Second wave of university enrollment. How is admission to a university carried out (enrollment in the first and second wave)

Enrollment into the budget occurs in the first and second waves. At the first stage, 80% of the total number of free places is filled, at the second - the remaining 20%. How not to get confused in all this and go on a budget? We have prepared step-by-step instructions for you with all the important dates.

Clarify all controversial issues immediately when submitting documents

Step 1. Submit copies of documents

You have the right to submit documents to 5 universities at once, for 3 directions in each. Use this opportunity, so you will have a better chance of passing the budget. If you have benefits or the right to admission without entrance tests, you can use it only in one educational institution. The original supporting document must be provided immediately.

Important dates:

  • June 20- start of accepting documents;
  • July 7-11- completion of receiving documents if you will take additional entrance tests of a creative nature or internal exams instead of the Unified State Exam;
  • July 26- last day for submitting documents if you are applying based on the results of the Unified State Exam.

Step 2. Pass internal tests

If necessary. You will find information about which exams and in what form you need to take on the university’s website or information stand. There will also be a schedule there. All tests take place between 11 to 26 July. If exams at several universities fall on the same day, find out about reserve dates.

Step 3: Follow the Lists

July 27 everyone is starting to publish ranking lists of applicants. Last names are listed in descending order of points. The higher your last name, the greater your chances of enrollment. Count names according to the number of budget places from top to bottom, yours should not be below the threshold line for the number of places. This criterion is especially important in the last days of submitting applications for admission.

Step 4. Submit original documents and consent to enrollment

Dates for submitting original documents in 2018:

Submit your originals to the university where you have the best chance of being accepted. Even if you don't rank that high on all the lists, remember that things can change. Universities enroll only those who bring originals on time, regardless of scores. If several people with high scores in front of you do not bring documents, you will automatically move up.

If August 1 you bring the originals and go through the ratings, then August 3 you will find out if your name is on the enrollment order .

If you were not included in the first wave or did not manage to bring documents on time, you have to submit the originals to the second wave before August 6. Already August 8 orders will appear for the admission of applicants who will be enrolled in the remaining budget places.

An application for consent to enrollment must be submitted along with original documents

At this stage, the race for budget places ends. But you can still get into the paid department. Some universities offer discounts for applicants with high scores.

Getting on budget is difficult, but possible. Take every chance. Do not hesitate to ask questions to the admissions committee if something is not clear. Go for it, you will succeed!

Admission to the university takes place in two waves. At the same time, 80% of budget places are filled in the first, and the remaining 20% ​​in the second.

As a rule, the next day after the completion of acceptance of applications for admission and completion of entrance examinations at the university, lists of applicants (applicants who submitted applications for admission) appear on its website, arranged in descending order of the amount of points.

Priority admission and first wave

For applicants, applicants without exams (olympiad participants, target students, some categories of beneficiaries), is given one day to provide original documents and statements of consent for enrollment. The remaining categories of applicants who wish to be enrolled in the first wave are given 5 days.

It is worth keeping in mind that applicants entering on a general basis will occupy 80% of the budget places in the first wave that remain after the priority enrollment of Olympiad students, beneficiaries and target students.

For example, a university is able to accept 126 people on the budget for one training program. The original documents have already been submitted by 3 target students, 12 Olympiad students and 11 orphans, that is, a total of 26 people who have the right to enter without exams. The remaining applicants in the first wave can be accepted for 80% of the remaining 100 places. 80% of 100 are 80 people.

If an applicant entitled to special conditions of admission provides original documents later than the deadline, he will be able to enroll in a budget-funded place on a general basis.

Another example. The applicant submitted documents to two universities. He passes into one of them on the basis of budget points in the first wave, but would prefer to enroll in another university. If, according to the competitive lists, which change every day during the enrollment period, the applicant sees that he has a chance to enter another university at least in the second wave, then there is no need to rush into providing the original documents to the first university. According to the new rules, if an applicant passes the budget-funded points in the first wave, but does not bring the original documents to this university on time, he will not be removed from the competitive list of applicants, but can just as successfully “compete” for budget-funded places in the second wave of enrollment . In any case, applicants with the highest scores from those who provided original documents will be admitted.

Second wave

The second stage of enrollment begins immediately after the issuance of an order for the enrollment of persons who submitted original documents and applications in the first wave. This time, those wishing to get into state-funded places at the university must provide original educational documents within 2 days.

At the second stage of enrollment, applicants occupy the remaining 20% ​​of budget places. Everyone can act only on a general basis, without any priorities.

The number of places in the second wave may increase slightly. This may happen due to the fact that some applicants enrolled in the first wave will withdraw their documents for some reason. Or, in the first wave, a smaller number of scripts were submitted, not completing the full 80%. Thus, the number of places in the second wave will increase by this number.

