Sayings about school years. Quotes from foreign writers, poets

After bread, the most important thing for the people is school. J.-J. Danton

Every school is famous not for its numbers, but for the glory of its students. N. Pirogov

The goal of the school should always be to educate a harmonious personality, and not a specialist. A. Einstein

School is a workshop where the thoughts of the younger generation are formed; you must hold it tightly in your hands if you do not want to let the future out of your hands. A. Barbusse

Some children love school so much that they want to stay there all their lives. This is where scientists come from. H. Steinhaus

To educate a people, three things are needed: schools, schools and schools. L. Tolstoy.

Quotes about studying

I learned a lot from my mentors, even more from my comrades, but most of all from my students. Talmud

September 1 is a personal April 12 for every first grader, a start into the outer space of knowledge. I. Krasnovsky

There are children with a sharp mind and inquisitive, but wild and stubborn. They are usually hated in schools and are almost always considered hopeless; meanwhile, they usually turn out to be great people, if only they are raised properly.

A student who studies without desire is a bird without wings. Saadi

Teaching is only light, according to the popular proverb, it is also freedom. Nothing liberates a person like knowledge... I. Turgenev.

If you have knowledge, let others light their lamps with it. T. Fuller

No matter how long you live, you should study all your life. Seneca

Whatever you learn, you learn for yourself. Petronius

Aphorisms about school and study

Live forever - learn forever! And you will finally reach the point where, like a sage, you will have the right to say that you know nothing. K. Prutkov

You have to study a lot to know even a little. Montesquieu

Nature has taken care of everything so much that everywhere you find something to learn. L.YesVinci

Learn from everyone, don't imitate anyone. M. Gorky

Some children love school so much that they want to stay there all their lives. It is from them that scientists emerge. G. Steinhauz

Book and school - what is deeper? P. Tychyna

The most important phenomenon in school, the most instructive subject, the most living example for the student is the teacher himself. He is the personified method of teaching, the very embodiment of the principle of education. A. Diesterweg

After bread, the most important thing for the people is school. J. Danton

The school gives knowledge only to those who agree to take it . S. Skotnikov

Funny quotes about studying

The house is never as clean as before mom comes home from the parent-teacher meeting.

No one has died from knowledge so far, but it’s not worth the risk.

Smart thoughts haunt me all the time, but I'm faster.

Punishment in elementary school - sit on the last desk, and in the older ones - to the first one.

Are you still young and want changes in your life? Go to school! There are changes every 45 minutes!

Which of us didn't go to school? Everyone went through it and came away with different experiences and memories. Therefore, over the history of mankind, many aphorisms have been created about school and teachers, which have become over time.

How did aphorisms about teachers appear?

As you know, pedagogy as a science originated in ancient times, and this happened in Ancient Greece, which became famous for centuries as the source of true wisdom.

Great philosophers often turned to understanding the role of the teacher in the human world, many of their quotes became aphorisms. Greek aphorisms about teachers are famous for the depth of their thought and its beauty.

At the same time, aphorisms about teachers began to appear among other nations, who also paid great attention to the education of the younger generation. These are Eastern aphorisms, which are distinguished by their special understanding of man’s place in the world of people, and Western European aphorisms, which understand the matter of upbringing and education as the most important task facing society.

Ancient aphorisms

The famous orator Socrates said that there is no more difficult task on earth than raising a real person. His devoted student - Plato - noticed that the education of personality begins from the very birth of a person and ends only after his death.

Plato's most famous student, the sage Aristotle (who was the mentor of the formidable Alexander the Great), said that it is first necessary to give children knowledge, and then develop the necessary skills in them. Aristotle also asked his students to remember that in education it is important to remember three things: abilities or gifts, knowledge and constant exercise.

No less famous are aphorisms about teachers written by Roman thinkers. For example, Cato liked to repeat that only a person whose deeds and words coincide can be called a true teacher, and Seneca, the most famous sage of the decline of the Roman Empire, added that the calling of a teacher is very difficult, so if the gods want to punish you, they will make you a teacher .

