Angular minors of the Hessian matrix. Hessian functions

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1 Definition. Point 0 is called the local maximum point of the function neighborhood of point 0, which for all of this neighborhood f f 0. Definition. Point 0 is called the local minimum point of the function, a neighborhood of point 0, that for all of this neighborhood f f 0. f f, if such exists, if such exists The value of the function at the maximum point is called the local maximum, the value of the function at the minimum point is the local minimum of this function. The maximum and minimum of a function are called its local extrema. The term “local extremum” is due to the fact that the introduced concept of extremum is associated with the neighborhood of a given point in the domain of definition of the function, and not with this entire domain. A function can have several extrema, and the minimum at one point may be greater than the maximum at another. Usually in the literature the terms “extremum”, “maximum”, “minimum” are used to denote a strict local extremum, a strict local maximum, a strict local minimum. Definition. Point 0 is called a point of strict local maximum of a function such a neighborhood of point 0 such that for everyone in this neighborhood f f 0. f, if Definition exists. Point 0 is called a point of strict local minimum of a function such a neighborhood of point 0 such that for everyone in this neighborhood f f 0. Or, point 0 is called a point of strict local minimum of function 0: 0 f f. 0 0 f if f if exists Definition. The largest (smallest) value of a function on an interval is called the global extremum. The global extremum can be reached either at the points of the local extremum or at the ends of the segment. A matrix composed of the second derivatives of a function is called the Hessian matrix: f f n d f T d d f f... n 1 n (we will agree to call the determinant of the Hessian matrix the Hessian; similarly: a matrix composed of the first derivatives of a function is called the Jacobian matrix, and its determinant is called the Jacobian. Literature: 1) Malugin V.A. "Mathematical analysis, course of lectures (mathematics for economists)", 005, p. 105 (the concept of extremum of a function);) Malugin V.A. “Mathematical analysis, problems and exercises (mathematics for economists)”, 006, p. 13 (global extremum; necessary condition for extremum, 1st and 1st sufficient conditions for extremum); 3) Written D.T. "Lecture notes on higher mathematics", 005, p. 0 (extremum of a function of one variable); 4) Bortakovsky A.S., Panteleev A.V. "Linear algebra in examples and problems", 005, p. 6. 1

2 Brief presentation of the solution to the problem. Theorem (sufficient condition for extremum). Let there be a function f at a stationary point 0, 0 in the neighborhood. Let us calculate the values ​​of A f, B f C f at the point 0, 0. Let us denote by some its continuous partial derivatives up to the second order inclusive. A B AC B B C, then: 1) if 0, then the function f, at the point, minimum, if A 0 ;) if 0, then the function f, at the point 0, 0, In the case of 0, the extremum is at the research point. 0 0 has an extremum: maximum if A 0 ; has no extremum. maybe, maybe not. Additional 1) Examine the function z 50 0, 0, z z 0 for extremum Find stationary points: z 0 z Found stationary point P 5 ;. Let us check whether the sufficient conditions for the presence of an extremum at a given point are satisfied. 50 A z B z 1 0 C z 40 3

3 At point P 5 ; : A 450 B 1 C at point P 5 ; minimum, because A 0 0 Answer: the function has a minimum z ;. The value of the function at this point z ;) Find the extrema of the function z 1 z z z z 0 z Note that at 0 the solution is the set of points with coordinates R (in space 0 is a straight line parallel to the O axis). Consequently, among the points with 0 there are no stationary points. z 0 Excluding points with 0 from consideration, we obtain: P ; P; 4 1 3

4 Two stationary points found P 1 01 ; and P 1 1 ; ; Let's check them for compliance with the sufficient condition 4 for the presence of extrema at these points. A z B z 43 C z 6 At point P 1 01 ; : A B 1 A0, B1, C 0, 10 B C 1 0 Since 0, there is no extremum at this point. At point P 1 1 ; 4 A10, B14, C 38, A B B C A 0 Since 0, then at this point the function has a maximum z 1; Answer: the function has a maximum z 1 1 ; Let's make an illustration in Mathcad 14: - the found maximum is marked with a red dot; the straight line of black straight lines occurs at point P 1 01 ;. 0 z 0 is highlighted in burgundy; intersection 4

5 3 3) Investigate the function for the extremum z z z Find stationary points: z 0 z the circle at the intersection with the hyperbola will give four points: Four stationary points are found P1; 1, P 1;, P 3 1 ;, P 4 ; fulfillment of sufficient conditions for the presence of an extremum at these points. A z B z C z 61 6 At point P ; 1 1: A 1 0 B 6 C 1 A B B C Let's check 5

