World Environmental Awareness Day. All-Russian library campaign in the format of a single day of action "Day of Environmental Knowledge"

Today it affects almost every corner of the world. Promoting the fight against environmental pollution is one of the steps to preserving the environment. To this end, the Day of Environmental Knowledge is celebrated on April 15.

Ecological problems

The depletion of resources, the disappearance of rare species of plants and animals - all this is a consequence of human impact on nature. However, people can not only destroy, but also create, which means they are able to preserve nature and restore what has not yet been lost forever.

Environmental issues include:

  • environmental pollution;
  • irrational use of resources;
  • human impact on nature for selfish purposes (deforestation, drainage of water bodies, excessive shooting of animals);
  • indirect human impact (for example, the release of large amounts of freon into the atmosphere leads to the destruction of the ozone layer).

Since the problem exists, it needs to be given due attention. Many of us have heard about this situation, but not everyone knows how to influence the state of the environment. Therefore, World Environmental Awareness Day is an important step towards realizing the goal.

International Day of Environmental Awareness. How did the idea for the holiday come about?

The first proposal to create such a holiday was made in 1992 at the World Environmental Conference in Rio de Janeiro. The UN, as the organizer of this congress, focused attention on environmental problems of that time.

As a result, one of the points of this conference was the creation of a new holiday - World Environmental Awareness Day. The day of the action was set for April 15.

Day of Environmental Knowledge. Holiday scenario

The goal of Environmental Awareness Day is to attract as many people as possible to the fight against environmental pollution. On April 15, all schools and universities in Russia and many other countries hold actions, environmental conferences and meetings, games and other ways to introduce students of educational institutions to the problem of ecology. Experts believe that it is very important at this age to draw the child’s attention to the global problem of environmental pollution.

However, events are held not only in schools, but also on the streets. Competitions, events aimed at increasing the interest of listeners in nature conservation, speeches by ecologists - this can be seen at the festival sites. Participation often comes with prizes.

knowledge in Russia

On April 15, events are organized within the walls of almost every educational institution in Russia. The same applies to environmental competitions and events that are held on the streets of big cities. In general, everything that is typical for the holiday can be seen in action at many venues across the country.

The Day of Environmental Knowledge is not the only such holiday in Russia. On April 15, the season of several events dedicated to nature conservation and the fight against environmental pollution opens. This holiday is immediately followed by days of protecting the environment from environmental hazards, and this chain is closed by World Day, which is held on June 5th.

Are days of environmental awareness celebrated everywhere?

Although Environmental Awareness Day is an international holiday, it is not celebrated in every country. So, in Belarus they are talking about the uselessness of this event. This approach is proven by the fact that universities already train good ecologists during classes, so there is no need for unnecessary propaganda. Even university professors think so. Sakharov - the country's leading university with an environmental focus.

However, this situation does not mean completely ignoring environmental problems. On the contrary, in addition to Sakharov University, the work is carried out by the biological and geological faculties of the Belarusian State University, and at the chemical faculty the Green Chemistry project was created, aimed, again, at helping to preserve the gifts of nature.

The meaning of the holiday

The environmental problem has been plaguing humanity for a long time, and in order not to worsen the current state, everyone must contribute to the conservation of nature. It is clear that such global problems as resource depletion or accidents at power plants are beyond the power of an ordinary person to solve, but even a small contribution from everyone can have an overall impact on the ecological state.

The primary goal of Environmental Awareness Day is to show people how important it is to preserve nature. The action makes you think about pressing problems and how important it is to solve them. The knowledge gained during the holiday should influence a person’s attitude towards nature and help him, to the extent possible, preserve it.

Environmental protection is one of the most pressing issues. This problem affects every person. To remind society of the need to preserve nature and atmosphere, a corresponding holiday was established. Its goal is to expand knowledge about ecology and its significance for humanity. The event is celebrated annually on April 15th.

history of the holiday

The authors of the idea of ​​​​establishing this event are members of the UN. Representatives of this association introduced the date into the international holiday calendar at a thematic conference in 1992. The need for society to understand the fact of the existence of environmental problems on Earth and the possibility of expanding knowledge in this area was discussed here. A meeting of UN representatives was held in Rio de Janeiro. The event was celebrated for the first time in Russia in 1996.

