The wolf and the crane are the main characters.

Krylov's fable "The Wolf and the Crane" is an excellent example of an instructive narrative that tells us that help is not always justified, but human ingratitude meets you at every step.

Fable The Wolf and the Crane read

Everyone knows that wolves are greedy:
Wolf, eating, never
Doesn't understand bones.
But trouble came to one of them!
He almost choked on a bone.
The Wolf can neither sigh nor sigh;
It's time to stretch your legs!
Luckily, the Crane happened close here.
Somehow the Wolf began to beckon him with signs
And asks grief for help.

Crane your nose up to your neck
He shoved it into the Wolf's mouth and with greater difficulty
He pulled out the bone and began to ask for his labor.
“You’re kidding!” cried the insidious beast, “
For your work? Oh, you ungrateful one!
And it’s okay that you have a long nose
And with a stupid head he took the whole thing out of his throat!
Come on, buddy, get out,
But be careful: don’t get caught by me ahead.”

Moral of the fable The Wolf and the Crane

Help should only be provided worthy people who are in trouble, and when doing good, do not expect gratitude.

Fable The Wolf and the Crane - analysis

The analysis of Krylov’s fable “The Wolf and the Crane” begins with an analysis of the characters’ characters. Wolf - obviously negative character of this work. He clearly reveals an arrogant, ungrateful person who has some power and believes that this power gives him the right to any benefits. But even such people get into trouble, from which they cannot get out on their own. The first moral of Krylov’s fable “The Wolf and the Crane” follows from this - when accepting help, try to repay with kindness, otherwise next time you will be left to your own devices.

From the very first lines, the author says that everyone knows about the greed of wolves. Actually, because of this very greed, the hero got into trouble - a bone got stuck in his throat. But Zhuravel still rushed to help his natural enemy, seduced by the reward - and was almost eaten. From this follows the indicated morality.

"Wolf and Crane"
Performed by student of group 232 Vildanova I.I.

A fable is an allegorical
allegorical story in
which has a moral lesson.
The fable refers to an animal
The word "fable" comes from
fable - baat - bayan to speak.

An outstanding Russian fabulist was born,
playwright and journalist, Ivan Andreevich
Krylov, February 2 in Moscow with the family
a poor retired army officer.
Krylov's childhood passed in Tver and was
far from rosy. Father Andrey
Prokhorovich Krylov, died in 1778 without leaving
the family has no means of subsistence,
so little Krylov is already 10 years old
I had to work part-time as a scribe in Tverskoy
Krylov's mother, Marya Alekseevna, did not have
no opportunity for education
to her son, but since she was a woman
intelligent by nature, although not educated,
paid great attention
son's self-education. Ivan studied at home
literacy, arithmetic and prayers. Same to him
was allowed to study with children
local landowner, whom he somehow
I surprised you with my poetry.

Long-legged, long-necked,
Long-winged, gray body,
And the back of the head is bare and red.
Wanders through the dirty swamps.
Catches frogs in them,
Clueless jumpers.
He looks like a shepherd
Every tooth is a sharp knife.
He runs with his jaws bared,
Ready to attack a sheep.


Fable The Wolf and the Crane
Everyone knows that wolves are greedy:
Wolf, eating, never
Doesn't understand bones.
But trouble came to one of them!
He almost choked on a bone.

It's time to stretch your legs!
Luckily, the Crane happened close here.
So the Wolf began to beckon him with signs
And asks grief for help.
Crane your nose up to your neck
He shoved it into the Wolf's mouth and with greater difficulty
He pulled out the bone and began to ask for his labor.

Come on, buddy, get out,


Now let's draw in words all the pictures for the fable,
that can be imagined. Which one will come first?
The wolf sits and eats something. He's gnawing on bones.
What then happened to the Wolf?
He choked.
(But trouble came to one of them!
He almost choked on a bone).
How is this stated in the text?
The Wolf can neither sigh nor sigh;
It's time to stretch your legs!
What does it mean: it’s time to at least stretch out your legs. How are you
do you understand this?
(It’s time to at least stretch out your legs - it’s time

Who was nearby?
Luckily, the crane happened to be close here.
(Happened - appeared.)
The Wolf could call the Crane - tell him something or
shout? What does the text say?
So the Wolf began to beckon him with signs...
(Koykak – with with great difficulty, barely.)
- Show how the Wolf began to attract the Crane.
(Waves his paw or waves his muzzle.)
Why does the Wolf attract the Crane? Read the following
And asks grief for help.
(Help – help.)

What does the Wolf ask? He can't speak.
(The wolf can make a pitiful expression in his eyes,
and then point your paw at your mouth.)
What picture do we see next?
The Wolf sits with his mouth open, and the Crane tells him
he put his beak in his mouth.
Crane your nose up to your neck
He shoved it into the Wolf's mouth...
What happened next?
The crane “pulled out the bone and began to work

What did the Wolf do?
I drove the Crane away.
Let's read how it is said in the text.
“You’re kidding!” the insidious beast cried,
For your work? Oh, you ungrateful one!
And it’s okay that you have a long nose
And with a stupid head he took the whole thing out of his throat!
Come on, buddy, get out,
But be careful: don’t get caught by me ahead.”
(Insidious - with evil intentions hidden
ostentatious goodwill.)

