Which direction does a person look when remembering? If a person looks at the upper right corner

Natalya Kaptsova

Reading time: 5 minutes


Lying is never pleasant. But it’s one thing if a stranger lies to you, whom you will never see again, and quite another if the liar is your beloved man.

How to understand the situation and stop your spouse from lying? And is the “game worth the candle”?

  • First of all, you need to understand why your spouse is lying. Possible reasons are “wagons and trolleys,” but once you find out the main one, you will understand how to deal with this scourge. Lying may turn out to be part of a man (there are such dreamers for whom lying is an integral part of life), or he is simply afraid to be frank with you, or he answers you in the same coin.
  • Is he lying only to you or to everyone? If only for you, then the reason should be sought in your relationship. Think about whether your family has enough mutual trust - and? Maybe you are not too honest with your spouse?
  • Does he lie to everyone? And doesn't blush? It is almost impossible to rehabilitate a pathological liar. The only option is to find the true cause of his problem and, after talking seriously with his husband, make joint efforts to combat this addiction. Most likely, it will be impossible to do without the help of a specialist.
  • Are you putting too much pressure on your spouse? Excessive control over a man has never benefited the family boat - often wives themselves push their halves to lie. If a tired man, on the way home, went with a friend to a cafe and diluted the dinner with a little alcohol, and his wife was already waiting for him at the front door with the traditional “Oh, you…”, then the spouse will automatically lie that he didn’t drink anything, that he was late at a meeting, or was forced to “sip a little” because “corporate ethics require it.” This also happens when the wife is too jealous. “A step to the left means execution” will make every man howl. And it’s good if he just lies so that you don’t get yourself worked up over trifles again. It's worse if he actually takes a step to the left, tired of being accused of something he never did. Remember: a man also needs rest and at least a little free space.
  • He is afraid of offending you. For example, he says that this dress suits you very well, although he thinks otherwise. He theatrically admires a new batch of knitted bunnies or smacks his lips over a plate of soup with excessive enthusiasm. If this is your case, then it makes sense to be happy - your man loves you too much to say that there is nowhere to put rabbits, you still haven’t learned how to cook, and it’s time to buy a dress a couple sizes larger. Are you annoyed by such “sweet” lies? Just talk to your spouse. Make it clear that you are quite an adequate person to calmly accept constructive criticism.
  • You are too critical of your spouse. Perhaps in this way he is trying to be more successful in your eyes (he slightly overestimates his own achievements). Let go of the reins. Be supportive of your loved one. Learn to accept it as fate gave it to you. Be objective and constructive in your criticism - do not overuse it. And even more so, you shouldn’t compare your significant other with more successful men.
  • Lying about little things? Starting from the weight of the caught pike and ending with grandiose army tales? Never mind. Men tend to slightly exaggerate their achievements or even invent them out of the blue. Your “weapon” in this case is humor. Treat your spouse's quirks with irony. It is unlikely that these tales will interfere with your family life. Better yet, support your husband in this game of his - maybe he lacks your faith in him or the feeling of his worth.
  • The spouse lies constantly, and the lies affect the relationship. If your other half comes home after midnight with lipstick on his collar, and convinces you that “the fly-in has gone on for too long” (and other serious symptoms), it’s time to have a serious conversation. Most likely, your relationship has suffered a deep crack, and it’s no longer about how to stop him from lying, but about why the family boat is sinking. By the way, .
  • Cards on the table? If lies become a wedge in your relationship, then yes, you can’t pretend that you don’t notice his lies. Dialogue is mandatory, and without it the situation will only get worse. If the lie is harmless and limited to the size of the pike, then conducting an interrogation with bias and demanding sincerity “otherwise it’s a scam” is unproductive and pointless.
  • Want to teach a lesson? Conduct a “mirror” experiment. Show your spouse how he looks in your eyes by responding in the same way. Lie brazenly and without a twinge of conscience - demonstratively, openly and on every occasion. Let him change places with you at least for a little while. As a rule, such a demonstrative “démarche” works better than requests and exhortations.

What to do in the end?

It all depends on the scale and reasons for the lie. Exaggeration and fantasy are not a reason even for frowning brows (It’s unlikely that this bothered you when you walked in a wedding dress to the Mendelssohn march).

But a serious lie is a reason to reconsider your relationship. Dialogue is extremely important and recommended - after all, it is quite possible that the issue of mistrust, which is hidden under daily lies, can be easily resolved.

Eye movements and lies

In the last article we talked about, now let's look at it.

Can the direction of gaze reveal whether a person is telling the truth? - Yes, but it’s not as simple as it looks in the TV series.

In films, the investigator finds out that a person is lying by moving his eyes to the left or right while speaking.

In reality, it would be foolish to come to any judgment without further research, but the technique has its interesting sides.

