Decorate your speech with the right smart words. Aphorism: an example of wisdom and decoration of speech

Semantic unambiguity - clarity of meaning, for example, “Could you express yourself with more pronounced semantic unambiguity, otherwise I don’t understand a damn thing.”

Fluctuation - random deviations of physical quantities from their average values

Definition - a brief definition of a concept.

Tolerance is tolerating something. The word is fashionable, and therefore no longer smart.

Dichotomy is a division into two parts. “Now I will dichotomize this apple and give half to you.”

Emthanasia is a procedure for the proportionate deprivation of life of a criminal in a civil suit. "Emthanasia is crying for you!"

Idiosyncrasy - intolerance. The term is medical, but it can be used anywhere and everywhere. For example: “I have an idiosyncrasy for fools!”

Metapurism is when words denoting good things, actions and activities are not recognized as bad. For example, “Fuck your leg” is not a curse word.

Transcendental - abstract, abstract, academic, mental, speculative, mental, theoretical. Due to the breadth of the concept, a broad use of the term is recommended, where it is necessary and where it is not necessary.

Metaphysical is about the same as transcendental. The term is good for answering a question whose essence you do not understand. For example, like this - “How do you feel about scholasticism?” - "In a metaphysical sense?"

Scholasticism is a type of religious philosophy that seeks to provide a rational theoretical justification for a religious worldview through the use of logical methods of proof. You can pester your acquaintances with the question “Aren’t you a scholastic by any chance?”

Esoterics is a secret teaching.

A truism is a generally known opinion or statement. A typical example of a truism is “The Volga flows into the Caspian Sea.”

Euphemism is the replacement of rude or harsh words and expressions with softer ones.

Sophistry is the ability to cunningly conduct a debate. Juggling with words and concepts. For example: “Go to hell with your sophistry!”

Eclecticism is a combination of heterogeneous views, ideas and theories. A euphemism for bad taste. For example: “He dresses so eclectic!”

Invective - obscene, vulgar language, swearing.

Homogeneous - homogeneous. For example: “The homogeneity of this yogurt is beyond doubt.”

Gender - sex. Intergender, respectively, intergender.

Addiction is dependence. For example, Internet addiction, drug addiction.

Decadence is decadence. The term is good for assessing any actions of any characters: “What decadence!”

Congruence is a very rich word. It means a state of integrity and complete sincerity, when all parts of the personality work together, pursuing one goal. Also often used with the prefix "not".

Hyperbole is an exaggeration. For example: "Don't be hyperbolic, please!"

Voluntarism is a doctrine that places the volitional principle as the basis of existence. Nowadays, it is used as an evaluative term for a person’s actions that you personally do not like. For example: “Vanya drank all the tequila. This is pure voluntarism!”

Ubiquists are species of plants and animals that live everywhere. "There's a ubiquist
ran"/said about a cockroach in the kitchen

Cognitive dissonance is new information that conflicts with old knowledge that a person has.

Epistemology is a theory of knowledge, the main part of philosophy, which considers the conditions and limits of the possibility of reliable knowledge.

An egocentric is a narcissistic person.

Newton's binomial is a formula for representing the power of the sum of two numbers. It is used, as a rule, as an expression of something complex as opposed to uncomplicated. For example: “I also like Newton’s binomial!”

Coherence is a very beautiful word. (from Latin cohaerens. in connection), the coordinated occurrence in time of several oscillatory or wave processes, manifested when they are added.

Frustration is disappointment. our life is a chain of frustrations.

Fricative - (from Latin frico - true), used in linguistics, for example, fricative consonants "f, w, x, s". You can use: “What a fricative language you have!”


Pragmatic – practical (down to earth)
To shock - to amaze (stun, shock)
Volunteer - volunteer
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Collision – collision (conflict)
Suffragette - feminist
Caiman - crocodile
Genesis – origin (emergence, origin.
Exaggerate – exaggerate
Negligee - half dressed
Ambivalent – ​​dual (ambiguous)
Orthodox – adamant (true believer)
Credo - worldview
Layman - ignorant (amateur, unprofessional)
Defamation – slander (gossip)
Rarity - rarity
Gentle – flirtatious (cute)
Intoxication - poisoning
Penance - punishment
Monogamy is monogamy.
Pretentiousness - pretentiousness
Latent - hidden
Ambitious - arrogant (vain, pretentious, ambitious)
Indifferent – ​​indifferent (indifferent, neutral)
Notation - moralizing
Extravagant – unusual (provocative, original, peculiar)
Respectable – venerable (personable, worthy, solid)
Mercantile – calculating (selfish, petty)
Repression - punishment (punishment, violence)
Legitimate – legal
Corsair - pirate
Goalkeeper - goalkeeper
Incident – ​​incident (case)
Preventive - warning
Tactile - tactile
Apogee – highest point (culmination, limit)
Scrupulous – meticulous (pedantic)
Charisma – originality (charm, attractiveness)
Pochetnik - a admirer caring for a girl (admirer)
Basurman - a foreigner and a non-believer
Aberration - deviation from the truth, delusion (distortion)
Perdimonocle is complete nonsense, God knows what
Transcendent – ​​unknowable (irrational, incomprehensible)
Ostracism - expulsion (bullying)
Parity – equality (equivalence, equivalence, equality)
Test - test
An applicant is someone who applies for admission to an educational institution.
Invariant – unambiguous
Klevret – henchman (accomplice, accomplice)
Destructive - destructive
Annexation - forced annexation
Matrimonial – marriage (conjugal)
Trendy - fashionable
Pro forma - formality
Apologist – supporter (adherent)
Exalted – enthusiastic (excited, inspired)
Synopsis – review


