"Gates of the Arctic" on the Northern Sea Route: Russia has opened a northern storehouse. Marine terminal "Gates of the Arctic" Tour price includes

Gazprom Neft is studying the possibility of building new sea terminals Yenisei, Krugly and Kharasavey in the Arctic for the export of products along the Northern Sea Route, according to a Rosatom presentation presented as part of parliamentary hearings on the topic “On legislative support for advanced socio-economic development of the Far East and the Arctic".

Thus, according to the materials, the resource base of the project for the construction of the Yenisei port (at the mouth of the Yenisei River) is 1.3 billion tons of liquid hydrocarbons, the launch of the terminal is expected in 2027. Annual shipments can reach up to 20 million tons per year. After the launch of the project, contributions to the regional budget could amount to 155 billion rubles, and the federal budget - 1.97 trillion rubles. At the same time, the project requires government support measures in the form of dredging work.

In August, Gazprom Neft received, on an application basis, 12 licenses for geological exploration of areas in the west of Taimyr (West Taimyr areas 1 - 12). They are located on the territory of the Dolgano-Nenets municipal district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Previously, Gazprom Neft had no assets in Taimyr. As the head of Rosnedra Evgeny Kiselev stated, the Yenisei-Khatanga zone can become a new oil and gas province with huge commercial reserves, where all the large Russian oil and gas companies have already entered.

In addition, according to Rosatom materials, Gazprom Neft is studying the possibility of building the Krugly post (Gulf of Ob). The resource base of this project could be 3.5 billion tons, the launch year is 2024. Potential annual shipment is up to 20 million tons. Contributions to the regional budget are expected to be at the level of 200 billion rubles. per year, in the federal year - up to 3.5 billion rubles. annually. The project also requires government support measures in the form of dredging.

In the Gulf of Ob, Gazprom Neft already operates the Gates of the Arctic port (capacity - 8.5 million tons per year), shipping oil from the large Novoportovskoye field. It is assumed that the Krugly port will be located on the opposite side of the Gulf of Ob from the Gates of the Arctic. Gazprom Neft is implementing the Yamal Gas project in this region - the development of gas fields and the construction of a gas pipeline with a capacity of 20 billion cubic meters.

Also, according to Rosatom materials, Gazprom Neft is considering the possibility of building the Kharasavey port in the north of the Yamal Peninsula: the resource base, annual loading and launch year are being specified. The proposed measures of state support include the need to carry out dredging work for these projects.

Gazprom Neft itself does not comment on information about the company’s plans to build new ports in the Arctic. According to a source in the company, no final decisions have been made on the construction of oil terminals. The company is working on various logistics schemes for its new Arctic projects, the agency’s interlocutor said.

Despite the vast territory of our country, including the northern one, there are only six cities here above the Arctic Circle. And the largest of them is Murmansk. This city is called the “second Dardanelles” and the “Arctic Gate” for good reason - after all, it is the largest ice-free port located in the Arctic.

The last city of Tsarist Russia

Murmansk is a unique city, which was the last to be founded during Imperial Russia. It was planned that it would receive the name Romanov-on-Murman, but the revolution made its own adjustments. Therefore, in 1917 the city was renamed simply Murmansk - from the historical name of the northern coast of the Kola Peninsula - Murman.

During the Civil War

The Kola Peninsula became one of the regions where a fierce struggle unfolded between the “reds” and the “whites”. This was a tasty morsel for either side, and in addition, foreign interventionists also intervened in the confrontation. This is understandable - an ice-free port in the Arctic is a rarity. In 1918, British troops landed in Murmansk, and Finland, which had recently declared its independence, also “sharpened its teeth” on it. There were also Germans nearby, providing assistance to the White Finns - a civil war was just going on in the country.

Prohibition based on gender

The “Whites” considered the region (which was called the Murmansk Territory) as their own and seriously guarded it because of its important strategic significance. Military power in the region was concentrated in the hands of Major General Nikolai Ivanovich Zvegintsov. As Sergei Volkov tells in his book “The Generals of the Russian Empire,” he headed the military department of the Provisional Government of the Northern Region, the main body of the autonomous state formation in the North of the country during the Civil War.

One of the first decrees of Nikolai Ivanovich in office was a ban on the entry of women and children into the city. Moreover, he ordered, if possible, to evacuate all representatives of the fairer sex and minors from Murmansk. Today such a prescription may seem strange, but then it was quite logical.

