Tautology error. Pleonasm and tautology

Bibliographic description:

Nesterova I.A. Pleonasm [Electronic resource] // Educational encyclopedia website

Pleonasm is also called lexical redundancy or hidden tautology. Pleonasms imperceptibly clog human speech. It is difficult to get rid of them, but it is possible.

Concept of pleonasm

The term pleonasm comes to us from the Greek language. There the word rπλεονασμός was understood as “superfluous”, “excess”. This phenomenon has become entrenched in the language and has become not only a stylistic error, but also, in some cases, a means of expressing expression in literature or speech.

Pleonasm represents a turn of speech in which some element of meaning is duplicated; the presence of several linguistic forms expressing the same meaning within a complete segment of speech or text; as well as the linguistic expression itself, in which there is such duplication.

Even ancient scientists paid attention to pleonasm and gave it an assessment and interpretation. So. Quintilian, Donatus, Diomedes define pleonasm as overloading of speech with unnecessary words, therefore as a stylistic defect. Meanwhile, in the works of Dionysius of Halicarnassus, pleonasm appears as one of the methods of enriching speech with words that at first glance are superfluous, but in reality give it clarity and strength.

Among modern linguists who have studied pleonasm as a linguistic phenomenon, one can name such names as: Golub I. B., Vinogradov V. A., Dubois J., Lebedeva L. Lyakhovetskaya O. Ya., etc.

Most often classified as speech errors. Typically, pleonastic combinations are used in speech, such as: work colleagues, first leader, souvenir, etc.

Pleonasms are found in fiction, in oral speech, in regulations and other documents, and are also often heard on television screens and in the speech of radio presenters.

do not always represent a speech error.

Cases where pleonasms are useful are presented in the figure below.

However, the line between a mistake and an artistic medium is very fragile.

Types of pleonasms

There are different types of pleonasms in speech. They are syntactic and semantic. Syntactic pleonasms are the result of excessive use of auxiliary parts of speech, and semantic pleonasms represent linguistic redundancy. Semantic pleonasms include such phenomena as perissology or synonymous repetition and verbosity.

Verbosity- this is a speech phenomenon when a phrase may contain words that do not add anything to the meaning.

Types of pleonasms

Perissology– excessive excess of words in speech; unnecessary prolixity of speech, an abundance of pleonasms.

There is another classification of pleonasms. According to it, pleonasms are divided by structure:

  • A combination of two synonymous nouns, perceived as denoting different, although homogeneous, concepts.
    For example: Selective swearing and curses were heard throughout the yard.
  • A combination of an adjective and a noun in which the meaning of the adjective to a certain extent duplicates the meaning contained in the noun.
    For example: The festive anniversary of Saratov has arrived.
  • A combination of two synonymous verbs:
    For example: We remembered and did not forget his advice.
  • Two synonymous adjectives in one sentence.
    For example: She put the ring in a tiny little box.
  • Synonymous verb and adverb in one sentence.
    For example: The day for submitting your tax return was getting closer.

Pleonasms are obligatory and optional. Obligatory pleonasms determined by the language system. Facultative pleonasms are not determined by the language system. Facultative pleonasms can be divided into optional conventional ones, i.e. fixed by the linguistic norm, and non-conventional pleonasms, i.e. created anew by the speaker or writer.

Pleonasms and tautology

Pleonasm and tautology are close linguistic phenomena. Tautology has been known to linguists for a very long time. It comes from the Greek "tauto" - the same thing and "logos" - word. The most common interpretation of this term is as follows:

Tautology– repetition of the same or similar words in meaning, for example “clearer than clear”, “cries, bursts into tears.” In poetic speech, especially in oral folk art, T. is used to enhance the emotional impact..

Pleonasm is broader than tautology. Not all pleonasms can be called a tautology. For example, "dummy phrases" are not a tautology, since if they are removed from the sentence the meaning will not be lost. For example: A tram was traveling towards us to meet us.

One of the reasons why both tautology and pleonasms are common in speech is the inability or ignorance of the features of lexical compatibility of words. For example, similar adjectives “long”, “long-term”, “long”, “long-term”, “long-term” have different compatibility with the word “period”: long period, but not “long”, “long”, “long-term” period . Often words with the same meaning can have different lexical co-occurrences.

