What are the pros and cons of early development? Unlimited access to entertainment

It has already managed to capture almost every corner of the Earth. Nowadays it is difficult to find a person who has not heard of the Internet, and the number of global Internet users is growing every day. Is it good or bad? To answer the question, consider the pros and cons of the Internet.

So what is good about the Internet?

Access to the information

The Internet is a huge repository of information of different types. It provides an opportunity to learn everything about everything without leaving home. The only thing you need to do is install internet at home, pay for it, and you’re done! All virtual libraries and museums in the world will open their doors for you. With the Internet, you can very quickly find, download or buy the book, film, music you need, and learn a lot of useful things: from the meaning of the universe to a charlotte recipe.

Communication with loved ones

Having access to the Internet, as well as some software, such as Skype, calling your foreign friends or relatives will not be difficult. Many social services, for example vk.com, also support video calling, for which, in addition to an Internet connection, you will need a webcam. Thus, the Internet allows you not to lose touch with dear people, wherever they are. On the other hand, a pathological situation may arise when virtual communication replaces real one. Considering all the pros and cons of Internet communication, each person can decide for himself whether he needs this type of communication or not.

Unlimited access to entertainment

Having access to the Internet, you can have fun without leaving your home, or at least you can watch a movie. No need to spend money on cinema tickets. For what? After all, even sitting in front of the monitor, you can have a real movie show! The pros and cons of the Internet do not end there.

Online shopping

The Internet allows you to buy the rarest goods, which, at your request, will be delivered directly to your apartment by a courier. With the Internet, you don’t have to wander around the shops looking for the right thing and stand in queues: 1 click of the mouse - and you are already the owner of the treasured product.

From the advantages of the World Wide Web it is worth moving on to its disadvantages.

Harm to health

Everyone knows that staying at the computer for a long time is harmful to your health. Therefore, you should take breaks, periodically looking away from the monitor.

Scenes of violence

Internet at home can turn into a real tragedy for some people. This applies primarily to children, whose fragile psyche may be shocked by scenes of cruelty and violence found on the World Wide Web.

Incorrect information

In addition to unconditionally truthful and necessary data, the Internet is full of unnecessary and unreliable information. As you know, information must meet several criteria: be relevant, complete, timely and accurate, however, thanks to the World Wide Web, many of the basic criteria for information quality disappear without a trace. The Internet is full of gossip, wandering from one blog to another, from forum to forum, and information is transmitted according to the “deaf telephone” principle. Just look at the website of the world encyclopedia “Wikipedia”, where anyone can “rule the Universe”.

Identity theft

By posting your photos, videos on the Internet, or making purchases online using a bank card, you risk losing your data, which can be stolen or intercepted and used for criminal purposes.

Family destruction

There are times when one of the family members is completely immersed in the virtual world, becoming a “Level 80 Elf”, a brave warrior, a loyal knight, etc. in online multiplayer games. Illusory reality can drag on so much that a person will not care about family worries.

Spam and viruses

Yes, we also owe these two unpleasant phenomena to the Internet. Fortunately, there are antivirus programs that minimize the risk of infecting your computer, but even they cannot fully guarantee the security of your device.

Internet and teenagers

It is no secret for parents that teenagers tend to spend most of their time on the Internet, feeling all its negative impacts, such as:

  • rachiocampsis;
  • blurred vision;
  • disorders in mental development, etc.

Social disorientation and many other conditions are the result of the negative effects of spending a long time on the Internet.

A huge proportion of teenagers are at risk for their level of mental development; they have computer gaming addiction (online games) or Internet addiction, which, having manifested itself in childhood, can accompany the teenager into adulthood.

These are the main pros and cons of the Internet.

Even taking into account all the shortcomings of the World Wide Web, it is impossible to deny all the benefits it brings. You can use it, or you can not, but it is no longer possible not to recognize its widespread integration into the life of modern society.

Having weighed all the pros and cons of the Internet, we can conclude that it has approximately the same number of advantages and disadvantages, however, with moderate and competent use, its advantages significantly outweigh its negative aspects.

Cards of the national payment system “MIR” began to be issued by banks in 2015 after sanctions were introduced against Russia.