It should be understood that Murmansk in the period 1918-1920. was something like Moscow in 1941. Located literally in a ring of fronts, the city could be subject to aggression from any side. The presence of women and children who would need to be protected limited the maneuverability of the troops and their morale. But the main reason was the banal shortage of housing and food. The city was just being built then. Cut off from the central part of the country by the front, it had practically no other routes for supplying food other than by sea. Karelia itself could hardly be called a fertile region, capable of completely providing for itself independently.

I'm back in Yamal... Only there is still snow here, I am in a completely different area of ​​the region and completely different impressions await me. But there is a reason to remember last year and talk about “Gates of the Arctic” on my blog (before that there was a publication on Bigpicture - a slightly simpler version).

A plane from Moscow or St. Petersburg to the capital of Yamal will take you in just three hours. Here are the Ural Mountains, and here is the great Ob under its wing and beyond it - Salekhard. It would seem not for long, but this is enough to find yourself in endless expanses, rich in archaeological finds, a harvest of berries and mushrooms, venison and a lot of fish in the rivers.

Yamal is considered to be a gas region, but this is not entirely true. The tundra also stores black gold in its depths - oil. And now the development of Yamal deposits, which was previously impossible due to difficulties in extracting natural reserves, plays a very important role in the development of the region.

We (a group of journalists) had a unique chance to look, touch oil in the literal sense of the word and see how it is produced. The scale of production, combined with the nature of this region, made a strong impression on us.

So. Early morning. Salekhard.

Helipad and the first helicopter flight in my life. A short briefing, seat belts are fastened, headphones are in your ears instead of earplugs, and beyond you there are endless landscapes that you can’t tear yourself away from. Flying with us is Alexander Lipatnikov, head of the operation department of the Arctic Gate oil terminal, who knows more than anyone about the difficulties and features of oil production in Yamal. Our path lies to the field, not far from the village of Novy Port, and the next day even further to Cape Kamenny, where the most important object of our visit is located - the oil loading terminal.

Upon arrival, we immediately went fishing. The Novoportovskoye field is one of the largest developed oil and gas condensate fields on the Yamal Peninsula, and in terms of liquid hydrocarbon reserves it is the largest. Recoverable reserves in categories C1 and C2 amount to more than two hundred and fifty million tons of oil and condensate, as well as more than three hundred and twenty billion cubic meters of gas. That's a lot!

If we delve deeper into the history of Yamal, the presence of significant oil and gas reserves here was proven back in 1964, however, the lack of transport infrastructure, as well as complex geology, for a long time remained insurmountable obstacles to the start of full-scale development of Novoportovskoye. By 1987, 117 exploration wells had been drilled at the field, but the asset development project entered the active phase only after 2010, when Gazprom decided to transfer it to Gazprom Neft. Today the operator of the project is Gazpromneft-Yamal LLC.

The company achieves production efficiency in Arctic latitudes and permafrost through the use of modern technologies. For example, one of them is drilling multilateral wells, which allows increasing the coverage area of ​​the formation. It is here that a multilateral well with a horizontal section of 2000 meters was drilled. This figure is a record for Gazprom Neft.

By the way, about records. There are truly passionate people working in the fishery, however, this region does not recognize others. You have to be stubborn and love your job to carry out shifts in these conditions. An amazing discovery turned out that the teams not only set records for the pace of well construction, but also compete with each other. Everything is present here: the names of the teams and the competitive process. The record holders have a team name that is just appropriate - “Victory” (whatever you call the ship, that’s how it will sail). And there are even “Snow Leopards”. Once upon a time, it took an average of 40 days to build wells, but now it takes 22, and there is a record - 14 days!

The Novoportovskoye field is growing rapidly. As of July 2017, 84 wells have been drilled, and almost four hundred are planned! Just think about the scale of the wealth of this region.

Of course, for such hard work, the conditions must be appropriate. A support base for the fishery with a dormitory was built, and infrastructure for everyday life was established. In total, about 450 people work on the shift. Some workers still live in trailers, but in comfortable ones - even with heated floors. Already next year, a residential complex for 600 people should be put into operation, a gas turbine power plant will be launched, which will provide electricity not only to oil workers’ facilities, but also to nearby villages.

