Learning to spend self-government day at school

The work of a teacher is a noble work. Everyone has heard this statement, including children. And as you know, the best way to verify the validity of a statement is to test it through your own experience. This is precisely the main educational task of self-government day at school.

The essence of the event

Self-Government Day is popular with both high school students and their wards - junior and middle school students

Usually a day such as the Self-Government Holiday is dedicated to a solemn date, but most often they choose Teacher’s Day, which takes place on the last working day of the first week of October. In honor of the holiday, high school students take on the functions of a teacher - teach lessons, give grades and perform the duties of the school's educational service. This work allows the teaching staff to implement a number of psychological and pedagogical tasks.

If we talk about the goals that self-government helps a teacher achieve, then these are:

  • the opportunity to do “paper” work, for which there is always no time (fill out a journal, correct students’ personal files, check notebooks, etc.);
  • see your students in a different role, clarify for yourself some aspects of their character (the event helps to reveal the leadership qualities of children, as well as their moral and ethical principles);
  • take a break from your usual routine.

This day is no less important for schoolchildren. Typically, self-government is entrusted to high school students who are just deciding on their future profession. And the opportunity to try on the social mask of a teacher can really help them:

  • understand whether a profession that involves working with people suits their character;
  • is it possible to consider the prospect of teaching activity in the future;
  • identify your qualities as a leader, a manager who is responsible for organizing the work of a group of people;
  • establish contact with others.


Understudy teachers must be dressed in accordance with the dress code of the educational institution

Any event held at school requires considerable effort to organize it. And this process is further complicated by the fact that children are involved in it, both as organizers and as the target audience. Therefore, the teacher’s task is to correct the work of both groups of participants. And we need to start with those who will study under the guidance of high school students on this day. Naturally, kids are more “accommodating”: they like to be led by those who are only slightly older than themselves. They try on this image for themselves in the future. But problems may arise with middle-level students: youthful maximalism and non-acceptance of authority leads to denial of the very possibility of being under the guidance of those who are only 1-2 years older than themselves. Therefore, the teacher should have a conversation with the children and emphasize that in a couple of years they themselves will have to become the same “teachers”, so it is important to gain experience and learn from the mistakes of others. But, of course, it is very important to prepare high school teachers themselves:

  • Talk to each child and find out which subject is closer to him, what administrative role he could fulfill. To do this, it is important to take into account the student’s personal qualities. So, if a boy or girl has a calm disposition, then, most likely, the role of head teacher of educational work will not suit a teenager with such a character. But an active, active schoolchild will be just capable of such a task.
  • To help understand the intricacies of drawing up a lesson plan, that is, to orientate in calendar planning, study the topic of the previous lesson and work on a new one so as to be able to present it to the children in the class. And also draw up a lesson summary according to the rules (with goals, objectives, course of the lesson and a mandatory indication of the time for completing each stage).

A lesson plan for an understudy teacher can be drawn up according to a plan for a combined type of lesson, that is, include the following stages:

  1. Reporting the topic of the training session and its goals;
  2. Frontal inspection of the home building (not just one student answers, but several comment on a certain element of the work);
  3. Presentation of new material; work to consolidate the topic;
  4. Discussion of lesson results, grading;
  5. Explanation of homework for the next lesson.

The new teacher can choose the form of the lesson at his own discretion: a debate game (discussion from different perspectives of a particular problematic issue, for example, the act of Raskolnikov or Taras Bulba), a lesson-journey into the world of the unknown (for example, versions of the origin of Stonehenge), a lesson- a quest on interesting facts (especially when it comes to history and geography lessons, children are asked to consistently answer questions, complete tasks and thus earn points for the final grade). The option is selected taking into account the interests of high school students and their students.

The class register is still filled out by the teacher on this day.

Celebration of Self-Government Day

The school principal must hand over the symbolic symbol of school management to his understudy.

If you want the holiday to be a success, you need to carefully prepare it in advance. Then all stages of the event will take place smoothly, and no chaos will arise. Traditionally, self-government day includes several stages.

Meeting of participants

This meeting is attended by substitute teachers, the head teacher for educational work, the school director and subject teachers (optional). Administration representatives:

  • talk about the rights and responsibilities of students and teachers;
  • explain the task to new teachers (it is easy to present new material in class, practice it in practice, reinforce it with exercises and evaluate students’ work);
  • express wishes for conducting lessons in a particular class (perhaps there are classes with a selection of very active children, in this case it is appropriate to do a little independent work or complete a group task, and in a team where there are many underachieving students, it is better to give preference to a playful form of lesson organization ).

It is important to create a friendly, collaborative atmosphere so that children are not afraid to ask questions and openly discuss their concerns about the new role. This kind of work makes the team of students even more united.

