Lesson topic: “E. Baratynsky

“Lyrics of Tyutchev” - Or: We love more tenderly and more superstitiously... The principles underlying any science. A little more detail “about the first steps” of Tyutchev. F.I. Tyutchev (biography). "First creative steps" by Tyutchev. Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev. Go to next slide Go to content Go to title page. Poet's values. Educational project on literature.

“Nature in Tyutchev’s lyrics” - Contents. A stanza is a group of verses united by a repeating meter and method of rhyming. Eleanor Fedorovna Tyutcheva (Botmer) is the poet’s first wife. The poet's love Monument to Tyutchev. The whole day stands, as if crystal, And the evenings are radiant... In the poem “Spring Waters” the streams “run and shine and shout.”

“Tyutchev’s Love Theme” - Ernestina Durnberg. Child's portrait of F.I. Tyutcheva. Amalia Lerchenfeld. Presentation on the topic “Love lyrics by F. Tyutchev. F.I. Tyutchev in the year of graduation from Moscow University. Eleanor Peterson. Love, love - says the legend. Tyutchev Ivan Nikolaevich. Tyutcheva Ekaterina Lvovna.

“Tyutchev and Denisyeva” - Anna Dmitrievna. Tyutchev and Denisyeva. Farewell light. Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev. "Denisevsky" cycle. E.I. Denisyeva with her daughter Elena. Poet-translator. Elena Deniseva. Rapprochement between Tyutchev and Deniseva. Tyutchev's love lyrics. Public persecution.

“Tyutchev Poems” - Coat of arms of the Tyutchev family. 1802 Genre originality of F. I. Tyutchev’s lyrics. Poetry of N. Zabolotsky. 1803-1873. Love lyrics. F. I. Tyutchev was born in 1803 on the family estate in the village of Ovstug, Oryol province. ... in all poets, next to direct creativity, one hears doing, processing. How greedily you strive for the sky!..

“Themes of Tyutchev’s lyrics” - Tyutchev’s lyrical hero. The theme of love in the lyrics of F.I. Tyutcheva. Oh, how murderously we love! The center of Tyutchev’s poetic world is the image of a thinker. Poem by F.I. Tyutchev “There is in the original autumn...”. “How sweetly the dark green garden slumbers...” Ernestina Fedorovna Tyutcheva (Dernberg). Tyutchev's lyrics are philosophical.

There are a total of 32 presentations in the topic

UMK L. F. Klimanova

Goals: introduce students to the Russian folk tale “The Cockerel and the Bean Seed”; improve reading skills; develop speech and attention; learn to find the main idea in a work, as well as words that carry the main content and meaning of the work; foster a desire to care for others.

Planned results: students should be able to distinguish between genres of oral folk art; characterize the heroes of a fairy tale; correlate the proverb and the fairy tale text; determine the sequence of events, make a plan, find words.

Equipment: cards (text for speech warm-up, crossword puzzle, proverb words).

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

II. Checking homework

Reading the poem by Yu. Moritz “A fairy tale goes through the forest...” by heart.

III. Speech warm-up

The lapwing has miracles:

Whose forests? Whose fox?

Whose are you?

Whose are you

With foxes, with spring, with forests?

With lapwings

With miracles?

V. Bakhrevsky

IV. Setting lesson goals

— We continue to study the section “Oral Folk Art”, today we will get acquainted with a fairy tale. Read its title. Who is its author? (She is folk.)

- Look at the illustrations for the fairy tale. Who do you think her heroes are?

V. Work on the topic of the lesson

(Reading a fairy tale by the teacher and students who read well.)

— What feelings did you experience while reading the fairy tale?

- What happened to the cockerel? Why?

- Who helped the hen save the cockerel? (Mistress, cow, owner, forge.)

VI. Physical education minute

That's an apple!

That's an apple!

It's full of sweet juice.

Stretch out your hand

Pick an apple.

The wind began to shake the twig,

And it's hard to get an apple.

I'll jump up and extend my hand

And I’ll quickly pick an apple!

That's an apple!

That's an apple!

VII. Consolidation of what has been learned

1. Isolating parts of a fairy tale

How many parts can a fairy tale be divided into? (At six.)

Find and read the first part. What's important about it? (The cockerel choked on a bean seed.)

2. Crossword based on a fairy tale

(After the answers are entered, you need to guess which letters are missing in the keyword and insert them.)

1. The first person the chicken turned to for help. (Mistress.)

2. The fact that the cockerel needed to be lubricated. (Neck.)

3. The one who was supposed to bring fresh grass for the cow. (Master.)

4. She is motley, eats green, gives white. (Cow.)

5. A craftsman engaged in manual metal processing. (Blacksmith.) 6- The item that the blacksmith gave to the owner. (Braid.)

- Name the key word that appears in the title of the fairy tale. (Grain.)

3. Vocabulary work

Collect a proverb. Can it be related to the content of the fairy tale? Prove it.

(Answer: For a friend, seven versts is not a detour.) Versta - 1. An old Russian measure of length equal to 1.06 km. 2. A road pole painted with black and white stripes marking this measure (obsolete).

Hook - 1. Thick rod, point with a curved end. 2. Part in machines for hanging, clinging. 3. Excessive distance on the way (decompression).

VIII. Reflection

— Draw a smiley face in your notebook that reflects your attitude to the lesson material.

IX. Summing up the lesson

—What fairy tale did you come across?

- What does this fairy tale teach?

— Have you ever had such situations when you helped someone?


Prepare a retelling of the fairy tale “The Cockerel and the Bean Seed.”

Can it be classified as a tongue twister? Write what tongue twisters are needed for. The lapwing has miracles: Whose forests? Whose fox? Whose are you? Whose are you? With foxes, with spring, with forests? With lapwings, with miracles?


Can. Tongue twisters are needed for speech development. To develop speed and correctness of speech.

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Lesson 11

Don't believe whoever says

That this is fiction and nonsense,

Don't even listen to him.

Rather, read fairy tales

Remember them better

And learn the ancient wisdom -

They will teach you everything.

We know fairy tales by heart,

After all, we’ve been reading them since childhood,

But something new, my friend,

Now we will find out about them.

Fairy tales have been known for a long time.

Don't believe whoever says

That this is fiction and nonsense,

Don't even listen to him.

Rather, read fairy tales

Remember them better

And learn the ancient wisdom -

They will teach you everything.

We know fairy tales by heart,

After all, we’ve been reading them since childhood,

But something new, my friend,

Now we will find out about them.

Fairy tales have been known for a long time.

Don't believe whoever says

That this is fiction and nonsense,

Don't even listen to him.

Rather, read fairy tales

Remember them better

And learn the ancient wisdom -

They will teach you everything.