- Wolf
- Crane
- Author's words

Questions for
How has the picture changed? What was the Wolf like before?
How did the Crane pull out the bone? What the Wolf became
(The wolf at first looked with pitiful eyes, and
then he began to shout angrily at Crane).
Did the Wolf behave correctly?
(The wolf behaved wrongly, the Crane told him
helped, and he responded with anger).

Choose the qualities of a wolf and explain why.

The fable “The Wolf and the Crane” by Krylov will tell children how poor Crane did not receive a reward for saving the evil Wolf.

Read the text of the fable:

Everyone knows that wolves are greedy:
Wolf, eating, never
Doesn't understand bones.
But trouble came to one of them!
He almost choked on a bone.
The Wolf can neither sigh nor sigh;
It's time to stretch your legs!
Luckily, the Crane happened close here.
Somehow the Wolf began to beckon him with signs
And asks grief for help.

Crane your nose up to your neck
He shoved it into the Wolf's mouth and with greater difficulty
He pulled out the bone and began to ask for his labor.
\"You're kidding! - the insidious beast cried, -
For your work? Oh, you ungrateful one!
And it’s okay that you have a long nose
And with a stupid head he took the whole thing out of his throat!
Come on, buddy, get out,
But be careful: don’t get caught by me ahead."

Moral of the fable The Wolf and the Crane:

The moral of the story is that help should only be given to worthy, grateful people. The crane took a bone from the predator's mouth, saving its life. But when the Crane asked the Wolf for a reward, he received an answer: how dare he talk about a reward? Let him be glad that his head remained intact. It happens that a cruel and self-confident person gets into trouble. But he believes that power gives him the right to use the services of others for free. The fabulist warns us not to be naive and to help people who will appreciate the support.

Moral of the fable The Wolf and the Crane (09:13:00 06/29/2015):

“It is better for people to live in harmony and friendship - this is their mutual benefit. kind man, and even more so, a true comrade and friend, no matter how difficult it may be for him (“The Wolf and the Crane”), will help out of trouble, even at the risk of his life (“The Peasant and the Worker”), and even his life will give, saving a friend (“Dog, Man, Cat and Falcon”)." (D. I. Tikhomirov, " Selected Fables I. A. Krylov for schools and people", Moscow, printing house of M. G. Volchaninov, 1895)

“He dedicated several fables to friendship, camaraderie and harmony, in which different types exposed what harm and even misfortune can occur when people begin to neglect these sacred duties. Often people seek friendship with others only because they need outside help; but as soon as help is provided, the friend is not only not needed, but does not even receive the promised reward for his services, just as in the fables “Two Boys” and “The Wolf and the Crane”; who helped get the chestnuts did not use them, and the crane even almost paid with his life for demanding a reward for the service." ("I.A. Krylov and his fables", compiler Kiryukov, St. Petersburg, editor of the magazine "Leisure and Business" ", 1886)

The essence and meaning and moral of the fable “The Wolf and the Crane” (18:04:00 11/15/2016):

In your own words, main idea and the meaning in the fable “The Wolf and the Crane” can be expressed as follows - greed always leads to bad consequences, and those who do good should not expect gratitude from unworthy people.

Russians folk proverbs, which reflect the essence of the fable The Wolf and the Crane (15:11:00 04/16/2017):
“A horse is known in grief, but a friend is in trouble.”
"Life is hard without a friend."
"Faithful friend- a rare bird."
“Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.”
"Unfaithful friend - dangerous enemy."
“It is a great merit to help a friend out in trouble.”

Analysis of the fable The Wolf and the Crane (13:06:00 10/23/2017):

I.A. Krylov is a famous Russian fabulist, who was not for nothing called the “expert” human souls" He, like no one else, noticed all the vices of his contemporary society and allegorically described human character through images of animals. His ability to give a fictional image the features of real people, and through comical situations to show the moral of the fable, is relevant to this day. Human vices do not change over time and in many of I.A.’s heroes. Krylov can be easily recognized by acquaintances even many centuries after the creation of the fable. The main character is a wolf, who from the first lines is described as bad guy. According to the fabulist, he is greedy, swallows everything indiscriminately and does not look at what came from where. Of course, such unbridled greed led to the wolf choking. This is where the second hero of the fable appears - the crane. The wolf is helpless and cannot cope without the help of his enemy. The crane strives to help, even those who have always been dangerous to him. However, after help, he asks for gratitude, and in response he receives only threats and curses. The crane is kind and compassionate, but help should be provided without expecting anything in return, especially from greedy and evil people. The moral is that by helping an unworthy person you will get nothing but curses and discontent. Greedy and evil people It’s worth remembering that if you don’t thank for help one time after another, you may not receive it.

Moral of the fable The Wolf and the Crane (19:48:00 02/18/2018):

The moral of the fable “The Wolf and the Crane” is that a true friend helps sincerely and selflessly and does not demand a reward for his help, because he knows that one day he too may be in trouble. On the other hand, one can also conclude from the fable: in difficult situation people willingly resort to the help of others and there is nothing wrong with that; but the bad thing is that after this some people behave ungratefully and immediately forget about the one to whom they owe their well-being.

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