Tasks for the development of voluntary attention of primary schoolchildren. Exercises to develop attention in primary school children

The most important direction of the modern educational process is the development of attention in a child in preschool age and in younger schoolchildren. At the same time, responsibility for the full development of attention falls on the shoulders not only of educational institutions, but also of parents.

Why do you need to develop?

Human attention is a cognitive process consisting of processing received data that comes to the body's central nervous system from its sense organs.

How is this information processed, what influences its processes, and how can it be regulated and controlled? Psychology and neuropsychology answer these and other pressing questions.

The basic properties of attention begin to form between the ages of six and eight years. Specialists pay Special attention such an area as the development of concentration in children in preschool age and in primary schoolchildren.


To obtain effective results in the development of attention in preschool age and primary school students, it is necessary that parents and teachers understand and recognize the process of how children perceive objects, its properties and criteria.

Before you begin to develop and increase attentiveness with the help of various exercises and tests, you should understand that from the child’s will, it can be:

  • arbitrary;
  • involuntary;


Presentation: "A set of activities for developing children's attention"

The first type of concentration is developed when the child, through an effort of will, concentrates on a specific object. Almost all development games are aimed at this type of attention.

Uncontrollable by the will of the child. Attention develops through the interaction of some external stimulus with the senses.

The post-voluntary type of attention develops against the background of interest in external objects. The concentration that develops against this background will, in the future, be necessary precisely to serve this hobby, i.e. interest.

Main properties of attention

Attributes of concentration reveal some aspects of the manifestation of concentration while a subject interacts with an object.

Main properties:

  • holding an object in the field of concentration;
  • simultaneous retention of attention on a certain number of objects;
  • duration of concentration on one object;
  • the ability to redirect attention from one external data to another;
  • the ability to completely distribute attention to several objects.

It is the combination of individual attributes of attention that form the overall level of concentration in preschool children and primary school students. This level creates for a person a frontal image of ideas about the surrounding reality, as well as about the tasks and issues that need to be solved.

Psychology defines a specific concept for each attribute and, accordingly, studies it comprehensively for subsequent adjustments to the development of attention in children.

  1. Concentration is the ability of the human brain to maintain concentration on an object for a certain period of time.
  2. The volume of attention is the ability to concentrate on several external objects at the same time.
  3. Sustainability of attention implies the time that a person is able to fully concentrate on one object.
  4. Switchability in psychology is the ability of the properties of attention to choose where to direct concentration, first of all.
  5. The function of attention distribution determines the retention of several different objects in the field of concentration at once.

Perhaps we can highlight another important aspect necessary for the development of mindfulness. Until a person develops his attention to the level of operating with a certain amount of information received, he will not be able to fully distribute and switch concentration on different objects. As a result, there will be a lack of stability of attention.

Presumably, it is this feature that determines early activities with children in preschool age to develop attention. The period from 4 to 6 years is most suitable for training, because... children begin to actively explore the objects around them.

During this period, parents should pay maximum attention to their children and teach them to concentrate and distribute concentration. It is important to achieve optimal development in several directions.

Methods for Improving Mindfulness

What is the essence of classes aimed at developing attention in preschool children and primary school students? The main task of teachers and parents is to develop aspects of the voluntary type of attention. Below are exercises and tasks divided into two groups - preschoolers and elementary school students. By performing these tasks systematically, you can develop all aspects of attention in your child.

Exercises for preschool age

Experts have developed several tasks that help develop attention in children at this age:

  1. Tasks to increase concentration. This exercise will be equally valuable for both parents and children. The idea is for the subject to draw an image on paper. After this, you must hand it over to an adult. At the same time, the child turns away. At this moment, the parent adds some detail to the picture. The child's task is to detect the change. The exercise can be complicated by drawing small details. However, it is recommended to do this gradually and in different drawings.
  2. Task for the “volume” attribute. Work also takes place in pairs. Parent and child are separated by a partition (thick cardboard can be used). An adult places any figure from 8 sticks on the table and removes the partition for a moment. The preschooler must reproduce the figure. If he succeeds, the move is transferred to him. The image capture time can also be increased, for example, by 30 seconds.
  3. An effective task for testing the stability of attention is the game form of “ladushka”. It is important to discuss the conditions and scenario of the game before starting. This exercise also has a positive effect on motor skills and coordination.
  4. The task on the level of switchability of concentration occurs in the form of a game “Edible - inedible”. The parent throws a ball to the baby and names various objects, shapes and objects. Those that are edible, the child catches the ball, and if the named object cannot be eaten, he throws it away.

