Voronezh Suvorov Military School admission rules. FGKO "Moscow Suvorov Military School"

Valor, courage and honor are exactly what boys want when they dream of entering the Suvorov Military School. They are not afraid of the difficulties that await them in the cadets; they dream of wearing shoulder straps from a very young age and, when the time comes, changing them to officers. And there are a lot of such boys - the competition for admission to Suvorovskoe sometimes reaches five, or even seven people for one place. That is why it is better to prepare for admission in advance so that your dream can become a reality.

Who can enter the Suvorov Military School?

The very first and most important condition for admission to the Suvorov Military School (SVU) or Cadet Corps (CC) is citizenship of the Russian Federation. In accordance with the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Boys and girls under the age of 15 can enter the Suvorov and Nakhimov schools

(as of December 31 of the year of admission), after the 4th, 8th and 9th grades of secondary school in the year of admission. Different Suvorov schools have different requirements for the age of applicants, the only thing that remains unchanged is that after 15 years they definitely do not accept Suvorov students. Another important condition for admission is good health.

. The suitability of a person's health for training at a military school is determined by doctors. Only with the conclusion of the military medical commission in hand can you submit documents to Suvorovskoe. At the same time, there are quite a lot of reasons for removal for health reasons:

Serious infectious diseases: hepatitis C or B, HIV infection, tuberculosis in any form; Various neoplasms, with the exception of nevi, which do not interfere with wearing clothes;

Various diseases of the endocrine system, including grade 3 and 4 obesity; Serious blood diseases such as hemophilia, leukemia and the like; A serious decrease in immunity, if there is a history of frequent acute respiratory viral infections that occurred with complications;

Various skin diseases, for example: psoriasis, vitiligo, neurodermatitis;

Any mental disorders; Diseases of the nervous system;

Diseases of the respiratory system, in particular bronchial asthma;

Acute and chronic diseases of the digestive system, for example, stomach ulcers or gallstones;

Diseases of the skeletal and muscular systems, in particular, grade 2-3 scoliosis, which is now widespread;

Serious diseases of the genitourinary system, including; Severe congenital anomalies.

However, doctors will consider each case separately and make a decision based on the current state of health and the prospects for the development of the disease. Therefore, it makes sense to think about how to enter the Suvorov Military School and prepare for admission even if you have some kind of chronic disease. The main thing is to have a desire to become an officer.

Where and what documents should I submit to enter the Suvorov Military School?

Documents for admission according to the list, which is better to check on the website of the selected school or at the local military registration and enlistment office, must be sent to the admissions office of the school between April 15 and May 15 of the year of admission. This means that the preliminary assessment of the success of a potential Suvorov student will be assessed without the results of the last quarter. It is very important to pay attention to this if you decide to act. Although the military registration and enlistment office will explain everything in detail and help you draw up an application, it is still better to know the list of required documents in advance. This will help you prepare for admission in the best possible way. After all, only those applicants who pass the preliminary selection will receive an invitation to face-to-face tests at the Suvorov School.

So, For admission you will definitely need:

1. An application from the parents or guardians of the applicant about his desire to enter the Suvorov Military School or the Cadet Corps. It is written to the head of the school chosen for admission.
2. Personal statement of the applicant about the desire to enter the Suvorov Military School and become an officer in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the future.
3. A copy of the applicant’s birth certificate.
4. A report card with grades for the first three academic quarters, certified by the official seal of the school, and indicating the foreign language being studied.
5. Pedagogical reference for the applicant, signed by the class teacher and the school director and certified by the official seal of the school.
6. Medical certificate confirming the applicant’s suitability for admission to VU. Such a certificate is issued by the Military Military Commissariat at the military registration and enlistment office, but for this you need to collect all medical documents from your clinic.
7. Four photographs of the applicant measuring 3 x 4 centimeters.
8. A copy of the applicant’s medical insurance policy, certified by a notary.
9. Certificate from place of residence about family composition.
10. Certificates from the parents’ place of work.

In addition, documents confirming citizenship may be required if the applicant permanently resides outside of Russia. If the applicant is entitled to benefits upon admission , documents confirming your right to these benefits must be sent to the admissions committee.
The originals of the birth certificate and report card are presented by the applicant personally to the admissions committee of the Suvorov Military School or the Cadet Corps upon arrival to take the entrance exams.