We know fairy tales by heart,

After all, we’ve been reading them since childhood,

But something new, my friend,

Now we will find out about them.

Fairy tales have been known for a long time.

Don't believe whoever says

That this is fiction and nonsense,

Don't even listen to him.

Rather, read fairy tales

Remember them better

And learn the ancient wisdom -

They will teach you everything.

We know fairy tales by heart,

After all, we’ve been reading them since childhood,

But something new, my friend,

Now we will find out about them.

Fairy tales have been known for a long time.

Don't believe whoever says

That this is fiction and nonsense,

Don't even listen to him.

Rather, read fairy tales

Remember them better

And learn the ancient wisdom -

They will teach you everything.

We know fairy tales by heart,

After all, we’ve been reading them since childhood,

But something new, my friend,

Now we will find out about them.

Fairy tales have been known for a long time.

Don't believe whoever says

That this is fiction and nonsense,

Don't even listen to him.

Rather, read fairy tales

Remember them better

And learn the ancient wisdom -

They will teach you everything.

We know fairy tales by heart,

After all, we’ve been reading them since childhood,

But something new, my friend,

Now we will find out about them.

Bye, doll, bye - bye.

Mom's going to school tomorrow

Don't play today

Sleep, don't be stubborn

Sleep, good one, sleep-

The dream will come cheerful,

The dolls are cute

And they don't go to school.

Bye, doll, bye - bye.

Mom's going to school tomorrow

Don't play today

Sleep, don't be stubborn

Sleep, good one, sleep-

The dream will come cheerful,

The dolls are cute

And they don't go to school.

Bye, doll, bye - bye.

Mom's going to school tomorrow

Don't play today

Sleep, don't be stubborn

Sleep, good one, sleep-

The dream will come cheerful,

The dolls are cute

And they don't go to school.

Bye, doll, bye - bye.

Mom's going to school tomorrow

Don't play today

Sleep, don't be stubborn

Sleep, good one, sleep-

The dream will come cheerful,

The dolls are cute

And they don't go to school.

Bye, doll, bye - bye.

Mom's going to school tomorrow

Don't play today

Sleep, don't be stubborn

Sleep, good one, sleep-

The dream will come cheerful,

The dolls are cute

And they don't go to school.

Bye, doll, bye - bye.

Mom's going to school tomorrow

Don't play today

Sleep, don't be stubborn

Sleep, good one, sleep-

The dream will come cheerful,

The dolls are cute

And they don't go to school.

Bye, doll, bye - bye.

Mom's going to school tomorrow

Don't play today

Sleep, don't be stubborn

Sleep, good one, sleep-

The dream will come cheerful,

The dolls are cute

And they don't go to school.

Bye, doll, bye - bye.

Mom's going to school tomorrow

Don't play today

Sleep, don't be stubborn

Sleep, good one, sleep-

The dream will come cheerful,

The dolls are cute

And they don't go to school.

Bye, doll, bye - bye.

Mom's going to school tomorrow

Don't play today

Sleep, don't be stubborn

Sleep, good one, sleep-

The dream will come cheerful,

The dolls are cute

And they don't go to school.

Bye, doll, bye - bye.

Mom's going to school tomorrow

Don't play today

Sleep, don't be stubborn

Sleep, good one, sleep-

The dream will come cheerful,

The dolls are cute

And they don't go to school.

Great is the Earth - planet,

And there are countless miracles on it.

They say that even somewhere

There is one magical forest.

All the birches there are wearing earrings

And not scary at all,

There's a hut on chicken legs

Invites you to relax.

In this fairy forest

Miracle - horses drink dew

The birds are singing a miracle,

Miracle - the lake sparkles.

Great is the Earth - planet,

And there are countless miracles on it.

They say that even somewhere

There is one magical forest.

All the birches there are wearing earrings

And not scary at all,

There's a hut on chicken legs

Invites you to relax.

In this fairy forest

Miracle - horses drink dew

The birds are singing a miracle,

Miracle - the lake sparkles.

Great is the Earth - planet,

And there are countless miracles on it.

They say that even somewhere

There is one magical forest.

All the birches there are wearing earrings

And not scary at all,

There's a hut on chicken legs

Invites you to relax.

In this fairy forest

Miracle - horses drink dew

The birds are singing a miracle,

Miracle - the lake sparkles.

Great is the Earth - planet,

And there are countless miracles on it.

They say that even somewhere

There is one magical forest.

All the birches there are wearing earrings

And not scary at all,

There's a hut on chicken legs

Invites you to relax.

In this fairy forest

Miracle - horses drink dew

The birds are singing a miracle,

Miracle - the lake sparkles.

Great is the Earth - planet,

And there are countless miracles on it.

They say that even somewhere

There is one magical forest.

All the birches there are wearing earrings

And not scary at all,

There's a hut on chicken legs

Invites you to relax.

In this fairy forest

Miracle - horses drink dew

The birds are singing a miracle,

Miracle - the lake sparkles.

Great is the Earth - planet,

And there are countless miracles on it.

They say that even somewhere

There is one magical forest.

All the birches there are wearing earrings

And not scary at all,

There's a hut on chicken legs

Invites you to relax.

In this fairy forest

Miracle - horses drink dew

The birds are singing a miracle,

Miracle - the lake sparkles.

ran By fox in the forest,

And there are miracles all around.

Everything where I won't go -

I can't find the way to the house.

These hummocks, windbreaks!

All the places are unfamiliar to me!

So what happened to the fox?

She suddenly got lost!

ran By fox in the forest,

And there are miracles all around.

Everything where I won't go -

I can't find the way to the house.

These hummocks, windbreaks!

All the places are unfamiliar to me!

So what happened to the fox?

She suddenly got lost

ran By fox in the forest,

And there are miracles all around.

Everything where I won't go -

I can't find the way to the house.

These hummocks, windbreaks!

All the places are unfamiliar to me!

So what happened to the fox?

She suddenly got lost

ran By fox in the forest,

And there are miracles all around.

Everything where I won't go -

I can't find the way to the house.

These hummocks, windbreaks!

All the places are unfamiliar to me!

So what happened to the fox?

She suddenly got lost

ran By fox in the forest,

And there are miracles all around.

Everything where I won't go -

I can't find the way to the house.

These hummocks, windbreaks!

All the places are unfamiliar to me!

So what happened to the fox?

She suddenly got lost

ran By fox in the forest,

And there are miracles all around.

Everything where I won't go -

I can't find the way to the house.

These hummocks, windbreaks!

All the places are unfamiliar to me!

So what happened to the fox?

She suddenly got lost

ran By fox in the forest,

And there are miracles all around.

Everything where I won't go -

I can't find the way to the house.