Pleonasms Usually the speech of people who are insufficiently educated and have a small vocabulary is oversaturated. Pleonasms are found in the speech of many, but this does not mean that it is unnecessary to fight them. You can get rid of them by reading not only the classics, but modern literature and journalism.


  1. Kokenova Z.K., Berdalieva T.K. Chumbalova G.M. Pleonasm in medical vocabulary // Journal Bulletin of the Kazakh National Medical University No. 3, 2014
  2. Lebedeva L. Pleonasm // Russian language: Encyclopedia. – M.: 2009.
  3. Great Soviet Encyclopedia // [Electronic resource] https://dic.academic.ru/dic. nsf/bse/137739/Tautology

No matter how great the idea lies at the heart of your text, it will fade in the eyes of the Listeners if the Speaker’s speech is illiterate. It's like a diamond that developed a crack during the cutting process. Recently I received a letter from a Listener noting that during a talk I had used the expression “Jesus spoke in legends,” when in fact he spoke in parables. The reservation, which I did not notice, carried away by the process of speaking, which I absolutely love, was remembered by the Listener and, obviously, lowered my status as a speaker in his eyes. But there are no mistakes, it’s just experience, only if we don’t repeat it.

In this chapter, we will analyze the two most common speech errors and decide how to avoid them and what to do if an error does occur.

Tautology(literally translated “the same word”) or “butter” is the repetition of cognate words in one or adjacent sentences. For example, Dear colleagues! Our company's turnover is falling. We need emergency measures to increase the turnover of our products. Trade turnover - trade turnover. There are three ways out of tautology: replacement with a synonym, replacement with a pronoun, or deletion of a word. In this case, the second sentence can be constructed as follows: We need emergency measures to increase the volume of products sold (volumes of products sold = turnover). Or do we need emergency measures to increase them (trade turnover = them). Or we need to take action (the word turnover has been removed).

Attention! Do not confuse tautology with the technique of unity of beginning and gradation, when the repetition of the same word is associated with strengthening the attribute of the described object or phenomenon and is intended to focus the reader’s attention.

And I heard the sky tremble,

And the heavenly flight of angels,

And the reptile of the sea underwater,

And the valley of the vine is vegetated.

And he came to my lips,

And my sinner tore out my tongue,

And idle and crafty,

And the sting of a wise snake (fragment of the poem “Prophet” by A.S. Pushkin).

Pleonasm- This is an excessive use of words. For example, a souvenir. The word souvenir is translated from French as “memorable gift”. It turns out to be a “memorable memento.” It is logical that the way out of pleonasm is to eliminate the superfluous word. Incorrectly from the same opera: the month of May (what else could May be?), stomping your feet (as if you could stomp your hands), six-month planning for six months (six months = six months).

I would like to pay special attention paronyms. These are words that are similar in sound and meaning, but differ in shades of meaning. For those who are very interested in understanding this topic thoroughly, there are dictionaries of paronyms. I will give examples.

Pay-pay. You can pay for something, for example, pay for a business trip for the General Director, but pay for something: pay wages for three months. How to remember this couple quickly and easily? For-for is repeated.

Dress up. They dress someone else, but they put it on themselves. So it’s true: I’ll put on my raincoat and go to lunch.

Efficient and effective. Effective - working with positive impact (an effective product promotion plan), and spectacular - expressive, evoking emotions (spectacular chief accountant, that’s exactly what they are).

Diplomat and Diplomat. A diplomat is a person capable of establishing diplomatic relations, and a diplomat is a laureate of the competition. Therefore, a lawyer at our company is a real diplomat.

If these examples seem extremely simple and unworthy of attention to someone, feel free to scroll through the chapter - there is interesting stuff ahead, but the confusion in this word usage is not far-fetched, all the examples are from life.

Both-both. Both employees, but both female employees. The word of both is combined with masculine names, and both – feminine.

To urgently check such words, I also recommend using the portal gramata.ru , created with the support of the Russian Language Institute.


A fairly popular request during consultations on public speaking is the question: how to properly structure your speech (if you are a manager) and the speech of employees at events such as meetings, planning sessions, reports.