The development of the territory cannot take place without interaction with the local population. “We are guests here,” admits the head of the fishery, Vladimir Sablin, so all measures are being taken to protect nature as much as possible from human invasion and, of course, live in friendship and harmony with the nomadic peoples who have lived in the tundra since ancient times.
The pipelines are raised above the ground so as not to disturb the deer, safe passages through the pipelines have been made on the site of animal trails that have developed over centuries, and seasonal roads are cleaned. In general, Gazprom Neft is doing everything in order not to interfere with locals living as they wish. Such a symbiosis of a large enterprise and the population is very pleasantly surprising. Thus, through joint efforts they resumed the festival of reindeer herders, not just for show, but a real one, where people come from all over the endless Yamal tundra, spend a fisherman’s day and generally respond in every possible way to the needs of the population.

By the way, let's talk about environmental cleanliness. Gazprom Neft, together with leading Russian research institutes, is assessing the level of anthropogenic impact on the flora and fauna of the Yamal Peninsula, including species listed in the Red Book. For example, it is planned to conduct experimental work to determine the plants that can be most effectively used to restore disturbed surface layers of soil in the Yamal tundra.

Just look where the wagtail made its nest? Right at the base of the tank farm tanks of the Central Oil Collection Point.

Want to try oil? - they asked us a very non-trivial question. Of course! The truth doesn't taste like you might think. But touch and smell - please! This is a very interesting experience. And yes, the smell is reminiscent of gasoline and this is what distinguishes Yamal oil from other brands.

Here, at the Novoportovskoye field, a unique type of oil is produced, which is called Novy Port. This oil is very attractive to buyers; it is known and appreciated in Europe for its highest quality, that is, low sulfur content (about 0.1%), water, and other impurities. Novy Port is superior not only to the Russian Urals blend, but also to the European marker grade Brent. Today, Novy Port can confidently be called a Yamal brand.

Briefly about the path oil takes. From the wells, an oil emulsion is supplied to the additional work unit, which must be removed from water and gas. First, the mixture meets two types of separators, then the separated gas goes to the fuel gas preparation unit for the local power plant and flares, and the water-oil mixture goes through the next network of separators, after which it comes out thoroughly heated, up to 40-45 degrees, without gas and with water at 0.03 percent.
The prepared commercial oil goes through a hundred-kilometer pipe from Novy Port to Cape Kamenny, from there the Arctic Gate terminal is loaded onto a tanker, which goes through Murmansk to the buyer in Europe.

So we, along the route of oil, flew to Cape Kamenny to the “Gateway of the Arctic” to see with our own eyes how this happens and to forever fall in love with these harsh distances and never cease to admire the work of the people who are on duty here.

I think you already understand that the Novoportovskoye field is unique. But the Gates of the Arctic makes it even more distinct from other deposits. Just think, for the first time in the history of the development of the oil and gas industry in Russia, year-round oil transportation is carried out not through pipelines, but through the Northern Sea Route. To make this possible, a huge amount of work was done by specialists, as a result of which a large oil loading terminal was built - the only one located in fresh waters beyond the Arctic Circle, it has no analogues in the world.

“Arctic Gate” is designed to operate in extreme climatic conditions. The terminal's capacity for transshipment of raw materials is 8.5 million tons/year. The huge structure has a two-level protection system and meets the most stringent requirements in the field of industrial safety and environmental protection. The terminal equipment is fully automated and reliably protected from water hammer. A special system allows you to instantly undocking the terminal and the tanker, while maintaining the tightness of the disconnected elements. The “zero discharge” principle excludes any contact of the product with the atmosphere, which is extremely important for preserving the ecology of the Arctic.

We were surprised to learn from a conversation with terminal operators that working in winter is much more comfortable - there are no waves and wind. In winter, the Gates of the Arctic is more accessible in terms of specialist visits, maintenance, and provision of tankers for loading. But how can you climb to a height of more than 80 meters in the cold? Basically, everything is mechanized and controlled remotely, from the center, where all the necessary equipment and video surveillance are located. Here, on the shore, there is also a laboratory that controls the quality of the transferred oil and issues a certificate for the batch being loaded onto the tanker at the moment.

The first shipment of raw materials using the terminal took place on May 25, 2016, the launch command was given by Russian President Vladimir Putin. Since that time, quite a few thousand tons of Novoportovsk oil have gone to Europe. In the spring of this year, Gazpromneft-Yamal shipped the anniversary - five millionth - ton of raw materials to the tanker Shturman Albanov.

