Exercises for children's language 2 3. Articulation gymnastics for children from one to three years old

Everyone understands the importance of developing a child’s speech and the level of his culture, which determines not only the future fate of a person, but also the future of the great Russian language.

A child’s speech is used to judge development, which is directly related to his thinking. For a preschooler, the ability to speak well means:

  • easy to navigate the world around you;
  • think, express thoughts and defend personal opinions;
  • find contacts with children and adults.
Important to remember! To speak clearly and correctly, a child must clearly hear spoken speech.

In order to pronounce sounds that are difficult for a child, his organs of articulation must be strong and flexible, able to make subtle movements and transitions.

Articulation gymnastics teaches this.

Articulation gymnastics must be carried out in the form of an interesting game.

This will captivate the child, and the process of speech development will occur faster and more successfully.

First of all, you should tell and show the child, in front of the mirror, about the organs of articulation, naming them: lips, tongue, teeth and cheeks.

Draw his attention to the upper and lower lips, two rows of teeth and a movable tongue.

The main task: to interest the child

Important to remember! Systematic classes consolidate acquired skills.

The lesson is carried out in front of a mirror so that the child visually perceives the movement of the mouth and tongue when pronouncing the sounds of an adult.

Show the letter and say the sound.

Together with your child, sing the sound first quietly, then loudly, abruptly and protractedly.

Repeat the game several times. While showing the letters, ask the child to sing on his own.

A – open your mouth wide.

O – make round lips.

U – make the lips a “tube”.

And – smile.

E – open your mouth slightly, stick out your tongue.

Breathing games

Development of skills: breathing training, pronouncing sounds, hand-eye coordination.

For normal pronunciation of sounds and good development of the tongue, correct breathing is necessary, which contributes to a better sounding voice.

Smooth inhalation and exhalation are important conditions for a soft and leisurely sound of the voice, for the transition from calm speech to a ringing tone and back.

Improper breathing can cause quiet pronunciation and impaired speech fluency.

"Ball in the Goal"

Make a ball out of cotton wool. Set up a gate made of cubes and, stretching out your lips like a tube, blow forcefully on the ball, pronouncing the sound “u”, and score a goal.


Make a paper boat. Pour water into a basin.

To make the boat move smoothly, blow on it calmly, pronouncing the sound “f”.

To imitate gusts of wind, purse your lips making the sound “p”.

At the same time, without puffing out your cheeks.


Take a straw and a glass of water.

Blow into a straw that is in a glass of water, creating a cascade of bubbles.

At the same time, do not puff out your cheeks.

Articulation exercises can be done at any time, for example, while washing or walking.

Games for language

Development of skills: pronouncing sounds, enriching vocabulary, sense of rhythm.


Stretch your lips in a smile, pronouncing the sound “i”


Extend your lips, pronouncing the sound “u”.


We stretch our lips one by one in a smile, then stretch them into a tube, pronouncing the sound “i” in sequence, then “u”.


We stretch our lips into a smile, closing our teeth.


Stick out the tip of your tongue. Pull first to the left, then to the right - tick-tock, imitating the movement of a watch.


Stick out the tip of your tongue and pull it down towards your chin, then up towards your nose.

"Brushing our teeth"

Run the tip of your tongue, like a toothbrush, along the top row of teeth, first outside, then inside. Also on the bottom row.


Click your tongue, opening your mouth wide.

E.N. Lunkina Raising a 2-3 year old baby - M.: Sphere shopping center, 2009 - 96 p.

The development of speech in a child occurs in several directions: practicing articulation, expanding the active vocabulary, developing coherent speech - all this forms speech thinking.


Articulation exercises help the child consolidate sounds. Show him how to do the exercise correctly. Remember that they should be done in front of a mirror. Gradually increase the number of repetitions and time spent doing the exercises.

Open your mouth slightly, lick your upper lip, first from right to left, and then vice versa. It is important that the lower lip does not help the tongue and does not “suspend” it.

With your mouth wide open and smiling, place the tip of your tongue behind your lower teeth (on the inside), and then lift it behind your upper teeth (on the inside).

Slap your relaxed lips like a fish.

Open your mouth and click the tip of your tongue (“the horse clatters its hooves”).

Stick out your wide tongue and place it on your lower lip. Perform the exercise 5 times, sticking out your tongue for 5-10 seconds.