Benefits for admission to the Suvorov Military School

Some categories of applicants entering the Suvorov Military School are entitled to benefits. Thus, orphans or children left without parental care are subject to enrollment in the Suvorov School without exams, only based on the results of an interview and medical examination.

In addition, there are categories of persons eligible for enrollment outside the main competition. That is, if they successfully pass the entrance exams, they are enrolled in Suvorov in any case. These categories include:

Children of military personnel who died or died as a result of injury (wounds, trauma, concussion) or illness received while performing military service duties;

Children of military personnel serving in military conflict zones, as well as those raised without a mother;

Children of military personnel performing military service under a contract and having a total duration of military service of 20 years or more in calendar terms;

Children of citizens discharged from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, health reasons or in connection with organizational and staffing events, the total duration of military service of which is 20 years or more in calendar terms;

Children of Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation, full holders of the Order of Glory.

Besides, excellent students in secondary school have the right for enrollment in the Suvorov Military School only based on the results of one, first exam. Subject to passing physical fitness standards. If the first exam is passed with 5 points, then they become Suvorov students; if they receive 4 or 3 points, they continue to take exams and are enrolled based on the results of the general selection. As a rule, the competition for one place in the Suvorov Military School reaches five people per place.

What exams do you need to pass to enter the Suvorov Military School?

Admission to the Suvorov Schools and passing entrance exams begins depending on the schedule in each particular school and continues until August 15. Applicants who have passed preliminary selection from the school commission and are admitted to take the exams take an exam in mathematics and the Russian language.

In addition, all applicants, without exception, undergo a medical commission and an interview with a psychologist to determine their readiness to study for IEDs. A prerequisite for admission is passing physical education standards. These include pull-ups, 100-meter sprints and 1000-meter runs.

Applicants who do not meet the admission conditions due to health reasons, those who did not pass the entrance exams, as well as those who did not pass the competition, are not accepted into the Suvorov Military School and are sent to their place of residence. There is no provision for retaking exams. During the applicants' stay at the Suvorov School to take exams, they are provided with free meals. There are no preparatory courses for applicants to the Suvorov Military Schools.

Many young people, after finishing 9th grade, think about entering other educational institutions. How to enter the Suvorov School is a fairly common question among 13-15 year old boys and their parents.

Information about admission rules and required documents is usually available on the websites of institutions.

Each of them has its own rules and requirements, but there is also general information that will be useful for admission to any of them.

List of Suvorov schools in Russia

There are several educational institutions on the territory of Russia related to obtaining a military specialty after grades 4, 8 and 9:

  1. The Moscow Military Music School operates in Moscow. This is an educational institution that provides secondary vocational music education.
  2. There are Suvorov Military Schools in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Ulyanovsk, Ussuriysk, Astrakhan, Kazan, Perm, Mogilev, Tver, Voronezh, Chita, Tula.
  3. Cadet corps are located in the cities of Omsk, Novosibirsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Ufa, Kharkov.
  4. A boarding school with flight training has been opened in Chelyabinsk.

These educational institutions allow students to obtain military specialties that are in demand in the labor market. Educational programs are aimed not only at obtaining a basic specialty, but there are also additional subjects that allow you to expand the range of your knowledge.

Basic conditions for admission

Each educational institution has its own rules and requirements for the admission of students. However, there are some that are common to all schools.

The first and most important thing in order to enroll is to have Russian citizenship. The same rule applies to those entering the cadet corps.

Children are usually accepted after 4th, 8th and 9th grades.

Health status is also extremely important for applicants. Children with health problems are not accepted to these educational institutions, since classes require a certain level of physical fitness.

Before admission, a mandatory medical commission is carried out, which plays a decisive role in admission. After the conclusion of the medical commission, a decision is made on admission to the Suvorov Military School by the admissions committee.

From what age do they take it?

Children of different ages are accepted for training. Each educational institution has its own requirements.

Basically, children are accepted after the 4th grade (10-11 years old), after the 8th and 9th grades (14-15 years old) of secondary schools and lyceums.

Note: There is also an important addition that concerns the extreme age of the child. Children over 15 years old are not accepted.

Some institutions offer admission after 5th grade. This is discussed individually.