Read, think, and test with your friends and family to find out how it works.

Ocular Access Keys (Visual Keys) "Liar's Eye"

For the first time the term " eye access keys" was discussed in the book "Frog to Prince: NLP" by Richard Bandler and John Grinder. This is what the authors discovered during their experiments.

While answering questions, a typical right-handed person looks (from your point of view):

Up left

Indicates: Visual image design(Vc)
If you ask someone to imagine a purple bull, the person will look up and to the left because they will construct a purple bull in their brain.

Up right
Indicates: Visual memory of an image(Vr)
If you ask someone, “What color was the wallpaper in your room as a child?”, they will remember and their eyes will start moving up and to the right.

Indicates: Sound design(Ac)
If you ask someone to reproduce in their head the highest sound that an alien can make, they will begin to construct in their head a sound that they have never heard.

Indicates: Memory of sound(Ar)
If you ask someone to remember what their mother's voice sounds like, they will look to the right.

Down left
Indicates: Sensations / Kinesthetics(F)
If you ask someone, “Can you remember the smell of a fire?”, they will look down and to the left.

Down Right
Indicates: Internal dialogue(Ai)
This is the direction of the eyes when someone is "talking to themselves."

How can you use this information to spot lies?


Let's imagine that a child asks you for cookies, and you ask him, “Okay, did your mom let you?” The child answers “Mom allowed...yes” and looks to the left. This means that the answer is made up because the eyes show "the construction of an image or sound." Looking to the right will mean remembering a voice or image, which, accordingly, will indicate the truthfulness of the answer.

Final remarks:

*** Looking straight ahead, as well as an unfocused gaze, also means remembering the image.

*** For a left-handed person, all meanings will be the opposite of those for a right-handed person.

*** Also, as with other cases of detecting lies, it is necessary to first establish the person's usual behavior before making decisions based on his eye movements.

*** Many skeptics consider the above information to be complete nonsense. But why don't you try it yourself? Make a list of questions that are similar to those written in this article. Ask these questions to people you know, observe their reactions and write down the results.

In the next article we will talk about micro facial expressions and subtle expressions of emotion. Do not miss!

With rare exceptions, each of us feels the need for communication, this is how humans are designed.

People share information with each other, jointly develop new ideas, get acquainted and start relationships, are charged with positive and negative emotions - all this happens through communication.

Due to the exceptional importance of this process in all areas of life, we are often very upset when they lie to us, and we do not notice it. Probably, learning to recognize a lie, so that it is certain and always, is the blue dream of humanity. Unfortunately, this is hardly possible, if only because people often cannot distinguish even their own inventions from reality.

However, in order to suspect something is wrong and keep your ears open, you don’t even need special equipment - during a conversation, it’s enough to pay attention to some indirect signs that your interlocutor involuntarily manifests, which can confirm or refute his words.

A lie, as a rule, is inconvenient for the one who comes up with it. He feels discomfort, nervousness, fear that he may be exposed, even when it concerns something completely harmless. And when we are talking about something serious that can affect a person’s future life, if the truth is revealed, then only a person with good self-control can behave correctly at such moments. But even in this case, if you know what to look for, you can find clear signs indicating a person’s nervousness, as well as in which places in his stories and answers it manifests itself most acutely. Let's look at these signs.


In our communication, words directly account for 20-40% of the information transmitted, that is, less than half. Everything else is non-verbal (that is, non-verbal) information. Methods of its transmission are studied by such a branch of linguistics as paralinguistics.

Pauses- the most common sign of deception. They can either be too long or too frequent. The presence of interjections - “um”, “well”, “uh” - also indicates that they may be telling you a lie or not telling you something.

Raising the tone- a likely sign. Speech becomes louder and faster, and the person experiences excitement. The reasons may be different - anger, delight, fear. But it could also be a lie.

Useless facts. To make a story convincing, people try to saturate their fictional story with real events that are far from the subject of conversation. For example, if you want to find out in detail about the people your interlocutor met, what he, for example, needs to hide, then you will hear detailed micro-stories about how wonderful the food was, how great the weather was, what emotions were caused by certain everyday events, and about people can only be said in passing. In a word, they will clearly draw a vast background for you, but in the center of the picture they will only sketch a blurry sketch.

“Guess for yourself” answer. You need to make sure that the person answers directly, without necessarily correcting him and thereby putting pressure on him. Remember that a question asked to a question is only an indirect answer.
If you asked, “Did you watch TV today?” and were told, “Well, you know I couldn’t do that?” - then you need to understand that this is avoiding a direct answer. Although it should be noted that people can answer this way only because they are offended by a lack of confidence in themselves and do not consider it necessary to answer directly.
Another option for an indirect answer is when you are also asked to think out what was said yourself, but are not told directly, for example, to the question “Are you sure you can fix this?” may be followed by the phrase “My friends consider me an excellent master!” From it we can conclude that the person is not confident in his abilities, but he does not want to admit it.