A number of Russian banks, including Genbank, Krayinvestbank, Verkhnevolzhsky Bank and Sevastopol Maritime Bank (SMB), as well as Inresbank and Mosoblbank, were disconnected from the international Visa and MasterCard systems. The risk of further expansion of sanctions to other banks became one of the main reasons for creating our own payment system. After all, if disconnected, the bank card will turn into an ordinary piece of plastic. However, they wanted to create their own system since the 90s, but this decision was simply shelved all the time. Many countries have their own payment systems, and they work very efficiently. For example, in China there is China UnionPay, which was even able to enter the international market, and in Belarus the Belkart system was created.

At the moment, “MIR” cards have been issued in Russia, half of which were received by state employees. Three quarters of them can be used for contactless payment

There are a lot of conflicting rumors surrounding the new cards. There are both ardent supporters and opponents who claim that the state is in this way trying to take money from the population. And the mistrust is quite understandable - no one has forgotten how much money was lost in the nineties.

However, let's look at the MIR cards objectively, what are their main advantages and disadvantages?


1.Ours is domestic.

The main advantage of the system is that it is autonomous and independent of foreign payment systems and the political situation. So further sanctions will not jeopardize the operations of ordinary citizens.

2. Free transfer to Visa or Mastercard.

Most banks provide this service free of charge.

3. Accepted as payment in large stores.

The Mir card is accepted for payment in all organizations with a cash turnover of over 40 million rubles. For example, “Auchan”, Metro, “Carousel”, “Lenta”, as well as in fast food restaurants, etc. Every year the list of shops, cafes and other service places where the card is accepted is becoming wider.

4. There is cashback.

The “MIR” card is gradually acquiring partnership projects, whereby spending money on the purchase of goods or services from partners, you can receive interest on your expenses. You can buy household appliances, pay for purchases and gasoline.

5. Free card issue.

Most Russian banks issue the Mir card for free. Today you can get a Mir card in more than 110 banks, including the largest ones, such as Sberbank, VTB, Gazprombank, etc. In addition, it is free for those who receive payments from the state, in particular, public sector workers or pensioners.

6. You can withdraw cash from any ATM.

The law obliges all banks to begin accepting MIR cards from July 1, 2017.

Controversial issues

1. Cheapness.

For many citizens, the cost of annual service may be higher than regular Visa and MasterCard cards. The cost of servicing the Mir card in Sberbank is 750 rubles per year, in Gazprombank - 1000 rubles per year. At the same time, the Mir card can also provide free service for pensioners and state employees.

2. Safety.

The developers of the MIR card note that the new card has a chip, a hologram and a magnetic stripe. And the card is also connected to a security system for making payments on the Internet, similar to 3D-Secure that works on Visa and MasterCard bank cards. However, this statement causes a lot of controversy; users believe that the security system is inferior to its foreign colleagues.

3. Obsessiveness.

Many are confused by the fact that the state is imposing the “PEACE” card on the population. According to Federal Law No. 88-FZ dated May 1, 2017, cash payments to state employees must be transferred to new cards before July 1, 2018. Now the “MIR” card will receive salaries of public sector employees and civil servants, scholarships, pensions and social benefits, military salaries and other payments. The forced introduction of a system risks that in the absence of competition its quality will suffer greatly.


1. Geography.

The main disadvantage of the card is that it can only be used to pay in Russia and Armenia. In the future, they plan to expand it to Belarus, Kazakhstan, Thailand and the UAE.

2. Doesn't work with online stores.

Very few online retailers cooperate with MIR. With such a card you cannot make a purchase on such large online platforms as Ebay or Amazon. Among the market giants, the exception is Ali-Express, but owners of such a card should forget about smaller stores for now. In addition, a serious problem remains the fact that the card cannot be connected to the Paypal payment system, and withdrawal of funds to such cards is not yet possible.

3. You cannot make purchases abroad.

Another serious problem is that the card can only be in rubles, and you won’t be able to pay for anything with them abroad. A working option is to purchase a co-branding card, i.e. a card of two payment systems, which in Russia will work as “MIR”, and in the international network as “Maestro”.

4.No support for smartphones.

Payments from smartphones – Apple Pay, Samsung Pay – are gaining popularity in Russia. Integration with these systems was announced a long time ago, but so far the service has become available only to Samsung Pay owners, and the ability to pay with Mir cards using Apple Pay and Android Pay will appear in 2018.

