Hard lunar everyday life. Finding the golden mean

Quite recently, the 6th part of the urban planning and economic simulator Anno was released. From the title it is clear that the game takes place in a fairly distant future. Now the player has the opportunity to build settlements on the Moon. In this article we will give some useful tips for completing this exciting game.

Proper infrastructure is the foundation of a successful city!

Before building your settlement, you should think through its infrastructure in advance. For it to become effective, many factors must be taken into account. Carefully analyze your current position, it’s a strategy after all! Now we will tell you some useful tips that will simplify the design of the settlement.

What about the economy?

In this game, money plays a very big role. To expand your cities you need to learn how to manage your income and expenses. We have some tips to help you grow your economy successfully.

  • To expand your settlements, try to maintain your good position and monitor stability.
  • Produce as much as you consume.
  • A small deficit is better than a surplus. They will occupy all your warehouses, and what will be produced after will have nowhere to go. Consider that you have lost money.
  • It is worth renewing employees if there is a positive balance of goods.
  • It’s better to cover old needs first, and then new ones - it’s cheaper.
  • If you start expanding and modernizing your city, you will get a lot of money. But don’t overuse just the extension, don’t forget about upgrading! This could lead to a situation where future expansion requires bridges and you don't have the staff to do it.

Finding the golden mean

After the economy, look at your trade routes. There is a little trick here too. Using several small carriers is cheaper than using one large one. But they are also more difficult to manage. Here it is worth finding a middle ground; it will be the most effective strategy.

In conclusion, I would like to give some useful tips regarding the navy.

  • Spend as much money as you can afford on upgrades.
  • Don't forget about side quests. They can bring bonus resources.
  • Use minefields to kill enemies.
  • Learn the features of all combat units - this will greatly help you in battle.
  • Use EMP to stop the drone carrier or attack the harbor.
  • Double check the map before finishing the mission. Maybe there's some loot left in there?
  • Study all the mission objectives well.

So, after playing this wonderful game, I realized that when I started playing it, I made certain mistakes, stupid ones, mainly due to ignorance of the game mechanics and economic aspects, because the key to the prosperity of your corporation is money! There are not many options to make money here. The main income is making a profit from taxes from the residents of your city, as strange as it may seem. Accordingly, industrial buildings will, on the contrary, take away your honestly earned money from taxes from residents. The difference between these two factors will become your profit for further development. Well, let's get to the tips...

  • I always advise you, before constructing a new production building, to make sure that it will not push your balance into a negative value. The fact is that industrial buildings, after installation, immediately drive you into the minus, but the increase in profits occurs gradually, and until you restore your balance to a positive one, you can lose quite a lot of money.
  • When moving to a new sector for you (the Arctic or the moon at the moment), I advise you to be careful with buildings. buildings in these sectors are quite expensive. Stock up on a sufficiently high profit per minute and a sufficient amount of money, because... even the price of building roads for a novice player is very steep...
  • Try not to skimp on modules for buildings, but also use them wisely. Check the characteristics of your buildings. For example, if it is very energy-consuming, then add modules that reduce energy consumption, etc. This will speed up your development and reduce the cost of maintaining unnecessary power plants and other buildings of this type. With modules for increasing productivity, this is a controversial issue. In some buildings, 1 additional module adds only 50% of productivity, and takes up a little less space than a new one. So figure out whether the skin is worth the price...
  • It is not quantity that matters, but quality. It is better to fully meet the needs of residents than to set up many residential buildings with a low standard of living. This is especially true for investors. At the beginning, when improved, each building brings about 40% of the possible profit
  • Try not to completely populate the island. Leave room for buildings that satisfy the “spiritual” needs of residents such as information, mobility, entertainment. Unlike warehouse goods, the availability of these buildings does not spread between unconnected islands. Consider where you will install the metro and stadium if you plan to settle investors on this island.
  • And finally, about trade routes. Don't ignore reports of supply disruptions between sectors. Violation of the route leads to a problem at both points of the route. The lack of goods in the sender's warehouse leads to a decrease in the motivation of residents on one island (as a result, a decrease in profits) and, accordingly, a lack of receipt of goods in the second sector, where problems with profit will also arise.
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I wasn’t going to write a review on this game, I didn’t even want to play it - I knew that it would drag me on for a long time, like Anno 2070 once did, and 1404 before it, and then you wouldn’t get out. Therefore, I decided to stay away from the game, slowly playing the third Witcher and the brand new Fallout. After all, those days when you could sit all day long and upset another city in the new Anno series are gone for me.