As you asked, so they answered you. Frequent and precise use of phrases from your question, as well as complete repetition of the question before the person begins to answer, may indicate insincerity. In such situations, your interlocutor does not have time to think of what to answer, so he uses your own words or stalls for time before answering in order to have time to construct a plausible version.

An anecdote instead of an answer. Pay attention to the “funny” answers. You asked, they answered you wittily, you appreciated it, laughed and moved on to another question, or you didn’t bother bothering this funny interlocutor anymore - a common situation. But you need to think about it, if a person often laughs it off instead of answering directly, perhaps he is doing it on purpose.

Speech at different speeds. Frequent coughing, attempts to clear the throat, a sudden change in speech from normal to faster or slower may mean that the person is nervous, perhaps lying. This is also indicated by any objectively unconditional change in the speaker’s voice or tone.

If, during the process of telling a story, a person goes back in the course of the story and adds something to it: he clarifies it, says that he forgot to mention something, adds details, then this indicates a sincere story. It’s difficult to remember a story made up on the fly, add to it in the middle, and then continue to think from the end - there is a high probability of getting lost and confused


First of all, you should pay attention to the posture of the interlocutor

“Closed poses” are well known - crossed arms and legs. They say, at a minimum, that the interlocutor is not very inclined to communicate with you. A person may look relaxed, but attempts to hide his hands, fold them on his chest or lock them on his knees give him away. It’s not a fact that he’s lying to you, but he clearly wants to hide something from you, not to let it slip.

It happens that a liar shrinks, as if he is trying to take up as little space as possible.

Another pose: if a person takes a step back during a conversation, most likely he himself does not believe what he is telling you.

There are “slips in gestures”, a kind of non-verbal leaks of information. Not every liar makes them, but if they happen, it is a reliable sign of his intentions.

If a person touches his face with his hands: scratches his nose, covers his mouth, then these are signs that he is subconsciously closing himself off from you, putting a barrier between you.

The most common gestures of deception:

Involuntary shrug of the shoulders speaks of indifference, that a person doesn’t care. And if he twitches one shoulder, it means that he is lying with a very high degree of probability.

Rubbing the eyes. When a child does not want to look at something, he covers his eyes with his palms. In an adult this gesture is transforms into rubbing the eye. In this way, the brain tries to block something unpleasant for us (deception, doubt or an unpleasant sight).
For men, this is a more pronounced gesture - they rub their eyes, as if a speck has gotten into their eye.
For women, this gesture is less noticeable and may well pass for correcting makeup, since ladies usually gently rub their lower eyelid with a finger.
But even here you should be careful - suddenly a speck or an eyelash actually got in!

P touch to the nose (often with a quick, elusive movement) is also a sign of lying. This gesture is called the "Pinocchio symptom"
Remember the story about Pinocchio, where his nose began to grow rapidly when he lied? In fact, physically this process actually occurs - special substances catelochamines are released in the body, which lead to irritation of the nasal mucosa, pressure also increases, blood flow increases and the nose actually enlarges a little. But this is not noticeable, but it is noticeable how your interlocutor begins to reach for his nose and scratch it.
Covering mouth with hand or coughing into a fist, according to psychologists, shows a desire to suppress the utterance of one’s own false words, to prevent them from breaking out.
Brushing imaginary lint off clothes. The interlocutor does not approve of what he heard. He doesn't want (or can't) say it out loud, but the gesture betrays his thoughts.
Pulling the collar.
It's a familiar gesture, isn't it? It’s as if it’s getting stuffy and it’s hard for a person to breathe. Deception leads to increased blood pressure and increased sweating, especially if the deceiver is afraid of being caught in a lie.

Other deceptive gestures include:

Rubbing your earlobe.
Let's get back to our monkeys! This is a “I don’t hear anything” gesture. It is usually accompanied by a glance to the side. Variants of this gesture: rubbing the earlobe, scratching the neck behind the ear, picking (sorry) in the ear or twisting it into a tube.

Scratching the neck.
Typically, people do this with the index finger of the hand they are writing with. The average person scratches their neck 5 times a day. This gesture means doubt. That is, if a person tells you something like “Yes, yes! I completely agree with you” and at the same time reaches out to scratch his neck, this means that in fact he does not agree and doubts.

Fingers in mouth.
The most striking character with a finger in his mouth is Dr. Evil from the film about Austin Powers. He almost always keeps his little finger near his mouth. This is an unconscious attempt by a person to return to a state of security that is usually associated with infancy and sucking on the same pacifier. An adult sucks a cigar, pipe, glasses, pen, or chews gum. Most touching of the mouth is associated with deception, but it also indicates that the person needs approval. Perhaps he is lying because he is afraid that you will not like the truth.