6 A maximum, because 0 - at point P; At point P; 1: A 60 B 1 C 6 A B B C at point P; 1 there is no extremum, because 0. At point P 3 1 ; : A 6 0 B 1 C 6 A B B C at point P 3 1 ; there is no extremum, because 0. At point P 4 1 ; : A 1 0 B 6 C 1 A B B C 6 1 P 4 - at a point; A 0 1 minimum, because 0 z Value of the function at this point;. The value of the function at this point z; Answer: the function has a minimum z 1; 8 and maximum; z Literature: 1) Written by D.T. "Lecture notes on higher mathematics", 005, page (extremum of a function of two variables). Solving the problem using the Hessian matrix. 4) Find the extrema of the function of two variables, 3 z 3 61 Let us determine the stationary points from the condition z 0 z 0 (a necessary condition for the existence of an extremum) 6

7 z z Points P1 1 ; 1 and P; stationary points; Let's check them for compliance with the sufficient condition for the presence of an extremum. To do this, we construct the Hessian matrix from the second derivatives of the function: z z H z z z 6 z H 6 1 z 1 Continuation of the solution through the analysis of the angular minors of the Hessian matrix Let us consider the behavior of the Hessian matrix at the found stationary points. 6 6 P11; 1: HP1 6 1 ; angular minors: M1 6 0, M Since M 0, there is no extremum at point P 1. P; angular minors: M1 6 0, M 4; : HP M1 0 Since M 0, then at point P the function has a local minimum z;

8 Theorem (sufficient conditions for an extremum). If at some point the necessary conditions for an extremum are satisfied and all partial derivatives of the th order are continuous, then the existence of an extremum at this point is determined by the values ​​of the angular minors of the matrix of second derivatives (Hessian matrix): M1 0, M 0 - local minimum; M1 0, M 0 - local maximum; M 0 - there is no extremum. If M1 0 or M 0 there may or may not be an extremum at the point under study, additional research is necessary. u u, z is considered When studying the local extremum of a function of three variables, the matrix u u u z u u u z uz uz u zz and its angular minors are studied. Literature: 1) Malugin V.A. "Linear algebra. Problems and exercises", 006, p. 149 (local extremum of the function);) Written by D.T. "Lecture notes on higher mathematics", 005, page (extremum of a function of two variables); 3) Pyatkova V.B., Ruzakov V.Ya., Turova O.E. "Mathematics, 3rd semester", training manual of Ural State State University (mining institute, Yekaterinburg), 005, p. 3 (scheme for studying the function of two variables on extrema). Continuation of the solution through the analysis of the eigenvalues ​​of the Hessian matrix Let's find the eigenvalues ​​of the Hessian matrix at each stationary point. 6 6 P11; 1: HP From equation 0 we find 1, Since the eigenvalues ​​of the 6 1 Hessian matrix are of different signs, then there is no extremum at point P 1. P From Eq.; : HP we find 1, Since all the eigenvalues ​​of the Hessian matrix are positive, then at point P there is a local minimum z; 4 3. Find the eigenvalues ​​of the Hessian matrix at each of the stationary points If all eigenvalues ​​* are positive: i 0, i 1,..., n, then there is a local minimum at the point; negative: i 0, i 1,..., n, then at the point non-negative: i 0, i 1,..., n, then at the point non-positive: i 0, i 1,..., n, then at point * local maximum; * functions. * there may be a local minimum; * there may be a local maximum; * different signs, then there is no extremum at the point; zero: i 0, i 1,..., n, then additional research is required. 8

9 Literature: 1) Bortakovsky A.S., Panteleev A.V. "Linear algebra in examples and problems", 005, p. 530, p. 531 (example 9.8). 5) Find the extremum points of the function z Let us determine the stationary points of the function of two variables z, from the condition z 0 z 0 (a necessary condition for the existence of the extremum) z z Three stationary points are found P 1 00 ;, P 0 ; 1 40, P 3 ; compliance with the sufficient condition for the presence of an extremum; let's check them on When studying the local extremum of a function of two variables z z, the quadratic form of the function with respect to differentials d, d is the Hessian matrix z z z z and is considered at each stationary point P i. If this quadratic form turns out to be definite, then the function z z, extremum: a) minimum, if the quadratic form is positive definite; b) maximum if the quadratic form is negative definite. If the quadratic form turns out to be indefinite, then a matrix is ​​compiled at the point P i has P i there is no extremum. In cases of non-negative definiteness or non-positive definiteness of the quadratic form, additional research is required - there may be an extremum. 9