When and what exams to take

To get into training, an applicant must pass entrance exams. Each educational institution has its own list of required documents, including required exams.

Exams are held from August 1 to August 15 annually. Usually they take papers in the Russian language, mathematics, and also undergo a selection process for physical training.

In some institutions there is a selection advantage for those who graduated from school with excellent marks. Such children are given the opportunity to enroll without entrance exams.

The admission procedure is established individually in each educational institution.

What the cost of studying

Each educational institution offers its own tuition fees.

Information on payment for educational services can be found on the website of the required school.

The cost depends not only on the chosen specialty, but also on the region in which the institution is located.

Studying at the Suvorov School for Girls

Admission to study is carried out on a competitive basis. You can place a child regardless of gender.

The main requirement is to be no older than 15 years old.

Just like boys, girls must collect a complete package of documents, after which, based on the exams passed and the results of the medical examination, they are admitted to a course in the chosen specialty.

Some institutions conduct special physical tests, based on the results of which students are assigned to health subgroups.

It is worth noting: Training is carried out for both sexes according to exactly the same program.

Benefits upon admission

Competitive selection is made based on passing the exams.

If the faculty is paid, then payment for the semester of study must be made.

In many educational institutions, preference is given to children who have the status of orphans, as well as children from large families.

In this case, the student is provided with tuition benefits.

In addition, benefits are provided to those who are the child of a military serviceman, children of internal affairs workers, children of parents killed in the line of duty, as well as daughters and sons of prosecutorial employees.

Documents and certificates

The required documents for admission to this educational institution are different for each school.

However, the general requirement is the presence of a passport or birth certificate of a citizen of the Russian Federation, an application from parents or guardians for admission, as well as a personal statement from the student, which is filled out in the name of the director.

In addition, in order to send a child to study, you will need a psychological profile of the student, certified by the school’s seal, as well as two photographs.

You also need to make photocopies of all documents in duplicate. Some institutions require a reference from a teacher or head teacher of a school, certified by the school seal. Samples of the required applications can be found on the websites of educational institutions.

Prospects for students of Suvorov schools

The competitive selection is very high and not every child can enter there.

During training, much attention is paid to the moral side. Students are noble and honest, they know the basics of etiquette and business relations.

Such knowledge allows them to be more in demand in the future in any profession and in society as a whole. After graduation, graduates acquire not only the specialty of an officer, but also many other specialties.

Admission to the Suvorov Military School allows the student to acquire a sought-after military profession. Training requires a high level of physical fitness. Students choose their specialty independently, focusing on their own preferences. Admission requires mandatory passing of exams, as well as the necessary documents and passing a medical commission.

Get into it.

Questions are often asked: how to enter the Tver (or Moscow) Suvorov Military School after 7th, 8th or 9th grade? The answer is NO. Admission to the Suvorov military schools of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is ONLY AFTER 4TH CLASS. Every year, a small number of children are admitted to grades 6-8, but this is an exception to the general rule, and if you are reading this article, this definitely does not apply to you. However, there is still a way out.

Ministry of Internal Affairs

After 8th grade, young men are accepted into the Suvorov military schools of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: St. Petersburg, Astrakhan, Grozny, Elabuga, Novocherkassk, Chita. It is relatively easy to get into them. Exams - Russian language, mathematics, physical training. The most difficult thing is to get a referral for admission from the human resources department of the city police department, to undergo a military medical commission, a drug test and psychological testing there. Due to the relatively strict local selection, the competition for admission to schools is small: from 2.3 (Novocherkassk SVU) to 3.1 (Astrakhan SVU) people per place in 2014.

Based on the exam results, we can conclude that only poor students did not enter. For example, in the Astrakhan SVU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2014, 147 people were allowed to take the exams. 22 candidates received “twos” in physical training - most of them were unable to run 2 km in the allotted time (the standards for a “three” correspond to the silver GTO badge). In mathematics – 19 “failed” students, in Russian language – 25 “failed students”. Of the 77 candidates who somehow passed the exams, 47 people were enrolled.

There is no need to think that anyone was “failed” on purpose - out of 36 “beneficiaries” admitted to the exams (children of police officers, internal troops, orphans, etc.), only 15 people were enrolled in the SVU.

The picture is the same for other IEDs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. For those who are interested in the details, on the official websites of these schools the exam results are posted in great detail: names, grades, who dropped out at what stage.