Then I was not married and could play as much as I wanted, telling the girl that I was sick or getting ready for a session. Now that girl has become a wife and these excuses no longer apply. And yet, I couldn’t stand it for long, I sat down to the game and, naturally, it got addictive. So much so that I didn’t get enough sleep for almost two weeks, got hit on the head by my wife several times, and at work I was awarded the “honorary” title of “Vegetable of the Week.” In any case, I received a sea of ​​emotions and impressions, nostalgia washed over me, and sometimes tears of tenderness flowed down the freak’s rough cheek. But the impressions from the game are more negative and even offensive.

Four years have passed since the release of Anno 2070. Time moves forward and now a new part of the famous series has been released. And almost 200 years have passed in the game itself. Humanity was on the verge of destruction for a long time, but, as always, it not only survived, but also moved forward. Factions with their philosophies are a thing of the past. They were replaced by transnational corporations. The territory of the Earth decreased significantly, people began to intensively explore the solar system and, of course, were the first to explore the Moon. Over time, the people of the Moon announced their separation from the Earth and threatened war if they did not go home. A fierce war broke out over resources.

And we are building here

To greatly simplify it, but to tell it like it is, the main task of the game has always been to satisfy the ever-increasing needs of the population. People are the main source of income - the more of them, the richer the player. Well, if we exaggerate it. Naturally, in this case, you need to competently build production and juggle resources. And so, having chosen one of the three proposed locations, we begin to slowly get upset. A couple of houses, a power plant, a mine, a logistics center, food, water. At first everything is simple, the population is not picky, there is a lot of space and money. Gradually, the population grows, people become more impudent, climb the social ladder, from a simple worker to a top manager, and demand more. Soon, there will be more industrial buildings on the map than residential ones. And all for the benefit of the stunned residents. With the development of the settlement and its gradual transformation into a city, people will begin to want not only to live warmly, eat deliciously, poop sweetly and comfortably, but also to remain young and beautiful. And off we go - to create water we need energy, which means we build or improve power plants. To produce food you need to grow plants, to grow plants you need more oil and electricity. Each new building requires the construction or improvement of another building, because there is not enough water, then energy, then food, then vegetables, then algae, or something else. And then bam! - It’s five in the morning outside and I have to get up in two hours. And this is what Anno is all about.

From the very beginning of the game, you pay attention to the interface and its features, or rather the feature - it has become much simpler and clearer. There is no tab within a tab of a tab like there used to be. Everything is intuitive and does not cause irritation.

After a simple and unloaded menu, experienced players will notice the simplification of the entire development chain. Now you don’t need to control the lack of resources in the warehouse yourself; you just need to look at the product statistics, which shows the growth or demand for all goods.

And in general, management and general control over the corporation has become noticeably simpler in all aspects of the game - now almost all processes can be set to automatic, after delving a little into a simple menu. This cannot be called a definite disadvantage, because even before the release of the game, BlueByte talked about an emphasis on the mass consumer. And fans, they say, will find challenging tasks and diversified development. So from connoisseurs of the series this is the first negative, but new players don’t care, because they didn’t know how it was before. But the studio attracted many more gamers who were not familiar with the game.

The next stage of the game is called “We admire and bring it closer, then we admire for a long time and forget why we are here.” Anno was always beautiful and elegant. And the game has something to show off - such a juicy and colorful picture will be the envy of many. The elaboration of details and little things in life, implemented in Anno at the highest level, is a topic for a separate article.

