Controls and emotions in TES Online. Emotions in TES Online Teso what to do if you get stuck in textures

Version 0.4.8 -- 10/22/2016
Updated to API release 100017 (Patch 2.6.4)
/letterlookup and /bdcake were removed
/bow2 and /colder moved up one position in the list
there is a duplicate emote of /pray at 215
the enumeration list has RNDtest at 125 but it is not usable as slash command
New emote call /crownstore. Your character kneels in front a treasure chest as it opens.

Version 0.4.7 -- 07/08/2016
Updated to new API release 100016 (Patch 2.5.5)

Version 0.4.6 -- 05/08/2016
Updated to new API release 100015 (Patch 2.4.5)

Version 0.4.51 -- 03/20/2016
French localization had the German list:(

Version 0.4.5 -- 03/08/2016
Updated to new API release 100014 (Patch 2.3.5)
Three new emotes
bdcake (Animation is provisioning at the moment)

Version 0.4.4 -- 11/13/2015
Updated to new API release 100013 (Patch 2.2.5)
Two new emotes (animation broken on some models)

Version 0.4.3 -- 08/31/2015
Updated to new API release 100012 (Patch 2.1.4)
Four new emotes: pie, soupbowl, smallbread, and meal
All languages ​​have the same number of emotes again

Version 0.4.2 -- 03/31/2015
Added a key bind to play a random emote

Version 0.4.1 -- 03/09/2015
French and German clients have one more emote than English version (/prov)

Version 0.4.0 -- 03/01/2015
Updated to new API release 100011 (Patch 1.6.x)
Added key bind options for 10 favorites buttons
Added Category filters on the full emote window

Version 0.3.9 -- 04/12/2014
Fix for transparency control mouse enter error

Version 0.3.8 -- 11/11/2014
Updated to new API release 100010 (Patch 1.5.3)

Version 0.3.7 -- 09/17/2014
Updated to new API release 100009 (Patch 1.4.4)

Reposted for Minion downloading. I created the zip without the parent folder ESOTheater.

Version 0.3.6 -- 06/04/2014
Updated to new API release (Patch 1.3.3)
support for the 28 new emotes

Version 0.3.5 -- 06/24/2014
Updated to new API release (Patch 1.2.3)

Version 0.3.4 -- 05/27/2014
Adjustments of add-on to lower the Global profile.
Updated to new API for Craglorn release (Patch 1.1.2)
Emotes match between languages ​​again.
/Torch and /kick are back in the English client!
New emotes are /spit and /idle (an animation to animate doing nothing*)

Version 0.3.3 -- 04/23/2014
Refactor of localization only load one language instead all on launch
Code separation of the full emote list panel
Full emote list window size reduced
Full emote list window can be key bind
Full emote list window takes up the least HUD space when using a key bind.
Small button bar appears when favorites window is collapsed

Version 0.3.2 -- 04/13/2014
More command line options for when you don"t want the GUI visible:
/et #### Plays the games emote id
/et -f## Plays the emote based on the favorite"s button number e.g. /et -f9 plays the emote you assigned to button 9.
/et Plays the emote based on the name. This is useful when playing in French, German, and/or you customized the ESOTheater emote names
/et cњur brisе While playing in French does the emote heartbroken
/et Hände reiben While playing in German does the emote rubhands
The transparency level of the main widow is user configurable in ESOTheaterSettings.lua
Fixed code error uncovered when Skyshard 0.5.2 was also running

Version 0.3.1 -- 04/12/2014
The favorite windows now can collapse to just the header bar to be even less obtrusive without closing it.
Key binding option for toggling main window added
Translation adjustments for German localization.
French language localization!