Exercises for elementary school students

The age at which a child goes to school for the first time differs in that the child already has a voluntary and post-voluntary type of attention. This is due to the fact that he has already developed some hobbies, and his training is already underway.

However, the properties of attention that the child had before entering school are no longer sufficient at this stage.

School is a place where a child will have to spend several hours on objects, sight and hearing. At the same time, a primary school student needs to be able to not only hold it, but also switch it. The attention span should be brought to the limit where the child can optimally process incoming data during the learning process.

Educators and teachers should include time in each lesson to develop concentration. It is important that the lesson begins with exercises to activate attention. Thus, the student will be able to concentrate on learning, and not “have his head in the clouds.”

Working with parents also plays an important role. Therefore, it is so important to know how each parent personally can activate concentration in a primary school student. After all, such skills will help your child complete his homework efficiently, increase interest in the learning process, and at the same time, have the energy to pursue his hobbies.

Below are various tasks and exercises for developing free form for primary school students. Choose the ones that are most optimal and interesting for you.

  • Exercise for developing concentration “Buttons”. The task involves working in pairs. An adult and a child are given 2 sets of the same number of buttons. However, the buttons in each set are different. You will also be given paper that is cut into squares. A partition is installed in the middle of the table (it is better to use cardboard). The one whose move is first lays out the buttons on his field (sheet of paper). The partition is removed and the second player must remember the location of the “chips”. Next, the partition returns and the second player repeats the layout.
  • Development task for attention span. The parent writes a number series of ten numbers on a piece of paper. Shows it to the student for 30-40 seconds, and the child must reproduce them. It is better to repeat the task 10 to 15 times, each time increasing the number of digits.
  • Exercise for concentration stability. The student is given a text that contains errors. Your child’s task is to identify them within a certain period of time. At the initial stage, you can give small excerpts. At the same time, the volume of tasks for one lesson can be increased to 5. It is important to start with simple texts.
  • Perhaps the most effective exercise is the “Find the missing number” task. This exercise makes it possible to analyze the level of switching attention. If the student is good at mathematics, the task can be complicated by adding a complex series of numbers. By the way, you can search not only for numbers, but also for animals, plants and more.
  • A very interesting task “Bug” is aimed at developing the concentration distribution attribute. Take a piece of paper and divide it into squares. The kid should imagine how a bug crawls across the field. In this case, the adult must give a command: the beetle crawls to the left, the beetle crawls up, etc. The child must mentally guide the beetle without using a finger or pen. At the moment when the parent says “Stop the game,” the student draws a dot with a pencil in the square where the beetle stopped. In this task, the development of distribution works for both adults and schoolchildren.

As can be seen from the tasks, all exercises for developing attention in preschoolers and primary school children are carried out in pairs - parent and child. Such joint tasks not only develop concentration, but also create an atmosphere of trust. At the same time, the quality of education at school increases significantly.

The human brain is designed in such a way that if we did not have a kind of filter in the form of attention, the amount of information from the outside world would overload it. For a normal and comfortable life, the attention of each person must have volume, stability, concentration, selectivity, distribution, switchability and arbitrariness. If abnormalities are noticed in any of these parts during development, the child will have developmental delays.

To prevent this from happening, special exercises have been developed for younger schoolchildren to develop and concentrate their attention.

There are a huge number of games for primary schoolchildren that are used to develop voluntary attention. We will tell you about the most interesting and best of them.

The first game is for the children to try to convey the meaning of the poem. All players must be divided into three teams. There are three presenters in the game and each of them reads a quatrain. But not in order, but on the contrary, first everyone reads the first line of their quatrain, then the second, and so on.

Development of memory and attention. 5 games with children for attention and memory

It may be difficult for children to immediately grasp the meaning of the verse, so the reading can be repeated twice. Each team must understand and convey the meaning of their poem. For this task, it is better to use complex poems, so the training of voluntary attention and memory will be much better.

The second game is called “Tangled Roll Call” and there will be only one leader. During the game, the presenter must name the names and surnames of the younger schoolchildren playing. But this is why this exercise is called confusing, because the presenter says the name correctly, but makes a mistake in the surname, or confuses the surname, but says the name correctly. All children must be extremely attentive to respond to their first and last names. This game will be very lively and useful for the development of voluntary attention.

