Heavy metals in soil and environment. Soil contamination with heavy metals

Heavy metals that enter the environment as a result of human production activities (industry, transport, etc.) are among the most dangerous pollutants of the biosphere. Elements such as mercury, lead, cadmium, and copper are classified as “critical group of substances - indicators of environmental stress.” It is estimated that every year metallurgical enterprises alone emit more than 150 thousand tons of copper onto the Earth’s surface; 120 - zinc, about 90 - lead, 12 - nickel and about 30 tons of mercury. These metals tend to be fixed in individual parts of the biological cycle, accumulate in the biomass of microorganisms and plants, and enter the body of animals and humans through trophic chains, negatively affecting their vital functions. On the other hand, heavy metals have a certain effect on the ecological situation, suppressing the development and biological activity of many organisms.

The relevance of the problem of the impact of heavy metals on soil microorganisms is determined by the fact that it is in the soil that the majority of all processes of mineralization of organic residues are concentrated, ensuring the coupling of the biological and geological cycle. The soil is an ecological node of connections of the biosphere, in which the interaction of living and nonliving matter occurs most intensively. On the soil, the processes of metabolism between the earth's crust, the hydrosphere, the atmosphere, and land-dwelling organisms are closed, among which soil microorganisms occupy an important place.
From the data of long-term observations of Roshydromet, it is known that according to the total index of soil pollution with heavy metals, calculated for territories within a five-kilometer zone, 2.2% of Russian settlements belong to the category of “extremely dangerous pollution”, 10.1% - “dangerous pollution”, 6.7% - “moderately hazardous pollution”. More than 64 million citizens of the Russian Federation live in areas with excess air pollution.
After the economic recession of the 90s, in the last 10 years in Russia there has again been an increase in the level of pollutant emissions from industry and transport. The rate of recycling of industrial and household waste is several times lower than the rate of formation in sludge storage facilities; More than 82 billion tons of production and consumption waste have been accumulated in landfills and landfills. The average rate of waste utilization and disposal in industry is about 43.3%; almost all solid household waste is subjected to direct burial.
The area of ​​disturbed lands in Russia currently amounts to more than 1 million hectares. Of these, agriculture accounts for 10%, non-ferrous metallurgy - 10, coal industry - 9, oil industry - 9, gas - 7, peat - 5, ferrous metallurgy - 4%. With 51 thousand hectares of restored land, the same amount annually passes into the category of disturbed.
An extremely unfavorable situation is also developing with the accumulation of harmful substances in the soils of urban and industrial areas, since currently more than 100 thousand hazardous industries and facilities (of which about 3 thousand are chemical) are taken into account throughout the country, which predetermines very high levels of risks technogenic pollution and accidents with large-scale releases of highly toxic materials.
Arable soils are contaminated with elements such as mercury, arsenic, lead, boron, copper, tin, bismuth, which enter the soil as part of pesticides, biocides, plant growth stimulants, and structure formers. Non-traditional fertilizers, made from various wastes, often contain a wide range of pollutants in high concentrations.
The use of mineral fertilizers in agriculture is aimed at increasing the content of plant nutrients in the soil and increasing the yield of agricultural crops. However, along with the active substance of the main nutrients, many different chemicals, including heavy metals, enter the soil with fertilizers. The latter is due to the presence of toxic impurities in the feedstock, imperfect technologies for the production and use of fertilizers. Thus, the content of cadmium in mineral fertilizers depends on the type of raw material from which the fertilizers are produced: in the apatites of the Kola Peninsula there is an insignificant amount of it (0.4-0.6 mg/kg), in Algerian phosphorites - up to 6, and in Moroccan ones - more 30 mg/kg. The presence of lead and arsenic in the Kola apatites is 5-12 and 4-15 times lower, respectively, than in the phosphorites of Algeria and Morocco.
A.Yu. Aydiev et al. provides the following data on the content of heavy metals in mineral fertilizers (mg/kg): nitrogen - Pb - 2-27; Zn - 1-42; Cu - 1-15; Cd - 0.3-1.3; Ni - 0.9; phosphorus - 2-27, respectively; 23; 10-17; 2.6; 6.5; potash - 196, respectively; 182; 186; 0.6; 19.3 and Hg - 0.7 mg/kg, i.e. fertilizers can be a source of contamination of the soil-plant system. For example, with the introduction of mineral fertilizers for a monoculture of winter wheat on typical chernozem at a dose of N45P60K60, the soil annually receives Pb - 35133 mg/ha, Zn - 29496, Cu - 29982, Cd - 1194, Ni - 5563 mg/ha. Over a long period of time, their amount can reach significant values.
The distribution of metals and metalloids released into the atmosphere from technogenic sources in the landscape depends on the distance from the source of pollution, on climatic conditions (strength and direction of winds), on the terrain, on technological factors (state of waste, method of waste release into the environment, height of enterprise pipes ).
Soil pollution occurs when technogenic compounds of metals and metalloids enter the environment in any phase state. In general, aerosol pollution predominates on the planet. In this case, the largest aerosol particles (>2 microns) fall in the immediate vicinity of the source of pollution (within several kilometers), forming a zone with the maximum concentration of pollutants. Pollution can be traced over a distance of tens of kilometers. The size and shape of the pollution area is determined by the influence of the above factors.
The accumulation of the main part of pollutants is observed mainly in the humus-accumulative soil horizon. They bind with aluminosilicates, non-silicate minerals, and organic substances due to various interaction reactions. Some of them are firmly held by these components and not only do not participate in migration along the soil profile, but also do not pose a danger to living organisms. The negative environmental consequences of soil pollution are associated with mobile compounds of metals and metalloids. Their formation in the soil is due to the concentration of these elements on the surface of solid soil phases due to the reactions of sorption-desorption, precipitation-dissolution, ion exchange, and the formation of complex compounds. All these compounds are in equilibrium with the soil solution and together represent a system of soil mobile compounds of various chemical elements. The amount of absorbed elements and the strength of their retention by soils depend on the properties of the elements and the chemical properties of the soil. The influence of these properties on the behavior of metals and metalloids has both general and specific features. The concentration of absorbed elements is determined by the presence of fine clay minerals and organic matter. An increase in acidity is accompanied by an increase in the solubility of metal compounds, but a limitation in the solubility of metalloid compounds. The effect of non-silicate compounds of iron and aluminum on the absorption of pollutants depends on the acid-base conditions in the soils.
Under leaching conditions, the potential mobility of metals and metalloids is realized, and they can be carried beyond the soil profile, becoming sources of secondary pollution of groundwater.
Heavy metal compounds that are part of the finest particles (micron and submicron) of aerosols can enter the upper layers of the atmosphere and be transported over long distances, measured in thousands of kilometers, i.e., participate in the global transport of substances.
According to the Vostok meteorological synthesis center, the contamination of Russian territory with lead and cadmium in other countries is more than 10 times higher than the contamination of these countries with pollutants from Russian sources, which is due to the dominance of west-east air mass transfer. Lead deposition on the European territory of Russia (ETP) annually amounts to: from sources in Ukraine - about 1100 tons, Poland and Belarus - 180-190, Germany - more than 130 tons. Cadmium deposition on ETP from sources in Ukraine annually exceeds 40 tons, Poland - almost 9 , Belarus - 7, Germany - more than 5 tons.
Increasing environmental pollution with heavy metals (TM) poses a threat to natural biocomplexes and agrocenoses. TMs that accumulate in the soil are extracted from it by plants and enter the body of animals through trophic chains in increasing concentrations. Plants accumulate TM not only from the soil, but also from the air. Depending on the type of plant and the ecological situation, the influence of soil or air pollution dominates. Therefore, the concentration of TMs in plants may exceed or be lower than their content in the soil. Leafy vegetables absorb especially a lot of lead from the air (up to 95%).
In roadside areas, motor vehicles significantly pollute the soil with heavy metals, especially lead. When its concentration in the soil is 50 mg/kg, approximately a tenth of this amount is accumulated by herbaceous plants. Plants also actively absorb zinc, the amount of which in them can be several times higher than its content in the soil.
Heavy metals significantly affect the number, species composition and vital activity of soil microbiota. They inhibit the processes of mineralization and synthesis of various substances in soils, suppress the respiration of soil microorganisms, cause a microbiostatic effect and can act as a mutagenic factor.
Most heavy metals in elevated concentrations inhibit the activity of enzymes in soils: amylase, dehydrogenase, urease, invertase, catalase. Based on this, indices similar to the well-known LD50 indicator have been proposed, in which the concentration of a pollutant that reduces certain physiological activity by 50 or 25% is considered effective, for example, a decrease in the release of CO2 by soil - EkD50, inhibition of dehydrogenase activity - EC50, suppression of invertase activity by 25%, decreased activity of ferric iron reduction - EC50.
S.V. Levin et al. The following has been proposed as indicators of different levels of soil contamination with heavy metals in real conditions. Low levels of contamination should be established by exceeding background concentrations of heavy metals using accepted chemical analysis methods. The average level of contamination is most clearly evidenced by the absence of redistribution of members of the initiated soil microbial community upon the additional introduction of a dose of pollutant equal to twice the concentration corresponding to the size of the homeostasis zone of uncontaminated soil. As additional indicator signs, it is appropriate to use a decrease in the activity of nitrogen fixation in the soil and the variability of this process, a reduction in the species richness and diversity of the complex of soil microorganisms and an increase in the proportion of toxin-forming forms, epiphytic and pigmented microorganisms. To indicate a high level of pollution, it is most advisable to take into account the reaction of higher plants to pollution. Additional signs may be the detection in the soil of high population densities of forms of microorganisms resistant to a particular pollutant against the background of a general decrease in the microbiological activity of soils.
In Russia as a whole, the average concentration of all determined TMs in soils does not exceed 0.5 MAC. However, the coefficient of variation for individual elements is in the range of 69-93%, and for cadmium it exceeds 100%. The average lead content in sandy and sandy loam soils is 6.75 mg/kg. The amount of copper, zinc, cadmium is in the range of 0.5-1.0 ODC. Every year, each square meter of soil surface absorbs about 6 kg of chemicals (lead, cadmium, arsenic, copper, zinc, etc.). According to the degree of danger, TMs are divided into three classes, of which the first is classified as highly hazardous substances. It includes Pb, Zn, Cu, As, Se, F, Hg. The second moderately dangerous class is represented by B, Co, Ni, Mo, Cu, Cr, and the third (low-hazard) class is Ba, V, W, Mn, Sr. Information about dangerous concentrations of TMs is provided by analysis of their mobile forms (Table 4.11).