Version 0.3.0 -- 04/06/2014
UI clean-up to make it a little smaller. The close button is not on the bottom right any more. It"s the X on the top right now.
The configuration/playground window only displays the button name you are changing if in verbose mode.
The duplicate Kiss and Eatbread are removed from configuration window list.
No longer loading the EmoteTable to SavedVariables. Reading from localizations files.
Support having Add-on to save either account wide or by character. ********** MANUAL ********** Edit the variable "EmotesAccountWide" in ESOTheaterSettings.lua from 1 to 0 from character level saves.
First stab at localization for German players and to resolve that they have two more emotes than English players. Big thanks to Valerius for the translations.
174 emotes ZeniMax takes one down. A 173 emotes... :(/torch was removed by ZeniMax in English language version.

Version 0.2.2 -- 03/30/2014
--- HACK! ---
The Early Release version the emote ids start index shifted by one. This occurs in version
As it stands /torch is not available. It was one but zero. The API for playing emote ignores zero. I placed a math hack for now in the hopes they fix it.

Version 0.2.1 -- 03/26/2014
Works with the games Release Candidate
Fixed reload issues that were introduced when I switched to virtual XML control definitions

Basic slash commands:

/bug - This command opens a window for submitting a bug report.
/chat - This command is used to open the "Ask for Help" window.
/chatlog - The command allows you to disable or, on the contrary, enable chat.
/emote or /e or /me - Shows a list of all commands for the /emote command.
/feedback - The command is used to open the "Feedback" window
/fps - The command enables display of the current frame rate.
/help - The command is used to open the “Help Portal” in the game.
/invite - The command is used to invite another player to your group. After the command you need to put a space, write the @ symbol and after this symbol indicate the player’s nickname.
/jumptofriend - The command is used to jump to the nearest place where your friend died.
/jumptogroupmember - The command is used to jump to the nearest place where your group member died.
/jumptoguildmember - The command is used to jump to the nearest place of death of your guild member.
/jumptoleader - The command is used to jump to the nearest place where your group leader died.
/logout - The command allows you to log out of the mega-server. (Returns the player to the login page)
/quit Command closes the game
/reloadui - The command reloads the user interface.
/stuck - The command kills you; useful if you get stuck on textures.

/played- The command shows the time you spent in the game

Chat commands:

/guild1 or /g1 - Shows a list of all commands that are used to activate /guild1. (The first guild in the user's list. The guild name will be automatically filled in after entering the command)
/guild2 or /g2 - Shows a list of all commands that are used to activate /guild2. (The second guild in the user's list. The guild name will be automatically filled in after entering the command)
/guild3 or /g3 - Shows a list of all commands that are used to activate /guild3. (The third guild in the user's list. The guild name will be automatically filled in after entering the command)
/guild4 or /g4 - Shows a list of all commands that are used to activate /guild4. (The fourth guild in the user's list. The guild name will be automatically filled in after entering the command)
/guild5 or /g5 - Shows a list of all commands that are used to activate /guild5. (The fifth guild in the user's list. The guild name will be automatically filled in after entering the command)
/officer1 or /o1 - Shows a list of all commands that are used to activate /officer1. (Chat between officers for the first guild in the list)
/officer2 or /o2 - Shows a list of all commands that are used to activate /officer2. (Chat between officers for the second guild in the list)
/officer3 or /o3 - Shows a list of all commands that are used to activate /officer3. (Chat between officers for the third guild in the list)
/officer4 or /o4 - Shows a list of all commands that are used to activate /officer4. (Chat between officers for the fourth guild in the list)
/officer5 or /o5 - Shows a list of all commands that are used to activate /officer5. (Chat between officers for the fifth guild on the list)
/party or /p - The command allows you to create a chat between party (group) members. The following text will be sent to all party/group members. The text must be entered after the command, a space is required.
/reply or /respond or /r - Shows a list of all commands that are used to activate the /tell command, used to respond to the last player who said something.
/say or /s - Shows a list of all commands that are used to activate the /say command. (Allows the user to return to local chat)
/tell or /t or /w or /whisper - Shows a list of all commands that are used to activate the /tell command. (The account name must be preceded by an @ symbol)
/yell or /y - The command is used to create the current Yell chat channel (Approx. shout; apparently this means voice chat).
/zone or /z - Shows a list of all commands that are used to activate /zone

To open the chat window, press Enter. You can now use various commands (starting with a slash) to communicate with other players or simply show your emotions.