These hummocks, windbreaks!

All the places are unfamiliar to me!

So what happened to the fox?

She suddenly got lost

ran By fox in the forest,

And there are miracles all around.

Everything where I won't go -

I can't find the way to the house.

These hummocks, windbreaks!

All the places are unfamiliar to me!

So what happened to the fox?

She suddenly got lost

ran By fox in the forest,

And there are miracles all around.

Everything where I won't go -

I can't find the way to the house.

These hummocks, windbreaks!

All the places are unfamiliar to me!

So what happened to the fox?

She suddenly got lost

ran By fox in the forest,

And there are miracles all around.

Everything where I won't go -

I can't find the way to the house.

These hummocks, windbreaks!

All the places are unfamiliar to me!

So what happened to the fox?

She suddenly got lost

The lapwing has miracles:

Whose forests? Whose fox?

Whose are you?

Whose are you

With foxes, with spring, with forests?

With lapwings

With miracles?

The lapwing has miracles:

Whose forests? Whose fox?

Whose are you?

Whose are you

With foxes, with spring, with forests?

With lapwings

With miracles?

The lapwing has miracles:

Whose forests? Whose fox?

Whose are you?

Whose are you

With foxes, with spring, with forests?

With lapwings

With miracles?

The lapwing has miracles:

Whose forests? Whose fox?

Whose are you?

Whose are you

With foxes, with spring, with forests?

With lapwings

With miracles?

The lapwing has miracles:

Whose forests? Whose fox?

Whose are you?

Whose are you

With foxes, with spring, with forests?

With lapwings

With miracles?

The lapwing has miracles:

Whose forests? Whose fox?

Whose are you?

Whose are you

With foxes, with spring, with forests?

With lapwings

With miracles?

The lapwing has miracles:

Whose forests? Whose fox?

Whose are you?

Whose are you

With foxes, with spring, with forests?

With lapwings

With miracles?

The lapwing has miracles:

Whose forests? Whose fox?

Whose are you?

Whose are you

With foxes, with spring, with forests?

With lapwings

With miracles?

The lapwing has miracles:

Whose forests? Whose fox?

Whose are you?

Whose are you

With foxes, with spring, with forests?

With lapwings

With miracles?

The lapwing has miracles:

Whose forests? Whose fox?

Whose are you?

Whose are you

With foxes, with spring, with forests?

With lapwings

With miracles?

The lapwing has miracles:

Whose forests? Whose fox?

Whose are you?

Whose are you

With foxes, with spring, with forests?

With lapwings

With miracles?

The lapwing has miracles:

Whose forests? Whose fox?

Whose are you?

Whose are you

With foxes, with spring, with forests?

With lapwings

With miracles?

The owl has owls

Round eyes.

In the darkness they burn with fire,

At night they see everything as during the day!

Reluctance, brothers,

I should meet an owl!

The owl has owls

Round eyes.

In the darkness they burn with fire,

At night they see everything as during the day!

Reluctance, brothers,

I should meet an owl!

The owl has owls

Round eyes.

In the darkness they burn with fire,

At night they see everything as during the day!

Reluctance, brothers,

I should meet an owl!

The owl has owls

Round eyes.

In the darkness they burn with fire,

At night they see everything as during the day!

Reluctance, brothers,

I should meet an owl!

The owl has owls

Round eyes.

In the darkness they burn with fire,

At night they see everything as during the day!

Reluctance, brothers,

I should meet an owl!

The owl has owls

Round eyes.

In the darkness they burn with fire,

At night they see everything as during the day!

Reluctance, brothers,

I should meet an owl!

The owl has owls

Round eyes.

In the darkness they burn with fire,

At night they see everything as during the day!

Reluctance, brothers,

I should meet an owl!

The owl has owls

Round eyes.

In the darkness they burn with fire,

At night they see everything as during the day!

Reluctance, brothers,

I should meet an owl!

The owl has owls

Round eyes.

In the darkness they burn with fire,

At night they see everything as during the day!

Reluctance, brothers,

I should meet an owl!

The owl has owls

Round eyes.

In the darkness they burn with fire,

At night they see everything as during the day!

Reluctance, brothers,

I should meet an owl!

The owl has owls

Round eyes.

In the darkness they burn with fire,

At night they see everything as during the day!

Reluctance, brothers,

I should meet an owl!

The owl has owls

Round eyes.

In the darkness they burn with fire,

At night they see everything as during the day!

Reluctance, brothers,

I should meet an owl!

There is a bed in the garden,

A mystery has grown

The tail is like that of the Firebird,

And she herself is in the countryside.

And Tanya said:

"What is this? What?

Pull, pull,

But we can’t get it out.”

There is a bed in the garden,

A mystery has grown

The tail is like that of the Firebird,

And she herself is in the countryside.

And Tanya said:

"What is this? What?

Pull, pull,

But we can’t get it out.”

There is a bed in the garden,

A mystery has grown

The tail is like that of the Firebird,

And she herself is in the countryside.

And Tanya said:

"What is this? What?

Pull, pull,

But we can’t get it out.”

There is a bed in the garden,

A mystery has grown

The tail is like that of the Firebird,

And she herself is in the countryside.

And Tanya said:

"What is this? What?

Pull, pull,

But we can’t get it out.”

There is a bed in the garden,

A mystery has grown

The tail is like that of the Firebird,

And she herself is in the countryside.

And Tanya said:

"What is this? What?

Pull, pull,

But we can’t get it out.”

There is a bed in the garden,

A mystery has grown

The tail is like that of the Firebird,

And she herself is in the countryside.

And Tanya said:

"What is this? What?

Pull, pull,

But we can’t get it out.”

There is a bed in the garden,

A mystery has grown

The tail is like that of the Firebird,

And she herself is in the countryside.

And Tanya said:

"What is this? What?

Pull, pull,

But we can’t get it out.”

There is a bed in the garden,

A mystery has grown

The tail is like that of the Firebird,

And she herself is in the countryside.

And Tanya said:

"What is this? What?

Pull, pull,

But we can’t get it out.”

There is a bed in the garden,

A mystery has grown

The tail is like that of the Firebird,

And she herself is in the countryside.

And Tanya said:

"What is this? What?

Pull, pull,

But we can’t get it out.”

There is a bed in the garden,

A mystery has grown

The tail is like that of the Firebird,

And she herself is in the countryside.

And Tanya said:

"What is this? What?

Pull, pull,

But we can’t get it out.”

A fairy tale goes through the forest -

Takes a fairy tale by the hand,

What kind of round dance is this?

This is a round dance of fairy tales!

Fairy tale - clever and charming

He's walking next to us.

To! To!

To again

Good has defeated evil!

