Exercises on the sounds of the English language phonetics. Sounds in English and their pronunciation

Good day, everyone! You already know that you need to know English phonetics in order to learn correct pronunciation. But how can we diversify this process and make it more exciting and less boring? The finger-phonetic program developed by British primary school teachers succeeded in this. Today this program is better known as " Jolly Phonics"(Fun Phonics) or " Jolly Songs" Fun phonetics for children: Jolly Phonics Western didactics created this course to make it easier and faster for children to learn English sounds and letters. The program quickly gained recognition among teachers and became widely used in primary education and language schools around the world. The phonetics of the English language is very difficult for Russian-speaking children, since there are simply no analogues for a large number of sounds and letters in the Russian language.

The sounds of the English language very often consist of several phonemes - these are diphthongs, triphthongs and double ones. In Russian phonetics, such phenomena are not observed. English "Fun Phonetics" uses a very simple but effective technique, according to which each sound is associated with a specific hand movement and finger action, as well as a song and a short story.

Jolly Phonics for children's learning

Thanks to muscle memory, which is highly developed in children, this approach to teaching produces tangible results. This technique is also suitable for learning English letters, reading and writing. In just a few weeks of teaching children using this technology, young students master not only the English alphabet, but also master reading and writing.
Jolly Phonics for Teaching Children Teachers use educational videos based on multisensory perception of sound-letter correspondences. Fun activities with fun exercises displayed on the interactive whiteboard quickly capture children's attention and spark their interest in learning. Already as a result of the first lesson, children know most English letters and sounds.

English sounds, thanks to the Jolly Phonics video, are remembered very quickly. Children learn correct pronunciation, as well as 5 basic writing and reading skills. This educational video talks not only about phonetics, but also about the basics of English grammar. The course also includes a set of “Jolly Readers” books for further independent development of speed reading skills in English over the next 4 years.

Video English phonetics for children

Usually the Jolly Phonics program is sold separately as an MP3 and a book, but especially for you we have combined everything into one training video. Here the text from the book, songs for every 42 sounds, letters, sounds are scanned and the original voice acting is preserved. English Fun Phonics makes learning fun, relaxed and effective for children. This technique will also be useful for adults starting to learn the language.

Jolly Phonics Vowels

Watch video Jolly Phonics Phase Two

Watch video Jolly Phonics Phase Three

I wish you and your children great success in learning and happiness in life! Bye!

Phonetics is a section that studies sounds. Its main goal is to teach you how to correctly pronounce English sounds and words, and also to develop your ability to perceive the speech of native speakers. Therefore, in order to learn to speak and read English correctly, you need to know the English alphabet and learn the pronunciation of individual phonemes and the words in which they are used. English phonetics The English language is built on the Latin alphabet, has only 26 letters (instead of the usual 33), but almost twice as many sounds are superimposed on these familiar letters, namely 46 different phonemes. English sounds are very important for language learners, so you need to understand how they are used in speech and why.

As stated above, a distinctive feature of the English language is the huge number of sounds that do not correspond to the number of letters available. That is, one letter can convey several phonemes, depending on the letters that are next to each other. Based on this, it is necessary to speak very carefully and carefully. Incorrect use of a particular sound leads to misunderstandings.

For example, the word "bed" (bed) and the word "bad" (bad) They are pronounced and written almost identically, so it is quite easy to get confused about them. At this stage of learning English, many begin to transcribe pronunciation in Russian in order to facilitate the memorization process.

However, this “relief” is very misleading, as it often leads to even greater confusion between words with similar pronunciation. After all, both words “bed” and “bad” in Russian can be transcribed exclusively as "bad" without reflecting the duality of sound in any way. Therefore, it is better to learn sounds separately.

Learning English phonetics will undoubtedly bring some clarity to the pronunciation and mastery of all phrases and words that will come your way during learning.

First of all, you should create a dictionary in which you will designate all the sounds in traditional transcription, and then, next to them, their sound version in your native language.
Special cases of pronunciation should also be indicated, indicating that this word needs to be pronounced in a special way or writing down that it is impossible to give an analogy of the Russian sound. London - London For convenience, it is better to divide phonemes into groups. For example, consonants, vowels, diphthongs and triphthongs. It is also necessary to constantly practice and perform exercises of this type:

The main city of Great Britain is London. London - ["lʌndən]- 6 letters, 6 sounds. Let's find it on the map of England. Where is it? Then, let’s check with our friend: How do you write it? How do you spell it? Now spell this name - Spell this name for us:

- London - [Landen]

This way you will not only practice pronunciation of sounds, but also learn useful words and phrases in a foreign language.