To place an interactive chat insert for a specific item, press Enter to open the chat window, then right-click on the item in your inventory and select Link in Chat.

Communication commands

Team Description
/say or /s <текст> Sends a message to players closest to you.
/group or /g <текст> Sends a message to players in your group.
/zone or /z <текст> Sends a message to all players in the zone you are in.
/yell or /y <текст> Sends a message to all players near you. This command has a wider range of action than /say, but less wide than /zone.
/tell or /t or /w or /whisper <имя игрока> <текст> Sends a private message to the specified player. You can use either the character's name or the player's UserID. In the second case, use the @ symbol in front of the nickname.
/reply or /respond or /r <текст> Sends a private message to the last player who wrote to you before.
/guild1 or /g1 <текст> Sends a message to all players in your first guild. If you are a member of several guilds, you can change the team numbers from 2 to 5 to write in the chat of the corresponding guild (for example, /guild2 or /g2).
/officer1 or /o1 <текст> Sends a message to the officer chat of your first guild. If you are a member of several guilds, you can change the team numbers from 2 to 5 to write to the officer chat of the corresponding guild (for example, /officer12 or /o2).

Technical teams

Team Description
/bug Opens a window in which you can report bugs found in the game.
/chat Opens a window where you can contact support agents.
/chatlog Enables or disables chat logging.
/feedback Opens a window in which you can leave a review about the game.
/fps Enables or disables display of frame rate on the screen.
/help Opens the in-game help window.
/invite <ник игрока> Invites the specified player to your party.
/jumptofriend <ник друга> Allows you to teleport to the closest Roadside Shrine or Cemetery to the specified friend.
/jumptogroupmember <ник члена группы> Allows you to teleport to the closest Roadside Shrine or Cemetery to the specified party member.
/jumptoguildmember <ник члена гильдии> Allows you to teleport to the closest roadside shrine or graveyard to the specified member of your guild.
/jumptoleader Allows you to teleport to the roadside shrine or graveyard closest to your party leader.
/logout Allows you to access the character selection and creation menu.
/quit Allows you to exit the game.
/reloadui Reloads the game interface and all used add-ons.
/stuck Indicates that your character is stuck in game models and you need help on the server side.

Emotion commands

By entering an emotion command into the chat line, you will see a character animation on the screen corresponding to the entered command. So, in response to the command /sitchair, the character will take a large wooden chair out of his pocket and sit on it.

/angry /annoyed /applaud /apple /approve /armscrossed /beckon /beg /beggar /bestowblessing /bless /blessing /blowkiss /boo /bored /bow /breathless /brushoff /bucketsplash /celebrate /cheer /clap /cold /come /comehere /confused /congrats /congratulate /controlrod /cower /crouch /cry /crying /cuckoo /curtsey /dance /dancedrunk /disapprove /disgust /dishonor /dismiss /doom /downcast /drink /drink2 /drum /drunk /dustoff /eat /eatbread /exasperated /facepalm /faint /fistpump /flirt /flute /followme /give /goaway /grats /greet /hail /hammer /hammerlow /hammerwall /handsonhips /handtoheart /headache /headscratch /heartbroken /hello /honor /horn /huh /humble /impatient /jumpingjacks /kiss /kneel /kneelpray /knock /knockeddown /knuckles /kowtow /laugh /leanback /leanside /leaveme /lol /lute /no /nod /overhere /payme /phew /playdead /plead /point /pointb /pointd /pointl /pointr /pointu /poke /potion /pour /pray /preen /push /pushup /pushups /rally /read /ritual /rubhands /rude /salute /salute2 /salute3 /saluteloop /saluteloop2 /saluteloop3 /scared /scratch /search /self /shakefist /shh /shieldeyes /shout /shovel /shrug /sick /sigh /sit /sit2 /sit3 /sit4 /sit5 /sit6 /sitchair /situps /sleep /sleep2 /smash /stagger /stop /stretch /surprised /surrender /take /tap /taunt /thank /thanks /thankyou /threaten /thumbsdown /thumbsup /tilt /torch /touch /twiddle /wagfinger /wand /wand2 /wave /welcome /whisper /whistle /write /yawn /yes /you

