What is unique about the distribution of Australia's population? Economic assessment of natural conditions and resources

Answer from BayisiyaKonovalova[guru]
1. The population is distributed extremely unevenly throughout the country, its main centers are concentrated in the east and in the southeast, northeast and south. Here the population density is 25-50 people. per 1 km2, and the rest of the territory is very sparsely populated, the density does not reach even one person per 1 km2. The deserts in the Australian outback are completely devoid of population. Source: link 2. 82% of the current population of Australia are descendants of settlers from the British Isles: the English, Irish, Scots, who formed the Anglo-Australian nation; the rest are predominantly immigrants from other European countries. The British here make up 7.2% of the total population. The next largest population group (after the English-speaking population) are immigrants from Italy. About 240 thousand Australians are natives of this country, another 340 thousand have at least one parent of Italian descent, many have Italian ancestors in the third generation and beyond. Then come the Greeks - 1.2%. In addition, 120 thousand Germans, 100 thousand Dutch, 70 thousand Irish, 60 thousand Poles live in the country.

Australia ranks 50th in the world in terms of population. Australia's current population is more than 24 million people. According to sociologists, by 2025 the population of the Green Continent will be more than 28 million people.

Australia is one of the most urbanized countries planet, since most of the population mainly lives in large cities.

The high quality of life, favorable natural conditions and developed economy also contribute to the fact that the average life expectancy in Australia is 81.2 years. It is one one of the highest rates in the world.

Australia's indigenous population is just over 500 thousand people.

To date Australia is home to people whose ancestors include colonial-era settlers, as well as descendants of post-Federation immigrants who arrived on the mainland from Ireland and England.

An important point that led to the fact that today Australia is a multinational country is that in the middle of the 19th century Deposits of precious metals were discovered on its territory, and the Gold Rush began on the Green Continent.

In those days, people from all over the world came here and the population of Australia increased significantly. Population growth Australia began after the end of World War II.

The population doubled as Europeans began to flock to the mainland. And when in the 70s of the 20th century The White Australia policy was abolished, and immigrants from the Middle East and Asia began to come to the continent for permanent residence.

It is important to know! Approximately 90% of Australia's total population is of European descent, and 8% is of Asian descent.

What is the religion in Australia

Since Australia is multi-religious state, there is no official religion here. The predominant religion on the Green Continent is Christianity.

More than 25% of Australians practice Catholicism. Another major denomination is Anglicanism (more than 18%). According to a 2006 survey 2% of the Australian population adheres to Indigenous beliefs and Sikhism.

Almost 20% of Australians– adherents of other Christian denominations:

  • Pentecostals;
  • methodologists;
  • Salvation Army followers;
  • Adventists;
  • Presbyterians.

Concerning religious minorities, That:

  • Buddhism professed by 2.1% of the population;
  • Islam – 1.7%;
  • Hinduism – 0,7 %;
  • Judaism – 0.4%.

Population size and density of Australia by territory and state

Regarding the population size in specific regions of Australia, most Australians live in New South Wales (more than 7 million).

In third place by number the state of Queensland with a population of 4.5 million, followed by Western Australia (2.5 million), South Australia - 1.5 million people.

In Tasmania the population is more than 500 thousand, the Australian Capital Territory (almost 400 thousand people) and the Northern Territory (just over two hundred thousand).

Population density Australia is distributed unevenly throughout its territory. This is due to the peculiar climate of the continent. Half of the continent's territory is deserts and semi-deserts, where the population density is one person per square meter.

In the east of the continent, climatic conditions are more favorable for human habitation, so in this area the population density is 10 people per square kilometer. For 2017 population density Australia is 3 people per square kilometer.

Indigenous and mainstream populations of Australia

Large-scale population census last carried out in Australia in 2006, made it possible to find out what nationality the Australians are.

Thanks to the responses of Australian residents, it was possible to find out general population of Australia, that is, 31% are of Australian origin, 29% are of English origin.

Also just over 9% said they were Irish, 7% were Scottish, over 4% were Italian and 3% of Australia's population were of Chinese descent.

Indigenous people Australia () now accounts for only 2.5% of the total population of the state.