Now let's move on directly to their writing and pronunciation.

Sounds of English

Let's get acquainted with a brief description of all sounds using this table




[ı] short [and], as in “outside And»
[e] similar to [e] - “sh” e exist"
[ɒ] short [o] - “in O T"
[ʊ] short, close to [y]
[ʌ] similar to Russian [a]
[ə] unstressed, close to [e]
looks like a long [and]
[ɑ:] deep and long [a] - “g A lk"
[ə:] = [ɜ:] long [ё] in “sv” e cla"
long [y], like “b” at lk"
[ᴐ:] deep and long [o] - “d O lgo"
[æ] Russian [uh]

Diphthogs (two tones)

[hey] - same
[ʊə] [ue] - poor
[əʊ] [оу] - tone
[ᴐı] [ouch] - join
[ouch] - kite
[ea] - hair
[ıə] [ie] - fear

Triphthongs (three tones)

[ауе] - power
[yue] - European
[aie] - fire


[b] Russian [b]
[v] analog [in]
[j] weak Russian [th]
[d] like [d]
[w] short [y]
[k] [j]aspirated
[ɡ] like [g]
[z] like [z]
[ʤ] [d] and [g] together
[ʒ] like [f]
[l] soft [l]
[m] as M]
[n] like [n]
[ŋ] [n] “in the nose”
[p] [p] aspirated
[r] weak [r]
[t] [t]aspirated
[f] like [f]
[h] just exhale
[ʧ] like [h]
[ʃ] average between [w] and [sch]
[s] like [s]
[ð] voiced [θ] with voice
[θ] tip of tongue between upper and lower teeth, without voice
  • Double vowels are read as one sound: moon - - [moon] or bitter - ["bitǝ] - [bite]
  • Voiced consonants in English, unlike Russian, do not become voiceless: in a word good [good] the sound [d] is pronounced clearly, just like [g] in dog [dog] etc.

The meaning of correct pronunciation

As I already said, it is very important and extremely necessary to improve English pronunciation, because a large number of words in this language differ by only one or two sounds. But sometimes, even such a small difference is critically significant for correct and accurate contact with primary native speakers.

This product was released by the company Jolly Learning Ltd. The main goal is to teach children to read. The technique is actively used all over the world. The program consists of the following elements: activity book, finger phonics, parent/teacher guide, pupil book, workbook, writing practice, songs.

Please note that having chosen this teaching technique, you must devote a sufficient amount of time to it, despite the fact that you are a teacher with extensive experience or a parent who wants to teach a child to read.

So, it’s worth starting by getting acquainted with Jolly Phonics. This is, first of all, a technique that helps to get a child interested in reading and working with letters and sounds from the first lesson. It is intended for preschool children and primary school students. Having mastered the first group of sounds, the baby will be able to read basic words. It is sometimes quite difficult to achieve such a result, using traditional rules or relying on the child’s self-organization.

In order to understand how to work with Jolly Phonics, you need to know that there are 42 basic phonics in the English language. Remember that to teach children to read, it's the sounds, not the letters, that matter. Initially, children begin to learn simple sounds, there are 7 sound groups in total.

Separately, we note that it is difficult for Russian-speaking children to perceive, since a large number of sounds in the Russian language have no analogues. Interestingly, each sound represents a specific movement of the hand or fingers (that is, in addition to auditory perception, the child also remembers movements, developing muscle memory).

And now about the most interesting part: how many days will it take for a young student to start reading and writing? According to the authors of the method, only a couple of weeks. However, the figure may change.

The first group includes the following sounds: s, a, t, i, p, n(the attention of parents and teachers should be drawn to the fact that vowels are read as if they were presented in a closed syllable, i.e., in fact, I see and read as well). Having mastered these 6 sounds, children will be able to read short words, and this is quite an achievement, isn’t it? Before giving your toddlers tasks, introduce them to a book (series of books workbooks 1-7), where on each page the child, together with a parent or teacher, can get acquainted with the sounds, write them and present them visually. It is important to note that children remember an action, and only then the sound accompanying it. Don’t rush to read, let the child get used to it and enjoy the game.

Below are words from the first group (children do not need to know the translation of words at this stage: our goal is to teach the child reading, not translation).

