, helicopter, hippopotamus.”

Phrases, quotes and inscriptions for tattoos in Russian:

1. A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step
2. Having learned the truth in the morning, you can die in the evening
3. The wise man knows no worries, the humane man knows no worries, the brave man knows no fear.
4. Don’t do to others what you wouldn’t wish for yourself.
5. Anyone who speaks beautifully and has an attractive appearance is rarely truly human.
6. According to their natural inclinations, people are close to each other, but according to their habits they are far from each other.
7. A perfect person looks for everything in himself, an insignificant person - in others
8. Those who do not think about distant difficulties will certainly face near troubles.
9. A noble man awaits the commands of Heaven with dignity. A short man fussily waits for luck
10. Worthy man doesn't follow in other people's footsteps
11. A noble husband is serene in his soul. A low man is always preoccupied
12. A scientist seeking the truth, but ashamed of poor clothing and rough food! What else is there to talk about!
13. Evaluating worldly affairs, a noble man neither rejects nor approves of anything, but measures everything with justice.
14. A truly humane husband achieves everything through his own efforts.
15. Everyone can become a noble husband. You just need to decide to become one
16. The word must be true, the action must be decisive
17. A noble man knows only duty, a low man knows only benefit
18. Anyone who studies without thinking will fall into error. He who thinks without wanting to learn will find himself in difficulty.
19. It is not easy to meet a person who, having devoted three years of his life to teaching, would not dream of occupying a high position
20. In ancient times, people studied in order to improve themselves. Nowadays they study in order to surprise others
21. Study as if you constantly feel your knowledge is lacking.
22. Only the wisest and the stupidest are not teachable.
23. Blessed is the one who knows nothing: he does not risk being misunderstood
24. Don't worry about people not knowing you, but worry about not knowing people.
25. He who, turning to the old, is able to discover new things, is worthy of being a teacher.
26. The only real mistake is not correcting your past mistakes.
27. A noble husband does not expect deception from anyone, but when he is deceived, he is the first to notice it
28. Everyone makes mistakes depending on their bias
29. I don’t get upset if people don’t understand me, I get upset if I don’t understand people
30. Changes do not occur only with the highest wisdom and the lowest stupidity
31. People in ancient times did not like to talk much. They considered it a shame for themselves not to keep up with their own words
32. It is enough for words to express meaning
33. Silence is a true friend who will never change
34. Complaining about an unpleasant thing is doubling the evil; laughing at her is destroying him
35. When you don’t know words, you have nothing to get to know people
36. A noble man strives to speak tongue-tied but act skillfully
37. Virtue will not remain alone. She will definitely have neighbors
38. If a person is firm, decisive, simple and quiet, then he is already close to humanity
39. Try to be at least a little kinder, and you will find that you will not be able to commit a bad act.
40. It is wonderful where mercy resides. Is it possible to achieve wisdom if you do not live in its region?
41. Sending people to war untrained means betraying them
42. Don’t have friends who are inferior to you morally
43. Only a truly humane person is capable of both loving and hating
44. A respectful son is one who upsets his father and mother only with his illness
45. He who cannot instruct his family to goodness cannot learn himself.
46. ​​A noble man endures adversity, but a lowly man blossoms in trouble
47. A restrained person has fewer mistakes
48. Be strict with yourself and gentle with others. This way you will protect yourself from human hostility.
49. People want wealth and fame for themselves; if both cannot be obtained honestly, they should be avoided
50. People are afraid of poverty and obscurity; if both cannot be avoided without losing honor, they should be accepted
51. If you have the opportunity to show mercy, do not let even the teacher go ahead.
52. The secret of good government: let the ruler be the ruler, the subject the subject, the father the father, and the son the son
53. When the paths are unequal, they do not make plans together.
54. Respect every person as ourselves, and treat him as we wish to be treated.
55. Without learning decency, you will not establish yourself
56. Pay for evil with sincerity, and pay for good with goodness
57. Don’t complain about snow on your neighbor’s roof if your own threshold isn’t cleared.
58. If you are straightforward, then everything will be done without orders. And if they themselves are not straight, they will not obey, even if they are ordered
59. A noble husband, attached to the comforts of home, is not worthy to be called such
60. Sophisticated words destroy virtue. Intemperance in small things will ruin a great cause
61. Anyone who, having lived to forty years, causes only hostility, is a complete person
62. How can you deal with a person who cannot be trusted? If a cart doesn't have an axle, how can you ride in it?
63. Of all crimes, the most serious is heartlessness
64. If you don’t have bad thoughts, you won’t have bad deeds.
65. An angry person is always full of poison
66. Visiting and listening to evil people is already the beginning of an evil deed.
67. A noble man blames himself, a small man blames others
68. When they proceed only from profit, they multiply anger
69. If we know so little about life, what can we know about death?
70. The fact that you were offended or robbed does not mean anything if you do not constantly remember it

Phrases, quotes and inscriptions for tattoos in English with translation:

Have Faith - Believe.