Eastern aphorisms

Eastern sages also paid attention to the matter of upbringing and education. Eastern ones are full of subtle humor and skillful mentoring.

For example, the founder of Buddhism, Prince Gautama, who became the Enlightened Buddha, said that a teacher is obliged to give all his knowledge to his students, leaving nothing for himself. The Chinese sage, the great Confucius, whose name is still sacred to any representative of this nation, believed that the calling of a teacher is the highest calling on Earth. At the same time, he noted that only fools or people overly burdened with knowledge are not amenable to learning.

There are Eastern aphorisms about teachers who view their work as a heavy duty. Thus, there is a well-known Persian proverb that goes something like this: “If God listened to all the prayers of children, all the teachers on earth would perish,” while in the same Persian folklore there is another proverb, according to which a strict teacher is better than a kind father.

European aphorisms of modern times

Schooling was actively developing in modern Europe, which became the basis for the creation of new aphorisms about teachers.

Aphorisms about learning and teachers were written by the most famous thinkers and teachers.

As Michel Montaigne believed, teachers need a lot of intelligence to teach children, even more than they would need if they were teaching themselves. Thomas Fuller, addressing teachers, pathetically exclaimed: “Having knowledge, do not skimp on children lighting their candles from your torch!”

Jean-Jacques Rousseau also became famous for his statements addressed to teachers. In particular, he called on teachers not to hammer certain knowledge into children’s heads, but to strive to ensure that children acquire this knowledge on their own. Immanuel Kant wrote about this, who, addressing teachers, urged them: “Teach your children not to memorize thoughts, but to think.” A similar statement belongs to the famous teacher Adolf Disterweg, who wrote that a bad teacher can only teach to remember the truth, but a good one helps children find it themselves.

The same Diesterweg, not without irony, noted that one cannot become a true teacher by mastering a certain number of sciences, one can only be born one.

European aphorisms of modern times

Among the European aphorisms of modern times about teachers, the following can be especially clearly distinguished. As Samuel Butler notes, there are two types of teachers: the first teach a lot, and the second teach nothing at all.

Henry Adams says that every teacher touches eternity in his work, notes that a teacher grows two thoughts in a child, but before she grew there alone.

He believes that the main task of a teacher is to show his student the right path in life and in the world of people.

According to Karl Kraus, students eat what their teachers digest for them.

Contemporary writer Paulo Coelho notes that the role of a teacher in the world is enormous. Only those who have endured trials on the spiritual path, have gained patience and courage to accept all events in their life without judgment, can receive a true teacher as a gift from heaven.

William Ward notes that a great teacher inspires his students to do great things.

Russian aphorisms about teachers

Russian aphorisms about school and teachers are varied. We all know the words of A.S. Pushkin, who noted that “we all learned little by little... something and somehow....”.

Among Russian philosophers and writers, Leo Tolstoy became famous for such aphoristic statements about pedagogy. His statements were beautiful. Let us convey their main essence. In particular, Tolstoy wrote that only a person with certain character traits and a calling for this field of work can be a teacher. Tolstoy also, with the help of an aphorism, deduces the formula of a real teacher; he says that such a teacher loves his children like a parent, and he also loves his job.

At the same time, the philosopher notes that it may be easy for a teacher to teach his students, but, as a rule, this learning is always difficult for them.

Characteristic of Russian pedagogical thought is an appeal to the importance of the teacher’s personality in the matter of education. Dmitry Pisarev points to this, noting that everything in raising children depends on the personality of the teacher himself. He is echoed by someone who notes that to become a good teacher, it is important to love your students and love your science.

The most beautiful aphorisms about teachers: a brief overview

Istria offers us many beautiful aphorisms about teachers. Let's take a closer look at them.

An example of such a statement is the words of R. Emerson that a teacher is a person who knows how to turn difficult things into easy ones.