Speaking of sea vessels. Gazprom Neft is developing its own fleet specifically for work on the Novy Port project. By the end of 2017, six tankers of the highest Arctic class - Arc7 - will begin transporting oil. Such a tanker is capable of transporting 40 thousand tons and crossing the Northern Sea Route on ice 1.8 meters thick.

In parallel, diesel-electric icebreakers are being built at the Vyborg Shipyard, which will bear the title of the most powerful icebreakers in the Arctic. Their main task will be to ensure oil shipments and escort tankers. Such vessels are not afraid of frost even at minus 50 degrees.

The journey to Cape Kamenny is coming to an end, you can still go to the shore of the Ob Bay, throw a coin and make a wish, because these regions still contain a lot of interesting and unknown things, maybe these are new deposits, or maybe new people who we will meet on a way. Who knows. I am sure of one thing: Yamal is an amazing land with amazing discoveries inside and with wonderful people who explore this harsh land and live here.


Today in the village of Cape Kamenny (Yamal Peninsula, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug) a ceremonial event was held dedicated to the start of year-round shipment of Yamal oil through the Arctic oil terminal “Arctic Gates”. The event was attended by Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Management Board of Gazprom PJSC, and Alexander Dyukov, General Director of Gazprom Neft PJSC.

The command to start loading the tanker with oil from the Novoportovskoye field was given via video link by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.

The Novoportovskoye oil and gas condensate field, the largest in terms of oil reserves in Yamal, is located 700 kilometers from the existing pipeline infrastructure. Therefore, it was decided that for the first time in the history of the Russian oil and gas industry, the export of Yamal oil will be carried out by sea.

The use of the latest technologies in creating production, transport and, most importantly, shipping infrastructure made it possible to organize industrial oil production at the field in just four years. Already in 2018, it is planned to extract 6.3 million tons of raw materials. The plan for further development of the field will be determined by the end of 2017.

An oil pipeline with a length of more than 100 km transports oil from the Novoportovskoye field to the coast of the Ob Bay. It has a critically shallow navigable fairway depth for navigation - 11 meters, and therefore the oil terminal is located directly in the sea - 3.5 km from the coast. The terminal's oil transshipment capacity is up to 8.5 million tons per year. It allows year-round loading of oil produced in Yamal onto tankers for further transportation along the Northern Sea Route.

The Arctic Gate marine terminal is a unique structure. The terminal is designed to operate in extreme climatic conditions: temperatures in the region drop below -50 degrees Celsius, ice thickness can exceed two meters. It has a two-level protection system and meets the most stringent requirements in the field of industrial safety and environmental protection.

The terminal equipment is fully automated and reliably protected from water hammer. A special system allows you to instantly undocking the terminal and the tanker, while maintaining the tightness of the disconnected elements. The “zero discharge” technology eliminates the entry of any foreign substances into the waters of the Gulf of Ob, which is extremely important for preserving the ecology of the Arctic. In addition, the subsea pipeline connecting the terminal to the offshore tank farm is protected by an additional concrete shell.

“Gazprom is consistently developing the Russian Arctic. Oil production is progressing successfully at the Prirazlomnoye field, the only hydrocarbon development project on the Russian Arctic shelf. On the Yamal Peninsula, a gas production center that has no analogues in the world is in full swing. Now here, together with the gas center, we are creating a new oil province. “The Gates of the Arctic” are open for Yamal oil, which will be supplied to European consumers year-round via the Northern Sea Route,” said Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Management Board of Gazprom PJSC.


The Novoportovskoye oil and gas condensate field is located in the southeastern part of the Yamal Peninsula, 250 km north of the city of Nadym and 30 km from the coast of the Ob Bay. Recoverable reserves of liquid hydrocarbons of C1+C2 categories amount to more than 250 million tons. The field development operator is Gazprom Neft PJSC.

The Novy Port oil grade is a medium-density oil grade and contains less sulfur (about 0.1) than the Urals mixture.

The possibility of exporting oil by sea was confirmed in 2011 after the pilot piloting of a nuclear icebreaker from the port of Sabetta (northeast of the Yamal Peninsula) to Cape Kamenny. The first experience in Russian history of transporting oil from Yamal by tanker by sea was obtained in the summer of 2014.

To date, the volume of investments in the development of the Novoportovskoye field has amounted to 180 billion rubles, expected tax revenues during the implementation of the project will exceed 1.5 trillion rubles.