Another great game is called “Make a Word from Letters.” The teacher must offer the children a certain set of vowels and consonants. In five minutes, everyone must collect as many words as possible from this set of letters.

The last game chosen for the development of voluntary attention is “typewriter”. For the task, you need to specially prepare cards with letters that can be attached to the child’s clothes so that everyone can see them. The whole class must play so that all the letters from A to Z are sorted out. The presenter must pronounce the word, and the children, like on a typewriter, must clap when their letter appears in the word, according to the typewriter principle.

Collect from different letters

Development of concentration

Concentration and its development are extremely important for any child. For children of primary school age, it is possible to quickly gain concentration skills by playing.

and attention. Practical sessions with a psychologist

The first game is quite simple, but it makes it easy to promote concentration in a younger student. All children must be seated in a circle and each of them must say their name and favorite fruit. But only if the first player names only his name and fruit, then the second must repeat the words of the first and name his own. The last player will have to name the names and fruits of all players. Such games are great for developing memory and individual thinking.

Perfect for concentration games in which you need to color half of a picture in the same way as the first half is colored. You can complicate this exercise by asking the younger student to first complete the drawing and then color the pictures.

To concentrate younger children, you can use the most common texts in workbooks. You can ask the children to find all the A's in the text and circle them, and underline the T's. After completing the task, students can exchange notebooks and check each other’s mistakes; this will also be training in concentration and thinking.

Switching attention

For every primary school student to be able to switch attention from one subject to another, the following games and exercises can be used to teach this.

The first game will help teach the baby to switch attention, and will develop the individual characteristics of children's thinking. It is called “Counting with interference” and is carried out for three minutes, the player must name numbers from 1 to 20, but write them in reverse order, from 20 to 1. Afterwards, you need to count how many mistakes were made.

The “Guess the Word” exercise perfectly trains switching and other features of memory and thinking. Children are given examples written on the board to count. If the count is correct, then it will be possible, based on the numbers received, to find out whether such a word was encrypted below, in two lines. In the first one you need to arrange the letters, and sign each letter with a number.

A simple version of the game would be an exercise for younger children, based on the fact that the leader says words denoting different objects. Children should clap when the presenter names a certain type of object, for example, writing utensils. This will lead to the development of quick thinking in children, as well as voluntary attention.

Development of observation skills

Exists a large number of various exercises and game options that train the child’s observation skills, and at the same time develop his memory and thinking skills. If children have a problem with the above personality parameters, then we can offer the following exercises to correct them.

Perfect for training observation skills and short-term memory, pictures in which you need to find differences. At first glance, these images are absolutely identical, but when the baby starts to look closely, he will find differences.

In order to better examine the picture and find the differences, click on it and it will enlarge.

There are excellent games for training observation skills and correcting individual memory characteristics, for which no equipment is needed. You need to line up the players in one line and ask the children to remember appearance each of those who play.

After this, one junior schoolchild should be asked to leave the room, and the participants in the game should make minor changes to their appearance - unfasten a button, take off a badge, let down their hair. The player returning to the room must recall from memory the appearance features of each player and name what exactly has changed.

This exercise has variations when you need to train observation and the individual characteristics of the child’s thinking and memory, and also contribute to the indirect development of voluntary attention in children.

You will have to place ten objects in front of your baby and ask him to look at them carefully, and then ask him to turn away. After this, change the arrangement of objects or replace one with another. The little one who turns around must say what exactly has changed.

Distribution of attention

In order to teach your child to properly distribute his attention and conduct a little memory training, you need to use the following simple exercises:

  1. The student draws squares on a piece of paper for one minute and at the same time counts how many times the adult claps his hands.
  2. A rather complex exercise is used to distribute such a feature of thinking as attention. The baby should draw circles with one hand and a triangle with the other at the same time. This is not possible for everyone and not right away.

Parents can practice and invent similar games themselves. You just need to try to get the child to do two things at the same time. For example, I wrote down words and listened to poetry at the same time. This will develop noise immunity and also solve the problem of poor memory.

You should definitely come up with games with your children. This way you can monitor how your children are developing, and they, in turn, will be able to play independently invented games to develop voluntary attention.