Group 1 (s, a, t, i, p, n)

sit- sit

pan- frying pan

tip– thin end

sat– sat (v.v.)

in- V

ant– ant

pat- clap

snip– scrap

sap– plant juice

snap– crack

it- it, this

tap- tap

pip- speck

at– at, in, for

spin– rotation

nap- nap

an- indefinite article

pin– pin

its- his her

sin- sin

spat- bump up

pit- pit

sip- small sip

tin– tin

pant- breathe heavily

tan- Tan

spit– skewer

nip– pinch

span– small area

stint– limitation

By going to the website, you can purchase all the necessary materials for training. After the children have memorized the first sounds, print out the word cards and let the kids read.

Below you can see how children work with vowel sounds in songs:

When the material is well mastered, it’s time to move on to the second group of sounds: c, k (ck), e, h, r, m, d(the first group s, a, t, i, p, n is added to it), as a result of which children can read a much larger number of words. It's amazing that just 13 sounds can work wonders.

We read the words again:

cat- cat

hen- chicken

net- net

men- men

man- man

hat- hat

kit- set of tools

nest- nest

map— map

tent- tent

rest- rest

trap- trap

mad- crazy

mat- rug

hit- hit

cap- cap

can- to have a possibility

rat- rat

him- his

pen- pen

hiss- hiss

rent- rent

mid- average

trip- drive

ran- ran (v.v.)

dip- dip


Sam— Sam (name)

hip- hip

kid- Baby

rim- headband

pet- pet

ten- ten

rec- write down

drip- drip

tram- tram

If you have mastered the second group of sounds, then you can again give the children cards to read. And don’t forget to look at workbooks (there is always a lot of useful information there).

Third group of sounds: g, o, u, l, f, b

Fourth group of sounds: ai, j, oa, ie, ee, or

Fifth group of sounds: z, w, ng, v, oo

Sixth group of sounds: y, x, ch, sh, th, th

Seventh group of sounds: qu, ou, oi, ue, er, ar

Remember that every introduction to a new sound should be accompanied by a detailed explanation of how the sound should be pronounced. All this is written in activity books and workbooks.

In addition to analyzing the sounds, movements, songs and poems themselves, the Jolly Phonics method offers to keep children occupied and with an educational video, which presents interesting exercises that can quickly capture children's attention.

Now let's look at the rest of the books in the Jolly Phonics series. This is, first of all, an audio book, which contains funny songs for each of the 42 sounds of the English language. CD and DVD materials help to assimilate sounds as best as possible. There are also textbooks for teachers (Finger Phonics Big Books), which contain additional materials for classes, and there are flash cards with sounds and words. It’s worth mentioning additional materials for home and school – Home And School Kits, Jolly Phonics Extra. For those who have already learned all the sounds, the Jolly Phonics Readers book is suitable for beginning readers. Additional materials may include posters, additional reading activities, and soft toys that can be placed on the arm.

On the site you can find a lot of free material available for download.

People mainly learn English to communicate with foreigners in a given situation. However, if your pronunciation is low and you often confuse accents, then no communication will work.

At the same time, many people are sure that there is no need to learn the rules of pronunciation in English, since it is a waste of time. But even a wide vocabulary and extensive knowledge of grammar will not be enough for you to fully communicate.

Let's talk about the pronunciation of English words. Yes it is hard. It is sometimes very difficult to copy their speech. Oh, I really want to say something like that right away, in English, but no, not so quickly. Our language is not as soft, not as varied in sound effects as English. It contains more than 50 sounds. And what to do with them? How to remember? But everything is not as scary as it seems. After all, all sounds are formed with the help of our mouth, which means it’s real. I have often seen how those who are beginning to study a language, finding literature in which the pronunciation of all English words is given in Russian letters, become wildly delighted. Yes, I don’t argue, this makes the work easier at first, and this technique has a right to exist. And since my site, after all, is designed for such people, you will find all the new words not in transcription, but written in Russian letters, and this will make your life easier at first. Although I am not a supporter of this method, I do this, one might say, at the request of the workers.

But what will you do when you come across an unfamiliar, never-before-seen word? You will, of course, use a dictionary. And in the dictionary... Fathers! But this is not something a mere mortal can read. In addition to English letters, there are some other icons nearby. In short, read this nonsense for yourself. But take your time. These icons, as you know from school, are called transcription. If you know it, it makes reading the word a lot easier. Even in Russian there is such a transcription, because After all, even in our native language, the spelling and pronunciation of words are far from the same. That's why we learn a lot of rules in order to be literate. And in English you simply need to understand these signs, otherwise you will not be able to pronounce a single word correctly. I advise you to arm yourself with an English-Russian dictionary and compare words with transcriptions as needed. It is necessary to gradually develop the skill of reading through transcription. And you will soon appreciate this knowledge and begin to read and pronounce words correctly.