During the development of the field, a program is being implemented to increase the population of northern commercial fish. In particular, in 2015, about 4 million juvenile muksun and other fish species were released into the Ob and rivers of the Ob-Irtysh basin. In 2016-2018, another 24 million muksun fry are planned to be released.

Information Department of PJSC Gazprom

08:00 Meeting with the guide at the railway station in Apatity.
Transfer to Kirovsk (35 km).
An individual transfer from Murmansk to flight UT 577 (arrival at 04:20) to Kirovsk (for breakfast in a cafe) is possible. The approximate cost of an individual transfer is from 500 rubles. up to 2500 rub. one way depending on the number of people wishing to travel.
Breakfast in a cafe.
Visit to the "Snow Village" - a unique holiday destination for adults and children. The fairy tale that visitors to the snow halls find themselves in makes people a little kinder and melts their hearts. The appearance of a huge structure made of snow in the middle of the forest on a snowy clearing is a real miracle that you definitely need to see at least once in your life. The excursion and tourist center "Snow Village" is a unique project that has been successfully implemented since 2008. As soon as the first snow falls in the Khibiny Mountains, snow construction begins at the foot of Mount Vudyavrchorr. Every year “Snow Village” implements the most daring ideas and plans; more and more ice and snow structures appear. Game program, cheesecake riding. Warming hot tea with sweets in a cafe (for an additional fee.)
Sightseeing tour of the city "Kirovsk - the heart of the Khibiny". The beauty and pride of the Kola Peninsula are the Khibiny Mountains, low, harsh and extremely picturesque. In the center of the peninsula, on the southern edge of the mountain range, near Lake Bolshoy Vudyavr, is located Kirovsk, the northernmost ski resort in Russia. A settlement in the mountains is a rarity for the Far North. Neighbors from the plain jokingly call this city “aul.” In polar Kirovsk, any street offers a picturesque view of the mountains. You will feel the unhurried rhythm of life in a small town and the power of the harsh northern nature.
Excursion to the Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute named after. N.A. Avrorina is a unique complex, the northernmost botanical garden in our country! Blooming tropical plants among the hills and low bushes are worth seeing!
Lunch at a cafe.
Visit to the Apatit Museum and Exhibition Complex. The richest collection of minerals from the Khibiny and Kola Peninsula, models of open-pit, underground mining and processing plants. The systematic mineral collection features 850 mineral varieties, including precious specimens of gold, diamond, topaz, ruby, emerald, amber and much more. Models of mining and enrichment operations have sound effects and dynamic lighting.
Attention! For a group of more than 20 people, partial use of headphones and an audio guide is possible (with a deposit). Climbing the tower (for groups of more than 8 people) is not provided!
Check-in at the Khibiny hotel.
Free time. For those who wish, skiing in the Snow Park (cheesecakes, skis, etc.).
Overnight at the hotel.

07:00 - breakfast at the hotel. Release of rooms.
Excursion "Visiting the Sami" (ethnographic complex "Sam-Syit"): rituals, customs, life, deer, national cuisine. Lunch on site.
Transfer to Murmansk.
Murmansk is the capital of the Russian Arctic, the largest city in the world, located beyond the Arctic Circle. Dozens of sea routes start from here. Everything here is saturated with the sea and subject to its laws. Monuments, architecture, museums - everything in this city is special, reminiscent and telling about sailors and fishermen, scientific discoveries in the ocean and naval exploits. Visit to the Oceanarium (for an additional fee - 500 rubles). Paid in advance when purchasing a tour). This research center is the only complex in Europe for the study of Arctic seals. It is located on Lake Semenovskoye, within the city, and welcomes visitors to entertaining performances with the participation of pinnipeds: gray and harp seals, bearded seals and ringed seals.
Check-in at the Meridian Hotel.
Free time.
Dinner on your own in a hotel restaurant or cafe in the city center.
Overnight at the hotel.

