Higher educational institutions of communications. Mtusi: reviews

Today MTUCI is a large educational and scientific center for training and retraining highly qualified specialists in the field of telecommunications, computer science, radio engineering, economics and management. The University includes two regional branches in the cities of Rostov-on-Don and Nizhny Novgorod, a Scientific Center, an Institute for Advanced Studies, a College of Telecommunications, a Pre-University Training Center, and an Educational and Scientific Test Site for New Technology. The teaching and scientific staff of MTUCI numbers about 700 people. Among them are over 100 professors and more than 400 candidates of science and associate professors. Among the University's teachers are full members and corresponding members of a number of Russian and international academies, laureates of the Lenin and State Prizes, and awards of the Government of the Russian Federation. The University has about fourteen thousand full-time and part-time students, graduate students, and students of various courses. Training is carried out according to a modern multi-level education system - bachelor, engineer, master - in 25 specialties and 8 areas. Much attention at the university is paid to student research work, in which more than 900 full-time students participate as part of a single educational and scientific process. The main directions of their activities: individual targeted training of specialists at the request of enterprises, participation in contractual and state budget research work, classes in specialized clubs and schools, participation in scientific conferences and seminars, competitions, exhibitions of scientific and technical creativity of young people and Olympiads. The winners of exhibitions, competitions and olympiads have been repeatedly awarded medals and diplomas from the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, diplomas from Russian and foreign companies such as Cisco Systems, Ericsson, Alcatel-Lucent, etc. In recent years, educational work among students has intensified significantly. It is aimed at implementing creative, sports, social and civil-patriotic projects; to improve general culture, acquire a clear civic position, realize creative abilities and promote a healthy lifestyle. Students actively participate in various youth festivals, competitions, and championships; receive numerous prizes and diplomas. The university is the head university in the Educational and Methodological Association for Education in the Field of Telecommunications (UME). It consists of higher educational institutions that implement basic educational programs in the areas and specialties of higher professional education that fall within the competence of the UMO. Today, UMO has over 80 universities not only in the Russian Federation, but also in neighboring republics.

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Latest reviews

Anonymous review 19:24 02/11/2019

Hello comrades.

The building on October Field is crooked. Repairs are simply necessary: ​​the floor is slowly opening up in places (old parquet) and certainly doesn’t look attractive, there are no sockets to be found in the classrooms (attention, we are programmers...), and those that are there must be approached without teachers nearby: you’ll get an “ouch” -ah-ah, you can’t break it...". The state of computers and similar equipment is disgusting: launching Visual Studio in 5 minutes and 55 seconds (counted). ...and you will also be for your...

Anonymous review 02:06 10/20/2018


general information

Order of the Red Banner of Labor federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics

University Reviews

Communications, information technologies, infocommunications are the most dynamic, technological and promising sectors of the national economy

About the university

Today, Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics is one of the largest universities in Russia for training and retraining highly qualified specialists in the field of information and telecommunication technologies. Masters of their craft are graduated from the university every year, and training is carried out in more than 60 educational programs implemented within the framework of such faculties as: “Networks and Communication Systems”, “Information Technologies”, “Radio and Television”, “Economics and Management”, “ Correspondence Faculty”, etc. The area of ​​knowledge acquired by MTUSI students is wide, including modern radio communications, video information science, digital television technologies, information security and the fight against cybercrime, programming, next generation telecommunication network technologies, innovations in communications and microelectronics, infocommunication technologies and information society services, economics of the communications industry.

Departments and laboratories of MTUCI

More than 9,000 students study full-time and part-time at the university. MTUCI conducts hearings on a wide variety of courses in various specialties; there is the possibility of obtaining a second education or preparatory courses for entering a university. Students are trained at 40 departments of MTUCI, with 9 of them being basic departments of research institutes and major companies in the communications industry, which allows students to easily find a job in their specialty upon graduation. For example, in 2012, the Department of Networks and Fixed Communication Systems was opened jointly with PJSC Rostelecom. And in 2017, an Agreement was signed with the 1C company on the creation of a basic department of Corporate Information Systems at the university and an Agreement on cooperation and strategic partnership in the field of education with Kaspersky Lab.

Thanks to cooperation with well-known companies, the laboratories of all departments of the university are equipped with the latest technology, and the level of student training is constantly being improved in order to keep up with the times.

In the departments and laboratories of the university's research center, developments related to mobile communications, as well as television and radio communications, are carried out. These studies are sponsored by both domestic enterprises and world-famous companies. They allow students to put the knowledge gained in lectures into practice, and, therefore, gain a deeper understanding of their specialty. Based on the results of such work, students and graduate students of MTUCI successfully defend master's, doctoral and candidate's dissertations, which are then used in other Russian universities to train students.

MTUSI and the international university community

The main principle of the university is its participation in the development of information communications in Russia and their promotion throughout the world. Thanks to this, MTUCI seeks to strengthen the country's authority and contribute to improving its economic situation. Thus, within the walls of the university, students will not only be able to obtain the necessary knowledge, but will also be able to apply it to increase the authority of Russia on an international scale.

It is for this purpose that three interconnected processes are combined at MTUSI - study, science and production. For this purpose, a Technopark was created there, which geographically united the university itself and some firms and enterprises. It includes:

  • Training centers of various foreign companies, famous all over the world;
  • Centers for testing and subsequent certification of various telecommunications equipment; equipment design bureau;
  • Office for supplying the university with necessary materials, transport, repair, publishing and many other enterprises that work in the interests of the university.