Physical fitness standards for “excellent”

(in brackets - for “good”):

Name of exercises

SVU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation


KSh RF Ministry of Defense

to 9th grade

to 10th grade

to 10th grade


10 (8) 10 (9) 12 (11)
60m sprint

8,6 (9,3)

8,8 (9,2)

100m sprint

14,2 (14,6)

1 km run

3.35 (3.45)

2 km run

8.10 (9.00) 8.00 (8.30)

Since the general educational level of the admitted students is mediocre, they show corresponding results upon graduation. For example, the Unified State Exam results of the St. Petersburg High School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in 2014 are almost equal to the Russian average: mathematics - 40.2 points, Russian language - 61 points, social studies - 52.2. No matter how armchair analysts criticize the Unified State Exam, in real life, admission to universities (be it military, civilian, or police) is carried out precisely according to its results. And in the “championship” of St. Petersburg, SVU MVD is at the very bottom of the standings - 37th place out of 44 schools in the Kirov region. Do you need this kind of hockey?

The situation in the Suvorov schools of the Russian Ministry of Defense is not much better. Of course, compared to the arithmetic average school, SVU-PKU-KK look brilliant. Especially when covered in the media. For example, in an interview with the newspaper “Tverskaya, 13” (No. 40 of 04/02/2015, p. 9), the head of the Moscow IED, Major General Reserve Kasyanov A.M. states: “according to the results of the Unified State Examination in the main disciplines taken into account when entering universities, school graduates are 10-15 points higher than the national average”.

Imagine, 10-15 points higher! Yes, this is the right path to the best universities in Russia!

But, firstly, comparing VCA with average Russian indicators is incorrect. In SVU-PKU-KK a competitive selection is carried out, and when comparing them with language gymnasiums and other physical education lyceums, admission to which is also based on exam results, all the pathos is blown away (those interested in the details are referred to the website shkola-spb.ru, where comparative results are given as all schools, and six SVU-KK St. Petersburg).

Secondly, with a detailed analysis of the Unified State Exam results at the Moscow SVU for 2014 (they are set out in the Self-Examination Report, which is available on the official website of the MSSVU in the “Regulatory Documentation” section), it turns out that Professor A.M. Kasyanov. is simply disingenuous: in the Russian language, mathematics, physics, and social studies, MSSVU scores exceed the Russian average by only 1.5 - 3 points on a 100-point scale. This is within the statistical error. In history, indeed, the MSSVU score is 12.5 higher than the Russian average, but in a foreign language it is 10 points lower. There were no 100-point students at MSSVU in 2014; only one graduate scored 98 points (in the Russian language). In other subjects, the maximum score was 77. In general, in any district of any region of our vast Motherland there are schools with much better results. For information, the Moscow SVU in 2014 was recognized as the best pre-university educational institution of the Russian Ministry of Defense. There were no medalists at MSSVU in 2014. True, in 2013 there were as many as 6 of them, but four of them were girls. And in 2014 (they are available on the official website of MSSVU in the Kasyanov reserve

Yes, yes, girls also studied at Suvorov schools. There were two sets that were released in 2013-14 (Moscow and Yekaterinburg VMU, Nakhimovsky VMU). While they were studying, the heads of the schools praised them, but in the end the experiment was considered a failure. For example, out of 11 graduates of the NVMU in 2014, only one entered a higher military educational institution (medalist Victoria I., into the Volsky branch of the Military Academy of Logistics), and another one entered the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. And now girls are recruited into only one cadet corps of the Ministry of Defense - the boarding school for students of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. AND ONLY IN THE 5TH GRADE.

Military schools after 8th grade

After 9th grade, you can try to enter the First Border Cadet Corps of the FSB of Russia. Exams - Russian language, mathematics, physical training. It is more difficult to enter, but the admission procedure is similar. The main thing is to get a referral from the personnel department of the regional FSB, pass a military medical commission there, a drug test and psychological testing, and pass a preliminary physical training test. Only 150 people from all over the country are called to the entrance exams to the PPKK - there is a limited number of sleeping places in the building. Therefore, in the regional departments of the FSB, the current performance of candidates is treated strictly, and if the average score for three quarters at school is below 4.5, documents are not even accepted. It is described in great detail in this topic: http://vk.com/topic-23889075_27195451

And back in 2015, the Russian Ministry of Defense opened a cadet IT school at the Military Academy of Communications (St. Petersburg), and a cadet engineering school at the Air Force Academy (Voronezh). The exams are more difficult - mathematics, computer science, physics. At the Military Institute of Physical Culture (St. Petersburg), enrollment in the cadet sports school has been open since 2015. Exams - Russian language, mathematics, biology. And of course, physical training and psychological testing.