The main goal of today's holiday is to promote environmental knowledge and the formation of an environmental culture of the population, informing the public about the state of affairs in the field of environmental safety and the state of the environment, as well as educating and training a citizen who knows how to think environmentally.

The importance of environmental education in the modern world is no longer in doubt and in many countries it is a priority area of ​​training and education. After all, activities to create an ecological culture among the population and respect for the natural environment are the key to a safe future for all humanity.

On April 15, 8 libraries of the MBU Central Library took part in the all-Russian event "Unified Day of Environmental Knowledge", initiated by the Russian State Library for Youth and the State Public Scientific and Technical Library of Russia with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation.

The events took place both within the library and outside it. So, in the Central Children's Hospital named after. M. Gorky, an environmental and legal tournament “Know, love and protect Nature” was held for sixth-grade students of educational school No. 90. The children were divided into teams by profession: ichthyologists, ornithologists, zoologists and botanists. They were introduced to some articles of the Code on administrative offenses related to violation of sanitary safety rules in forests and what punishments may follow in the future.

Participants discussed why the Red Book is red and what its benefits are. They had the opportunity to guess which animal we were talking about based on the passage they read, mentioning the first law on the protection of animals in the time of Yaroslav the Wise; select representatives of flora and fauna listed in the Red Book from the lists: “animals”, “fish”, “plants”, “birds”. Each team was given the opportunity to write an interesting, original story on an environmental topic. This was followed by speeches or calls for environmental protection. In the “Find a Pair” competition, participants had to select the correct decomposition period for this waste from a list of waste (paper, rubber tire, glass, tin can, etc.). The children were amazed by these terms.

An exhibition of information documents “Nature under the protection of the Law” (on nature conservation, nature reserves, rare and endangered animals) was also organized for the event. For elementary school students, a media review “Awesome Reading” (fiction about birds) and loud readings of the books by S. Makhotin “Walks in the Forest” and T. Ustinova “I am a Skunk” were held. For readers of preschool and primary school age and their parents, in the evening the library showed a puppet show by the theater of the book “Golden Key” - “Once Upon a Time in the Forest” based on the book by V.V. Zotov "Forest ABC". The theater actors in the library are high school children.

The Day of Environmental Knowledge in the library - branch No. 17 was held under the slogan “Save paper - save the forest!” For the third-graders of gymnasium No. 35, a conversation was held on the topic “Paper is a generous gift from the forest,” during which the children learned that every year the need for paper increases, and the reserves of wood from which it is obtained decrease, and the chemicals necessary for paper production compounds pollute the environment. The children took an active part in discussing ways to save paper. The event ended with a master class “The Second Life of Old Books and Newspapers.” The children made original gift wrapping bags from the pages of old music books and an atlas.

In the library - branch No. 18, an environmental dictation "Ecology, my family and I" was conducted based on the reference books by K. A. Pryadko "Ecology. Concepts and definitions", M.E. Tomilina. "Natural history for junior schoolchildren." A text was compiled containing eco-concepts and imagination tasks. Children had to write the missing words in the text. The children easily completed the creative task.

“Ecopalette” - under this name, on April 15, reviews of new books were held in the library - branch No. 25.

For reading families of the library - branch No. 19, Saturday is one of the most favorite days. So April 15 was no exception. The librarians told the kids and their parents about S. Usachev’s books “Funny Zoology” and the encyclopedia “About Animals”. Parents read funny poems from these books aloud. Also, everyone present was introduced to the magazines “Caramel”, “I Want to Know Everything” and “The World Around”, which tell about interesting facts from the life of animals. Then everyone played the game “Birds” together and enjoyed watching the puppet show “The Magic Wand”.

A series of events under the general title “Bird of the Year 2017 – Brown-headed Chickadee” was held in the library branch named after. I.A. Krylova. Readers were told about the characteristics of this type of bird: their habits and way of life, and a media quiz “Puhliak” was held. And as part of the subscription, all visitors were asked to guess the bird voices in the audio quiz “Sing, little light, don’t be ashamed.” At first, readers doubted their abilities, but after trying to guess several voices, they enthusiastically noted that they knew some birds well, while others were worth getting to know better.