I’ll start the article with an anecdote: “The wife’s salary is the wife’s money. The husband’s salary is the total budget.” This often happens in practice, but how justified is it? Find out from the article the psychological subtleties of the family budget, the features of its management.

This is more of a subjective question. In my opinion, there should be. But along with it there must be personal expenses for each family member. What does it mean:

  • A common piggy bank in which each spouse puts a certain amount for mandatory and unforeseen expenses, vacations, gifts for relatives, etc. You can agree among yourself exactly what amount each spouse will contribute or leave it conditional.
  • The husband and wife have a card or cash for their own needs, lunches, transportation, or a gift for a loved one.

There must be a reasonable balance between the general and private budgets. It is necessary to draw up a spending plan during a joint discussion. Include columns relating to each family member and one specific person. For example, food, school fees, rent, recreation - general needs. But a new manicure is a purely female problem. Just like going to hockey or football is a man’s problem. Although if hockey is interesting to both, then this turns into a column of common expenses - recreation.

Pros and cons of a general budget

The general budget is especially justified in a family with children. Then it’s worth adding up all sources of income and dividing them into mandatory expenses, and then dividing what’s left among each other.

Pros of a shared budget:

  • It’s easier to support a family together: pay rent, fill the refrigerator. Often the salary of one spouse is higher than that of the other. It is difficult for a person whose income is lower to participate in family and personal life alone. Financial support plays a big role.
  • It is considered a plus that by controlling each other’s finances, spouses see all the ins and outs. Trust seems to be growing. But in my opinion, total control is, on the contrary, the highest sign of mistrust.
  • Growth, mutual understanding. Before taking from the common piggy bank for his needs, the husband will think about his wife. Maybe she had her own plans for these funds. As a result, spouses communicate more. True, they occur more often.

A healthy relationship involves a union of two partners who are morally and financially independent from each other. A general budget that leaves nothing personal is largely destructive. What disadvantages does he hide:

  • psychological and financial dependence;
  • increased pressure, greater risk of conflicts;
  • infringement of independence;
  • the inability to organize a surprise, to unexpectedly please a partner.

A separate budget has its advantages. By being responsible for oneself, a person learns independence, responsibility, and planning of income and expenses. If you want to blame anyone for wastefulness, it’s only yourself.

Every person has personal desires, dreams, plans. This cannot be taken away. The tastes of spouses do not have to coincide 100%. This cannot be trivial in force. But it is also wrong to satisfy your desires at the expense of another person’s deprivations.

The solution to the situation is simple: earn money for your personal desires yourself. If you want to go to a concert, earn money and go. If you want new boots because you didn’t like the ones you bought two weeks ago, earn some money and buy them. If you want to fulfill your personal dream, save.

The situation looks different if a woman is on maternity leave. Here all the burdens fall on the husband’s shoulders. He will have to take care of family happiness, his own needs, and his wife’s desires. And here it is impossible to say in general: each couple decides for themselves what is important to them.

Important! If the budget is based on the income of one of the spouses, then it is recommended to independently give money to the dependent half. Begging for funds for personal needs and justifying the need is humiliating. The situation is relevant for maternity leave, illness, forced unemployment.

Where to start and how to manage a family budget

There is a concept of general and personal. In turn, both those and other needs are of the first necessity and the second. It starts with identifying the needs, goals and individual participants.

Talk to yourself and your partner and decide whether you are ready to give up financial independence for the sake of closer relationships. Think about whether you trust this person that much, whether you are that similar. If the answers are positive, then start planning during a joint conversation:

  1. Add up your income and your spouse's income.
  2. Write down the required monthly expenses.
  3. Complete the column “personal needs of the wife”, “personal needs of the husband”.
  4. Record your annual expenses and fill out other fields that are relevant to your family.
  5. Calculate how much is spent on general mandatory needs. Subtract from total income.
  6. Distribute what remains for secondary and personal needs.

The second option is the conditional creation of a general budget. What does this mean: for example, a man buys groceries, and a woman pays monthly rent. Or vice versa. The rest of the money goes for personal needs. General needs are paid to the extent possible by partners or in turn. Once we went to the cinema at the wife’s expense, another time we bought a washing machine at the husband’s expense.

The disadvantage of conditional division is that there is a high risk of conflicts based on unequal contributions. This model requires a very high level of trust, mutual respect, and love. Features and also have an impact. This will not suit mercantile, selfish, pedantic people.