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us - All we need to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
Be the one to guide me, but never hold me down – Be the one who guides me, but never dare to slow me down.
Celebrate this chance to be alive and breathing – Celebrate this chance that you are alive and breathing.
Dream as if you’ll live forever - Dream as if you will live forever.
Everyone experienced something that changed him - Everyone has gone through something in their lives that changed them.
Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it - Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.
Have Faith - Believe.
He, who does not love loneliness, does not love freedom - Who does not love loneliness, does not love freedom.
Fall down seven times, stand up eight - Fall seven times, but stand up eight.
For every dark night, There’s a brighter day – For every dark night there is a bright day.
I am not afraid I was born to do this - I am not afraid, I was born to do this.
I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul - I am the master of my destiny, I am the captain of my soul.
I carry your heart with me (i carry it in my heart.) – I carry your heart with me (I carry it in my heart).
I'll follow you and make a heaven out of hell, and I'll die by your hand which I love so well – I will follow you and even turn hell into heaven, and I will die next to you, with the person I I love tau very much.
I love you in this way because I do not know any other way of loving – I love you this way and not otherwise, because I don’t know any other love.
I love you because the entire universe is conspired to help me find you - I love you because the whole Universe helped me find you.
I will strive with things impossible - I will fight even with what looks impossible.
I’m gonna fight for what’s right... - I’m going to fight for what I think is right...
If you want to be somebody, somebody really special, be yourself! – If you want to be someone, someone really special, be yourself!
If you don’t love yourself, you cannot love others - If you don’t love yourself, you cannot love others.
In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities - In dreams and love there is nothing impossible.
It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop - It doesn’t matter how slowly you move, the main thing is not to stop.
Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass – Life is not a moment of waiting for the storm to pass...
Learn from yesterday Live for today Hope for tomorrow – Learn from yesterday’s mistakes, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
Live each day as if it were your last - Live every day as if it were your last.
Look after my heart I’ve left it with you. - Take care of my heart, I left it with you.
Love is all you need - All you need is love. This heart beats for only you - This heart beats only for you.
No one is ever betrayed by true love - True love has never betrayed anyone.
Not to know is bad, not to wish to know is worse - Not knowing is bad, not wanting to know is even worse
Success is not in what you have, but who you are - Success is not in what you have, but in what you are.
The greatest thing you’ll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return – The greatest thing you can learn is to love and be loved in return.
That which does not kill me makes me stronger – That which does not kill us makes us stronger.
Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything - Those who cannot change their views cannot change anything.
There is always hope - There is always hope. With pain comes strength – With pain comes strength.
You don’t know what you’re alive for until you know what you would die for - You will never understand what you live for until you realize what you could die for.
To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that’s all - Living is the rarest phenomenon in the world. Most people just exist.
We found love - We found love. You are every reason, every hope and every dream I’ve ever had - You are the only reason, the only hope, the only dream that I have ever had.
We fell in love, despite our differences - We fell in love with each other, despite being different.

Phrases, quotes and inscriptions for tattoos in Latin:

106. In memoriam - In memory.

1. Ab altero expectes, alteri quod feceris - Expect from another what you yourself did to another.
2. Ad pulchritudinem ego excitata sum, elegantia spiro et artem efflo - I am awakened to beauty, I breathe grace and radiate art.
3. Abiens, abi! - When you leave, leave!
4. Adversa fortuna - Evil rock.
5. Aequam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem - Try to maintain presence of mind even in difficult circumstances.
6. Aetate fruere, mobili cursu fugit - Take advantage of life, it is so fleeting.
7. Actum ne agas - What is finished, do not return to it.
8. Aliena vitia in oculis habemus, and tergo nostra sunt - Other people's vices are before our eyes, ours are behind our backs.
9. Aliis inserviendo consumor - I waste myself by serving others.
10. Amantes sunt amentes - Lovers are mad.
11. Amicos res secundae parant, adversae probant - Happiness makes friends, misfortune tests them.
12. Amor etiam deos tangit - Even the gods are subject to love.
13. Amor non est medicabilis herbis - There is no cure for love.
14. Amor omnia vincit - Love conquers everything.
15. Amor, ut lacrima, ab oculo oritur, in cor cadit - Love, like a tear, is born from the eyes and falls on the heart.
16. Antiquus amor cancer est - Old love is not forgotten.
17 Audi, multa, loquere pauca - Listen a lot, talk little.
18. Audi, vide, sile - Listen, look and be silent.
19. Audire ignoti quom imperant soleo non auscultare - I am ready to listen to stupidity, but I will not obey.
20. Aut viam inveniam, aut faciam - Either I will find the road, or I will pave it myself.
21. Aut vincere, aut mori. - Either win or die.
22. Aut caesar, aut nihil. - Either Caesar or nothing.
23. Beatitudo non est virtutis praemium, sed ipsa virtus - Happiness is not a reward for valor, but is itself valor.
24. Benefacta male locata malefacta arbitror - I consider benefits shown to an unworthy person to be atrocities.
25. Calamitas virtutis occasio - Calamity is the touchstone of valor.
26. Carpe diem - Seize the moment.
27. Certum voto pete finem - Set yourself only achievable goals
28. Cogitationes poenam nemo patitur - No one is punished for thoughts.
29. Cogito, ergo sum - I think, therefore I exist.
30. Conscientia mille testes - Conscience is a thousand witnesses.
31. Consultor homini tempus utilissimus - Time is the most useful adviser to a person.
32. Cui ridet Fortuna, eum ignorat Femida - To whom Fortune smiles, Themis does not notice him.
33. Cum vitia present, paccat qui recte facit - When vices flourish, those who live honestly suffer.
34. Damant, quod non intelegunt - They condemn because they do not understand.
35. De gustibus non disputandum est - There is no arguing about tastes.
36. De mortuis aut bene, aut nihil - About the dead, it’s either good or nothing.
37. Descensus averno facilis est - The path to hell is easy.
38. Deus ipse se fecit - God created himself.
39. Divide et impera - Divide and conquer.
40. Ducunt volentem fata, nolentem trahunt - Fate leads those who want to go, drags those who don’t want to go.
41. Dura lex, sed lex - No matter how harsh the law is, it must be observed.
42. Dum spiro, spero! “As long as I’m breathing, I hope!”
43. Dum spiro, amo atque credo - While I breathe, I love and believe.
44. Edite, bibite, post mortem nulla voluptas! - Eat, drink, there is no pleasure after death!
45. Educa te ipsum! - Educate yourself!
46. ​​Esse oportet ut vivas, non vivere ut edas. “You have to eat to live, not live to eat.”
47. Esse quam videri - To be, not to seem.
48. Etiam innocentes cogit mentiri dolor - Pain makes even the innocent lie.
49. Ex nihilo nihil fit - Nothing comes from nothing.
50. Ex malis eligere minima - Choose the least of evils.
51. Ex ungue leonem - You can recognize a lion by its claws.
52. Ex ungua leonem cognoscimus, ex auribus asinum - We recognize a lion by its claws, and a donkey by its ears.
53. Experientia est optima magistra - Experience is the best teacher.
54.Facile omnes, cum valemus, recta consilia aegrotis damus - When we are healthy, we easily give good advice to the sick.
55. Facta sunt potentiora verbis - Actions are stronger than words.
56. Factum est factam - fact is fact.
57. Fama clamosa - Loud glory.
58. Fama volat - The earth is full of rumors.
59. Feci quod potui, faciant meliora potentes - I did everything I could, whoever can do it better.
60. Felix, qui quod amat, defendere fortiter audet - Happy is he who boldly takes under his protection what he loves.
61. Feminae naturam regere desperare est otium - Having decided to pacify a woman’s character, say goodbye to peace!
62. Festina lente - Hurry up slowly.
63. Fide, sed cui fidas, vide - Be vigilant; trust, but be careful who you trust.
64. Fidelis et forfis - Faithful and brave.
65. Finis vitae, sed non amoris - Life ends, but not love.
66. Flagrante delicto - At the crime scene, red-handed.
67. Fors omnia versas - Blind chance changes everything (the will of blind chance).
68. Fortes fortuna adjuvat - Fate helps the brave.
69. Fortiter in re, suaviter in modo - Persistently achieve the goal, acting gently.
70. Fortunam citius reperis, quam retineas - Happiness is easier to find than to maintain.
71. Fortunam suam quisque parat - Everyone finds their own destiny.
72. Fructus temporum - Fruit of time.
73. Fuge, late, tace - Run, hide, be silent.
74. Fugit irrevocabile tempus - Irrevocable time is running.
75. Gaudeamus igitur - So let's have fun.
76. Gloria victoribus - Glory to the winners.
77. Gustus legibus non subiacet - Taste does not obey laws.
78. Gutta cavat lapidem - A drop wears away a stone.
79. Heu conscienta animi gravis est servitus - Worse than slavery is remorse.
80. Heu quam est timendus qui mori tutus putat! - He is terrible who considers death to be good!
81. Hoc est vivere bis, vita posse priore frui - To be able to enjoy the life you have lived means to live twice.
82. Homines amplius oculis, quam auribus credunt - People believe their eyes more than their ears.
83. Homines, dum docent, discunt - People, teaching, learn.
84. Hominis est errare - To err is human.
85. Homines non odi, sed ejus vitia - I don’t hate a person, but his vices.
86. Homines quo plura habent, eo cupiunt ampliora - Than more people have, the more they want to have.
87. Homo hominis amicus est - Man is a friend to man.
88. Homo homini lupus est - Man is a wolf to man.
89. Homo sum et nihil humani a me alienum puto - I am a man, and nothing human is alien to me.
90. Ibi potest valere populus, ubi leges valent - Where the laws are in force and the people are strong.
91. Igne natura renovatur integra. - By fire, all nature is renewed.
92. Ignoscito saepe alteri, nunquam tibi - Farewell to others often, never to yourself.
93. Imago animi vultus est - The face is the mirror of the soul.
94. Imperare sibi maximum imperium est - To command oneself is the greatest power.
95. In aeternum - Forever, forever.
96. In Daemon Deus - God is in the Demon!
97. In dubio abstine - When in doubt, abstain.
98. Infandum renovare dolorem - Again resurrect unspeakable pain
99. Infelicissimum genus infortunii est fuisse felicem - The greatest misfortune is to be happy in the past.
100. Incertus animus dimidium sapientiae est - Doubt is half of wisdom.
101. In pace - In peace, at ease.
102. Incedo per ignes - I walk among the fire.
103. Incertus animus dimidium sapientiae est - Doubt is half of wisdom.
104. Injuriam facilius facias guam feras - It’s easy to offend, harder to endure.
105. In me omnis spes mihi est - All my hope is in myself.
106. In memoriam - In memory.
107. In pace leones, in proelio cervi - In time of peace there are lions, in battle there are deer.
108. Inter arma silent leges - When weapons thunder, the laws are silent.
109. Inter parietes - Within four walls.
110. In tyrrannos - Against tyrants.
111. In vino veritas - The truth is in wine.
112. In vino veritas, in aqua sanitas - Truth is in wine, health is in water.
113. In vitium ducit culpae fuga - The desire to avoid a mistake draws you into another.
114. In venere semper certat dolor et gaudium - In love, pain and joy always compete.
115. Ira furor brevis est - Anger is a short-term insanity.
116. Ira initium insaniae est - Anger is the beginning of madness.
117. Jactantius maerent, quae minus dolent - Those who mourn least show off their grief most of all.
118. Jucundissimus est amari, sed non minus amare - It is very pleasant to be loved, but it is no less pleasant to love yourself.
119. Leve fit, quod bene fertur onus - The load becomes light when you carry it with humility.
120. Lucri bonus est odor ex re qualibet - The smell of profit is pleasant, no matter where it comes from.
121. Lupus non mordet lupum - A wolf will not bite a wolf.
122. Lupus pilum mutat, non mentem - The wolf changes its fur, not its nature.
123. Manus manum lavat - The hand washes the hand.
124. Mea mihi conscientia pluris est quam omnium sermo - My conscience is more important to me than all the gossip.
125. Mea vita et anima es - You are my life and soul.
126. Melius est nomen bonum quam magnae divitiae - A good name is better than great wealth.
127. Meliora spero - Hope for the best.
128. Mens sana in corpore sano - A healthy mind in a healthy body.
129. Memento mori- Remember death.
130. Memento quia pulvis est - Remember that you are dust.
131. Mores cuique sui fingit fortunam - Our fate depends on our morals.
132. Mors nescit legem, tollit cum paupere regem - Death does not know the law, it takes both the king and the poor man.
133. Mors omnia solvit - Death solves all problems.
134. Mortem effugere nemo potest - No one can escape death.
135. Natura abhorret vacuum - Nature abhors a vacuum.
135. Naturalia non sunt turpia - Natural is not shameful.
137. Nihil habeo, nihil curo - I have nothing and don’t care about anything.
138. Nitinur in vetitum semper, cupimusque negata - We always strive for the forbidden and desire the unlawful.
139. Nolite dicere, si nescitis - Don’t say if you don’t know.
140. Non est fumus absque igne - There is no smoke without fire.
141. Non ignara mali, miseris succurrere disco - Having experienced misfortune, I learned to help the sufferers.
142. Non progredi est regredi - Not moving forward means going backward.
143. Nunquam retrorsum, semper ingrediendum - Not a step back, always forward.
144. Nusquam sunt, qui ubique sunt - Those who are everywhere are nowhere.
145. Oderint dum metuant - Let them hate, as long as they are afraid.
146. Odi et amo - I hate and love.
147. Omne ignotum pro magnifico est - Everything unknown seems majestic.
148. Omnes homines agunt histrionem - All people are actors on the stage of life.
149. Omnes vulnerant, ultima necat - Every hour wounds, the last kills.
150. Omnia mea mecum porto - I carry everything that is mine with me.
151. Omnia fluunt, omnia mutantur - Everything flows, everything changes.
152. Omnia mors aequat - Death equals everything.
153. Omnia praeclara rara - Everything beautiful is rare.
154. Omnia, quae volo, adipiscar - I achieve everything I want.
155. Optimi consiliarii mortui - The best advisers are dead.
156. Optimum medicamentum quies est - The best medicine is rest.
157. Pecunia non olet - Money does not smell.
158. Per aspera ad astra - Through thorns to the stars.
159. Per fas et nefas - By hook or by crook.
160. Per risum multum debes cognoscere stultum - You should recognize a fool by frequent laughter.
161. Perigrinatio est vita - Life is a journey.
162. Persona grata - A desirable person or a person of trust.
163. Petite, et dabitur vobis; quaerite et invenietis; pulsate, et aperietur vobis - Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you.
164. Primus inter pares - First among equals.
165. Quae fuerant vitia, mores sunt - What were vices are now morals.
166. Quae nocent - docent - What harms, teaches.
167. Qui tacet consentire videtur - Silence is a sign of consent.
168. Quid quisque vitet, nunquam homini satis cautum est in horas - No one can know when to beware of which danger.
169. Quo quisque sapientior est, eo solet esse modestior - The smarter a person is, the more modest he is usually.
170. Quod cito fit, cito perit - What is quickly done, soon falls apart.
171. Respue quod non es - Throw away what is not you.
172. Scio me nihil scire - I know that I know nothing.
173. Sed semel insanivimus omnes - One day we all become mad.
174. Semper mors subest - Death is always near.
175 Sequere Deum - Follow the will of God.
176. Si etiam omnes, ego non - Even if everyone does, I won’t
177. Si vis amari, ama - If you want to be loved, love.
178. Si vis pacem, para bellum - If you want peace, prepare for war.
179. Sibi imperare maximum imperium est - The highest power is power over oneself.
180. Similis simili gaudet - Like rejoices in like.
181. Sic itur ad astra - This is how they go to the stars.
182. Sol lucet omnibus - The sun shines on everyone.
183. Sola mater amanda est et pater honestandus est - Only a mother is worthy of love, a father is worthy of respect.
184. Sua cuique fortuna in manu est - Everyone has their own destiny in their hands.
185. Suum cuique - To each his own
186. Tarde venientibus ossa - He who comes late gets bones.
187. Tempus fugit - Time flies.
188. Terra incognita - Unknown land
189. Tertium non datur - There is no third option; there is no third.
190. Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito! - Do not submit to trouble, but boldly go towards it!
191. Ubi nihil vales, ibi nihil velis - Where you are not capable of anything, you should not want anything.
192. Ut ameris, amabilis esto - To be loved, be worthy of love.
193. Varietas delectat - Variety brings pleasure.
194. Verae amititiae sempiternae sunt - True friendship is eternal.
195. Veni, vidi, vici - I came, I saw, I conquered.
196. Veni, vidi, fugi - I came, I saw, I ran away.
197. Vita sine libertate, nihil - Life without freedom is nothing.
198. Vivamus atque amemus - Let us live and love.
199. Vivere est agere - To live means to act.
200. Vivere est vincere - To live means to win.