For the remediation of soils contaminated with heavy metals, various methods are used, one of which is the use of natural zeolites or sorbent ameliorants with its participation. Zeolites have high selectivity towards many heavy metals. The effectiveness of these minerals and zeolite-containing rocks for binding heavy metals in soils and reducing their entry into plants has been revealed. As a rule, soils contain zeolites in small quantities, however, in many countries around the world, deposits of natural zeolites are widespread, and their use for soil detoxification can be economically inexpensive and environmentally effective due to the improvement of the agrochemical properties of soils.
The use of 35 and 50 g/kg of heulandite soil from the Pegassky deposit (fraction 0.3 mm) on contaminated chernozems near a zinc smelter for vegetable crops reduced the content of mobile forms of zinc and lead, but at the same time the nitrogen and partially phosphorus-potassium nutrition of plants deteriorated, which reduced their productivity.
According to V.S. Belousova, the addition of 10-20 t/ha of zeolite-containing rocks from the Khadyzhenskoye deposit (Krasnodar Territory), containing 27-35% zeolites (stalbite, heulandite), into soil contaminated with heavy metals (10-100 times the background level), helped reduce the accumulation of TM in plants : copper and zinc up to 5-14 times, lead and cadmium - up to 2-4 times. He also revealed that the absence of an obvious correlation between the adsorption properties of CSP and the effect of metal inactivation, expressed, for example, in relatively lower rates of reduction in lead content in test cultures, despite its very high absorption of CSP in adsorption experiments, is quite expected and is a consequence plant species differences in the ability to accumulate heavy metals.
In vegetation experiments on soddy-podzolic soils (Moscow region), artificially contaminated with lead in the amount of 640 mg Pb/kg, which corresponds to 10 times the maximum permissible concentration for acidic soils, the use of zeolite from the Sokirnitskoye deposit and modified zeolite “clino-phos” containing as active components, ammonium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus ions in doses of 0.5% of the soil mass had different effects on the agrochemical characteristics of soils, plant growth and development. The modified zeolite reduced the acidity of the soil, significantly increased the content of nitrogen and phosphorus available to plants, increased the activity of ammonification and the intensity of microbiological processes, and ensured normal vegetation of lettuce plants, while the application of unsaturated zeolite was not effective.
Unsaturated zeolite and modified zeolite “clinofos” also did not show their sorption properties towards lead after 30 and 90 days of soil composting. Perhaps 90 days is not enough to complete the process of lead sorption by zeolites, as evidenced by the data of V.G. Mineeva et al. about the manifestation of the sorption effect of zeolites only in the second year after their application.
When zeolite, crushed to a high degree of dispersion, was added to the chestnut soils of the Semipalatinsk Irtysh region, the relative content of the active mineral fraction with high ion-exchange properties in it increased, as a result of which the total absorption capacity of the arable layer increased. A relationship was noted between the applied dose of zeolites and the amount of adsorbed lead - the maximum dose led to the greatest absorption of lead. The influence of zeolites on the adsorption process depended significantly on its grinding. Thus, the adsorption of lead ions when adding zeolites of 2 mm grinding in sandy loam soil increased by an average of 3.0; 6.0 and 8.0%; in medium loamy soil - by 5.0; 8.0 and 11.0%; in solonetsic medium loamy - by 2.0; 4.0 and 8.0% respectively. When using zeolites of 0.2 mm grinding, the increase in the amount of absorbed lead was: in sandy loam soil on average 17, 19 and 21%, in medium loamy soil - 21, 23 and 26%, in solonetzic and medium loamy soil - 21, 23 and 25%, respectively.
A.M. Abduazhitova on chestnut soils of the Semipalatinsk Irtysh region also obtained positive results of the influence of natural zeolites on the ecological stability of soils and their absorption capacity in relation to lead, reducing its phytotoxicity.
According to M.S. Panin and T.I. Gulkina, when studying the influence of various agrochemicals on the sorption of copper ions by soils in this region, it was found that the application of organic fertilizers and zeolites contributed to an increase in the sorption capacity of soils.
In carbonate light loamy soil contaminated with Pb, a combustion product of leaded automobile fuel, 47% of this element was found in the sand fraction. When Pb(II) salts enter uncontaminated clay soil and sandy heavy loam, only 5-12% Pb appears in this fraction. The addition of zeolite (clinoptilolite) reduces the Pb content in the liquid phase of soils, which should lead to a decrease in its availability for plants. However, zeolite does not allow the metal to be transferred from the dust and clay fraction to the sand fraction in order to prevent its wind removal into the atmosphere with dust.
Natural zeolites are used in environmentally friendly technologies for reclamation of solonetzic soils, reducing the content of water-soluble strontium in the soil by 15-75% when added with phosphogypsum, and also reduce the concentrations of heavy metals. When growing barley, corn and adding a mixture of phosphogypsum and clinopthiolite, the negative effects caused by phosphogypsum were eliminated, which had a positive effect on the growth, development and productivity of crops.
In a growing experiment on contaminated soils with a barley test plant, the effect of zeolites on phosphate buffering was studied against the background of adding 5, 10 and 20 mg P/100 g of soil to the soil. The control showed a high intensity of P absorption and low phosphate buffer capacity (PBC(p)) at a low dose of P fertilizer. NH and Ca zeolites reduced PBC (p), and the intensity of H2PO4 did not change until the end of the plant growing season. The influence of ameliorants increased with an increase in P content in the soil, as a result of which the value of the PBC(p) potential increased twofold, which had a positive effect on soil fertility. Zeolite ameliorants harmonize the fertilization of plants with mineral P, while their natural barriers in the so-called are activated. Zn-acclimatization; as a result, the accumulation of toxicants in the test plants decreased.
The cultivation of fruit and berry crops requires regular treatment with protective drugs containing heavy metals. Considering that these crops grow in one place for a long time (tens of years), heavy metals tend to accumulate in the soils of gardens, which negatively affect the quality of berry products. Long-term studies have established that, for example, in gray forest soil under berry fields, the gross content of TM exceeded the regional background concentration by 2 times for Pb and Ni, 3 times for Zn, 6 times for Cu.
The use of zeolite-containing rocks from the Khotynets deposit to reduce contamination of black currants, raspberries and gooseberries is an environmentally and economically effective measure.
In the work of L.I. Leontyeva identified the following feature, which, in our opinion, is very significant. The author found that the maximum reduction in the content of mobile forms of P and Ni in gray forest soil is ensured by the introduction of zeolite-containing rock at a dose of 8 and 16 t/ha, and Zn and Cu - 24 t/ha, i.e. a differentiated ratio of the element to the amount of sorbent is observed .
The creation of fertilizer compositions and soils from industrial waste requires special control, in particular the regulation of the content of heavy metals. Therefore, the use of zeolites here is considered an effective technique. For example, when studying the characteristics of the growth and development of aster on soils created on the basis of a humus layer of podzolized chernozem according to the scheme: control, soil + 100 g/m of slag; soil + 100 g/m2 slag + 100 g/m2 zeolite; soil + 100 g/m2 zeolite; soil + 200 g/m2 zeolite; soil + sewage sludge 100 g/m2 + zeolite 200 g/m2; soil + sediment 100 g/m2, it was found that the best soil for asters growth was soil with sewage sludge and zeolite.
By assessing the aftereffect of creating soils from zeolites, sewage sludge and slag screenings, their effect on the concentration of lead, cadmium, chromium, zinc and copper was determined. If in the control the amount of mobile lead was 13.7% of the total content in the soil, then with the addition of slag it increased to 15.1%. The use of organic matter from sewage sludge reduced the content of mobile lead to 12.2%. Zeolite had the greatest effect of fixing lead into sedentary forms, reducing the concentration of mobile forms of Pb to 8.3%. With the combined action of sewage sludge and zeolite when using slag, the amount of mobile lead decreased by 4.2%. Both zeolite and sewage sludge had a positive effect on the fixation of cadmium. In reducing the mobility of copper and zinc in soils, zeolite and its combination with organic substances of sewage sludge showed themselves to a greater extent. Organic matter in sewage sludge contributed to increased mobility of nickel and manganese.
The introduction of sewage sludge from the Lyubertsy aeration station into sandy loam soddy-podzolic soils led to their contamination with TM. The coefficients of TM accumulation in soils contaminated with OCB by mobile compounds were 3-10 times higher than by gross content, compared with uncontaminated soils, which indicated the high activity of TM introduced with sediments and their availability for plants. The maximum decrease in TM mobility (by 20-25% from the initial level) was noted when adding peat manure mixture, which is due to the formation of strong complexes of TM with organic matter. Iron ore, the least effective as an ameliorant, caused a decrease in the content of mobile metal compounds by 5-10%. Zeolite occupied an intermediate position in its action as an ameliorant. The ameliorants used in the experiments reduced the mobility of Cd, Zn, Cu and Cr by an average of 10-20%. Thus, the use of ameliorants was effective when the TM content in soils was close to the maximum permissible concentration or exceeded the permissible concentrations by no more than 10-20%. The introduction of ameliorants into contaminated soils reduced their entry into plants by 15-20%.
Alluvial soddy soils of Western Transbaikalia, in terms of the level of provision of mobile forms of microelements determined in the ammonium acetate extract, are high in manganese, moderate in zinc and copper, very high in cobalt. They do not require the use of microfertilizers, so the application of sewage sludge can lead to soil contamination with toxic elements and requires an environmental and geochemical assessment.
L.L. Ubugunov et al. The influence of sewage sludge (SWS), mordenite-containing tuffs of the Myxop-Talinskoe deposit (MT) and mineral fertilizers on the content of mobile forms of heavy metals in alluvial turf soils was studied. The studies were carried out according to the following scheme: 1) control; 2) N60P60K60 - background; 3) OCB - 15 t/ha; 4) MT - 15 t/ha; 5) background + WWS - 15 t/ha; 6) background+MT 15 t/ha; 7) OCB 7.5 t/ha+MT 7.5 t/ha; 8) OCB Jut/ha+MT 5 t/ha; 9) background + WWS 7.5 t/ha; 10) background + WWS 10 t/ha + MT 5 t/ha. Mineral fertilizers were applied annually, WWS, MT and their mixtures - once every 3 years.
To assess the intensity of TM accumulation in soil, geochemical indicators were used: concentration coefficient - Kc and total pollution indicator - Zc, determined by the formulas:

where C is the concentration of the element in the experimental version, Cf is the concentration of the element in the control;

Zc = ΣKc - (n-1),

where n is the number of elements with Kc ≥ 1.0.
The results obtained revealed the ambiguous influence of mineral fertilizers, WWS, mordenite-containing tuffs and their mixtures on the content of mobile microelements in the 0-20 cm soil layer, although it should be noted that in all variants of the experiment their amount did not exceed the MPC level (Table 4.12).
The use of almost all types of fertilizers, with the exception of MT and MT+NPK, led to an increase in manganese content. When OCB was applied to the soil together with mineral fertilizers, Kc reached its maximum value (1.24). The accumulation of zinc in the soil occurred more significantly: Kc with the addition of OCB reached values ​​of 1.85-2.27; mineral fertilizers and mixtures of WW+MT -1.13-1.27; with the use of zeolites it decreased to a minimum value of 1.00-1.07. There was no accumulation of copper and cadmium in the soil; their content in all experimental variants was generally at or slightly lower than the control level. Only a slight increase in the Cu content (Kc - 1.05-1.11) was noted in the variant with the use of OCB, both in its pure form (version 3), and against the background of NPK (version 5) and Cd (Kc - 1.13 ) when adding mineral fertilizers to the soil (var. 2) and OCB against their background (var. 5). The cobalt content increased slightly when using all types of fertilizers (maximum - version 2, Kc -1.30), with the exception of options using zeolites. The maximum concentration of nickel (Kc - 1.13-1.22) and lead (Kc - 1.33) was noted when OCB and OCB were added to the soil against the background of NPK (var. 3, 5), while OCB was used together with zeolites (var. 7, 8) reduced this indicator (Kc - 1.04 - 1.08).

According to the value of the total contamination with heavy metals of the soil layer 0-20 cm (Table 4.12), the types of fertilizers are arranged in the following ranked series (Zc value in brackets): OCB+NPK (3.52) → WWS (2.68) - NPK (1.84) → 10SV+MT+NPK (1.66-1.64) → OCB+MT, var. 8 (1.52) → OSV+MT var. 7 (1.40) → MT+NPK (1.12). The level of total soil contamination with heavy metals when applying fertilizers to the soil was generally insignificant compared to the control (Zc<10), тем не менее тенденция накопления TM при использовании осадков сточных вод четко обозначилась, как и эффективное действие морденитсодержащих туфов в снижении содержания подвижных форм тяжелых металлов в почве, а также в повышении качества клубней картофеля.
L.V. Kiriycheva and I.V. Glazunova formulated the following basic requirements for the component composition of the created sorbent ameliorants: high absorption capacity of the composition, the simultaneous presence of organic and mineral components in the composition, physiological neutrality (pH 6.0-7.5), the ability of the composition to adsorb mobile forms of TM, converting them into immobile forms, increased hydroaccumulation capacity of the composition, the presence of a structure-forming agent in it, lyophilicity and coagulant properties, high specific surface area, availability of raw materials and their low cost, use (recycling) of raw material waste in the composition of the sorbent, manufacturability of the sorbent, harmlessness and environmental neutrality.
Of the 20 compositions of sorbents of natural origin, the authors identified the most effective one, containing 65% sapropel, 25% zeolite and 10% alumina. This sorbent-meliorant was patented and received the name “Sorbex” (RF patent No. 2049107 “Composition for soil reclamation”).
The mechanism of action of sorbent ameliorant when applied to the soil is very complex and includes processes of various physicochemical natures: chemisorption (absorption with the formation of sparingly soluble compounds TM); mechanical absorption (volume absorption of large molecules) and ion exchange processes (replacement of TM ions with non-toxic ions in the soil-absorbing complex (SAC). The high absorption capacity of “Sorbex” is due to the regulated value of the cation exchange capacity, the fineness of the structure (large specific surface area, up to 160 m2), as well as the stabilizing effect on the pH value, depending on the nature of the pollution and the reaction of the environment in order to prevent the desorption of the most dangerous pollutants.
In the presence of soil moisture in the sorbent, partial dissociation and hydrolysis of aluminum sulfate and humic substances that make up the organic matter of sapropel occurs. Electrolytic dissociation: A12(SO4)3⇔2A13++3SO4в2-; A13++H2O = AlOH2+ = OH; (R* -COO)2 Ca ⇔ R - COO-+R - COOCa+ (R - aliphatic radical of humic substances); R - COO+H2O ⇔ R - COOH+OH0. The cations obtained as a result of hydrolysis are sorbents of anionic forms of pollutants, for example arsenic (V), forming insoluble salts or stable organo-mineral compounds: Al3+ - AsO4в3- = AlAsO4; 3R-COOCa++AsO4in3- = (R-COOCa)3 AsO4.
More common cationic forms characteristic of TM form strong chelate complexes with polyphenolic groups of humic substances or are sorbed by anions formed during the dissociation of carboxyls, phenolic hydroxyls - functional groups of sapropel humic substances in accordance with the presented reactions: 2R - COO + Pb2+ = (R - COO)2 Pb; 2Аr - O+ Сu2+ = (Аr - O)2Сu (Ar aromatic radical of humic substances). Since the organic matter of sapropel is insoluble in water, TMs pass into immobile forms in the form of durable organomineral complexes. Sulfate anions precipitate cations, mainly barium or lead: 2Pb2+ + 3SO4в2- = Pb3(SO4)2.
All di- and trivalent TM cations are sorbed on the anionic complex of humic substances in sapropel, and sulfate-non immobilizes lead and barium ions. With polyvalent TM contamination, there is competition between cations and cations with a higher electrode potential are preferentially sorbed, according to the electrochemical series of metal voltages, therefore the sorption of cadmium cations will be hampered by the presence of nickel, copper, lead and cobalt ions in the solution.
The mechanical absorption capacity of Sorbex is ensured by its fine dispersion and significant specific surface area. Pollutants with large molecules, such as pesticides, waste oil products, etc., are mechanically retained in sorption traps.
The best result was achieved when adding sorbent to the soil, which made it possible to reduce the consumption of TM by oat plants from the soil: Ni - 7.5 times; Cu - 1.5; Zn - in 1.9; P - in 2.4; Fe - in 4.4; Mn - 5 times.
To assess the effect of “Sorbex” on the entry of TM into plant products depending on the total soil contamination A.V. Ilyinsky conducted vegetation and field experiments. In a vegetation experiment, the effect of “Sorbex” on the content of oat phytomass at different levels of contamination of podzolized chernozem with Zn, Cu, Pb and Cd was studied according to the scheme (Table 4.13).