Theoretical phonetics of English

Theoretical phonetics of the English language absorbs generalized information about parts of the phonetic structure of an English word. It explains the interaction between acoustic and written forms of speech. Phonetics pays attention not only to sound aspects, but also to the human articulatory apparatus.
When studying the theoretical phonetics of the English language, a person encounters the following topics:
1. Phonemes of the English language. Distinctive features of phonemes.
2. Cardinal type vowels.
3. Articulation abilities of sounds.
4. Correct interpretation of the phoneme.
5. Methods of conducting phonetic analysis of a word.
6. Phonological schools.
7. System of vowel sounds.
8. System of consonants.
9. What are alloforms?
Quite a long time is devoted to the method of carrying out phonetic analysis of words. Using analysis, sounds are broken down into consonants and vowels, and their classification is made. Special attention

Phonetic features of the English language in examples

The first thing you need to master in phonetics is transcription. English is a rather unusual language, in which there are a lot of rules for the pronunciation of words and letter combinations. And the first step in learning this is transcription.

The English alphabet is based on the Latin alphabet, while the Russian alphabet is based on the Cyrillic alphabet. Hence all the difficulties: in English there are practically no sounds that would be similar to Russian ones. For example, in English there are often diphthongs (two vowels in one syllable): source, joy, team.

To pronounce these words correctly, you must know diphthongs and read the transcriptions of /ɔɪ/ and /aʊ/, as well as English phonetics pronunciation sounds transcription alphabet.

Interesting video about diphthongs:

It is very easy to get confused in the pronunciation of English sounds. For example, the word “lead” is read as “lead”. Here two vowels are combined into one sound. But the word “break” is pronounced like “break”, and here it is necessary to pronounce two sounds.


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In order not to get lost in the peculiarities and subtleties of pronunciation, we recommend always checking the dictionary. In addition, an excellent tool is Google Translator, which sounds all English words, observing intonation, stress and correct pronunciation.

Vowel Sounds - Vowel Sounds

In English there are long and short sounds, whereas in Russian all vowels are pronounced equally. So sometimes the entire meaning of a word can change depending on the length of pronunciation of a sound:

Port (port) – pronounced /pɔːt/

Pot (pot) - pronounced short /pot/

Wheel (wheel) - pronounced /ˈwiːl/, whereas

Will (will) - will sound like short /wɪl/

Therefore, to learn how to communicate correctly, you need English transcription and pronunciation of sounds in English.

After all, having forgotten to lengthen one vowel sound in a conversation, instead of “peas” you will talk about “ports”, and all “wheels” will be replaced by “will”. That is why phonetics is very important in learning English, and the pronunciation of English sounds must be listened to and studied in any case.

And here are the vowels or Vowel Sounds, as well as the pronunciation of sounds in English in the table below:

Exercise No. 1. Write a transcription of the vowel sounds of the following words:

A ) be, feel, we, me, see, meet, deed, feet, need
b) it, is, in, ill, sit, fill, live, win, till, mill
c) bed, pen, ten, tell, set, let, met
d) tie, lie, my, pie, die, life, time, five, nine, smile
e) man, bad, hat, lamp, glad, fat, cat, black, sack
f) day, late, tale, main, pain, rain, male, fail
g) park, mark, arm, are, car, farm, large
h) air, chair, care, fair, rare, parent
i) there, where
j) here, near, mere, clear, fear, bear
k) hire, fire, tire, buyer, flyer
l) our, flour, power, flower, down, town
m) her, term, bird, firm, burn, turn, fur, learn
n) sorry, story, warm, word, door, all, taught, talk

Exercise No. 2. Write a transcription of the consonant sounds of the following words:

a) think, thing, thin, thought, death, threat.
b) sing, song, bang, long, something, going, hung, wrong.
c) this, that, those, the, these, there, other, another.
d) ship, shop, she, clash, sharp, shine, shame, shape.
e) chess, chop, chamber, charm, charity, future.
f) phone, photo, phenomenon, phantom, pharos, philharmonic, phase.
g) knife, know, knock, knit, knight, knee, knack.
h) what, where, when, wheel, whiff, whig, whip, whim.