Also in the country population lives whose homeland is:

  • Greece;
  • Netherlands;
  • India;
  • Lebanon;
  • Armenia;
  • New Zealand;
  • Philippines;
  • Malta;
  • Croatia;
  • Indonesia;
  • Spain;
  • Macedonia;
  • France;
  • Hungary;
  • Türkiye and other countries.

Attention! In Australia, almost every resident speaks several languages: English and their native language.

Australian English is the official language of the Green Continent. It is spoken in cafes, hotels, government agencies, travel agencies, transport and theaters. Speaking English more than 80% of the population, the rest of Australia speaks minority languages.

Population of Australia – 2017

Experts predict that Australia's population will increase in 2017 by more than 350 thousand people.

As for immigrants, if the level of external migration is the same as in 2016, then the Australian population will change by +217,730 people.

Thus, number of people entering for permanent residence to the country of people, there will be more people leaving Australia.

Australia is not densely populated continent, which has prospects for a significant increase in numbers. This is due to both an increase in the birth rate and the arrival of immigrants from all over the world into the country.

Undoubtedly, the largest population in Australia is of European descent, but other peoples also live in this country. So Australia is country mix, which brought together people with different languages, cultures and religions.

History of the formation of the population of Australia

Note 1

The population of Australia was formed over a long historical period.
People from Southeast Asia were the first to populate the continent. They gave rise to the Australian Aborigines - the indigenous population of the mainland. After the discovery of Australia by Europeans, people from Europe and America flocked here. A large group has formed Anglo-Australian population. Next they arrived on the continent Italians, Chinese, New Zealanders, Africans, Greeks.

After the Second World War, the population of Australia was replenished with people taken by the Nazis to Germany for forced labor, who were afraid to return home for fear of reprisals. These were people from the occupied regions of the Soviet Union - Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Jews.

Before the arrival of the colonialists, the indigenous population of Australia was not engaged in either agriculture or animal husbandry. It led a nomadic life, collecting and hunting. Aboriginal people inhabited the eastern regions of the continent.

With the arrival of the colonialists and the introduction of agriculture and sheep farming, the indigenous population was forced into drier areas, inland. Special reservations were created for the indigenous population. For a long time, racist prejudices and attitudes dominated society. Only in the second half of the twentieth century were the indigenous population granted democratic rights and freedoms.

Population structure

Australia is a one-national state. Almost 75\%$ of the population today are Anglo-Australians. The rest are emigrants of the last wave:

  • English,
  • Scots,
  • Italians.

The demographic situation is characterized by the first type of population reproduction. Natural population growth is low. It is $6$ people/thousand. The “aging of the nation” is taking place. Australia is characterized by a positive migration balance. Until the 1960s, the country pursued a racist “white Australia” policy, which restricted the entry of “colored” people into the country.

Christians predominate among believers in Australia. Most of them are Protestants, there are Catholics and even Orthodox. In addition, among the religions there are Islam, Buddhism and local pagan cults.

Australia is a highly urbanized country. The level of urbanization exceeds $86\%$. This indicates a high level of development of the country's economy.

Population distribution

At the time of the discovery of the continent by Europeans, about $300,000 people lived on its territory. The population of modern Australia is more than $20 million. The average population density is about $2.6$ people/$km^2$. This is the lowest rate among continents, not counting Antarctica. The population is distributed extremely unevenly throughout the country. Due to natural conditions, 90% of the population is concentrated in the southeast of the country.

As mentioned above, urban residents predominate in the population structure. There are $5 million-dollar cities in the country: Sydney ($4.3 million inhabitants), Melbourne ($3.7 million), Brisbane ($1.6 million), Perth ($1.4 million) and Adelaide ($1.1 million) ). Only $331 thousand people live in the capital of the state, Canberra. This city was specially formed to perform administrative functions and in order to eliminate the dispute between Sydney and Melbourne for the right to be the main city of the country.

In the employment structure of the population, as in other highly developed countries, in Australia more than $55\%$ of the population is employed in trade and non-production.

Note 2

Australia is considered the world's resort area. Resort towns are growing rapidly in the Gold Coast region, New Castle and on the nearby islands.