Konstantin Kushner ironically and beautifully notes that the pedagogical load that lies on the teacher is so heavy that it can only be compared with cosmic overload.

K. Marx also, not without humor, beautifully notes that any educator, when starting to fulfill his professional duties, must also be educated at the proper level.

V. Wilson believes that before educating, a teacher must remember that he himself must believe in every truth that he reveals to children.

And finally, W. Churchill once allowed himself to notice that a school teacher always has more power than the prime minister. This paradoxical and beautiful statement pleased his voters and became an aphorism.

The most memorable aphorisms

There are also students who have gained wide popularity. For example, the statement attributed to Otto von Bismarck that all wars are won not by generals or their armies, but by teachers.

No less famous are Bernard Shaw's statements that everyone who knows how to do something in life fulfills their duties, and those who don't know how to do anything become teachers.

L. Sukhorukov ironically notes that for our children the best teachers will not be their parents, but their own children.

Konstantin Simonov rightly says that the difference between an educated and educated person and an uneducated and uneducated person is that an educated person continues to consider his education incomplete all his life, so he strives for new knowledge.

Aphorisms about teachers are offered in a variety of ways. Humorous, realistic, rhetorical - for every taste. There are aphorisms about teachers, about high school teachers, about university professors, etc. But the most important thing in these statements is the understanding of the greatest role that belongs to the teacher in the world of people.

Let the child's first lesson be obedience. Then the second one can be what you consider necessary. Franklin B.

The teacher himself must be educated. Marks K.

Education is a great thing: it decides a person’s fate. Belinsky V. G.

The secret of successful parenting lies in respect for the student. Emerson W.

Both upbringing and education are inseparable. You cannot educate without passing on knowledge; all knowledge has an educational effect. Tolstoy L. N.

If nature overshadows education in a person, the result is a savage, and if education overshadows nature, the result is a scholar of the scriptures. Only one in whom nature and education are in balance can be considered a worthy husband. Confucius

It is pointless for a teacher to talk about curbing passions if he gives free rein to any of his own passions; and his efforts to eradicate in his pupil a vice or obscene trait that he allows in himself will be fruitless. John London

There is no such bad person whom good education could not make better. Belinsky V. G.

Good upbringing most reliably protects a person from those who are poorly brought up. Chesterfield F.

The whole purpose of education is to make a person not only do good, but also enjoy good; not only to work, but also to love work. Ruskin D.

Nine-tenths of the people we meet are what they are - good or evil, useful or useless - thanks to their upbringing. John Locke

Statements about school and teachers

V. Klyuchevsky

  • Teachers are given the floor not to lull their own thoughts, but to awaken someone else’s.

A. Diesterweg

  • The most important phenomenon in school, the most instructive subject, the most living example for the student is the teacher himself.
  • A bad teacher presents the truth, a good one teaches you to find it.
  • Development and education cannot be given or imparted to any person. Anyone who wants to join them must achieve this through their own activity, their own strength, and their own effort.
  • Wrong knowledge is worse than ignorance.
  • The ultimate goal of any education is to foster independence through amateur performances.
  • The weakness of the mind and character of many students and adults depends on the fact that they know everything somehow and nothing properly.
  • One must be born an educator and a teacher; he is guided by innate tact.
  • The teacher and his way of thinking are the most important thing in any teaching and upbringing.

A. Barbusse

  • School is a workshop where the thoughts of the younger generation are formed; you must hold it tightly in your hands if you do not want to let the future slip away from your hands.

E. Hubbard

  • A teacher who can endow his students with the ability to find joy in work should be crowned with laurels.
  • The purpose of educating a child is to make him able to develop without the help of a teacher.

DI. Mendeleev

  • All the pride of a teacher is in his students, in the growth of the seeds he sows.
  • Teachers, as local luminaries of science, must stand at the full height of modern knowledge in their specialty.
  • Only that teacher will act fruitfully on the entire mass of students who is himself strong in science, possesses it and loves it.
  • The school is an enormous force that determines the life and fate of peoples and the state, depending on the main subjects and the principles embedded in the school education system.