Choosing fonts for tattoos. How to choose the right font for a tattoo.

Selecting a beautiful, and most importantly, suitable font for a text tattoo is a separate and sometimes difficult task. There are tens and even hundreds of thousands of different fonts on the Internet for every taste. And here everyone is trying to find something of their own. Many people pay attention only to beauty and curls, despite the readability of the text, but in this type of tattoo the content of the text plays the most important role. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the most optimal option, both from the point of view of aesthetics and from the point of view of lettering. From myself I can recommend these:

Cyrillic ribbon Pepita MT Carolina Segoe Script Present Script Script Calligraphy Alexandra Zefirno One Passion Conflict ROB Park Avenue Acquest Script Gothikka Dear Joe

But in any case, you need to coordinate your choice with the master - perhaps he will suggest even more interesting options that you have not even thought about.

¿Hablas español?You're in good company. So, why not get your next tattoo in the language of Cervantes and Neruda? Decorate your body with a lyrical phrase in Spanish to highlight your inclinations or get inspired by what is calledla vida apasionada (a life full of passion).

Romance of the Spanish language

The language of love is often forced, sometimes cheerful, always expressive and emotional. Complete your favorite quote with bright red roses on your chest or arm. Get a dainty ribbon tattoo on your wrist. You can also imprint evidence of your past sadness on your ankle. The lessons of the past will decorate your body, moments of euphoria or sorrow on your chest, the spirituality that moves you will find expression in a tattoo.

Es tan corto el amor y es tan largo el olvido.

Translation: " Love is short, but memory is long " Chilean poet and Nobel laureate Pablo Neruda wrote these beautiful lines about lost love in his poem Puedo escribir los versos más tristes esta noche or“Tonight I will write the saddest lines.”

Tu eres mi sol.

