Temporarily stop time at a certain point. Become a wizard or how to slow down and speed up time

For several years now I have been thinking about how I interact with such a phenomenon as TIME.

For some time now, I have very clearly begun to feel an acute lack of time. The feeling that everything is speeding up and an hour feels like minutes, a day becomes hours, a week becomes days, etc.

What this is for speed I asked myself a question? Is it because of me, because of my condition? Or is something happening in the world?

I began to observe and notice that many people experience a similar sensation - time acceleration.

Remembering myself, I remembered my childhood sensations of changing the speed of time.

The summer flew by in an instant, and the school year stretched out into an immense feeling of viscosity and infinity. This is a very vivid memory that surprised me at the time. My mother explained it simply and banally, like my passion and relaxation in the summer, and my busyness and stress during my studies. But I remember that this explanation did not suit me))) It was somehow incomprehensible to me from the point of view of a child’s perception.

As time went…

But the sensation of changing speed did not go away.

Realizations on Easter Island

Once I was lucky enough to visit one very unusual place, where I encountered Time as Energy. This realization still haunts me. This was Easter Island.

I'll start in order. At first I realized that physically ahead of time for a day, having traveled by plane, almost circumnavigating the globe. It was a very strange feeling. Just like in childhood, when summer flew by in an instant and then a slowdown phase began.

This island is a portal to other worlds, and there I participated in ceremonies on a planetary scale. Over time, others were added to the sensations of interaction - interaction with new energies. I lived in a different reality. I still remember how life is on another planet. I was there for 2 weeks - and they flew by instantly, and in terms of the sensations, content, fullness and awareness that I received there, it was as if I had lived my whole life.

At different points during my stay on this island, when my consciousness was changing or simply the frequency of vibrations increased, I felt, saw, heard, knew (all together) information that is still being unpacked.

For example, the idols on the island - MOAI - are placed to measure gravity and this is connected with the Energy of time, that in a vacuum there is Energy of time - as a quantity and that time depends on the speed of these quantities, that time is static and dynamic, linear and nonlinear and that On Earth, time exists in some strange way, tied to some segments. And that there are those same Black Holes where the energy of time “flows”. In general, everything was incomprehensible and could not be explained in any way from the point of view of reason and information that I then possessed.

And time passed...

Energy of TIME

The sensations of interaction became stronger and stronger over time. I began to notice that I was in a hurry to live. I'm in a hurry, literally. Every minute became valuable for me and was filled with conscious action. Information about Time began to come across more and more often, it simply haunted me.

It turns out there is linear time, which comes from the Energy of time. Linear time is determined by the past, present and future - as certain intervals between processes. Nonlinear time is time in the NOW. A Energy of time– this is simply one of the types of energy that exists in spaces where there is no linear time.

Scientist astrophysicist, academician N. Kozyrev believed that time is material, it transfers energy at a speed greater than the speed of light, time can intervene in events, feed them with energy or, conversely, take away energy. He developed the theory that time is not an abstract quantity, but has direction and energy. Time affects our world and is an additional source of energy that prevents the thermal death of the Universe from occurring.

Science still cannot explain how “time” arose in the Universe.

Klaus Kiefer believes that time is not consistent with quantum theory, which means there is no time. And N. Kozyrev believed that time does not spread like light, but appears throughout the entire Universe at once at the same time. If we consider a star, then time can establish an instant connection with the star at the point where it is located. The light we see from a star is already the past; the light has been flying to Earth for many years. And the rays from the point where the star will one day be are a signal from the future. Kozyrev’s conclusion: “The future already exists, and therefore it is not surprising that it can be observed now.” This hypothesis has not been proven, but it has not been disproved either.

For Newton"time" was given by God, and Einstein called "time" stubborn illusion and explained that time depends on the location of the observer in space, his speed of movement, as well as on gravity.

These are the different explanations I found, I’m unpacking my information.

Strange things began to happen to me when I discovered that I was in timelessness, where time stopped in some strange way. And this cannot be explained in any way from a scientific point of view. I could travel a distance in space (by car, on foot, by subway), and no time was lost. It turns out that from the point of view of linearity, I did not spend it. It is physically impossible to imagine, but it is true.