L.A. Seneca

  • By teaching others, we learn ourselves.


  • A student who studies without desire is a bird without wings.

M. Gorky

  • A teacher, if he is honest, must always be an attentive student.

M. Kalinin

  • A teacher works on the most important task - he shapes a person.
  • A teacher is an engineer of human souls.

M. Sukhomlinsky

  • Teaching is just one of the petals of that flower called education.

I. Goethe

  • Those from whom we learn are rightly called our teachers, but not everyone who teaches us deserves this name.

IN AND. Dahl

  • The teacher himself must be what he wants the student to be.

L.N. Tolstoy

  • A teacher needs to know life deeply in order to prepare for it.
  • Not the teacher who receives the upbringing and education of a teacher, but the one who has the inner confidence that he is, must be and cannot be otherwise. This confidence is rare and can only be proven by the sacrifices a person makes to his calling.

J. Joubert

  • Teaching means doubly learning.

R. Emerson

The secret of successful parenting lies in respect for the student.


Astronomy (as a science) has existed since it was combined with mathematics. (A.I. Herzen)

An axiom is a truth for which there is not enough evidence. (V. Khmury)

It would be good if this knowledge was required by the state itself and if persons occupying the highest government positions were taught to study mathematics and turn to it when necessary. (Plato)

It would be easier to stop the Sun, it would be easier to move the Earth, than to reduce the sum of the angles in a triangle, reduce the parallels to convergence and move the perpendiculars to the straight line to diverge. (V.F. Kagan)

Inspiration is needed in geometry no less than in poetry. (A.S. Pushkin)

The greatness of a person lies in his ability to think. (B. Pascal)

The Great Book of Nature is written in mathematical symbols. (Galileo)

Mathematics has its own beauty, just like painting and poetry. (N.E. Zhukovsky)

In mathematics, it is not the formulas that should be remembered, but the processes of thinking. (V.P. Ermakov)

In mathematical matters, even the smallest errors cannot be neglected. (I. Newton)

Everything that was previously in the sciences: hydraulics, aerometry, optics and others was dark, doubtful and unreliable, mathematics made clear, true and obvious. (M.V. Lomonosov)

Every natural science contains as much truth as there is mathematics in it. (I. Kant)

Geometry is full of adventure because behind every problem lies an adventure of thought. Solving a problem means experiencing an adventure. (V. Proizvolov)

Geometry is the most powerful means for sharpening our mental faculties and enabling us to think and reason correctly. (G. Galileo)

Evidence is reasoning that convinces. (Yu.A. Shikhanovich)

If you want to learn how to swim, then boldly enter the water, and if you want to learn how to solve problems, then solve them. (D.Poya)

If you want to participate in a big life, then fill your head with mathematics while you have the opportunity. She will then provide you with great assistance in all your work. (M.I. Kalinin)

If a theorem cannot be proven, it becomes an axiom. (Euclid)

The task is not to teach mathematics, but to discipline the mind through mathematics. (V. Schrader)

It is mathematics that gives the most reliable rules: whoever follows them is not in danger of deceiving the senses. (L. Euler)

No matter how well a machine works, it can solve all the tasks required of it, but it will never come up with a single one. (A. Einstein)

Like other sciences, mathematics arose from the practical needs of people: from measuring the areas of land and the capacity of vessels, from reckoning time and their mechanics. (F. Engels)

Anyone who studies mathematics from childhood develops attention, trains their brain, their will, and develops perseverance and perseverance in achieving goals. (A. Markushevich)

The best way to learn something is to discover it yourself. (D. Polya)

Mathematics yields its fortresses only to the strong and brave. (A.P. Konforovich)

Mathematics is the language spoken by all the exact sciences. (N.I. Lobachevsky)