In addition to budget ones, universities always offer a sufficient number of paid places. The deadlines for enrollment in paid places are set by universities independently and begin long before the start of admission to the budget. An applicant can simultaneously apply for both paid and free applications. There are cases when applicants who have entered into an agreement and paid for training are awarded free of charge using points. Then the contract for paid training is terminated, the money is returned, and the applicant is enrolled in a budget-funded place.

This year’s admissions campaign started two weeks ago, but applicants still have questions. What is the best way to deal with original certificates? Do they affect the priority of enrollment? Should we be afraid that all the budget places will be taken by Olympic athletes? Who are “invited applicants”? These and many other questions are repeatedly asked by the admissions committee. The HSE Vice-Rector answered the questions that most concerned applicants.

This year, the role of original documents when applying to universities has increased significantly. How to properly manage your originals to increase your chances of getting into HSE?

This year's innovation is that enrollment will now take place in two stages. I will demonstrate with a simple example. Let’s take an educational program where the number of budget places at the Higher School of Economics is 160 people. First, all applicants submit documents by July 24. There is a category of applicants who enter without entrance examinations, for example. If they want to take advantage of their benefit, it is important that they bring the original of their certificate before July 29th. Another category of applicants, whose originals must also reach us before July 29, are those on social benefits, that is, children without parental care and so on. The same applies to target students entering the target recruitment quota. All these three categories must provide original documents by July 29, and we will enroll them on July 30.

- If “beneficiaries” bring the originals after July 29, are they already enrolled on a general basis?

Yes, in this case they will already lose the benefit.

We took the Economics program as an example, where there are 160 budget places. Let’s assume that 50 Olympiad students, 5 orphans and 5 more targeted students wanted to come to our program. That is, out of 160 budget places, 60 places have already been taken (provided that all of them brought original documents by July 29). This means that we have 100 places left for a free competition based on the results of entrance examinations. For these 100 places, enrollment takes place in two stages. At the first stage, 80% of the places up for competition are filled. In our example, 80 people should be enrolled in the first stage.

- So these are only those who brought original documents, and they have the highest scores?

That's right, anyone who wants to get into the first wave must bring original documents before August 3. We have one ranked list of applicants based on the number of points scored, but some of them have original documents, and some do not. We simply do not take into account those who do not have originals in the 80% that will be enrolled in the first stage.

- Are they not taken into account, even if they have more points than those who bring the originals before August 3?

Yes, we only count those who have originals. If the second one has more points than the fourth one, but did not bring the original documents, he will not be included in the first wave. And here we need to make the first emphasis. If you are determined to enroll in this program, then you need to bring original documents before August 3. On August 4, 80 applicants with the highest amount of competitive points will be enrolled, but only from those who provided original certificates.

- What happens in the second wave, in which the importance of the originals is just as great?

Yes, a short period of time is allotted for the second wave. Those who for some reason did not get into the first wave, but want to get into the second, must bring the originals before August 6. This is how the places left after the first wave are filled.

- And if those who brought originals are less than 80%, in our example - less than 80 people?

At the first stage we fill 80% of the places, at the second stage we fill 20%. But this is provided that those who were enrolled in the first stage did not pick up their documents for some reason. If they took it, or initially the number of submitted originals was less than 80, say 75, then the number of competitive places in the second stage increases by this delta - that is, in our case there will be not 20, but 25 places in the second stage.

- What if the number of applicants on the basis of benefits is greater than the number of budget places?

This is the second most pressing question that worries many applicants. On July 30, the enrollment of persons with special rights upon admission is carried out - these are Olympiad participants who enter without entrance examinations; applicants with social benefits and targeted admission. And, if social benefits are quota-based and cannot exceed the announced quota, then the number of Olympiad participants who can choose one or another program cannot be predicted. All Olympiad students whose original documents will be in the admissions office on July 29 (let me remind you that they are enrolled before the start of the first wave) will be enrolled. Even if their number is equal to or exceeds the number of budget places. At the same time, the university decided that the university adds 25% of the places from the initial admission target for free competition - admission based on the results of the Unified State Exam. In other words, if there were 100 places in the program, and all of them are occupied by Olympiad participants, then 25 more places are put up for free competition.

There is currently no requirement to publish recommended lists. Therefore, the HSE has developed appropriate enrollment regulations and we will publish lists of those invited to enroll. We annually conduct surveys of applicants and make a predictive assessment, highlighting the green wave. This wave includes all those who, according to our estimates, will enter HSE if they provide the original certificates. This removes uncertainty; the applicant will not have to rush between universities, not understanding his chances of admission. He will see that HSE is inviting him.

- At what stage does the applicant learn that he has been invited to enroll?