Translation: " You are my sun" Line from a songEres mi sol popular love song by Alex Campos. Campos is a Grammy Award winner with a large fan base in Latin America.

Te quiero con toda mi alma.

Translation: " I love you with all my soul . This is a Spanish expression that shows your serious intentions.

Te quiero no por quien eres, sino por quien soy cuando estoy contigo.

Translation: " I love you not only for who you are, but also for who I become when I'm around you. " The author of this wonderful quote is the Colombian writer Gabriel García Márquez, another Nobel laureate from Latin America, known for his novel full magical realism "One Hundred Years of Solitude" .

Te amo más que a mi propia piel.

Translation: " I love you more than my skin " This is a quote from Mexican artist Frida Kahlo, whose tumultuous relationship with her husband, fresco master Diego Rivera, was as fiery and passionate as her famous self-portraits.

Sages and Rebels

Ardent Latin American patriots and revolutionaries, and Spanish sages of all times have left their traces in the language. Their immortal words can still be seen on the walls of houses and heard from the lips of oppositionists. Sophisticated Spanish-speaking speakers benefit from the wisdom of great minds from other cultures. Why not inscribe some fiery, time-tested message on your leg or arm, on your lower back or on your wrist? This will remind you of wildness and wisdom every time you look at your tattoo.

Prefiero morir de pie que vivir siempre arrodillado.

Translation: " It's better to die standing than to live on your knees " These are the famous words of the heroine Civil War in Spain, Dolores Ibárruri Gómez “Pasionaria” (Spanish for “passionate” or “passion flower”), a flamboyant speaker whose official statement is “!No pasarán!” (They Shall Not Pass!), uttered against Francisco Franco's troops, was a battle cry for the rebels. The quote is also attributed to Emiliano Zapata, a peasant rebellion leader during the Mexican Revolution.

Sed realistas, pedid lo imposible.

Translation: " Be realistic, demand the impossible " The expression of Argentine Marxist rebel Ernesto “Che” Guevara, inspired revolutionary movement in Latin America, one of the leaders of the Cuban Revolution.

Caminante, no hay puentes, se hace puentes al andar.

Translation: " Traveler, bridges do not exist, they are built where they are going to cross them " Mexican-American researcher Gloria E. Anzaldúa offered this advice to travelers on the road of life, reminding them that there is no ready-made map or time-tested way to explore individual problems.

Persevera y triunfaras.

Translation: " Persevere and you will succeed " This is the Spanish equivalent of the expression: “If at first you don’t succeed, try again and again.” A popular Spanish expression is a simple instruction to show resilience and the ability to cope with difficulties on the way to your goals.

El tiempo pasa inexorablemente.

Translation: " Time moves inexorably forward " An analogue of the expression: “time waits for no one.” This is a translation into Spanish of a quote from Chaucer. The English poet of the Middle Ages Geoffrey Chaucer reflected this observation about time and nature in his"The Canterbury Tales" as a warning against procrastination and missed opportunities.

Arte Publico

Your life is a work of art, and what could be more public than recognition of this in the form of an elegant tattoo with lyrical words, for example, on the neck, somewhere on the arm or on the back? Famous Spanish artists, from painters and sculptors to singers and actors, express their lives and work in words, sometimes poems, worthy of being decorated in the form of a tattoo.

El espectáculo del cielo me abruma.

Translation: " The action of heaven amazes me " Catalan artist Joan Miró was a romantic who turned his back on bourgeois life and painted pictures from his imagination. His avant-garde works are full of magical realism and fantastic images, where the vast background of blue and blue tones is emphasized by unusual figures, lines, scribbles or multi-colored spots.

Pedir por más.

Translation: " Ask for more " This is a quote from Shakira, a Colombian singer/dancer/songwriter, music competition winner, and famous Latin American star with multimillion-dollar record sales and philanthropist. “Ask for more,” in both English and Spanish, is her life credo, declaring that you should never settle for less than you can achieve.

Yo no busco, yo encuentro.

Translation: " I don't search, I find " This simple phrase is attributed to Pablo Picasso. He was an artist who claimed that his work was the result of the manifestation of his inner muse. He was open to art and said that it found him because he himself opened up to it every day.

Yo no tomo drogas. Yo soy una droga.

Translation: " I don't do drugs. I myself am a drug " This unusual quote is attributed to Salvador Dali. He was an early 20th century surrealist artist who distorted reality to express his extravagant and dreamlike vision. His work was unique and exciting, and he himself continued to be an extraordinary person throughout his life.

Soy más grande que la vida.

Translation: " I'm larger than life " Academy Award-winning Puerto Rican actress Rita Moreno has made her life an art. Her bold statement that being larger than life itself is not so difficult for her is an expression of self-belief, a formula for achieving success.

Sometimes one the only word takes over emotions, evokes strong desire to do something awakens the moment of truth so much that there is a desire to remember this word. A tattoo can be a daily reminder of a deep thought gained from an experience. Choose your word or short phrase, large enough to fit on your finger, back, neck, behind the ear, or around your pierced belly button. For example:

  • Destino: Fate
  • Felicidad: Happiness
  • Serendipia: Luck
  • Vivir: Live
  • Para siempre: Forever
  • Vida magica: Wonderful Life
  • Que sera, sera: Come what may
  • Sigue a tu corazon: Listen to your heart

Phrases in Spanish

Even if Spanish is not your native (second) language, the power and eloquence of words are worthy of becoming an adornment to your body. Let there be phrases on your body that you will never be ashamed of later. And the applicability and significance of the phrases and quotes given here has been proven by life itself.

Good luck!

Lindsay Lohan tattoo in Italian, meaning " wonderful life", was supposed to mean "life is wonderful"

Italian tattoos appear in a variety of forms and contents. The Italian cross, the “Italian boot”, the green and white and red Italian flag (in its many variations, such as a flag in the form of an outline of the borders of Italy or in the form of stars). I even saw a tattoo on my arm with a picture of Italian food: a plate of pasta and meatballs, a jug of wine and cannoli. Fortunately, unlike Latin (which is considered a book language), Hebrew and Arabic (which are quite complex and use their own alphabets of letters, requiring correct spelling depending on the letter's place in the word, etc.) or Gaelic (which there are a lot of dialects), Italian is easy to translate.