The soil was contaminated by adding chemically pure water-soluble salts and thoroughly mixed, then exposed for 7 days. Calculation of doses of TM salts was carried out taking into account background concentrations. In the experiment, vegetation vessels with an area of ​​364 cm2 were used with a soil mass in each vessel of 7 kg.
The soil had the following agrochemical indicators pHKCl = 5.1, humus - 5.7% (according to Tyurin), phosphorus - 23.5 mg/100 g and potassium 19.2 mg/100 g (according to Kirsanov). Background content of mobile (1M HNO3) forms of Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd - 4.37; 3.34; 3.0; 0.15 mg/kg respectively. The duration of the experiment was 2.5 months.
To maintain optimal humidity of 0.8HB, watering was carried out periodically with clean water.
The yield of oat phytomass (Fig. 4.10) in variants without the addition of Sorbex is reduced by more than 2 times in case of extremely dangerous pollution. The use of “Sorbex” at a rate of 3.3 kg/m contributed to an increase in phytomass, compared with the control, by 2 or more times (Figure 4.10), as well as a significant reduction in the consumption of Cu, Zn, Pb by plants. At the same time, there was a slight increase in the Cd content in the oat phytomass (Table 4.14), which corresponds to the theoretical premises about the sorption mechanism.

Thus, the introduction of sorbent ameliorants into contaminated soil allows not only to reduce the entry of heavy metals into plants, improve the agrochemical properties of degraded chernozems, but also increase the productivity of agricultural crops.

Heavy metals in soil

Recently, due to the rapid development of industry, there has been a significant increase in the level of heavy metals in the environment. The term “heavy metals” is applied to metals either with a density exceeding 5 g/cm 3 or with an atomic number greater than 20. Although, there is another point of view, according to which over 40 chemical elements with atomic masses exceeding 50 are classified as heavy metals at. units Among chemical elements, heavy metals are the most toxic and are second only to pesticides in their level of danger. At the same time, the following chemical elements are considered toxic: Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Sn, As, Se, Te, Rb, Ag, Cd, Au, Hg, Pb, Sb, Bi, Pt.

The phytotoxicity of heavy metals depends on their chemical properties: valence, ionic radius and ability to form complexes. In most cases, elements are arranged in the order of toxicity: Cu > Ni > Cd > Zn > Pb > Hg > Fe > Mo > Mn. However, this series may vary somewhat due to unequal precipitation of elements by the soil and transfer to a state inaccessible to plants, growing conditions, and the physiological and genetic characteristics of the plants themselves. The transformation and migration of heavy metals occurs under the direct and indirect influence of the complexation reaction. When assessing environmental pollution, it is necessary to take into account the properties of the soil and, first of all, the granulometric composition, humus content and buffering capacity. Buffer capacity refers to the ability of soils to maintain the concentration of metals in the soil solution at a constant level.

In soils, heavy metals are present in two phases - solid and in soil solution. The form of existence of metals is determined by the reaction of the environment, the chemical and material composition of the soil solution and, first of all, the content of organic substances. Complexing elements that pollute the soil are concentrated mainly in its upper 10 cm layer. However, when low-buffer soil is acidified, a significant proportion of metals from the exchange-absorbed state passes into the soil solution. Cadmium, copper, nickel, and cobalt have a strong migration ability in an acidic environment. A decrease in pH by 1.8-2 units leads to an increase in the mobility of zinc by 3.8-5.4, cadmium by 4-8, copper by 2-3 times.

Table 1 Maximum permissible concentration (MAC) standards, background contents of chemical elements in soils (mg/kg)

Element Hazard Class MPC UEC by soil groups Background content
Gross content Extractable with ammonium acetate buffer (pH=4.8) Sandy, sandy loam Loamy, clayey
pH x l< 5,5 pH x l > 5.5
Pb 1 32 6 32 65 130 26
Zn 1 - 23 55 110 220 50
Cd 1 - - 0,5 1 2 0,3
Cu 2 - 3 33 66 132 27
Ni 2 - 4 20 40 80 20
Co 2 - 5 - - - 7,2

Thus, when heavy metals enter the soil, they quickly interact with organic ligands to form complex compounds. So, at low concentrations in soil (20-30 mg/kg), approximately 30% of lead is in the form of complexes with organic matter. The proportion of complex lead compounds increases with increasing concentration up to 400 mg/g, and then decreases. Metals are also sorbed (exchangeably or nonexchangeably) by sediments of iron and manganese hydroxides, clay minerals, and soil organic matter. Metals available to plants and capable of leaching are found in the soil solution in the form of free ions, complexes and chelates.

The absorption of HMs by soil largely depends on the reaction of the environment and on which anions predominate in the soil solution. In an acidic environment, copper, lead and zinc are more sorbed, and in an alkaline environment, cadmium and cobalt are intensively absorbed. Copper preferentially binds to organic ligands and iron hydroxides.

Table 2 Mobility of microelements in various soils depending on the pH of the soil solution

Soil and climatic factors often determine the direction and speed of migration and transformation of HMs in the soil. Thus, the conditions of the soil and water regimes of the forest-steppe zone contribute to intensive vertical migration of HM along the soil profile, including the possible transfer of metals with water flow along cracks, root passages, etc.

Nickel (Ni) is an element of Group VIII of the periodic table with an atomic mass of 58.71. Nickel, along with Mn, Fe, Co and Cu, belongs to the so-called transition metals, the compounds of which have high biological activity. Due to the structural features of electronic orbitals, the above metals, including nickel, have a pronounced ability to form complexes. Nickel is capable of forming stable complexes, for example, with cysteine ​​and citrate, as well as with many organic and inorganic ligands. The geochemical composition of source rocks largely determines the nickel content in soils. The greatest amount of nickel is contained in soils formed from basic and ultrabasic rocks. According to some authors, the boundaries of excess and toxic levels of nickel for most species vary from 10 to 100 mg/kg. The bulk of nickel is immovably fixed in the soil, and very weak migration in the colloidal state and in the composition of mechanical suspensions does not affect their distribution along the vertical profile and is quite uniform.

Lead (Pb). The chemistry of lead in the soil is determined by the delicate balance of oppositely directed processes: sorption-desorption, dissolution-transition to the solid state. Lead released into the soil is included in a cycle of physical, chemical and physicochemical transformations. At first, the processes of mechanical movement (lead particles move along the surface and through cracks in the soil) and convective diffusion dominate. Then, as solid-phase lead compounds dissolve, more complex physical and chemical processes come into play (in particular, processes of ion diffusion), accompanied by the transformation of lead compounds arriving with dust.

It has been established that lead migrates both vertically and horizontally, with the second process prevailing over the first. Over 3 years of observations in a mixed-grass meadow, lead dust applied locally to the soil surface moved horizontally by 25-35 cm, and the depth of its penetration into the soil thickness was 10-15 cm. Biological factors play an important role in the migration of lead: plant roots absorb ions metals; during the growing season they move through the soil; When plants die and decompose, lead is released into the surrounding soil mass.

It is known that soil has the ability to bind (sorb) technogenic lead entering it. Sorption is believed to include several processes: complete exchange with cations of the soil absorbing complex (nonspecific adsorption) and a series of reactions of lead complexation with donors of soil components (specific adsorption). In soil, lead is associated mainly with organic matter, as well as with clay minerals, manganese oxides, and iron and aluminum hydroxides. By binding lead, humus prevents its migration into adjacent environments and limits its entry into plants. Of the clay minerals, illites are characterized by a tendency to sorption of lead. An increase in soil pH during liming leads to an even greater binding of lead in the soil due to the formation of sparingly soluble compounds (hydroxides, carbonates, etc.).