Oksana Khramova
Games and exercises to develop attention in children of primary school age

Games and exercises to develop attention in children of primary school age

Attention- a mental process that is necessarily present when a child learns about the world and is manifested in the direction and concentration of the psyche on certain objects. Object attention can be everything, anything - objects and their properties, phenomena, relationships, actions, thoughts, feelings of other people and your own inner world.

Development of attention in children– one of the main tasks of parents and teachers. Thanks to to your attention Children are able to select the necessary information and filter out unimportant information.

Kinds attention:

Involuntary - weak-willed attention, which is caused by the unusualness and novelty of the stimulus;

Voluntary – a person’s conscious desire to concentrate, achieved through an effort of will;

Post-voluntary – increased interest, desire to learn something new.

Predominant attention in younger schoolchildren is involuntary, based on the orienting reflex. Students junior classes react to the new, unusual, without having skills in managing your own attention.

Properties attention:

Volume – a decrease leads to the inability to focus on several objects at the same time and keep them in mind;

Selectivity – schoolboy cannot choose and concentrate on the material that will help him solve the task, he lacks abstract thinking;

Stability and concentration - with a decrease in these factors, the student is constantly distracted and restless;

The ability to switch – allows the child to alternate types of activities;

Distribution – allows schoolboy do several things at the same time.

Attention closely related to the child's temperament. Sanguine and choleric people are restless and manage to do a lot of things in class. Phlegmatic and melancholic people are passive, they seem inattentive, but at the same time they are concentrated, studying the surrounding objects with interest.

Attentiveness– personal quality. An absent-minded child will be interested in the subject, but will not be able to fully concentrate on it.

Games, which are presented below, can be used in interaction with children according to development of attention, both in a group and individually with a child at home.

A game "Cross out the letter"

In a newspaper, old book or magazine, ask your child to cross out all the letters when given a signal. "A", trying not to miss them (the task can be gradually complicated by asking the child to cross out all the letters "A", circle all the letters "To", underline all letters "O").

A game "Around me…"

Ask your child to find around him and name objects with a certain color or shape in 15 seconds. For example: name everything you see that is round in shape, etc.

A game "Repeat after me"

Read the sentence out loud and accompany the reading by quietly tapping the pencil on the table. The child must remember the text and count the number of beats.

Exercise“I won’t go astray”

Exercise to develop concentration, distributions attention. Count out loud from 1 to 31, but the subject should not name numbers that include three. Instead of these numbers he should speak: “I won’t go astray”. TO example: “One, two, I won’t go wrong, four, five, I won’t go wrong...”

A game "What changed?"

Before the beginning games You should prepare your equipment (a variety of small items, such as matches, erasers, etc.), lay it out on the table and cover it with newspaper.

The child must remember the location of the objects within 30 seconds, turn away, and then look at the objects again and tell how their location has changed. For each item guessed, the child can be awarded 1 point, and for each mistake, 1 point can be deducted. If several people took part in the game, the winner is the one who scores the most points.

A game "Top Clap"

An adult says concept phrases if they are correct ( "It's hot in summer") the child claps if incorrect ( “They eat with a knife”) - stomps.

A game "White and black"

Instructions: Now, you and I are moving a little. I will call objects or phenomena white or black. If it is white, then you need to sit down, and if it is black, then you need to stand up and raise your hands up. Do you remember, repeat? Kit: snow, coal, flour, sugar, chalk, dirt, black crow, clouds, snowman, black currant, doctor's coat, fluff, wedding dress, chamomile petals, cotton wool, sky at night, bunny in winter, dog's nose.

A game “Laying a pattern from a mosaic or from sticks”.

The child is asked to make a mosaic (or sticks) based on a letter, number, pattern, silhouette, etc.


Yellow okolya.

Steam locomotive

Yellow acchobab.

Beautiful Anisham.

Tischip mouse.

Cherry food

Ancient agink.

Fox artich.

Teacuyam kitten.

Blue era.


Av-obus, a-leya, ap-eka, be-yoza, bo-oto,

yab-eye, wind-r, vor-ey, v-sk-esenye,

vo-ok, ge-oh, go-od, girl, der-vo,

do-oga, za-ts, zavt-ak, ka-and-sh,

k-ass, horse-i, k-rowa, lopa-a, mashi-a,

honey-ed, m-loko, m-rose, og-rod, ku-itsa,

o-urets, pal-o, pe-al, p-juice, po-idor,

risu-ok, ro-ina, rus-kiy, sa-ogi, sa-ar,

s-baka, so-oka, tet-ad, t-amvay, uch-ik,

teach, February, Yago, Ya-yk, Saint.