When you zoom in on the camera, you can see how the city lives its own life - people are walking, some are riding futuristic bicycles, someone is walking a dog, children are running around, adults are serious and nicely dressed, rushing about business. Flying cars are scurrying around everywhere, trucks are carrying cargo, police officers are patrolling the city, birds are flying over the skyscrapers. You can be stuck for a long time, fortunately production goes on as usual and nothing bad will happen without you. Although for these beauties you will have to sacrifice your nerve cells - the games are poorly optimized and even top-end machines sometimes slow down on ultra settings. Let us remember that this is an economic strategy - games of this genre have always been appealing even to relatively ancient junk.

And we are not afraid of the cold

An obvious advantage of Anno 2205 was the various locations, where the way of building a base and methods of development completely changed. After the first settlement in a temperate climate, the development of a base in the Arctic becomes available. There we will extract rare resources that are not found anywhere else. At first, the settlement will cost us a pretty penny, but the residents of the corporation will get even more opportunities to satisfy their crazy needs. The method of developing the base is based on the principle of heat conservation - settler houses can only be built near industrial buildings - they generate too much heat, the remains of which are needed for heating by the houses. If you put a residential building far from some factory, the residents will freeze and then simply move out of there. Therefore, we have to think about how to build factories so that more residential buildings fit around them. After all, the north will remain a negative balance in the treasury for a long time; we need to get at least something out of it, besides resources.

Hard lunar everyday life

The third and very important stage in the development of the corporation is the exploration of the Moon. After all, the bowels of the satellite store important resources for the growth and expansion of our companies. To achieve this, we worked a lot, stocked up on valuable resources and, most importantly, money, because a lunar settlement would cost a huge amount. Here even a small house costs a lot of money. By the way, building a house in a temperate climate on Earth does not require money at all, you only need two easily obtained resources. And of course, here on the Moon it has its own characteristics and mechanics of development. The player will explore the craters, because the satellite does not have an atmosphere, and therefore is subject to constant bombardment of meteorites. Craters are also subject to impacts, but much smaller. And you will still have to build protective domes. They cost a lot of money, so at first, all the buildings huddle and press together, because we have a maximum of two domes, and if you put the building in an open place, it will either be empty or stop working. Although similar to the Arctic, there are still different mechanics. And that's cool. I would especially like to note the musical accompaniment of the Moon. If on other Earth bases you practically don’t pay attention to music, here it is amazing and so mesmerizing that you simply don’t want to go somewhere else and solve pressing problems with a lack of resources. Fortunately, BlueByte released a separate disc with music from the game. A must have for all connoisseurs. And again a plus.

A useless war

But for what you can safely put a huge fat minus, it’s for military actions. Yes, the series has never been famous for its dashing skirmishes. They were always sluggish and uninteresting. But in 2205 they were moved to separate maps, so no one will ever attack your base like before. And again simplification, and again boredom. Let us remind you that there is a war between the Earth and the Moon, so sometimes the player will be asked to protect the base or destroy the fleet of presumptuous “aliens”. Although it is not clear how the lunar navy ended up in the waters of earthlings and is forever terrorizing corporations. And it’s also unclear where they got so many ships.

The battles are purely naval - in fact, we have a fleet that we develop and get more ships and sometimes improve them. You don't need to be a military strategist to win a fight. It is enough to click on the enemy with the mouse in time, collect fuel and goodies scattered across the map, in the form of a nuclear or kinetic strike and call for help. We can also include a shield, armor restoration and repair. This is all.

Another annoying thing about military missions is that in principle you don’t have to fight at all. For completing combat missions you are given valuable and rare resources. But you can get them without this, just get them. And after a day of playing, you can forget about military missions. It turns out that the developers made them just for show and wasted so much time when they could have been doing more important things instead.