To be kind,

To be evil

Convinced to become good!

In a fairy tale, the sun is shining!

Justice reigns in it!

The fairy tale is clever and lovely!

The path is open to her everywhere.

A fairy tale goes through the forest -

Takes a fairy tale by the hand,

A fairy tale comes out of the river, out of the tram! out of the gate!

What kind of round dance is this?

This is a round dance of fairy tales!

Fairy tale - clever and charming

He's walking next to us.

To! To!

To again

Good has defeated evil!

To be kind,

To be evil

Convinced to become good!

In a fairy tale, the sun is shining!

Justice reigns in it!

The fairy tale is clever and lovely!

The path is open to her everywhere.

A fairy tale goes through the forest -

Takes a fairy tale by the hand,

A fairy tale comes out of the river, out of the tram! out of the gate!

What kind of round dance is this?

This is a round dance of fairy tales!

Fairy tale - clever and charming

He's walking next to us.

To! To!

To again

Good has defeated evil!

To be kind,

To be evil

Convinced to become good!

In a fairy tale, the sun is shining!

Justice reigns in it!

The fairy tale is clever and lovely!

The path is open to her everywhere.

A fairy tale goes through the forest -

Takes a fairy tale by the hand,

A fairy tale comes out of the river, out of the tram! out of the gate!

What kind of round dance is this?

This is a round dance of fairy tales!

Fairy tale - clever and charming

He's walking next to us.

To! To!

To again

Good has defeated evil!

To be kind,

To be evil

Convinced to become good!

In a fairy tale, the sun is shining!

Justice reigns in it!

The fairy tale is clever and lovely!

The path is open to her everywhere.

There are many sad and funny fairy tales in the world.

And we cannot live in the world without them.

Aladdin's lamp, lead us into a fairy tale.

Crystal slipper, help me on the way.

Boy Cipollino, bear Vini - Pooh...

Everyone is a true friend to us on the road.

Let the heroes of fairy tales give us warmth,

May good triumph over evil forever!

There are many sad and funny fairy tales in the world.

And we cannot live in the world without them.

Aladdin's lamp, lead us into a fairy tale.

Crystal slipper, help me on the way.

Boy Cipollino, bear Vini - Pooh...

Everyone is a true friend to us on the road.

Let the heroes of fairy tales give us warmth,

May good triumph over evil forever!

There are many sad and funny fairy tales in the world.

And we cannot live in the world without them.

Aladdin's lamp, lead us into a fairy tale.

Crystal slipper, help me on the way.

Boy Cipollino, bear Vini - Pooh...

Everyone is a true friend to us on the road.

Let the heroes of fairy tales give us warmth,

May good triumph over evil forever!

There are many sad and funny fairy tales in the world.

And we cannot live in the world without them.

Aladdin's lamp, lead us into a fairy tale.

Crystal slipper, help me on the way.

Boy Cipollino, bear Vini - Pooh...

Everyone is a true friend to us on the road.

Let the heroes of fairy tales give us warmth,

May good triumph over evil forever!

There are many sad and funny fairy tales in the world.

And we cannot live in the world without them.

Aladdin's lamp, lead us into a fairy tale.

Crystal slipper, help me on the way.

Boy Cipollino, bear Vini - Pooh...

Everyone is a true friend to us on the road.

Let the heroes of fairy tales give us warmth,

May good triumph over evil forever!

There are many sad and funny fairy tales in the world.

And we cannot live in the world without them.

Aladdin's lamp, lead us into a fairy tale.

Crystal slipper, help me on the way.

Boy Cipollino, bear Vini - Pooh...

Everyone is a true friend to us on the road.

Let the heroes of fairy tales give us warmth,

May good triumph over evil forever!

There are many sad and funny fairy tales in the world.

And we cannot live in the world without them.

Aladdin's lamp, lead us into a fairy tale.

Crystal slipper, help me on the way.

Boy Cipollino, bear Vini - Pooh...

Everyone is a true friend to us on the road.

Let the heroes of fairy tales give us warmth,

May good triumph over evil forever!

There are many sad and funny fairy tales in the world.

And we cannot live in the world without them.

Aladdin's lamp, lead us into a fairy tale.

Crystal slipper, help me on the way.

Boy Cipollino, bear Vini - Pooh...

Everyone is a true friend to us on the road.

Let the heroes of fairy tales give us warmth,

May good triumph over evil forever!

There are many sad and funny fairy tales in the world.

And we cannot live in the world without them.

Aladdin's lamp, lead us into a fairy tale.

Crystal slipper, help me on the way.

Boy Cipollino, bear Vini - Pooh...

Everyone is a true friend to us on the road.

Let the heroes of fairy tales give us warmth,

May good triumph over evil forever!

There is no river, no pond -

Where can I get some water?

Very tasty water

In the hoof hole!

There is no river, no pond -

Where can I get some water?

Very tasty water

In the hoof hole!

There is no river, no pond -

Where can I get some water?

Very tasty water

In the hoof hole!

There is no river, no pond -

Where can I get some water?

Very tasty water

In the hoof hole!

There is no river, no pond -

Where can I get some water?

Very tasty water

In the hoof hole!

There is no river, no pond -

Where can I get some water?

Very tasty water

In the hoof hole!

There is no river, no pond -

Where can I get some water?

Very tasty water

In the hoof hole!

There is no river, no pond -

Where can I get some water?

Very tasty water

In the hoof hole!

There is no river, no pond -

Where can I get some water?

Very tasty water

In the hoof hole!

There is no river, no pond -

Where can I get some water?

Very tasty water

In the hoof hole!

There is no river, no pond -

Where can I get some water?

Very tasty water

In the hoof hole!

There is no river, no pond -

Where can I get some water?

Very tasty water

In the hoof hole!

There is no river, no pond -

Where can I get some water?

Very tasty water

In the hoof hole!

There is no river, no pond -

Where can I get some water?

Very tasty water

In the hoof hole!

There is no river, no pond -

Where can I get some water?

Very tasty water

In the hoof hole!

There is no river, no pond -

Where can I get some water?

Very tasty water

In the hoof hole!

There is no river, no pond -

Where can I get some water?

Very tasty water

In the hoof hole!

There is no river, no pond -

Where can I get some water?

Very tasty water

In the hoof hole!

The speech warm-up is compiled in the form of a presentation; material with a primary task is given for each lesson. The material is compiled according to the methodological manual "Lesson developments in literary reading", Moscow, "Wako". Author S. Kunyavina. Almost every lesson has a slide with text.



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Educational complex "School of Russia" Speech warm-up.