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Development of concentration.Proofreading assignments. The child is asked to find and cross out certain letters in printed text. This is the main type of exercise in which the child has the opportunity to experience what it means to “be attentive” and develop a state of inner concentration. Completing proofreading tasks contributes to the development of concentration and self-control when students perform written work. To carry them out, you will need any printed texts (old unnecessary books, newspapers, etc.), pencils and pens. For children 6-11 years old, it is advisable to use texts in large font. Corrective exercises should be performed daily for 5 minutes (at least 5 times a week) for 2-4 months. The lesson can be individual or group.

Instructions. Within 5 minutes, you need to find and cross out all the letters “A” (you can indicate any letter): both small and capital, both in the title of the text and in the author’s surname.

As you master the game, the rules become more complicated: the letters you are looking for change, they are crossed out in different ways, etc.; two letters are searched at the same time, one is crossed out, the second is underlined; On one line the letters are circled, on the second they are marked with a tick, etc.

All changes made are reflected in the instructions given at the beginning of the lesson. Based on the results of the work, the number of omissions and incorrectly crossed out letters is calculated. The indicator of normal concentration is 4 or fewer absences. More than 4 omissions - poor concentration. It is recommended to carry out this task in the form of a game, adhering to the following rules:

1. The game is played in a friendly atmosphere. Younger children can be additionally interested in these activities by inviting them to train to be attentive also in order to become good drivers, pilots, doctors (after first finding out what they want to be).

2. Losing should not cause feelings of displeasure, so you can introduce funny “fines”: meow as many times as you made mistakes, crow, jump on one leg, etc.

3. For children, the norm of allowed absences at each lesson should change and be approximately equal to the actual number of absences that the child makes.

4. The duration of the lesson should not exceed 5 minutes.

5. The volume of the text viewed does not matter and may vary for different children: from 3-4 sentences to several paragraphs or pages.

6. The students themselves check each other’s assignments in group classes, and they also come up with “fines.” Practice with this task shows that after the first 3-4 weeks of classes, there is a 2-3-fold reduction in errors in written assignments. To consolidate self-control skills, it is necessary to continue classes for 2-4 months. If after 4 months of classes there is no improvement, they should be stopped and seek help from a speech therapist. When working with children 6-8 years old, it is very important to observe one more condition: start each lesson with a new agreement about the possible number of errors. It is necessary to proceed from the actual number of mistakes made, so that the child does not have a feeling of hopelessness or inability to achieve the desired result. This is easy to do in individual lessons. In group classes, it can be difficult to achieve a general norm, so here you can pay attention to the variety of fines assigned by children to each other, and the individual support of the child.

In order for the developmental effect of the game to be more noticeable when the child completes written educational tasks, it is necessary, simultaneously with the introduction of the game, to change the child’s attitude towards reading a textbook on the Russian language. This can be achieved by comparative explanation of how words are read and how they are written. It should be explained to children that in the Russian language textbook, all words written in the exercise must be read aloud as they are written, naming unpronounceable letters, punctuation marks, etc. When checking a written assignment completed by a child, the teacher should emphasize that reading is written it needs to be out loud and as if it was written by “another boy or girl, and you don’t know what is written here, so pronounce each letter the way it is written.” It is necessary to pay special attention to the fact that the exercise should be perceived as if it were performed by someone else - “another girl”, “a poorly trained puppy”, since children, checking their text, start from the meaning (and it is already known) , and no amount of calls to read carefully improves matters: children do not see missing or incorrectly written letters. Attributing a completed task to another alienates one's own creation and allows one to be critical of it. For children who have difficulty concentrating, a more detailed stage of external activities is necessary.

Reading text up to a given expression. Children are asked to: read the text until the expression is pre-specified by the teacher. Exercises, based on the principle of exact reproduction of a sample. Children are offered some graphic pattern (a sequence of several letters, numbers, a geometric pattern made in cells, etc.) and are given the task of accurately reproducing it (for example, to the end of a notebook line or on several lines).