Mathematics is a chain of concepts: if one link falls out, the rest will not be clear. (N.K. Krupskaya)

Mathematics is the language in which the book of nature is written. (G. Galileo)

Mathematics is the queen of sciences, arithmetic is the queen of mathematics. (K.F. Gauss)

Mathematics is the queen and maid of science. (E.T. Bell)

Mathematics is mental gymnastics. (A.V. Suvorov)

Mathematics is the best and even the only introduction to the study of nature. (D.I. Pisarev)

You can't learn math by watching your neighbor do it! (A. Niven)

Mathematics must then be taught so that it puts the mind in order. (M.V. Lomonosov)

A mathematician who is not to some extent a poet will never be a real mathematician. (K. Weierstrass)

A solution method is good if we can foresee from the very beginning - and then confirm this - that by following this method we will achieve the goal. (G. Leibniz)

Much of mathematics does not remain in memory, but when you understand it, then it is easy to remember what you have forgotten on occasion. (M.V. Ostrogradsky)

Mathematics presents the most ingenious inventions that can satisfy curiosity, facilitate crafts and reduce people's labor. (R. Descartes)

Since ancient times, the mathematical sciences have attracted special attention; nowadays they have received even more interest due to their influence on art and industry. (P.L. Chebyshev)

The work of a teacher is considered one of the most respected and at the same time difficult. Especially in Russia, where the salaries of both school teachers and university professors leave much to be desired. For children, the teacher is a significant figure, obliged to teach not only school wisdom, but also life. A good mentor can find an approach to each child, get them interested in their subject, and teach them to respect their classmates. In a friendly class, where the class teacher listens to the opinions of the students, learning is much more comfortable.

The teacher repeats magical things every day

Famous writers, philosophers, scientists, and politicians had mentors who passed on to their students important or useless - it happens - knowledge. Quotes about teachers give an idea of ​​the difficulties of the profession, the image of an ideal teacher, and the mistakes of education.

Phrases of great people can help adjust the goals of young people who only dream of connecting their destiny with the field of education. Wise and humorous statements will help future teachers communicate correctly with children and set priorities correctly.

Primary school - the period of acquaintance with the teaching profession

How important, great and sacred is the rank of a teacher: in his hands is the fate of a person’s entire life. A student will never surpass a teacher if he sees him as a model and not a rival. (Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky)

Teachers are given the floor not to lull their own thoughts, but to awaken someone else’s. (Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky)

All the pride of a teacher in his students is the growth of the seeds he sows. (Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev)

Some people believe that the teacher is stealing from his students. Others say that students rob the teacher. I believe that both are right, and participation in this mutual theft is wonderful. (Lev Davidovich Landau)

To educate others, we must first educate ourselves. (Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol)

Even professors were once naive students

The teacher must be an artist, an artist, passionately in love with his work. (Anton Pavlovich Chekhov)

The teacher himself must be what he wants the student to be. (Vladimir Ivanovich Dal)

For a teacher, perhaps the most important thing is not to take himself seriously, to understand that he can teach very little. (Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin)

A real teacher is not the one who constantly educates you, but the one who helps you become yourself. (Mikhail Arkadyevich Svetlov)

A teacher, if he is honest, must always be an attentive student. (Maksim Gorky)

Grown-up mothers and fathers - past students

Quotes from foreign writers, poets

A teacher is not the one who teaches something, but the one who helps to reveal to his student what he already knows. (Paulo Coelho)

Knowledge - like heaven - belongs to everyone. No teacher has the right to withhold them from anyone who asks for them. Teaching is the art of giving. (Abraham Joshua Heschel)

A person always learns only from those he loves. Those from whom we learn are rightly called teachers, but not everyone who teaches us deserves this name. (Johann Wolfgang Goethe)

Your teacher is not the one who teaches you, but the one from whom you learn. (Richard Bach)

Everything you need to know cannot be taught; a teacher can only do one thing - show the way. (Richard Aldington)

Which path will you choose?