Tongue Twisters . Tongue-twisters.

The black cat sat on a mat and ate a fat rat.

Betty Botta bought some butter, But she said, this butter’s bitter. But a bit of better butter will make my batter better.

She sells seashells on the seashore, the shells that she sells are seashells, I’m sure.

A big black bug bit a big black bear, A big black bear bit a big black bug.

Thirty-three thousand people think that Thursday is their thirtieth birthday.

What noise annoys an oyster most? A noisy noise annoys an oyster most.

Ripe white wheat reapers reap ripe white wheat right.

Blake's black bike's back brake bracket block broke.

Each Easter Eddie eats eighty Easter eggs.

She slits the sheet she sits on.

A rough-coated, dough-faced, thoughtful ploughman strode through the streets of Scarborough; after falling into a slough, he coughed and hiccoughed.

A twister of twists once twisted a twist. and the twist that he twisted was a three twisted twist. now in twisting this twist, if a twist should untwist, would the twist that untwisted untwist the twists.

AI, AY - pain, layer ( pain , layer )
AIR - hair (
hair )
IGH - sigh (
sigh )
AU, AW - August, awful (
August , horrible )
EA - neat (
neat )( there are exceptions [e] sweat ( sweat ), break ( break ))
EAR - dear (
Expensive ) ( Sometimes bear ( bear ))
EE - peel (
clean )
EER - beer (
beer )
EI, EY - eight, convey (
eight , shipping ) ( rarely ceiling( ceiling ))
final unstressed EY - [i] money ( money )
OA - toad (
toad )
OAR-board (
board )
OI, OY - coin, toy (
coin , toy )
OU, OW - spouse, now (
spouse , Now ), ( Sometimes know ( know ))
final unstressed OW - widow ( widow )
OUR, OWR - hour, dowry (
hour , dowry )
OUGH - brought (
brought )
OO - pool (
pool )
OOK - book (
book )
OOR - poor (
poor )
EU, EW - dew, neutral (
dew , neutral )
EUR - Europe (
Europe )
closed WA, WHA - what, was ( What , was )
WAR - war (
war )
WOR - work (
Job )
final ALL - tall ( high )
final IND, ILD - , kind, mild ( Kind , soft )

    Reading English vowels in open position

1. B, TO , C,D, go, be, he, me, she, we, by, my, spy, try, fly, dry, cry, shy, pry, lo, no, so, Q, P, Z, V, T .
Aid, hail, claim, chain, waist, raise, bay, day, play, pray, stay, pay, sea, tea, beach, feast, breathe, free, tree, feed, beech, sleeve, freeze, die, lie, died, tried, bye, dyed, boat, cloak, foe, sloe, toe, pie, tie, ceaze, ceiling, week, sweep, dial, phial, bias.
Bake, pale, take, pane, tape, eke, eve, cede, globe, Crete, Swede, lime, mine, mite, side, size, style, hole, home, robe, rape, vote, yoke, duke, dupe, fume, mule, tube, tune.
Cede, seed, lone, loan, bike, bake, Jane, jade, baize, bays, lace, lake, beach, beech, mice, Mike, die, dye, cage, gage, vague, plague, guide, lie, lye, yale, due.
Fatal, vacant, raven, agent, bacon, typist, evil, famous, final, silent, pilot, tyrant, total, open, moment, human, student, pupil, music, cubic, client.

    Reading English vowels in closed position

Read the words and explain why they are pronounced this way:

Pad, pat, bad, bat, fan, fat, van, vat, cell, tent, dell, den, keg, get, yet, yelp. Kid, kiss, grin, wig, wit, Lynn, Pym, Sod, sop, mod, moss, nod, hot, rod, yon, F, L, M. Nun, nut, hug, hut, ruff, buzz, gulf.

Sac, sack, lac, lack, lacks, lax, tacks, tax, links, lynx, sticks, Styx, cell, sell, cent, sent, hiss, his, lacks, bags, bets, beds, cups, cubs, pence, pens, phlox, flocks, fizz, phiz, fill, Phil, batch, badge, rich, ridge; bank, hang.

Bed, had; led, lad; Ned, pad; bet,net; bend, bend; bat, set, sat; land, lend; fact, pact, plan, flag, act; slap, slap; cup, cap; lit, lid; shot, shod.