Open your mouth and stick out your sharp tongue as far as possible. Perform the exercise 5 times, sticking out your tongue for 5-10 seconds.

Open your mouth wide, stick out your wide tongue. Lift it up without touching your teeth. Perform the exercise 5 times, sticking out your tongue for 5-10 seconds.

Open your mouth slightly and smile. Run the tip of your tongue over your lips clockwise and counterclockwise. Perform the exercise 5 times.

Opening your mouth, use the tip of your tongue to move left and right, touching the corners of your lips.

Let the child imagine that he has a chewing candy in his mouth, which suddenly stuck to his upper teeth. Invite your baby to separate it with his tongue (make movements with his tongue along the inside of the teeth). Do the same with the lower teeth.
It is important in this game to pay the child’s attention to the movements of the tongue.

"Clean teeth"
Smile, show teeth. Run the tip of your tongue along the inside of your upper teeth, then do the same with your lower teeth. The tongue should slide along the inside of the teeth from left to right. Perform the exercise 5 times.


Invite your child to pick up an imaginary dandelion. On the count from 1 to 5, inhale through your nose without raising your shoulders, and then blow on the dandelion so that it scatters.

Ask your child to go to the wall and imagine that there is a door in front of him, and next to him is an electric bell button. Let the baby inhale through his nose and, holding his breath for a second, press the “bell” with his finger, while simultaneously saying “ry-ry-ry.” Then invite the child to do the same with each finger of his left and right hand in turn.

Hold a lit candle in front of your child. Let the baby take a deep breath through his nose and sharply blow out the candle. Repeat the game several times.

Invite your child to become a sorcerer for a while. Say in one breath, for example, the following “spell”: “Mimm-mumm-mamm-momm-mumm-mymm!” Watch your child's articulation.

Take your baby's hands, thus forming a circle. Without separating your hands, inhale through your nose and take 2 small steps back. This is how the balloon inflates. Now you must “let the air out of him” while simultaneously saying “ssss...” and taking 1 step forward. This is how the ball gets smaller. Let a little more air out of the ball while saying “ssss...” and taking another step forward. The ball becomes even smaller. Repeat the game several times.

"Little Frog"
Let the child spread his legs slightly wider than his shoulders, turn his toes out to the sides as much as possible and, bending his knees and squatting as low as possible, place his palms on the floor. Ask him how a frog croaks (“kva-kva”). Ask your child to show how the frog jumps. Invite him to jump and croak at the same time.


You can start training your baby’s fingers from 6 months, because this stimulates the child’s speech development. At this age, finger games are a small massage of the baby’s hands and fingers. Children 2-3 years old can memorize the accompanying text of the games and repeat it with you.

The steamboat floats along the river,
Rings of smoke are coming out of the chimney.
(Put your palms together, raising your thumbs up - “steamboat”, move your palms in different directions: forward, sideways, back - “plots a course.”)

The cat has it on its paws
Very sharp scratches.
(Clench and unclench the fingers of both hands at once.)

Finger said to fingers,
That I went to the station.
To meet the others
So that there are ten of them.
(Touch the remaining fingers with your thumb one at a time, starting with the little finger. Perform the exercise 2 times, first on the right hand and then on the left.)

There is a tower in the clearing,
(Join your palms into a “house.”)
The door is locked,
(Close your fingers into a “lock.”)
Smoke is coming from the chimney.
(Close your fingers into rings.)
There is a fence around the tower,
(Keep your hands in front of you, fingers spread.)
To prevent a thief from getting in.
(Snap your fingers.)
Knock-knock-knock, Knock-knock-knock,
(Tap your palm with your fist.)
Open up, I'm your friend!
(Spread your arms to the sides, then clasp the other with one palm.)

First finger in clay ( big knocks with index)
The second one is in plasticine ( large with medium)
The third one is in chocolate ( big with nameless)
Fourth in marmalade ( big with little finger)
Fingers stuck together!!! ( put all your fingers into a pinch)
Unstuck!!! ( open your palm wide)
Cat on the palm

Take the baby's hand and say sentences by moving your index finger along the palm.
Palm-by-palm along the path,
A small cat is walking.
In little paws
I hid the scratches.
If he suddenly wants
He will sharpen his claws.
Tsap-scratch ( tickle your palm)

4 Nursery rhymes

Little owl, owl,
Big head.
She was sitting on a stake,
I looked at the moon,
Her eyes sparkled.
Little eyes clap-clap,
Paws top top.
And - it flew!