Also on this day, employees of two libraries held events in schools. For primary school students of educational school No. 97 TsMDB im. M. Gorky held a slide conversation on “The Protected Paths of Udmurtia”, and the book trailer “The Red Book” was shown. From the conversation, the children learned what specially protected natural areas there are, when the first reserves appeared, that there are no reserves in Udmurtia, but there is the Nechkinsky National Park and many natural monuments - the oldest/tall/thick trees, sacred springs, groves. 4 species of plants and 15 species of animals of Udmurtia are listed in the Red Book of Russia (they and other representatives of flora and fauna could be seen in books from the exhibition). In addition, the children independently became acquainted with the books they brought to class from the children's library.

Environmental lessons at school No. 69 for primary schoolchildren were conducted by employees of the branch library named after. S.Ya. Marshak. The event began with a conversation and discussion about what environmental problems there are in the world, what kind of all-Russian environmental actions are being carried out. The guys recalled what rare and endangered bird species are listed in the Red Book. Then the librarians conducted a review of the “World of Birds” books, where both new books and a collection of “Geolenok” magazines were presented. Then, to consolidate knowledge, a quick quiz about birds was held and an electronic presentation “Awesome Reading” was demonstrated.

One of the forms in demand among readers is master classes. On this day they took place in almost all libraries participating in the action. For example, bookmarks from the “Ekomir” series were made in the branch library named after. S.Ya. Marshak, old newspapers and magazines were given a second life in the library-branch No. 17 by making original gift bags. The craft - the "Chicken" garland - was made in the library branch No. 19, and the felt bird was taken home by readers of the library branch named after. Yu. Gagarin. A master class on creating eco-postcards from natural materials using the “Titmouse-sister” scrapbooking technique was held at the branch library named after. I.A. Krylova. And in the library branch No. 25 they learned to decorate the world at the “Flower-Seven-Flower” master class on growing flower crops.

Book exhibitions on this day attracted the attention of visitors with the new and best books and magazines with environmental content. In TsMDB im. M. Gorky organized the exhibition “Book Updates”, where recently received books from the “Animal Books” series were presented. Entertaining zoology. This is a large joint project between Georgy Gupalo, the Moscow Zoo and the Alpina Publisher. Among the authors: Sergey Yursky, Veniamin Smekhov, Dmitry Bykov, Alexander Arkhangelsky, Veronica Dolina, Dmitry Krylov, Efim Shifrin, Andrey Maksimov, Alexander Timofeevsky and others. The exhibition was complemented by a crossword puzzle compiled from the books. Readers and crossword solvers found out where wombats and the smallest moose live, in what sports championship a red panda would take a prize, what aromatic grass goats like to eat, and much more.

In the library branch named after. S.Ya. Marshak, the exhibition “Ekomir” was designed, in the library branch No. 18 the exhibition “Our Home is Planet Earth”, in the library branch named after. Yu. Gagarin - “Green Planet”. A large, extensive exhibition was placed in the reading room of the branch library named after. I.A. Krylova - “Az and Buki - environmental sciences.” The “Forest Encyclopedia” section presented colorfully illustrated encyclopedias and reference books, and the “Ecological Chronicle” section featured children’s fiction by naturalist writers. For the exhibition, quick quizzes for children were developed, the answers to which could be found in the books presented on the shelves. Having visited the library subscription, readers conditionally found themselves at the “Bird Market”. This is a book exhibition with quick quizzes about birds around the world and the birds of Udmurtia. The “Sovarium” section presented information about “literary owls” and other representatives of the wild fauna of the owl family. From the books presented on the shelf under the heading “They Must Live,” one could learn about the birds listed in the Red Book.

Such a form as book exhibitions, attractively designed, revealing not only the library’s collections, but also the beauty and richness of the natural world, calling for love and care for it, still leads in the environmental work of libraries. They most fully reflect the wealth of information material in libraries.

Exhibitions of children's creativity create a special atmosphere in the library. They are a clear example of the fact that children not only receive information from adults, but are themselves active participants in events aimed at understanding problems related to the environmental situation. TsMDB im. M. Gorky has been collaborating with Children’s Art School No. 10 for several years. The exhibition “You and I are of the same blood” not only decorates the library space, but also makes young readers think about those little brothers of ours who live next to us. Separately, I would like to highlight the exhibition of artistic works “The Splendor of the Bird World”, students of Children’s Art School No. 11 named after. V.M. Vasnetsova, which the children prepared specifically for the “Day of Environmental Knowledge” event. The exhibition reveals all the diversity and beauty of the bird world. The paintings decorated the halls of the library and attracted the attention of many readers.