Each cadet school will have 80 places (10th and 11th grades 40 people each). What they will be like in the future, only time will tell, but now they are positioned as pre-university training faculties of these military educational institutions.

Testing psychological readiness for learning

Many questions are also asked about testing psychological readiness for learning, so I will write in more detail what is being tested in 2015.

A socio-psychological study of the personality of a candidate for admission involves assessing the conditions of the child’s upbringing and development, the success of mastering educational programs, the main motives for learning, organizational abilities, characteristics of communication and behavior in a team.

Psychological readiness for training is carried out in the form of testing lasting 45-60 minutes, during which candidates for admission are checked:

  • level of intellectual development;
  • neuropsychological stability;
  • social competence.

When testing the level general intellectual development are determined:

  • level of development of basic general educational skills and abilities: the ability to assimilate and apply general methods of action, independently find ways to solve new problems, the ability to use acquired knowledge in standard and non-standard situations;
  • level of development of mental cognitive processes: attention, memory, visual-figurative, logical thinking, imagination;
  • speed of mental work and verbal thought processes;
  • ability for mathematical analysis and synthesis, inference and generalization;
  • level of development of linguistic abilities, ability to operate with grammatical structures, vocabulary;
  • the ability to find patterns in the construction of information.

When testing psychological readiness for learning, it is determined level of development of adaptive abilities to learning conditions and neuropsychic stability candidates.

During the study social competence the presence of motivation to learn, the degree of acceptance of social norms, the ability to update one’s personal experience in relation to a specific situation, the readiness to accept responsibility for the choice of one’s own behavior in a situation of social interaction, communication skills and organizational abilities are determined.

Based on the results of the socio-psychological study, a final conclusion is prepared on the psychological readiness of candidates for training:

B) Not recommended for enrollment: the level of personal development, adaptive properties and the degree of development of mental cognitive processes do not meet the requirements for students, or have contraindications due to their psychological characteristics ( suffered severe psychological trauma, resulting in deviations in personality development; the presence of negative manifestations of character accentuations; low degree of development of mental cognitive processes and intellectual development; neuropsychic instability; behavioral regulation disorders; pedagogical neglect; signs of deviant and illegal behavior).

13 comments on “Military schools after 8th grade”

    This was written by someone who has no idea about the situation with admission. In 2015, you could get into the Novocherkassk School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with good connections or 500 thousand rubles. What are you writing about, go and look, suckers from regions with 1 health group did not pass - 90 D’s in the Russian language, but First-time, slanted sons from the Rostov region with 500 thousand - they entered. WHAT ARE YOU WRITING ABOUT?

    • Are you a parent or a cadet? I'm planning to have a son in 2016. for admission to NSU. The information is not encouraging at all. I thought everything was fair. Answer please. I would like to know what it was like in 2015. Especially crazy selection - what tasks, etc. Thank you. You are the last line with whom I can communicate.

      You also get a bad grade in Russian.
      All applicants to the SVU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (both from Rostov and from other regions) undergo the VVK, so the level of health of all applicants is approximately the same. There are no “crooked and oblique” ones among them. But the level of general education and physical training of many of them is very sad, so it is not surprising that many received well-deserved “Ds” (like you).
      The MVD SVU, most of which were created for the sake of fashion in 2008-2009, have never been distinguished by any “prestige”. And paying $10,000 for the opportunity to send a teenager to an orphanage (albeit a paramilitary one) with a mediocre level of education is generally beyond good and evil.

    Heh, I still remember how the military instructor in the 7th grade encouraged me to enroll in St. Petersburg. Based on the fact that I was the only one who could distinguish a major from a colonel and a Kalashnikov assault rifle from a Kalashnikov machine gun. I barely got away with it)

Suvorovites are a status of honor and dignity! For many, becoming a Suvorov student seems like an unattainable dream. Let's figure out together whether it is possible for an ordinary school student to enroll in MSVU.