Australia or the Commonwealth of Australia (Commonwealth of Australia) is a state that is located on the mainland of Australia, the island of Tasmania and several other small islands of the Pacific and Indian Oceans and is washed by the Indian and Pacific Oceans. On the northern and eastern coasts, which are washed by the Pacific Ocean, are the Timor, Coral, Aruf and Tasman seas. The Great Barrier Reef runs along this same coastline.

State structure

Australia is a federal state. Once part of the British Empire, now Queen Elizabeth is only nominally the main country. The capital is Canberra. The official language is English. Executive power is in the hands of the Prime Minister, the Governor-General (appointed by the Queen) and the Cabinet, which is formed by the Governor-General on the recommendations of the Prime Minister. The country is divided into six states (Victoria, Western Australia, New South Wales, Queensland, Tasmania and South Australia); three mainland territories (Northern Territory, Federal Capital Territory and Jervis Bay Territory (military base)) and external territories (Christmas, Norfolk, Cocos Islands; uninhabited islands - Heard and McDonald, Ashmore and Cartier, Coral Sea Islands Territory and Australian Antarctic Territory ).

Population of Australia

Australia is a multinational state. The population can be divided into two groups: descendants of immigrants and natives of the mainland. The settlement of the country began in 1788. Until this time, the inhabitants were Aboriginal Australians, Tasmanians and Torres Strait Islanders. The first colony - Port Jackson (today's Sydney) - was founded by Great Britain for the exile of criminals. Voluntary immigration to Australia appeared in the first quarter of the 19th century. It was during this period that sheep farming began to develop in the country and gold deposits were discovered. The flow of immigrants now consisted not only from the inhabitants of Great Britain, but also from the inhabitants of Germany, who were persecuted for political and religious reasons. This influx of foreigners has had a negative impact on local residents. Even according to modern estimates, today only 1% of the population are descendants of the indigenous inhabitants of the mainland, and 92% are descendants of settlers. According to sources, before the arrival of Europeans, 700 thousand aborigines lived on the mainland, united in 500 different tribes who spoke more than 200 languages.

In the early years of the colonies there was no particular harassment from the Europeans. But with the development of pastoralism and the discovery of gold, Europeans forced the Aborigines off their land. This led to violent guerrilla warfare (1800s). Victory was on the side of the British, because they had more advanced weapons and their troops were more centralized than the aborigines, most of whom spoke different languages ​​and could not form clear plans of action. Thus, by 1921 the number of indigenous residents decreased to 60 thousand people. The government began to allocate money for the construction of reservations, medical and material assistance to the aborigines. However, oppression by the British continued. The fact is that at that time the concept of Australian citizenship did not exist - immigrants were considered British subjects.

In 1949 the law ‘ About nationality and citizenship e', according to which all European settlers received Australian citizenship. But this did not apply to Aboriginal people: those born after the passage of this law were Australian subjects, and those born before the passage of this law remained 'non-citizens'. This issue was revised only in 1967 at a national referendum. An important date in the history of Aboriginal recognition was 1992, when the Australian Supreme Court ruled that the continent was not uninhabited when James Cook annexed Australia to the British Crown. A fateful decision was also made by the court in 1996. It was that the legal status of the Aborigines was compatible with the lease of mines and pastures. Today, the issue of resolving relations between indigenous people and settlers occupies an important place in the political and social life of Australia.

The country's population is about 22.6 million people. Due to the geographical features of the mainland (many deserts and lands unsuitable for agriculture and cattle breeding), the population is distributed unevenly throughout the territory. Most live in Sydney (the capital of the most populous state of New South Wales). After the two world wars, a large number of different nationalities immigrated to Australia. Today, in addition to the Aborigines and the British, Germans, Dutch, Greeks, Italians, Chinese and Vietnamese live here.

Australian economy: characteristics

Australia is one of the leading economic countries in the world. During the British rule, this country was an agricultural appendage of the metropolis. What helped it so quickly turn into a developed capitalist country? Firstly, not being involved in hostilities. With the exception of two world wars, Australia has no armed territorial conflicts and does not wage wars with other states. Secondly, the diversity of natural resources. Australia has deposits of iron and lead-zinc ore, bauxite, gold, zinc with an admixture of silver and copper, lead, manganese ores, chromium, opal, coal, uranium, oil and natural gas. Thirdly, constant financial and political support from Great Britain (loans, subsidies, highly qualified workers, etc.).

