Questions for the brain ring for Cosmonautics Day. Brain-ring dedicated to Cosmonautics Day (Questions for extracurricular activities)

An educational quiz for Cosmonautics Day for elementary, middle and high school students.

Scenario for a quiz for Cosmonautics Day:

The purpose of this event:

  • show the chronology of events in the history of astronautics;
  • to develop interest among younger schoolchildren in the study of astronomy and astronautics;
  • to develop a sense of patriotism and pride in the achievements of one’s country in space exploration;
  • develop speech and the ability to present information to listeners.

Equipment: model of an artificial Earth satellite – a gymnastic ball with a diameter of 58 cm, floor scales, model of a rocket, personal computer, multimedia projector, presentation “Virtual Museum of Cosmonautics”


1) A tour of the virtual cosmonautics museum using a presentation is given by high school students (text of the presentation “Virtual cosmonautics museum”
2) Quiz “What do I know about space?” conducted by high school students.

Rules for the quiz

The presenters take turns asking questions. The first participant to raise his hand answers. For the correct answer, he is awarded a token with a portrait of Gagarin. Other participants can add to the answer and also receive a token. When conducting a quiz, models and instruments related to the questions are demonstrated (model of a satellite, rocket, etc.)

Quiz questions

1) What does the word cosmos mean? (Universe)
2) What objects in the Universe do you know? (Stars, planets, comets, asteroids, etc.)
3) What is the name of the star closest to us? (Sun)
4) How many planets are there in the solar system? (9)
5) List all the planets of the solar system known to you. (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto)
6) What is the name of the largest planet in the solar system? (Jupiter)
7) What does the word cosmonautics mean? (The Art of Traveling the Universe)
8) Why is October 4, 1957 considered the beginning of the space age of mankind? (Because on this day the first artificial Earth satellite was launched)
9) What were the dimensions of the first artificial Earth satellite? Show with your hands. (58 cm) So that children can estimate the size of the first artificial Earth satellite, high school students demonstrate its model.
10) How much did the first satellite weigh? How much is it in boys (girls)? (83 kg 600 g) To compare the mass of the satellite with the mass of the child, we weigh all the boys and girls who want to on a floor scale.
11) How many dogs flew into space for the first time? (1 – Laika)
12) What holiday did we celebrate on April 12, 2011? (50th anniversary of cosmonautics)
13) Name the astronaut who made the first space flight. (Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin)
14) How many minutes did the first human space flight last? How much is this in hours? (108 min or 1 hour 48 min)
15) How many times did Gagarin fly around the Earth? (1)
16) What words did Gagarin say during the launch of the spacecraft? ("Go!")
17) Who is German Titov? (This is an astronaut who made the first daily flight into space in history)
18) Who was the first to go into outer space? (Alexey Leonov)
19) What was Valentina Tereshkova’s call sign during the flight: Belka, Strelka or Chaika? (Gull)
20) Name the main cosmodrome from which the first spaceships launched? (Baikonur)
21) What was the name of the self-propelled vehicle that traveled on the surface of the Moon? (“Lunokhod”)
22) Name the place in the solar system, besides the Earth, where man has set foot? (Moon)
23) How many long-term orbital stations "Salyut" operated in orbit? (7)
24) How does ISS stand for? (International Space Station)
25) Who was the chief designer of the first spaceships? (Sergey Pavlovich Korolev)
26) What is the name of the place from where rockets are launched into space? (Cosmodrome)


1) Rewarding. Counting the number of tokens for quiz participants. The most active participants with the largest number of them are awarded medals. Counting the number of awarded participants in each class and presenting certificates to classes for I, II, III places.
2) Festive rocket launch (the flight of a model rocket created by high school students is demonstrated).

Holiday for high school students

Intellectual game “Brain-ring”

Target: develop the interest of middle and senior students in the study of astronomy and astronautics.


  • systematize in a playful way the students’ knowledge acquired during the Cosmonautics Week;
  • cultivate a sense of collectivism and the ability to work in a team;
  • form an active life position;
  • develop a sense of patriotism and pride in the achievements of your country in space exploration;
  • develop speech, thinking, and the ability to correctly express one’s opinion.

The Brain Ring is held in three rounds. One team from each class participates in the first round. Each team can consist of 4-6 people.

Rules of the first (qualifying) round

Qualifying round or blitz. Consists of 10 questions. The presenter reads out the question. Teams respond in writing. Each answer is given up to 15 seconds. Correct answers can be awarded from 1 to 6 points. At the end of the qualifying round, 2 teams remain in the game. In case of a controversial situation, the presenter asks 2 additional questions.