Not a boom-boom in my head

Most likely, this is how the Germans think about the modern gaming community. Other versions of what happened to the game do not come to mind. Yes, they wanted to attract more players, yes they needed money, but why make a game for autists out of a glorified economic strategy. Anno 2205 has a lot of beautiful, beautiful, interesting and exciting things. Despite the automation of production and the ability to solve the problem of a lack of a certain resource on the Moon, for example, with one or two buttons, and not with ten minutes of thinking through the route and changing the production chain, as in previous parts, this did not seem enough to the developers. They made the biggest mistake in the game - you can’t lose here. Let's repeat - in an economic strategy, a player cannot go bankrupt and, naturally, lose. No, well, maybe, but even on a difficult level it’s so difficult to do that at times you just want to delete the game. After all, this is stra-te-gi-ya. This must be difficult. At least sometimes. And it all happens like this - by playing at the normal and average level and entering the corporation's income into the minus, the player immediately receives a loan from some worldwide community. Who they are and what they are does not matter - another unnecessary “trick” of the series. The main thing is that the interest on debt payments is scanty and completely unnoticeable. More importantly, the number of loans can be endless. You can deliberately put production into debt, receive money, spend it on building the most expensive production facilities or improvements, thereby again going into the red, then the loan arrives again and calmly develop further. I don’t want to talk more about this, because you can get very nervous, go and take Berlin again or wherever these developers are sitting.

What do we end up with?

The Anno series of games has remained virtually unchanged for 20 years. The Germans, with their characteristic pedantry and perseverance, year after year produce a high-quality product for all lovers of economic strategies. Starting from Anno 1602, the only things that changed in the game were the graphics, the duration of the game, the number of production chains, and little things that were not noticeable to anyone. Anno 2205 is still the same wonderful, measured economic “thought”, “nervous”, “observer” and “voyeur”. But this time, the developers from BlueByte, having made a game about the distant future, seem to have found themselves in the past. Because modern technology development allows players to cooperate, compete and fight among themselves over the network. That is, on the Internet. Everyone really knows about the Internet, right? But the Germans seem to have forgotten. Also, for a modern gamer it’s not enough to just complete missions. If you like the game, you want to try it from different angles, use all the aspects and capabilities of modern game development. And this fact flew out of the heads of the guys from BlueByte. And the main thing is that despite the general deterioration of education, the decline in the number of people reading and the massive degradation of society, many gamers are educated and smart people. Especially fans of the Anno series. Therefore, the humiliating, yes, it is the humiliating simplification of the game that puts it among the worst in the series.

And after sitting in front of the screen for a certain number of hours, developing a corporation and building the most brutal production chains, the player understands that this, in principle, is all. Then you will need to do the same thing, if necessary, constantly receiving humanitarian aid, alone and without any gameplay variety. And although three additions await us in the near future, two of them are paid, they all bring quests, which are already full, to the game, missions, units and several locations. It seems the developers forgot to add something again. No? Or maybe all that remains of the pedantic and thoughtful Germans is the name, and instead of them, migrated Arabs, Russians, Poles and Jews are sitting in the studio? (The author is not a racist, but this is at least some explanation for everything that is happening). The lack of online and co-op aspects of the new, modern Anno and the humiliating simplification of the game is disconcerting, offending, shocking and, ultimately, angry. It's probably worth playing though. At the very least, admire the amazing little things in life and listen to beautiful music. It’s not worth staying there for a long time, and it won’t be possible.



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The Moon is not the best choice for future space explorers. There is no magnetic field, the atmosphere is ephemeral, there has never been a smell of life. But our little faithful companion has one advantage that other celestial bodies do not have: she is nearby, literally at your fingertips, the flight to her takes a matter of days. This is not many years for you to spend on a hypothetical Martian voyage. Therefore, the lunar riches in Anno 2205 are already at the disposal of earthlings. However, are gaming achievements logical from the point of view of official science?


All conversations about lunar minerals invariably begin with helium-3. IN Anno 2205 This is a resource mined in mines made in the thickness of lunar craters. From it, fuel is obtained for thermonuclear reactors, which easily solve the energy problem both on the Moon and on Earth.

And here Anno does not sin so much against the truth.

Helium-3 is an isotope of regular helium, lighter and brutally useful if you look at it the right way. Under the right conditions (for example, a billion degrees Celsius, at best), it enters into a thermonuclear reaction with deuterium.

Why is this good? Yes, because neither helium-3, nor deuterium, nor the products of their synthesis create crazy induced radioactivity. Instead of an elusive horde of neutrons, this reaction produces a modest band of protons, and they are much easier to catch and use in another reaction. The efficiency is cosmic, the reactor design does not suffer from endless neutron bombardments, and paranoids are calm: even the most terrible accident at such a facility will not lead to disaster. According to rough estimates, one ton of helium-3 is comparable in emissions to fifteen, or even twenty million tons of oil (as stated by Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Eric Galimov).

