There are glowing balls flying around my house, the camera sees them, and sometimes I see them too.

Better to see once than hear a hundred times. UFO - Patrols. Automatic tracking devices. “Eye of God”, “All-Seeing Eye” - this is what flying spy droids are called in science fiction.

But sometimes reality gives us surprises that we have no idea about. Many people are now seeing UFOs. There are so many of them lately.

But they've been here for a long time.

It’s just that the new vision of the world is difficult to comprehend. Look at the sky more often, and unknown wonders will open to your eyes...

So what are "patrols"?

Patrols are alien drones that can scan space. They appeared here in the fall of 2010 and have been flying above our heads around the clock since then, but people are not used to looking at the sky often.

These devices monitor the Earth, track all events occurring on the planet and transmit this information to the main “headquarters”, where it is analyzed and, as necessary, decisions are made to “intervene” in the affairs of earthlings.

Patrols are only scouts; everything is divided into blocks and regions.

The main feature of patrols is the flight time.

They appear in the sky every day. At 15 minutes from each hour and at 15 minutes to the next hour. They fly one at a time, less often two at a time. Patrols fly in every city and every country in the world. Information about this has been confirmed repeatedly, along with this time. Every day, at exactly 15 minutes of any hour of the day or night, portals in the air “ON ENTRANCE” (entry into the Earth’s atmosphere) open, and at 15:00, portals “ON OUT” (exit from the Earth’s atmosphere) open.

Always in the same place (it is different for each region), not very high from the ground, somewhere at the level of a tall tree.

The opening of the portal looks like a flash of light at one point, and then patrols appear from it. They do not shine with an even light, but blink periodically. Their color is blue, white or red-orange.

Blue and white - "star" or "ball" type. Red-orange - "balls" and "cylinders" type.

Note: The video shows white and red "ball" patrols. I have chosen the types of patrols conditionally, in order to show how it looks when observed with the naked eye. If you look into a video camera, when you zoom in, you can see the elongated shape of objects and a luminous protective field:

These devices do not fly all the way, but appear in the sky at approximately one point, fly a certain distance and just as quickly disappear. The flight lasts approximately 3-5 minutes; it is rarely possible to observe them longer.

Despite the fact that patrols are unmanned vehicles, they are able to “hear” your words, thoughts and emotions. And react to them accordingly. We experimented this spring.

For example, an acquaintance of mine said out loud: “Yes, this is an airplane - can’t you see?” And then the object instantly slowed down, and sometimes even turned towards us. He seemed angry that he was considered an airplane. And it went down sharply.

If you yourself witness patrol flights (and not noticing them in the evening is very problematic, and yesterday’s video from Moscow is proof of this), try to treat what you see calmly and without emotion - unless, of course, you want to observe this phenomenon in the sky longer.

As I already wrote, patrols are able to hear your thoughts. And if they don’t like something, they will turn on the disguise and disappear from sight. This doesn't mean they have flown away, they will still be here, but the camouflage will prevent you from seeing them. By the way, they have the same reaction to the video camera. If you want to film, do not stand in their sight and try not to think “loudly” while recording.

Otherwise, they will spot you instantly. And they will extinguish their “lights”.

I understand that this information seems very contradictory and seems like a fantastic story - but you can check it yourself.

Simple - look at the sky in the evening (since it is very difficult to see them during the day), at 21:15, 22:15, 23:15, 00:15.

This is the time for the opening of the “ENTRANCE” portals.

And at 21:45, 22:45, 23:45, 00:45 - the opening time of the “EXIT” portals.

Every day - 15 minutes from any hour and 15 minutes from the next.

Approximate direction of patrol flights: southwest - northeast and vice versa.
(but it may be different, each area has its own characteristics).

In general, we look into the sky and admire the daily flights.

March 24th, 2016

Orbs – III or Entities of the Lower World There is not enough information on orbs of this type. However, we can say with all confidence that crimson-red orbs represent energy clots of entities of the Lower World. With all the consequences for those who fall into the area of ​​their interests and influence of people.