Sometimes you walk around Tamriel and see a group of strange people doing something... Eating, drinking, dancing, fighting... And you would like to answer them or join them, but you don’t know how? Especially for you - a complete list of all actions available to your characters in TESO, with approximate descriptions. Just type any of these actions into the chat and... you'll look as fun as we do!

PS The naked Nord in the picture is just like that. He was just passing by, saw us, and...


/hello - waves a hand
/greet - waves his hand clearly
/hail - also waves a hand, but unnoticeably
/handtoheart - hand to heart
/kiss, /flirt - air kiss
/salute, /saluteloop
/salute2, /saluteloop2
/salute3, /saluteloop3
/rally, /overhere - waves both hands above his head, like I’m here
/wave - waves his hand above his head
/welcome - opens arms to hug

Dances of the Peoples of Tamriel

/dance - the character dances the dance of his race. If you want others, here they are:
/dancedrunk - just a drunken dance
/dancebreton - Breton
/dancealtmer, /dancehighelf - Altmer
/danceargonian - Argonian
/dancebosmer, /dancewoodelf - Bosmer
/dancedunmer, /dancedarkelf - Dunmer
/danceimperial - imperial
/dancekhajiit - Khajiit
/dancenord - Nordic
/danceorc - orc
/danceredguard - Redguard

Musical instruments

/flute - plays the flute (the flute is included, it is not necessary to have it in your inventory)
/drum - beats the drum
/lute - plays the lute

Manipulations with various objects

/bucketsplash - takes a bucket and pours water (the bucket, like all other objects, appears out of nowhere.)
/controlrod - moves a scepter
/hammer - hits the table with a hammer (there is a hammer, but there is no table)
/hammerlow - the same, but squatting down and knocking on the ground
/hammerwall - the same, but as if along the wall
/horn - takes out a horn and blows it
/juggleflame - plays with fire
/ leanback - leans your back on the wall (do it against the wall)
/leanside - rests sideways on the wall (do it against the wall)
/ leanbackcoin - leans your back against the wall and flips a coin (do it against the wall)
/rake - takes out a rake and begins to level a piece of land
/read - reads

/sitchair - sits on a chair
/shovel - digs with a shovel
/sweep - sweeps with a broom
/torch - a burning torch appears in your hand
/wand - waves a magic wand
/write - writes something on a scroll with a pen


/poke - points a finger at someone
/point - points forward
/pointb - points back
/pointd - points down
/pointl - points to the left
/pointr - points to the right
/pointu - points up

Food and drink

/drink - takes out a mug and starts drinking
/drink3 - drinks from a bottle
/potion - drinks politely from a glass
/pour - pours from a bottle
/drunk - looks drunk and even hiccups silently
/eat - takes out a ham and starts eating
/eatbread - takes out a loaf and starts eating

/eat3 - eats an apple
/eat4 - eats from a plate with a spoon

Physical training

/jumpingjacks - does exercises
/kick - mawashi-giri (fights with a leg)
/pushup, /pushups - does push-ups
/situps - pumps up the press
/stomp - tramples the enemy


/angry - anger
/annoyed - irritation
/applaud /clap - applause
/approve - consent
/armscrossed - arms crossed on the chest
/attention - stands at attention
/beckon - "here!"
/beg - extends his hands, begs
/beggar - the same thing, but also on your knees
/bestowblessing /bless /blessing - blesses, will come in handy when you become Emperor.
/blowkiss /kiss /flirt - air kiss
/boo - scarecrow
/bored looking bored, yawning
/bow - bow