Category: phrases and inscriptions for tattoos Tagged,

Phrases for tattoos in German with translation

Phrases and aphorismswith translation to

Only mother's love lasts forever.
Nur die Liebe der Mutter ist ewig.

Save and preserve.
Rette und bewahre.

Thanks to my parents for life.
Danke den Eltern für das Leben.

Category: phrases and inscriptions for tattoos Tagged,

Phrases for tattoos in French with translation

French phrases, aphorisms with translation.
Phrases for tattoos translated into French.

Telle quelle.
Just the way it is.

Il n`est jamais tard d`être celui qu`on veut. Exécute les rêves.
It's never too late to be who you want. Make your dreams come true.

Category: phrases and inscriptions for tattoos Tagged,

Phrases for tattoos in Arabic with translation

Below are the most popular tattoo lettering in Arabic with translation.

Eternal love - حب أبدي
He knows no fear
I will always love you - وسوف احبك الى الابد
My thoughts are consumed by silence - الصمت يغرق في افكاري
Suzanne — سوزانا
Live today, forget about tomorrow -

Category: phrases and inscriptions for tattoos Tagged,

Nowadays, more and more often you can meet a girl or woman on the street with a tattoo on her body. This is one of the ways of self-expression of the fair sex, which is a trend in modern fashion. Recently, not drawings, but phrases for tattoos in a foreign language, which carry a special meaning, are gaining more and more popularity.

Historical information about tattoos

The tradition of painting female body tattoos take roots from eastern countries. In ancient times, girls from rich Indian families were painted with henna before their wedding. Dancers also decorated their bodies in this way. This type of art has gained popularity among other nationalities relatively recently.

Expert opinion

Anna Koval

Tattoo artist

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Most modern girls prefer permanent rather than temporary tattoos.

Beautiful phrases for tattoos should be stuffed on exposed areas of the body, as well as areas where the skin is less likely to develop stretch marks over time. It is preferable to decorate the following areas with quotes:

  • lower back;
  • shoulders and area below the neck;
  • area above the ankles;
  • the area of ​​the hand above the wrist.

These are more successful options for applying the symbol’s inscription, which will have its original appearance for a long time.

Phrases for tattoos with translation

Very popular words for tattoos for girls in English. Many modern people know this language, so they can easily reveal the meaning of the inscription that a representative of the fair sex decided to tattoo on herself. Next, we will present more original phrases for tattoos with translations for girls.

The people rejoice in the Sun, and I dream about the moon.

This beautiful inscription literally means “People have enough of the sun, but I am in dreams of the moon.”

Laconic english quote has a deep and simple meaning. Its literal translation is “Now or never.”

This inscription is perfect for cheerful and optimistic people who value every minute they live. Translated into Russian, it means nothing more than “Life is beautiful.”

Illusion is the first of all pleasures

Dreamy people will appreciate this quote. In Russian it sounds like “Only illusion is the highest pleasure.”

My guardian angel is always near.

For believing girls, this saying may be suitable, which says: “My guardian angel is always there.”

All that person needs is love.

This phrase is perfect for romantic individuals. It means the following: “All a person needs is love.”

This love “message” is also created for romantic natures. The inscription literally translates as “The only love for life.” With such a phrase, a girl can emphasize and express all the love for her other half.

Only my dream keeps me alive.

The English saying says that its owner wanted to say - “Only my dream can warm me.”

I will get everything I want.

Ambitious and purposeful individuals can choose for themselves this laconic phrase, which speaks for itself. Its literal translation into Russian sounds like “I will definitely have everything I want.”

Be yourself and don’t try to imitate someone.

This quote translates to: “Be yourself and don’t try to imitate anyone.”

Small daily actions are of great importance

This inscription can be translated as “Everyday small actions become of great importance over time.”

Phrases for tattoos with meaning for girls in English can be selected endlessly. These may be your own beliefs and views on life. It is enough to translate them into English and ask an experienced master to write the chosen saying in the required place.

Latin quotes for tattoos

Latin phrases for tattoos are especially popular. As a rule, these are wise sayings of great thinkers of all times and peoples. However, many people prefer to “explain” in the ancient language in the inscriptions in a modern way. Here are some quotes for tattoos in latin with meaning:

Gratias mātre pro mea vītā ago.

Translated from Latin into Russian, the saying goes something like this: “I will always thank my mother for the life she gave me.”

Nata sum ut felix essay.

The laconic and optimistic inscription translates as “Born to be happy.”

Noli credere! Noli timere! Noli petere!

This saying in Latin has a deep meaning and can say a lot about the owner of this inscription. This statement contains three short sentences of encouragement, literally translated as “Don’t believe! Don't be afraid! Don't ask! Such a short phrase is suitable for a strong, purposeful girl or woman who is used to relying only on herself.

For strong-willed people who want to emphasize their individuality and character, this saying is perfect. Translated, it literally sounds like “To be, not to seem.”

Fac fideli sis fidelis.

A fairly short phrase contains a simple truth, which sounds in Russian as follows: “Be faithful to the one who is faithful to you.”

This laconic saying carries a deep meaning and reminds a person that he should enjoy every moment of his existence.

Facta sunt potentiora verbis.

A simple and short phrase can say a lot: “A person’s actions speak more eloquently than his words.”

For girls who want to express love for their boyfriend, this phrase can be suitable, meaning “You are my life and soul.”

De gustibus non disputandum est.

An original phrase saying that “There is no arguing about tastes.”

Winged Latin expressions for tattoos

deserve special attention Below are catchy Latin phrases with meaning for tattoos with translation.

Nil permanent sub sole.

This inscription reminds a person that “Nothing lasts forever under the sun.”

Aliena vitia in oculis habemus, a tergo nostra sunt.

The literal translation of the saying is “Other people’s misdeeds are before our eyes, but our own are behind our backs.”