Orbs of this type are the very subsequences (replacements) that result in severe forms of obsession, accompanied by mental inadequacy, voices, hallucinations, etc. We consciously wrote the words “Lower World” in capital letters, since we work with this. This is not a joke. Orb entities of this type are quite strong, inventive and dangerous. So dangerous that (having penetrated) they are able to partially or completely control a person, influencing all spheres of life and all areas of perception.

The color is a reddish, pale or bright crimson ball, usually not very large in size - about 10 cm in diameter. The color corresponds to the two lower chakras.

The picture shows several orbs. At the top left is a milky-white rotating orb with a clearly visible energy center and next to it is a crimson opaque orb that has chosen a location above the head, most likely in the area of ​​the left shoulder. Based on the plot of the photo, it is very likely that this orb is located not above a simple participant, but above a trainer - a photo from the gallery of one of the psychotrainings. Please note that another crimson orb is located above the head of the man lying on the chairs. There are ten orbs in total in this image. Remember, there is such a game from old magazines - “find ten differences”? Here the game is much more exciting - find ten orbs...

In this photo (also from psychotrainings) there is a huge crimson orb with a very clearly visible structure and “eye” centers. You won’t envy someone who gets such a “guest” into their energy shells. This is exactly what people call obsession.

The structure is vortex, asymmetrical. The density is quite high, so such objects are very visible in the photo. Such a plasmoid is constantly in a state of continuous rotation (vibration), so its interference structure is not very clearly visible. Such an orb contains one center, rapidly moving like the center of a vortex along the surface of the sphere.

Rare photo. The color of the orb and its location are so bright and unambiguous that there is nothing to talk about. It seems that this orb managed to quite successfully penetrate the subtle bodies of the man.

Place of appearance - orbs of this type are most often observed during various psychotrainings and meditations, accompanied by the removal of natural protective energy barriers. There is reason to believe that the detection of orbs of this type in the immediate vicinity of a person makes it possible with a high degree of confidence to diagnose negative energy depletion in such a person.

And finally - tricks with a mirror. Also a very rare shot. The crimson orb in the foreground is not reflected in the mirror! Compare with the reflection of the disembodied entity in the previous chapter. Instead of the reflection of an orb in the mirror, we see a foggy camouflage cloud. Draw conclusions about what exactly we are dealing with in this case.

Character and behavior - plasmoids of this type are persistent and obsessive. In the photo, such an object usually appears in the area above the head, usually on the left side. There is reason to believe that the object’s task is not just to connect to a biological object (human), but to directly integrate it into energy shells.

Orbs – IV or Guardian Entities

The color is a golden plasmoid ball, usually of a fairly large size (10 cm or more) without a visible center, but with a clearly visible halo, which sometimes has rather long individual rays. In general, the shape of such an object is always ideally regular, spherical, and the transparency is not very high.

Structure - is an ordered interference grating with clearly visible nodes and spatial symmetry. The guardian plasmoid apparently has several outer shells, which are usually visible in photographs as rings located along the edge of the sphere. The energy centers - “eyes” of such an orb, which is in a calm state, are not visible, while the entire surface structure is usually very clearly visible and surprisingly beautiful.

Place of appearance - orbs of this type are almost always “tied” to a specific person. Which, strictly speaking, is not surprising, since this object is a paranormal manifestation of a positive clot of energy - the Guardian.

Orbs of this type are almost never observed in groups. Those. There is almost always only one such object in a photograph and almost always quite large in size. In a photograph, such an object is usually located low, not higher than shoulder level, and more often at the level of the Manipur chakra.

Character and behavior - both of this type are rather contemplative. Apparently, golden plasmoids perform some kind of security function, carrying out energy interaction with their biological ward object across the entire surface of the sphere.

There is evidence that a plasmoid of this type appears if the person “protected” by it ends up in an unfavorable environment, where his energy can be attacked by aggressive orbs. In this case, the sphere of the plasmoid seems to expand, sometimes with a significant thinning of the outer shell, which is difficult to discern in the image. Those. the guardian orb, protecting his human ward, tries to cover the human biofield as much as possible, paying special attention to the “middle” chakras - Manipur and Anahata.

This photo shows such a large orb-defender, located at the waist level of a man in a white T-shirt. The Guardian Orb has significantly increased the size of its plasmoid sphere. So much so that its outline is almost not visible in the photo, but only the interference grating is visible, and it is unnaturally large. Near the electrical switch there is a vibrating crimson orb. It is possible that in this picture we see a battle of orbs.