/bow2 - Breton courtly bow
/breathless - shows extreme fatigue, out of breath, as if from a long run
/brushoff - brushes a speck of dust off your shoulder
/camp - exit from this character (logout)
/celebrate /cheer - joyful shouts and applause
/clap - applause
/cold - shows that he is cold
/come - calls to go in a specific direction
/comehere - calls to you
/confused - looks puzzled, scratches his head
/congrats - joyful emotions with applause and “yoohoo”
/congratulate - almost the same, but silently
/cower - covers his head with his hands, as if from a blow
/crouch - sits down on one knee
/crossarms - arms (paws) crossed on the chest
/cry - cries
/cuckoo - twirls a finger at his temple
/curtsey - expresses respect
/disapprove - refuses to do anything
/disgust - refuses, but with disgust
/dismiss - makes a hand gesture like “free”
/doom - runs a finger across the throat
/downcast - bows his head
/dustoff - shakes off a speck of dust from clothes
/exasperated - emotional (goes well with facepalm)
/facepalm - hand
/faint - faints
/fistpump - show fist
/flirt - air kiss
/followme - follow me!
/goaway - leave here
/grats - congratulations, with hellish screams
/give - gives something
/handsonhips - hands on hips
/headache - a very expressive gesture, with hands placed on the head, accompanied by hellish screams
/headscratch - scratches his head
/heartbroken - crying bitterly
/huh - shrugs
/humble - kneels and bows his head submissively
/impatient - fidgets as if he can’t find a place for himself
/idle /idle2 /idle3 /idle4 /idle5 - stands still, in different variations
/kiss - blows a kiss
/kneel - gets down on one knee
/kneelpray - prays on knees (both)
/knock - knocks
/knockeddown - horribly, sharply falls face down
/knuckles - kneads knuckles
/kowtow - makes bows reminiscent of Muslim ones
/laugh - laughs
/lol - laughs even harder and wipes away tears
/lookup - looks up
/leaveme - leave
/no - no
/nod - nods
/payme - give money
/phew - wipes sweat from forehead
/playdead - falls dead
/plead - begs
/pray - prays
/preen - examines nails
/push - pushes
/ritual - makes passes with hands
/rubhands - rubs hands
/rude, /taunt - makes some threatening gestures
/sad - takes a sad pose
/self - points a finger at yourself
/scared - gasps in fear
/scratch - scratches head
/search - puts a hand to the eyes with a visor
/shakefist - shakes his fist
/shh - puts a finger to his lips - shh
/shieldayes - covers eyes with hand
/shout - shouts
/shrug - shrugs
/sick - holding his stomach
/sigh - sighs sadly
/sit /sit2 /sit3 /sit4 /sit5 /sit6 - sits on the ground and sits in different poses
/sleep - sleeps on the side
/sleep2 - sleeps on his back
/spit - takes a step forward and spits
/stagger - screams in fear, like “who’s there?”
/stop - puts out a “enough” palm in front of you
/stretch - stretches
/surprised - looks around in surprise
/surrender - raises both hands up
/take - takes something
/tap /twiddle - stamps his foot impatiently
/thank /thanks /thankyou - thanks
/threaten - clearly threatens: you are finished
/thumbsdown - thumbs down
/thumbsup - thumbs up
/tilt - tilts head to one side
/touch - rests against a wall
/wagfinger - shakes a finger
/whisper - whispers, covering his mouth with his hand
/yawn - yawns
/yes - nods head
/you - points a finger at the interlocutor

You may be surprised to see how much you can control with your keyboard in the Elder Scrolls Online, and how you can speed up your gameplay with key bindings. The following control keys provide shortcuts to many of the most frequently used commands:


W, A, S, D – Move character
Mouse – Look around
Shift (hold) – Sprint (depletes stamina)
Spacebar – Jump
Ctrl – Enter stealth mode (moving in stealth mode depletes stamina)
Num Lock – Activate autorun


UI menus often contain several sub-menus. When you open a menu, you’ll see a row of icons across the top of the screen. Accessible sub-menus are displayed directly beneath these icons in text and can be navigated to by clicking the menu name.