It takes more intelligence to teach another than to learn yourself. (Michel de Montaigne)

Teaching means doubly learning. Children do not need teachings, but examples. (Joseph Joubert)

If you wash a cat, they say it will no longer wash itself. A person will never learn what he is taught. (George Bernard Shaw)

What the teachers digest, the students eat. (Karl Kraus)

If you have knowledge, let others light their lamps from it. (Thomas Fuller)

Inner light - an example of productive learning

Opinions of famous women about teachers and teaching

You learn fastest and best when you teach others. (German revolutionary Rosa Luxemburg)

The greatest joy for a teacher is when his student is praised. (English poet and novelist Charlotte Brontë)

What is the difference between a good and a great teacher? A good teacher develops a student's abilities to the limit; a great teacher immediately sees this limit. (Greek singer Maria Callas)

Education is the knowledge that we receive from books and which no one knows about except our teacher. (Virginia Hudson)

The secret of good teaching is to regard the child's intellect as a fertile field in which seeds can be sown to grow in the warmth of a burning imagination. (Maria Montessori - Italian teacher, doctor, philosopher and scientist)

Whatever seeds are sown by the teacher, so will the student be reaped.

Sayings of ancient thinkers

Teachers to whom children owe their upbringing are more honorable than parents: some give us only life, while others give us a good life. (Aristotle)

Whoever has not been a student will not be a teacher. (French philosopher of the 13th century. Boethius of Dacia)

He who comprehends the new while cherishing the old can be a teacher. (Confucius)

A good teacher is one whose words do not differ from his deeds. (Cato the Elder)

One should trust more those who teach, rather than those who command. (Augustine the Blessed)

A phrase uttered by a teacher in anger is etched in the student’s memory for a long time.

Phrases of statesmen

A mediocre teacher expounds. A good teacher explains. An outstanding teacher shows. A great teacher inspires. (William Ward)

A teacher is the person who must pass on to the new generation all the valuable accumulations of centuries and not pass on prejudices, vices and diseases. (Anatoly Vasilievich Lunacharsky)

Strengths and weaknesses are rooted in school, and the keys to well-being lie with teachers. (Ruhollah Mousavi Khomeini)

A teacher works on the most important task - he shapes a person. A teacher is an engineer of human souls. (Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin)

School teachers wield power that prime ministers can only dream of. (Winston Churchill)

Winston Churchill was his own teacher, as he regularly educated himself

What the teachers themselves said about their profession

They have been given an excellent position, higher than which nothing can be under this sun. Let it be an eternal law: to teach and learn everything through examples, instructions and application in practice. (Jan Amos Comenius)

The teacher is a person with humor. Imagine a teacher without humor and you will understand that he will not last long, and if he does, it will, unfortunately, last only his legs. (Alexander Ryzhikov - mathematics teacher, laureate of the All-Russian competition “Teacher of the Year 2009”)

A teacher who does not begin by arousing the student's desire to learn is striking cold iron. (Horace Mann)

The teacher should appeal not so much to the memory of students, but to their mind, to achieve understanding, and not just memorization. (Fyodor Ivanovich Yankovic de Marievo)

The role of the teacher is to open doors, not to push the student through them. (Arthur Schnabel)

The bright world of knowledge is open to everyone

The everyday life of people in the teaching professions consists not only of tests, essays, exams, admonishing careless students and encouraging geniuses. Without humor it is very difficult to cope with a huge workload and children's problems. There are many funny moments in school life that are aptly noted in aphorisms. Pedagogy has not escaped the sarcasm of witty people.

Ironic, humorous, sarcastic aphorisms

A good teacher can teach others even what he himself cannot do. (Tadeusz Kotarbiński)

From the lessons of some teachers, we learn only the ability to sit up straight. (Wladyslaw Katarzynski)

He who teaches himself has a fool as a teacher. (English proverb)

Students remember nothing more firmly than the mistakes of their teachers. (Anton Ligov)

According to teachers, eggs do not teach chicken; according to students, chicken is not a bird. (Alexander Botvinnikov)

Oh, this eternal dispute!