Based on the titanium oxide content, the helium-3 concentration can also be calculated.

In fact, helium-3 is also produced on our planet, but not from the environment. It is created in laboratories and in laboratory quantities. Even if the entire Earth is dissolved in a flask and all the helium-3 is squeezed out, the result will be something like thirty-five thousand tons, which by no means solves the energy problem.

Another thing is the Moon. Helium-3, without going into details, is the brainchild of the solar wind, which does not reach the surface of the planet thanks to the magnetic field (thank you, magnetic field! Without you, we would have been fried into fine ash). Therefore, all of the earth’s helium-3 is stored in the mantle, and storage is pure nonsense. The moon is not protected from the solar wind in any way, and one ton of lunar soil contains one hundredth of a gram of helium-3. What, sparse? What if I say that in total this will be 500 million tons? For how many thousands of years will they saturate the industry of our planet?

Of course, not everything is as rosy as we would like. Scientists, engineers and energy workers still face major obstacles. A ton of helium-3 will cost a billion dollars - not including delivery to Earth. And it’s not even a matter of difficulty in extraction; with such a concentration, this is a completely solvable engineering problem. But how do you get crazy temperatures for the reaction? How to land at least one ton of helium-3?

The question remains how to protect against meteorite bombings. In the game, it is enough to build energy shield generators.

The funny thing is that Anno 2205 solves in absentia the problem of delivering helium-3 to Earth. It is simply used directly on the Moon. Earthlings receive ready-made energy using a beam. But for wireless energy transfer, come to Comrade Tesla. But, unfortunately, he won’t say anything useful anymore.


An invaluable metal that has opened as many new doors for humanity as iron and aluminum did in their time. Lightweight yet durable metal; its alloys are the basis of aircraft, rocket and shipbuilding. I'm not talking about titanium dental implants that fuse with the bone.

However, titanium is also successfully mined on Earth. Why in Anno 2205 Is it with titanium mines that the exploration of the Moon begins?

Approximate map of titanium and iron deposits on the Moon.

As with helium-3, our natural satellite again benefits from concentration. The Earth's crust contains on average 0.57% titanium, and lunar soil - from 1% to 10%. Imagine how much easier this makes mining. It is not surprising that in Anno 2205 titanium plates serve as the main building material. Why is there so much titanium on the Moon? There is an opinion that it remained on the surface after the celestial body solidified, although it should have mixed with the rest of the mass and, like a heavy element, settled closer to the center.

Moreover, the rock that mainly contains titanium under lunar conditions is ilmenite. In addition to titanium, ilmenite contains iron and - vivat! - oxygen. On Earth, no one really needs ilmenite oxygen, but on the Moon it would be useful to colonists (by the way, in Anno 2205 lunar settlers extract oxygen from ice, but more on that later). Finally, working with titanium parts on the Moon is much easier - you don’t need to protect the weld from air, fortunately there is none there.

Other materials are not so good for the Moon. Aluminum still needs to be found in sufficient quantities, and steel - even if we ignore the difficulties in obtaining it - does not tolerate low temperatures well.

A colony of many tents has both advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantages include numerous forays outside for any need, be it work or a general gathering.

What's the problem? Delivering titanium to Earth is unprofitable. But titanium would be very, very useful to the inhabitants of the Moon, since existing technologies for processing ilmenite can be transferred to airless conditions. It looks like Ubisoft Blue Byte is right - homes and factories on the Moon will be built from titanium.

Crip breeds

To produce complex equipment, a lot of rare earth metals are needed. On Earth they will be happy to send them to you, for example, from China, which in recent years has managed to lose its monopoly in this area (from 95% of the market its share has fallen to 85%). Why China? Yes, because only in China have they managed to give a damn about the pollution that invariably accompanies the extraction of rare earth metals. On the Moon, obviously, most of the equipment will have to be assembled on its own, without waiting for expensive supplies from Earth.