MTUCI tries to maintain friendly and partnership relations with many universities around the world. This partnership is supported by agreements with 49 universities and 16 companies and organizations from 46 countries around the world. Thanks to such close cooperation, about 200 students, teachers and graduate students of the university annually participate in exchange programs with universities in Poland, Germany, Slovakia, Great Britain and China.

student life

The life of a student is not only about studying, sessions, lectures, exams, tests, and research. A huge part of student life is outside the departments and classrooms. That is why educational work is carried out on the territory of MTUSI, thanks to which students can discover their other talents. They play KVN, sing and dance, and also compete with each other in a variety of fun competitions, create exciting videos about university life, and run their own website. And since there is a saying: “A healthy mind in a healthy body,” the university has many sports sections, whose participants take first places in competitions with other universities. Well, in the summer, MTUSI students can have a great time and make closer friends in a sports and recreation camp located on the banks of the Oka River.

In Moscow, you can become a specialist in the field of electronics, telecommunications, radio engineering and information technology at the Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics. This state institution has accumulated a wealth of experience in training qualified personnel over the almost century-long period of its existence. Every applicant who dreams of any technical specialty should familiarize themselves with the university and reviews about MTUCI.

Development of the educational institution before the start of the war

The history of the technical university is filled with numerous events. The university was founded in 1921. The educational institution was named the Moscow Electrotechnical Institute of Public Communications (MEINS). 3 years after its opening, the university lost its independence. It became part of another educational institution.

In 1930, the university was restored. MAINS began construction of new buildings and dormitories for students. Between 1933 and 1938 there were 2 mergers with other educational institutions. As a result of the latter, communications engineers (MIIS) were formed.

Work during the Second World War

In 1941, when the Great Patriotic War (WWII) began, the university was evacuated to Tashkent. Many teachers and senior students were unable to travel to this city. They went to the front to defend their homeland. The remaining staff and students continued their educational activities and training.

The return of the educational institution to Moscow occurred in 1943. The institute began to restore laboratories, equip new classrooms, and improve teaching methods. The work carried out gave excellent results. MIIS began to be considered one of the leading universities in the country.

Post-war years and modern period

In the further development of the university, several key events can be identified:

  1. In 1946, the name of the educational institution changed. MIIS was renamed MEIS (Moscow Electrotechnical Institute of Communications).
  2. In 1988, MEIS was merged with several other institutes. The merger procedure led to the emergence of a new university - the Moscow Institute of Communications (MIS).
  3. In 1992, the educational institution was awarded the status of a technical university. The name also changed. MIS became the Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics (MTUSI).

The university currently operates under this name. Today it is one of the leading technical educational institutions in Russia, one of the largest scientific centers. The faculties of MTUCI offer over 30 directions and specialties. Some educational programs are the same age as the university, while others appeared more recently as a response to the demands of the time.

Technical structural divisions

The programs that the university has are implemented in several faculties:

  1. At the first and second general technical faculties of MTUCI. These structural divisions have been operating since 1988. The management of the educational institution opened them in order to improve the preparation of students in general professional and natural science subjects.
  2. At the Faculty of Information Technology. Training is provided here in 7 undergraduate and 4 graduate areas. Students learn to develop software, ensure information security, and automate technological processes and production.
  3. At the Faculty of Radio and Television. The history of this structural unit began from the founding of the university, because in the first year of the existence of the educational institution, enrollment was carried out for the radiotelegraph specialty. Today, the faculty, judging by reviews of MTUCI, trains bachelors and masters in such areas as “Radio Engineering”, “Infocommunication Technologies and Communication Systems”. There is a specialty “Information security of telecommunication systems”.
  4. At the Faculty of Networks and Communication Systems. His education dates back to 2004. Initially, as is known from reviews of MTUCI, the faculty had several specialties. Today, bachelors and masters are offered one direction - “Infocommunication technologies and communication systems.” When studying there, students choose the profiles they are interested in - “Optical communication systems”, “Switching systems and communication networks”, “Telecommunication multi-channel systems”, “Secure communication networks and systems”.

Faculty of Economics and Management

Technical areas of training are not the only ones at the Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics (MTUSI). Additionally, such well-known and popular areas as “Economics”, “Management”, “Applied Informatics”, “Advertising and Public Relations” are offered. They are taught at the university by the Faculty of Economics and Management.

The structural unit trains specialists with high quality. Good preparation is due to the rich experience of the faculty. He has been teaching for over 85 years. High quality of training is also ensured by effective practical training, because the structural unit has established contacts with computing, information and telecommunications companies.

Correspondence faculties

All of the above structural units offer only full-time education. Correspondence courses are implemented by other faculties - general technical correspondence and correspondence faculties. At MTUSI there are 5 areas of training for them:

  • “Automation of technological production and processes”;
  • “Infocommunication technologies and communication systems”;
  • "Information technologies and systems";
  • "Management";
  • "Economy".

Particularly noteworthy is the fact that training at the faculties is offered in 2 types. One of them is traditional. Graduates of 11th grade are accepted for this form. The duration of training is 4 years and 8 months. Another type is accelerated. Graduates of colleges of technical and economic specialties are invited to apply for this form to obtain higher education. Duration of training - 3.5 years.

Free training and passing grade at MTUSI

The technical university has not only paid but also free places. The best applicants get to the latter. The selection is made as follows:

  • the admissions committee enters information about each applicant into the computer;
  • at the end of the admissions campaign, using a computer and taking into account the number of available places on the budget at MTUCI, those individuals who have scored the highest amount of points are selected.

After selecting applicants for each direction, a passing score is determined - the sum of points scored by the person who took the last budget place. The passing scores change every year. However, in general they do not vary much.

Applicants are interested in passing scores and the number of budget places. Let's take 2015 as an example. In full-time study, the highest passing score at MTUSI was in the field of “Informatics and Computer Science” - 225. There were 25 budget places. The passing score was slightly lower in “Information Technologies and Systems” - 206, with 54 budget places.

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