Lead, present in the soil in mobile forms, is fixed by soil components over time and becomes inaccessible to plants. According to domestic researchers, lead is most firmly fixed in chernozem and peat-silt soils.

Cadmium (Cd) The peculiarity of cadmium, which distinguishes it from other HMs, is that in the soil solution it is present mainly in the form of cations (Cd 2+), although in soil with a neutral reaction environment it can form sparingly soluble complexes with sulfates and phosphates or hydroxides.

According to available data, the concentration of cadmium in soil solutions of background soils ranges from 0.2 to 6 μg/l. In areas of soil pollution it increases to 300-400 µg/l.

It is known that cadmium in soils is very mobile, i.e. is capable of moving in large quantities from the solid phase to the liquid phase and back (which makes it difficult to predict its entry into the plant). The mechanisms that regulate the concentration of cadmium in the soil solution are determined by sorption processes (by sorption we mean adsorption itself, precipitation and complexation). Cadmium is absorbed by soil in smaller quantities than other HMs. To characterize the mobility of heavy metals in soil, the ratio of metal concentrations in the solid phase to that in the equilibrium solution is used. High values ​​of this ratio indicate that heavy metals are retained in the solid phase due to the sorption reaction, low values ​​due to the fact that the metals are in solution, from where they can migrate to other media or enter into various reactions (geochemical or biological). It is known that the leading process in the binding of cadmium is adsorption by clays. Research in recent years has also shown the important role of hydroxyl groups, iron oxides and organic matter in this process. When the level of pollution is low and the reaction of the environment is neutral, cadmium is adsorbed mainly by iron oxides. And in an acidic environment (pH=5), organic matter begins to act as a powerful adsorbent. At lower pH values ​​(pH=4), adsorption functions shift almost exclusively to organic matter. Mineral components cease to play any role in these processes.

It is known that cadmium is not only sorbed by the soil surface, but is also fixed due to precipitation, coagulation, and interpacket absorption by clay minerals. It diffuses inside soil particles through micropores and other ways.

Cadmium is fixed differently in different types of soils. So far, little is known about the competitive relationships of cadmium with other metals in sorption processes in the soil-absorbing complex. According to research by specialists from the Technical University of Copenhagen (Denmark), in the presence of nickel, cobalt and zinc, the absorption of cadmium by the soil was suppressed. Other studies have shown that the processes of cadmium sorption by soil are damped in the presence of chlorine ions. Saturation of soil with Ca 2+ ions led to an increase in cadmium sorption. Many bonds of cadmium with soil components turn out to be fragile; under certain conditions (for example, an acidic reaction of the environment), it is released and goes back into solution.

The role of microorganisms in the process of dissolution of cadmium and its transition to a mobile state has been revealed. As a result of their vital activity, either water-soluble metal complexes are formed, or physicochemical conditions are created that are favorable for the transition of cadmium from the solid phase to the liquid phase.

The processes occurring with cadmium in the soil (sorption-desorption, transition into solution, etc.) are interconnected and interdependent; the supply of this metal to plants depends on their direction, intensity and depth. It is known that the amount of cadmium sorption by soil depends on the pH value: the higher the soil pH, the more cadmium it sorbs. Thus, according to available data, in the pH range from 4 to 7.7, with an increase in pH by one unit, the sorption capacity of soils with respect to cadmium increased approximately threefold.

Zinc (Zn). Zinc deficiency can manifest itself both on acidic, highly podzolized light soils, and on carbonate soils, poor in zinc, and on highly humus-rich soils. The manifestation of zinc deficiency is enhanced by the use of high doses of phosphorus fertilizers and strong plowing of the subsoil to the arable horizon.

The highest gross zinc content is in tundra (53-76 mg/kg) and chernozem (24-90 mg/kg) soils, the lowest in soddy-podzolic soils (20-67 mg/kg). Zinc deficiency most often occurs on neutral and slightly alkaline carbonate soils. In acidic soils, zinc is more mobile and available to plants.

Zinc in soil is present in ionic form, where it is adsorbed by a cation exchange mechanism in an acidic environment or as a result of chemisorption in an alkaline environment. The most mobile ion is Zn 2+. The mobility of zinc in soil is mainly affected by pH and the content of clay minerals. At pH<6 подвижность Zn 2+ возрастает, что приводит к его выщелачиванию. Попадая в межпакетные пространства кристаллической решетки монтмориллонита, ионы цинка теряют свою подвижность. Кроме того, цинк образует устойчивые формы с органическим веществом почвы, поэтому он накапливается в основном в горизонтах почв с высоким содержанием гумуса и в торфе.

Heavy metals in plants

According to A.P. Vinogradov (1952), all chemical elements participate to one degree or another in the life of plants, and if many of them are considered physiologically significant, it is only because there is no evidence for this yet. Entering the plant in small quantities and becoming an integral part or activator of enzymes, microelements perform service functions in metabolic processes. When unusually high concentrations of elements enter the environment, they become toxic to plants. The penetration of heavy metals into plant tissue in excess amounts leads to disruption of the normal functioning of their organs, and this disruption is stronger, the greater the excess of toxicants. Productivity drops as a result. The toxic effect of HMs manifests itself from the early stages of plant development, but to varying degrees on different soils and for different crops.

The absorption of chemical elements by plants is an active process. Passive diffusion accounts for only 2-3% of the total mass of absorbed mineral components. When the content of metals in the soil is at the background level, active absorption of ions occurs, and if we take into account the low mobility of these elements in soils, then their absorption should be preceded by the mobilization of tightly bound metals. When the content of heavy metals in the root layer is in quantities significantly exceeding the maximum concentrations at which the metal can be fixed using the internal resources of the soil, such quantities of metals enter the roots that the membranes can no longer retain them. As a result, the supply of ions or compounds of elements is no longer regulated by cellular mechanisms. On acidic soils there is a more intense accumulation of HMs than on soils with a neutral or close to neutral reaction environment. A measure of the actual participation of HM ions in chemical reactions is their activity. The toxic effect of high concentrations of heavy metals on plants can manifest itself in disruption of the supply and distribution of other chemical elements. The nature of the interaction of heavy metals with other elements varies depending on their concentrations. Migration and entry into the plant occurs in the form of complex compounds.

During the initial period of environmental contamination with heavy metals, due to the buffer properties of the soil, leading to the inactivation of toxicants, plants will experience virtually no adverse effects. However, the protective functions of soil are not unlimited. As the level of heavy metal pollution increases, their inactivation becomes incomplete and the flow of ions attacks the roots. The plant is able to convert some of the ions into a less active state even before they penetrate into the plant root system. This is, for example, chelation using root secretions or adsorption on the outer surface of roots with the formation of complex compounds. In addition, as vegetation experiments with obviously toxic doses of zinc, nickel, cadmium, cobalt, copper, and lead have shown, the roots are located in layers not contaminated with HM soils and in these cases there are no symptoms of phototoxicity.

Despite the protective functions of the root system, heavy metals enter the root under polluted conditions. In this case, protection mechanisms come into play, thanks to which a specific distribution of HMs occurs among plant organs, making it possible to protect their growth and development as completely as possible. Moreover, the content of, for example, heavy metals in the tissues of roots and seeds in highly polluted environments can vary by 500-600 times, which indicates the great protective capabilities of this underground plant organ.

Excess of chemical elements causes toxicosis in plants. As the concentration of heavy metals increases, plant growth is first retarded, then leaf chlorosis occurs, which is replaced by necrosis, and, finally, the root system is damaged. The toxic effect of HM can manifest itself directly and indirectly. The direct effect of excess heavy metals in plant cells is due to complexation reactions, which result in enzyme blocking or protein precipitation. Deactivation of enzymatic systems occurs as a result of the replacement of the enzyme metal with a pollutant metal. When the toxicant content is critical, the catalytic ability of the enzyme is significantly reduced or completely blocked.

Plants are hyperaccumulators of heavy metals

A.P. Vinogradov (1952) identified plants that are capable of concentrating elements. He pointed to two types of plants - concentrators: 1) plants that concentrate elements on a mass scale; 2) plants with selective (species) concentration. Plants of the first type are enriched with chemical elements if the latter are contained in the soil in increased quantities. Concentration in this case is caused by an environmental factor. Plants of the second type are characterized by a constantly high amount of one or another chemical element, regardless of its content in the environment. It is determined by a genetically fixed need.