Cab, cup, cling, crest, scrub; tacks, sacks, kicks, rocks, ducks, cell, cent, hence, rince, dunce, lick, lack, pick, pack, sick, sack, dick, dig, pick, pig, rick, rig, bank, ink, drink, drunk, fact, sect, back, neck, gem, gent, gin, gist, badge, hedge, bridge, lodge, plunge, as, has, beds, rugs, prism, jam, job, jib, jest, just, yes, yet, yelp, yen, yell, bang, spring, thing, strong, lung, sell, shell, sip, ship, self, shan, shut, shrub, crash, smash, rush, shell, shelf, ship, shift, fish, mesh, smash, chip, chop, chest, rich, such, match, fetch, ditch, Scotch, crutch. Thin, thrift, width, length. That, then, this, thus, with. Phiz, phlox, lymph, nymph. Tax, sex, fix, fox, box, text, next.

Pit, pen, par, pun; fin, fen, fan, fun; tin, ten, tan, tun; red, rest, rent; risk, rim, did, tin, lid, nib, fill, drill, mill, mat, hot, pet, guest, press, stress, string, strong, stretch.

Sandal, vessel, system, children, absent, tempest, bonnet, pocket, commit, public, horrid, dwelling, summit, battle, bottom, rarely, lesson, dinner, waggon, parrot, butter, button, sister, doctor. Lapse, dense, steppe, twelve, bronze, solve.

3. Reading English letters V open And closed position Read :
Pan, pane, tap, tape, red, rede, them, theme, miss, mice, shin, shine, rob, robe, dot, dote, tub, tube, duck, duke, pad, pat, bad, bat, fan, fat, tell, tent, kid, grin, wig. Pym, Bake, pale, eke, globe, we, sweep, side, style, hole, robe, yoke, duke, sod, yon, hot, nun, hug, ruff, fume, tube, be, go, my, K, gulf, sham, shame, dense, solve, aid, hail, shut, smash, chip, chain, waist, bay, day, by, chop, chest, ship, shelf, shape, C, D, fish, chip, pea, sea, tea, beach, spring, lung, die, lie, bye, join, job, tea, tree, beech, jest, thin, freeze, this, that, these, those, foe, pie, cease, lymph, nymph, cab, cup, fact, fat, fatal, vat, vacant, back, bake, neck, yes, yet, agent, back, bacon, yell, typist, tax, sex, famous, final, cell, cent, ceiling, prince, dunce, silent, as, has, pilot, match, mate, fetch, fate, crutch, gent, gin, total, badge, open, bridge, moment, mob, pig, page, red, rage, sell, shell, human, pet, pete, student, stud, fill, file, lack, lace, music, land, mice, lake, back, bake, bike, flag, act, jade, cage, cup, yale, slab, guide, guest, shot, cap, value, due.

    Reading English vowels in combination with the letter "r" in open and closed positions

Read the words and explain the reason for rethinking the sound perception of English vowels:
Bare, care, chair, hair, fair, mare, pair, dare, square, rare, hare, Here, mere, near, fear, beer, cheer, dear.Fire, briar, mire, tire, liar, byre, lyre, tire, dire. More, shore, board, roar, horse. Cure, mure, pure, lure. Fare, fair, hare, hair, here, hear, dear, deer, tire, tire, boar, bore, sore, soar. ,
Bar, far, jar, star, hard, farm, harsh, starve. Her, verb, serve, bird, skirt, shirt, herb, fern, berth, germ, verse, serve. Fir, sir, birch, girl, first, third. For, nor, sort, short, lord, horse. Urn, turn, nurse, burn, perfect, fur, furl, burn, hurt, curve, purse. Word, worm, work, world, worker, farmer, former, furnish, varnish. Earl, learn, early, earth, heard.
Bar, bare, car, care, her, here, per, peer, fir, fire, sir, sire, or, ore, for, fore, cur, cure.