So what is planning meeting and how to perform on it correctly. Firstly, not only do they plan at the planning meeting, but they also plan the planning meeting (forgive the tautology, but it is justified here). The planning meeting should be held at the same time, on the same day of the week, so that employees develop the habit of preparing for this time. I think that the optimal day is Tuesday, because everyone knows that Monday is a hard day, and just on Monday there will be time to prepare for this event. Convenient time is 10 am.

The plan for this event is as follows (for a team of up to 15 people):

1. Opening speech by the General Director (Executive Director/Deputy Director) – leading the planning meeting.

The topic is what will be discussed at the planning meeting (for example, an increase in net revenue this week compared to the previous week by 10%).

Problem: What actions will each department take to increase net revenue this week?

I have been working with businesses as an external marketing and advertising consultant since 2004, and of course I participate in production meetings. It’s very sad to look at planning meetings built according to the scenario “It’s so good that we’ve gathered together today!”, in which the first word of the Presenter is as follows: Hello everyone, let’s discuss what news your departments have had over the past week.

The purpose of the planning meeting is to plan and solve specific problems, and not to find out the well-being and complaints of employees.

The topic and problem of the planning meeting should change every week: for example, in December, on the eve of the New Year, why not increase net profit by 300%, dividing specific revenue amounts by week.

The topic and problem of the planning meeting should be sent to secretaries, department heads or their deputies (people who will directly prepare reports at the planning meeting and answer questions) on Friday, so that there is at least two working days for preparation, and a good manager deals with production issues also on weekends , such is the fate of office plankton.

Proposal to increase net profit (specific measures, there must be at least 3)

Discussion of this proposal by colleagues (agree/disagree and definitely why? Argumentation

Conclusion – what action will we take this week.

The secretary enters the decision adopted, approved by the General Director, into the minutes (that is, he compiles a list of checkpoints and tasks for the Executive Director that must be resolved by Friday).

Each performance takes 5-10 minutes.

3. Conclusion. Conclusion of the General Director: a call to solve the task set at the beginning of the planning meeting by Friday and assigning the function of monitoring the implementation of each department of its micro-task to the executive director.

All! Brief, concise and effective. Immediately after the planning meeting (within an hour), the secretary sends each manager his task for the week by corporate mail, he, in turn, breaks this task into subtasks and passes it on to the department employees. Two control points are assigned: Wednesday and Friday (two stages of completing the task), the executive director collects reports during these periods and transmits a general report on the implementation to the General Director.

Meetings or working groups. The fundamental difference from all other events occurring at the enterprise is that they gather when one department or related departments have a common task and need to develop a joint solution. The goal is to develop a solution to the problem. For example, let’s take the same general task to increase the amount of net profit by 10% before Friday by conducting a small advertising campaign (this is a micro-task) within the marketing department. At the planning meeting, the General Director approved this micro-task. Next, the department head should hold a working group (and I like this name better than a meeting, because it reflects the activity that needs to happen - work and development of an action plan) with all employees and break down the micro-task into small tasks for everyone.

Working group (meeting) plan:

Topic (from the planning meeting)

Problem (from the planning meeting)

Micro-task for the department (adopted at the planning meeting and under the control of the executive director)

Distribution of instructions by the manager to each employee with discussion (the employee must voice his questions about the assignment, problems that he may have during execution).

Designer – draw a layout within 2 hours (instructions are given with deadlines indicated)

After the end of the working group, the leader (or his deputy) once again sends tasks and checkpoints to everyone in writing and monitors their implementation.

Report. The most complex and voluminous genre in terms of text. Reports can be different: weekly (about solving problems set at the planning meeting), monthly (the results of the work of the enterprise and each department), quarterly, semi-annual, annual. I haven’t come across enterprises in practice that would make reports for a five-year period, which is very disappointing, but this is related to the topic of goal setting, which is in the time management section.

Meetings with listening to department reports are the most boring thing that has ever happened to me in my life, honestly. In enterprises where these reports are constructed incorrectly, listening to reports turns into real torture, and the speeches of speakers sound boring and useless; in general, such activity looks like a stultifying activity, but should be developing and suggestive of productive thoughts.