Considering the mechanism of absorption of heavy metals from soil into plants, we can talk about barrier (non-concentrating) and barrier-free (concentrating) types of accumulation of elements. Barrier accumulation is typical for most higher plants and is not typical for bryophytes and lichens. Thus, in the work of M.A. Toikka and L.N. Potekhina (1980), sphagnum (2.66 mg/kg) was named as a plant-concentrator of cobalt; copper (10.0 mg/kg) - birch, drupe, lily of the valley; manganese (1100 mg/kg) - blueberries. Lepp et al. (1987) found high concentrations of cadmium in the sporophores of the fungus Amanita muscaria growing in birch forests. In the sporophores of the fungus, the cadmium content was 29.9 mg/kg of dry weight, and in the soil on which they grew - 0.4 mg/kg. There is an opinion that plants that are concentrators of cobalt are also highly tolerant to nickel and are able to accumulate it in large quantities. These include, in particular, plants of the families Boraginaceae, Brassicaceae, Myrtaceae, Fabaceae, Caryophyllaceae. Nickel concentrators and superconcentrators have also been found among medicinal plants. Superconcentrators include melon tree, belladonna belladonna, yellow poppy, motherwort cordial, passionflower and Thermopsis lanceolata. The type of accumulation of chemical elements found in high concentrations in the nutrient medium depends on the phases of plant growth. Barrier-free accumulation is characteristic of the seedling phase, when plants do not differentiate the above-ground parts into various organs, and in the final phases of the growing season - after ripening, as well as during the period of winter dormancy, when barrier-free accumulation may be accompanied by the release of excess amounts of chemical elements in the solid phase (Kovalevsky, 1991).

Hyperaccumulating plants are found in the families Brassicaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Asteraceae, Lamiaceae and Scrophulariaceae (Baker 1995). The most famous and studied among them is Brassica juncea (Indian mustard), a plant that develops large biomass and is capable of accumulating Pb, Cr (VI), Cd, Cu, Ni, Zn, 90Sr, B and Se (Nanda Kumar et al. 1995 ; Salt et al. 1995; Of the different plant species tested, B. juncea had the most pronounced ability to transport lead aboveground, accumulating more than 1.8% of this element in aboveground organs (based on dry weight). With the exception of sunflower (Helianthus annuus) and tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum), other non-Brassicaceae plant species had a biological uptake coefficient of less than 1.

According to the classification of plants according to their response to the presence of heavy metals in their growing environment, used by many foreign authors, plants have three main strategies for growth on soils contaminated with metals:

Metal excluders. Such plants maintain a constant low concentration of metal despite wide variations in its concentration in the soil, retaining mainly the metal in the roots. Exclusive plants are capable of changing membrane permeability and metal-binding capacity of cell walls or releasing large amounts of chelating substances.

Metal indicators. These include plant species that actively accumulate metal in above-ground parts and generally reflect the level of metal content in the soil. They tolerate the existing level of metal concentration due to the formation of extracellular metal-binding compounds (chelators), or change the nature of metal compartmentation by storing it in metal-insensitive areas. Metal-accumulating plant species. Plants belonging to this group can accumulate the metal in above-ground biomass in concentrations much higher than those in the soil. Baker and Brooks defined metal hyperaccumulators as plants containing more than 0.1%, i.e. more than 1000 mg/g copper, cadmium, chromium, lead, nickel, cobalt or 1% (more than 10,000 mg/g) zinc and manganese in dry weight. For rare metals, this value is more than 0.01% in terms of dry weight. Researchers identify hyperaccumulating species by collecting plants in areas where soils contain metals in concentrations above background levels, as is the case in contaminated areas or where ore bodies are exposed. The phenomenon of hyperaccumulation raises many questions for researchers. For example, what is the significance of the accumulation of metal in highly toxic concentrations for plants? A definitive answer to this question has not yet been received, but there are several main hypotheses. It is assumed that such plants have an enhanced ion uptake system (the "unintentional" uptake hypothesis) to perform certain physiological functions that have not yet been studied. It is also believed that hyperaccumulation is one of the types of plant tolerance to high metal content in the growing environment.

Standardization of heavy metal content

in soil and plants is extremely complex due to the impossibility of fully taking into account all environmental factors. Thus, changing only the agrochemical properties of the soil (medium reaction, humus content, degree of saturation with bases, granulometric composition) can reduce or increase the content of heavy metals in plants several times. There are conflicting data even about the background content of some metals. The results given by researchers sometimes differ by 5-10 times.

Many scales have been proposed

environmental regulation of heavy metals. In some cases, the highest content of metals observed in ordinary anthropogenic soils is taken as the maximum permissible concentration; in others, the content that is the limit for phytotoxicity is taken. In most cases, MPCs have been proposed for heavy metals that are several times higher than the upper limit.

To characterize technogenic pollution

for heavy metals, a concentration coefficient is used equal to the ratio of the concentration of the element in contaminated soil to its background concentration. When polluted by several heavy metals, the degree of pollution is assessed by the value of the total concentration index (Zc). The scale of soil contamination with heavy metals proposed by IMGRE is presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Scheme for assessing soils for agricultural use according to the degree of contamination with chemicals (Goskomhydromet of the USSR, No. 02-10 51-233 dated 12/10/90)

Soil category by degree of contamination Zc Pollution relative to MPC Possible uses of soils Necessary activities
Acceptable <16,0 Exceeds background, but not higher than MPC Use for any crop Reducing the impact of soil pollution sources. Reduced availability of toxicants for plants.
Moderately dangerous 16,1- 32,0 Exceeds the maximum permissible concentration for the limiting general sanitary and migration water indicator of harmfulness, but is lower than the maximum permissible concentration for the translocation indicator Use for any crops subject to quality control of crop products Activities similar to category 1. If there are substances with a limiting migration water indicator, the content of these substances in surface and ground waters is monitored.
Highly dangerous 32,1- 128 Exceeds the MPC with a limiting translocation hazard indicator Use for industrial crops without obtaining food and feed from them. Avoid chemical-concentrating plants Activities similar to categories 1. Mandatory control over the content of toxicants in plants used as food and feed. Limiting the use of green mass for livestock feed, especially concentrator plants.
Extremely dangerous > 128 Exceeds MPC in all respects Exclude from agricultural use Reducing pollution levels and sequestration of toxicants in the atmosphere, soil and waters.

Officially approved MPCs

Table 2 shows the officially approved maximum concentration limits and permissible levels of their content according to hazard indicators. In accordance with the scheme adopted by medical hygienists, the regulation of heavy metals in soils is divided into translocation (transition of the element into plants), migratory water (transition into water), and general sanitary (effect on the self-purifying ability of soils and soil microbiocenosis).

Table 2. Maximum permissible concentrations (MAC) of chemicals in soils and permissible levels of their content in terms of harmfulness (as of 01/01/1991. State Committee for Nature Protection of the USSR, No. 02-2333 dated 12/10/90).

Name of substances MPC, mg/kg soil, taking into account background Harmfulness indicators
Translocation Water General sanitary
Water-soluble forms
Fluorine 10,0 10,0 10,0 10,0
Movable forms
Copper 3,0 3,5 72,0 3,0
Nickel 4,0 6,7 14,0 4,0
Zinc 23,0 23,0 200,0 37,0
Cobalt 5,0 25,0 >1000 5,0
Fluorine 2,8 2,8 - -
Chromium 6,0 - - 6,0
Gross content
Antimony 4,5 4,5 4,5 50,0
Manganese 1500,0 3500,0 1500,0 1500,0
Vanadium 150,0 170,0 350,0 150,0
Lead ** 30,0 35,0 260,0 30,0
Arsenic** 2,0 2,0 15,0 10,0
Mercury 2,1 2,1 33,3 5,0
Lead+mercury 20+1 20+1 30+2 30+2
Copper* 55 - - -
Nickel* 85 - - -
Zinc* 100 - - -

* - gross content - approximate.
** - contradiction; for arsenic, the average background content is 6 mg/kg; the background content of lead usually also exceeds the MPC standards.

Officially approved by the UEC

The ADCs developed in 1995 for the gross content of 6 heavy metals and arsenic make it possible to obtain a more complete description of soil contamination with heavy metals, since they take into account the level of environmental reaction and the granulometric composition of the soil.

Table 3. Approximate permissible concentrations (ATC) of heavy metals and arsenic in soils with different physicochemical properties (gross content, mg/kg) (addition No. 1 to the list of MPC and APC No. 6229-91).