The great teacher A.S. Makarenko said: “Any, even small, joy that stands in front of the team makes it stronger, more cheerful, more friendly...”

Ideas for organizing the educational process

All stages of the lesson must be carefully thought out by high school teachers

Self-Government Day is distinguished by a non-standard organization of educational work, which implies the inclusion of additional points in the usual routine along with the usual lessons.

Festive line

The well-known saying: “As you name the ship, so it will sail” can quite rightly be paraphrased for the line on Self-Government Day . It should be organized, interesting and fast so that the audience does not get bored. As a rule, the school director takes the floor on the line, who hands over the symbolic key to the educational institution to his understudy colleague, then the new leader says congratulatory words to the teachers and reads out his first decree. This document usually tells about all the events on the holiday and gives a list of instructions to the students (for example, during recess, water the flowers in the teachers’ room, clean up the school grounds during a labor lesson, etc.). Gifts are also given to teachers at the line. By the way, it doesn’t have to be something material. A KVN song or number will be a wonderful surprise for teachers.


Then all students go to their lessons, and teachers can relax. By the way, some classes can go on an educational excursion to a museum or to a performance in a theater during class time. The main thing is that this is not just a lesson outside the classroom, but a useful pastime, that is, the theme of the presentation or exhibition must correspond to the curriculum of a particular school subject. You can also plan a trip to the skating rink or water park during your physical education lesson. Such forms of organizing the educational process require consistent adherence to the following stages:

  • compiling a list of students going on an excursion, to the theater or to the skating rink;
  • explanation of the rules of behavior on the street and during the performance;
  • building children;
  • organized exit from school;
  • familiarization with the layout of a museum or theater building (show where the toilet, buffet are);
  • the performance itself;
  • return to school;
  • discussion of what was seen.

Please note that children must still be accompanied by a responsible person, for example, a representative of the school’s parent committee or a teacher who is partial to beauty and is willing to sacrifice communication with colleagues for the sake of an exhibition or performance in the theater.

Preparation and implementation of the concert

The concert is prepared by children, but it would still be better if the organizing teachers help with rehearsals

The festive part is a concert that students prepare for teachers. However, before we talk about the scenario of the event, let’s dwell on the design of the school corridors, classrooms and assembly hall.

How to decorate a room

It's no secret that the holiday atmosphere begins with the decoration of the room, so it is important to choose original and stylish decorative elements. It can be:

  • wall newspapers in recreation (for example, made in the form of a collage with photographs of teachers, or like a comic strip with humorous comments - the main thing is that they do not contain unacceptable liberties and rudeness);
  • paper garlands or balloons (such voluminous decorations can be used to decorate offices);
  • exhibitions of postcards and children's drawings (teachers will be happy to look at the creativity of their students in the teachers' room, especially if they did not know about the upcoming exhibition in advance);
  • fresh flowers in the assembly hall will give you an incredible feeling of celebration;
  • exposition of hand-made products with a fair (by the way, this part of the holiday can be done in the form of a charity event to raise funds to buy food for homeless animals, for example).

School premises can be decorated in a variety of ways. But it is important that the design follows the general style.

Holiday scenario

Some numbers can be recorded in advance and shown on a big screen in the school lobby on a holiday

The script for the holiday concert should be prepared in advance. Then all the numbers will be well worked out and there will be no hiccups in the event itself. The concert may include:

  • poetic congratulations from teachers (it is advisable that the words be prepared by the students themselves and not taken from the Internet);
  • songs and dance numbers (perhaps it makes sense to think about how to combine these types of creativity into a single number);
  • comic skits (such inserts can be prepared by children of junior and middle school);
  • humorous performances (high school students can prepare performances in the spirit of KVN teams, playing out their own characters and funny situations that arise in class).

And one more point that needs to be addressed separately is the entertainment. Concert presenters must not only look good on stage, but also have the ability to improvise and quickly react to any hiccups that arise.


At the summing up line, it is necessary to thank the high school students for organizing the holiday

Any event must have a logical ending, including summing up. Self-Government Day can be summarized in the form of a ruler. At this general meeting, the understudy director:

  • voices what successes/failures there were in his work and the work of high school teachers;
  • notes the special successes of individual class teams or students;
  • provides a photo report about the past day.

It is very important that the director and teachers take the floor to sum up the results. In his speech the leader:

  • thanks the children for their work;
  • briefly analyzes the work of the administration and individual teachers;
  • notes the level of preparation for the festive concert.

Higher philological education, 11 years of experience teaching English and Russian, love for children and an objective view of modernity are the key lines of my 31-year-old life. Strengths: responsibility, desire to learn new things and self-improvement.

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