Pay attention to such a gesture as extended middle finger. It can simply lie on the knee, or the person accidentally touches his face with it. This is a gesture of hostility and hidden aggression: the interlocutor seems to send you to hell.

You should also notice if the interlocutor shifts from foot to foot or even takes a small step back. This indicates a desire to leave, to distance themselves from you, so as not to give something away.
It is especially important to pay attention to backward movements when asking questions. If the respondent's head moves sharply back or down- this is perhaps also an attempt to close.


A person's behavior differs dramatically depending on whether he is telling the truth or lying.

If a lie occurs, then the person’s emotions will be much deeper and more sensual. Any lie implies the presence of a certain mask that a person puts on himself and builds an appropriate line of behavior. Often, the “mask” and other emotions are mixed together. For example, a slight smile is a mask of pleasure, if this feeling is not actually experienced, it is mixed with signs of fear, sadness, disgust or anger. In the case of sincere joy, our gaze will see not only a smile, but also the movement of the muscles located around the eyes.

Bad reaction. Monitor the other person's emotions as the conversation progresses. If a person is hiding something from you, then emotions can be expressed late, remain on the person’s face for an unusually long time, and then suddenly disappear, appearing before you finish the phrase.
This happens because a person thinks intensely about something of his own, poorly maintains the thread of the conversation and demonstrates emotions that he does not actually feel.

Facial expressions that last 5-10 seconds are usually fake. Most genuine emotions only appear on the face for a few seconds. Otherwise they will look like a mockery. For example, surprise that lasts for more than 5 seconds in a person is a false emotion.
A sincere person's words, gestures and facial expressions are synchronized. If someone shouts: “I’m so tired of you!”, and an angry facial expression appears only after the remark, the anger is most likely fake.

American psychologist Paul Ekman studied people's facial expressions and counted a total of 46 independent facial movements. However, he found that in combination with each other they can convey about 7,000 unique emotions! Interestingly, many of the muscles that move the face are not controlled by consciousness. This means that a fake smile will always, albeit slightly, differ from the real one.

Behavior during provocations

Increased breathing, heaving of the chest, frequent swallowing, protruding perspiration - these are signs of strong feelings. It is possible that they are lying to you. Blushing is a sign of embarrassment, but you can also become embarrassed from shame for lying.

Do you like field hockey? If you try to abruptly change the subject, the person telling the lie will take it with relief and support your initiative, because he understands that the less you talk to him, the less chance he has of “messing up” and giving himself away. If the interlocutor is sincere, then his natural reaction will be a misunderstanding of the reason for the change of topic, dissatisfaction that his story was not heard to the end. He will try to return to the topic of conversation.

I don't like you guys... If you have doubts about the veracity of the interlocutor’s words, MirSovetov advises to implicitly show that you do not believe the interlocutor’s story: after his answer to the next question, pause, look closely, with distrust. If they are not honest with you, it will cause embarrassment and uncertainty. If a person tells the truth, then he often begins to get irritated and stare at you. The following changes can be noted in it: embarrassment disappears, lips compress, eyebrows frown.

Eye movements

It is true that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. A person is designed in such a way that the eyes actively participate in the process of thinking.

They take position depending on which area of ​​the brain is involved at the moment. Knowing this, we can assume what the brain is doing at one time or another in the dialogue: coming up with something new or processing real information.

If a person confidently wants to defend his lie and lies consciously, he tries to maintain eye contact. He looks soulfully into your eyes. This is to know if you believe his lies.

And when a person is taken by surprise and wants to lie so that everyone will forget about it, he immediately switches your attention: he goes into another room, supposedly on business, or starts tying his shoes, sorting out papers and muttering something under his breath...

However, sometimes a person looks into the eyes in the hope of seeing support. He may not lie, but he can be very unsure of his rightness.

Watch for blinking. When they lie, they often blink involuntarily, because for many, lying is still a . But, in addition, increased blinking may mean that the subject of the conversation is unpleasant to him and causes pain. And the less often a person blinks, the happier he is at that moment.

When asking a question, pay attention to the eye movement at the moment when the person answers. When a person is really trying to remember all the details and tell you, they look to the right. When a person comes up with ideas, his gaze goes to the left.

Usually when a person remembers (invents) he looks not just to the side, but down (down right, down left)

See a diagram by neurolinguistic psychologists that tells you what eye movements indicate.