Element Soil group UDC taking into account the background Aggregate
state of the place
in soils
Hazard classes Peculiarities
on the body
Nickel Sandy and sandy loam 20 Solid: in the form of salts, in sorbed form, as part of minerals 2 Low toxicity for warm-blooded animals and humans. Has a mutagenic effect
<5,5 40
Close to neutral (loamy and clayey), рНKCl >5.5 80
Copper Sandy and sandy loam 33 2 Increases cellular permeability, inhibits glutathione reductase, disrupts metabolism by interacting with -SH, -NH2 and COOH- groups
Acidic (loamy and clayey), pH KCl<5,5 66
Close to neutral (loamy and clayey), pH KCl>5.5 132
Zinc Sandy and sandy loam 55 Solid: in the form of salts, organo-mineral compounds, in sorbed form, as part of minerals 1 Deficiency or excess causes developmental deviations. Poisoning due to violation of technology for applying zinc-containing pesticides
Acidic (loamy and clayey), pH KCl<5,5 110
Close to neutral (loamy and clayey), pH KCl>5.5 220
Arsenic Sandy and sandy loam 2 Solid: in the form of salts, organo-mineral compounds, in sorbed form, as part of minerals 1 Poisonous, inhibiting various enzymes, negative effect on metabolism. Possibly carcinogenic
Acidic (loamy and clayey), pH KCl<5,5 5
Close to neutral (loamy and clayey), pH KCl>5.5 10
Cadmium Sandy and sandy loam 0,5 Solid: in the form of salts, organo-mineral compounds, in sorbed form, as part of minerals 1 It is highly toxic, blocks sulfhydryl groups of enzymes, disrupts the metabolism of iron and calcium, and disrupts DNA synthesis.
Acidic (loamy and clayey), pH KCl<5,5 1,0
Close to neutral (loamy and clayey), pH KCl>5.5 2,0
Lead Sandy and sandy loam 32 Solid: in the form of salts, organo-mineral compounds, in sorbed form, as part of minerals 1 Versatile negative action. Blocks -SH groups of proteins, inhibits enzymes, causes poisoning and damage to the nervous system.
Acidic (loamy and clayey), pH KCl<5,5 65
Close to neutral (loamy and clayey), pH KCl>5.5 130

It follows from the materials that the requirements are mainly imposed on bulk forms of heavy metals. Among the mobile ones are only copper, nickel, zinc, chromium and cobalt. Therefore, the currently developed standards no longer satisfy all requirements.

is a capacity factor, reflecting primarily the potential danger of contamination of plant products, infiltration and surface waters. Characterizes the general contamination of the soil, but does not reflect the degree of availability of elements for the plant. To characterize the state of soil nutrition of plants, only their mobile forms are used.

Definition of movable forms

They are determined using various extractants. The total amount of the mobile form of the metal is using an acidic extract (for example, 1N HCL). The most mobile part of the mobile reserves of heavy metals in the soil goes into the ammonium acetate buffer. The concentration of metals in a water extract shows the degree of mobility of elements in the soil, being the most dangerous and “aggressive” fraction.

Standards for movable forms

Several indicative normative scales have been proposed. Below is an example of one of the scales of maximum permissible mobile forms of heavy metals.

Table 4. Maximum permissible content of the mobile form of heavy metals in soil, mg/kg extractant 1N. HCl (H. Chuljian et al., 1988).

Element Content Element Content Element Content
Hg 0,1 Sb 15 Pb 60
Cd 1,0 As 15 Zn 60
Co 12 Ni 36 V 80
Cr 15 Cu 50 Mn 600

FAQ? into the soil into gelresulttechnical dataprices

It's no secret that everyone wants to have a dacha in an ecologically clean area, where there is no urban gas pollution. The environment contains heavy metals (arsenic, lead, copper, mercury, cadmium, manganese and others), which even come from car exhaust gases. It should be understood that the earth is a natural purifier of the atmosphere and groundwater; it accumulates not only heavy metals, but also harmful pesticides and hydrocarbons. Plants, in turn, take in everything that the soil gives them. Metal, settling in the soil, harms not only the soil itself, but also plants, and as a result, humans.

Near the main road there is a lot of soot, which penetrates the surface layers of the soil and settles on the leaves of plants. Root crops, fruits, berries and other fertile crops cannot be grown in such a plot. The minimum distance from the road is 50 m.

Soil filled with heavy metals is bad soil; heavy metals are toxic. You will never see ants, ground beetles or earthworms on it, but there will be a large concentration of sucking insects. Plants often suffer from fungal diseases, dry out and are not resistant to pests.

The most dangerous are mobile compounds of heavy metals, which are easily formed in acidic soil. It has been proven that plants grown in acidic or light sandy soil contain more metals than those grown in neutral or calcareous soil. Moreover, sandy soil with an acidic reaction is especially dangerous; it accumulates easily and is just as easily washed out, ending up in groundwater. A garden plot, where the lion's share is clay, is also easily susceptible to the accumulation of heavy metals, while self-cleaning occurs long and slowly. The safest and most stable soil is chernozem, enriched with lime and humus.

What to do if there are heavy metals in the soil? There are several ways to solve the problem.

1. An unsuccessful plot can be sold.

2. Liming is a good way to reduce the concentration of heavy metals in the soil. There are different . The simplest one: throw a handful of soil into a container with vinegar; if foam appears, then the soil is alkaline. Or dig a little into the soil, if you find a white layer in it, then acidity is present. The question is how much. After liming, check regularly for acidity; you may need to repeat the procedure. Lime with dolomite flour, blast furnace slag, peat ash, limestone.

If a lot of heavy metals have already accumulated in the ground, then it will be useful to remove the top layer of soil (20-30 cm) and replace it with black soil.

3. Constant feeding with organic fertilizers (manure, compost). The more humus there is in the soil, the less heavy metals it contains, and toxicity decreases. Poor, infertile soil is not able to protect plants. Do not oversaturate with mineral fertilizers, especially nitrogen. Mineral fertilizers quickly decompose organic matter.

4. Surface loosening. After loosening, be sure to apply peat or compost. When loosening, it is useful to add vermiculite, which will become a barrier between plants and toxic substances in the soil.

5. Washing the soil only with good drainage. Otherwise, heavy metals will spread throughout the area with water. Fill with clean water so that a 30-50 cm layer of soil is washed for vegetable crops and up to 120 cm for fruit bushes and trees. Flushing is carried out in the spring, when there is enough moisture in the soil after winter.

6. Remove the top layer of soil, make good drainage from expanded clay or pebbles, and fill the top with black soil.

7. Grow plants in containers or a greenhouse where the soil can be easily replaced. Observe, do not grow the plant in one place for a long time.

8. If the garden plot is near the road, then there is a high probability that there is lead in the soil, which comes out with car exhaust gases. Extract lead by planting peas between plants; do not harvest. In the fall, dig up the peas and burn them along with the fruits. The soil will be improved by plants with a powerful, deep root system, which will transfer phosphorus, potassium and calcium from the deep layer to the upper layer.

9. Vegetables and fruits grown in heavy soil should always be subjected to heat treatment or at least washed under running water, thus removing atmospheric dust.

10. In polluted areas or areas near the road, a continuous fence is installed; the chain-link mesh will not become a barrier against road dust. Be sure to plant deciduous trees behind the fence (). As an option, multi-tiered plantings, which will play the role of protectors from atmospheric dust and soot, will be excellent protection.

The presence of heavy metals in the soil is not a death sentence; the main thing is to identify and neutralize them in a timely manner.

Heavy metals in soil

Recently, due to the rapid development of industry, there has been a significant increase in the level of heavy metals in the environment. The term “heavy metals” is applied to metals either with a density exceeding 5 g/cm 3 or with an atomic number greater than 20. Although, there is another point of view, according to which over 40 chemical elements with atomic masses exceeding 50 are classified as heavy metals at. units Among chemical elements, heavy metals are the most toxic and are second only to pesticides in their level of danger. At the same time, the following chemical elements are considered toxic: Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Sn, As, Se, Te, Rb, Ag, Cd, Au, Hg, Pb, Sb, Bi, Pt.

The phytotoxicity of heavy metals depends on their chemical properties: valence, ionic radius and ability to form complexes. In most cases, elements are arranged in the order of toxicity: Cu > Ni > Cd > Zn > Pb > Hg > Fe > Mo > Mn. However, this series may vary somewhat due to unequal precipitation of elements by the soil and transfer to a state inaccessible to plants, growing conditions, and the physiological and genetic characteristics of the plants themselves. The transformation and migration of heavy metals occurs under the direct and indirect influence of the complexation reaction. When assessing environmental pollution, it is necessary to take into account the properties of the soil and, first of all, the granulometric composition, humus content and buffering capacity. Buffer capacity refers to the ability of soils to maintain the concentration of metals in the soil solution at a constant level.

In soils, heavy metals are present in two phases - solid and in soil solution. The form of existence of metals is determined by the reaction of the environment, the chemical and material composition of the soil solution and, first of all, the content of organic substances. Complexing elements that pollute the soil are concentrated mainly in its upper 10 cm layer. However, when low-buffer soil is acidified, a significant proportion of metals from the exchange-absorbed state passes into the soil solution. Cadmium, copper, nickel, and cobalt have a strong migration ability in an acidic environment. A decrease in pH by 1.8-2 units leads to an increase in the mobility of zinc by 3.8-5.4, cadmium by 4-8, copper by 2-3 times. .