And time passed...

The Value of Time

And realizations began to come, I began to feel time as the greatest value that was given to me. People with free time are perceived by me as having the most expensive luxury. And it is not just words.

Linear time is tied to our lives in absolutely all areas. And this is the same resource that cannot be accumulated, put aside for a rainy day, or passed on by inheritance. Each of us has our own and our attitude towards it: some value time, others don’t care about it.

But earthly life is permeated with it and it is impossible not to value time.

VALUE - what is it expressed in?

Yes in everything! Just remember the proverbs and sayings related to time:

Time is money

A minute saves an hour.

The day is long, but the century is short.

An hour is precious not because it is long, but because it is short.

Happy hours are not observed.

Everything has its time.

Time does not sleep... and many, many others, in which lies wisdom and true truth, laid down over the centuries.

Where do we spend the time allotted to us on Earth?

What kind of things do we use it for?

How much time is wasted?

Where does the Energy of our time flow?

How often do we think about this when we stupidly switch the TV remote control or wander aimlessly on the Internet?

Energy of Time long ago honks at us

feel it, realize its value and learn not only to consciously interact with it, but also to manage the time that is given to us.

And for this you need to remember yourself: Who am I? Why am I here on Earth?

The time has come!

The time has come to perceive every day and moment of our life not as a point on the line of life, but as a space where everything exists simultaneously, because we are part of a multidimensional world, part of the One.

“Earthly time is simply an illusory flow of energy that can be extended or stopped at any moment, thanks to our intention alone. Freeing ourselves from time constraints gives us unlimited opportunities to live a Bigger Life than ever before. But first we must learn stop time. When time stops you will find yourself in Timeless zone. You will feel how everything around you accelerates and energy increases. The frequency of energy vibrations will increase immeasurably. you will become masters of Time." Solara.

It's time to find and remember yourself!

I also realized that exactly The soul is connected to the energy of time. The soul is that structure that has its own lifetime, in one or another incarnation. This is our memory, which we accumulate in the form of experience.

Therefore, reincarnation is reincarnation not of the Soul, but of the Spirit, since Spirit is a structure that exists outside of time.

And the Soul is connected with the energy of time and information. And every Soul today, interacting with new energy, has the opportunity to acquire a unique experience. The time has come…

It has arrived time of new energies when awareness of oneself as a part of the One comes to many and many... And looking inside oneself gives a feeling of life HERE AND NOW and the transformation is in full swing. You can manage the present if you are in the eternal NOW, and therefore you can manage the future...

I am sure that sooner or later a person will learn to control linear time so much that he will be able to change and even stop it at his own discretion, using the ENERGY of time with which we have already begun to interact.

We are already becoming Masters of Time, capable of stretching and speeding up time. Remember the periods of time when this happened to you. When you free yourself from attachments to time and space, you become free, you create and you perceive time as a flow of energy, at this moment you are masters of Time, because you use time as you wish.

The film is about how TIME is multidimensional and we can control it!

Save time, use it consciously! After all, our stay on earth is limited. And during this period we must understand and do what we incarnated on the planet, correct mistakes and gain new experience. You are ready? Or do you still have doubts?

With love, Vera Knyazeva.

More than once, each of us has had a question in our minds: how to stop time in life for at least 1 hour? Use a spell or other magical action to control time?

The world around us has turned into an endless rush: we, late for work, run to the bus stop, jump into the transport on the fly and at the same moment try to finish our coffee.

24 hours in a day are never enough. And, probably, at least once in their life everyone has dreamed of having the ability to stop time.

Who said it's impossible? Temporary energy can be controlled - this is a very real statement, the proof of which is provided by facts.

Spell to stop time

To slow down the flow of time you will need the Wheel of Fortune Tarot card. And, of course, faith in your own actions.

Place the card in front of you - you can see the wheel moving. Now mentally stop him. Along with the wheel, time also freezes - slowly, second by second.