The list of invitees will be determined on July 30, when it becomes clear how many Olympiad participants and other preferential categories have already been enrolled. This does not cancel the operation of the 80% - 20% system. As I already said, at the first stage we enroll no more than 80%. But even if the “invited” applicant does not make it in the first wave, but he is on our list, he will be enrolled in the second stage.

- How does an applicant know that he has received “invited” status?

All “invitees” will be highlighted in the lists on the admissions committee website.

What about those who were a little less fortunate and still did not have enough points to enter the first and second waves?

There is no need to despair. We have a sufficient number of paid places and are large and flexible. From the first of July, contracts for paid places are being concluded. We already have points corridors that correspond to a certain discount. It’s quite funny - we don’t yet know the passing score for the program, but we already know what discount an applicant has with his number of points based on the Unified State Exam results - he falls into the corridor of points that give him a 25%, 50% or 70% discount.

Can a student play it safe and submit documents for a paid place, and if they are admitted to a government-funded place, take them back?

Yes. If for some reason an applicant is worried that his points will not be enough for admission to the budget, he can immediately submit documents for both the budget and the paid one. And before summing up the results of admission to the budget, be sure that you have entered the university. In this case, the applicant enters into a paid training agreement and pays for it. If this applicant ultimately enrolls in the budget, the contract is terminated and the money is returned in full.

- Were there such cases in previous years?

Last year, about 100 people who entered into and paid for the contract ended up going to the budget.

Another important thing is that for all those applicants who fall under one or another discount, we guarantee that they will be accepted regardless of the availability of vacant paid places. The point is that admission figures have been announced for paid places, as well as for budget ones. And if, for example, we recruited 50 students for 50 paid places, and then an applicant comes to us who has the opportunity to study with us at a discount, then we take him because these are strong applicants with high Unified State Examination results.

And if he comes not after concluding contracts with those 50, but together with them, then those with fewer points will simply be cut off?

Yes, that's absolutely right.

- At the same time, you can take out a special educational loan to study in a paid department, right?

Yes, those who understand that they will be applying for a paid place should remember about the educational loan system. At the moment, this is a unique chance to take money from the state at a very low interest rate and start paying it back after you graduate from university, get an education and go to work. We describe in some detail the advantages of an educational loan and the conditions for its provision; you can study all this and make a decision.

Applicants at a low start - the names of the lucky ones who broke through to budget places will soon become known for certain. Acceptance of documents to universities started on June 20.

The first wave of admissions lasted almost a month and a half, but only a few days are allotted for the second. Enrollment for 80% of the places indicated by the university has almost come to an end; on August 3, orders will appear to fill most of the student enrollment plan for this year. The remaining 20% ​​must be completed by August 6, when the acceptance of applications for consent to enroll applicants for competitive places will end. The names of all future university students in Novosibirsk will be known on August 8th.

Timing and how does it work?

“On August 3 or 4 the first wave of enrollments will take place. Applicants will bring all applications, then the number will become clear, but this is 80% of the budget enrollment. The second wave ends on August 6 or 7, - Nikolai Pustovoy, Chairman of the Council of Rectors of Universities of the Novosibirsk Region, Vice-President of the Russian Union of Rectors, President of NSTU, shared the features of admission this year. - How does the first wave differ from the second? Only 80% of students are enrolled in the first wave upon submission of an application and original documents for each area of ​​study. Roughly speaking, the computer has a list of 100 people who are ready to participate in the competition for one specific area. I simply crossed out the top 80 of those who applied. Why is there 20 left? For example, guys who want to try their luck at Moscow State University are trying to get there and enroll. And suddenly in the first wave it doesn’t work out. Then the student writes an application to another university, for example, to NSTU. They are compiling a new list, in which 20 more people have been crossed off. That's how it works."

Applications for programs are allowed to be submitted only to five universities for three specialties. Some of the budget places will be occupied by beneficiaries, Olympiad participants and target students. The order for their admission has already been issued, which means that on the website of the university of interest you can see the exact number of places left for the general competition based on the results of the Unified State Exam. It must be remembered that if there are fewer beneficiaries and target recipients willing to study than the number of allocated quotas, these vacant places are also transferred to the general competition and there are more budget-funded places.

Seat distribution scheme

Admissions are based on the results of the Unified State Examination and the so-called portfolio, which can bring the applicant 10 additional points upon admission. The commission will rate Olympic winners, titled athletes and other active guys a little higher. If a student is not included in either the first or second wave lists, he will be offered to study on a commercial basis. To be on the safe side, some immediately write an application for paid education in mid-July; it lies with the admissions committee until the final results of the budget lists are finalized. And if the applicant manages to break through on the budget, the “paid” application is simply destroyed. For those who initially set out to study for money, the first and second waves do not matter.