The birds sat on the meadow,
And the kittens go to the corner.
We sat down and sat,
They sang songs.
The mother cat came running,
She started calling the children home.
The birds sang a song
They flew off to see the kids.

Our hands were covered in soap,
Mom and I washed the dishes.
We washed the dishes
They helped our mother.

Like our cat
The fur coat is very good.
Like a cat's mustache
Amazingly beautiful.
Bold eyes
The teeth are white.

Let's buy felt boots for my son.
Let's put it on your legs,
Let's go on the path.
Our son will walk
New felt boots to wear.

The horned goat is coming,
A butted goat is coming.
Legs top top,
Eyes clap-clap
“Who doesn’t eat porridge,
Who doesn't drink milk?
I'll gore him
I’ll gore, I’ll gore!”

Taken from


Exercise "Hippopotamus". Open your mouth as wide as possible. We close our mouth.

Exercise “Kiss Mom”. We stretch out our lips with a tube.

Exercise “Show your teeth”. We stretch our lips into a smile.

Exercise “Walk”: Moving the tongue back and forth, left and right.

Exercise “Puff up your cheeks”. We inflate and retract our cheeks one by one - “Cheeks are thick and thin”

Exercise “The tongue walks”

The tongue went for a walk. (Wide, relaxed tongue on the lower lip.)

He hid in the house again. (Tongue behind lower teeth.)

Sound [ A ]

Exercise "Chicks". The baby opens his mouth wide (silently). An adult puts a vitamin on the tip of his tongue. The child says: “Am”

The chicks want to eat

They're waiting for mom, but they don't make any noise,

Mom is carrying grain!

Open your mouth wider!

Sound [AND]

Exercise “Smile”. We smile (without tension), show the upper and lower teeth.

The lips smiled and teeth appeared.

The lips smiled and reached out to the ears.

Sound [ABOUT]

Exercise "Ball". Balls of different sizes are used. We place the ball between the lips, round the lips and push them forward:

Take the ball with your sponges

“Oh-oh-oh” pull softly.

Sound [E]

Exercise "Bear". Used toy bear. An adult and a child stand on all fours. This pose helps move the tongue into the anterior parts of the mouth and relieve tension in the root of the tongue. The position of half-open lips in the form of an oval.

“Uh-uh,” you sing like a bear,

Open your mouth wide.

Sound [U]

Exercise "Elephant". The child, together with the adult, repeats the “Kiss Mommy” exercise and says “U-oo-oo-oo”.

I'll look at the baby elephant

I'll fold my lips together.

Sound [F]

Exercise "Bunny". The lower lip touches the upper teeth, the upper lip is slightly raised. We draw the child’s attention to the fact that in the “fence” between the lip and teeth there remains a narrow gap, in the middle of which there is an air stream. To feel it, tactile control is used - the palm of an adult and the baby is brought to the child’s mouth.

Ears are on the top of the head,

And the teeth are on the sponge:


Sound [IN]

Exercise “Wind”. Performed similarly to the “Bunny” exercise using the voice.

A strong wind blew

Press your hand to your neck,

Sound [P]

Exercise "Fish". The child silently opens his lips, and then closes his lips tightly, tightly, but without tension:

The fish opens its mouth

I can't hear what he's singing.

Get some air into your nose,

“P” break through your lips!

Sound [B]

Exercise "Voice" . Performed similarly to the “Fish” exercise using the voice. If the sound is ringing[ P ] it is difficult, it is necessary to connect tactile control by placing the child’s hand on the adult’s larynx so that he feels how the throat (the “house” of the voice) trembles.

B" is easy to pronounce,

Exercise “Lullaby”

Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word,

I bless my doll!

Sound [T]

Exercise “Tongue.”(Tap the tip of the tongue behind the upper teeth.)

Who knocks like that - knock, knock?

Tongue, our faithful friend.

Sound [D]

Exercise “Building a house.” The child easily hits the tip of his tongue behind the upper teeth, as in the “Tongue” exercise, but does it with his voice. To feel the voice work, we use tactile control - we put the back of our hand to our throat.

We want to build a house.

We'll give the tongues a job.

We'll take the hammers

Let's hammer the carnations together.

"D" is easy to pronounce

Sound [M]

Exercise "Cow". Make a sound[ M ], using tactile control. The adult says: “M-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm-mm,” while the back of the child’s hand is brought to the adult’s lips - the child should feel the trembling of his lips, then check the same in himself.