Don't get carried away with excessive calculations, don't harbor pettiness. Sharing finances, especially on a penny basis, quickly kills romanticism and ease of relationships, personal individuality. Rationalism and pragmatism should be in moderation.

Try several budgeting models to find the one that works for your family. Do not forget that the main criterion is harmony and satisfaction of all family members. Don't try to assert yourself at the expense of another person.


I personally know couples who maintain separate budgets. To the point that they borrow money from each other and believe that the debts of one partner are only his debts. They are so comfortable because of the high level of pride and self-esteem in everyone. However, due to the difference in income levels, complaints, dissatisfaction, contradictions and thoughts about starting to maintain a general budget arise.

For me this model is unacceptable. If you are a family, then financial problems are common. The difficulties of one partner cannot but affect the other. The consequences range from a loved one's bad mood to physically squeezing his debts out of his spouse. I also don’t understand the loan from my own partner. In my opinion, marriage a priori presupposes various kinds of selfless support in difficult times. But this is just my opinion - each couple chooses their own relationship style.

Today it is rare to meet a person who does not use a social network like VKontakte. Every day, many millions of users make up the audience of this network. Some people wonder how justified the existence of this social network is.
VKontakte is used by representatives of different ages and professions. Here you can meet representatives of such activities as accounting, design and others.
The VKontakte social network is a large, convenient system that has many advantages that attract a large number of guests. Let's look at some of them.
One of the important advantages of VKontakte is its user-friendly interface. Here the user can create his own world, designed to his liking. On the page you can find a list of your friends and correspondence with them.
You can also open a playlist or list of your favorite movies with one click of a mouse button. It is very easy to navigate the site pages. Even a beginner with little knowledge of the Internet can quickly learn how to use this site.
VKontakte provides its users with a convenient form for searching for people. This system has a large user base, and by filling out certain fields in the search form, you can easily find the person you are interested in.
In this social network you can correspond with other people. You can even chat with several users at once. And with sound alerts and browser pop-ups, it's hard to miss a message you receive.
The VKontakte network provides users with a huge database of music files. On the site you can easily find any composition even for very imprecise queries.
On your VKontakte page, without using vps hosting and a trial period, you can post entire photo albums, colorfully representing all the events of the user’s life.
In addition to its advantages, the VKontakte network also has a number of disadvantages. The social network takes up a lot of users’ time. Many people do not find time for hobbies, friends and loved ones. Also, some, especially young users, lose the habit of communicating face-to-face.
Some users are so used to communicating online that it is difficult for them to talk without emoticons and the ability to think about the answer. This lack of communication on social networks especially affects schoolchildren. However, if you use your time rationally and combine communication on the Internet with real communication, then the VKontakte social system provides its guests with a great time, communication with friends, new acquaintances and many other advantages.

Before we begin, I want to immediately clarify: this post is not written for the tops and gurus of arbitration with million-dollar turnover, but for ordinary average arbitrators! Everything I said is my personal opinion, I'm not a guru - I'm just learning :D

The topic was chosen by the FACEBOOK ADVERTISING chat participants.

Tale about Vasya:

Vasya decided to generate traffic, began to study the source of traffic, studied offers, it took him several days. That's it, it's time to start! To begin with, he bought domains, set up NS, made a creo, created creative for 3 hours, uploaded his first company and it didn’t catch on, the lead was expensive, Vasya decided to buy a creo for 500-1000 rubles per video. He uploaded a new creo and, lo and behold, the offer was hooked, Vasya pours in and thinks that everything has just begun, and now the profit will come, but then he encounters problems: bans, unwinding, expensive leads, and he decided to ask for help in chats , as a result, “TRU trolls” attacked him, who stupidly led him astray. Vasya decided to figure it out himself, and while he was figuring out the causes of the problems, the offer died, everything had to start again! The fairy tale is fucked, and those who listened - well done!

How to create a team? What are the pros and cons?
Let's define right away what I mean by the word TEAM. A team is a group of participating partners, among whom there are no bosses! There cannot be a leader in a team; everything in a team is decided through discussion, etc.

I’ll take our humble team as an example. At the moment we are working closely with Facebook + actively studying AdWords. We don’t pour crazy volumes, but we strive for it!

The team consists of me and three of my friends whom I met on the web in 2013-2014. Each has its own pros and cons, each is unique in its own way, everyone lives in a different geo.