Let's imagine that the picture shows the face of your interlocutor. Further, in order to avoid confusion, we will agree to write in relation to you when you look at the “interlocutor’s face”, and in brackets there will be instructions regarding the face depicted in the diagram

You see that the other person's eyes

  • They're watching to your left and up(the person looks at the upper right corner), this indicates the construction of the picture.
  • To your right and up(for him this is the upper left corner) - access to visual memory.
  • They're watching left(right side for the interlocutor) - comes up with a sound,
  • right(left side for him) - tries to remember what he heard.
  • Eyes below and left(lower right corner) - checking sensations and feelings.
  • Below and to the right(lower left corner) - reflects on the situation, talks to himself.
  • If the look straight, then the person perceives the information.

For example, if you asked your boss about the salary date, and while answering, he looked down and to the right relative to you, then he thought about it for the first time and is forming an answer “on the fly”, thinking. And if he just turns to the right, it means he’s saying what he heard before from his superiors.

Pay attention to this nuance: if you are talking to a left-handed person, then the left and right sides are mirror opposites. This is also true for right-handers, in whom the left hemisphere still predominates over the right, for example, the so-called. retrained lefties.

There is an opinion that a direct look eye to eye symbolizes the sincerity of a person, but if the eyes are averted, then they say that someone is “hiding” his eyes and hiding something. In reality, this is not the case. During a conversation, it is often necessary to break eye contact in order to focus on a thought, think, or remember.
Based on materials from bskltd.ru, mirsovetov.ru

Interesting fact:

Scientists from the State University of New York at Buffalo have developed a high-tech polygraph. Based on eye movements, it recognizes when a person is telling the truth and when he is lying. According to the researchers, their system is able to detect false statements with an accuracy of more than 80%.

The new system was tested on volunteers. Before the experiment began, they were asked to guess whether they had stolen a check that was made out to a political party they did not support. An interrogator sat next to the subjects, who first asked questions that were not related to the topic, and then directly asked about “theft.”

At this time, the program, using web cameras, monitored the violation of the trajectory of eye movement, the speed of blinking and the frequency with which the participants in the experiment shifted their gaze. As a result, the system was able to successfully detect lies in 82.2% of cases, while for experienced investigators this rate was about 60%.

How to recognize a lie by facial expressions and gestures:

It should be noted that just as in nature there are no two identical personalities, each person is individual in his own way, so there is no universal set of signals that detect lies. Therefore, all signs must be carefully analyzed in the context of the current situation, and pay attention to both the voice and emotions, and do not forget about body movements. The tongue can lie, but the body cannot lie.

However, be careful and do not make hasty conclusions, no matter how insightful people you are, because even Sherlock Holmes once suspected a girl of a terrible crime, mistaking her awkward gesture for an attempt to hide the truth. Later it turned out that the girl was simply embarrassed by her unpowdered nose: o).

And what do you think,

Are you faced with the fact that your man is constantly deceiving you, are you tired of watching him get out of situations in every possible way, are you tired of lies? So who doesn’t get bored! Therefore, today we will figure out how to understand whether your passion is really deceiving you, why he does it and what is the best thing to do if your boyfriend does not stop lying. You will be able to act thoughtfully, sort everything out and make the only right decision.

So that you can understand why a guy is lying, take note of several reasons:

  1. To the rescue. A man is afraid to tell a woman something, fears for her reaction or attitude to some circumstance. Having lied or failed to finish speaking once, he begins to do it unconsciously again and again. For example, a girl wants children in the near future, the guy agrees, but every year he puts it off until later. It is obvious that he does not intend to start one with you, he is just comfortable with the girl, or he likes her, but he does not want to offend her.
  2. "Peekaboo". This type of lie is characteristic of those who like to exaggerate and embellish reality. Some people most often simply cannot stand discussing serious issues and do not like to talk about their mistakes and admit them.
  3. Unscrupulousness and meanness. The most common option is when a man lies at every turn, big time, maybe even playing a double game. For example, he tells you that he is at work, and at this time he goes on vacation with friends. But what’s even worse is that people with a similar character may not even feel remorse when they come home after meeting another woman.

Psychology experts say that a number of reasons can contribute to deception:

  • problems at work;
  • disrespect or misunderstanding in family relationships;
  • poor relationship with parents;
  • distrust of the partner;
  • lack of confidence in you;
  • fear of getting close to someone.

Many boys who were raised strictly are accustomed to defending themselves from demanding parents. Knowing that they would take some information with hostility, they simply hid it or gave out something completely different.

Others, in order not to further traumatize their woman’s psyche, are accustomed to keeping silent about something. In this case, it turns out that the girl’s excessive emotionality is to blame. There are characteristics that some males have that make them “take care” of their partner, turning everything around them pink.

If he constantly lies to you, perhaps he doesn't need you at all. We wrote earlier about how to understand this. You can find it here. You will be convinced whether he loves you or is faking it.

Perhaps something happened to your young man, and he does not want to upset his beloved. Be prepared for this situation: we have prepared an article specifically for this about. You will need to pay attention to his behavior and gestures.