First round questions

Main questions

1) Who was the first to observe space objects through a telescope? (Galileo Galilei) – 1 point.
2) Give the last name, first name and patronymic of the chief designer of the first Soviet spacecraft. (Sergey Pavlovich Korolev) – 2 points for a complete answer, 1 point if only the surname or first name and surname are given.
3) How many dogs flew into space for the first time? (1) – 1 point
4) The first flight into space on April 12, 1961 was made by Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin on the ship... (name of the ship) (“Vostok-1”) - 1 point.
5) The first flight lasted... (state the duration in minutes and hours) (108 minutes or 1 hour 48 minutes) - 1 point.
6) How many of our compatriots have flown into space? Name them. (3 – Valentina Tereshkova, Svetlana Savitskaya, Elena Kondakova) – 4 points if the number and all names are named correctly, otherwise one point per name.
7) The first spacewalk was performed by... (state your first and last name) (Alexey Leonov) - 2 points for the first and last name, 1 point for the last name.
8) The joint flight program of Soviet and American spacecraft was called... (name) (“Soyuz” - “Apollo”) - 1 point.
9) What is the name of the place where spaceships and satellites are prepared for flight and launched? (Cosmodrome) – 1 point.
10) Name a place outside the Earth where man has set foot. (Moon) – 1 point.

Additional questions

1) Write your own names of self-propelled automatic vehicles for exploring the Moon and Mars. (“Lunokhod-1”, “Lunokhod-2”, “Mars-1”, “Sojunior (Sojourner)”, “Spirit”, “Opotunity”) - 1 point for each name, up to 6 points in total.
2) What is the name of a spacecraft that has gone beyond the solar system? (“Voyager 1”) – 1 point.

Second round rules

2 teams participate in the second round. The round consists of 10 questions. The facilitator reads the question and gives a sound signal to start the discussion. If the team is ready to answer, it raises the flag. The right to respond is given to the team that first raises the flag. If the first team gives an incorrect answer, the right to answer passes to the second team. If the second team answers incorrectly, the audience answers the question. Spectators are awarded tokens for correct answers. One point is awarded for each correct answer.

Second round questions

(1 point for each correct answer)
1) What is astronautics? (The art of traveling in the Universe)
2) Who owns the words: “Humanity should not remain forever in the cradle?” (K.E. Tsiolkovsky)
3) What shape did the descent module of the Vostok spacecraft have? (Ball)
4) What words did Gagarin say during the launch? ("Go!")
5) Will an astronaut in a spaceship be able to pour tea from a thermos into a mug? (No, because in zero gravity the water “rolls” into balls)
6) What is the name of the installation that is used for training both astronauts and submariners, as well as in medicine for the treatment of certain diseases? (Pressure chamber)
7) Soviet and Russian spaceships have their own name and serial number. Indicate the correct order of ships by name: “Voskhod”, “Progress”, “Soyuz”, “Vostok”. (“East”, “Sunrise”, “Union”, “Progress”)
8) After the flight, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin was awarded a car - a black Volga with personalized numbers. At that time, the number consisted of four numbers and three letters. What number do you think was on Gagarin’s car, if it had a symbolic meaning? (12-04 YUAG)
9) What are the names of Russian and American reusable ships? (“Buran” and “Space Shuttle”)
10) Could American astronauts have observed falling stars on the Moon? (No, since the Moon has no atmosphere)

Third round rules

The third round consists of two tasks.

1) Computer test “The very first”. The team selects one representative each to undergo testing. The test contains ten questions, one point is awarded for each correct answer.

2) The task is completed on a magnetic board using ready-made cards. It is necessary to arrange the events in chronological order:

– launch of the first artificial Earth satellite
– flight of the dog Laika
– beginning of lunar exploration
- first manned flight into space
– beginning of the exploration of Venus
– flight of the first female cosmonaut
– the beginning of Mars exploration
- first human spacewalk
– launch of the first long-term orbital station
- joint Soviet-American flight under the Soyuz - Apollo program

In the text of the task, the events are arranged correctly. Teams receive cards placed on the board in random order.
Participants can receive up to 10 points (one point for each event installed correctly).


The jury sums up the results of each round and the overall result at the end of the game. Finalist teams are awarded certificates for 1st and 2nd places.

