He leads and follows. Moved to the active dictionary

Proverbs and sayings for schoolchildren. Learning in proverbs and sayings for children and adults.

Proverbs and sayings about learning, about knowledge

Learning is beauty, and ignorance is blindness.

Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.

It is necessary to teach not by telling, but by working and showing.

An example is better than a rule.

Teach others and you yourself will understand.

You will learn from the smart, and you will unlearn from the stupid.

Live forever, work forever, and while working, learn forever.

Gain intelligence from a scientist, and skill from a master.

An unlearned head is like a lantern without fire.

Don't say what you studied, but say what you learned.

They give two non-scientists for a scientist, and even then they don’t take it.

A scientist loves everything.

The scientist leads, and the unlearned follows.

The scientist walks, but the unscientific stumbles.

A scientist without work is like a cloud without rain.

Learn from a young age - you won’t die of hunger in old age.

Wherever the head comes, the body will lead there.

There is no old age for learning.

It’s not a shame not to know, it’s a shame not to learn.

Learning is the path to skill.

What I learned was useful.

Know-it-all teaches stranger.

The know-it-all understands everything perfectly, but the know-no-no just keeps her mouth open.

Proverbs about books, education, learning and science

For a book, move your mind.

The pen is big, but it writes big books.

Some books enrich you, and others lead you astray.

Some books will add to your mind, others will turn you off.

From time immemorial, a book has raised a person.

A book is a book, but move your mind.

Books don't tell, they tell the truth.

If you get used to the book, you will gain intelligence.

A good book is your best friend.

Reading is the best learning.

Without patience there is no learning.

A pile of books is no substitute for a good teacher.

Education is wealth, and its application is perfection.

Know more, sleep less.

The letters are crooked, but the meaning is straight.

Parents create the body, teachers create the soul.

Live and learn.

You get bored with grumbling, but you teach by example.

Learned everything, just not mastered it.

Everyone is born, but not everyone is fit to be a human being.

Any half-knowledge is worse than any ignorance.

Az, beeches, the leaders are scared like bears.

Alphabet - the wisdom of the step.

They teach the alphabet, they shout at the whole hut.

Without letters and grammar you cannot learn mathematics.

Without science it’s like without hands.

He doesn’t know how to read and write, but he keeps repeating numbers.

Learning to read and write is always useful.

We read harshly and think old thoughts.

For a scientist they give three non-scientists.

Know-nothing is running along the path, and Dunno is lying on the stove.

Knowledge is better than wealth.

Knowledge is power.

There is no old age for learning.

Learn until you die, improve until you die.

It is good to teach whoever listens.

The tree and the teacher are known by their fruit.

It’s too late to teach him, the vest doesn’t fit anymore.

If you are given a diploma, you will go far with it.

The root of the teaching is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.

The bird is red in its feathers, and the man is in his learning.

Those who are good at reading and writing will not be lost.

He who knows a lot, asks a lot.

He who is not learned is stupid.

The world is illuminated by the sun, and man is illuminated by knowledge.

It seems like writing is easy, you write with two fingers, but your whole body hurts.

They learn from mistakes.

Science does not lead into the forest, but rather out of the forest.

Science teaches only the smart.

Science is or rather a golden guarantee.

Science does not ask for bread, but gives bread.

People feed on science.

Science makes light, people live by learning.

If school doesn't teach you, hunting will teach you.

Don't say what you studied, but say what you learned.

Don't be arrogant, but learn.

Mother didn't teach you, but the strap will teach you.

They write not with a pen, but with their mind.

Don't get used to idleness, learn handicrafts.

It's not a shame not to know, it's a shame not to learn.

Don't study until you're old, study until you die.

Illiterate is like blind.

To teach the foolish that water should be poured into a bottomless tub.

From the science teacher.

The feather is lighter than the plow.

The pen writes, but the mind leads.

Writing is not scratching your tongue.

I stopped short of reading and didn’t get the numbers.

Repetition is the mother of learning.

Honor your teacher as you would a parent.

Jump with a letter - without a letter you can even cry.

First the basics and the beeches, and then the sciences.

The skill will find application everywhere.

A smart person loves to learn, and a stupid person loves to teach.

The scientist leads, and the unlearned follows.

The learned son is older than the unlearned father.

Learning decorates in happiness, and consoles in misfortune.

Learning is better than wealth.

Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.

Teach by showing, not telling.