What if he is in love with you, but hides his feelings? This can also be regarded as deception. This one.

Don't be discouraged, even if the guy is constantly lying. Try it with our tips. You will learn not to be afraid of them and overcome them.

Read here. You will learn to determine how he feels about you, whether the guy hides his emotions, whether he thinks about you from a distance.

How to expose a liar

To find out if he is cheating, take a closer look at the behavior of your significant other. If a man, when answering your questions, changes the topic and tries to laugh it off, then most likely he is being obfuscated and hiding something. In this case, you need to take it by surprise. Pretend to fall for the trick, continue the conversation along the direction he has set, or laugh in response to his joke. When he relaxes, ask a question that interests you (where he was, what he did). He won't have time to react correctly, and you can catch him in a lie.

The second way to determine deception is to study a man’s gestures and facial expressions during a conversation. The main signs of lying are averting the eyes to the side, indirect gaze, slight trembling in the hands and closed postures. If such nuances are difficult to track, then watch him for several days.

If he is rude to you, perhaps the man is deceiving. This can also be indicated by the fact that the guy hides his phone and has passwords on his computer. If a man has closed himself off from you, he is definitely hiding something.

What to do if a guy is lying to you

Remember that you need to worry only when the young man’s behavior has really changed, if he has become withdrawn and closed himself off from you. If you managed to figure out what prompted him to deceive, then deciding how to correct the current situation is much easier.

If the problems are not that serious, the best way out is a heart-to-heart conversation. There is no need to raise a scandal; under no circumstances should you spoil the nerves of both yourself and your man. You can talk about everything calmly and reasonably. It is important to let him know that you know about the lie, that you understand the reason for it, that you want to fix everything. If a man truly loves a woman and values ​​her, he will meet such an offer with pleasure. So everything will soon get better through joint efforts.

If a man tries to lie blatantly, shamelessly and vilely, the man doesn’t care about your inner state, then you need to think about whether you need all this? In such cases, the most effective way is the following: take paper and pen, sit at the table and write down everything that is on your soul, do not miss a single detail. Believe me, after re-reading your thoughts just once, you will see the resolution of an exciting issue. It will become clear to you whether you need to fight for your partner or whether you should take care of your personal well-being.

Listen to what the lie specialist says, very interesting recommendations in this video:

Never panic. Take care of your nerves, because their disorder promises health problems. Emotional outbursts also prevent a woman from soberly assessing the situation.


When a person lies, his eyes often give him away. You can learn to control your movements, you can learn to come up with plausible lies. But controlling eye movement is very, very difficult. At the moment of lying, a person feels uncomfortable, so he looks away from the eyes of the interlocutor. According to him, where the interlocutor’s gaze is directed, if he stubbornly does not look into your eyes, this is the first sign of a lie.

People who know this sign sometimes do the opposite. That is, they look into a person’s eyes. And the second sign of a lie is a direct, unblinking gaze straight into the eyes. As a rule, people at this moment are trying to whitewash themselves, so their view is too honest.

Due to an unpleasant situation, the eyes of a lying person change. And it is completely impossible to control this. The pupil sharply decreases in size. Look your interlocutor in the eyes. If the pupil is constricted, there is a high probability that he is lying.

When a person lies, the blood rushes to the face a little more. Microscopic red spots appear around the eyes. Sometimes this can be seen with the naked eye. Take a close look at the skin around your opponent's eyes. If you see small spots appearing, then most likely the person is not telling the truth.

Look in which direction the person is looking when he speaks. If he looks to the right, he is lying. If a person looks to the right and up, at that moment they come up with an image, a picture. If he looks to the right and straight, then he scrolls sounds in his head, selects phrases. If he looks to the right and down, this means that he has finished thinking about the situation and is ready to tell it.

Apply these rules if you are sure that the person is right-handed. If he is left-handed, then he will look to the left when he tells a lie. Keep this in mind when declassifying a person.

Sometimes a lie can be defined in another way. Watch your opponent's eyes. If his gaze begins to quickly move from one object to another, he can also be suspected of lying.

Video on the topic


Do not rush to accuse a person of lying. If during a conversation he does not look into your eyes, but looks somewhere into the distance, then this may also mean that there is a TV behind you on which football is being broadcast.

Helpful advice

There is not a single action that would indicate that a person is lying 100%. Based on these signs, one can only assume that the person at this moment is not entirely frank.

The well-known folk saying “the eyes are the mirror of the soul” has a deep meaning. By eyes you can learn a lot about a person. The movement of the eyelids, eyeballs, eyebrows, head tilt speaks more about the interlocutor and his emotions than words.