I – Inventory
C – Character screen
J – Quest journal
L – Alliance War
N – Notifications
O – Social menu
T – Cycle through Quest
Alt – Open last-used UI menu
Esc – Settings and options
F1 – Help


Left Mouse Button – Attack with equipped weapon. Tap to execute a light attack, hold down for a heavy attack
Right Mouse Button – Block
Right Mouse Button + Left Mouse Button – Perform a bash, interrupting some enemy attacks
1 through 5 – Use slotted active abilities
R – Use slotted ultimate ability
W, A, S, D (double-tap) – Dodge
Tab – Cycle preferred enemy target
Q (hold) – Open quickslot radial menu
Q (press) – Use selected slotted quickslot item
Hold Right Mouse Button + Click Left Mouse Button – Break crowd control effects
‘ – Swap weapons (level 15+)
F12 – Self Targeting


Left Mouse Button – Fire Siege Weapon
Alt – Exit Siege Weapon
X – Stow Siege Weapon


E – Interact (use, talk, gather)
F – Interact with another player
. – Activate cursor
T – Cycle active quest objective
V – Toggle first- and third-person camera mode
Mouse Wheel – Zoom camera in or out. Zooming all the way in activates first-person mode
Z – Sheathe/unsheathe weapon
H – Toggle Mount
Alt + Enter – Toggle Fullscreen Mode
Prt Scr (Sys Req) – Take Screenshot
Enter – Start Chat

General Slash Commands

/bug – The slash command used to open the bug reporting UI within the in-game Help Portal UI.
/chat – The slash command used to open the “Ask for Help” window within the in-game Help Portal UI.
/chatlog – The slash command to toggle chat logging on or off.
/emote or /e or /me – A list of all the slash commands that activate the /emote slash command.
/feedback – The slash command used to open the “Feedback” window within the in-game Help Portal UI.
/fps – The slash command to toggle the display of current framerate.
/help – The slash command used to open the in-game Help Portal UI (defaults to the Knowledgebase window).
/invite – The slash command to invite another player to your group. Followed by a space, and then the group-invite-target’s name. (Account name can be used with an @ symbol before the full name.)
/jumptofriend – The slash command to jump to the wayshrine/graveyard closest to a named friend.
/jumptogroupmember – The slash command to jump to the wayshrine/graveyard closest to a named group member.
/jumptoguildmember – The slash command to jump to the wayshrine/graveyard closest to a named guild member.
/jumptoleader – The slash command to jump to the wayshrine/graveyard closest to the group leader.
/logout – A slash command to log off of the current server. (Returns player to login screen)
/quit The slash command to exit the game. (Closes game window entirely).
/reloadui – The slash command to reload the ui so that it loads from source xml and lua files.
/stuck – The slash command to claim that you are stuck in geometry/character is out of the world and need server assistance.
To leave or modify a group: Navigate to the group menu in the Social window (O) and right-click the player name you want to change or remove.