1. Mimicry - imitation.
2. Columella - the space between the nostrils.
3. Frapping is an unpleasant surprise.
4. Frisson - chills while listening to music that you like.
5. Courage - casually cheeky behavior, feigned courage.
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6. Monogamy is the ability to love one single person all your life.
7. Philophony – collecting sound recordings.
8. Credo - worldview, beliefs.
9. Defile - solemnly walk, parade.
10. Sentiments - feelings; manifestation of excessive sensitivity in words and actions.
11. Prevention - warning, protection, prevention.
12. Logorrhea - idle talk, chatter; long meaningless speeches made by speakers.
13. Synopsis - a presentation of a certain topic in a highly compressed and generalized form.
14. A mediator is a third neutral, independent person (mediator, conciliator) who helps the parties resolve an existing conflict or dispute.
15. Altruism is selfless concern and actions that a person performs for the benefit of others, without thinking about himself.
16. Impress – make a positive impression, inspire respect, please.
17. Keeper - a leather loop on a belt that holds the free end of a fastened belt.
18. Fatalism is the idea of ​​the inevitability of everything that happens in nature and in human life, excluding chance and freedom.
19. Lability - the ability to change, instability, mobility of a person’s physical or emotional state.
20. Hospice is a medical institution in which terminally ill people receive the necessary help and care.

PART 3 - 20 words you probably didn't know

1. Glabella is the space between the eyebrows. You are now looking at Ryan Gosling's glabella
2. Equivocations - ambiguous hints, subterfuges Show in full..
3. Catharsis - a change in consciousness through strong experiences
4. Deprivation – a feeling of insufficient satisfaction of one’s needs
5. Frustration – a period of complete disappointment in life
6. Haptophobia – fear of being touched by other people
7. Frisson - goosebumps
8. Sentence - a saying of a moralizing nature
9. Simulacrum - an image or explanation of something that does not exist in reality. Copy without original
10. Singularity – singularity, uniqueness of something
11. Sybarism - idleness, spoiled by luxury; sybarite is the bearer of these qualities
12. Pluralism - diversity or plurality, both in mundane and philosophical contexts. Monism – when it’s the other way around – is one thing. Dualism recognizes only duality
13. Lapidity - brevity, conciseness, expressiveness of syllable, style
14. Amikoshonism - unceremonious, inappropriately familiar address under the guise of friendship
15. Misalliance - marriage with a person of lower social status, unequal marriage
16. Nyctophilia - preferential activity at night and avoidance of vigorous activity during the daytime. Sometimes nyctophilia is a type of social phobia
17. Obrogation - making partial changes to the old law
18. Obscurantism - an extremely hostile attitude towards education and science, obscurantism
19. Empathy is the ability to perceive the world through the eyes of another, to be interested in how another thinks, lives and feels
20. Cryptomnesia is a type of memory disorder in which someone else’s ideas seem to be his own.

Elocution(decoration) is the third stage of working on a speech, at which the speaker brings his work on preparing it to its logical conclusion. The content of the speech has already been determined (this was done at the invention stage), the plan has been drawn up (at the layout stage), all that remains is to write the speech, “to bring the necessary shine.” It is this task that the speaker must solve at the stage of ediction.

What qualities should a good speech have?

1. beauty- the ability of speech to evoke aesthetic experiences.

Rhetoric arose from the need to influence other people, and therefore the beauty of speech should not be considered in connection with this “general” line.

From the point of view of impact, such quality of speech as beauty is closely related to figurativeness. Figurative speech- this is its clarity, the ability to evoke specific ideas (“pictures”). Expressiveness of speech is the key to ensuring that the content of the speech will be better understood.