Maximum concentration is required. Don't let external stimuli distract you. At the end of the ritual, say:

10 ways to stop time

Below is a list of ways in which time stops. And, to be more precise, it is slowing down.

  1. Expectation . If a person sees a goal in front of him and expects some event to happen, time around him flows as if in slow motion.
  2. Impatience. A similar situation to the first method. When you are in a hurry, try to stop - slow down. You will feel the surrounding reality more acutely: every second will be filled with something important and significant, and will not just fly by unnoticed.
  3. Contemplation. If you enjoy every moment of life, the temporary sensation will slow down and bring happiness.
  4. Death . At the end of life's journey, temporary energy stops completely.
  5. Sopor. In a coma or lethargic sleep, the body's reactions slow down.
  6. Religious ecstasy. By plunging into a hypnotic state, human consciousness achieves eternity and serenity.
  7. Creation . Being in a creative impulse, spiritually developed people feel that time has no power over them.
  8. Space travel , close to the speed of light. To date, the method is not available to ordinary people.
  9. Physical and mental suffering. It’s an unfavorable way, but in torment and suffering, the human essence really perceives temporary energy differently.
  10. Wrist watch – put the wristwatch on your left hand. This hand is responsible for the past, so the passage of time will slow down. Accordingly, on the right hand - accelerate, since this hand is associated with the future.

3 Time Dilation Methods

  1. First method – realize that every moment is priceless. In other words, you must always be in the present moment - here and now. The minute we are living right now has its own smell, its own taste, its own sound.
  2. Second method – don’t pay attention to the clock dial. Try to live at least one day without looking at your wrist, wall or any other chronometers. You will notice how your day lengthens -

When you come across a watch whose second hand moves from division to division, rather than smoothly describing a circle, hold your gaze on the dial. You will notice that if you look at the second hand at a certain moment, it will seem as if it is lingering on the division longer than usual. The thought even comes to mind: has the clock stopped? But after a moment the arrow continues moving. This phenomenon - the illusion that time stands still - is called chronostasis.
The illusion is traditionally explained as follows: in order for the picture of the world in our perception to remain unclouded and not lose clarity every time we move our gaze, the brain passes blurry dynamic images with each eye movement, momentarily blocking the picture. As a result, we experience life like a film. To compensate for the moment when the gaze is stopped, we reasonably assume the immobility of most objects in the room.
Researcher Amelia Hunt has another explanation for the clock illusion, which might link attention to time perception. In her opinion, time in this case is distorted due to the fact that we glanced around the room and focused our attention on something new.
When we concentrate on an event, even something as brief as looking at a watch face, we get the feeling that the event lasted longer than it actually did.
Birds also count minutes
The hummingbird is the only bird in the world that can fly backwards. However, these birds are also notable for the fact that they can track the passage of time. We humans feel when twenty minutes have passed. These birds too.
Having collected nectar from one flower, hummingbirds fly to another. The brown-tailed amazilla defends its territory, resolutely driving away strangers. However, she also has a special technique, thanks to which she is always the first to reach the flower with nectar. This technique is called the “trap system”: the amazilia senses when twenty minutes have passed - which is exactly how long it takes for a flower to be filled with nectar again - and checks the flower, being first in line for this life-giving sugary juice.
However, the question is: can they learn to detect shorter periods of time? To find out, researchers from the University of Edinburgh designed artificial flowers that replenished nectar every ten minutes instead of every twenty. Can hummingbirds in the laboratory learn to recognize when this time has passed? As it turns out, they can. But it’s not just exotic birds that have this ability.