In this picture, the guardian orb is located in the Ajna chakra area, blocking the flow of destructive images and thoughts.

Another shot of the guardian orb, the orb is located at the level of the child’s shoulder.

Orbs – V or Emotions and Healing

It is obvious that in the above photo the woman is under the influence of strong positive emotions.

As for healing, many experts associate the color green with this phenomenon. It can probably be assumed that when a thought form concentrates on solving the healing problem, it (the thought form) may well take exactly this form and color - a green spherical energy object with plasmoid characteristics.
By the way, references to green balls are found in almost all schools of healing. In particular, in Slavic Witchcraft, Reiki, Cosmoenergetics, etc.

Considering this issue from the point of view of healing, one can notice that, strictly speaking, the color of a plasmoid energy clot during healing can be not only green. And even the shape of such an object during healing is not necessarily spherical. It all depends on the task. We will not particularly focus on this in this article, since the article is devoted not to healing, but to orbs.

The color is bright green, from emerald to grassy, ​​sometimes turning golden along the edge of the halo. The green orb is always relatively small in size. Most often, its size does not exceed the size of a table tennis ball. This orb usually has little transparency. More precisely, it is almost opaque.

The structure is a set of green spheres, as if nested within each other. Due to the high energy density, such an orb usually has an “eye” in the middle of the sphere. But this most likely is not a center for external connection to objects, like some orbs of the previously discussed types. The eye-light is always located strictly in the center of the sphere, no matter from which side the orb is observed.

The photograph may be controversial in terms of identifying a particular orb as an emotion orb. However, many signs indicate that this object belongs to this type.

A green energy clot during healing does not have an “eye”, since the density of the sphere is relatively uniform. Therefore, there is reason to divide orbs of this type into two subtypes.

The first subtype is a green spherical plasmoid with a clear “eye” in the center, which is an energetic concentration of positive emotions (joy, love, happiness) or a healing essence that solves the problem of overcoming disturbances in the energy of the object of its interest. The size of such an orb is from 4 to 8 cm.

The second subtype is a green spherical plasmoid without a visible center of uniform density, which is a reflection of a thought form aimed at healing. The size of such an orb is up to 4 cm.

Orbs of both subtypes, if they have an interference structure, then in photographs it usually turns out to be poorly visible or indistinguishable at all.

Place of appearance - orbs of this type are observed in the immediate vicinity of a person under the influence of strong positive emotions. According to some reports, green orbs, representing positive natural entities, can be observed during periods of rapid plant growth, right up to Ivan Kupala. However, photographing them objectively is difficult, since the green orbs blend in with the foliage and grass.

Character and behavior - jubilant, if this definition is applicable in this context. Green orbs are bright, playful, and fast. Sometimes they leave a mark on a photo, the kind you get when photographing a rapidly moving object.

Orbs – VI or Guardians

The color is a bright blue plasmoid ball with a noticeable but slightly blurred “eye” center and a small halo.

Structure - in large high-quality photographs, the interference structure of such an orb as a whole is visible, while the structure of the Guardian is similar to the characteristics of a discarnate orb. The difference is that the plasmoid guard in the photo usually has only one center - the peephole - and such an orb is much denser and more saturated than the Discarnate one. The difference is in color, the Guard is bright blue, not milky white.

Place of appearance - there is reason to believe that Guardians appear where there is active interaction of other types of orbs with each other and with humans.
Guards are never observed in pairs or groups. In the photo with orbs, the Guardian is usually alone. Whether this means that such an orb has greater power (or, if you prefer, energy) compared to others, we do not know. The blue orb is usually located at a relatively high altitude, but is sometimes observed at the level of the person depicted in the photo.

Character and behavior - most often the Guardian Orb can be found in photographs of abandoned buildings, basements, catacombs, caves, in anomalous places, as well as at mass gatherings of people. It seems that the Guardians cannot stand bright light - in all photos with such orbs, the lighting level when shooting is clearly low. The guard hovers for a long time in a certain place; at the moment there is no evidence of the rapid movement of such an orb in space.