10 Hessian matrix: H z z z z F F F F F F F (Note that 80 1). So, H Let us establish the definite sign of the quadratic form using the Sylvester criterion. In order for a quadratic form in n variables to be positive definite, it is necessary and sufficient that all angular minors of its matrix A be positive. In order for a quadratic form of n variables to be negative definite, it is necessary and sufficient that the signs of the angular minors of the matrix A of the quadratic form alternate, starting with the minus sign. For uncertainty (alternating sign) of a quadratic form, it is sufficient that at least one major minor of an even order is negative, or two major minors of an odd order have different signs (a sufficient sign of the uncertainty of a quadratic form). At a stationary point P 1 00 ; : H P angular minors: M1 410, 41 1 M 0110, the quadratic form is of indefinite sign, therefore, there is no extremum at point P 1. At a stationary point P; H P: angular minors: M1 410, 41 1 M 0110, the quadratic form is of indefinite sign, therefore, there is no extremum at point P. 10

11 At a stationary point P; H P: angular minors: M1 410, M 0 0, the quadratic form is positive definite, therefore, at point P 3 the function has a local minimum z; ,Answer: the function has a local minimum; z Let's find the minimum of a function in Mathematica 7 (for this you will have to indicate the area of ​​its dislocation): References: 1) Aksyonov A.P. "Mathematics. Mathematical analysis", part, 005, p. 193 (examples 13, 14);) Bortakovsky A.S., Panteleev A.V. "Linear algebra in examples and problems", 005, p. 530, p. 531 (example 9.8); 3) Bortakovsky A.S., Panteleev A.V. "Workshop on linear algebra and analytical geometry", 007, page) Malugin V.A. "Linear algebra. Course of lectures", 006, pp. 157, 164; 5) Baranova E.S., Vasilyeva N.V., Fedotov V.P. "A practical guide to higher mathematics. Typical calculations", 008, p. 301 (example 10.35). 6) Investigate the function, F z 4 3 z z for the presence of unconditional extrema using first and second order derivatives, analyzing stationary points. Let us determine the stationary points of the function of three variables F, z from the condition F 0 F 0 F 0 z (a necessary condition for the existence of an extremum) F 8z F 6 Fz z 8z ​​z 0 z 0 Point P 000 ; ; - stationary point; Let's check it for compliance with the sufficient condition for the presence of an extremum. eleven

12 When studying the local extremum of a function of three variables u u, z, the quadratic form of the function with respect to the differentials d, d, dz - the Hessian matrix u u u z u u u z uz uz u zz and is considered at each stationary point. If this quadratic form turns out to be defined, then the function z z, P i. extremum: a) minimum, if the quadratic form is positive definite; b) maximum if the quadratic form is negative definite. If the quadratic form turns out to be indefinite, then a matrix is ​​compiled at the point P i has P i there is no extremum. In cases of non-negative definiteness or non-positive definiteness of the quadratic form, additional research is required - there may be an extremum. Let's write the Hessian matrix: F F F z F F F H z F F F z z z F F F F 8z 8 1 z F F F z F z F z z F F (Note that, So, 8 1 H F F z z 1, F F z z 0). Analysis of the sign of a quadratic form. Sylvester criterion. Let us establish the definite sign of the quadratic form using the Sylvester criterion. 1

13 In order for a quadratic form in n variables to be positive definite, it is necessary and sufficient that all angular minors of its matrix A be positive. In order for a quadratic form of n variables to be negative definite, it is necessary and sufficient that the signs of the angular minors of the matrix A of the quadratic form alternate, starting with the minus sign. For uncertainty (alternating sign) of a quadratic form, it is sufficient that at least one major minor of an even order is negative, or two major minors of an odd order have different signs (a sufficient sign of the uncertainty of a quadratic form). In the event that one or more angular minors are equal to zero, but one of the conditions of sign definiteness could be satisfied, the quadratic form is non-negative definite or non-positive definite (this condition was written down to complete the picture; requires proof). At the found stationary point: 8 1 P000 ; ; : HP 6 0 ; 1 0 angular minors: M1 80, 8 M , M M1 0 Since M 0 M 3 0, then at point P the function has a local minimum F; ; Eigenvalues ​​of the Hessian matrix. Let us establish the definite sign of the quadratic form by analyzing the eigenvalues ​​of the Hessian matrix. * Find the eigenvalues ​​of the Hessian matrix at each of the stationary points of the function. If all eigenvalues ​​are positive: i 0, i 1,..., n, then the quadratic form is positive definite; negative: i 0, i 1,..., n, then the quadratic form is negative definite; non-negative: i 0, i 1,..., n, then the quadratic form is non-negative definite; non-positive: i 0, i 1,..., n, then the quadratic form is non-positive definite; different signs, then the quadratic form is indefinite; zero: i 0, i 1,..., n, then the quadratic form is non-negative definite or non-positive definite [, p. 530]. Let's find the eigenvalues ​​of the Hessian matrix at the found stationary point. 8 1 P000 ; ; : HP 6 0 ;