The most ordinary feral pigeon can be trained to determine time periods quite accurately.
Fear slows down time
Jonas Langer, a psychologist at Clark University in Illinois, came up with the following idea: He built a platform on wheels on which a blindfolded person stood. The subject rode slowly on it to the edge of an unfenced flight of stairs, located at a height of several floors. Langer wanted to find out in what case time would speed up for the subject: when would he ride the platform towards or away from the cliff? The subject started and stopped the platform by pressing a button, and Langer and his colleagues, standing behind, guided it.
Blindfolded subjects moved towards the cliff from two starting positions: “less dangerous” - 6 m from the cliff - and “very dangerous” - 4.5 m from the cliff. They had to press the button for five seconds without counting to themselves. Considering the speed of the platform, 5 km/h, and the distance from the starting point, 4.5 m, in five seconds it was less than 20 cm from the cliff. On the platform, the subject had to stand in a certain way - at the very edge of it, and was not allowed to move away.
Langer's results turned out to be quite predictable: in the face of danger, the subjects pressed the button, holding it for less than the specified time. Langer explained this by saying that for a person experiencing fear, time slowed down - for him 5 seconds flew by in 3.6 seconds.
Past and future
Psychologist Elizabeth Loftus has won recognition in the scientific community for clearly demonstrating that memory in its properties is not at all similar to videotape. Loftus was able to implant false memories into the subjects' memories. From conversations with relatives, Loftus received some information about real, past events, and then, in a conversation with the subject about his past, she convinced him that, for example, as a child he was lost in a shopping center.
Our memories are changeable. If new information becomes known to us, the impression again takes on a slightly different form; By trying to understand events, we can change it again.
Memory operates on the principle of reconstruction. Moreover, the changes do not occur due to malicious intent - consciousness is not involved in this. Although variability of impressions poses a problem for the reliability of eyewitness testimony, it allows us to imagine the future.
If memories were recorded like images on videotape, it would take a long time to imagine a new situation.
Can imagination save lives?
So, our mind is constantly busy, always imagining possible futures. But why doesn’t he strive to rest at the first opportunity? If we were always focused on upcoming events and specific plans, this tendency to think about the future would make sense. However, we often imagine a situation in the future that could greatly change our lives, but is extremely unlikely. Why do we do this?
Dreaming about the future certainly helps us make contingency plans, but Moshe Bar of Harvard Medical School goes further. He believes that the reason for such dreams is indirect: with their help, impressions are created of something that never happened in reality, but memories of which we may need. Anyone who flies by plane wonders what might happen in the event of a plane crash. Bahr's hypothesis is that if the plane actually starts to fall, all such impressions accumulated over previous flights will immediately come to mind. And this may save a person.

Doctor of Psychology Valery Rozanov

Today, almost every person is in constant motion - from one job to another, from parents to relatives, and so on. No one has time to just stop and think about distant things. And sometimes you want it so badly. Therefore, you need to know how to be able to slow down the passage of time in your life, while still doing everything that you did before.

Hurry up slowly

Just stop. This is the simplest way, since you don't need to do anything at all to achieve the result. Just tell yourself that you want to take a break from all the hustle and bustle - and your brain will accept this command. You will be able to do everything you did in the previous days, but you will not feel under constant pressure, on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Be yourself

The herd instinct in people is very developed, so it is not surprising that you automatically want to pick up the speed of life, since that is exactly what everyone is doing. Don't be afraid to be who you want to be - everyone can choose their own tasks and goals. Some people want to rush and just chase others forward, but if you don’t want that, then don’t be afraid to stop, take a deep breath and continue calmly. Productivity isn't about checking everything off your list as quickly as possible, it's about doing the things that will allow you to live a happy life. Seven small tips will help you with this.


It is very important to be able to breathe, and to do it deeply, forgetting about everything around you. Imagine that inhaling is a kind of reboot for your body that will allow you to become more productive.

Practice mindfulness

Mindfulness is the ability to stop and enjoy the current moment, to become aware of oneself in life. Get rid of the unnecessary thoughts that flood your head, at least for a couple of minutes, and concentrate on what you are doing - no matter if you are washing your hands, brushing your teeth, standing in traffic or taking a shower.


The next step is meditation. It requires full concentration from you, you need to concentrate on one point or one thought and let go of absolutely everything around you.

Connect with nature

Many people today spend their entire lives in the concrete jungle. You need to periodically get out into nature, even if it is a city park, in order to find complete peace there.


Create a daily routine, a list of things to do, so that you can then calmly complete the tasks that you have set for yourself.

Think about your inner voice

Almost no one pays attention to their inner voice, because it is always there and always in action. But you need to learn to listen to it and extract useful information and make appropriate changes based on what you learn.