Chat Commands

/guild1 or /g1 – A list of all the slash commands that activate the /guild1 slash command. (First guild in the user’s guild list. Name of guild will auto-populate when this is typed)
/guild2 or /g2 – A list of all the slash commands that activate the /guild2 slash command. (Second guild in the user’s guild list. Name of guild will auto-populate when this is typed)
/guild3 or /g3 – A list of all the slash commands that activate the /guild3 slash command. (Third guild in the user’s guild list. Name of guild will auto-populate when this is typed)
/guild4 or /g4 – A list of all the slash commands that activate the /guild4 slash command. (Fourth guild in the user’s guild list. Name of guild will auto-populate when this is typed)
/guild5 or /g5 – A list of all the slash commands that activate the /guild5 slash command. (Fifth guild in the user’s guild list. Name of guild will auto-populate when this is typed)
/officer1 or /o1 – A list of all the slash commands that activate the /officer1 slash command. (Officer chat for first guild in the user’s guild list.)
/officer2 or /o2 – A list of all the slash commands that activate the /officer2 slash command. (Officer chat for second guild in the user’s guild list.)
/officer3 or /o3 – A list of all the slash commands that activate the /officer3 slash command. (Officer chat for third guild in the user’s guild list.)
/officer4 or /o4 – A list of all the slash commands that activate the /officer4 slash command. (Officer chat for fourth guild in the user’s guild list.)
/officer5 or /o5 – A list of all the slash commands that activate the /officer5 slash command. (Officer chat for fifth guild in the user’s guild list.)
/party or /p – The slash command to set the current chat channel to Party (Group). The following text will be sent to all members of the local-player’s party/group. Followed by a space, and then the text to send.
/reply or /respond or /r – A list of all the slash commands that activate the /tell slash command, using the last player who whispered you as the target.
/say or /s – A list of all the slash commands that activate the /say slash command. (Allows user to switch back to local chat)
/tell or /t or /w or /whisper – A list of all the slash commands that activate the /tell slash command. (Account name can be used with an @ symbol before the full name)
/yell or /y – The slash command to set the current chat channel to Yell. The following text will be sent to all players in your local vicinity, wider ranging than /say but not zone wide. Followed by a space, and then the text to send.
/zone or /z – A list of all the slash commands that activate the /zone slash command. (Zone-wide chat. User’s version of the zone only.)
/zen, /zde , /zfr – English / German / French language zone

, by

24 thoughts on “ ESO List of Controls and Keyboard Commands

  1. Alicia

    Do these commands apply to Mac as well?

    1. keto3000

      I am new and also use a mac, so I don’t have NUMLOCK and it’s a bit different but most of these seem to work!

      1. Brandone

        Get a real computer.

        1. MacMan

          Fuuny that Macs are so much more advanced than any other computer in existence. If a beautifully optimized, fast, and advanced computer isn’t “real,” then I never want a real computer!

          1. JavaClaws

            I have a brother?!

          2. C

            HAH how is a prebuilt over priced pc better than anything custom built? Custom built means i know what i have i know i can fix it i know its compattible with everything i know what im paying for and the actual value of it and i know what is actually in it. Plus i can pick and choose what i want to pay for based on knowing what i am going to use the pc for. try getting a mac that can run this game at ultra settings and maxed view distance for $300 bucks. thats what my PC cost to build.

          3. Astaria

            Lol the old apple vs PC. Macman is seduced by the darkside of marketing. But its ok, some of us must play the lemmings.

            I am a Recording Engineer, and have NEVER used a Mac. Producers and Execs are always amazed at how I can do things so much better (and usually faster) than my counterparts. Basically I am not stuck in the core of an Apple (like a box).

            The one thing that keeps apple around is people that are afraid to learn more than pushing the same button to get the same results…. hmmm isn't that similar to the definition of insanity thing?

          4. Astaria

            Oh forgot to mention Macman, Advanced? nah…. virtually all apple tech is at least a year or two behind others. Thats because they scour CES and such (I know I lived in Vegas 15 years) and run home to copy the innovation awardees.

            Again the magic mirrors of marketing :)

          5. TITAN

            If your Mac is so advanced, how come there isn’t a Mac in existence that can run ESO on ultra? I happen to be able to do so because I can get a non-propietary GPU.

            Well FOUR of them. GTX Titans

        2. Richard Evans
      2. J.P.

        For Mac users, the controls listed are for a full keyboard layout. If you have a MBP or an abbreviated keyboard with ‘Fn’-key you need to goto ‘System Preference’ and turn on ‘User all F1, F2, etc..’ options in the Keyboard Setting.

    2. Watermaker
  2. mmmmmmMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

    Hello. How to make invisible armor, but is leaving characteristics armor active?

    1. Serge Post author

      I don’t think that’s even an option.

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