“Moo-moo-moo,” the cow moos.

I’ll gore Tanya and Vova.”

Sound [X]

Exercise "Warm breeze"We exhale warm air on our palms, while pronouncing the sound [X]. ANDcWe use tactile control - the child should feel the warm exhaled stream with the back of his hand, first from the adult, then from himself.

Exhale warm air

Warm your hands!

Sound [WITH]

Exercise "The tongue is resting."Smiling, the child opens his mouth slightly and places the wide tip of his tongue on the lower lip, the lateral edges of the tongue should touch the corners of the mouth.

Our tongue is tanning.

Lying down, resting calmly

And quietly hums: “E-and-and”.

Exercise "Pump". We draw the child’s attention to the fact that the whistle of air coming out of the “pump” resembles the sound [C]. The baby should feel a cold stream of air using the back of his hand.

Taken from

Speech is a complex process in which various organs are involved. Articulatory gymnastics for children helps to train the muscles of these organs, as a result of which speech development occurs faster and the child develops correct pronunciation. There are various sets of exercises. Some are aimed at general speech development, others help cope with diction problems.

A speech therapist will help you choose the right set of exercises. After examining the baby and talking with him, he will select an individual lesson program. If there is a significant delay in the development of speaking skills, it is advisable to consult a neurologist, since problems in speech development may be associated with serious diseases.

There are exercises designed to induce active speech, and if the child is healthy, then the mother can work with him on her own. Although a consultation with a speech therapist will still be useful: a special program may be needed. Exercises train certain muscles and help the baby begin to actively talk. They develop mobility and dexterity of the articulatory apparatus:

  • language;
  • bridles.

Gymnastics for children should be made colorful and interesting. If the exercises are presented in the form of a game, the little fidget will practice with pleasure and quickly master the subtleties of the world of sounds. It is good to reinforce verbal descriptions with visual images, preparing colorful pictures with images for each exercise.

What else needs to be taken into account: the child does not see his own language, and therefore it is difficult for him to understand the requirements of adults if something goes wrong. Therefore, it is good if he can perform the exercises in front of a mirror and see the position of his lips and tongue. If he still can’t cope, you need to help him by guiding his tongue with a spatula, the handle of a spoon or another clean, oblong and non-sharp object.

At the beginning of classes, you need to invite the child to perform several exercises, and add the rest gradually, no more than one new exercise per lesson. If there are problems in performing old ones, then new exercises should not be introduced. It is better to let the child get comfortable and feel that he is doing well.

Complex for children 1-4 years old

It’s hard for kids to concentrate on something for a long time, and they get tired quickly. Therefore, gymnastics should last no more than 10 minutes a day, and it should start with two or three, gradually increasing the time.
Dynamic exercises for children under 4 years old:

  • "Snake";
  • “Kneaded the dough”;
  • “Brushing our teeth”;
  • "Watch";
  • "Swing";
  • "Fed hamster";
  • "Balloons".

Static exercises:

  • "Hippopotamus";
  • "Smile";
  • "Proboscis";
  • "Pancake";
  • "Hungry Hamster"

Alternate static and dynamic exercises, then the child will not be bored. Accompany your explanations with elements of fairy tales or stories about animals. For example, during the “Proboscis” exercise, you can tell that the child is pretending to be a little elephant learning to stretch out its trunk.

A set of exercises for children 4-7 years old

Children at this age are already more prepared for classes, so their duration increases. Articulation gymnastics for children can last 15-20 minutes. This will be enough for the development of the corresponding muscles, and the child will not have time to get tired during this time. The exercises can be performed in any order, but it is better to start with lip exercises. One exercise should last about 5-10 seconds or be repeated 5-7 times. All elements from the complex described below are suitable for this age group.

It is not clear to the child how long he should do the exercise, so the adult should count out loud to 5 or 7 while doing it.

A block of exercises for developing lip muscles.

  • "Smile". The child should be asked to smile without showing his teeth. This muscle position is maintained for up to 5 seconds.
  • "Proboscis". The lips need to be folded into a tube and pulled forward as much as possible.
  • "Hippopotamus". The child should be asked to open his mouth wide and sit in this position for 5 seconds.
  • "Fence". We explain that you need to smile so that the upper and lower teeth are as open as possible. This facial expression also lasts for about 5 seconds.
  • Alternating exercises “Smile” and “Fence”. Performed 5 times.