5 . Reading English vowels letters in everyone provisions under accent Read the words and explain , why are they pronounced like that :
Bare, fat, fan, fire, pad, tell, chair, kid, grin, more, wig, Pym, cure, bake, pale, bar, far, eke, globe, herb, fir, we, sweep, for, fur, word, side, style, urn, farmer, hole, robe, care, here, lure, farm, yoke, duke, sod, horn, worm, serve, burn, nun, ruff, fume, tube, be, hair, dare, mere, go, my, K, gulf, hair, fear, mire, harsh, sham, shame, dense, board, berth, sir, burn, world, aid, hail, shut, smash, chip, turn, former, hare, chain, waist, bay, day, by, chop, chest, ship, girl, horse, starve, roar, shelf, shape, C, D, fish, chip, mure, square, pea, sea, beach, spring, sort, fair, star, lung, die, bye, jam, jar, byre, job, tea, tree, beech, jest, germ, thin, freeze, this, these, that, those, foe, nor, pie, first, fern, dire, ceaze, lymph, furnish, tyrant, sturdy, studen, care, cab, cup, fair, fact, fatal, mare, mat, note, rare, vat, hare, vacant, near, back, lake, beer, tire, shore, neck, hoarse, yes, yet, agent, pure, back, during, bacon, third, yell, birch, typist, err, tax, sex, famous, short, final, cell. Lord, hurt, cent, ceiling, purse, prince, silent, work, as, has, pilot, worker, mate, her, fetch, fate, verb, tyrant, serve, tire, bird, crutch, gent, gin, total, burn, perfect, badge, open, bridge, moment, mob, sell, shell, guide, due, varnish.
Back, bark, had, hard, gem, germ, ten, tern, twill, twirl, spit, spirit, cock, cork, shot, short, cub, curb.

Read the words and explain why they are pronounced this way:
Feud, neutral, feudal, deuce, cue, Europe, dew, few, new, newt, ewe.
Diece, niece, field, yield, chief, grief, grieve, belief, believe, achieve, brief, thief, shriek, priest, shield, siege. Great, break, steak; bear, year, wear, tear, pear, swear. They, grey, prey, whey, rein, vein, feint, eight, freight, weight. Eye, height, either, neither. Dead, head, bread, ready, meadow, steady, thread, death, feather, leather, weather, breath, health, wealth, peasant, pleasant, pheasant, measure, treasure, pleasure. Range, change, haste, waste, paste, strange, danger. Find, mind, bind, child, wild, mild, able, table, fable, cradle, idle, rifle, trifle, bible, bridle, cycle, noble, bugle. Scarce, negro, nitrogen, hydrogen, micron, migrant. Old, told, sold, fold, hold, gold, droll, bolt. Live, love, about, above, give, clever, river, vivid, seven, eleven, every, heavy, ever, never, heaven. Solid, valid, static, visit, physics, rapid, Spanish, Latin, cabin, radish, satin, credit, merit, limit, finish, profit, polish, florin, punish. Capital, family, energy, medical, mineral, physical, comedy, opera, origin, probably, enemy, melody.

7. Reading words , spelling which connected With influence French graphs Read :
Some, come, comfort, company, son, done, none, Monday, month, London, front, among, tongue, other, another, mother, brother, nothing, dozen, color, won, wonder, fraud, haul, maul, Paul, fault, chaw, jaw, straw, shawl, lawn, drawn, cause, because, pause, author, clause, applause, August, autumn. Ground, count, stout, loud, house, spout, ounce, cow, now, crowd, fowl, down, town, out, shout, scout, how, towel, brown, about, without, trousers. Our, flour, power, tower, flower, shower. Young, country, cousin, courage, couple, double, trouble, touch. Oil, boil, joint, hoist, voice, noise, boy, coy, joy, toy, cloy, Troy, floy, hoy.

Four, your, pour, Row, brow, throw, low, flow, blow, slow, yellow, fellow, sorrow, meadow, swallow, sparrow. You, through, could, should, would, group, tour, lose, do, prove, move, to, soup, does, done.

8 Reading the words discussed above
Read the words and explain why they are pronounced this way:

Ask, cask, mask, fast, last, clasp, grass, after, master. Too, moon, stool, woo, pool, gloom, shoot, groove, soon, boot, soot. Book, hook, took, shook, Boor, moor, poor. Ball, small, fall, wall, bald, salt, false. Talk, stalk, chalk, walk. Dance, glance, prance, branch, grant, plant, cant, shant, command, demand, reprimand. What, water, was, war, wash, watch, watt, want, swamp, swan, wasp, warm, war, ward. Bull, pull, full, bullet. Brutal, plural, prudent, truly, true, blew, rude, rule, June, July, brute, grew, screw, threw, drew, flew, jew, blew, crew, include, junior.