Fortunam citius reperis, quam retineas.

This clever thought serves as a reminder to a person that happiness is easier to find than to maintain it later.

The succinct quote means that “It is common for every person to make mistakes.”

Fortunam suam quisque parat.

Translated into Russian, the phrase sounds like “Every person is the arbiter of his own destiny.”

Literal translation wise quotes“Love is the greatest thing in life.”

The laconic quote says that everything is nothing but vanity of vanities.

Potius sero quam nunquam.

This is a very popular catchphrase that means “Better late than never.”

The literal translation of the saying is: “To each his own” or “Everyone chooses his own path.”

Lettering in Russian for tattoos

Adherents of their native language can decorate their body with an inscription in Russian. Tattooing phrases on own language a person first of all expresses his respect for him. However, sayings in Russian are less popular. It is believed that inscriptions embossed in English, Latin or any other language are more original.

Despite this, there are those units that do not change their native language. It is for them that the list of phrases below is presented:

  • “Only mother is worthy of love”;
  • “Fate helps the brave”;
  • "To each his own";
  • “Living means acting”;
  • "Love conquers all";
  • “Let everything be fine”;
  • “Listen a lot, talk little”;
  • “Variety is fun”;
  • “Only the first step is difficult”;
  • “We will live and love”;

It is important not only to choose the right phrase, but also to choose a font that will make the inscription original and beautiful. This matter can be entrusted to a master who will clearly demonstrate all possible options.

You can supplement the tattoo with an inscription in Russian with a small drawing that will highlight the meaning of the saying itself or a separate word.

Slavic symbolism for tattoos

Of particular interest are not only phrases for tattoos with meaning, but also Slavic symbols having pagan roots. Many people apply this kind of tattoos as a talisman. Pagan tattoos can be depicted as.

Respect the past, create the future.
Rispetta il passato, costruisci il futuro.

My Guardian Angel is always with me.
Il mio angelo custode è sempre con me.

With our thoughts we create the world.
Con i nostri pensieri costruiamo il mondo.

Even when you have all the cards in your hand, life can suddenly start playing chess.
Anche quando hai tute le carte in mano, la vita inaspettamente può cominciare a giocare a scacchi.

The memory of you will live in my heart.
Il ricordo di te vivrà nel mio cuore.

Believe in your dream, believe in freedom.
Credi nei sogni, credi nella libertà.

There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved.
C'è un'unica felicità nella vita: amare ed essere amati.
(George Sand)

Live. Fight. Love.
Vivi. Lotta. Ama.

A mother's heart is an abyss. In the depths of which there will always be forgiveness.
Il cuore di una madre è un abisso in fondo al quale si trova sempre il perdono.

If you doubt it, don't do it!
Nel dubbio non lo fare!

Take my hand - hold it, you are more than life to me!
Prendi la mia mano, non lasciarla andare, per me vali più della vita.

I don't regret anything.
Nessun rimpianto, nessun rimorso.

Follow your dreams.
Segui i tuoi sogni.

A mother's love is the only love from which you cannot expect betrayal.
L'unico amore che non tradirà mai è l'amore di una madre.

What happens today is the result of your thoughts yesterday.
Ciò che accade oggi è il risultato dei tuoi pensieri di ieri.

There is only you and the starry sky above us.
Ci sei soltanto tu e il cielo stellato sopra di noi.

I was born for happiness.
Sono nata per la felicità.

There is always a way out.
C'è sempre una via d'uscita.

Nothing in this world happens by chance.
A questo mondo nulla accade per caso.

The Lord sees all our sins, but he also sees our repentance.
Dio vede tutti i nostri peccati, però vede anche il nostro pentimento.

I keep your heart.
Custodisco il tuo cuore.

Thanks for everything Dad
Grazie di tutto Papa.
(or also - Grazie Papà)

Thanks for everything Mom.
Grazie di tutto Mamma.
(or also - Grazie Mamma)

Love for parents lives forever.
L'amore per i genitori vive in eterno.

Ma te ti sento dentro come un pugno (Italian) - But you, I feel you inside like a blow with a fist

Made in heaven.
* Note translator: In Italian for stable phrase"Produced in..." they use the expression "Made in.." traditionally borrowed from English (for example, "Made in Italy", "Made in Cina"; as an example, I will give one of the newspaper headlines: "Difendiamo il nostro Made in Italy" - "We will protect our brand" Produced/made in Italy "). By analogy, to maintain a similar effect, the following translation of this phrase is possible:
Made in Paradiso.
(Literally - “Made/produced in Paradise”);
Prodotto in Paradiso - “Italianized” version;

It is not our plan to live forever. Our plans are to live brightly.
Non vogliamo vivere in eterno, bensì vivere intensamente.
* Note translator: a more literal translation -
Non rientra nei nostri piani vivere in eterno, bensì vivere intensamente.

Mommy, I love you.
Mamma, ti voglio bene.

I love you, mom. You are in my heart forever.
Ti voglio bene, Mamma. Sarai sempre nel mio cuore.

Until death do us part.
Finché morte non ci separi.

May my mother's heart beat forever.
Che il cuore della mia mamma batta in eterno.

While changing, stay the same.
Cambiando rimani te stessa.
* Note translator: endings indicating gram are highlighted. feminine category.

I'll get everything I want.
Otterrò tutto ciò che voglio.

God is always with me.
Dio è sempre con me.

Il Signore è sempre con me.

You are always in my heart.
Sei sempre nel mio cuore.

I love life.
Amo la vita.

Live without regrets.
Vivi senza rimpianti.

I don’t know what will happen tomorrow... the main thing is to be happy today.
Non so cosa mi riserva il domani… L’importante è essere felice oggi.

One life - one chance.
Una vita, un'opportunità.

Step by step towards your dream.
Passo per passo verso il sogno.

Nothing is impossible.
Niente è impossibile.

I live alone by you, I love you alone.

I live only by you, I love you alone.
Vivo solo di te, amo solo te.