14 8 1 From the equation or we find, 4, 855 9, as the roots of a polynomial in Mathcad: or graphically in Mathcad: Since all the eigenvalues ​​of the Hessian matrix are positive, then at point P there is a minimum. Second differential function. Let us establish the definite sign of the quadratic form directly. The quadratic form with respect to differentials is the second differential of the function. Let us transform the expression of the second differential of the function so as to explicitly establish the fact that its sign is definite. This approach to studying the sign-determinacy of a quadratic form can be used as a method of additional research when the Sylvester criterion or analysis of the eigenvalues ​​of a matrix of a quadratic form does not produce results. Sufficient conditions for the extremum of a function of n variables If M,..., n is a stationary point of a twice differentiable function f,..., n 1 and if in some neighborhood of this point the second differential n f d f M 0 M 0did j i, j1 i j retains sign for any values d i and d j not equal to zero at the same time, then the function at point M 0 has an extremum: minimum at maximum at d f M0 0 ; d f M0 0 . 14

15 The second differential of the function Ф is equal to Ф Ф Ф d Ф, d d dd or, in the case of a function of three variables Ф z, Ф Ф Ф Ф Ф Ф Ф d Ф, z d d dz dd ddz ddz z z z Let's calculate the second order partial derivatives: F F F F F F 8z 8 1 z z F F F F z z F F z z z and write the second differential of the function at point P 000 ; ; : d F d d dz F z F F F F F F d d dz d d d dz d dz z z z 8d 6d dz d d 0d dz 1d dz 8 d 6 d dz 4d d d dz Select the complete squares; for brevity of notation, we redesignate d as, etc.: 8 6 z 4 z z z z z z i.e. at point P000 ; ; : d F d dz d d d (with d, d, dz not equal to zero at the same time) - therefore, point P000; ; is the minimum point. 15

16 Literature: 1) Aksyonov A.P. "Mathematics. Mathematical analysis", part, 005, p. 193 (examples 13, 14);) Bortakovsky A.S., Panteleev A.V. "Linear algebra in examples and problems", 005, p. 530, p. 531 (example 9.8); 3) Bortakovsky A.S., Panteleev A.V. "Workshop on linear algebra and analytical geometry", 007, page) Malugin V.A. "Linear algebra. Course of lectures", 006, pp. 157, 164; 5) Baranova E.S., Vasilyeva N.V., Fedotov V.P. "A practical guide to higher mathematics. Typical calculations", 008, p. 301 (example 10.35). Let's check the presence of this minimum in Mathematica 7: 16

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6 () We get that HP =. Therefore, using the theorem, it is impossible to answer the question about the extremum. In this case, the stationary point is P (); is a point of local mi- Δz > P O & P: z = z =. δ

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Purpose of the service. Online calculator used to find Hessian matrices and determining the type of function (convex or concave) (see example). The solution is drawn up in Word format. For a function of one variable f(x), intervals of convexity and concavity are determined.

f(x 1 ,x 2 ,x 3) =

Find at point X 0: x 1 = , x 2 = , x 3 =

Rules for entering functions:

A twice continuously differentiable function f(x) is convex (concave) if and only if Hessian matrix the function f(x) with respect to x is positive (negative) semidefinite for all x (see points of local extrema of a function of several variables).

Function critical points:

  • if the Hessian is positive definite, then x 0 is the local minimum point of the function f(x),
  • if the Hessian is negative definite, then x 0 is the local maximum point of the function f(x),
  • if the Hessian is not sign-definite (takes both positive and negative values) and is non-degenerate (det G(f) ≠ 0), then x 0 is the saddle point of the function f(x).

Criteria for the definiteness of a matrix (Sylvester's theorem)

Positive certainty:
  • all diagonal elements of the matrix must be positive;
  • all leading main qualifiers must be positive.
For positive semidefinite matrices Sylvester criterion sounds like this: A form is positive semidefinite if and only if all major minors are non-negative. If the Hessian matrix at a point is positive semidefinite (all major minors are non-negative), then this is a minimum point (however, if the Hessian is semidefinite and one of the minors is 0, then this may be a saddle point. Additional checks are needed).