If the applicant’s Unified State Exam score is less than the minimum passing score of the chosen university, they may even be denied tuition for a fee. “We don’t even charge students with a low score; this greatly affects the image of the university. If we recruit, they will tell us: “You take poor students and sell your diploma,” Nikolai Pustovoy, Chairman of the Council of Rectors of the Novosibirsk Region, shrugs. - For example, at NSTU the minimum passing score in mathematics is 34. We do not take less than this threshold. And the student has a C - 28 points. It is useless to submit an application, we will not accept it. And NSU has an even higher passing score.”

Let us add that this year marks 10 years since the introduction of the Unified State Exam. Now 70% of nonresident students enroll in universities in Moscow and St. Petersburg, although before the advent of the Unified State Exam there were only 25%. But changes in the education system continue. At the Izvestia round table, experts spoke about reducing the list of Olympiads that give the right to enter universities by a quarter, and developing a multi-point grading system to replace the five-point one. And in the fall, all senior students of secondary vocational education will be tested in the Russian language and mathematics. If the results turn out to be low, then technical school graduates may lose the opportunity to enter universities without passing the Unified State Exam.

An important change in this year's admission rules is the new admission formula: 80% will be admitted in the first wave, 20% in the second. The executive secretary of the MIET admissions committee spoke about the advantages this gives to applicants and what will help them better navigate the competitive situation.

Tatyana Vladimirovna, in 2015, the rules for admission to MIET underwent changes. Please explain what they are?

- Yes, the rules of the game have changed. But not in MIET, but in all universities of the Russian Federation. As last year, an applicant has the right to apply to five universities for three areas of study in each. The main drawback of the 2014 system (admission according to lists of recommended ones) was the high degree of uncertainty both for the applicant (who did not know where and when he would be admitted) and for the university (which was forced to guess in advance which of those recommended for admission would bring the original document and will come to study). They usually found out through phone calls.

Now there will be no recommendations for enrollment. After the competitive lists appear, each applicant will, within five days, have to submit the original document of education to any university where he has declared his desire to study. The university admissions committee will select the best from those who submitted the original certificate and fill 80% of the places with them. This is the “first stage” of recruitment.

After this, the second stage is carried out for the remaining 20% ​​of vacancies according to the same scheme. The time to provide the original documents in this case is three days.

- What advantages do you see in this scheme?

There are benefits. First of all, for applicants. For “strong average students” (the golden mean of the competitive list), it is possible, by following the competitive lists, to navigate how originals are admitted to the university, and accordingly, independently determine what the probability of being enrolled in the first wave is.

For applicants with the highest scores, the opportunity is left to “hold” the original certificate until the second wave and bring it exactly where the person wants to enroll. According to the new scheme, after the first wave of enrollment, NO ONE drops out of the competition.

Finally, those who are not the favorites in the admissions race are partly winning. While the “top” is being determined, even the last one on the competitive list can be included in the first wave (if he submits the original and gets into the first 80%). There is such an opportunity in the second wave.

Now many applicants are trying to understand the situation with the competition and immediately submit documents with the original certificate to the university in which they want to be enrolled. What advice would you give them?

Applicants should understand: competitive lists are formed and changed as applicants submit documents. The first thing you should start with is to submit documents to your chosen universities as quickly as possible. There is still more than a month to monitor the competition situation and decide which university to bring the original to.

If applicants “lay low” and then run to the admissions committees at the last moment, at the end of July there will be a powerful “stuffing” of documents at universities. He will change the competition lists beyond recognition. By acting in this way, applicants can disorient themselves.

- And if an applicant wants to immediately leave the original in one of the universities, what should he pay attention to?

First of all, you should find out how soon the Admissions Committee of your chosen university will return the original if the applicant changes his decision. Unfortunately, some universities, under various pretexts, withhold originals.

- What is the position of MIET?

- I would like to emphasize that for many years we have adhered to the “two hours” rule.

- That is, within two hours after the application?

- Yes, despite the fact that the law provides for one day. We understand that applicants are making an important decision that will affect their lives, and we help them make it happen.

- What else should you pay attention to when choosing a university?

- To information openness and transparency. If a university opens competitive lists with all points from the first day of operation, it means that it values ​​the trust of applicants and is a partner in admissions.

- Does MIET have open competition lists?

- We have always been proud that we have one of the most open and transparent systems for informing applicants in the country. We update three times an hour.

Tatyana Vladimirovna, what would you advise to applicants who have not yet decided on the choice of areas of study?

- For those who want to learn more about the educational process and graduating departments, the MIET Admissions Committee invites you to tours of the university (from Monday to Saturday, at 11:00 and 13:00 according to the schedule published on our website). In addition, on July 7 at 11:00 there will be a traditional meeting of applicants with deans of faculties and heads of departments. Welcome to MIET!

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