Scheme of “explosive” technology that allows you to protect mined metals from rapid oxidation.

IN Anno 2205 this problem is solved with the help of creep breeds, also known as creep norites. These are igneous rocks with a composition very convenient for future colonists. Norites are the receptacle of a whole galaxy of heavy elements, which are so difficult to find in other rocks, and a kind of antipode to another important lunar rock, anorthosite - the lunar crust is mainly composed of it. And the lunar mountains are made up of creepy Norites.

Why “crip”?

Although this begs to be related to the word “creepy”, everything is much more complicated. This is an abbreviation: K - potassium, REE - rare earth metals, P - phosphorus. It is these elements that are part of creep norites. In addition, these rocks are rich in silicon, which is indispensable in electronics. And aluminum can be found in them, but its role is no longer so significant, titanium is much easier to obtain, and it is of more use.

Are cybernetic amplifiers really necessary? The inhabitants of the ISS manage without them.

In general, similar basalt rocks on our globe either lie in inaccessible depths or come to the surface in rare places. There are no sedimentary rocks on the Moon, so neither “marine” basalts (it is they that give the lunar seas their dark color) nor creep norites are hidden from human eyes.

It is not surprising that in the game “creep” breeds are used to create bio-amplifiers and for many other tasks. Their composition is conducive to this, and production is easier, because the lunar landscape is devoid of the obstacles that exist on Earth.

water ice

We've been waiting a long time for confirmation that there is water on Mars. It's funny that on a planet that could once have been alive, it took so long to find water. And on the Moon - an ideally dead celestial body - it is stored in whole layers.

Ice would be useful for colonists to grow nutritious crops. But to ensure autonomous life, it would be necessary to build many hundreds of square meters of greenhouses.

Anno 2205 It hardly even embellishes reality. In the game, water ice is mined in mines on the same crater slopes. And on the real Moon, ice masses are contained precisely there, in the form of inclusions. And all thanks to comets that bombarded the surface of the Moon for millions of years.

Of course, the game sins a little against the truth, allowing you to pick up ice and install solar panels in one crater. In 2012, ice was finally discovered in Shackleton Crater, named after the Irish polar explorer who more than once organized expeditions to the South Pole. And the crater named after him is also located at the South Pole, only on the Moon. This creates some difficulties: the Sun almost never rises in those parts.

This is what saved the last crumbs of ice from evaporation (5-10%, not such crumbs, in principle). For the same Mars, its atmosphere did a bad job. It allows sunlight to penetrate into the most secluded corners (not counting geologically isolated ones).

Illumination map of the lunar poles. The smooth dark circle on the right is Shackleton's crater.

Polar ice is great, and eternal night in some way even plays into its hands here, allowing you to avoid unnecessary radiation baths and overheating of systems. However, if lunar colonists decide to use solar energy - very conveniently, no weather will interfere - they will have to overcome serious distances to place solar panels. Or they won't have to if they can assemble fusion reactors fueled by helium-3.

Direct speech

Mikhail Shpekin

Mining on the Moon may well not be the most promising activity. The same minerals are stored in numerous asteroids and comets of the solar system. Projects of private enterprises to deliver their substances to Earth are already known. In this regard, the Moon may become more important for earthlings in its “primordial” form.

Take the same lunar dust. To extract helium-3, judging by today's estimates, it will be necessary to collect dust from almost the entire lunar surface. And the results of studies of the physical properties of lunar dust, discovered in recent years, indicate its most important role in studying the characteristics of cislunar space.

In particular, graduate students from the United States discovered the ability of lunar dust to accumulate electrical charges. Especially on a moonlit night. This, in turn, leads to the formation of dust swirls and, as a consequence, to the formation of dust “deposits” several meters thick! It is clear that by depriving the Moon of its dust shell in the process of extracting helium-3, we will lose the very opportunity to study the surface in its natural form. This is just one example.

Meanwhile, the territory of the Moon contains traces of numerous events, the study of which is of great scientific value. For example, the study of young impact craters. Or the study of foci of endogenous activity in the lunar interior. Search and examination of uncooled impact craters for the presence of a magma chamber. And many other equally pressing tasks and projects related to the exploration and development of the lunar territory.