Brain ring,

dedicated to Cosmonautics Day

1. What is the middle name of the first cosmonaut on our planet?


2. At the beginning of the 17th century. Galileo Galilei invented a device whose name means “far-sighted” in Greek. Name the device.


3. Name the star closest to our planet.

Sun. Presumably the Sun is 5 billion years old, the temperature of the Sun is about 15 million degrees. The Sun rotates around the center of the Galaxy in approximately 200 million years. During its existence, it did not even make 30 revolutions. In 5 billion years the Sun will go out.

4. “Blue, with a dark blue silhouette turning into black...”

Description of what did you hear? Who gave this description?

Gagarin described the Earth from space this way.

5. Fill in our address in space:


Galaxy "____________________".


Planet _____________.

6. What is the name of the model of the Earth?


7. The first manned flight in space lasted 108 minutes. How many hours and minutes are these?

1 h. 48 min.

8. The name of the first spacecraft on which Gagarin flew.

"Vostok-1" (rebus)

9. What phrase did Gagarin say during the launch of the first spacecraft?


10. What was the name of the first woman to go into space?

Valentina Tereshkova

11. All planets in the solar system are named after ancient Roman and Greek gods, except this one. What planet are we talking about?


12. What is the path of one celestial body around another called? (Cosmic “road” of celestial bodies) Orbit (letter set)

13. Name the only natural satellite of the Earth?


14. Gagarin was born in the Smolensk region near the city of Gzhatsk. What is the modern name of this city?


15. These little astronauts were in space even before the first man made his flight in 1961. It was they who paved the way for Gagarin to the stars. Many of them died from depressurization of cabins, failure of the parachute system, problems in the life support system, and some because scientists did not yet know how to return the aircraft to Earth. But it was they who decided the fate of manned astronautics - living beings can fly on rockets! Two of them, or rather two, became famous. On August 20, 1960, it was announced that the lander had “made a soft landing.” These cosmonauts (or rather, female cosmonauts) returned safely to Earth. A few days later, television showed footage of the flight. It was clearly visible how they tumbled in weightlessness. And if one was wary of everything, the second was joyfully furious. These astronauts became everyone's favorites. They were taken to kindergartens, schools, and orphanages. Who were these first space explorers and what were their names?

Dogs Belka and Strelka.

It is interesting that in addition to people and dogs, bacteria, plants, insects, mice, rats, and rabbits have been in space. And in the USA, monkeys Able and Baker, chimpanzees Ham and even a talking parrot flew into space, who, once in weightlessness, joyfully repeated in English: “This is business!”

16. What is the name of the chief designer of the first spacecraft?

Sergey Pavlovich Korolev (REBUS)

17. Celestial body translated from Greek as “tailed”.


18. Name the place in the solar system (except for our planet) where man has set foot.

Moon. On July 20, 1969, American astronauts of the Apollo 11 spacecraft Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin visited the Moon.

19. Galileo discovered 4 satellites of Jupiter. Later, astronomers noticed 9 novae. With the help of spacecraft, it was possible to discover 3 more. How many satellites does Jupiter have?

16 satellites.

20. This planet is a fashionista. She is always depicted with rings. What planet are we talking about?

Saturn. Saturn's rings are not solid, but consist of many small pieces of ice, lumps of snow and pebbles, and there are also blocks among them. Interestingly, rings were also discovered on Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune.

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1 Brain ring dedicated to Cosmonautics Day MCOU "Urganinskaya Secondary School"

2 The purpose of the event: to repeat, generalize and expand knowledge about space and the Universe. Objectives: Developmental objective: development of students’ creative abilities and the ability to independently find material on a topic, process it, develop cognitive interest in the subject. Educational task: to teach students to find something new, interesting, exciting, to cultivate respect for each other, pride in Soviet and Russian cosmonauts, scientists, and to cultivate patriotism. Practical tasks: Studying the history of astronautics, summarizing knowledge about astronauts and solar planets Equipment for students: preparing greetings and emblems “The great step of humanity is to fly out of the atmosphere and become a satellite of the Earth. The rest is relatively easy, up to the distance from our solar system.”