9. Reading English words for all the given rules
Read the words below and explain why they are pronounced this way:
1. Light, fight, might, straight, caught, daughter, haughty, neigh, sleight, eight, freight; rough, enough, laugh, nigh, Hugh, knight, height, weight, weigh, taught, thought, bought, fought, ought; special, mission, passion, session, nation, action, caution, tradition, mention, collection, dictation, option, demonstration, special, Asia, Russia, Russian, politician, musician, glacial, especial, explosion, corrosion, illusion, collision, vision, confusion; lecture, future, furniture, nature, culture, century; pressure, sure, exposure, measure, treasure, pleasure; when, why, which, white, where, what; who, whom, whose; wrong, write, writer, writ, wring, khight, know, knew, knit, gnat, gnash, monarch, echo, school, chemistry, mechanics, architect, machine, moustache, niche, limb, lamb, bomb, autumn, hymn, guard, guest, guild.

2. Due, dew; muse, mews; tub, tube; far, far; rede, red; duck, dutch; duke, dark; faint, feint; dot, dot; asp, wasp; has, was; that, what; watch, natch; bar, bare; car, care; her, here; heal, health; on, son; ponder, wonder; home, come; grove, glove; per, peer; fir, fire; sir, sire; mood, blood rose, cousin; cut, put; rush, bush; far, far; cur, cure; ruddy, pudding; go, to, rod, good, rather, father; duty, truly; nude, rude; suit, brute; route, route; dew, drew; later, water; go, do; rose, lose; duty, truly; nude, rude; dew, drew; stew, strew; strange, haste, steak, speak; riddle, bridle; lost, post; cloth, both; cobble, nobble; now, know; bady, puny, cabin, radish, finish, civil, polish, florin, duty, eight, weight, field; great, break, year, pear; eye, height, either, neither; deed, dead, weather, wealth; pea, peasant; please, pleasant; ear, early, earth; hear, heard; ran, range; has, haste; was, waste; will, wild; mill, mild; pran, plant; can, can"t; comma, command; small, smell, slang; sale, salt; face, fast; lace, last; class, clasp; bathe, bath; father, mother, close, cloth; sole, sold; hole, hold; bull, pull, full; moon, too, book, shook, poor, door, floor, blood, flood; out, how, row, brow, low, blow, four reply; friend, heart, good;

3. Father, man, what, they, girl, first, who, no, son, daughter, child, I, work, learn, boys, works, live, four, fifth, your, Tuesday, Monday, good, food, school, go, do, room, all, small, wall, walk, sun, why, very, light, night, eight, twice, air, shine, young, cousin, shut, niece, weak, write, Thursday, chair, those, these, meal, each, year, weather, cook, book, dina, give, live, have, always, third, girl, bread, color, house, flower, window, warm, fruit. June, August, heat, great, break, pear, feather, finger, longer, friend, also, throw, soon, trees.

4. Grow, how, dead, meadow, eat, weak, water, this, thing, chalk, board, coat, teeth, tooth, thick, thin, white, night, red, nose, low, moustache, eye, blind, tear, learn, hear, ear, year, deaf, head, bed, road, mount, horse, word, board, work, heavy, town, cow, along, among, field, mice, men, country, cousin, young, see, eat, people, we, pure, here, learn, early, crow, now, grow, how, snow, fowl, house, geese, leather, beak, great, head, eat, swallow, straw, call, worm, word, near, hear, early, year, learn, bush, jug, put, such, jam, son, month, fond, catch, saucer, pour, our, your.

5. Yesterday, excite, except, during, run, brought, caught, bite, right, quite, quick, thank, this, thing, those, thin, thirsty, home, early, nearly clear, bear, learn, six, fox, eggs, go, throw, finger, hunger, longer, book, look, looked, ice, sauce, eyes, thirst, please, freeze, sees, easy, rose, houses, horses, as, this, has, us, is, was, bag, back, alone, saw, sauce, here, hair, dear, who, whose, write, shine, poor, door, pour, heap, heard, clear, early, now, bought, house, town, interesting, evening, several, page, change, hunger, thing, no, know, nose, knows.

6. Smooth, tooth, month, mouth, bright, brought, mighty, caught, daughter, eight, own, blown, town, word, world, tomorrow, whose, froze, grows, nose, throws, write, who, whole, while, wrong, tear, earth, third, learn, work, girl, return, think, true, blue, grew, who, blew, too, wisdom, husband, give, alive, five, live, hive, drive, door, blood, floor, could, good, wood, turn, learn, early, paid, made, laid, said, put, butter, trunk, sure, quite, quiet, want, water, walk, what, remember, understand, invite, arrive, cent, pence, few, knew, you, eleven, even, seven, could, would, stood, right, wrong, guard, hard, move, love, firm, sight, side, stone, ship, sheep, heart.

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