Spend time with your loved ones

One of the biggest regrets of absolutely all people is the small amount of time spent with loved ones and loved ones. So make sure you spend enough time with them so that you don't have anything to regret later.

You already know how to achieve long-term enjoyment of happiness. After all, sometimes it seems that life is so short that you just want to stop the fast flow of time. But how to stop, slow down time in life or the perception of time?

After all, in fact, before we know it, the long-awaited vacation has flown by and we need to go back to work. How quickly a happy night with your loved one passed. How quickly the weekend passed.

We are amazed at how quickly children grow.

We realize with horror that we ourselves have matured, the best years of our lives have flown by, and out of nowhere, old age has arrived.

It seems that we are living to the fullest, happily, for our own pleasure. But why does our life fly by so quickly? How to stop this mad run? How to learn to stop time and is it even possible to do this?

It would seem that he cannot be stopped.

Common sense, the laws of physics, dictate that this is impossible.

Is this how your whole life will fly by?

I just want to make a miracle and break the laws of physics.

Today I will make you happy.

Breaking the laws of physics is not only possible, but also necessary. It is necessary in order to double, yes, double, tenfold your happiness and actually live for a very long time.

But how to do that?

Not within the framework of classical physics.

But fortunately, science does not stand still.

If you studied well in school, you probably remember Einstein's theory of relativity. The fact that time, it turns out, is not an absolute value, but depends on speed and space. Nowadays you can find a lot of videos about the theory of relativity and time dilation.

I suggest watching one of these, with an explanation of the effect of time dilation in a hundred.

Today's knowledge of quantum physics has gone even further and suggests that at a subtle deep level, from where all energy arises, there is no time at all. It appears during the transition to our classical dimension. And the more our consciousness is in the three-dimensional world familiar to us, the more it begins to manifest itself, which means it flows faster. This means that in order to slow down time, we need to make sure that we feel more present in the deep, unmanifested world of subtle energies.

Research by scientists also confirms the subjective perception of time.

After all, everyone notices that with age it begins to flow much faster, and in younger years it’s the other way around.

This is due to the fact that when the brain records less information, subjective time begins to pass faster.

Dr. David Eagleman, a neuroscientist, conducted an experiment in which people were shown one image on a monitor for a long time and monotonously, and people looked at it intently. Then the monotony was quickly interrupted by a new second image, and then the new picture disappeared just as quickly.

All subjects confirmed that the second image was on the screen longer than it actually was, and the first picture was the opposite.

The novelty of a new stimulus causes the brain to wake up, turn on cognitive resources, activate attention, and subjective time slows down.

At a young age, we are constantly learning new things about the world. And any experience is performed for the first time. First time to school, first love, first step into adulthood. The brain receives fresh, rich information and, subjectively, events flow more slowly.

And what happens next? Not only do events lose the beauty of novelty, they become ordinary and predictable. The brain becomes overgrown with a chain of programmed habits, we turn into robots, consciousness and attention simply fall asleep as unnecessary. All this leads to the fact that life rushes by at a crazy speed.

Many also know that in a stressful, shock situation (for example, during an accident), events slow down greatly, as in slow motion.

All this confirms the fact that only with non-sleeping attention, when consciousness is activated, do we begin to perceive more and more slowly.

So how can you slow down time around you?

To reduce the speed of time passing, it is necessary, firstly, to change the subjective experience of time, and secondly, to make sure that our consciousness is more at those levels of the universe where time slows down, and also where it disappears altogether.

Only in this way can we not only feel that life goes by for a long time, we live a long time, but actually, from the point of view of quantum physics, increase the passage of time in our lives.

So what should you do?


Start by just stopping.

At least for a moment, stop always rushing somewhere, forgetting about the current moment. Before you know it, your whole life will fly by at a breakneck pace. After all, you yourself are pushing it on with your haste. Stop, stop the world, stop your internal dialogue, look around you, no need to rush, slow down the rhythm, the pace of life. You will be surprised that you didn’t notice the world around you before and you will feel how everything has stopped.