Knowing some secrets eyes you can determine whether a person is sincere with you or not. It has long been noticed: if a person experiences feelings of guilt, he lowers them down (sometimes down and to the side). To find out what exactly your interlocutor is experiencing, it is enough to compare such eye movements with the context of the conversation.

Psychologists believe that “fixed eyes” can be a sign of lying. If you asked your interlocutor to remember something, and he, without looking away, continues to look straight into your eyes or at you, then this is one of the signs of a person’s insincerity. If he answers the question asked without hesitation, there is suspicion of his hypocrisy.

This sign concerns mainly responses to unexpected questions or requests to remember long-ago events. If a person talks about what happened to him ten to fifteen minutes ago, or provides important information for him (his phone number, residential address), then the “fixed eyes” sign does not work here.

Another sign of a possible lie is “quickly averting your eyes.” If your interlocutor looks at you while telling a story or answering a question and suddenly quickly looks away and then just as quickly returns to you, there is a high probability that he is trying to hide something.

When during a conversation the interlocutor looked directly and openly at you and, when touching on one topic or another, began to avoid looking at you, this can also indicate a lie and an attempt to hide something. But we must not forget that some insecure people often feel awkward during a conversation and therefore avoid looking at them, which does not at all indicate their insincerity. It is also quite possible that your interlocutor is simply unpleasant about the topic raised.

Pay attention to the pupils of your interlocutor. A person cannot control his pupils. If, when answering a question, you notice that the interlocutor’s pupils have narrowed or dilated, this should lead to suspicion that they are not being completely sincere with you.


You should not make hasty conclusions when you see one of the signs. Be sure to compare the context of the conversation and the situation with the listed signs. If you focus only on them, you can make a mistake and accuse an honest person of lying.

Helpful advice

If a person looks down and to the right, this is one of the signs of lying, but if he looks down and to the left, he may simply be searching for the right words.


  • Psychology. How to recognize a lie
  • lies in the eyes

Psychologists say that in most cases a lie can be detected. No matter how hard a lying person tries, his body will subconsciously send certain “beacons” that he is trying to deceive. And you can find out that they are telling you lies simply by observing the face of your interlocutor.


When children tell a lie, they cover their mouth with their palm. At a later age, a person retains this habit. When he tries to deceive, his hands subconsciously reach for his mouth. But with his mind, a person understands that this cannot be done. And so he tries to change the movement. That is, if your interlocutor constantly touches his face with his hand during a conversation, this is one of the first signs that he is lying to you. But an isolated incident doesn’t mean anything; a person’s nose can actually itch. Therefore, observe carefully so as not to make hasty conclusions.

If during the entire conversation a person supports his chin with his hand, this may also indicate that he is trying to deceive you. Usually this pose looks like this: the thumb lies on the cheek, the palm covers part of the lips.

Watch the facial expression of your interlocutor. If a person speaks the truth, his words correspond to his facial expressions. For example, he says that he is happy and smiles. If a person lies, his speech does not match his facial expression or his emotions appear out of sync. For example, he says that he is very pleased, but a smile on his face appears a few seconds earlier or later (which happens more often) than these words.

Observe the gaze of your interlocutor. If he is lying, he will most likely avoid looking you in the face. Men who tell lies most often look at the floor, and women - at the ceiling. If your interlocutor is familiar with non-verbal psychology, then, on the contrary, he can constantly look into your eyes, proving that he is truthful.

Study the other person's emotions. If he lies, then they will change dramatically. For example, he was just sitting with a frowning face, and a second later he was smiling, but the smile also disappeared suddenly. A person who has been told something pleasant or funny begins to show emotions gradually. First, an expression of joy appears in the eyes, then small facial wrinkles appear, and only then a sincere and open smile appears on the face. It also goes away gradually. For a person who is trying to deceive, emotions change dramatically.

The smile of a lying person, only the lips are involved, but the eyes remain cold. Or it can be asymmetrical, when only one half of the mouth smiles. This applies to the manifestation of almost all emotions. An asymmetrical facial expression most often indicates that a person is trying to lie. The right and left sides of the face are influenced by different hemispheres of the brain. The left hemisphere controls a person’s thoughts and speech, while the right hemisphere is responsible for emotions. The work of the right hemisphere is reflected in the left half of the face. Therefore, if you want to understand whether they are lying to you or not, pay more attention to this part.

Video on the topic


  • how to recognize a lie by face

Sometimes situations arise in life when it is very important to understand whether a person is lying or not. You can recognize a liar without using a lie detector. Sometimes all it takes is looking into his eyes.


Look where the other person's gaze is directed during a conversation. If up and to the right - the person remembers the events that actually happened, up and to the left - he tells you about invented facts. A glance directed to the left indicates that the interlocutor is having difficulty finding words, and if he looks to the right, it means he is remembering what he heard earlier. People who are immersed in their feelings and experiences look down and to the left during a conversation, down and to the right - conducting an internal dialogue with themselves (for left-handed people, the right side and left side change places).