The teaching profession provides a lifetime guarantee against kidnapping for ransom. (Stanislav Motsarsky)

School is a place where teachers demand knowledge from students in all subjects, while they themselves know only one.

The secret of teaching is to show that you have known all your life what you read about last night.

Judging by teachers' salaries, our government consists of vindictive losers.

There are three good reasons to become a teacher: June, July, August.

Not all students don’t want to go to school on September 1

The role of a teacher in the life of a modern person cannot be overestimated. Nowadays it is fashionable to get a second or third higher education. Many people study foreign languages ​​and improve their skills, hoping to find a more prestigious and well-paid job.

Essentially, we learn throughout our lives. Some from their own experience, some from the mistakes of others. Ideally, it is better to meet a wise mentor. It’s great if this meeting happens in childhood, when habits and character are just being formed.

A teacher who loves his profession is able to direct a child’s interests in the right direction and instill the necessary skills for building a happy life. At the same time, the teacher himself must constantly replenish his knowledge and update the information stored in his head. Science does not stand still. And if you don’t improve, then schoolchildren and students will prefer the Internet to such a mentor.

Video: a parable about the importance of a teacher

The presented quotes reveal the essence of this profession, show teachers where they can improve and what they should strive for.

Wise thoughts of great people about the need for knowledge, about the value of knowledge.

Completed work feels good.

Homer, ancient Greek poet

The true treasure for people is the ability to work.

Aesop, ancient Greek fabulist

The root of the teaching is bitter, but its fruits are sweet.

How can students succeed? — Catch up with those who are ahead and do not wait for those who are behind.

Learning in youth is stone carving, in old age it is drawing in sand.

Aristotle, ancient Greek philosopher

The most shameful ignorance is to imagine that you know what you do not know.

Plato, ancient Greek philosopher

Exercise yourself with labors imposed on yourself voluntarily, so that later you will be able to endure involuntary ones.

Socrates, ancient Greek philosopher

Any kind of work is more pleasant than rest.

The beautiful is comprehended through study and great effort, the bad is assimilated by itself, without difficulty.

Don’t strive to know everything, lest you end up ignorant of everything.

Democritus, ancient Greek philosopher

Hiding ignorance is preferable to revealing it publicly.

Heraclitus, ancient Greek philosopher

Dull and incapable minds are a thing as unnatural as monstrous bodily deformities; but they are rare.

Quintilian, ancient Roman theorist of oratory

There is no shame in work: there is shame in idleness.

Hesiod, ancient Greek poet

While young forces allow, work; you won’t notice how silently the hunched old age will approach.

Ovid, ancient Roman poet

Nothing in life comes without difficulty.

Horace, ancient Roman poet

Work is necessary for health.

Hippocrates, ancient Greek physician

What is not clear should be clarified. What is difficult to create should be done with great perseverance.

If a teacher does not live as he teaches, leave him - he is a false teacher. If a teaching does not bring you fruit from the very first steps, give it up - it is a false teaching. Even the most true teaching, if practiced without due effort and diligence, can be more dangerous than a false one.

Smart people study in order to learn; insignificant - in order to be recognized.

It is extremely important that children learn to work from childhood.

I. Kant, German philosopher

Teaching without reflection is useless, but thinking without learning is also dangerous.

Confucius, ancient Chinese thinker

If you only know, but do not act, then this is tantamount to not learning.

Zhu Xi, Chinese philosopher and historian

If the work is worthily completed, it will elevate and glorify you.

Ferdowsi, Persian and Tajik poet

A student who studies without desire is a bird without wings.

Saadi, Persian writer and thinker

Everyone must take on his shoulders work commensurate with his strength, since if the weight of it accidentally turns out to be excessive, then he may involuntarily fall into the mud.