3 This is what our fellow countryman K.E. once said. Tsiolkovsky. Our game today is dedicated to this and other great steps of man in space exploration. Today 2 teams will fight in the space brain ring: Let them talk about themselves. (TEAM INTRODUCTION) And now I want to introduce our star jury, the flight control center. The jury has a table in which they add points for each competition. Before starting the game, I would like to know: Do you know what event today’s game is dedicated to? (COSMONAUTICS DAY) What happened on this day? (ON THIS DAY, APRIL 12, 1961, THE FIRST SPACESHIP WITH A MAN ON BOARD WAS LET INTO ORBIT) For centuries, man has looked at the sky. He walked on earth and was not afraid to swim far into the sea, but the sky was huge and incomprehensible to him. Man settled gods in the sky. But the man wanted to go up there himself. And then tales arose about people who could fly, science fiction novels appeared, and aircraft were constructed that remained on earth. And then the twentieth century came. Airplanes were already flying in the sky, and the first rockets were launched into space. People believed that the day was not far off when a man would fly into space. And finally, April 12, 1961, like today, was Wednesday, an ordinary working day. In the morning he was interrupted by the message: “All radio stations of the Soviet Union are working! For the first time in the world! Man in space! The day of April 12 became proof of the fulfillment of any, the most daring, human dream. Since then, it has been celebrated annually by humanity as World Cosmonautics Day.

4 Now everyone is ready for the game in which we will make a “flight”. The road will be mastered by those who walk, and the star route will be mastered by real experts in cosmonautics, physics and astronomy. I begin the countdown: 10, 9, 8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0, launch (video fragment of a rocket launch) 1 competition is called “Rocket” CORRECT ANSWER = 1 POINT Students write answers on paper and assign jury 1. Name 5 names of Russian spacecraft known to you: AVIANVNITO (USSR), ALMAZ, ASTRON, BURAN, VEGA, VENERA, VERTICAL (USSR), VOLNA, VOSTOK, VOSKHOD, GIRD, ZENIT, PROBE, COSMOS, LUNA, MARSMYR, MOLNIYA ,PROGRESS, PROTON (USSR), ROKOT, SOYUZ, SATELLITE, TOPLAR, FOBOS, CYCLONE (USSR), ENERGY 2. Divide the named devices into 2 groups: “Vehicles lighter than air”, “Vehicles heavier than air”: glider, kite, airplane, helicopter, airship, rocket, probe Vehicles lighter than air Airship probe Vehicles heavier than air glider, kite, plane, helicopter, rocket 3. Which shape of a spaceship is more advantageous: ball, cone, disk, spindle, if the ship is designed for an altitude of 500 km above the ground Any, because there is practically no air and there is little resistance to movement 4. How much time did the first cosmonaut Yu. Gagarin spend in space (108 MINUTES = 1 H 48 MIN) 5. What was the name of the rocket on which the first human cosmonaut Yu.A. flew into space? Gagarin (EAST)

5 Summing up the results of the 1st competition Write points in the table Crossword Competition. There are crossword puzzles on the teams' tables. Fill them out. Each correct word 1 point Competition 9 Come up with a congratulation for the 50th anniversary of space flight to Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova 2 competition “Weightlessness” Let's explore our ship, but what is it? Weightlessness! The second competition is dedicated to this phenomenon. Teams answer in turns. The first team answers orally, the second writes the answer. Then they change. Each answer 1 point 1. Will there be a candle burning on board the spaceship? (Yes, but the shape of its flame will be spherical) 2. Is it possible to drink tea on board? (IN A MUG IT IS IMPOSSIBLE, BECAUSE ALL THE LIQUID WILL TAKE A DRIP FORM, BUT IT IS POSSIBLE FROM A TUBE OR A SPECIAL PACKAGE) 3. Is it possible to weigh using scales on board? (it is not possible on spring and lever scales. POSSIBLE BY INTERACTION) 4. How to measure time in a spacecraft under conditions of weightlessness: with a pendulum, spring or hourglass? (SPRINGS) 5. Is there a buoyant force under conditions of weightlessness? (NO, NOT VALID) 6. Can astronauts, if necessary, use a regular thermometer? (Yes they can)

6 Summing up the results of the 2nd competition 3rd competition “Famous People” Determine from the photographs who is depicted in them

7 Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin 1 cosmonaut Results of the 3rd competition: 2. Alexey Stanislavovich Eliseev cosmonaut birthplace Zhizdra, Kaluga region. 3. Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, chief engineer, developer of the Vostok rocket 4. Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky, ideologist of Russian cosmism 5. Svetlana Evgenievna Savitskaya, the first woman cosmonaut to go into space 6. Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova, the first woman cosmonaut Solve the problem: Competition 4. Competition spaceship captains The mass of the self-propelled lunar rover is 840 kg. What force of gravity acted on the lunar rover on Earth and on the Moon, if it is known that on the Moon a force of gravity equal to 1.62 N acts on 1 kg)