A meeting to listen to reports should have as its goal not just listening and evaluating the work of departments, but developing new decisions based on the experience gained, only then such an event will be effective.

A report, like any other activity, must have a specific goal. For example, listen to the monthly reports of the enterprise and develop a work strategy for the next month. The final product is a strategy expressed in written form. All monthly reports must be prepared by the head of each department and be publicly available to the company so that each department head can familiarize themselves with them before the report (at least with the conclusion part) and prepare their questions.

Meeting plan “Monthly enterprise report”

Introduction by the General Director (topic - monthly report)

Problem: What decisions that will help improve the company’s performance will be approved and implemented.

Next is a report from the head of each department according to the following scheme: recognition of the department’s work as satisfactory/unsatisfactory, 3-5 draft decisions for implementation next month. Approval/non-approval by other event participants and the General Director. Draft decisions accepted for execution are immediately entered by the secretary into the minutes of the meeting and then sent for control to the Executive Director and heads of departments for execution. Each performance also takes 10-15 minutes.

Conclusion: The General Director sums up the results, highlighting one decision that is most important for execution by each division and assigns these tasks to the control of the Executive Director.

Speech within an enterprise refers to an official business style, which is characterized by clichés, so-called clericalism, the use of simple sentences, the meaning of which is clear to every employee, as well as a special construction of texts.

Templates for writing memos and official letters.

Template 1: in connection with (the reason is indicated), I inform you about what (what happened, what the problem is) and propose to take the following measures (solution to the problem).

Template 2: with a purpose (indicate the purpose), asking permission (what to do) or necessary (what to do).

Date, signature, seal (if this is an external letter).

For any text, especially business text, it is necessary to meet the criteria integrity, and integrity, in turn, is subordination to a single goal. Before writing any document, decide why you are doing it and for what purpose. Each paragraph of text should be directly related to this goal, to the problem that needs to be solved, and should describe it from some specific point of view. Your text can be compared to pizza that has been cut into pieces (paragraphs), but the fragments of the dish carry the general idea.


Any text has two strong positions - the introduction and the conclusion; the brain remembers the beginning and end of a book, film or speech better than the middle.

Therefore, special attention needs to be paid to these fragments. After you have written a text according to the model of the rhetorical canon, you need to look at it carefully again and think about it. how to start your speech? Even if it's a fairly rigorous presentation, such as an academic conference, you can still start your speech out of the box to grab the audience's attention.

1. way to attract attention – joke, anecdote.

2. way to attract attention – story.

Steve Jobs' best speech to graduates consists of three stories from his life. The audience loves to listen to real life examples, stories about how something worked out for someone.

Maximilian Robespierre's speech about the abolition of the death penalty begins with ancient Greek history:

When news reached Athens that some citizens in the city of Argos were sentenced to death, the inhabitants hastened to go to the temples and began to pray to the gods to turn away such cruel and destructive thoughts from the Athenians. I come here to beg not the gods, but the legislators, who should be the instrument and interpreters of the eternal laws inscribed by the Divine in the hearts of people, I came to beg them to erase the bloody laws from the French Code...

Lincoln's Gettysburg Address begins with the history of the American people.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. I would like to continue a series of small publications (notes in the margins) devoted to the topic of interpreting phrases and “words” quite often used in the vastness of the Runet. A little earlier we focused on, and.

Today I just want a few words speak for tautology and pleonasm(the spelling “tuftology” is considered incorrect, although many people pronounce this word exactly this way, making it sound like “tuftology”, which is generally not far from the truth).

What is it? What catchphrase has become essentially synonymous with tautology and why is it most often “scold” rather than “praised”? How does pleonasm differ from tautology? Or is it the same thing? All this, of course, is based on examples, because where would we be without them?

What are tautology and pleonasm?

Translated from the ancient Greek word pleonasm - this is overkill(the use of words or phrases that are unnecessary for understanding), and tautology is this is a repetition of the same thing(thoughts, reasons, descriptions) in one sentence (in fact, this is a special case of pleonasm).

This is what can be characterized by the term - speech excesses (errors). They very often hurt your ears and pollute our speech.