Positive semi-definiteness:

  • all diagonal elements are non-negative;
  • all main determinants are non-negative.
The major determinant is the determinant of the major minor.

A square symmetric matrix of order n, the elements of which are the partial derivatives of the second-order objective function, called the Hessian matrix and is designated:

In order for a symmetric matrix to be positive definite, it is necessary and sufficient that all its diagonal minors are positive, i.e.

for the matrix A = (a ij) are positive.

Negative certainty.
In order for a symmetric matrix to be negative definite, it is necessary and sufficient that the following inequalities take place:
(-1) k D k > 0, k=1,.., n.
In other words, in order for the quadratic form to be negative definite, it is necessary and sufficient that the signs of the angular minors of a matrix of quadratic form alternate, starting with the minus sign. For example, for two variables, D 1< 0, D 2 > 0.

If the Hessian is semidefinite, then this may also be an inflection point. Additional research is needed, which can be carried out using one of the following options:

  1. Decreasing order. A change of variables is made. For example, for a function of two variables it is y=x, as a result we get a function of one variable x. Next, we examine the behavior of the function on the lines y=x and y=-x. If in the first case the function at the point under study will have a minimum, and in the other case a maximum (or vice versa), then the point under study is a saddle point.
  2. Finding the eigenvalues ​​of the Hessian. If all values ​​are positive, the function at the point under study has a minimum, if all values ​​are negative, there is a maximum.
  3. Study of the function f(x) in the neighborhood of the point ε. Variables x are replaced by x 0 +ε. Next, it is necessary to prove that the function f(x 0 +ε) of one variable ε is either greater than zero (then x 0 is the minimum point) or less than zero (then x 0 is the maximum point).

Note. To find inverse Hessian it is enough to find the inverse matrix.

Example No. 1. Which of the following functions are convex or concave: f(x) = 8x 1 2 +4x 1 x 2 +5x 2 2 .
Solution. 1. Let's find partial derivatives.

2. Let's solve the system of equations.
-4x 1 +4x 2 +2 = 0
4x 1 -6x 2 +6 = 0
We get:
a) From the first equation we express x 1 and substitute it into the second equation:
x 2 = x 2 + 1/2
-2x 2 +8 = 0
Where x 2 = 4
We substitute these values ​​x 2 into the expression for x 1. We get: x 1 = 9 / 2
The number of critical points is 1.
M 1 (9 / 2 ;4)
3. Let's find the second order partial derivatives.

4. Let us calculate the value of these second-order partial derivatives at the critical points M(x 0 ;y 0).
We calculate the values ​​for point M 1 (9 / 2 ;4)

We build the Hessian matrix:

D 1 = a 11< 0, D 2 = 8 > 0
Since the diagonal minors have different signs, nothing can be said about the convexity or concavity of the function.

Parameters with small values ​​of second derivatives are reset to zero. Sensitivity analysis is computationally complex and requires a lot of additional memory.  

Relations (1.4) and (1.6) determine the signs of the main minors of the Hessian matrix for our function and thus are a sufficient condition for the non-positive definiteness of the corresponding quadratic form (1.3). Therefore, for concavity of linearly homogeneous functions with two resources, condition (1.4) is sufficient.  

The matrix I, as already mentioned, is called the Hessian matrix (or Hessian).  

In a more consistent approach, information about the second-order derivatives of the residual function can be used to improve the learning process. The corresponding optimization methods are called quadratic. All this information is collected in the Hessian matrix H, which has dimensions Nw x Nw, where Nw is the number of weights. This matrix contains information about how the gradient changes with small displacements in different directions in weight space. Direct matrix calculation requires a lot of time, so methods have been developed to avoid matrix calculation and storage (conjugate gradient descent, scaled conjugate gradient method (see), RBa kProp (see), quasi-Newtonian method, Levenberg-Marquard method ).  

The first equation (4.17) shows how output will change when the price of the firm's products increases. Since the Hess matrix H is negative definite, the matrix H"1 is also negative definite, therefore  

Note that from the fact of the existence of the function Q due to the symmetry of the matrix of second derivatives (Hessian matrix) for a twice differentiable function of several variables, equalities follow that relate the sensitivity of estimates to changes in resource reserves.  

In addition, the Hessian matrix of the second derivatives of this function with respect to C must be negative definite at C = 0.  