"Find the words." Words are written on the board, in each of which you need to find another word hidden in it. For example: laughter, wolf, post, scythe, regiment, bison, fishing rod, stranded, set, injection, road, deer, pie, jacket.

Distribution of numbers in a certain order. The left table contains 25 numbers from 1 to 40. You need to rewrite them in ascending order into the empty table on the right, starting to fill it out from the upper left square.

"Tangled Lines" Tracing the gaze of a line from its beginning to its end, especially when it is intertwined with other lines, contributes to the development of concentration and concentration. To complete this task, you need cards measuring 12x7 cm with mixed lines drawn in the same color.

The game is played with children 6-7 years old for 3-5 minutes daily for 3-4 weeks. The lesson can be organized as an individual or as a group. Each child receives a card with the following instructions: “Look at the card. Along the edges of the card there are vertical lines with dashes, next to which there are numbers. These numbers are connected by confusing lines (paths). Within a few minutes, you only need to use your eyes, without using your hands, to find a path (“walk along it”) leading from one number to another: from one to one, from two to two, from three to three, etc. Is everything clear?” As you master the game, new cards are offered with more intricate lines connecting different numbers: one with three, two with seven, etc. Answers are written on the back of the card: pairs of connecting numbers.

"Find differences". Tasks of this type require the ability to identify the characteristics of objects and phenomena, their details and master the comparison operation. Systematic and purposeful teaching of comparison to schoolchildren contributes to the development of the skill of timely activation of attention and its inclusion in the regulation of activity. For comparison, any objects, their images, pictures that differ in a certain number of details can be offered.

Munsterberg's technique (and its modifications). A) Words are inserted into a meaningless set of letters (most often nouns, but there can be verbs, adjectives, adverbs). You need to find them as quickly as possible without making mistakes.

B) The child is given a form with 5 lines of randomly typed letters printed on it, following each other without spaces. Among these letters, the child must find 10 words (3, 4, 5 complex) and underline them. You have 5 minutes to complete the entire task. An indicator of success can be the number of correctly found words and the speed of completing the task. Example task:

Game "Fly". This game is also aimed at developing concentration. To carry it out, you will need sheets of paper with a lined nine-cell playing field 3x3, chips (chips can be buttons, coins, pebbles). The game is played for 5-10 minutes, 2-3 times a week, for 1-2 months. The task is completed in pairs. Each pair of players is given a sheet with a lined playing field and one chip. The players are given the following instructions: “Look at a sheet of paper with lined cells. This is the playing field. But this chip is a “fly”. The “fly” sat in the middle of the sheet in the middle cell. From here she can move in any direction. But she can move only when she is given the commands “up”, “down”, “left”, “right”, turning away from the playing field. One of you, the one sitting on the left, will turn away and, without looking at the field, will give commands, the other will move the “fly”. You need to try to keep the “fly” on the field for 5 minutes and not let it “fly away” (leave the playing field). Then the partners change roles. If the “fly” “flies away” earlier, it means that the role exchange will occur earlier. All clear?" The game becomes more difficult due to the fact that the players team up in groups of three. Two people take turns giving commands, trying to keep the “fly” on the field. The third controls its “flight”. The one whose “fly” “flies away” before the agreed time gives up his place to the controller. If everyone fits into the allotted time, then they change roles in turns. A three-player game takes no more than 10 minutes, i.e. 3 minutes for each person. The winner is the one who stays in his role for the entire allotted time.

A game common among Indian hunting tribes. Children are asked to sit quietly for a short time and try to hear all possible noises and guess what they came from (the teacher can specially “organize” some noises). This game can be played as a competition: who can hear the most noises and guess their origin.

Increased attention span and short-term memory. The exercises are based on memorizing the number and order of a number of objects presented for a few seconds. As you master the exercise, the number of objects gradually increases.

Game "Notice everything". 7-10 objects are laid out in a row (you can display pictures with images of objects on a typesetting canvas), which are then closed. Having opened the objects slightly for 10 s, close them again and invite the children to list all the objects (or pictures) that they remember.

Having opened the same objects again, for 8-10 seconds, ask the children in what order they were lying. After swapping any two objects, show everything again for 10 s. Invite the children to determine which objects are rearranged. Without looking at the objects, say what color each of them is. You can come up with other variants of this game (remove objects and ask the children to name the missing one; place the objects not in a row, but, for example, one on top of the other so that the children list them in order from bottom to top, and then from top to bottom, etc.) .