8 Competition 5 Moon Who can raise their hand faster? Answer 1 point 1. Will the configuration (pattern) of the observed constellations change if you are not on the earth, but on the moon? (PRACTICALLY NOT, BECAUSE THE DISTANCE BETWEEN THE EARTH AND THE MOON IS SMALL COMPARED TO THE DISTANCE TO THE STARS) 2. How does the Moon affect the Earth? (TIDES ARISE) 3. There are seas and oceans on the Moon. Is it possible to swim there? (NO. YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO SWIM THERE NO WATER) 4. Why do we see only one side of the Moon (THE MOON ROTATES AROUND ITS AXIS AT THE SPEED OF ITS REVOLUTION AROUND THE EARTH) 5. The glass part of the pressure helmet of a spacesuit designed for being in outer space is covered on the Moon thin layer of gold. For what? (THE LAYER OF GOLD REFLECTS THE BRIGHT RAYS OF THE SUN AND PROTECTS HUMAN EYES) 6. Show how people moved on the moon (JUMPING, BECAUSE THE GRAVITY TO THE MOON IS 6 TIMES LESS)

9 Summing up the results of the 5th competition Competition 6. Mysterious They answer in turns, the second team writes. Each answer - 1 point 1. The firebird is flying, the COMET is proud of its tails 2. The untrodden path is strewn with peas MILKY WAY 3. A steep-horned bull is walking along the high road Month 4. Either a quarter of a pancake, then half a pancake, then the entire side of the MOON 5. From which They don’t drink or eat the ladle, but just look at it? Ursa Major 6. blue ceilings are nailed down with gold nails SKY AND STARS Results of the 6th competition

10 Competition 7 Experts 2 people per team. Stand after one, answer in turn right through While they answer, the rest of the team members complete task 8. Arrange the planets in order 1. What does the word “astronomy” mean? (Science of stellar laws) 2. When was 1 Earth’s space satellite launched? (October 4, 1957) 3. When did American astronauts first set foot on the moon? (In July 1969) 4. How many stars are there in the Solar System? (One Sun) 5. What science is astronomy closely related to? (With physics) 6. The main astronomical instrument for observations. (Telescope) 7. What is evidence of the change of day and night on the planet? (Rotation of the Earth around its axis) 8. In what direction does our Earth rotate? (From West to East) 9. What does the word “zodiac” mean? (Circle of animals) 10. Name the date of the spring equinox. (21 March)

11 11. What does the word “cosmonautics” mean? (Navigation) 12. What is the name of space transport? (Rocket) 13. Who is the founder of astronautics? (Tsiolkovsky) 14. What is the date of the first manned space flight? (April 12, 1961) 15. How many planets are there in the solar system? (8) 16. The main scientific method for studying celestial bodies in astronomy? (Observations) 17. Are the polar and equatorial radii of the Earth the same? (No, the equatorial one is 21 km longer) 18. What is a galaxy? (System of stars and clusters) 19. The planet closest to the Sun (Mercury) 20. Who was the first astronaut on Earth? (Yu. A. Gagarin) 21. Who was called the Chief Designer in our country? (S.P. Koroleva) 22. Name the date of the summer solstice. (June 22) 23. In what constellation is the North Star located? (Ursa Minor) 24. Name the natural satellite of the Earth. (Moon)

12 Summing up:

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Attention! The administration of the site is not responsible for the content of methodological developments, as well as for the compliance of the development with the Federal State Educational Standard.

During the game, students acquire communication skills, skills of behavior in a difficult situation, long-term memory is activated, and students are active. The erudition of both players and spectators increases.

1. Explanatory note

Within the framework of the new learning paradigm, the importance of extracurricular work is sharply increasing. Quite effective types of extracurricular work are various intellectual and interactive games.

The game arouses the interest and activity of students and gives them the opportunity to express themselves in activities that are exciting for them, and contributes to faster and more durable memorization of the material being studied. Knowledge of the material is a prerequisite for active participation in the game, and sometimes a prerequisite for winning. The game makes it possible not only to improve, but also to acquire new knowledge, since the desire to win forces you to think, remember what you have already covered and remember everything new.

Group activities also have a positive impact on the personality of students. The key feature of the interactive game is its focus on collective work with the object. The game is designed for the work of several users at once and is capable of highlighting various aspects of the work of people in a group: both competitive and unifying.