Let us consider the change in the Hessian matrix of the function /(C) during its monotonic transformation. Let us first write down the components of the gradient at the point  

For the function FQ() to be convex, it is sufficient that the matrix T = Tij be negative definite. The first terms in (9.108) differ from the elements 7 j of the Hessian matrix of the original problem by a non-negative factor, since the function FQ is monotonically increasing. If the second terms in these expressions are equal to zero, then the concave reachability function of the original problem will correspond to concavity and FQ().  

Thus, the Hessian matrix for the reachability function of the transformed problem is the sum  

The first of them represents n equations for the components of the vector A, and the second is the condition of negative definiteness of the quadratic form, which is checked using the Sylvester criterion in relation to the Hessian matrix of the function R.  

Here and below, R f0 and R i denote the partial derivatives of R with respect to the corresponding variables. The conditions of negative definiteness must be satisfied by the Hessian matrix of the function R with elements (see (9.125))  

The second part forms the theoretical core of the book. It is entirely devoted to a rigorous presentation of the theory of differentials and the foundations of analysis, formulated in the language of differentials. The concepts of first and second differentials are introduced, and an identification rule for the Jacobi and Hessian matrices is given. The chapter ends with a paragraph devoted to the theory of optimization in the presence of constraints, presented in terms of differentials.  

The fourth part, on inequalities, arose from our belief that econometricians should be comfortable with inequalities such as the Cauchy-Bunyakovsky (Schwartz) inequality, the Minkowski inequality and their generalizations, as well as powerful results such as Poincaré's separability theorem. To some extent, the chapter is also a story of our disappointment. When we started writing this book, we had an ambitious idea - to derive all inequalities using matrix differential calculus. After all, each inequality can be represented as a solution to some optimization problem. However, this idea turned out to be an illusion, since the Hessian matrix in most cases turns out to be singular at the extremum point.  

Notation. In this book we use mostly standard notation, except that vectors are denoted in plain (not bold) italics. Special symbols are used to denote the derivative (matrix) D and the Hessian matrix H. The differentiation operator is denoted as d. A complete list of all symbols used in the text is contained in the Notation Index at the end of the book.  

This chapter covers the concepts of second derivatives, twice differentiability, and second differential. Particular attention is paid to the connection between twice differentiability and second-order approximation. We define the Hessian matrix (for vector functions) and find conditions for its (column) symmetry. We also obtain the chain rule for Hessian matrices and its analogue for second differentials. Taylor's theorem is proved for real functions. Finally, higher order differentials are discussed very briefly and it is shown how the analysis of vector functions can be extended to matrix functions.  

Previously, we defined a matrix that contains all first-order partial derivatives. This was the Jacobian matrix. Now let's define a matrix (called the Hessian matrix) that contains all the second-order partial derivatives. Let us define this matrix first for real and then for vector functions.  

Let / S -> Rm, S With Rn is

Matrix G(X) dimension( n x n) is considered positive definite if all its eigenvalues ​​m 1 , m 2 ,…, m n are positive, i.e. m j> 0 for all j = 1, 2,…, n.

Matrix G(X) is considered negative definite if the eigenvalues ​​are negative, i.e. m j< 0 для всех j = 1, 2,…, n.

If among the eigenvalues G If both positive and negative ones occur, then the matrix is ​​sign-alternating, and the function under study is non-convex.

To determine the eigenvalues, it is necessary to solve the characteristic equation:

Where I– square identity matrix; det is the sign of the determinant.

The matrix differs from the Hessian matrix in that terms of the form are located along the diagonal.

So for a two-dimensional function f(x 1 , x 2) the characteristic equation will have the form:


The eigenvalues ​​m 1 and m 2 are the roots of the ordinary quadratic equation m 2 + b m +c= 0, are formed after expansion of the determinant.

For example, let's take functions of two variables:

f(x)= 2 – 2x 1 –2x 2 +x 1 2 +x 2 2 – x 1 x 2

Extreme point coordinates x* determined by solving the system of equations

And equal x 1 * = 2, x 2 * = 2

Hessian . After solving the characteristic equation , i.e. quadratic equation (2 – m) 2 – 1 = 0, the eigenvalues ​​m 1 = 3, m 2 = 1 are obtained, i.e. matrix G is positive definite. Therefore, the function f(x) is convex and at the extreme point X* = (2,2) takes the minimum value f(x*) = –2.

Both methods of checking sufficient and necessary conditions for a second-order extremum are given in Table 4.2.

Example 4.4. Find the extremum of a function on a set E 2 .

Solution. 1. Let us write down the necessary conditions for a first-order extremum:


x* = (0,0).