A. Dante, Italian poet

One joy in life is learning.

F. Petrarch, Italian poet

There is no work that could tire me.

Leonardo da Vinci, Italian painter, sculptor and scientist

It is not easy to set boundaries for our mind: it is inquisitive, greedy and just as little inclined to stop after walking a thousand steps as after walking fifty.

Ignorance is of two kinds: one, illiterate, precedes science; the other, arrogant, follows her.

M. de Montaigne, French philosopher

There are hardly any people so stupid and dull that they would not be able either to acquire good opinions or to rise to higher knowledge, if only they were guided along the proper path.

R. Descartes, French philosopher and mathematician

Grammar commands even kings.

J. -B. Moliere, French playwright

Knowledge must necessarily be associated with skill... It is a sad phenomenon when a student’s head is filled with more or less knowledge, but he has not learned to apply it, so it has to be said about him that although he knows something, he can’t do anything.

It is more beneficial to examine the same subject from ten different angles than to teach ten different subjects from one angle.

A. F. Disterweg, German teacher

The teacher must constantly ensure that children are not overloaded with classes.

F. Melanchthon, German theologian and teacher

There is only one immortal force that survives dynasties, dogmas, classes - this is the force of creative work.

J. Jaurès, French public figure

There is nothing more useless than those cases when, due to the moralizing of teachers, children begin to hate classes before they can understand that they should love them.

E. Rotterdam, Dutch humanist

The more trust in students, the better their behavior.

G. Spencer, English philosopher and sociologist

Every day on which you have not replenished your education with at least a small, but new piece of knowledge for you... consider it fruitless and irrevocably lost for yourself.

K. Stanislavsky, Russian director, actor and teacher

An irritated teacher cannot educate anyone.

A. Popov, Russian actor and director

Education is what remains after everything learned at school is forgotten.

A. Einstein, German theoretical physicist

A teacher is the person who must pass on to the new generation all the valuable accumulations of centuries and not pass on prejudices, vices and diseases.

A. Lunacharsky, Russian literary critic and publicist

A teacher is a person who can make difficult things easy.

R. Emerson, American poet and philosopher

Most people have never been taught how to see through another's eyes, hear through another's ears, and feel through another's heart.

A. Adler, Austrian psychologist

Learn, because in the vicissitudes of life only knowledge will always remain with you.

Nasir Khosrow, Tajik and Persian poet

Good systematization is required so as not to get hopelessly lost in the labyrinth of scholarship.

G. L. F. Helmgolts, German scientist

Learning and living are one and the same.

N. Pirogov, Russian surgeon, teacher and public figure

An ignorant person has a great advantage over an educated person - he is always satisfied with himself.

Napoleon Bonaparte, French commander

Only those who know more than those they want to teach can teach.

N. Ostrovsky, Russian writer

A teacher who learns nothing from his students has chosen the wrong profession.

X. Wulf, Danish writer

The teacher himself must be what he wants the student to be.

V. Dal, Russian writer and ethnographer

People learn when they teach.

The path of teaching is long, the path of examples is short and successful.

Seneca, ancient Roman philosopher

When learning science, examples are more useful than rules.

I. Newton, English physicist

A child, like any person in general, is disgusted and unbearable by work in which he does not see any purpose.

Semi-education combines all the vices of barbarism and civilization.

D. Pisarev, Russian literary critic and publicist

Re-reading books already read is the most reliable touchstone of education.

H. F. Goebbel, German playwright

An educated person differs from an uneducated person in that he continues to consider his education incomplete.

K. Simonov, Russian writer

When a teacher gives a mark to a student, the student also marks the teacher.

D. Granin, Russian writer

Exams are when a fool asks questions that even a wise man cannot answer.

The thirst for knowledge is the fruit of many years of study.

A bad teacher presents the truth, a good teacher teaches how to find it.

O. Wilde, English writer

Any real education is achieved only through self-education.

N. Rubakin, Russian writer and book scholar

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