Thus, on the day of the action, the libraries of Izhevsk held 29 environmental events, which were attended by 485 people.

Natalya Vladimirovna Krasnoperova, Deputy Director of the Central Bank for Children's Services

All-Russian library campaign of a single day of action “Day of Environmental Knowledge”

On April 1, the acceptance of applications for participation in the All-Russian event of a single day of action “Day of Environmental Knowledge” ended. Based on the results of the work, the RGBM created a map of environmental education events that will be held in the country's libraries on April 15, the International Day of Environmental Knowledge. Everyone will be able to find the nearest library on the map and find out what activities they can take part in.

1,520 libraries from 74 regions of Russia from Kaliningrad to Khabarovsk Territory registered to participate in the event. From April 16 to May 1, the RGBM accepts reporting materials for participation in the All-Russian competition for the best event. The results of the competition will be announced in June.

Event type

.. Adygea (Adygea) rep.
Altai rep.
.. Federal Library Regional Library Municipal Library Educational Institution Library Rural Library

Libraries (1520)

1. Library-branch No. 4

Address: Abakan, st. Askizskaya, 152
Phone: +73902276478

Campaign “A clean city starts with you”

2. Abzakovskaya rural library

Address: Republic of Bashkortostan, Uchalinsky district, Abzakovo village, st. Sovetskaya, 52
Phone: +79659251124

Interactive game “Smart Guys”

3. Abubakirovskaya rural model library Akilova Rasima Gabdelmuritovna

Address: Rep. Bashkortostan, Khaibullinsky district, village. Abubakirovo, st. Z. Validi, 1
Phone: +73475825027

Literary and musical evening “One planet for all - Earth!”

4. Central library

Address: Rep. Bashkortostan, Agidel, st. First Builders, 7A
Phone: +73473127356

Eco-evening “You are the hope of planet Earth”

5. Central Library

Address: Republic of Bashkortostan, Agidel, st. First Builders, 7A
Phone: +73473127356

IVF evening “You are the hope of planet Earth!”

6. Branch No. 32

Address: Republic of Bashkortostan, Beloretsky district, Aznagulovo village, st. Agidel, 20
Phone: +79373375017

Drawing competition “We are for protecting nature”

7. Children's district library

Address: Republic of Tatarstan, Aznakaevsky district, Aznakaevo, st. Lenina, 31
Phone: +78559294373

Information digest “Ecology of the native land”

8. Aigulevskaya rural library No. 2

Address: Republic of Bashkortostan, Sterlitamak district, village. Aigulevo, st. Central, 64
Phone: +73473277038

Literary and play journey “Nature is a mischievous miracle”

9. Aidarovskaya rural library

Address: Republic of Tatarstan, Tyulyachinsky district, Aidarovo village, st. Lenina, 34
Phone: +78436053435

Ecological lesson “How to save the green planet?”

10. Rural model library

Address: Republic of Bashkortostan, Tatyshlinsky district, village. Aksaitovo, st. Central, 42
Phone: +73477831915

Ecology Day “Vanishing beauty” according to the Red Book

11. Aksakov settlement library

Address: Republic of Bashkortostan, Belebeevsky district, village. Aksakovo, st. Pervomaiskaya, 2A
Phone: +79613701911

Ecological journey “Through the pages of the Red Book”

12. Aksenovskaya rural model library-branch

Address: Republic of Bashkortostan, Alsheevsky district, village. Aksenovo, st. Sovetskaya, 6
Phone: +73475436306

Oral journal, photo presentation “Love, appreciate and protect!”; campaign “Donate your battery - save the planet!”; Day of Environmental Knowledge “Live, Earth!”

13. Aksubaevskaya children's library

Address: Republic of Tatarstan, Aksubaevsky district, Aksubaevo village, st. Romanova, 8
Phone: +78434428266

Bibliotransformer “Steps into the natural world”

14. Aksubay intersettlement central library

Address: Republic of Tatarstan, town. Aksubaevo, st. Romanova, 8
Phone: +78434428266

Open-air reading room “Nature and us”

15. Central district library

Address: Republic of Bashkortostan, Khaibullinsky district, village. Akyar
Phone: +73475822328

Ecological hour “I will enter nature as a friend!”