Block for developing tongue muscles.

  • “Pancake” (spatula). The relaxed tongue should be placed on the lower lip (without sticking out). Lasts 5 seconds.
  • "Angry Pussy". The tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth, the lateral ones rest on the molars, and the middle part imitates a slide. The child should lightly bite the “slide” with his teeth. The exercise is performed with your mouth open.
  • "Swing" . The mouth opens and the tongue alternately rises up and down.
  • "Snake". The tongue sticks out as far as possible, while the child should try to make it as narrow as possible. After this, the tongue is hidden. The action is repeated up to 7 times.
  • “Brushing our teeth.” The tip of the tongue needs to be brushed across the upper and then lower teeth from the left to the right edge. Perform 2 times from above and below.
  • "Sail". The end of the tongue rests on the upper teeth and is held in this position for 7-10 seconds.
  • "Painter". We run our tongue across the palate in the direction from front to back (from teeth to throat). You can tell your child that the tongue is a paint brush that paints the sky.
  • "Turkeys". The tip of the tongue should be moved quickly back and forth along the upper lip.
  • "Watch". The child should open his mouth slightly and alternately touch the left and right corners of his mouth with the tip of his tongue. To make it more interesting, you can explain that this is an imitation of a clock pendulum. You need to make 5-10 movements back and forth.
  • "Cup". With your mouth wide open, you need to keep the tongue up, but not touching the teeth.
  • "Delicious jam". The upper lip is licked with a wide tongue (licking off the jam), after which the tongue is hidden. The exercise must be repeated several times.
  • "Woodpecker". Use the tip of your tongue to quickly and forcefully tap the back of your upper teeth for 5-7 seconds.
  • "Motor". The position is as in the previous exercise - the mouth is open, the tongue knocks behind the upper teeth. At the same time, you need to exhale strongly to make the sound “dyn-dyn-dyn.”
  • "Kneaded the dough". The tongue rests on the lower lip (pancake position), while the mouth opens and closes.

For the sublingual ligament of the tongue.

  • "Horse". The child should click his tongue, voicing the clatter of hooves.
  • "Fungus". The tongue is firmly applied (sucked to the palate) and held in this position for 5 seconds.
  • "Accordion". Holding your tongue in the “mushroom” position, you need to open/close your mouth 5 times.

Exercises for the cheek muscles.

  • "Balloons" . The cheeks are puffed out, then the child should hit them with moderate force to force the air out.
  • "Fed hamster". First, both cheeks are inflated, then the right and left ones alternately.
  • "Hungry Hamster". The cheeks are drawn in and held in this position for 5-7 seconds.

Parents or teachers?

Children with poorly developed speech apparatus will not demonstrate dizzying success. Gymnastics is difficult for them, and it is the parents’ responsibility not to give up, despite failures. At the same time, you should not show your dissatisfaction to the child. It is not in vain that speech therapists study the basics of pedagogy. Parents will also have to become a little teacher and a little psychologist to work with their child.

Be kind and patient with your child, behave calmly. What an adult perceives as the norm for a little person is a whole new world that takes time to master. Patience will definitely be rewarded and your baby will delight you with correct diction.

Evgenia Drozd
Articulation gymnastics for preschoolers

Articulation gymnastics for preschoolers 3-5 years old.

Articulation gymnastics- a set of exercises that help improve organ mobility articulation and increase the volume and strength of movements, and also develop the accuracy of the posture of the lips and tongue necessary to pronounce a particular sound.

Reasons why you should exercise articulatory gymnastics with children within the framework of educational and educational activities:

1. Thanks to timely classes articulatory gymnastics and exercises to develop speech hearing, some children themselves can learn to speak clearly and correctly, without the help of a specialist.

2. Children with complex sound pronunciation disorders will be able to quickly overcome their speech defects when they begin to study speech therapist: their muscles will already be prepared.

3. Articulation gymnastics It is also very useful for children with correct but sluggish sound pronunciation, about whom they say that they have "porridge in the mouth".

It's better to exercise 2 times a day (in the morning and in the evening) for 5-7 minutes, depending on the age and perseverance of the child.

When working with a 3-4 year old child, you need to ensure that the child learns the basic movements.

Requirements for a 4-5 year old child rise: movements should be increasingly clear and smooth, without twitching.