I would like to emphasize that pleonasm represents a more capacious definition, because redundancy (excess) in a sentence can be created not only by the use of words with similar meanings, but also by phrases that can be safely omitted. An example of this pleonasm, which cannot be called a tautology, the following dummy phrases can serve:

  1. A cart was driving towards the house (you can remove the phrase “in the direction” and nothing in meaning will change or be lost)
  2. He told me that... (the phrase “about that” can be omitted without losing the essence and brevity)
  3. Useful skill (the word “useful” is superfluous here, because the skill itself implies “useful skill”)

It seems like nothing, but it’s garbage that clogs our brain.

But still, pleonasms most often mean the duplication of meanings, i.e. pure tautology. In addition, such examples are much brighter and more impressive than what has already been given above.

Examples of tautology and pleonasm

Most often, this disgrace occurs when they use cognates words next to each other. This can be called a “childhood disease”, because most often it is characteristic of those who are just learning to correctly and, what is important, clearly form their thoughts.

You've probably already encountered someone telling someone that this is... "oil oil". In fact, this phrase has now become synonymous with the word “tautology” and is used much more often when they want to point out to a person an obvious shortcoming identified in his speech associated with speech excesses. “Well, it’s oil!” - they say in such cases.

Examples of “single-root” tautology The following phrases can serve:

  1. old man
  2. pay a fee
  3. high height
  4. visiting guest
  5. ask a question
  6. white white
  7. torrential downpour
  8. the writer describes
  9. the narrator told
  10. smiled a wide smile
  11. earned salary
  12. ringing bell
  13. finish to the end
  14. good-natured good fellow
  15. smoke is smoking
  16. little things
  17. had an illness
  18. openings open

But there is examples of pleonasm(tautological sense, i.e. excess due to duplication of meanings, and not due to empty phrases), when they use not the same root words, but very close in meaning:

  1. negative disadvantage
  2. hot boiling water
  3. better
  4. very well
  5. meet for the first time
  6. free gift
  7. fair-haired blonde
  8. dead corpse

Well, and one more thing examples of pleonasm without tautology(just one of the words is superfluous, because it simply cannot be any other way and it would be unnecessary to clarify):

  1. month of January
  2. minute of time
  3. back of the head
  4. future prospects
  5. main favorite
  6. industrial industry
  7. blink your eyes

Examples of non-irritating tautology of pleonasms

However, there are examples when an obvious tautology is not at all annoying:

  1. make jam
  2. start over
  3. fasten the clasp
  4. treat a guest
  5. close the lid
  6. lean on your elbow
  7. white underwear
  8. black ink
  9. dreamed about it in a dream
  10. size disproportion
  11. flowers bloom
  12. serve
  13. jam-packed
  14. present day
  15. highest peaks
  16. stop at the bus stop
  17. do the job
  18. jokes jokes
  19. to sing songs
  20. train with a trainer
  21. work work
  22. red paint (both words of the phrase are based on the root “beautiful”)

You can also give many examples when obvious pleonasms They don’t look particularly like that anymore due to their frequent and everyday use:

  1. facial expression
  2. go down
  3. to go up
  4. another alternative
  5. crowd
  6. clenched fist
  7. fell down
  8. walk
  9. ultimately
  10. I personally
  11. reality
  12. my autobiography
  13. young guy
  14. useful skill (a skill is a “useful skill” in itself)

The latter is most likely explained simply by the force of habit. If you have heard these phrases since childhood, use them yourself and everyone around you, then comments about the fact that this is a tautology will simply look inappropriate. These phrases no longer grate the ear like those used due to misunderstanding.