Read the poem yourself. Lv. 1 Autumn has come again, and behind it is hope, Only luck and happiness awaits everyone in the future. In September, at our school again, as before, the new school year begins. Every class gets together, Friends have matured, we ourselves have changed. All. We will retell to each other for hours what happened to you here in the summer. S. Zhiguleva

Read the poem yourself. Lv. 4 Who is it dedicated to? Bookish people, my close friends, faithful servants and bookish marshals. Sweet, quiet women, omniscient in books, shy in life. Good healers of human souls, librarians of feelings and actions. You seem to me the most beautiful, I see the reading rooms as temples. Who are we without you? Lost in the notes People without tomorrow and people without memory. L. Oshanin.

Read this poem expressively. . Lv. 5 The library has been and will be a sacred temple of living printed words. Young Bunin was one of its priests, and for thirty years the sage Krylov. V. Cherkasov.

Read the text. What do you think this is? Byu. Doll, bye-bye. Mom's going to school tomorrow. Don't play today, sleep, don't be stubborn. Sleep, my dear, sleep - A happy dream will come, The dolls are small and don’t go to school. Lv. 7

Read the text. Try to determine its genre. Lv. 8 Kite, kite, wheel, Your children outside the village shout to you: Don’t carry chickens, But fly around - Over the green meadow.

Read the text. Guess what it is. Cuckoos live with me - They cook dumplings. They bake donuts and sing ditties. Good girlfriends - Variegated cuckoos! E. Krasnorutsky. Lv. 9

Read the text. Lv. 10 A bird flies - Not winged, not feathered, Long nose, Thin voice. Whoever kills her will shed human blood.

Read the text. Lv. 11 Fairy tales have been known for a long time. Don’t believe anyone who says that this is fiction and nonsense, don’t even listen to him. Rather, read fairy tales, remember them better, and learn the ancient wisdom - They will teach you everything. We know fairy tales by heart, After all, we’ve been reading them since childhood, But something new, my friend, Now we’re learning about them.

Owl. The owl has round eyes. In the darkness they burn with fire, At night they see everything as during the day! I'm reluctant, brothers, to meet an owl. Lv. 13

Read the tongue twister. The black grouse was sitting in Terenty’s cage, and the black grouse was on a branch in the forest with the goshawks. Lv. 14

Read it. The fox runs along the pole: - Lick the sand, fox! Lv. 15

Read the text and determine the genre. He bows, bows, When he comes home, he stretches out. Lv. 16

Read the tongue twister. Lv. 18 If you don’t look for a goose’s whiskers, you won’t find them.

Read the poem. Lv. 21 Summer is ending. Summer is ending, Summer is ending, And the sun does not shine, But hides somewhere. And the first-class rain, a little timid, Lines the window with an oblique ruler. I. Tokmakova.

Listen to the poem. Lv. 22 Summer has thrown off the green caftan, The larks whistled to their heart's content. Autumn, dressed in a yellow fur coat, walked through the forests with panicles. The cranes trumpeted through the groves, as if autumn were getting married. The willow rinses her dress in the lake. Elm tries on a fox hat. D. Kedrin.

Read the proverb in a buzzing way. In the autumn bad weather, there are seven weathers outside: It sows, it blows, it circles, it tears, It pours from above, and sweeps from below. Lv. 23

Read the poem. Lv. 24 In autumn. When the through web carries the threads of clear days and under the villager’s window the distant gospel is heard more clearly, We are not sad, frightened again by the Breath of the near winter, And we understand the voice of the lived summer more clearly. A. Fet.

Read the poem. Lv. 25 The leaves are falling under your feet, Yellow leaves are flying, And under the leaves rustling are Rustling, Shurshikha and Shurshonok - Dad, mom and child. V. Golyakhovsky.

Fill in the missing words in the poem, Lv. 26 learn to read it expressively. Try to memorize in a minute Yellow sun on the earth... . Yellow sunflower behind the sun… . Yellow pears on the branches... . Yellow leaves from the trees... . Answer: looks, follows, hangs, flies)

Read and guess the riddle. Lv. 27 Learn to read it tongue twister. Every year there are guests: One is gray-haired, Another is young, The third is jumping, The fourth is crying.

Read slowly, with a grumbling intonation. Lv. 29 Prokop came - the dill was boiling. Prokop has left - the dill is boiling. And with Prokop the dill boils, And without Prokop the dill boils.

Read slowly in unison. Lv. 33 Tits. The bunny travels by taxi. Where he’s going, ask yourself. The bear lies in the thick shadow, do not pull on its paw. As a gift to the squirrel, the sheep carries four lollipops. I want to ask the students: Tell me, how many tits are there?

Read the poem slowly in chorus. Lv. 35 Lena was looking for a pin. The pin fell under the bench. I was too lazy to crawl under the bench; Lena searched all day.

Read the text, determine its genre. Lv. 36 Vanya, Vanya - simplicity I bought a horse without a tail, sat down backwards and went to the garden.

Read the poem by V. Berestov with acceleration. Lv. 37 What genre can it be classified into? An animal entered the door, so hungry: It ate a broom and a broom, ate the rug on the floor, the curtains on the window and the picture on the wall, licked the certificate from the table and went back to the grass.

Read the poem quickly. Lv. 39 Vova was too lazy in the morning to comb his hair with a comb. A cow came up to him and combed it with her tongue. G. Ladonshchikov.

Read the poem quickly. Lv. 40 Lucky Senka, take your grandmother on a sled. Sanka jumps, Senka in the forehead.

Solve the puzzle. Lv. 41 Read the text in tongue twister. If, careless photographer, you long to know what awaits you on the way, cross out the letters that you can find twice in this note. T Y U G Y F R J D Y K B M Z H V Y ​​Z L E D O P

Read the poem by V. Berestov. Lv. 44 Everyone, everyone, everyone in the world, in the world is needed! And midges are no less necessary than elephants. It is impossible to do without absurd monsters And even without predators, evil and ferocious! We need everything in the world! We need everything - Who makes honey and who makes poison. A cat does not do well without a mouse, A mouse does no better without a cat. Yes! Even if we are not very friendly with someone, we still really need each other. And if someone seems superfluous to us, then this, of course, will turn out to be a mistake... Everyone, everyone, everyone in the world, in the world is needed. And all children should remember this!

Read the poem. Lv. 45 Good people are always grateful - For service, for loyalty, for joy for the eyes. It’s not for nothing that there is a monument to St. Bernard, who saved many people who were lost. He looked for them through a menacing blizzard, In the burning frost and in the dark night, So that a person, not a brother, not a friend, - Like a brother and a friend, if necessary, to help!

Read the poem. Lv.46 I crushed a dog’s paw today, In her eyes I read with horror: “What a pity that you don’t have a tail, you’re not shaggy, Otherwise you’d show me - How much!” And I, deprived of my will by a silent reproach, And now you can twist ropes out of me, - I’ll give up my share of lunch, To somehow atone for my guilt...