2. Right- compliance of speech with the standards existing within the community of native speakers.

Obviously, incorrect, illiterate speech is unlikely to help the speaker win over the audience. Moreover, the requirement of correctness applies to speech delivered in any audience.

3. Relevance. The speech must correspond to the situation in which it is delivered, as well as the expectations of the audience. It is this aspect of it that is associated with such a quality as appropriateness. In the broadest sense, we are talking about the fact that in some situations this or that speech behavior is inappropriate.

4. Clarity. The requirement for clarity is very important for a speaker. The speaker himself is primarily interested in influencing through speech; the desire to “be convinced” among the audience is extremely rare. By not observing the requirements of clarity, the speaker himself places an obstacle in his path. Here one cannot help but recall the advice of the Russian lawyer P.S. Porokhovshchikov, who wrote about the need for clarity: “...not to speak in such a way that he can understand, but in such a way that he cannot fail to understand you.”

Speech techniques based on tautology

Simple repeat– using the same word twice or three times in a row.

Get away, get away from here!

Episeuxis – a figure of speech in which a word is repeated with emphasis (the repetition is made without a pause).

I can’t, I can’t forgive such a betrayal!

Anaphora– repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of a series of sentences or parts thereof.

I know for sure that I fell in love

I know for sure that I will suffer now,

I know for sure that this feeling will remain unanswered!

Epiphora– repetition of a word or phrase at the end of each part of a statement or after each of several statements.

The streets are noisy, work is noisy, high-rise buildings are noisy!

Etymological figure- a figure of speech consisting of combining two etymologically identical words into one phrase.

You're all kidding!

Exercise. Compose fragments of speech using figures of speech based on tautology.

Speech techniques based on enumeration

Gradation – increasing (less often - decreasing) the strength of expression from word to word - members of a synonymous series, thematic group, etc.

I was ready to say nasty things to him, humiliate him, destroy him!

Epitrochasm – a figure of accumulation of short and expressive words, a hasty collection of characteristics, often condemnatory.

Stupid, crazy woman! Bestia!

Exercise.Compose fragments of a reprimanding speech using speech techniques based on enumeration.

Speech techniques based on contrast

Antithesis – the juxtaposition of two opposing thoughts or images. Usually the antithesis is built on the basis of antonyms.

Poverty teaches, but spoils happiness


Why, sir, are you crying? Live your life laughing.

(Griboyedov A.S. Woe from Wit)

Synecyosis – the unification of opposing concepts into a single semantic whole, without their explicit opposition, the attribution of opposite qualities to the same object.

You are both powerful and powerless, Mother Rus'.

(Nekrasov N.A. Who lives well in Rus')

Exercise.Compose fragments of speech with an opposite, built on an antithesis.

Exercise.Make statements with syneciosis from statements with antithesis.

Sample. Some people are good and others are evil. – There are good and evil people.

1. In some ways he is smart, in others he is not. 2. As a result of the new price increase, those living below the poverty line will have a hard time; Those with high salaries will suffer less.

Speech techniques based on increased emphasis and emotionality

A rhetorical question - an exclamation in the form of a question that does not require any answer, but expresses some kind of statement and feeling in connection with the speech situation.

And what Russian doesn’t like driving fast?

(Gogol N.V. Dead Souls)

How can you trust a person who has already betrayed you once? If he betrayed you once, he will betray you again!

Rhetorical exclamation - a statement in which the emotional content prevails over the informational one.

Ah, the nature of our native land! So much true beauty that moves the soul! Riddles and secrets!

Exercise.Compose fragments of speech on the topic of Russia, Motherland, university, etc., based on increased emphasis and emotionality.

Speech techniques based on establishing contact between the speaker and the audience

Appeal- this or that naming of the listeners, often followed by the use of verbs in the second person plural (at the beginning of speech and in any other part of it).

My attentive and not so attentive listeners!

Colleagues! How should we deal with this situation?

Friends! Do not misunderstand me… .

Subjection- a figure of addressing listeners as if with an invitation to take part in a discussion of an issue. The speaker poses the question and then answers in the way he needs.

What is cunning? Cunning is the weapon of the weak and the mind of the blind.

(Kozma Prutkov)

Prosopopoeia– presentation of your speech during the dialogue.

So what is love? This is a real secret. Have people tried to solve it throughout their existence? Yes, many were eager to penetrate it!

Exercise.Establish contact with the audience using the techniques listed.

Speech techniques based on exaggeration or understatement

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    Our language is amazing - it is varied and melodic. It is like a majestic river: sometimes it makes noise, sometimes it gurgles quietly. And language has ways of expressing everything.

    These are numerous tropes and stylistic figures that are included in the toolkit of the Russian language. When used correctly, they enrich oral and written speech and allow you to enjoy its beauty and harmony.