Often “taffeta phrases” come into our speech from proverbs and sayings:

  1. the fairy tale takes its toll
  2. sit down
  3. bitter grief
  4. walk
  5. live life
  6. let's eat
  7. guiltless guilty
  8. free will
  9. go to waste
  10. apparently species

Very often, the use in one phrase leads to established (not striking) tautologies (pleonasms). words borrowed from different languages, but mean almost the same thing:

  1. exhibition item (an exhibit is, by definition, an “exhibited item”)
  2. people's democracy (democracy is, by definition, “the power of the people”)
  3. memorial monument (a memorial is a monument by definition of the word)
  4. debut for the first time
  5. open vacancy
  6. interior interior
  7. price list
  8. hospitalize
  9. memorable souvenirs
  10. period of time
  11. full house
  12. import from abroad
  13. first premiere (first debut)
  14. folklore

Besides force of habit, tautology can be used to enhance the effect. This can be seen from most of the examples given above. You can also add to them, for example:

  1. tightly
  2. completely
  3. the real truth
  4. bitter grief
  5. clearer than ever
  6. Vanity
  7. full full
  8. all sorts of things
  9. ridiculous absurdity

How to avoid tautologies and pleonasms in your speech? Read more (or write, as I do :) Thus, you will inevitably increase your vocabulary and form a culture of speech. Everything is banal, but, unfortunately, in the current 21st century of the Internet it is not so simple and feasible, because we regularly read only news headlines and messages on social networks from “bookworms” like ourselves.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Verbosity is incompatible with the concept of “meaningful speech”. Sometimes it is very important to present this or that information briefly and quickly. We can safely say that verbosity is a lack of speech, regardless of style and genre.

Verbosity, or speech redundancy, can manifest itself in the use of unnecessary words even in a short phrase. For example: In the past days there have been snowfalls and a lot of snow has fallen; Why did you come back? Extra words in oral and written speech indicate not only stylistic negligence, they indicate the vagueness and uncertainty of the author’s ideas about the subject of speech. Verbosity often borders on idle talk. So. sports commentator reports: Athletes arrived at international competitions in order to take part in competitions in which not only ours, but also foreign athletes will participate.

Forms of verbosity:

Pleonasm (from the Greek pleonasmos - excess), i.e. the use of words that are close in meaning and therefore unnecessary (fell down, the main essence,

everyday routine, uselessly disappears, etc.). Often pleonasms appear when connecting with anonymous ov: courageous and brave, only in the end. Pleonasms usually arise due to the stylistic negligence of the author. For example: Local forest workers do not limit themselves only to protecting the taiga, but also do not allow the richest gifts of nature to be wasted in vain. The highlighted words can be excluded without damage.

Tautology is a type of pleonasm (from the Greek tauto - the same thing and 1оgos - word) - repeated designation in other words of an already named concept (multiply many times, resume again, an unusual phenomenon, driving leitmotif). An obvious tautology arises when repeating similar words: Can I ask a question? A hidden tautology arises when combining foreign and Russian words that duplicate each other (memorable souvenirs," debuted for the first time).

Damage to the informative richness of speech is also caused by repetition of words. Lexical repetitions are often combined with tautology, pleonasms and usually indicate the author’s inability to clearly and concisely formulate a thought. For example: A dormitory is a house in which students live for five long years of their student life; What this life will be like depends on the residents of the hostel themselves. But in other cases, lexical repetitions help highlight an important concept in the text (Live forever, learn forever; They pay for good with good).

20.Speech redundancy (pleonasm, tautology, repetition of words, sentence length). (Option 2)

Speech redundancy- this is verbosity. It manifests itself in various forms. Idle talk, that is, an obsessive explanation of banalities. For example: “Consumption of milk is a good tradition, not only children eat milk, the need for milk, the habit of milk persists until old age. Is this a bad habit? Should I give it up? - No!" Appreciate the informativeness of your own statements! 2. Absurdism. Example: “the corpse was dead and did not hide it.” Such statements are called lyapalisiads. The origin of this term is not without interest: it was formed on behalf of the French marshal Marquis la Palis, who died in 1825. The soldiers composed a song about him, which included the following words: “Our commander was alive 25 minutes before his death.” The absurdity of the blunder lies in the self-affirmation of self-evident truth. 3. Pleonasm, that is, the use in speech of words that are close in meaning and therefore unnecessary. In other words, pleonasm is about the same thing in different words. “Go back”, “fall down”, “this phenomenon is”, “connect together”, “we sang one song together”, “the main essence”, “valuable treasure”, “dark darkness”, “everyday routine”, “useless disappears”, “to have a presentiment in advance” - all these are pleonasms. It is probably unnecessary to explain that, for example, “dark darkness” is verbose, because one of the meanings of the word “darkness” is deep, impenetrable darkness. There are synonymous pleonasms: “long and prolonged”, “courageous and brave”, “amazing and wonderful”, “kissed and kissed”, “only, only”, “nevertheless, however”, “so, for example”. 4. Tautology, that is, repetition of cognate words in a sentence. “Tell a story”, “multiply many times”, “ask a question”, “resume again” and so on. Often a tautology is formed from the combination of a Russian word with a foreign one, duplicating its meaning: “memorable souvenir”, “driving leitmotif”, “unusual phenomenon”, “made his debut for the first time”, “old veteran”, “biography of life”, “one’s own autobiography”, “ ultimately”, “minuscule little things”, “leading leader”, “response counterattack”, “folklore”, “demobilize from the army”. 5.Repetition of words. For example: “Results were obtained that were close to the results obtained on the ship model. The results obtained showed..."