Table 1 Maximum permissible concentration (MAC) standards, background contents of chemical elements in soils (mg/kg)

Hazard Class

UEC by soil groups

Extractable with ammonium acetate buffer (pH=4.8)

Sandy, sandy loam

Loamy, clayey

pH xl< 5,5

pH xl > 5.5

Thus, when heavy metals enter the soil, they quickly interact with organic ligands to form complex compounds. So, at low concentrations in soil (20-30 mg/kg), approximately 30% of lead is in the form of complexes with organic matter. The proportion of complex lead compounds increases with increasing concentration up to 400 mg/g, and then decreases. Metals are also sorbed (exchangeably or nonexchangeably) by sediments of iron and manganese hydroxides, clay minerals, and soil organic matter. Metals available to plants and capable of leaching are found in the soil solution in the form of free ions, complexes and chelates.

The absorption of HMs by soil largely depends on the reaction of the environment and on which anions predominate in the soil solution. In an acidic environment, copper, lead and zinc are more sorbed, and in an alkaline environment, cadmium and cobalt are intensively absorbed. Copper preferentially binds to organic ligands and iron hydroxides.

Table 2 Mobility of microelements in various soils depending on the pH of the soil solution

Soil and climatic factors often determine the direction and speed of migration and transformation of HMs in the soil. Thus, the conditions of the soil and water regimes of the forest-steppe zone contribute to intensive vertical migration of HM along the soil profile, including the possible transfer of metals with water flow along cracks, root passages, etc. .

Nickel (Ni) is an element of Group VIII of the periodic table with an atomic mass of 58.71. Nickel, along with Mn, Fe, Co and Cu, belongs to the so-called transition metals, the compounds of which have high biological activity. Due to the structural features of electronic orbitals, the above metals, including nickel, have a pronounced ability to form complexes. Nickel is capable of forming stable complexes, for example, with cysteine ​​and citrate, as well as with many organic and inorganic ligands. The geochemical composition of source rocks largely determines the nickel content in soils. The greatest amount of nickel is contained in soils formed from basic and ultrabasic rocks. According to some authors, the boundaries of excess and toxic levels of nickel for most species vary from 10 to 100 mg/kg. The bulk of nickel is immovably fixed in the soil, and very weak migration in the colloidal state and in the composition of mechanical suspensions does not affect their distribution along the vertical profile and is quite uniform.

Lead (Pb). The chemistry of lead in the soil is determined by the delicate balance of oppositely directed processes: sorption-desorption, dissolution-transition to the solid state. Lead released into the soil is included in a cycle of physical, chemical and physicochemical transformations. At first, the processes of mechanical movement (lead particles move along the surface and through cracks in the soil) and convective diffusion dominate. Then, as solid-phase lead compounds dissolve, more complex physical and chemical processes come into play (in particular, processes of ion diffusion), accompanied by the transformation of lead compounds arriving with dust.

It has been established that lead migrates both vertically and horizontally, with the second process prevailing over the first. Over 3 years of observations in a mixed-grass meadow, lead dust applied locally to the soil surface moved horizontally by 25-35 cm, and the depth of its penetration into the soil thickness was 10-15 cm. Biological factors play an important role in the migration of lead: plant roots absorb ions metals; during the growing season they move through the soil; When plants die and decompose, lead is released into the surrounding soil mass.

It is known that soil has the ability to bind (sorb) technogenic lead entering it. Sorption is believed to include several processes: complete exchange with cations of the soil absorbing complex (nonspecific adsorption) and a series of reactions of lead complexation with donors of soil components (specific adsorption). In soil, lead is associated mainly with organic matter, as well as with clay minerals, manganese oxides, and iron and aluminum hydroxides. By binding lead, humus prevents its migration into adjacent environments and limits its entry into plants. Of the clay minerals, illites are characterized by a tendency to sorption of lead. An increase in soil pH during liming leads to even greater binding of lead in the soil due to the formation of sparingly soluble compounds (hydroxides, carbonates, etc.).

Lead, present in the soil in mobile forms, is fixed by soil components over time and becomes inaccessible to plants. According to domestic researchers, lead is most firmly fixed in chernozem and peat-silt soils.

Cadmium (Cd) The peculiarity of cadmium, which distinguishes it from other HMs, is that in the soil solution it is present mainly in the form of cations (Cd 2+), although in soil with a neutral reaction environment it can form sparingly soluble complexes with sulfates and phosphates or hydroxides.

According to available data, the concentration of cadmium in soil solutions of background soils ranges from 0.2 to 6 μg/l. In areas of soil pollution it increases to 300-400 µg/l. .

It is known that cadmium in soils is very mobile, i.e. is capable of moving in large quantities from the solid phase to the liquid phase and back (which makes it difficult to predict its entry into the plant). The mechanisms that regulate the concentration of cadmium in the soil solution are determined by sorption processes (by sorption we mean adsorption itself, precipitation and complexation). Cadmium is absorbed by soil in smaller quantities than other HMs. To characterize the mobility of heavy metals in soil, the ratio of metal concentrations in the solid phase to that in the equilibrium solution is used. High values ​​of this ratio indicate that heavy metals are retained in the solid phase due to the sorption reaction, low values ​​- due to the fact that the metals are in solution, from where they can migrate to other media or enter into various reactions (geochemical or biological). It is known that the leading process in the binding of cadmium is adsorption by clays. Research in recent years has also shown the important role of hydroxyl groups, iron oxides and organic matter in this process. When the level of pollution is low and the reaction of the environment is neutral, cadmium is adsorbed mainly by iron oxides. And in an acidic environment (pH=5), organic matter begins to act as a powerful adsorbent. At lower pH values ​​(pH=4), adsorption functions shift almost exclusively to organic matter. Mineral components cease to play any role in these processes.

It is known that cadmium is not only sorbed by the soil surface, but is also fixed due to precipitation, coagulation, and interpacket absorption by clay minerals. It diffuses inside soil particles through micropores and other ways.

Cadmium is fixed differently in different types of soils. So far, little is known about the competitive relationships of cadmium with other metals in sorption processes in the soil-absorbing complex. According to research by specialists from the Technical University of Copenhagen (Denmark), in the presence of nickel, cobalt and zinc, the absorption of cadmium by the soil was suppressed. Other studies have shown that the processes of cadmium sorption by soil are damped in the presence of chlorine ions. Saturation of soil with Ca 2+ ions led to an increase in cadmium sorption. Many bonds of cadmium with soil components turn out to be fragile; under certain conditions (for example, an acidic reaction of the environment), it is released and goes back into solution.

The role of microorganisms in the process of dissolution of cadmium and its transition to a mobile state has been revealed. As a result of their vital activity, either water-soluble metal complexes are formed, or physicochemical conditions are created that are favorable for the transition of cadmium from the solid phase to the liquid phase.

The processes occurring with cadmium in the soil (sorption-desorption, transition into solution, etc.) are interconnected and interdependent; the supply of this metal to plants depends on their direction, intensity and depth. It is known that the amount of cadmium sorption by soil depends on the pH value: the higher the soil pH, the more cadmium it sorbs. Thus, according to available data, in the pH range from 4 to 7.7, with an increase in pH by one unit, the sorption capacity of soils with respect to cadmium increased approximately threefold.

Zinc (Zn). Zinc deficiency can manifest itself both on acidic, highly podzolized light soils, and on carbonate soils, poor in zinc, and on highly humus-rich soils. The manifestation of zinc deficiency is enhanced by the use of high doses of phosphorus fertilizers and strong plowing of the subsoil to the arable horizon.

The highest gross zinc content is in tundra (53-76 mg/kg) and chernozem (24-90 mg/kg) soils, the lowest in soddy-podzolic soils (20-67 mg/kg). Zinc deficiency most often occurs on neutral and slightly alkaline carbonate soils. In acidic soils, zinc is more mobile and available to plants.

Zinc in soil is present in ionic form, where it is adsorbed by a cation exchange mechanism in an acidic environment or as a result of chemisorption in an alkaline environment. The most mobile ion is Zn 2+. The mobility of zinc in soil is mainly affected by pH and the content of clay minerals. At pH<6 подвижность Zn 2+ возрастает, что приводит к его выщелачиванию. Попадая в межпакетные пространства кристаллической решетки монтмориллонита, ионы цинка теряют свою подвижность. Кроме того, цинк образует устойчивые формы с органическим веществом почвы, поэтому он накапливается в основном в горизонтах почв с высоким содержанием гумуса и в торфе .

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