Ho visto che l amore cambia il modo di guardare (Italian) - I noticed (I realized) that love changes vision

Love kills slowly.
L'amore uccide lentamente.

My life is my game.
La mia vita, il mio gioco.

With God in the heart.
Con Dio nel cuore.
As a valid option:
Con il Signore nel cuore.

The impossible is possible.
L'impossibile and possibile.

Dream without fear.
Sogna senza paura.

(My heart) beats only for you.
(Il mio cuore) batte solo per te.

Don't dream, be a dream.
Non sognare, sii tu stesso il sogno.

Forever and ever, my only love is with me.
Nei secoli dei secoli è sempre con me il mio unico amore.

There is a lot in life that I will not allow myself, but there is nothing that could be forbidden to me.
Ci sono molte cose nella vita che io stesso non mi permetterei di fare,
ma non c'è nulla che gli altri mi potrebbero proibire.

Sayings of famous people translated into Italian.

One hour of love contains a whole life.
C'è tutta una vita in un'ora d'amore.
Honore de Balzac

It's better to burn out than to fade away.
E' meglio bruciare in fretta che spegnersi lentamente.
Kurt Cobain

Where Time ends, Eternity begins.
Lì dove finisce il Tempo, inizia l’Eternità.

We believe most firmly in what we know least about.
In nulla crediamo così fermamente quanto in ciò che meno conosciamo.
Michel de Montaigne

It is better to be restless in doubt than to be calm in error.
È men male l'agitarsi nel dubbio, che il riposar nell'errore.
Alessandro Manzoni

Death is a great peacemaker.
La morte è un grande pacificatore.
Alessandro Manzoni

In the necessary there is unity, in the doubtful there is freedom, in everything there is love.
Unità nelle cose fondamentali, libertà dove c’è il dubbio, carità in tutto.
Augustine Aurelius

He who is full of love is filled with God himself.
Di che cosa è pieno se non di Dio colui che è pieno d’amore?
Augustine Aurelius
* Note translator: the exact quotation of St. Augustine is expressed in the form of a rhetorical question;
letters “What, if not God himself, is one who is full of love filled with?”

He who has many vices also has many rulers.
Se hai molti vizi, servi molti padroni.
Petrarch Francesco

Time heals lovesickness.
Il tempo guarisce tutte le pene d'amore.

Women, like dreams, are never what you want them to be.
Le donne, come i sogni, non sono mai come tu le vorresti.
Luigi Pirandello

In life we ​​reap what we sow: he who sows tears reaps tears; whoever betrayed will be betrayed.
Nella vita si raccoglie quel che si semina: chi semina lacrime raccoglie lacrime; chi ha tradito sarà tradito.
Luigi Settembrini

Our life is what our thoughts make it into.
La nostra vita è il risultato dei nostri pensieri.
Caesar Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus

Everyone sees what you appear to be, few feel what you are.
Ognuno vede quel che tu pari, pochi sentono quel che tu sei.
Niccolo Machiavelli

La vita e bella (Italian) - Life is beautiful

Win friends not with empty laziness, but with sincere words of love.
Anziché con il vano ozio, conquista i tuoi amici con sincere parole d'amore.*
* Note translator: the translation into Italian was made from the Russian version, and not from the original.

It is impossible to live better than by spending your life striving to become more perfect.
Non c'è modo migliore di trascorrere la vita che nell'aspirazione di diventare sempre più perfetto.*

From the first minute of life we ​​must learn to be worthy of living.
Sin dal primo minuto della vita bisogna imparare ad essere degni di vivere.*
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
* Note translator: the translation into Italian was made from the Russian version, and not from the original.

Death is close enough that there is no need to fear life.
in the original:
Man hat den Tod nahe genug, um sich nicht vor dem Leben fürchten zu müssen.
Friedrich Nietzsche
Si ha la morte abbastanza vicino per non dover temere la vita.*
* translation into Italian - from the original to German.

Quote from Steve Jobs' famous speech to Stanford graduates, in original English:
Stay hungry. Stay foolish.
Steve Jobs
Translated into Russian:
Stay insatiable (hungry)! Stay Reckless!
Translated into Italian:
Restate affamati, restate folli.

Beautiful phrases translated from Italian into Russian.

Smetterò di amarti solo quando un pittore sordo riuscirà a dipingere il rumore di un petalo di rosa cadere su un pavimento di cristallo di un castello mai esistito.
I will stop loving you only when a deaf artist manages to depict the sound of a rose petal falling on the crystal floor of a castle that never existed.

Se tu fossi una lacrima, io non piangerei per paura di perderti.
If you were a tear, I wouldn't cry in fear of losing you.

Non accontentarti dell’orizzonte…cerca l’infinito.
Don't be satisfied with the horizon... look for infinity.

Ci fosse stato un motivo per stare qui ti giuro, sai, sarei rimasto. (Italian) - If there was at least one reason to stay here, I swear to you, you know, I would stay.

L'essenziale è invisibile agli occhi. "Il piccolo principe" Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
The most important thing is what you cannot see with your eyes.
"The Little Prince" Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Ci fosse stato un motivo per stare qui ti giuro, sai, sarei rimasto.
If there was just one reason to stay here, I swear to you, you know, I would stay.
(Vasco Rossi)

Amore senza rimpianti.
Love without regrets.

Anima Fragile.
Fragile soul.

Non arrenderti mai perché quando pensi che sia tutto finito, è il momento in cui tutto ha inizio!
Never give up: when you think it’s all over, this is exactly the moment when everything is just beginning!

Ho visto che l'amore cambia il modo di guardare.
I noticed (I realized) that love changes vision.

Sei una piccola stella nel cielo ma grande nel mio cuore.
You are a small star in the sky, but big in my heart.

Se hai bisogno e non mi trovi, cercami in un sogno.
If you need it and can’t find me, look for me in your dreams.

Sotto le ali di un angelo.
Under the wings of an angel.

For a high-quality translation of your phrases or text, I recommend contacting the author of the translation of this page
Marina Nechaeva.

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