Articulation gymnastics will prepare the pupils’ speech apparatus for correct pronunciation, and will form an excellent foundation for working with a specialist.

Classes for young children 3-4 years old articulatory gymnastics - serious work, no matter how easy these exercises may seem to you. To prevent the child from being distracted and tired, this work needs to be turned into a fun game, which is why I developed a colorful presentation, with instructions in poems of my own composition and a demonstration video. The kids have a lot of fun doing things with this kind of multimedia support, and the use of the presentation allows them to conduct articulatory gymnastics not only individually, but also in groups.

Complex articulatory gymnastics for whistling sounds [С], [С’], [З], [З’], [Ц].

1. "Fence"-

We will take up the matter boldly -

We will build the fence skillfully.

Let's smile widely

We can easily clench our teeth.

Well, let there be a fence

Strong, motionless,

We will put the upper teeth

Exactly to the lower ones.


2. "Elephant" -

We won't be surprised at all

That we will suddenly turn into elephants.

Let's fold our lips together,

Let's pull it forward.

The elephant's trunk grew

Look here!

And let's not forget about the teeth,

We will keep them compressed.

(Hold this position for 5-7 seconds, repeat 4-5 times).

3. Alternate exercises "Fence" And "Elephant" -

And diligently, without haste

It won't be difficult for us

Turn into alternating

Then into the fence

Then into the elephant!

(The lower jaw should not move, only the lips move, repeat 5-6 times).

4. "Brushing our teeth" -

Let's open our mouth wide,

We'll show everyone our teeth.

And brush our teeth

Let's order the tongue.

The tongue will slide

Left and right in the teeth,

Top and bottom

He will brush our teeth.

(Repeat 5-6 movements in each direction, first on the upper, then on the lower teeth).

5. "Slide" -

Let's open our mouth wide,

Let's show our teeth again!

Tongue, this time,

We will order you to become a hill.

The tip of the tongue will rest against the teeth,

The back of the tongue will bend flexibly.

(Hold in this position for a count of 5, repeat 4-5 times.).

Complex articulatory gymnastics for hissing sounds [Ш], [Х], [Ч], [Ш].

1. "Fence".

2. "Elephant"

3. "Naughty Tongue" -

Tongue now we are with you

We remember quietly with our teeth,

And let's smack our lips.

We will spank when

Let's say together "five-five-five".

And when we knead,

"Cha-cha-cha" repeat.

(Repeat 4-5 times).

4. "Blink" -

And now our tongue

Suddenly it turns into a pancake.

It's on the bottom lip

He will lie down to rest.

We'll slap him with the top one

"Five" rather let's say.

Our pancake will be baked,

The tongue will smile!

(Hold this position for 3-10 seconds, repeat 4-5 times).

5. "Delicious jam" -

Now imagine

Delicious jam

Let's lick it off the upper lip,

What a pleasure!

You need to lick from top to bottom,

Show the lower teeth.

(The lower lip is pulled down, the teeth do not bite the tongue. Repeat 3-5 times)

6. "Turkey" -

And now we are with you

Let's become turkeys.

We will follow the upper lip

Move the tongue quickly.

Back and forth, back and forth

Let's say "bl-bl-bl" at that.

Continue this sound for 5-7 seconds, first taking a deep breath).

7. "Cup" -

Let's open our mouth wide,

We'll show everyone our teeth.

Tongue this time

Let's order you to become a cup.

Raise the edge of the tongue

To the side, in front.

It turned out to be a cup

Well, look!

(Hold this for 5-10 seconds, repeat 4-5 times).

Complex articulatory gymnastics for sounds [L], [L’], [P], [P’].

1. "Fence"

2. "Elephant"

3. "Delicious jam"

4. "Painter" -

Let's open our mouth wide,

We'll show everyone our teeth.

We will "paint the ceiling"

We use our tongue.

Let's have a quick tongue

We drive back and forth.

The tongue became the painter,

Our palate is the ceiling.

(Repeat 5-6 movements in each direction).

5. "Horse"

Let's open our mouth a little,

We'll show everyone our teeth.

Let's click slowly

With our tongue.

Tongue tip first

It will stick to the roof of your mouth,

And then suddenly free

It will fall down easily.

We'll be behind the tongue

Watch carefully

And with our jaws

Let's not move.

"Tsok-tsok-tsok"- the horse went,

Here's a charger for the tongue!