Learn good things, and bad things will not come to mind.

Study while the cartilages have not grown together.

Learn from a young age, and when you are old you will not be hungry.

To teach is to sharpen the mind.

It's never too late to learn.

He will learn whatever he forces him to do.

To learn to swim, you need to get into the water.

What Vanya didn’t learn, Ivan won’t learn.


Learned people are the nobility of the spirit.
The scientist is soaked in shit.
A scientist is the ideal of a true citizen of a country.
Smart people are not scientists; scientists are not smart.
A scientist is not one who reads a lot, but one who reads profitably.
Learning is the sweet fruit of a bitter root.
In the new world, one young scientist is much more valuable than twenty old politicians.
There are no former academicians.
Science is the spring of teaching, knowledge is the lamp of life. (Kyrgyz village)
The life of a true scientist begins with failures.
Don't be born a scientist, but be born cool.
The scientist leads, and the unlearned follows.
There are many scientists, but few smart ones.
Such scientists would be subject to heavy whips.
A scientist swims against the current.
A scientist without practice is a bee without honey.
A scientist without work is like a cloud without rain.
A scientist with bad intentions is worse than a robber.
Physicists are the most convinced lyricists.

A scientist is a person who is almost sure of something.
Jules Renan

A scientist can understand an ignorant person because he himself was like that in childhood; an ignoramus cannot understand a scientist, for he has never been one.
Claude Adrian Helvetius

Not the scientist who is among scientists
Lives with degree and knowledge;
Alas, it often floats on water
An empty jug, not immersed in it.
Alim Keshokov

Einstein, answering the question: what is the talent of a scientist, said this: Where an ordinary researcher finds a needle in a haystack, an inquisitive one finds a second needle, then a third, then a fourth. People of past centuries took with them many secrets, the search for which is comparable to finding such a needle. And only the most patient and persistent, studying the history of their region, find one needle after another, restoring a living picture of the past from small facts and finds.

“You’re in a hurry,” Vecherovsky said edifyingly. - We have nowhere to rush. There is work to be done... You still can’t understand that nothing interesting happened to us. Just work. Long. Heavy. Most likely dirty. Not just one year, but maybe a hundred years, or a thousand, or a billion... Is it dangerous? Yes, it's dangerous. Tackling a real scientific problem has always been dangerous. Archimedes was stabbed to death by soldiers. Newton went crazy into mysticism, Joliot-Curie died of radiation sickness... A scientific problem is always dangerous. And here is the real problem. For life.
Strugatsky brothers "Day of Eclipse"

For a long time, distrustful men treated women's pursuits of science ironically. “As for learned women, they use books in much the same way as they use their watches: they wear them only to show that they have a watch, although usually these watches do not work or show the time incorrectly,” - joked by the German philosopher I. Kant.

“...Science is useful precisely because it allows us to predict, and that is why scientists are above all other people.”

One of the biggest challenges in science is moving from guesswork to definitive scientific truth. With painful labor, moving step by step, like a climber along a steep wall, the scientist obtains the truth.
A.B. Migdal

One may reveal more than another, but no one can reveal everything.
Ancient Roman saying

“Scientists who undertake to solve the countless mysteries that nature has posed to man are aware in advance that they will not provide an absolute and forever correct solution. And yet they spend decades of hard and dedicated work to find an approximately correct solution that will withstand the harsh test of time for at least several years or decades,” said academician Axel Ivanovich Berg.

Scientists are children of their time and express in their views all the prejudices of the century, they speak human language, as if they attach completely human labels to inhuman realities, and in each era they are different. But they don’t really want to remember this, so they often get angry when a philosopher comes, reminding them of their powerlessness in front of their own inner world, and they protect themselves from the guest with a whole wall of mathematical formulas.
E.V. Zolotukhina-Abolina “Country of Philosophy”

Learning is the only thing divine and immortal in us: the greatest advantages with which human nature is endowed are reason and speech.

One who is learned, but does not apply his learning to the work, is like a man who plowed, but did not sow.
Arabic saying

Many scientists are like a cashier in a banking house: he has a lot of money in his hands, but the money does not belong to him.
L. Berne

We often meet people whose learning serves as an instrument for their ignorance - people who, the more they read, the less they know.
G. Buckle

The spread of education in the deepest strata of society depends on the number of scientists, on the honor with which they are surrounded, on the freedom they are given, on the merits with which they are endowed.
L. Gambetta

It is not worth reasoning with a scientist who, while striving for the truth, is at the same time ashamed of poor clothing and other food.