Pay attention to whether the other person makes eye contact. Inexperienced liars often look away or cover their eyes with their hands. Experienced - they know how to look intently into the victim’s eyes, but frequent blinking can give them away.

Assess the size of your interlocutor's pupils. Expanded - a reaction to truthful words, narrowed - to a lie. This occurs due to the fact that the body of the person telling the lie begins to produce special chemical compounds that affect the size of the pupils. Because of this, by the way, a liar may still have an itchy nose or ear.

Observe how the interlocutor's gaze corresponds to his words. If a person is sincerely happy, worried, surprised, etc., then these emotions will be reflected very clearly in his eyes. A liar's gaze either does not express any emotions, or these manifestations are significantly delayed.

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Helpful advice

There are other ways to spot a liar. One of the signs that you are being lied to is frequent drinking during a conversation - the person’s throat seems to be dry. Listen to the voice of the interlocutor: monotonous speech often betrays someone who carefully thinks through his remarks. The gesticulation of a person who is telling a lie is often unnatural and constrained; he seems to be trying to shrink and take up as little space as possible. When analyzing a person’s behavior, try to pay attention to various combinations of signs - this is the only way you can accurately determine whether they are lying to you.

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There is a simple technique that allows you to determine a person’s dominant hand. The dominant hand is connected to the dominant hemisphere of the brain: for left-handers - the right, for right-handers - the left.

Drawing and object manipulation tasks

Draw a circle on paper, ending with an arrow. It is important which direction your arrow points. If counterclockwise, this indicates a predominance of the left hemisphere and right-handedness. If clockwise, the right hemisphere is dominant and you are left-handed.

Draw a triangle and a square for each of the arms in turn. Rate the drawings. Whichever hand turned out faster and smoother is the leading hand. Take a large box or other items that can be placed vertically on a surface. Place an arbitrary number of these items with both of them in turn. If more was delivered by your left hand, you are right-brain dominant and left-handed. If it's right-handed, you're left-brain driven and right-handed.

The fifth task is that you must draw a straight vertical line and thereby divide a sheet of paper into two halves. Your line will inevitably shift, no matter how straight you aim. If the line is located closer to the right edge, your left hemisphere dominates, you are left-handed. If to the left edge, your left hemisphere dominates, you are right-handed.

And another task - take a pencil in your hand so that it looks vertically upward. Extend your hand and look at him without looking away. Hold your gaze on the pencil and cover each eye with your palm in turn. If the pencil visually moves when you close your right eye, your dominant hemisphere is the left, you are right-handed. If he did this while closing the left one, the leading hemisphere is the right one, you are left-handed.

Body position tasks

The first task is to intertwine the fingers of your right and left hands. See which finger involuntarily ended up on top. If it is the left thumb, the right hemisphere of the brain is dominant. Accordingly, you are left-handed. And vice versa, the thumb of your right hand is on top - you are right-handed, and your left hemisphere leads.

Cross your legs in a sitting position. If the right leg is on top, the leading hemisphere is the left, you are right-handed. If it is the left leg on top, you are left-handed and your right hemisphere is leading. Spin around in place; if you do this counterclockwise, you are left-brain dominant and right-handed. If you spin clockwise, the right hemisphere is dominant and you are left-handed.

In the next task you need to depict applause. In this case, one of the hands will also involuntarily end up on top. If it's left, you're right-brain driven, and you're left-handed. If it is right, you are driven by the left hemisphere, you are left-handed.

Fourth task - reproduce Napoleon's pose. To do this, you need to place the hand of one hand on the forearm of the opposite one. If you involuntarily chose your left hand for this, placing it on your right forearm, your right hemisphere dominates, you are left-handed. If, on the contrary, you put your right hand on your left forearm, your left hemisphere dominates, you are right-handed.

The behavior of a lying person is always different from the behavior of a sincere person. A small detail, sometimes noticeable only to an experienced psychologist, will still give away the deceiver, no matter how he disguises himself: it can be facial expressions, pantomime, posture. The look of the interlocutor can also tell whether he is telling the truth.


The first lie is an averted gaze. But this is not an absolute indicator. Some people, even during ordinary, sincere speech, do not look at the interlocutor, but turn to the side, so it is easier for them to find words. Such people, while deceiving, on the contrary, can look you in the eye and even look with some challenge.

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Eyes are not the only indicator of lies. When analyzing behavior, look at the full picture: gestures, facial expressions, posture. Analyze all the information you know about the person: do the words match what you know and what you see?

It is always unpleasant to realize that your interlocutor is telling a lie, but it is even more unpleasant to believe in a deliberate lie and feel stupid. How can you determine whether your interlocutor is deceiving you?

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