(Try to look at the tongue and not move the lower jaw. Repeat 5-6 times).

6. "Fungus" -

Let's open our mouth a little,

We'll show everyone our teeth.

And now we're tongue-tied

We will order you to become a fungus.

Flat tip of tongue

It will stick to the roof of your mouth,

And it’s on our palate

You'll have to hold it

One two three four five,

"Tsok"- and you can omit it.

(Hold this for 5-10 seconds, repeat 2-3 times).

7. "Harmonic" -

Let's open our mouths again,

We'll show everyone our teeth.

Tongue, now, accordion

We'll order you to stand up quickly.

Wide tongue tip

It will stick to the roof of your mouth,

And we have it on the palate

You'll have to hold it.

Now let's start playing,

Mouth open and close

And let's not forget

Do not lower the tongue.

(Repeat 6-8 times).

(This presentation was created in Microsoft PowerPoint 2016. All video files are embedded in the presentation. Compatibility with previous versions of Microsoft PowerPoint is not guaranteed)

Incorrect pronunciation of sounds occurs due to imperfections of the articulatory apparatus. This is the name given to the set of organs involved in the production of sound: larynx, lips, tongue, jaw, etc.

When the baby funny distorts his first words, the parents listen to him with emotion, retelling the child’s “pearls” to their relatives and friends. Of course, this is age-related and often goes away over time, but it is not as harmless as it might seem.

Why do you need gymnastics?

Speech defects can seriously poison a child’s life, because they often become a reason for jokes and ridicule among children.

Incorrect pronunciation of sounds occurs due to imperfections of the articulatory apparatus. This is the name given to the set of organs involved in the production of sound: larynx, lips, tongue, jaw, etc. And just as parents develop the child’s physical abilities through physical education, these organs need gymnastics.

The goal of articulatory gymnastics is the development of the speech apparatus, improvement and development of its movements.

Does everyone need it, and why do the exercises if it’s too early to talk about speech defects? Everyone. For children 2–4 years old, it will help strengthen the muscles of the articulatory apparatus and gain tongue mobility. By the age of 5–7 years, existing violations can be corrected. It is important to understand here that the sooner you start classes, the more likely a positive result is. Closer to school age and in the primary grades, speech defects are very difficult and sometimes impossible to correct even with a speech therapist.

Sometimes children pronounce sounds correctly, but due to the sluggishness of sound pronunciation, the result is “porridge in the mouth.” This phenomenon is considered an unexpressed deviation in speech development and is called an erased form of dysarthria.

Basic rules of gymnastics

Classes should become a system for you and your child; only regular training can give results. What else you need to know:

  • the duration of the “tongue exercise” depends on the baby’s fatigue, but no more than 10 minutes;
  • during classes, the baby sits in front of the mirror to see his tongue;
  • never force your baby, it’s better to turn training into a game;
  • classes are conducted at a measured pace, 4 – 5 exercises per session;
  • if it is difficult for your baby to repeat an articulatory movement after you, help him with the handle of a teaspoon;
  • The parents’ task is to monitor the correctness and smoothness of the actions, otherwise gymnastics makes no sense.

If gymnastics is difficult for a preschooler, his tongue trembles and does not obey, it is better to consult a speech therapist. Perhaps the baby needs a special massage.

Related material:

Types of exercises

Articulation exercises can be static (the tongue is fixed motionless in a certain position) and dynamic (all organs of the speech apparatus participate).

Static exercises

When performing them, it is important not only to show the position of the tongue, but also to hold the pose for about 7 – 10 seconds.

"Spatula". Open your mouth wide and place your relaxed tongue on your lower lip.

"Mushroom". We suck our tongue to the roof of our mouth and open our mouth as much as possible.

"Proboscis". Pull the closed lips forward as much as possible with a “tube” and hold for 5 – 10 seconds.

Dynamic exercises

The exercises are performed by counting, where the position of the speech organs rhythmically changes.

"Watch". We open our mouths and smile. We make the tongue narrow, with its tip reaching towards the corners of the mouth.

"Swing" . We open our mouth and stretch our tongue either to the chin or to the nose.

"Where's the candy?" Lips are closed, we alternately rest our tongue on each cheek.

"Horse". We fix the tongue, as in the “mushroom” exercise, and click strongly.

As you can see, the movements are very simple, and you can perform them even without a speech therapist.