Candidates for admission can be schoolchildren from the fifth to the eighth grade up to fifteen years old at the end of the year of admission, who correspond to the level of physical training and psychological selection and pass exams in basic disciplines.
  • First, visit the military registration and enlistment office, explain that you want to send your son to study at SVU, they will give you an application form and help you fill it out. Then you will be instructed in terms of further actions, and a date will be set for a medical examination from the military registration and enlistment office. Start collecting documents. They must be submitted to the military registration and enlistment office from April 15 to May 15 of the year of admission. The main list is:
  • The candidate himself must write an application for admission to the ISVU and his autobiography.
  • From the school you will need a report card for 3 quarters of the last academic year and a pedagogical reference with an official seal, signed by the school director and class teacher.
  • At your clinic, fill out a copy of the medical card F026/U, an extract from the outpatient card and a copy of information about preventive vaccinations No. 063/U. All this must be with the seal of the medical institution.
  • A notary must certify copies of the birth certificate and medical insurance policy of the future Suvorov student and copies of all pages of his parents’ passports.
  • From the management company, take an extract from the house register about registration at the place of residence and a certificate of family composition and living conditions, which should contain the dates of birth and occupation for all family members and indicate the area of ​​the housing and its owner.
  • Parents at their work must obtain a certificate of the nature of their work activity and prepare documents confirming their right to benefits upon admission (if any).
  • You will also need the child’s measurements (height, weight, head, chest, waist, hips, clothing and shoe sizes) and 4 3x4 photographs, like for a passport, but with a free corner for printing.
Orphans and children left without parental care (pupils of orphanages and boarding schools) enter the SVU without exams after they pass a medical examination and interview. To the package of documents described above, they also need to attach notarized copies of the death certificate of the parents, the establishment of guardianship and the guardian’s certificate.

If the exams are passed with at least a C grade, children of contract military personnel who have served for over 20 years are accepted without competition; killed or injured while performing their duties; serving in zones of military conflicts, and in addition, being raised by one parent.

From August 1 to August 15, those wishing to enroll are sent to MSVU at the expense of the state, along with an accompanying person from the military registration and enlistment office, to take exams and pass the test. Parents can also go with their child if they want. Accommodation and food for the children during this period is provided by the state. The admissions committee will need to present an original birth certificate, as well as a report card for the academic year.

Applicants must write a test in mathematics and a dictation in the Russian language. Excellent students do not need to take exams. Then the guys undergo a medical examination and a test of psychological and physical readiness. They are examined by a pediatrician, surgeon, ophthalmologist, ENT doctor, orthopedist, neurologist, dentist, and pediatric cardiologist and endocrinologist.

Candidates who have passed all tests are enrolled in the MSVU by order of the superior. They become real Suvorovites after taking the oath.

MSVU students are allowed to receive friends and relatives in the visitors' room every day. If there are relatives living in the Moscow region or Moscow, Suvorov students can take a leave of absence every week from 17:00 Saturday to 16:00 Sunday. Others can leave from 17:00 to 21:30 on Saturday and from 9:00 to 16:00 on Sunday. During the holidays, Suvorov students go home and are given a report card with them so that their parents can inquire and sign.

We hope that everyone who wants to enroll in MSVU will be able to not only become a Suvorov student, but also graduate with dignity and achieve success in this field.


The first requirement is age. Since 2008, all Suvorov schools in the country began a gradual seven-year period of study, and the age limits for applicants changed every year, which greatly confused applicants. Since 2011, schools have accepted children who have completed the 4th general education.

The first stage of admission is, essentially, documents. In order to get into the Suvorov School, a substantial set of papers is required - the list includes a copy of the personal file from the school, and a conclusion, and a copy of the outpatient card. The full list can be found on the school’s website. To ensure that all the necessary documents are correct, you can contact the military registration and enlistment office at your place of residence. Papers must be submitted by June 1st.

All documents are reviewed by the admissions committee, and those candidates who are recognized as “suitable” in all respects (health status, level of education, age, etc.) are invited to take the entrance exams.