Scientists look at the Moon as an archaeological monument of the entire solar system on a geological time scale. You just need to learn how to handle it correctly. And for this you don’t have to dig it up.

* * *

If you ignore some details, Anno 2205 describes a very plausible picture of lunar exploration.

Of course, many obstacles have not yet been overcome, from the commercial “Why should we colonize the Moon?” and to the biological “Where will we plant lunar potatoes?” However, most of these obstacles (with the exception of the reaction of helium-3 with deuterium, which requires incredibly high temperatures) do not require much research. All that is needed is political will and public attention. The same States are spending 502 billion dollars on defense this year, and NASA’s budget is a little more than seventeen. And we are not lagging behind: Russia gives 50 billion to the military, and less than three to Roscosmos.

Is this fair?

Anno 2205 was released on PC on November 3, 2015. This is the latest series of the construction simulator, where players are asked to build the city of their own dreams. This time everything will go much further, because in Anno 2205 you will have to take humanity to a new technological level by building your own colony on the Moon.

As in other games of this type, you will manage several settlements and coordinate trade relations between regions. Below you can see the guide, which was created in close collaboration with the Anno 2205 game development team.

Which city layouts to use in which environment?

During the construction and further supervision of settlements, you will have to pay attention to a large number of little things. Every residential building or industrial site needs energy and communications. Below are some tips to help you create an effective infrastructure.

  • Try to plan your actions ahead. Consider the size of the modules and the number of tiles when building a city.
  • Use the move tool to select the best location to build.
  • The further a house is from a public building, the more its residents will consume. Build a public building in the center to expand its presence in all directions. Below you can see in the picture how you can correctly install an infodrome in your starting city.

  • In the Arctic sectors, it is necessary to provide heating for houses, which is allocated at production facilities. This means you should mix industrial and residential. One of the best tips in this case: use modules that do not need to connect the street.
  • Geothermal turbines and gas power plants have a larger heating radius.
  • It is important to build effective defenses on the Moon. Shield generators come in two sizes and require additional costs. You should strive to minimize any duplication between them to optimize your cost-benefit ratio.

Anno 2205 Guide: Effectively Managing Trade Routes

A big car is not always better than two small ones. Transporting 40 tons of cargo with two small trucks is always cheaper than using one large vehicle. It's a balance between maximizing savings and ease of management. You can easily calculate your shipping costs per ton of product. Here is an example of an efficient trade connection transporting 100 tons of goods between two temperate regions:

  • 5 routes of 20 tons each cost 5*50 credits per minute, which is equal to 250 credits per minute.
  • One route for 100 tons costs 300 credits per minute.

As you can see, five routes of 20 tons each are more economically profitable than one delivery of 100 tons. On the other hand, ordering a one-time supply of 100 tons is easier. At a certain point, a more efficient option becomes a more comfortable option. Therefore, you should always check the delivery conditions.

How to make a lot of money and balance the economy

Just like in the real world, money in Anno 2205 means a lot, if not everything. You will have to manage your income and expenses in such a way as to maintain a stable economy and expand your settlements.

Balance your economy

To do this, you need to balance production and consumption. It is necessary to ensure that the remainders are as close to zero as possible. This will mean that everything you produce is consumed by the city's residents. It is much better to produce a little less goods than to produce much more than is required, since soon all the warehouses will be full. When the entire space is completely filled, all the products that continue to be manufactured simply disappear. Loans that were spent on production are also written off. If you are planning to improve your employees, then it is best to have a supply of goods necessary for consumption.

Satisfy old needs before you take on new ones, since the latter will cost you more.

To get more money, start upgrading and expanding your city. However, if you greatly expand the city without making any upgrades, you will not be able to, for example, gain access to new lands, since you will not be able to build bridges. Bridges require a certain type and number of employees. If you cannot provide them, then the bridge cannot be built. So in this case you may have to go back and demolish part of the city to meet the requirements.

A final piece of advice for this paragraph: check as early as possible for additional areas that can be accessed via bridges.

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