The appearance of blue orbs in photos is a fairly rare occurrence.

12). Energy of Ramtha. White ball of Light.
It's been over a year since I completely lost my awakened energies and connection with Ramtha. I stopped feeling mysterious vibrations inside me every night, and I stopped having dreams in which I communicate with Ramtha.
I’ve been trying hard for about six months now to get back what I lost, but I can’t do anything. I repeated mantras for several hours in a row, or listened, and did meditation, and mentally channeled energy upward, and whatever I did... But not a single practice gives the desired success!
And so, last night, I read Ramtha’s books again. Then I wanted to take the White Book and put it on my stomach. And I put “The History of Humankind” on my chest... So I went to bed.
Imagine my surprise when, quite unexpectedly, an interesting energy vibrated in my stomach, solar plexus, and chest. It was the same energy that gave me joy two or three years ago. I recognized her! And I also got pulsating goosebumps in the palms of my hands. After some time, the energy became very strong and sharp, especially in the stomach, but pleasant. And I felt love for God (the Universe) and for Ramtha.
I immersed myself in these vibrations and with great pleasure in my heart I thought about the Spirit and about Ramtha, mentally spoke to Ramtha... I was so happy!!!
Books have their own energy. Remember Emoto Massaru's research?! He glued the words onto the container with water: thank you, love, hate... and others. These are just words written on paper, and the structure of the water changed completely under their influence.
Not everyone will have the same sensations when touching Ramtha's books, because the connection occurs through love. We (people) are not just containers of water, as in Emoto Massaru's laboratory. We also have a Soul inside us, which has the right to choose. And our Soul itself chooses what to do with the information that is very close.
Who among us does not know that connection occurs through love? Everybody knows!!! Whom we love, we unite with. I love Ramtha very much and completely trust his Teachings, which is why I had such an interesting connection with Ramtha through his books, and his energy has a very strong impact on me. Anyone who does not recognize Ramtha and believes that he was invented for the sake of JZ Knight’s business will not feel anything like that.
The same tricks are practiced in those Teachings where students try to achieve spiritual success through love for the Teacher and service to him. And they're right, it works. And my Teacher is Ramtha, I love him and that’s why the energies from his books come to me, especially from the “White Book”.