08:00 - Breakfast at the hotel. Release of rooms.
Sightseeing bus tour - "Murmansk - the capital of the Arctic": during the excursion you will visit the main attractions of the city (Memorial to submarine sailors who died in peacetime, Church of the Savior on Water, Lighthouse, cabin of the nuclear submarine "Kursk", Memorial to the Defenders of the Soviet Arctic in years of the Second World War, monument "Waiting").
Visit to the Regional Museum of Local Lore in Murmansk. The museum has 17 exhibition halls. In the “Nature” section there is the only exposition of the seabed in Russia - a dry aquarium, a unique geological collection extracted from depths from 100 m to 12 km during the drilling of the Kola superdeep well.
The entire history of the region from ancient times to the present is presented in the exhibitions: “History of the region from ancient times to the 17th century”, “Economy and life of the Sami in the 18th - 19th centuries”, “Kola Peninsula 17th - AD”. XX century”, “October socialist revolution, civil war and intervention in Murman”, “The region in the period 1920-1930s”, “Murmansk region 1945-1985”. The final section of the history exhibition is devoted to changes in the political, socio-economic spheres of life in the region from 1985 to the present day.
Visit to the first nuclear icebreaker "Lenin".
"Lenin" is the world's first surface vessel with a nuclear power plant. The icebreaker was built in the USSR, primarily to serve the Northern Sea Route. Now it is a unique museum ship.
Lunch at a cafe.
Transfer to Severomorsk (31 km).
Visit to the Northern Fleet Air Force Museum in Safonovo. The museum has three halls: wartime, memory of those killed, and the post-war period. The house-museum of Yuri Gagarin is where the first cosmonaut, at that time still a simple soldier, lived with his family. Hangar of military equipment: planes, tanks.
Visit to the Museum "Submarine K-21". This legendary submarine, famous for its military exploits during the Second World War, today gives everyone the opportunity to immerse themselves in the real world of submariners. In four compartments of the submarine, the combat situation has been preserved; here you can literally touch history - batten down the ratchet, look into the periscope. There are also exhibitions here that describe the actions of the Second World War and the formation of submarine forces in the North in the post-war period. Personal belongings, photographs, awards of submariners and documents presented from that time will tell better than any historian about the heroism of the people who went into battle on this boat.
Return to Murmansk by 18:00.
Free time to buy souvenirs.
Transfer to the railway station/airport.
Departure to Moscow.

Tour cost per person
- when staying in a double room - 17,600 rubles.
- when staying in a single room - 19,700 rubles.
- when staying in a 3-bed room - 16,800 rubles.
The price includes: 2 nights accommodation, meals according to the program (breakfast and lunch), entrance tickets to all objects according to the program, 12 excursions according to the program; transport and excursion services along the route, services of a guide and accompanying group.
Important! Due to the fact that the tour program includes a visit to the closed city of Severomorsk, when purchasing a tour it is required to provide full details of Russian passports (scan/copy of the spread with a photo, who issued it, registration address) for all trip participants. For children - a scan/copy of the Birth Certificate. To obtain a one-time pass to Severomorsk, you must provide all data no later than 1 month before your arrival date. Citizens of other countries are not allowed to visit Severomorsk.
Attention! Please check the accompanying person's contact information and current route adjustments on the website 1-2 business days before the start of the program or with the lead manager.
Additional charges:
railway travel Moscow-Apatity-Murmansk-Moscow (find out the cost)
The estimated cost of train tickets is a reserved seat from 5,000 rubles, a compartment from 6,700 rubles. (one way). The final cost of tickets can be clarified on our website in the “Air and railway tickets” section or checked with the manager on the day of purchasing the tour.
Recommended train options:
Moscow - Apatity train 016A "Arctic", departure at 00:41, arrival at 08:22 the next day.
Murmansk - Moscow train 091A, departure at 21:10, arrival at 11:38 + 2 days.
Murmansk - Moscow train 015A, departure at 19:30, arrival at 06:50 + 2 days.
Attention! Train tickets must be purchased with a departure date one day earlier than the tour start date. That is, in order to arrive at the beginning of the tour, for example, on February 23, you should buy tickets with departure on February 22.
Important! If the railway ticket offices are out of tickets for the trains you are interested in, contact us and we will be able to get almost any tickets for your trip. This service is paid additionally (400 rubles to the cost of the fare for one ticket).
Attention! Check-in at the hotel is only possible with an identification document (passport, birth certificate). Please note that all accommodation facilities have check-in and check-out rules. There may be no available rooms in the hotel before the set check-in time. Rooms must be vacated in accordance with the hotel rules.
The company reserves the right to make some changes to the tour program without reducing the overall volume and quality of services. We draw your attention to the need to comply with current legislation. Travel time and duration of the excursion are approximate.
Transport service according to the program: tourist class bus. For a group of less than 18 people, a tourist class minibus is provided (seat numbers are not saved in this case).

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