    Sources of wealth of the Russian language

    Among the many means of expressiveness, one can name the epiphora, which enriches the text with the meaning of identity. When repeating the same segment of speech, its lexical meaning comes first, which is enhanced by repetition. But at the same time, epiphora is not the most common figure in speech practice, since such repetitions can sometimes give the impression of some awkwardness, inappropriateness, and artificiality.

    Epiphora is a stylistic device (figure) based on the symmetrical repetition of sounds, words, phrases at the end of a line in poetic speech or in a specific passage in prose. Its purpose is to make speech beautiful and more emotional. It is used more often with other means of artistic expression. The technique is more typical for poetry (almost all its genres).

    As an example, we can cite the lines of S. Gorodetsky’s poem, where it is clear that epiphora is a very capacious technique:

    Not air, but gold,
    Liquid gold
    Spilled into the world.
    Shackled without a hammer -
    Liquid gold
    The world doesn't move.

    A striking example of poetry, where epiphora, the definition of which is given just above, gives expressive coloring.

    Precious Facets

    The Russian language, being the language of the Russian people, is like a natural diamond. Just as a precious stone sparkles with numerous facets, so the Russian language is beautiful in all its manifestations. It is reflected both in the field of literature and in the field of language, while emphasizing their significance and uniqueness.

    And if you consider that the Russian language is a fusion of strict rules and the poetry of lively spoken language, then all that remains is to enjoy its richness and expressiveness. Like a diamond shining with every facet, the Russian language uses all the extraordinary tools that convey the beauty of our speech. Epiphora is one such element. Let's continue talking about her.

    The Russian language, having numerous means of artistic expression, widely shows how epiphora is used in literature.

    A special case of epiphora is familiar to anyone who has read a poem. This is an ordinary rhyme. For example, in I. Bunin’s poem “The Word” there is such a rhyme: “given - Letters”, “take care - speech”.

    And in M. Tsvetaeva we find an example of a real epiphora:

    The forest is not the same!
    The bush is not the same!
    Drozd is not the same!

    A well-known example of epiphora in prose is Gogol’s “festoons”. The word is repeated in one sentence to enhance the effect of what was said seven times very close together, literally separated by a comma. If we consider that the sentence has only 16 words, then we can say that this example clearly demonstrates the technique of sound expressiveness.

    I really loved epiphora S.A. Yesenin. Moreover, he could modify the vocabulary of the epiphora, proving the richness of the Russian language: “care lay low” in one line turns into “the whirlpool cleared up,” and both of these phrases accompany the words “hazy in the heart.” The same thing happens with another passage: “that’s why I’m known” - “that’s why I’m known” is complemented by the words “I’m a charlatan.” As you can see, just a small change of words allows Yesenin to successfully use the epiphora technique.

    Blok widely used epiphora. In one of his poems, the words “in a quiet house” are repeated as an epiphora.

    Strengthening the tones of speech

    If we consider the epiphora from the point of view of the syntax of the Russian language, then the following circumstance is obvious: repeating itself at the end of adjacent lines, it serves to enhance the nuances of the spoken speech. Let's take the same Yesenin.

    A question asked twice in adjacent lines also receives two answers. And this similarity of the ends of the lines, manifested in a special rhythm, that is, epiphora in the Russian language, attracts attention and thereby conveys to the reader the meaning of the text.

    The exclamation mark at the end of Tsvetaeva’s lines expresses regret, and with each line it intensifies thanks to the use of epiphora.

    A figure that adds meaning

    If we talk about epiphora as a figure of adding semantic content to a text, then we can distinguish the following varieties:

    1. phonetic;
    2. morphological;
    3. lexical;
    4. syntactic.

    Morphological epiphora is the repetition of identical word-forming elements at the end of each adjacent line. Example "children" to her- child killers to her...fratricides to her"in the prose of Yu. Karyakin.

    The third type is presented, for example, by N.V. Gogol: the word “festoons,” mentioned just above. That is, this type of epiphora involves the repetition of a word.

    An example of the syntactic type of epiphora can be, for example, an excerpt from a poem by M. Tsvetaeva, which we also discussed a little earlier.

    All types of epiphora act as varieties of artistic means of expression. Thus, an epiphora is a figure that decorates any text.

    Great power

    Studying the figures and tropes, which represent a working toolkit, will allow you not only to expand your vocabulary, but also to understand the richness and power of the Russian language. Words are a great power that, in the hands of a skilled person, can describe entire worlds. And the linguistic flair and author's intuition will help create a whole creation capable of conveying all shades of thoughts and consciousness. And not the least place in this belongs to epiphora. But at the same time, we only need figures that will enrich thoughts and not become outright bad taste.

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