12-White ball of Light and flow of love
I was alone in the bedroom, and I urgently, in 10 minutes, needed to tune in to my loved one, but mentally this would not happen quickly. So I opened his photo, put the laptop on my knees, bent my legs a little to make it higher, and began to send a stream from my heart to the photo. I send, but the flow does not come, but there was no wall, like with other people. Most likely, my flow didn’t work out; I didn’t feel it at all. I continued to send a stream - nothing.
A little later, impulses appeared in the Kundalini area, like several pulsations. I realized that this was a signal, although I didn’t understand what it was.
I put the laptop on the table, lay down and relaxed, continuing to imagine a flow of love from my heart, which in fact did not exist, it did not work out for me. At that moment, I felt a thick, dense ball of energy in front of me, not my vibrations, which came very close to me and touched my chest. I began to study the sensations with which I feel this energy ball, and I thought that this contact with my loved one is much more interesting than all the series that millions of people run to their TVs to watch. What do they have there besides acute emotions? And here it is!
The energy ball did nothing, it just touched me, and, at the same time, there was pressure in my head, which I didn’t pay attention to at first, because apart from this ball, nothing interested me. I wanted to open up to the ball and let it in. I remember how once (it was a long time ago) the energy of one person burst into me like a drilling stream, it hurt me in the heart area, I let it in, and it immediately flew in like an arrow. But here I had something completely different. I let this ball in, but it doesn’t come in. I open up to him, but he still doesn’t come in. I send him love, but my love doesn’t burn, and the ball doesn’t burn either. This contact could be called warm tenderness, or friendly affection, but not love. What to do?
And at the same time, tension in my head was growing very strongly, especially in the frontal lobe, and in the area of ​​the third eye. And I thought like this: “If my beloved... also takes part in my experiment, then, probably, he decided to engage in telepathy with me, and not love. After several such sessions, I think that we will be able to hear each other’s voices, not only perceive the pressure in the head. And if he is sleeping now, then I felt his most awakened, and most energetic place - I didn’t know yet.”
How long the ball hung, touching me, and how long there was pressure in my head, in time - I don’t know. What other hours of meditation?! But it seemed to me that forty minutes had already passed since the beginning of the energy session, and now everything had disappeared, love had not worked out. I had already decided to lie down for another five minutes and get up to write about it in my Diary. I lie there and lie there, no longer meditating... Suddenly, vibrations appeared in my body - all over my body at once, and warmth and fire in my chest. What is this? Here I no longer understand anything. The clock says twelve at night, my loved one is sleeping, but I couldn’t do it myself, I’m already at the end of my meditation. That is, neither he nor I did anything, but I had spontaneous vibrations in my body, warming up and fire in my chest. Well, I surrendered to this feeling and dissolved in it. And it lasted for a very long time until I fell asleep.
I felt pleasant pleasures, again whirlwinds in the cells, the melody of love. (I immediately turned off the laptop when I put it on the table by pressing one button). I felt so good!!!
The next day I had new contact with my loved one. I introduced him and began to send him a light and gentle stream of White Light from my heart area, thinking about my beloved with tenderness and love. I did this while sitting. Later I lay down, relaxed and imagined a bright, white ball
Light in your chest. That day I had a meditation on the White Light.
Do you know how you can easily imagine it? You need to mentally hold the energy ball with your hands, as you do in qigong exercises, in the tan-tian area. I mentally placed my hands like this, and the ball immediately appeared. And without hands, imaginative thinking blurs, and the ball cannot be held, it runs away. If you mentally hold it with your hands, it holds tightly and shines like the Sun.
In general, I hugged the ball with my hands, and let’s send a White stream of Light from many rays from the heart area, in the direction of my loved one. It is similar to the light of a lantern that is directed to a certain place. And I also imagined energy waves diverging in different directions from this stream of Light, just like waves of water diverge if you throw a stone into the water. The Ball of White Light, which I hold with my hands in the area of ​​the heart, is a flow of White Light to a loved one - waves from both the flow and the ball, in different directions. I think it's clear at this point.
As soon as I started doing this, my whole body began to buzz, as if I had been connected to an electrical outlet. These were the strongest energy vibrations, which made the whole body buzz. All thoughts disappeared, except for one single phrase: “Our Light Stream of Love with you...” Why I constantly mentally repeated this phrase, I have no idea. And although I repeated it mentally, my lips were also buzzing from strong vibrations. Then a slight trembling in the body and an incessant buzzing began.
After some time, my first thoughts appeared, and I became interested in the cause of my strong vibrations throughout my body, right down to the tips of my fingers and toes, even on my lips. I thought that maybe I was breathing quickly and my rebirthing worked, although I didn’t feel any increased breathing. I read somewhere that during rebirthing (hyperventilation of the lungs with rapid breathing) there is a buzzing in the body to the point of trembling, like mine. To check my version, I exhaled and stopped breathing. I count seventy seconds - everything is fine. Wow! Previously, I could achieve this result with breathing only with a strong mantra, in thirty minutes of mantra. And here - a stream of White Light of love!!! I breathed a little and held my breath again - again seventy seconds without discomfort. My surprise knew no bounds.
I lie down and continue to send White Light to my beloved from my chest, from the region of my heart. And I don’t want to breathe at all. The breaths became so small and
so rare that it is impossible to notice breathing at all. And at the same time, my whole body is still buzzing, as if I were plugged into an electrical outlet. And it got hot, very hot. Wow!
Yes, this evening it was COOL like never before. The flow of White Light from the chest is crazy Power. But I didn't enjoy it. From other types of contact I did not have such great Power, but I had vortexes in the cells of my body, sweet vibrations... in a word - ecstasies. And this evening I experienced not ecstasies, but energetic passions. PASSION!!! It turns out that passions are not only sexual, but also energetic. The power was enormous - to the point of trembling in my body, and to the point of buzzing, as if I had been plugged into an outlet, but there was no pleasure. I still haven’t understood what interest there is in a ball of White Light, with its bright, targeted flow to a loved one. Maybe with time I will still be able to understand, but that evening I still didn’t understand anything.
(These were practical experiments. I felt him energetically and was sure that we were Soul Mates. Later I found out that I not only feel him energetically, but also other people, but let these particular experiences remain unchanged. They I need it to analyze what happened and for reflection. All these stories were published on my website “Secrets of Life.”)