The ink of a scientist and the blood of a martyr have equal value before Heaven.

The same thing happens to scientists as to travelers. If a traveler has the misfortune of losing his way, the further he travels, the further he moves away from his destination.
N. Malebranche

The same thing happens to truly learned people as with ears of wheat: while they are empty, they raise their heads proudly and high; when they are filled and plump with grains, they bow their heads in humiliation.
M. Montaigne

The same can be said about some scientists as about good books covered with thick dust, that you are afraid to touch them, so as not to dirty your hands.
A. Oxenstierna

A scientist without talent is like that poor mullah who cut up and ate the Koran, thinking to be filled with the spirit of Magomedov.
A. Pushkin

The scientist is a spectator from the universe. He knows that the world belongs to him only as an object of study, and even if it were given to him to transform it, he would find it so strange that any desire for transformation would disappear from him.
E. Renan

A scientist is always lacking something: either color, or movement, or peristalsis, or gastric juice, or what is called common sense.
J.P. Richter

Listen to the words of the scientist with the greatest attention, even if the deeds do not correspond to his teaching. A person must learn, even if the lesson is written on the wall.

Scientists are those who have read books; but the thinkers, geniuses, enlighteners of the world or the movers of humanity are those who read directly in the book of the universe.
A. Schopenhauer

Only true scientists continue to study; the ignorant prefer to teach.
E. Bulwer

Scientist (Smart) leads, the unlearned follows.

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  • - Cm....

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“The learned man leads, the unlearned follows.” in books

Next to the trail

by Zittlau Jörg

Next to the trail

From the book Oddities of Evolution 2 [Mistakes and failures in nature] by Zittlau Jörg

Next to the footprint Our dog is undeniable evidence that evolution has taken a step in the right direction. Her homeland is the Greek island of Lesbos, where in recent years a real natural panopticon of new dog species has been created. Our dog breed

Dark and unlearned

From the book The Stone Age Was Different... [with illustrations] author Däniken Erich von

Dark and unlearned All that our closest ancestors were able to create in that distant era were simple jewelry, stone tips for arrows and spears, as well as many primitive stone tools. Sometimes it seems that in ancient times there were

5. Following the “Red Chronicle”

From the book Mongolia. Traces of nomads author Rona-Tas András

5. Following the “Red Chronicle” In the library of the monastery. White spots in the history of Asia. Lord of the strong hand. Treasures of walled caves. Köröshi Tssoma and the Uighurs. A minister buried by slaughtered cattle. The mystery of the "Red Chronicle". Singing Queen of the Maiden Age Spring Festival

Darwin Award: Following the Fish

From the book Darwin Award. Evolution in action by Northcutt Wendy

Darwin Award: Following the Fish Confirmed by the Darwin Commission May 25, 1999, Ukraine A Kiev fisherman was electrocuted while fishing on the Tereblya River. A 43-year-old Kiev resident connected the wire to the electrical network at home and threw the other end into the river.


From the book Secrets of the Runes. Heirs of Odin author Kormilitsyn Sergey

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After defeat comes victory.

From the book War with Hannibal by Livius Titus

After defeat comes victory. Marcellus left his winter quarters as soon as shoots appeared in the fields and grass rose in the meadows, in other words, pasture for the horses appeared. Places in the middle of Apulia are open, ambushes are impossible here, and Hannibal began to retreat to

Superstition follows

From the book Miracles: Popular Encyclopedia. Volume 1 author Mezentsev Vladimir Andreevich

Superstition follows The Nahr al-Asa River is translated from Arabic as the Rebel River. Why did it receive such a non-geographical name? For the fact that it flows “not according to the law” - from south to north, but should have flowed from north to south - towards the Islamic shrines of Mecca and

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From the book Aphorisms of Britain. Volume I author Barsov Sergey Borisovich

Next are the gentlemen. A man is made by a tailor. Proverb All evil comes from male rulers, There is no reason to blame subordinate women. William Shakespeare So that you don't become sissy like women. There is no need to look at children and women. William Shakespeare As impudent women, so

So that the dog doesn't follow

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So that the dog does not follow All healers should know that they should go to get water from the river or to do their other witchcraft business completely alone, silently and without looking back. But sometimes along the way a dog unexpectedly gets attached and follows, thus