16. Centralized library system

Phone: +73475822280

17. Central district library

Address: Rep. Bashkortostan, Khaibullinsky district, village. Akyar, Salavat Yulaev Ave., 43
Phone: +73475822280

Information and thematic evening “Proper nutrition is the key to health”

18. Central regional children's model library

Address: Republic of Bashkortostan, Khaibullinsky district, village. Akyar, st. Gagarina, 21
Phone: +73475821466

Ecological kaleidoscope “The Earth is our common home”

19. Central Library for Children

Address: Sverdlovsk region, Alapaevsk, st. Lenina, 15
Phone: +73434621189

Campaign “Green Day at the Library”

20. Central City Library named after. A. S. Pushkina

Address: Sverdlovsk region, Alapaevsk
Phone: +73434634101

Ecology Day in the library “Ecological Around the World”

21. Alat rural library

Address: Republic of Tatarstan, Vysokogorsky district, Alat village, st. Pervomaiskaya, 32
Phone: +78436563225

Campaign “Everything is in our hands!”

22. Central Library of the Alexander Nevsky Municipal District

Phone: +74915822135

Ecological hour “Clean House”

23. Children's library of the Alexander Nevsky municipal district

Address: Ryazan region, Alexander Nevsky district, r. Alexandro-Nevsky village, st. Sovetskaya, 27
Phone: +79065445374

Eco-day “Jays, blackbirds and pipes – they came to us for the holiday”

24. Alexandrovskaya rural library-branch No. 1

Address: Samara region, B-Glushitsky district, village. Alexandrovka, st. Central, 2
Phone: +78467343389

Ecological game “Save Planet Earth!”

25. Central District Library named after. M.S. Mitsulya

Address: Sakhalin region, Alexandrovsk-Sakhalinsky, st. Kirova, 2
Phone: +74243442449

Educational program “A quiet corner of my soul”

26. Alchedat rural library-branch No. 2

Address: Kemerovo region, Chebulinsky district, village. Alchedat, st. Oktyabrskaya, 25
Phone: +79132823780

Theatrical holiday “Travel with Droplet”

27. Almenevskaya Central Library

Address: Kurgan region, Almenevsky district, village. Almenevo, Komsomol square, 8a
Phone: +73524299342

Ecological hour “Protect, love, appreciate – cherish all nature!”

28. Intersettlement Central Library of Romny District, branch No. 3

Address: Amur region, Romnensky district, village. Amaranka, st. Sovetskaya, 8
Phone: +79146074887

Ecology lesson “Ecological lesson State natural reserves of the Amur region”

29. Aminevskaya rural model library

Address: Republic of Bashkortostan, Chishminsky district, Aminevo village, st. Central, 18
Phone: +79297574376

Educational and game program “Both adults and children are responsible for nature”

30. Amirov rural library

Address: Rep. Bashkortostan, Buzdyaksky district, Amirovo village, st. Rossiyskaya, 1-a
Phone: +73477331763

Eco-lesson based on the works of Bianchi V.V., Paustovsky N.G., Sladkov N.I., Prishvin M.M. “Through a book – love for nature”

31. Amonashen library-branch

Address: Krasnoyarsk region, Kansky district, village. Amonash, st. Shkolnaya, 1
Phone: +73916120871

Ecological holiday “We are destined to save the planet”

32. Library No. 3

Address: Irkutsk region, Angarsk, 63 quarter, no. 3
Phone: +79501436031

Environmental dialogue “Together for a beautiful and green city!”

33. Library c. Androniki MKU Kuznechikhinsky CSC

Address: Yaroslavl region, Yaroslavl district, village. Androniki, st. Central, 48
Phone: +74852760292

Environmental lesson “For a clean blue ocean”

34. Centralized library system of the Anzhero-Sudzhensky urban district

Address: Kemerovo region, Anzhero-Sudzhensk, st. Lenina, 15
Phone: +73845364723

Round table “Ideas for life within the framework of the Day of Environmental Knowledge”

35. City library-branch No. 2

Address: Kemerovo region, Anzhero-Sudzhensk, st. Krylova, 15
Phone: +73845344739

Poetic porch “The planet sung by the radiance of lines”