Answer the question in the poem. Lv.47 Confusion. The clever hoopoe fished with a broom, The crocodile swept the street with a fishing rod. A mustachioed duck caught a mouse, a cat and ducklings dived into the river. Something must have been wrong. What did our poet, the eccentric, mess up? I. Semyonova.

Read the poem quickly. Lv.48 The duck stood on the pond to teach his ducklings. The ducklings don’t want to swim in front of their mother. The terrible duck is tormented: “Well, what will come of them?”

Read the poem. Lv.49 - Why are you so prickly, hedgehog? This is me just in case. Do you know who my neighbors are? Foxes, wolves and bears! B. Zakhoder.

Read the poem. Lv.50 If a hedgehog doesn’t drink milk, it means that somewhere in the forest, far away, under the bushes, in a nest of leaves, the hedgehog has a son or daughter. So, we need to take the hedgehog and take it to the forest again. Yu. Shcherbakov

Read the tongue twister with different intonations. Lv.51 The duck is a fidgety duck, diving and diving, diving and diving.

Read and guess the riddle... Lv.52 He slept in a fur coat all winter, sucked his brown paw, and when he woke up, he began to roar. This forest animal is….

Read the poem. Lv.53 Everywhere: in the forest, in the clearing, in the river, in the swamp, in the fields, you will meet the heroes of Bianca, you will visit them. About birds, insects, frogs You will read stories and fairy tales And you will recognize them better than the little animals you know, my friend, and you will understand.

Read the poem in a sibilant manner. Lv.54 An uninvited guest broke into the door - The dog is right there, like a predatory beast! And the invited guest came to the house - the good dog wags his tail.

Read the tongue twister. Lv.56 Arkhip shouted, Arkhip became hoarse. Arkhip doesn’t need to scream until he is hoarse.

Read slowly. Lv.57 Varya’s mittens disappeared on the boulevard. Varya returned from the boulevard in the evening, and found Varvara’s Mittens in her pocket.

Read it in a sibilant manner. Lv.58 Ship. A boat is sailing along the river. He swims from afar. There are four very brave sailors on the boat. They have ears on top of their heads, They have long tails. And only cats are scary to them, Only cats and cats! D. Harms.

Read the poem. Lv. 59 Who do you think is its author? A very scary story. After finishing their buttered bun, the Brothers walked along the alley. Suddenly, from a corner of the street, a large dog barked loudly at them. The younger one said: “Here is an attack, he wants to attack us.” So that we don’t get into trouble, we’ll throw a bun into the dog’s mouth.” Everything ended well. It immediately became clear to the brothers that on every walk we must take with us... a bun.

Read the poem slowly. Lv. 60 Kastryulkin commander. No worse than a colonel commands a regiment, a ladle commands oatmeal with milk. The ladle is the most important commander of the saucepan, He rewarded each plate with an additive. P. Sinyavsky.

Read the poem by V. Levin. Lv. 61 Stupid horse. The horse bought four galoshes - a pair of good ones and a pair of worse ones. If it’s a fine day, the Horse walks in good galoshes. As soon as you wake up in the first powder, the Horse comes out in worse galoshes. If there are puddles all over the street, the Horse walks without galoshes at all. Why are you, horse, sparing your galoshes? Isn't your health more important to you?

Read the poem. Lv. 62 Fedina confetti. In the buffet the candy is sighing, Fedina’s candy is suffering: Fedya doesn’t like the candy – The candy is dreaming of Petya. And Petya Petrov enters the buffet... And Fedya has no more candy, Only a candy wrapper remains in the buffet In memory of the poor candy. P. Sinyavsky.

Read the poem. Lv. 64 The first snow is sleeping. The winter primer is open. We haven’t read it yet, but now a titmouse flutters onto a blank page like a colorful letter. It rings like a small bell, as if the first bell began. A. Gorbunova.

Read the poem by A. Melnikov. Lv. 65 Snowflakes. Snowflakes fly, Almost invisible, There are always so many of them in winter. And so I finally caught a snowflake, a fluffy piece of ice, with my hand. The crystal piece of ice began to cry quietly... A tear remained on the warm palm.

Read the riddle. Guess it. Lv. 66 Not shoes, not boots, But feet wear them too. We run in them in the winter: In the morning - to school, In the afternoon - home.

Think of the poem as a “buzz” reading. Lv. 67 hear the name of the Russian poet. In this name there is the word “esen”, Autumn, ash, autumn color, There is something in it from Russian songs - the Celestial Empire, quiet scales, the canopy of the birch and the blue - the dawn. There is something in him And from spring Sadness, youth And purity... They just say - “Sergei Yesenin”, The features of all Russia rise up... N. Brown.

Read the poem by E. Blaginina, Ur. 69 by inserting the missing words. Christmas tree. There is one game for you: I'll start the poem now. I'll start, you finish! Answer in unison. It's snowing outside, the holiday is coming... . The needles glow softly, the coniferous spirit comes from... . The branches rustle faintly, the beads are bright... . And the toys swing - Flags, stars, .... And decorating the top, There shines, as always, Very bright, large, Five-winged... .

Read the poem yourself. Lv. 70 What are you doing, Winter? - What are you doing, Winter? - I’m building a miracle tower! I sprinkle snow silver and decorate everything around. The carousel will spin, the Rolling Blizzard! I’ll try so that the kids don’t get bored in the morning, so that the Christmas tree lights up, so that the troika rushes away! Winter has countless worries: The holiday is coming - New Year! R. Farhadi.

Read the poem in a sibilant manner. Lv. 73 Log. There was a log lying on the way, it disturbed the travelers. One said: - Not good! He said and just go. The second one looked, then sighed, and then stepped over the log. But the third traveler remained silent. He looked both frail and small. He silently took off his sheepskin coat and put the log aside. S. Baruzdin.

Read the riddle. Guess it. Lv. 74 Wonderful house. There was a white house, a wonderful house, but something knocked in it, and it broke, and from there a living miracle ran out - so warm, so fluffy and golden.

Read the poem. Lv. 75 Determine what genre it belongs to. The dog sits down to play the accordion, Red cats dive into the aquarium, Canaries begin to knit socks, Children are watered with flowers from a watering can, An old man lies on the window, sunbathing, And the granddaughter’s grandmother plays with dolls, And the fish read funny books, Little by little taking them away from the boy.

Read the riddle of K. Chukovsky, guess it. Lv. 76 Why? The sage saw him as a sage, the fool saw him as a fool, the ram saw him as a ram, the sheep saw him as a sheep, and the monkey as a monkey. But then they brought Fedya Baratov up to him, and Fedya saw the shaggy slob.