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Gorky came after the carpenters

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7. After this he said to the disciples, “Let us go again to Judea.” 8. The disciples said to Him: Rabbi! how long have the Jews been looking to stone you, and are you going there again? 9. Jesus answered, “Are there not twelve hours in the day?” whoever walks during the day does not stumble, because he sees the light of this world; 10. And whoever walks at night stumbles

From the book The Explanatory Bible. Volume 10 author Lopukhin Alexander

7. After this he said to the disciples, “Let us go again to Judea.” 8. The disciples said to Him: Rabbi! how long have the Jews been looking to stone you, and are you going there again? 9. Jesus answered, “Are there not twelve hours in the day?” whoever walks during the day does not stumble, because he sees the light of this world; 10. who is walking?

Following the personalities

From the book Being a Business Leader. 16 success stories author Filippov Sergey

Following the personalities, I entered the Polytechnic University. One of the schools in our city has agreed with five universities that entrance exams can be taken directly at school. I entered all universities. It wasn't as difficult as it seemed. I chose Polytechnic University because it suits me

Without flour there is no science.

Business before pleasure.

Learn by rote, chisel, cram, cram from board to board.


He who wants to know a lot needs little sleep.

Repetition is the mother of learning.

n Auka is not beer, you can’t put it in your mouth.

He who knows a lot is asked a lot.

The scientist leads, and the unlearned follows.

Live and learn.

Science is to a fool what fire is to a child.

Business before pleasure.

You can't say it better than the printed word.

Those who are good at reading and writing will not be lost.

Ignorance is the night of the mind, a moonless and starless night.

Complete ignorance leads to complete stupidity.

In ignorance, the mind languishes for lack of food.


It’s easy to move from small uncorrected mistakes to major flaws.

The looseness of the tongue reproaches itself,

Gives birth to hundreds of troubles, misfortunes and grievances .

The art of speaking words for words has always aroused great admiration in people who have nothing better to do.


If you don’t give your word, be strong, but if you give your word, hold on.

The one who speaks beautifully does not always do things well.

An affectionate word that it’s a spring day.

The world is illuminated by the sun, and man is illuminated by knowledge.

For bad words even your head will fly off.

Measure seven times and cut once.

Don't be quick with your words, be quick with your actions.

The hut is red in its corners, but the man is red in his deeds.

The forest is being cut down and the chips are flying.

^ Class hour on the topic:

"Visiting the Word"

Teacher: Postnikova Svetlana Vladimirovna,

class teacher of 5th grade, Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 5"


Fostering love for the native language and the Russian people.

^ The Russian people created the Russian language, bright as a rainbow after a spring shower, accurate as arrows, melodious, rich, sincere, like a song over a cradle.

What is Motherland? - This is the whole people. This is his culture, his language.

^ A. N. Tolstoy

A lullaby performed by A. German is played, and slides with images of babies are shown.

Teacher's word

There is probably not a single person among us who would be left indifferent by this song. Guys, what feelings did you experience when the song played? Why?

The teacher reads the words (see epigraph)


Today we have an unusual class hour. Today we will go on a visit to the Word, and our traveling companion will be a hero whom we have never seen, but meanwhile we cannot imagine life without him, he became our friend from the moment we were born. Can you guess who I'm talking about?

Of course it's a language. Russian language.

Tongue enters.

Language :

Hello guys, I'm very glad to see you! From early childhood to old age, a person’s whole life is connected with me. When you were very little, what was the first word you said?

(Mother, father)

But it was me. And when you listened to your mother’s lullaby, grandmother’s fairy tales, father’s jokes, that was me too.


Indeed, guys, fairy tales, jokes, songs - this is language. All his life a person is in the world of language. Language is our servant and master, these are glasses without which we cannot see the world around us. He is our friend and enemy at the same time.


Yes, Svetlana Vladimirovna is right, I can be different, I don’t stand still, I’m developing. This casket contains evidence of my development - wise folk thoughts, carefully preserved by history. There is a lot of folk wisdom in my chest, it’s impossible to tell it all!


Guys, what does the tongue say? What is the wisdom of the people?


Of course you're right. These proverbs are “the flower of the people’s mind,” as Vladimir Dal called them. For thousands of years, the treasures of human thought and experience live and accumulate in language; in them is the human mind, national history. Let's touch the pearls of folk wisdom.