36. Aniva centralized library system

Address: Sakhalin region, Aniva district, Aniva, st. Pervomaiskaya, 10
Phone: +74244141284

Marathon of library exhibitions “Around Ecology”

37. Aniskinsky rural library

Address: Moscow region, Shchelkovsky district, village. Aniskino, st. Central, 19
Phone: +79057012919

Conversation, exhibition “2017 – The Year of Ecology and the Year of Specially Protected Natural Areas”

38. Anninsk Central Library named after. E. P. Rostopchina

Address: Voronezh region, Anninsky district, urban settlement Anna, st. Lenina, 34a
Phone: +74734627081

Intellectual tournament “Our home is planet Earth”

39. Annenkovskaya rural library

Address: Penza region, Kuznetsk district, village. Annenkovo, st. Yubileinaya, 1
Phone: +79273831962

Eco-team building “Through the beauty of the Earth to the beauty of the soul”

40. Antonovskaya Library, branch No. 18 of Meleuzovskaya Central Library

Eco-lessons are held in municipal educational organizations of the city of Novokuznetsk every third week of the month during the school year.

The main goal of conducting Eco-lessons is the development of a system of environmental education and enlightenment in the territory of the Novokuznetsk urban district, the creation of an educational environment that forms an environmental culture as part of the general culture of a person’s personality, which is a set of environmentally developed spheres: intellectual, emotional, sensory and activity.

A series of environmental lessons on waste management “Share with us”

Eco-lesson direction: « Share with us""

  1. Share with us » for grades 7-11.
  2. « Share with us » for grades 7-11.
  3. Set for role-playing games.

January, February, March 2019

Eco-lesson direction: « All-Russian environmental lesson " A clean city starts with you""

Materials for conducting an Eco-lesson:

  1. Methodological guide for conducting an Eco-lesson in the direction of " "for the younger ones.
  2. Eco-lesson presentations on the topic « A clean city starts with you »

December 2018

Eco-lesson direction: « All-Russian environmental lesson " Forest and climate"»

Materials for conducting an Eco-lesson:

  1. Methodological guide for conducting an Eco-lesson in the direction of " Forest and climate
  2. Eco-lesson presentations on the topic « Forest and climate » for junior, middle and senior grades.
  3. Video and kit for role-playing games.

November 2018

Eco-lesson direction: « All-Russian environmental lesson "

Materials for conducting an Eco-lesson:

  1. Methodological guide for conducting an Eco-lesson in the direction of " » for elementary, middle and high schools.
  2. Eco-lesson presentations on the topic « Conservation of rare animal species » for junior, middle and senior grades.
  3. Video and kit for role-playing games.

October 2018

Eco-lesson direction: « All-Russian environmental lesson " Conservation of rare animal species"»

Materials for conducting an Eco-lesson:

  1. Methodological guide for conducting an Eco-lesson in the direction of " Conservation of rare animal species » for elementary, middle and high schools.
  2. Eco-lesson presentations on the topic « Conservation of rare animal species » for junior, middle and senior grades.
  3. Video and kit for role-playing games.

September 2018

Eco-lesson direction: « All-Russian environmental lesson " Forest mania""

Materials for conducting an Eco-lesson:

  1. Methodological guide for conducting an Eco-lesson in the direction of " Forest mania » for elementary, middle and high schools.
  2. Eco-lesson presentations on the topic "Forest mania" for junior, middle and senior grades.
  3. Board game set.

May 2018

Eco-lesson direction: “Water of Russia. Clean rivers!

Materials for conducting an Eco-lesson:

  1. Methodological guide for conducting an Eco-lesson in the direction “Water of Russia. Clean rivers! .
  2. Eco-lesson presentations on the topic “Water of Russia. Clean rivers! for junior, middle and senior grades.
  3. Board game set.
  4. Pocketmods.

April 2018

Eco-lesson direction: "Fire safety rules in the forest."

Materials for conducting an Eco-lesson:

  1. Text of the lecture for conducting an Eco-lesson in the direction of “Fire safety rules in the forest.”
  2. Presentation for Eco-lesson in the direction of “Fire safety rules in the forest.”