2. Let’s check whether the sufficient conditions for the extremum are met.

First way: The Hessian matrix has the form .Since M 1 = 2 > 0, , then at the point x* local minimum (line 1 in Table 4.2).

Second way: Let's find the eigenvalues ​​of the Hessian matrix using (4.10):

Hence . Since all eigenvalues ​​are positive, then at the point x* local minimum (line 1 in Table 4.2). From Example 3.3 it follows that the function is strictly convex on the set E 2. Therefore, the local minimum point is also a global minimum point (according to paragraph 3, statement 3.1).

3. Calculate the value of the function at the global minimum point: f(x*) = 0.

Example 4.5. Find the extremum of the function on the set E 2.

Solution. 1. Let us write down the necessary conditions of the first order:

; .

As a result of solving the system, we obtain a stationary point x* = (0,0).

2. Let us check the fulfillment of sufficient conditions for the extremum and necessary conditions of the second order.

First way: The Hessian matrix has the form . Since M 1 = 2 > 0, , then the sufficient conditions for the extremum are not met (lines 1 and 2 in Table 4.2). Let us check the fulfillment of the necessary second-order conditions.

Principal minors of the first order ( m= 1) are obtained from M 2 as a result of deleting n–m=2 – 1 = 1 rows and columns, with the same numbers: – 2, 2. Second order major minor ( m = 2) obtained from M 2 as a result of deleting n – m= 0 rows and columns, i.e. coincides with M 2: -4. It follows that the necessary conditions for a second-order extremum are not satisfied (lines 3 and 4 in Table 4.2). Since the Hessian matrix is ​​not zero, we can conclude that at the point X* no extremum (line 6 in Table 2.1).

Table 4.2

A criterion for checking sufficient and necessary conditions of the second order in the problem of searching for an unconditional extremum

Describing the behavior of a function in second order.

For function texvc , twice differentiable at the point Unable to parse expression (Executable file texvc not found; See math/README for setup help.): x\in \R^n

Unable to parse expression (Executable file texvc not found; See math/README - help with setup.): H(x) = \sum_(i=1)^n \sum_(j=1)^n a_(ij) x_i x_j Unable to parse expression (Executable file texvc not found; See math/README - help with setup.): H(z) = \sum_(i=1)^n \sum_(j=1)^n a_(ij) z_i \overline(z)_j

Where Unable to parse expression (Executable file texvc not found; See math/README - help with setup.): a_(ij)=\partial^2 f/\partial x_i \partial x_j(or Unable to parse expression (Executable file texvc not found; See math/README - help with setup.): a_(ij)=\partial^2 f/\partial z_i \partial \overline(z)_j) and function Unable to parse expression (Executable file texvc not found; See math/README for setup help.): f set to Unable to parse expression (Executable file texvc not found; See math/README for setup help.): n-dimensional real space Unable to parse expression (Executable file texvc not found; See math/README for setup help.): \mathbb(R)^n(or complex space Unable to parse expression (Executable file texvc not found; See math/README for setup help.): \mathbb(C)^n) with coordinates Unable to parse expression (Executable file texvc not found; See math/README - help with setup.): x_1,\ldots,x_n(or Unable to parse expression (Executable file texvc not found; See math/README - help with setup.): z_1,\ldots,z_n). In both cases, the Hessian is a quadratic form defined on the tangent space, which does not change under linear transformations of the variables. Hessian also often called the determinant of a matrix Unable to parse expression (Executable file texvc not found; See math/README - help with setup.): (a_(ij)), see below.

Hessian matrix

The matrix of this quadratic form is formed by the second partial derivatives of the function. If all derivatives exist, then

Unable to parse expression (Executable file texvc not found; See math/README for setup help.): H(f) = \begin(bmatrix) \frac(\partial^2 f)(\partial x_1^2) & \frac(\partial^2 f)(\ partial x_1\,\partial x_2) & \cdots & \frac(\partial^2 f)(\partial x_1\,\partial x_n) \\ \\ \frac(\partial^2 f)(\partial x_2\, \partial x_1) & \frac(\partial^2 f)(\partial x_2^2) & \cdots & \frac(\partial^2 f)(\partial x_2\,\partial x_n) \\ \\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ \\ \frac(\partial^2 f)(\partial x_n\,\partial x_1) & \frac(\partial^2 f)(\partial x_n\,\partial x_2) & \cdots & \frac(\partial^2 f)(\partial x_n^2) \end(bmatrix)

Hessian matrices are used in optimization problems by Newton's method. Complete calculation of the Hessian matrix can be difficult, so quasi-Newton algorithms have been developed based on approximate expressions for the Hessian matrix. The most famous of them is the Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno algorithm.