Game "Search non-stop". Within 10-15 s, see around you as many objects as possible of the same color (or the same size, shape, material, etc.). At the teacher’s signal, one child begins the list, the others complete it.

Attention distribution training. The basic principle of the exercises: the child is offered to simultaneously perform two multidirectional tasks. At the end of the exercise (after 10-15 minutes), the effectiveness of each task is determined.

"Each hand has its own job." Children are asked with their left hand to slowly leaf through a book with illustrations for 1 minute (memorizing them), and with their right hand to draw geometric figures or solve simple examples. The game can be offered in a math lesson.

"Counting with interference." The child names numbers from 1 to 20, while simultaneously writing them on a piece of paper or board in reverse order: says 1, writes 20, says 2, writes 19, etc. The task completion time and the number of errors are calculated.

"Reading with interference." Children read the text while tapping a rhythm with a pencil. When reading, children also look for answers to questions.

Exercise to train attention distribution. The child is offered the following task - to cross out 1 or 2 letters in the text and at the same time they put on a children's record with a fairy tale. Then they check how many letters the child missed when crossing out and ask him to tell what he heard and understood from the fairy tale. The first failures in completing this rather difficult task may cause the child to protest and refuse, but at the same time, the first successes inspire him. The advantage of such a task is the possibility of its playful and competitive design.

Teaching primary schoolchildren “attentive writing” using the method of gradual formation of mental actions. Classes on the formation of attention are conducted as training in “attentive writing” and are based on the material of texts containing different types of errors “due to inattention”: substitution or omission of words in a sentence, substitution or omission of letters in a word, spelling a word together with a preposition, etc. As shown research, the presence of a sample text with which it is necessary to compare an erroneous text is not in itself a sufficient condition for accurately completing error detection tasks, since inattentive children do not know how to compare a text with a sample and do not know how to check. That is why all the teacher’s calls to “check your work” are ineffective. One of the reasons for this is that children focus on the general meaning of a text or word and neglect the details. To overcome global perception and develop control over the text, it is necessary to teach children to read taking into account the elements against the background of understanding the meaning of the whole.

An important point in the process of forming attention is working with a special card on which the verification rules and the order of operations when checking the text are written. The presence of such a card is a necessary material support for mastering the full action of control. As control is internalized and curtailed, the obligation to use such a card disappears. To generalize the formed control action, it is then practiced on wider material (pictures, patterns, sets of letters and numbers). After this, when special conditions are created, control is transferred from the situation of experimental learning to the real practice of educational activities. Thus, the step-by-step formation method allows you to obtain a full-fledged control effect, i.e. formation of attention.

Thus, the conducted research gives grounds to assert that the inclusion of correctional and developmental exercises and tasks in the lesson is an effective means of developing the attention of primary schoolchildren, and the put forward hypothesis is confirmed.

Analyzing the work done, we came to the conclusion:

In order to successfully conduct educational classes at school, the teacher must take into account the individual characteristics of students’ attention when preparing for each lesson;

The attention of students depends entirely on the teacher’s activities in the lesson, on the variety of ways to explain the material.

To help maintain student attention, the following tips can be suggested:

At the organizational stage, conduct games and exercises aimed at developing and correcting attention in children;

At each lesson, highlight the most difficult situations in which students need help; Without depriving work of feasible difficulty, try to prevent possible failures in children. At the same time, emphasize the slightest achievements of children, which increases their confidence in their abilities and contributes to increased attention to the subject;

When solving various practical problems, put students in conditions where they must remember something, draw on their experience, perform various measurements, make the result of their search not indifferent to themselves, and discover something new for themselves.


To develop the attention of children of primary school age, you can use the following tasks:

a) Compare the pictures with each other and name the differences. Find 5 differences in these pictures (pp. 186-187).

b) How do these pictures differ from each other? Find 10 differences (p. 188-189).

2. To train your memory, you can use figured tables and materials for conducting a proofreading test (details about the testing methodology are written below).

3. To develop the attention of younger schoolchildren, game training can be recommended.

Game training for developing the attention of younger schoolchildren

Numbers game

Students stand in a circle. The presenter offers the following game: “Now we will take turns counting from 1 to 30. Be careful, because numbers containing 3 or divisible by 3 cannot be pronounced. Instead, you need to make cotton. The one who makes a mistake is out of the game."