March 2018

Eco-lesson direction: "Forest"

Materials for conducting an Eco-lesson:

February 2018

Eco-lesson direction: « Share with us""

Materials for conducting an Eco-lesson:

  1. Task cards.
  2. Pocket book.

January 2018

Eco-lesson direction:

Materials for conducting an Eco-lesson:

December 2017

Eco-lesson direction: "Natural heritage of Kuzbass"

Materials for conducting an Eco-lesson:

  1. Text of the lecture for conducting an Eco-lesson in the direction of “Natural Heritage of Kuzbass”.
  2. Presentation for Eco-lesson in the direction “Natural Heritage of Kuzbass”.

November 2017

Eco-lesson direction: « All-Russian environmental lesson " Share with us""

Materials for conducting an Eco-lesson:

  1. Methodological guide for conducting an Eco-lesson in the direction of “All-Russian Ecological Lesson “Share with Us””.
  2. Eco-lesson presentations on the topic “Share with us.”
  3. Task cards.
  4. Pocket book.

October 2017

Eco-lesson direction: "How live environmentally friendly in the metropolis »

Materials for conducting an Eco-lesson:

  1. Methodological guide for conducting an Eco-lesson for grades 3-6, grades 7-11.
  2. Eco-lesson presentations for grades 3-6, grades 7-11.
  3. Oral comments on the slides.
  4. Pocket book.
  5. Cards for a board game.

September 2017

Eco-lesson direction: « All-Russian environmental lesson " Energy saving""

Materials for conducting an Eco-lesson:

  1. Methodological guide for conducting an Eco-lesson in the direction of " Energy saving » for junior classes.

May 2017

Eco-lesson direction: « All-Russian environmental lesson " Guardians of water"»

Materials for conducting an Eco-lesson:

  1. Board game set.
  2. Pocketmods.

April 2017

Eco-lesson direction: « All-Russian environmental lesson " Share with us""

Materials for conducting an Eco-lesson:

  1. Methodological guide for conducting an Eco-lesson in the direction of “All-Russian Ecological Lesson “Share with Us””.
  2. Eco-lesson presentations on the topic “Share with us.”
  3. Task cards.
  4. Pocket book.

March 2017

Eco-lesson direction: "Forest"

Materials for conducting an Eco-lesson:

  1. Text of the lecture for conducting an Eco-lesson in the direction of “Forest”.
  2. Presentation for Eco-lesson in the direction of “Forest”.

February 2017

Eco-lesson direction:

Materials for conducting an Eco-lesson:

January 2017

Eco-lesson direction: “Protected islands. Saving the future »

Materials for conducting an Eco-lesson:

  1. Text of the lecture for conducting an Eco-lesson in the direction
  2. Presentation for Eco-lesson in the direction “Protected islands. Saving the future"

December 2016

Eco-lesson direction: "Natural heritage of Kuzbass"

Materials for conducting an Eco-lesson:

  1. Text of the lecture for conducting an Eco-lesson in the direction of “Natural Heritage of Kuzbass”.
  2. Presentation for Eco-lesson in the direction “Natural Heritage of Kuzbass”.

November 2016

Eco-lesson direction: « All-Russian environmental lesson " Share with us""

Materials for conducting an Eco-lesson:

  1. Methodological guide for conducting an Eco-lesson in the direction of “All-Russian Ecological Lesson “Share with Us””.
  2. Eco-lesson presentations on the topic “Share with us.”
  3. Task cards.
  4. Pocket book.

October 2016

Eco-lesson direction: « All-Russian environmental lesson " Guardians of water"»

Materials for conducting an Eco-lesson:

  1. Methodological guide for conducting an Eco-lesson in the direction of “All-Russian environmental lesson “Water Guardians””.
  2. Eco-lesson presentations on the topic “Water of Russia” for junior, middle and senior classes.
  3. Board game set.
  4. Pocketmods.

September 2016

Eco-lesson direction: “Resource saving. Separate collection and recycling of waste. Second life of things"

Materials for conducting an Eco-lesson:

  1. Text of the lecture for conducting an Eco-lesson in the direction of “Resource conservation. Separate collection and recycling of waste. The second life of things."
  2. Presentation for Eco-lesson in the direction of “Resource conservation. Separate collection and recycling of waste. The second life of things."