Space of the OverSoul.

A sector of 60 degrees is illuminated in blue space. On the sides of the illuminated space there are blue curls in the form of horns. Streams of light emerge from the center in waves. In the center the light is almost red, the further to the periphery, the lighter the light becomes. Somewhere in the middle of the illuminated space hangs a white luminous ball. An arc of white light diverges from it, entering the blue field. At the base of the illuminated space are many golden dots.

Cluster of monads.

At the very bottom are the monads closest to the Source - yellowish dots. Seventh Density (according to Sal Rachel's Founders).

Above are greenish dots - sixth density.

Above are bluish balls - fifth density.

Higher is the level of the White Monads - the fourth density - the density of the current incarnation.

Even higher - pinkish dots - third density.

Even higher - orange dots - second density.

Within the horizons, monads are distributed chaotically, at different levels.

In the white horizon - the horizon of the Incarnation - the White Monads are located along the border mainly. There are quite a lot of white monads. I think the central monad in the white layer refers to Todd himself.


The remaining luminous balls at all levels are his monadic family, distributed according to densities.

A tongue of flame flies out from the lower point of the light cone, which distinguishes the central monad from the rest.

The isolated monad is in a fiery environment. A shape resembling an eye has formed around it. Maybe this is the space of the Sun? And thus the entry into incarnation through the Sun is shown?

GENERAL PROTECTION If the level of an ordinary healthy person is considered as a starting point - 0, then for most people (especially in cities), generic protection is at level - 1, - 2. That is, not only does it not work, but the family also draws strength from a person. Most of the people I diagnose have either a completely non-functioning leg channel (connection with the earth, connection with the family), or a partially working one, and rather taking strength from a person than giving it to him. So there is no need to talk about the generic protection of the majority. What is the reason? I can’t say for sure, but based on most diagnostics, I can say it’s due to the fundamentally disharmonious upbringing of people. Almost everyone has a poor connection with the earth and family, but the sexual chakra is pumped over with desires (the promotion of sex on TV), a lack of strength in the heart (most people lack the ability to feel themselves and others) and an overheated sixth chakra (the third eye, responsible for understanding people and the world , however, people think too much and consider thoughts to be the only criterion of truth). Confirmation that this upbringing diagnosed the Armenians. Their family and relatives are a very important part of their life - the birth canal is strong, the connection with the earth and relatives is strong both through the leg channel and along the first chakra (though that is why their will is planted - the third chakra. What other relatives said, they do Yes, let’s return to generic protection. I have only seen two cases of strong generic protection. Moreover, it does not depend at all on the person himself and his life. Read - I diagnose generic protection as a strong, hard shell over the human body. That is, you work with him, and bam - you feel like there is a person behind this wall, and that this wall is protecting him. that’s a different conversation. So this wall doesn’t so much take away the negativity directed at a person as it doesn’t let anyone in. In general, there’s a dual situation with this generic protection. On the one hand, people don’t have problems or emotional turmoil (. compared to other people, of course), on the other hand, ordinary people who do not have such protection are much more sociable, more experienced, more flexible, and more mobile. People with generic protection have to break through it in order to see the real world and feel themselves in it, but for an ordinary person there is no need to break through anywhere, he is already open to the seven winds. So the generic protection given at birth is a double-edged sword. You live safer, but more boring and experience problems with communication and the opposite sex (your soulmate will also have to break through the defense to see the real you). Another thing is to strengthen ancestral protection magically. There are no such problems here. But practice is not enough, and you need to tread the path of self-improvement, and it is possible to take up necromancy, because ancestral protection is protection, in fact, with the help of the dead. That's why she eats up the weak. I may be wrong, but ancestral protection can be compared to the feeling in a cemetery. And calm and easy. But come to the cemetery at night and try to dig up a grave, and you will feel scared and uncomfortable. Dualism:).

A cone of rainbow light emerges from the Monad - seven multi-colored rays, at the end of each ray a monad (ball of light) is also formed. Monads move in space at the ends of multi-colored rays.