Can you suggest another task option: do not name numbers containing four or divisible by 4, etc.

The game can be played more than once.


188 Development of cognitive abilities of junior schoolchildren

190 Development of cognitive abilities of junior schoolchildren

A game"watch"

13 people can take part in the game (one of them is the leader). Children stand in a circle. The presenter invites them to depict the dial of a large clock; each child stands at a certain hour. They agree on where 12 o'clock will be. One of the participants in the game stands in the center, he must call the time. The presenter explains to the participants of the game that the child standing where the hour hand should be at this time must make one clap, and the child who stands where the minute hand will be must make two claps. The one who makes a mistake stands in the center of the circle and calls out the time.


Children sit comfortably in their seats. The presenter invites the choir to sing a song. for example, "Blue Car". He explains what needs to be done in this case. One clap - we start singing. Two claps - we continue to sing, but mentally. One - clap - let's sing out loud again. And so on several times until someone makes a mistake.

The one who made a mistake becomes the leader himself.

A game"alphabet"

Children sit in a circle. The letters of the alphabet are distributed among the children. The fewer participants, the more letters of the alphabet there are for each. Next, the presenter dictates a phrase. And the guys, like on a typewriter, must “print out” this phrase. Typing the required letter is indicated by clapping the hands of the participant in the game to whom this letter is assigned.


The one who makes a mistake becomes the leader. This way you can “print” several

a variety of phrases. One of the guys who has never

was the leader, the most attentive.

A game"vice versa"

The guys are sitting in a circle. The game is that the presenter shows some movements, and the guys have to do the opposite. If the leader raises his hands, the guys should their let down. If the leader clasps his palms into a fist, the children must unclench their palms.

The one who makes a mistake becomes the leader.


The participants of the game are located in a circle. The leader informs the students that they must repeat all the leader’s movements, except one. As soon as the leader's hands go down, everyone should raise their hands up, that is, do the opposite. The one who makes a mistake becomes the leader.


To conduct this game, the presenter prepares several small items in advance: a badge, an eraser, a ring, etc.

The presenter invites the game participants to carefully look around, to remember well the situation in the room, the objects in it. After this, everyone except the leader leaves. The leader places one small object in a visible place. Participants of the game are invited one by one. They are allowed to make one circle around the room and answer the question whether there is a new object and what it is. Those who do not name the item leave the game.

192 Development of cognitive abilities of junior schoolchildren


One of the guys becomes the leader, he must remember the poses of the players, their clothes, then leaves the room. During this time, players must make 5 changes in their postures and clothing. Not every player has 5, but only 5. After this, the leader enters, he must return everyone to their original position.

If the presenter has found all 5 changes, then he has good powers of observation and a high level of attention.

Each player must play the role of a leader.

A game"the most attentive"

The participants of the game stand in a semicircle. Then the leader is determined. The presenter must remember the order of the participants in the game. Then the leader turns away. At this time, the players change places. The presenter must say where his comrades stood at the beginning of the game.

All players must take the place of the leader. Everyone who made no mistakes is considered a winner.


The participants of the game are divided into pairs and stand against each other. At the leader's command, each pair begins to count from 1 to 100, with one partner saying odd numbers and the other saying even numbers. The same participants in the game are standing nearby, and they think the same. It is difficult to count in such a situation. But the participants in the game must try not to get lost. The pair that can count to 100 the fastest wins.



This exercise is aimed at developing attention and developing the ability to work in a group.

The presenter invites the game participants to “print” the words of the famous poem: “Near the Lukomorye there is a green oak tree...”.

Participants in the game must take turns calling out the letters. When the word ends, everyone must stand up, and when it is necessary to put a punctuation mark, everyone stamps their feet, at the end of the line everyone must clap their hands.

Another condition: whoever makes a mistake leaves the game.


Students are presented with a text. The presenter warns students to listen carefully and understand the content and main idea.

Then the students are presented with the same text, but with slightly changed details. The students' task is to find and correct all erroneous judgments.

Students will need pens and paper to work. Everyone works independently and must note all inaccuracies.

It is necessary to discuss who noticed how many inaccuracies.

The winner is the one who correctly noticed all the errors.


This game can be used to develop attention to several objects at once. Schoolchildren are divided into two teams.

The presenter hangs a homemade pendulum and

Related information.

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