Age characteristics of children and gymnastics

It is still too early to do articulation gymnastics with infants, but an eight-month-old baby is quite capable of repeating some actions after an adult: puffing out his cheeks, sticking out his tongue, pronouncing simple combinations of sounds. For example, you can snort with your baby while changing clothes or washing your face.

For children 2 – 3 years old

Full-fledged classes for the development of the articulatory apparatus should begin at two years of age. It’s too early to talk about staging the most problematic sounds - hissing, sonorous and whistling. Therefore, the main goal of the work at this stage is to develop auditory attention, become familiar with the strength and pitch of the voice, control the duration of oral inhalation, and clarify the pronunciation of onomatopoeic combinations (meow-meow, ko-ko, boom-boom).

"Ball" . Ask your baby to puff out his cheeks and deflate them. If he doesn't succeed right away, lightly press on them. Subsequently, you can inflate your cheeks one by one.

"Guess it." Prepare hot and cold water, a teaspoon. When the child closes his eyes, touch the device to the lips of his tongue and ask him to guess what kind of water the spoon has been in.

"House". Opening his mouth (house), the baby shows his tongue, then hides it again.

"Gates" . Opening your mouth wide, you need to secure the position (5 – 7 seconds).

Related material:

For children 3 – 4 years old

The purpose of the classes is to introduce the organs of speech and their functions (lips smile, stretch out like a tube; the lower jaw helps to open and close the mouth; the tongue moves up, down, in a circle, right and left).

Smile and hold this position for the count.

"Delicious jam". Ask your baby to pretend to lick the jam from his lips. First from the top, then from the bottom.

From the exercises described above, children learn to perform “Shovel”, “Clock”, “Swing”, “Horse”.

The use of pictures that clearly show how to perform the exercise and what needs to be depicted will add a playful character to articulatory gymnastics. Funny poems will also help entertain the baby.

For children 4 – 5 years old

Purpose of the work: consolidation of old and introduction of new concepts: upper and lower lips, teeth; wide and narrow language; bumps behind teeth. The requirements for the exercises being performed increase, and the pace of work increases.

"Needle". Open your mouth, push your tongue forward as much as possible, making it narrow.

Smiling, we open our mouth wide. The tip of the tongue rests on the tubercle behind the lower teeth. The position is held.

"Let's brush our teeth". The mouth is wide open again, a smile on the lips. With the tip of the tongue we make movements reminiscent of brushing teeth from the inside (right-left). Only the tongue works, the rest of the organs are motionless.

For children 5 – 7 years old

Purpose of the work: to give an idea of ​​the back of the tongue. The execution of the exercises studied is flawless and brought to the point of automaticity. The child easily performs complexes in which he easily and quickly changes the position of organs. For example, having heard such a verse, the baby will perform “proboscis”, “smile” and house.”

By this age, it is already noticeable which speech defects need to be corrected. Therefore, exercises are selected individually for each child. It is also important to pay attention to the development of phonemic hearing, because school is just around the corner, and how will a child write letters if he cannot distinguish them by ear?

"Clap Your Hands". The adult names the sounds, and the preschooler claps his hands (crouches, raises his hand) when he hears the pre-agreed sound. The task can be complicated by pronouncing not sounds, but words in which the desired sound occurs.

"Replace the sound". The adult calls the word, the child replaces one of the sounds. For example, “Replace the first sound with [r] and say what you get: squeak - ..isk.”

How it was:

“Tasty” games that are good for speech

Children love to play, and they also love sweets. Tiring activities for the development of speech organs can be diversified with the help of confectionery products, for example, sticks and lollipops.

  1. Suck in the spaghetti jelly, stretching your lips into a tube.
  2. Fix the stick under your nose using your upper lip, as if it were a mustache.
  3. The task is the same, only now the tongue and upper lip are involved.
  4. The mouth is open, a stick is placed on the tongue. The baby's goal is to keep her in balance.
  5. The lollipop lies on the tongue as if in a cup. The mouth is open.
  6. Licking the lollipop from different sides, in a circle.

It's better to watch it once...

If you still have questions about organizing speech gymnastics, watch the free video tutorials on the Gift for Children website.

A professional speech pathologist will show and explain all the intricacies of working with children of each age group.

There you can get a free consultation with a specialist.
Speech is a wonderful gift that nature has bestowed only on humans. But for a child to speak, it takes time and the support of parents, who will help not only overcome, but also prevent possible problems.

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