Tests take place in the first half of July. Potential Suvorov students must demonstrate their physical fitness (ultimately a decision is made whether the applicant is “fit” or “unfit”) and psychological readiness for training (psychological and psychophysiological examination). In addition, a Suvorov student needs to know mathematics and the Russian language - tests in general education subjects are also included in the program.

The final lists of candidates look like this: first, children who qualify for preferential admission are enrolled (these are orphans, as well as children of certain categories of military personnel, including former ones), after which applicants with the highest number of points are admitted.

Upon enrollment in the school, a written agreement is signed with the parents (or guardians) of Suvorov students, which describes in detail all the conditions of training, as well as the rights and obligations of the parties.


  • Procedure for admission to Suvorov military schools

Entering school is an important step for a future first-grader and his parents. It is the school that has a serious influence on the future formation of personality and the development of intelligence of the future member of society. Therefore, every parent should approach their child’s admission to first grade with the utmost seriousness. To begin with, it is important to know the minimum required, namely, how to enroll in first grade.

We hope that everyone who wants to enroll in MSVU will be able to not only become a Suvorov student, but also graduate with dignity and achieve success in this field.

Choose the school where your child will study. This is a very important point, because now there are many specialized schools - lyceums and gymnasiums of different directions. Of course, it cannot be ruled out that after several stages of education you or your child will want to change schools, but this is always associated with some stress, so it is better to think through everything in advance and choose the school that is right for you.

Pay attention not only to the profile and quality of education, but also to the territorial indicator - it is important how far from home the first-grader is enrolled. You won’t always lead your child by the hand; there will come a time when you have to let him go this path on his own. Therefore, take this point into account, try to choose a school with the most convenient and safe route to your home.

Gather your documents. To enter the first one, the following documents are needed: parental passport, birth certificate (original and its copy), medical certificate and application. Some schools may require additional documents, but the basic list is the same as above.

Make sure your child is ready to learn. No tests will be carried out with the child - if you go to your place of residence, you are required to be accepted without any entrance exams. However, there is one problem - if a child comes to school without basic basic knowledge, it will be much more difficult for him, and you will have to spend much more time helping with homework. Therefore, it is most advisable to send the child in advance to training courses, where he adapts to the new learning process.

Prepare your child for the admissions interview. It is the last and only obstacle on the way to first class. At this interview, children are asked basic questions about him, his parents and where he lives. The child is then given several tests to check his thinking and intelligence, as well as his memory and level of speech development. Do not worry about the results, because, as already mentioned, the only reason for refusal to enroll in a school may be the lack of free places in it.

The military profession has always been considered honorable and respectable, so many parents want to send their sons to study at military schools of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Entering the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs schools is not so easy, but it is there that a guy becomes a man and acquires all the necessary skills in order to defend his fellow citizens with honor.

We hope that everyone who wants to enroll in MSVU will be able to not only become a Suvorov student, but also graduate with dignity and achieve success in this field.

Remember that military training lasts 3 years. Citizens of the Russian Federation who are not older than 15 years of age, who have graduated from 8 classes of a secondary school, have a referral from the personnel apparatus of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or another body, are fit for health reasons and meet the requirements of professional selection, can enter it. To find out all the requirements for candidates, download instructions for organizing the admission of students on the military website (http://www.svu.ru/).

Start by writing a report (application) for admission to the school and submit it to the admissions committee between April 15 and May 15. Since your son is not an adult, you will become his legal representative and will handle all negotiations with the admissions committee.

Write the application to the head of the internal affairs agency in your region. The candidate’s personal file will be generated between April 15 and June 1. The personal file must also contain a personal statement of the person wishing to study, copies of other documents, extracts from the educational institution and characteristics of the candidate, photographs, medical and, if available, documents for the provision of benefits.

Now all that remains is to pass the entrance exams, and, if successful, your son will be a student at the military school. Prepare your child to pass the following exams: testing, and foreign languages; testing for psychological readiness and physical tests. If your child has studied a foreign language, it will be given preference.

Admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs school will open up broad prospects for personal growth and self-development for your child. The structure of classes and disciplines is built in such a way as to harmoniously develop a person’s personality, making him persistent, hardy, and well versed in.

- the dream of many boys and their parents. Discipline, excellent education and clear prospects for future life - all this is guaranteed to future Suvorov students. However, joining their ranks is not easy. There are a number of conditions for successful admission.

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