(Students help take scrolls out of the casket, read proverbs, comment on them)

^ Don't be quick with your words, be quick with your actions.

The Russian language is the language of a great people, and therefore it is great.

The tongue of a wise man is in the heart, the heart of a fool is in the tongue.

Without a tongue and the bell is mute.

Language is an anchor to the body.

The tongue drinks and feeds and spanks the back.

A lame word is a lame speech.

The tongue is small, but has a great body.


What proverbs about language do you know? Well done boys! Accept this casket filled with the people’s love for you!


Without bread and salt, all life will become insipid,

Without bread and salt there will be no song.

Teacher :

How apt and figuratively the Russian word is. How bright and colorful Russian speech is. So many wonderful words about our native land.

Take a circle on your tables.

What could it symbolize? (globe, sun, bread.)

The circle is a symbol of eternity, eternal life.

Let's take magical colors and show how we feel about our homeland, what is it like? (The task is to convey your attitude towards your native land. Students are given coloring books depicting Russian nature).

The song sounds: “Birches” performed by N. Rastorguev, students work against the background of music.

After completing the work, the drawings are attached to the board.

Teacher :

What kind words would you like to say?

Student answers .

You uttered kind, affectionate, beautiful words, understandable and relatable. We are also family to each other in the class. We study together, play, make friends, rejoice and be sad.

Children stand in a circle and read the poem:

- Where did you, Russia, begin?

- In the meadow and in the field behind the harvest

- What did you wash your face with, Russia?

- Ladoga clean water.

- What did you show off, Russia?

- Whatever was blooming, I took to my fullest.

- What kind of grief were you fighting off?

- from what was coming from all sides

- Where are you, Russia, settled?

- On green hills, near the water

- How did you have fun, Russia?

- Ladas cried with joy.

- What did you say, Russia?

- So that the word would give strength

- Who will glorify and prolong your family?

- Our wise and great people!

While reading the poem, children pass the ball from hand to hand, leaving the thread in their hands; by the end of the poem, they will have a closed circle, symbolizing the unity of all people, the globe, where our Motherland is part of it.

^ As a conclusion, after a pause, the words sound ( students read):

Take care of Russia, there is no other Russia,

Take care of her peace and quiet.

This is the sky and the sun, this bread is on the table

And my native window in a forgotten village

Take care of Russia, we cannot live without it.

Take care of her so that she can be forever,

With our truth and strength, with all our destiny

Take care of Russia, there is no other Russia.


Take care of Russia, with kind, beautiful deeds and words that we inherited from our great ancestors, try to think about what you say.

The valley of words in our language is endless and limitless. We have just begun our journey through the endless expanses of our language.

The music plays and the film fragment continues.

Against this background teacher reads:

I'm flying over Russia, as if in a fairytale dream,
And the centuries-old oaks flap their wings at me.

^ Like the call of spring I hear the cries of cranes,
I'm flying over Russia, over my Russia.
Golden domes, gray poplars,
Oh, Russia, Russia, You are so alone.

Our class hour has come to an end. But our conversations about the word and our native land did not end.

Annex 1

  1. White beauty, people really like it
Grows under the blue sky, as a symbol of all of Russia

  1. Benefit for others

  1. Lean in silence, touch me.
Sit over me and wash your face with water.

I am a source in the forest, I bring happiness and joy.

  1. Look how good it is
The region in which you live.

Take care of it, beloved land - ..... (Siberia)

  1. Full of water, disobedient and with crystal water
Proud daughter of Baikal, with majestic beauty.

  1. ^ Everything beautiful in the world around us


Class hour on the topic:

"On the way to the word"

Teacher: Lebedeva Evgenia Vasilievna,

class teacher of 2nd grade, Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 5"

Target :

Cultivating a sense of patriotism using the native language.


Various types of dictionaries, a crossword puzzle “Russian language” on the board, portraits of children’s writers, cards with text excerpts from fairy tales, posters - aphorisms about the Russian language, proverbs.


1.“Learn Russian - years in a row,

With soul, with zeal, with mind!

A great reward awaits you,

And that reward is in himself.”

Sabir Abdullah

2“I have a path to all sciences.

I am familiar with the whole universe.

It's because I own

Russian majestic language"

I. Danilov

3. “The Russian language is real, strong,

where necessary - strict,

where needed - passionate,

where needed - alive!

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