May 2016

Eco-lesson direction: “Resource saving. Separate collection and recycling of waste. Second life of things"

Materials for conducting an Eco-lesson:

  1. Text of the lecture for conducting an Eco-lesson in the direction of “Resource conservation. Separate collection and recycling of waste. The second life of things."
  2. Presentation for Eco-lesson in the direction of “Resource conservation. Separate collection and recycling of waste. The second life of things."

April 2016

Eco-lesson direction: « All-Russian environmental lesson " Water of Russia"»

Materials for conducting an Eco-lesson:

  1. Eco-lesson presentations on the topic “Water of Russia” for junior, middle and senior classes.
  2. Board game set.
  3. Pocketmods.

March 2016

Eco-lesson direction: annual global event "Earth Hour"

1. Text of the lecture for conducting an Eco-lesson.

2. Films: "Earth Hour 2015", "Earth Hour in Hong Kong"

February 2016

Eco-lesson direction: “Resource saving. Separate collection and recycling of waste. Second life of things"

Materials for conducting an Eco-lesson:

  1. Text of the lecture for conducting an Eco-lesson in the direction of “Resource conservation. Separate collection and recycling of waste. The second life of things."
  2. Presentation for Eco-lesson in the direction of “Resource conservation. Separate collection and recycling of waste. The second life of things."

January 2016

Eco-lesson direction: Ecological lesson - game "Journey to the forest edge"

Materials for conducting an Eco-lesson:

  1. Text of the lecture for conducting an Eco-lesson.
  2. Presentation for conducting an Eco-lesson.

December 2015

Eco-lesson direction: "Natural heritage of Kuzbass"

Materials for conducting an Eco-lesson:

  1. Text of the lecture for conducting an Eco-lesson in the direction of “Natural Heritage of Kuzbass”.
  2. Presentation for Eco-lesson in the direction “Natural Heritage of Kuzbass”.

November 2015

Eco-lesson direction: “Resource saving. Separate collection and recycling of waste. Second life of things"

Materials for conducting an Eco-lesson:

  1. Text of the lecture for conducting an Eco-lesson in the direction of “Resource conservation. Separate collection and recycling of waste. The second life of things."
  2. Presentation for Eco-lesson in the direction of “Resource conservation. Separate collection and recycling of waste. The second life of things."

October 2015

Eco-lesson direction: « All-Russian environmental lesson " Water of Russia"»

Materials for conducting an Eco-lesson:

  1. Methodological guide for conducting an Eco-lesson in the direction of “All-Russian Ecological Lesson “Water of Russia””.
  2. Eco-lesson presentations on the topic “Water of Russia” for junior, middle and senior classes.
  3. Board game set.
  4. Pocketmods.

September 2015

Eco-lesson direction: “All-Russian environmental lesson “Let's do it together””

Materials for conducting an Eco-lesson:

  1. Text of the lecture for conducting an Eco-lesson in the direction of “All-Russian Ecological Lesson “Let's Do It Together””.
  2. Presentation for Eco-lesson in the direction “All-Russian environmental lesson “Let's do it together””.
  3. Films: "Raccoon and Hyena"; “How garbage destroyed the world”; “The right to nature - Ecology of KUZBASS.”

May 2015

Eco-lesson direction: “Environmental legislation. Environmental activity"

Materials for conducting an Eco-lesson were developed by the Committee for Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of the Novokuznetsk City Administration and include:

  1. Text of the lecture for conducting an Eco-lesson in the direction of “Environmental legislation. Environmental activity"
  2. Presentation for Eco-lesson in the direction of “Environmental legislation. Environmental activity"

April 2015

Eco-lessons in April are dedicated to the Day of Environmental Knowledge (April 15), held during the week from April 13 to 18.

Eco-lesson direction: “Resource saving. Separate collection and recycling of waste. Second life of things"

Materials for conducting the Eco-lesson were developed by the SRO "Kuzbass Association of Waste Recyclers" and include:

  1. Explanations for conducting an Eco-lesson in the direction of “Resource conservation. Separate collection and recycling of waste. Second life of things"
  2. Text of the lecture for conducting an Eco-lesson in the direction of “Resource conservation. Separate collection and recycling of waste. Second life of things"
  3. Presentation for Eco-lesson in the direction of “Resource conservation. Separate collection and recycling of waste. Second life of things"
  4. Video about waste recycling in Kuzbass (supporting material)
  5. Agreement for the project "SOBIRATOR" with annex

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