Practice mindfulness

Mindfulness is also the art of stopping time.


It awakens our awareness, our attention. By meditating, we come to the silence of the mind and begin to clearly observe everything, without being distracted by internal dialogue.

Then this skill will transfer into everyday life, the main thing is to maintain it with the help of awareness. Awakened attention will begin to notice more details of the surrounding world, and more information will enter the brain, time will flow more slowly.

The most important thing is that meditation and mindfulness reveals our true awareness, the real Self. And this is nothing more than human consciousness located on the subtle levels of the universe, where time first slows down and then completely disappears. It’s not for nothing that they say that the soul lives forever. It’s just that where the soul is, there is no time at all. And the more we reveal our soul, the slower time will pass, and therefore our life.

Meditation is the control of our consciousness, which means the ability to speed up and slow down the sense of time within ourselves.

Appreciate everything that surrounds you

If you appreciate every moment of life, everything that is around you, time will slow down. It is a fact. For example, when you are next to your loved one, take your time, stop your mind, feel with all your heart the fact that you feel good next to him. Rejoice, enjoy this current moment. Savor your happiness.

Spiritual seekers have this practice, which also leads to time dilation.

Live every moment as if it were the last in your life and remember that everything around you can disappear. After all, death can come at any moment. It’s stupid to live life without remembering this and not appreciating every moment of life. Of course, this is a powerful technique, used under the guidance of a mentor, but there is a lot of meaning behind it. After all, for example, only after the death of a loved one, we understand how much we loved him, that we missed a lot, that we were always in a hurry, did not appreciate him and the moment when we were next to him. And then time really stops. So let's appreciate life while we have it.

Notice new things

Try to notice something new in the world around you. Sometimes just be like children who are surprised by everything that surrounds us. This is the only way new information will enter the brain and time will pass more slowly. I assure you, there is a lot of interesting, new things in life, and this new thing is around us, and not somewhere far away. You just need to be able to look at the world from a different angle, from a different point of view.

Get rid of habit programs

To be able to look at the world differently, you need to get rid of the habit programs hardwired into your brain. Mindfulness will also help you with this. But don't expect quick results from them. Try not to live like a robot now. Do something new for yourself, do a new activity, spend your day differently. Or try to react to the situation in a way that you would normally not on a typical day.

Increase your internal energy levels

There is a theory that a person with can slow down time, Lazarev talks about this.

Lazarev, how can we learn to slow down time around us:

Of course, everything is interconnected. Mindfulness and meditation also increases the level of internal energy.

As Lazarev said in the above video, haste and the desire for a quick development of an event not only speeds up time, but may also not lead to the desired result.

Now you know how to learn to slow down time.

If you live more consciously and follow the advice in this article, time in your life will flow much longer. But most importantly, you will not get bored from such a long stay, as usually happens when time drags on. I assure you, in a state of awareness it is never boring. You will enjoy the fact that you are now living much longer, not figuratively, but literally.

What prompted me to write this article?

A friend of mine complained to me that his life was flying by quickly. And many people say that time moves faster over the years.

Immersed in my feelings, I realized that I could not agree with them.

Through years of practicing meditation and trying to be mindful in my daily life, my experience of time has changed.

For example, I feel the past year as a really long period of my life. And it even seemed as if not a year had passed, but two whole ones. This never happened even in childhood.

My day doesn't fly by as quickly as it used to. Because it is full of new sensory experiences from the beauty of the world during awareness, from the admiration of the emergence of new high feelings within oneself, from the appearance of amazing effects from meditation. Life not only goes on longer, it is filled with new amazing colors of all kinds of experiences. And I am again amazed at how the practice of meditation and mindfulness radically changes a person’s life, makes us different, and leads not only to health, but also to happiness.

Practice and your life will also change for the better.

And at the end of the article for you is a wonderful song about the eternal from Yuri Shevchuk. Nothing stops time like good music and deep words in a song.

Stop what you're doing, stop rushing, stop everything by listening to the song.

And also remember the well-known song, which is very suitable for this article. There is only a moment between the past and the future.

The song is about how we live only here and now.

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