Industrialization is in full swing here. however, agriculture plays a major role in its economy. The main branch of agriculture has been and remains pasture farming, which accounts for 60% of the total value of agricultural products. The 'hallmark' of Australia is sheep farming. It is a world leader in wool production. The livestock population here is so large (about 190 million heads) that there are ten sheep for every resident. Australians breed Merino sheep (sheep with the highest quality and most expensive wool). Another branch of livestock farming is cattle breeding. This country leads among others in the production of meat and butter. On the coast of Australia, in addition to meat and dairy farming, beekeeping, poultry farming, pig farming, camel and horse breeding are developed.

From Brisbane to southern Australia (the so-called 'wheat belt') grow wheat, which is the top priority for Australians in crop production. Other grain crops worth noting are barley, rye, oats and corn. Lupine and clover are grown from forage grasses. Also growing in the country are tobacco, cotton, sugar cane, and tropical fruits (in Queensland - bananas, papaya and pineapples). Viticulture and winemaking are becoming a popular industry (states of New South Wales, South Australia and Victoria). Gardening is widespread (apricots, citrus fruits, cherries, peaches and plums are grown in the south-eastern part of the country) and vegetable growing.

The country is developing such industries as mechanical engineering. They produce mainly for the domestic market agricultural equipment, electrical equipment and cars. This is a completely new industry that appeared in the country in the 20th century, which is only now gaining momentum. Factories in the manufacturing industry, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy operate on local raw materials and chemical industries. Mostly, all products go to the needs of the domestic market. The country also has a large number of subsidiaries of foreign (usually American) companies.

The peculiarity of the Australian economy is that it fully self-sufficient in food, and at the same time remains the largest exporter of food, because it has always been dependent on foreign markets where it sold its products. Exports are made to New Zealand, China, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Indonesia and Taiwan. However, trade with Great Britain is gradually decreasing (due to political reasons), but trade with the United States is increasing.

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Population of Australia is approximately 20 million people. Population density is 3 people/km2. However, the population is distributed unevenly across the mainland: most are located along the eastern coast. The birth rate is 13 people, and the death rate is 7 people. per 1000 people When the first Europeans arrived in Australia, there were approximately 700 different tribes living here who spoke different languages. This is a feature of Australia's national diversity. Transport highways diverge to the most remote corners of the continent and you can hear many dialects during this time.

The modern population of Australia consists of several existing groups that differ from each other: followers of immigrants from Great Britain, Italy, Vietnam, Greece, China, New Zealand and Ireland, as well as the indigenous population. Australians who were born on the mainland make up 79%, the British - 7.2%, and there are also Asians, New Zealanders, Italians, Africans and Americans, Yugoslavs, Greeks living in Australia, who consider Australia their homeland. Tour operators offer several routes around the country - one of them to the very heart of Australia, where tourists can.

The bulk of the population professes Christianity. Most Australian Christians are Protestants, others are Catholics. There is also a small number of Orthodox Christians. Most Australians are very sensitive to religion and all its manifestations, and honor religious rites and customs.

Australia's capital city— Canberra. , which is surrounded by a beautiful park, and from the middle of the lake there is an unusually original huge fountain. A bridge was thrown across the lake, this is the Waterloo Bridge from London (Great Britain), which the Australians bought from the British back in the last century and transported home to Australia.

Around the lake there are numerous government agencies, banks, offices of industrial and trading companies in Australia, universities and other educational institutions. Residential areas of Canberra are similar to holiday villages. As in other Australian cities, Canberra residents prefer to live in small but cozy cottages surrounded by green gardens.

So named by Captain Arthur Philip, the leader of the convoy that escorted the very first convicts to the mainland. The city center is small. On fairly narrow streets there are solid and at the same time good-quality houses, which were built in the last century. In the city center there are many gardens and parks with lush green plants. In the Sydney area. There is little greenery here, the houses have the same appearance - this is one of the characteristics of Australian cities.

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