Read another riddle by K. Chukovsky. Lv. 77 I lie under your feet, trample me with your boots, and in the morning take me into the yard and beat me, beat me, so that the children can roll on me, flounder and tumble on me.

Read the poem at different speeds: Lv.78 slowly, with acceleration, with deceleration - and expressively. White bears. We have a spacious pond, my brother and I swim together. The water is cool and fresh, The guards change it. We swim from wall to wall, sometimes on our sides, sometimes on our backs. Stay to the right, dear, Don't touch me with your foot!

Learn to read these tongue twisters. Lv.79 Egorka walked along the hill and learned a tongue twister. He learned the tongue twister about Yegorka and about the slide. He was already running after the ground beetle, And the beetle was trembling in horror: - I live, I live, I buzz, I buzz, I’ll have it for dinner! V. Telegina.

Read the poem slowly, quietly. Lv.80 Here, by the warm stove, a cat sings his song: Today is the day outside the window Gloomy, gloomy, gloomy... I’ll take a little nap in the warmth, Murmur, purr, purr... I. Polyanskaya.

Read the poem vigorously. Lv.81 Ball. A colored ball is jumping in the yard in front of me. This ball is very cute: it hasn’t broken glass yet. G. Vieru.

Read the poem with different intonations. Lv.82 The beetle is buzzing in a tin can, the beetle does not want to live in a tin. The life of a beetle in captivity is bitter. I feel sorry for the poor beetle! V. Lunin.

Read the poem with different intonations. Lv.83 We bought a rubber zina in the store, they brought the rubber zina in a basket. She was gaping, rubber Zina. She fell out of the basket and was smeared in mud. We will wash rubber Zina in gasoline, We will wash it in gasoline and wag our finger: Don’t be so ugly, rubber Zina, Otherwise we will send Zina back to the store.

Read the poem slowly. Lv.84 Rain - long-legged. A cloud floated across the sky, leading Rain by the hand. He walked on thin legs wearing small black boots. It rained everywhere, The rain followed everywhere, He trampled in warm puddles, He played enough and rushed off. But are his shoes getting wet in a puddle on the path? G. Lagzdyn.

Read the poem. Lv.85 Fill in the missing words. The typesetter yawned at work and instead of And he put O. You will understand when you read what came of it. There is not a red lead in the bucket, but a s..rock. There's not a broom in the corner, but a...nok. The painter hung his brush on a nail, Lo and behold, in front of him was not a brush, but a brush. V. Volina.

Read the poem, Lv.87, choosing the appropriate reading method. Kolya Knopkin has been living in our house for five years. Doesn't make trouble, doesn't get sick, doesn't fight, doesn't roar. This boy is growing up by leaps and bounds... This boy cannot do anything in the world on his own. Neither make your bed, nor lace your shoe. V. Volina.

Read the proverbs. Explain their meaning. Lv.88 If you hurry, you will make people laugh. Cut seven times and cut once. If you do it hastily, you make a mockery.

Read the poem. Think about what to call it. Lv. 90 I’m still just a child, sixty meters tall, a clumsy giraffe. Come to the zoo. And I am friends with Uncle Borey, He is both my father and my mother, He will feed me from a bottle and put me to bed in the hay. I kiss him in response, I will allow myself to be hugged, I will begin to lick his tender large hand with my tongue! It’s not easy to live here without a mother, But I’ll say it without embellishment: Uncle Borya is the best! We have a tender friendship. G. Klyuchnikova.

Read the poem slowly. Lv.91 This boy was polite and, indeed, very nice; Having taken the ball from the younger ones, He thanked them, “Thank you!” - said.

Learn to read a poem expressively. Lv.92 No fluff or feather. Early in the morning, mother Kvochka sent her son to class. She said: “Don’t fight, don’t tease, don’t get cocky.” Hurry up, it's time. Well, no worries! An hour later, barely alive, the Cockerel goes home. He barely hobbles from the schoolyard, And in fact there is neither fluff nor feather on him. V. Volina.

Read the poem. Lv.94 Kind words. Kind words are not too lazy to repeat to me three times a day. As soon as I go out the gate, To everyone going through the gate, To everyone going to work, To the blacksmith, the weaver, the doctor, “Good morning!” - I scream. "Good afternoon!" - I shout after everyone going to lunch. "Good evening!" - this is how I greet everyone rushing home for tea. O. Driz.

Read the proverb. Explain its meaning. Lv.95 If you bow, your head will not break off.

Learn to read a poem expressively. Lv.97 Sorry. Dad broke a precious vase. Grandmother and mother frowned immediately. But dad was found: He looked into their eyes and timidly and quietly “Sorry!” - said. And mom is silent, she even smiles. -We’ll buy another one, there’s a better one on sale... “Sorry!” - It would seem, What’s wrong with it? But what a wonderful word!.. N. Yusupov.

Read the poem. What would you call it? Lv. 100 Is it really necessary to call a friend, When it is dark on the road, When the road is unrecognizable And there is no strength to walk? When there is trouble on all sides, When there is night in the sun, Will he not see and rush to help? After all, he won’t be able to eat or sleep, When this suddenly happens! But...if you need to call a friend, then it’s unlikely to be a friend... V. Vtulko.

Read the poem, choosing a method. Lv. 100 Call signs. The night frosts are rejoicing. Cold winds whistle. Aspens, oaks and birches sleep under the chilly stars. But there are changes in the air, They woke up the pine tree: Needles, like antennas, Already caught the spring. V. Orlov.

Read the poem. Lv. 101 What do you think it's called? The blue river Under the blue sky, And the fog melted, Blue like smoke. As if nodding its round head, a blue jay drinks from a blue puddle. L. Lonshakova.

Read the poem in a buzzing manner. Lv. 102 Spring guest. Dear songbird, dear swallow, has returned to our home from a foreign land. It curls under the window with a lively song: “I brought spring and the sun with me...” K. Ldov.

Read the poem. Lv. 103 Think about what it might be called. A spring flower in the new grass squints its gentle eye. The goldfinch sat on a green maple twig. Love the yellow-breasted bird: The heights are in clear splendor, The sun is shining, joy is everywhere, - Hello, dear spring! S. Gorodetsky.

Read the poem in a buzzing manner. Lv. 104. Martu sleeps easily. Black roads have opened up - The sun is warming hotly, But in a snowdrift, like in a den, Martha sleeps easily. Daredevils still run across it on skis. He sleeps sweetly and does not hear the brooks laughing. G. Novitskaya.