Team advantages:

1. One head is good, but several are better;

2. Moral support + excitement in competition between team members;

3. Quick tests of all creos and hypotheses;

4. Joint analysis of problems and their solutions (bans, etc.);

5. Mutual assistance with turnover, etc.;

6. Joint purchase of access to paid information (forums, privates, etc.)

7. By creating a team, you get good and reliable friends!

There are actually a lot of advantages, and I don’t have the strength to describe them all.


If you select participants correctly, you will not have any disadvantages. There will be domestic disputes, but these are minor things =)


The most difficult thing is to assemble the core of a team of two or three people. You need to find people who will be responsible for all their actions, who will not cheat you out of money, who will not cheat. The Internet is very large and there is a lot of nonsense, be careful.

Don’t start a team of relatives or friends, in short, those who don’t know anything about CPA - there will be scandals, division of money, and they will simply drag you to the bottom. As a result, you will end up with problems with your nerves and will end up fighting with everyone!

Before you start assembling a team, you need to understand that you must trust the people on the team 100%. Just imagine that you are pouring traffic into someone else’s account and it has accumulated 100-200k, do you trust the person? This happens often at work.

The best option for finding a team is to go to at least 1-2 conferences, where you will definitely find people who pour from one source or another.

For example: I went to CPAConf 2017, in fact, I didn’t know anyone personally, only through communication from chats and forums. Arriving at the conference, I registered and went to the hall. The first thing I did was take a photo with Nail Baikov and post the photo in the profile chat on Facebook, and a minute later I was already standing talking with new acquaintances on various topics, half an hour later we had a small dream team of 10-15 people, which was connected by one traffic source , common cause, etc., I never talked to half of them even online, but they turned out to be cool guys. Someone left, someone came, and at the report on FB we completely occupied the entire row =) Well, then - alcohol, communication, and a lot of chips.

Why did I tell all this? The best option is when you communicate with people in person and come to the point of working together =)


Stop doing sh*t already, thinking that they will squeeze out your ligament. Remember: there are thousands of web sites, and hundreds of people from thousands of accounts pour into one offer. The Internet is big, and if you think that your connection is super unique, that’s nonsense! As a team you will earn many times more!

Stages of team development:

1. Lapping in

You start working together, testing together, sharing experiences and what went well. If one has an offer, the second and third also launch this offer, there is enough audience for everyone =) If everyone in the team is too lazy to draw creatives (as in our case), you hire a creative person on a salary =) I know many guys who hired and didn’t regrets, because the average salary is 20-30k, and since you work in a team, dividing it among everyone, it comes out to pennies, and without wasting time on creo =)

We also teach our creatives how to cast. Personally, my task is to bring him to a minimum profit of 100k per month, and in the future I will join the team, because the creos come in with a bang =)

2. Scaling

Due to the fact that you are already working together, you have more established connections, creos, and at the same time you have a dozen accounts pouring into several offers.

You get tired of doing the routine and want to live like a person, you hire those who do the whole routine for a fixed salary + bonus. For example, to upload companies, you give the task of what and how to configure, what to upload, etc., while in the meantime you simply do further analytics of the created companies =)

Thus, it turns out that your team is a chat with partners who are united by one goal - PROFIT!

Some even open offices, put assistants there and pour ( Lidoff, Hello).

3. Volumes and Rest

Then you reach good volumes, affiliate managers give you private offers, increased deductions, etc., you work the same way, but with a lot of experience under your belt. You can launch any offer in the shortest possible time, and here development proceeds much faster.

As a recreation, you meet as a team and organize mini-corporate parties. In a word, you have surrounded yourself with people who will support you in any situation, who live the same life as you, with whom there is always something to talk about =) You get good friends!

What is all this for?

It's time to understand that working alone is becoming more and more difficult, costs are rising, and profits are falling. Look at your stats and try to see stability! Do you see a stable profit? Or its constant growth? NO? So it's time for you to think about the team.

This concludes the team topic, and I will be happy to answer all questions in the comments. Please do not write in PM, because the questions are usually of the same type.

What will happen in the next post?

Today I will give away the bundle= Offer + Several Creatives + Text + Targeting. ROI at the testing stage is 150-200%.

Don't like or press, I tried.

Thank you for your attention! Profit to everyone!

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