E.N. Gekkina
senior researcher at the Institute of Linguistic Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Candidate of Philology

PLEONASM (Greek – excess).

1. A means of lexical expressiveness, based on the use in a sentence or text of words that are close in meaning, creating semantic redundancy.

Pleonasm is found in folklore: once upon a time, sadness-longing, path-path, sea-okiyan. This device is also widely used in fiction, usually for the purpose of specifying the details of the story or enhancing emotions and assessments: Extremely strange indeed! - said the official, - the place completely smooth like a freshly baked pancake. Yes, incredibly smooth! (N. Gogol, “The Nose”); The old fear seized him again everything, from head to toe (F. Dostoevsky, “Crime and Punishment”); – I didn't see you the whole week, I didn't hear you so long. I I passionately want, I thirsty your voice. Speak.(A. Chekhov, “Ionych”).

2. A type of lexical error associated with a violation of the norms of lexical compatibility, when words that are unnecessary from a semantic point of view are used in a phrase or sentence. For example, in the sentence They ensured the rhythmic and uninterrupted operation of the enterprise definitions express similar meanings; here one of them is sufficient. Author's inscription on the cover of the book Dedicated to my dad – Sergei Mikhailovich pleonastic; Enough Dedicated to my dad...

Typical examples of non-normative pleonasm are phrases in which the meaning of one word repeats the meaning of another: more important (more redundant, since more important means “more important”), first premiere (premiere is sufficient - “the first performance of a play, film or performance of a musical work”), atmospheric air(enough air - “a mixture of gases that forms the Earth’s atmosphere”), ultimately(Right in the end or enough in the end), go back(the verb return indicates movement back, in the opposite direction), import from abroad(it is enough to import – “import from abroad”).

Some pleonastic phrases have become entrenched in the language and are not considered erroneous, For example: go down, go up, time period, exhibition exhibit(Latin exhibitus means "on display"), people's democracy(democracy translated from Greek means “power of the people”).

In fiction and journalism, non-normative lexical redundancy can act as a means of speech characterization of characters: – Here you are laugh And bare your teeth, - said Vasya, - and I really, Marya Vasilievna, warmly love you adore And I love (M. Zoshchenko, “Love”).

TAUTOLOGY (Greek - the same and - word) - a type of pleonasm; the use of cognate words in a sentence or text.

Tautology is found in proverbs and sayings: Friendship is friendship, A service by service; Live life– don’t cross the field; Free will ; in phraseological units: walk around, jam-packed, eat while eating .

Expressively colored tautological combinations are characteristic of folklore: Soon the fairy tale takes its toll, not soon the job is done; let's sit, bitter grief .

The deliberate use of cognate words serves as a means of lexical expressiveness in fiction and journalism: “ Gorky with fur mine I'll laugh "(N. Gogol); " How the mind is smart, How business wise, // How fear is terrible, How darkness is dark!// How life is alive! How death is fatal! // How youth young youth! "(Z. Ezrohi), " Law There is law "(from the newspaper).

Tautology is lexical error, if the use of cognate words is not justified by stylistic purposes and is random: put together, dance a dance, have a sportsmanlike attitude towards sports, confirm a statement. Usually an unintentional tautology is spoken of as follows: oil oil.

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