Learn to read a poem expressively, Lv. 105 and then patter. Mom washed Mila with soap, and Mila got soap in her eye. Mom Mila said: “Don’t be angry, daughter Mila!” “I’m not angry,” said Mila, “I’m crying out the soap.” I. Demyanov

Read the poem in a low voice. Lv.106 I love listening to fairy tales. I love to listen to fairy tales, I pray to my mother in the evening: - Read these fairy tales to me, Then I will close my eyes, It will be in my dreams, As if on a dashing horse I’m galloping to a battle with Koshchei, Or with the three-headed Serpent. I conquer evil in a fairy tale, I do good to people. All the guys know this - Fairy tales help in life: Always be honest, Never be afraid, Help the weak along the way, Go to people with kindness. O. Chusovitina.

Read the poem slowly. Lv.107 I did the laundry on Monday, I swept the floor on Tuesday. On Wednesday I baked a loaf of bread, I spent all Thursday looking for a ball, I washed the cups on Friday, and on Saturday I bought a cake. I invited all my girlfriends to my birthday party on Sunday. Yu. Bashmakov.

Read the poem slowly. Lv.108 Mom sings. Mom walks from room to room in a white apron, walks leisurely, walks from room to room, busy with work, and sings between times. He washes cups and saucers, doesn’t forget to smile at me and hums. But today the voice is familiar, It’s as if it’s not the same at all: Mom still walks around the house, But she sings differently. A familiar voice, with special power, suddenly sounded in the silence. He brought something good into my heart... I wish I could not cry. A. Barto.

Read the poem with different intonations. Lv.110 From a walk. I was on my way home from a ski trip. At my mother’s request, along the way, I bought potatoes, bread, rolls, and came home at five o’clock. Then I had dinner. Tiredly, he collected his briefcase and climbed into the shower. Now - hurry up and get under the covers! I can’t sleep... What nonsense? Some little thing is getting in the way... What have you left unfinished? Don't understand. Ah, I remembered what I forgot to do - I forgot to take off my skis...to take off my skis! I. Shevchuk.

Read the poem. Lv.111 Incident in the elevator. Vitya was upset and angry today. He got stuck in the elevator and sat down on the floor, crying. And he kept re-reading the word “goat”, which he had just scribbled. S. Makhotin.

Read the poem in a sibilant manner. Lv.113 In the storage room. Accept. Ask. For storage My bad mood, I don’t want to learn lessons, I want to talk nonsense. I’m ready to pay for storage, Throw in more for an extension, But believe me - to receive it I’m unlikely to come... S. Pogorelovsky.

Read the poem slowly. Lv.114 Idlers and Mondays. All lazy bums can't stand Mondays. The week begins with work and worries. The wish of all slackers is to live without Mondays, with only Sundays for a week on end. S. Pogorelovsky.

Read the poem. Lv.115 Tararam. They say that in the morning there is a commotion in our house. We pushed back the chairs, looked under the sideboard, turned everything upside down - Tararam is not in the house! We searched until we dropped, But again they told us: - Hey, friends, we need to tidy up, Your house is a mess. L. Kondrashenko.

Read the poem slowly. Lv.116 Reasons for being late. On Tuesday my bed let me down - I couldn’t wake up on time. The day before yesterday I forgot my briefcase, there was a banana in it - I had to go back. I figured out my mistakes. Today I wanted to arrive on time, but I accelerated too much, and... flew past the school. V. Lakey n.

Read the rhyme that the children composed. Lv.117 Learn to read it quickly and then expressively. One - potatoes, two - potatoes growing under my window. I'll boil some water and cook some potatoes. I’ll eat a little myself, I’ll throw the rest to the cat, and then I’ll go for a walk - One, two, three, four, five.

Read the poem expressively. Lv.118 Learn to read it tongue twister. About Mr. Trulyalinsky. Who hasn't heard of the artist Tralislav Trulyalinsky! And he lives in Pripevaisk, in Veselinsky Lane. With him is his aunt - Tweedledee, And his daughter - Tweedledee, And his little son - Tweedledee, And his dog - Tweedledum. Y. Tuvim.

Think of the poem as a “buzz” reading. Lv.120 We and the birds. We pass the birds, Everything as it is - structure, plumage, And what, and how much they can eat, Their flight and the guy. We pass birds. And they - They fly past us, They look at the school lights And they don’t know about us. They live among the thick branches and raise their chicks. While schoolchildren are scribbling about them. Now, if it were the other way around - We flew free, Then they would pass us by at school all year round: What we chat about, what we cram, What we ate during recess, Who we fought with... And we would Tweet and sing to them! M. Yasnov.

Read the riddle in a tongue twister, Lv. 121 and then expressively. Write down the answer. It lies round, golden on a clean plate. I opened my mouth as much as I could - I took a big bite! It seemed sweet to me - it turned out to be very sour! Alyosha V.

Read the poem in a buzzing manner. Lv.122 I sat on the rug and rattled pots. Mom and Dad came running. Uncle Fedya and Aunt Kapa took away all the pots, But they didn’t expect that I hid a frying pan and a saw in the corner. L. Yakovlev.

Read the poem calmly, pronouncing the words clearly. Lv.124 Fairy tales travel around the world. Fairy tales walk around the world, harnessing the night to a carriage. Fairy tales live in the clearings, Wandering in the mists at dawn. And the prince will love Snow White, And Koshchei’s greed will destroy him... Even though Evil plays cunning tricks, But Good still wins! Having illuminated the world with miracles, Fairy tales fly over the forests, sit on the windowsill, look into the windows as if into rivers. And Cinderella will be rescued by the fairy, Gorynych, the snake, will no longer be there... Even though Evil plays cunning tricks, But Good still wins! Fairy tales are with me everywhere, I will never forget them. As soon as I close my eyelashes, Sivka will instantly dream of Burka. And the month will shine clear in the eyes of Vasilisa the Beautiful. Even though Evil plays cunning tricks, Good still wins!

Read the riddle, solve it. Lv.126 This is not an easy riddle, unravel the secret! The body will be wrapped in thread, And a multi-colored miracle, a cherished magic, will be born. O. Druzhkova.

Read the tongue twister with a “buzz”, Lv. 127, learn to read it quickly. Kitty, kitten, cat, Kitty is a tiny ball, rolls around like a bun, spins, bites... D. Goncharova

Read the tongue twister with a “buzz”, Lv. 128, learn to read it quickly. The cat lapped up the milk, and Borya dipped a roll in the milk. Potap the cat clapped his paw, and from Potap the cat drowned.

You can use this design to create your own presentations, but in your presentation you must indicate the source of the template: Lidiya Petrovna Fokina, primary school teacher at MCOU “Secondary School Art. Evsino" Iskitimsky district of the Novosibirsk region Website http://linda6035.ucoz.ru/ Information sources Background Corner Needle

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