Symmetry of the Hessian matrix

Mixed derivatives functions f- these are elements of the Hessian matrix that are not on the main diagonal. If they are continuous, then the order of differentiation is not important:

Unable to parse expression (Executable file texvc not found; See math/README for setup help.): \frac (\partial)(\partial x_i) \left(\frac ( \partial f )( \partial x_j) \right) = \frac (\partial)(\ partial x_j) \left(\frac ( \partial f )( \partial x_i) \right)

This can also be written as

Unable to parse expression (Executable file texvc not found; See math/README for help with setting up.): f_(x_i x_j) = f_(x_j x_i), \quad \forall i,j \in \(1,\ldots, n\).

In this case, the Hessian matrix is ​​symmetric.

Critical points of a function


see also

  • Sylvester criterion - criterion for positive/negative definiteness of a square matrix

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  • Kamynin L.I. Mathematical analysis. T. 1, 2. - 2001.
  • Kudryavtsev L.D. “Short course in mathematical analysis. T.2. Differential and integral calculus of functions of several variables. Harmonic analysis", FIZMATLIT, 2002, - 424 p. - ISBN 5-9221-0185-4. Or any other publication.
  • Golubitsky M., Guillemin V. Stable mappings and their features, - M.: Mir, 1977.

An excerpt characterizing the Hessian functions

My soul, just like Stella’s, was very painful, because this was the first time I saw in reality how brave and very kind people... my friends, passed away into eternity of their own free will. And it seemed that sadness had settled in my wounded children’s heart forever... But I also already understood that no matter how much I suffered, and no matter how much I wished for it, nothing would bring them back... Stella was right - it’s impossible was to win at such a price... But it was their own choice, and we had no right to deny them this. And to try to convince us - we simply did not have enough time for this... But the living had to live, otherwise all this irreparable sacrifice would have been in vain. But this is exactly what could not be allowed.
– What are we going to do with them? – Stella sighed convulsively and pointed to the kids huddled together. – There is no way to leave here.
I didn’t have time to answer when a calm and very sad voice sounded:
“I’ll stay with them, if you allow me, of course.”
We jumped up together and turned around - it was the man Mary saved who spoke... And somehow we completely forgot about him.
- How are you feeling? – I asked as friendly as possible.
I honestly did not wish harm to this unfortunate stranger, saved at such a high price. It wasn't his fault, and Stella and I understood that very well. But the terrible bitterness of loss was still clouding my eyes with anger, and although I knew that this was very, very unfair for him, I just couldn’t pull myself together and push this terrible pain out of myself, leaving it “for later” when I completely alone, and, having locked myself “in my corner,” I could give vent to bitter and very heavy tears... And I was also very afraid that the stranger would somehow feel my “rejection,” and thus his liberation would lose its importance and beauty victory over evil, in the name of which my friends died... Therefore, I tried my best to pull myself together and, smiling as sincerely as possible, waited for the answer to my question.
The man sadly looked around, apparently not quite understanding what had happened here, and what had been happening to himself all this time...
“Well, where am I?” he asked quietly, his voice hoarse from excitement. -What kind of place is this, so terrible? It's not like what I remember... Who are you?
- We are friends. And you’re absolutely right - this is not a very pleasant place... And a little further on, the places are generally wildly scary. Our friend lived here, he died...
- I'm sorry, little ones. How did your friend die?
“You killed him,” Stella whispered sadly.
I froze, staring at my friend... This was not said by the “sunny” Stella, whom I knew well, who “without fail” felt sorry for everyone, and would never make anyone suffer!.. But, apparently, the pain of loss, like me, it gave her an unconscious feeling of anger “at everyone and everything,” and the baby was not yet able to control this within herself.
“Me?!..” the stranger exclaimed. – But this cannot be true! I've never killed anyone!..
We felt that he was telling the absolute truth, and we knew that we had no right to shift the blame of others onto him. Therefore, without even saying a word, we smiled together and immediately tried to quickly explain what really happened here.
The man was in a state of absolute shock for a long time... Apparently, everything he heard sounded wild to him, and certainly did not coincide with what he really was, and how he felt about such terrible evil, which does not fit into normal human frameworks ...
- How can I make up for all this?!.. After all, I can’t? And how can we live with this?!.. - he grabbed his head... - How many have I killed, tell me!.. Can anyone say this? What about your friends? Why did they do this? But why?!!!..
– So that you can live as you should... As you wanted... And not as someone wanted... To kill the Evil that killed others. That’s probably why...” Stella said sadly.

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