Methodological development is an extracurricular event that is held among 5th grade students, dedicated to the celebration of Cosmonautics Day.

During the game, students acquire communication skills, skills of behavior in a difficult situation, long-term memory is activated, and students are active. The erudition of both players and spectators increases.

The role of the teacher is to prepare questions for the game and a computer presentation on these questions, to select participants for the game, to prepare presenters and students, and to hold pauses between rounds. The role of the teacher in the emotional mood of the students for the game is great, which is necessary for the event to be interesting, cheerful, and give a positive emotional charge to the game.

2. Stages of preparation and conduct of the interactive Brain Ring

Goals of the game:

  • educational: broadening the horizons of students, activating intellectual activity through the use of games.
  • developing: formation of skills to think and make decisions, development of thinking, memory, erudition.
  • educational: development of cognitive interest, nurturing a culture of communication, as well as nurturing students’ independence as a personality trait.

Game objectives:

  • repetition and generalization of previously acquired knowledge.
  • formation of general educational and general cultural skills in working with information.

Both teams and individual students can take part in the game. The game consists of one round of 16 questions. The questions are grouped into 4 topics of 4 questions each. Cost of questions: 10, 20, 30, 40 points.

The game can last either a certain time (15-20 minutes) or until all questions are exhausted. The first choice is determined by drawing lots. Each subsequent choice is made by the player who answered the previous question correctly. Players have the right, but not the obligation, to answer the question asked. The first player to raise his hand after the signal gets the right to respond. A correct answer brings the player an amount equal to the value of the question on the game board; an incorrect answer deprives the player of the specified amount. The winner is announced, the one who scores the most points.

Activities of the jury:

  • Calculation of points scored in the competition of each subgroup.
  • Monitors the correctness of answers to questions on topics.
  • Announcement of game results.

Time required to play the game: 40–50 minutes.

Material support for the event:

  • Personal Computer
  • multimedia projector
  • printout of questions and answers to the presenter (Appendix 1)
  • command signal cards
  • stopwatch
  • presentation "Brain Ring" in Microsoft Office PowerPoint.

3. Progress of the interactive game “Brain Ring”

Let's start the game!

Leading: Hello guys!

We are pleased to welcome you to the interactive game "Brain Ring".

The game will be held among 5th grade students. Our goal is to find out which of you has the most knowledge on Astronautics. Of course, the winners will be awarded diplomas and prizes.

Leading: Let me introduce our counting jury.

Leading: so let's start our game. I present the participants of the first round.

Leading: the players are ready. I ask the audience not to shout or give hints, as in this case the answer will not be counted and points will be deducted.

Rules of the game: The game consists of one round of 16 questions. The questions are grouped into 4 topics of 4 questions each. Cost of questions: 10, 20, 30, 40, 500 points.

The tour will last 30 minutes. 3 teams play. We determined the right of first choice by drawing lots. Each subsequent choice will be made by the team that answered the previous question correctly. Teams have the right, but not the obligation, to answer the question asked. The first team to raise the signal card after the question asked by the teacher gets the right to answer. A correct answer brings the team an amount equal to the value of the question on the game board; an incorrect answer deprives the team of the specified amount.

The points received by the teams are summed up, thus determining the winning team.

Game tasks

Topic No. 1 The first cosmonauts

10. Who was the first astronaut on the planet?


20. The world's first female astronaut.


30. The first astronaut to walk into outer space.


40. Who was the first to photograph the Earth from space?


Topic No. 2 First flight into space

10. When did the first human flight into space take place?

20. What did the first cosmonaut on the planet say during the flight?

Answer: “LET’S GO!”

30. What was the name of the first spaceship with a man on board?

Answer: "EAST".

40 . An outstanding designer of rocket and space systems, whose name is associated with the first victories of the Soviet Union in space exploration.


Topic No. 3 Events

10. What event is the celebration of Cosmonautics Day dedicated to?


20. How long did Yuri Gagarin's space flight last?

Answer: 1 HOUR 48 MINUTES.

30. Soviet cosmonauts had a tradition of watching a movie before a flight...?


40. What event marked the beginning of the space age of mankind?


Topic No. 4 Objects

10. What was the name of the Soviet self-propelled vehicle that traveled on the surface of the Moon?

Answer: “LUNOKHOD”.

20 . What is the name of the cosmodrome from which Soviet spacecraft were launched?

Answer: "BAIKONUR".

30. What is the name of a reusable spacecraft?

Answer: "BURAN".

40. What is the name of the American reusable ship?

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