Company commander's notes: “The barracks is a separate story. Life of a Russian soldier

- (ancient German kazarm). 1) housing for lower military ranks. 2) a building for housing workers in significant numbers. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. BARACKS house, built. for housing soldiers.... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

barracks- y, w. caserne, it. caserma German Kasarme. 1. Kaserns are buildings that are made for a soldier’s living space, 10 fathoms from the curtain wall, and at the ends of them there are pavilions and quarters for officers. 1777. Kurg. Eng. sl. The resolution was taken to use 12... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

barracks- Cm … Synonym dictionary

BARRACKS- (from Italian caserma) a building for housing personnel of a military unit; in Russia until 1917 there was also a dormitory for workers... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

BARRACKS- BARACKS, barracks, often pl., female. (Italian caserma). A government building in which a military unit is located (official military). || building for workers' dormitories at factories. || trans. An ugly, awkward building, built according to a government template (colloquial... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

BARRACKS- BARRACKS, women. 1. A special building for housing military units. 2. In pre-revolutionary Russia: a hostel for workers. | adj. barracks, oh, oh. Barracks situation (in wartime, during periods of mobilization, anxiety: mandatory permanent ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

BARRACKS- female or more barracks, a building for housing military ranks in their entirety: a building for housing workers in a significant number, etc. Barracks, related to the barracks. Kazamat, male casemate. barracks inside the fortress, covered with vaults, an embankment from... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

barracks- gloomy (P.Y.); gray (Sokolov) Epithets of literary Russian speech. M: Supplier of His Majesty's court, the Quick Printing Association A. A. Levenson. A. L. Zelenetsky. 1913... Dictionary of epithets

Barracks 6 km- Barracks station 6 km Country RussiaRussia ... Wikipedia

Barracks 37 km- Rural settlement Barracks 37 km Country RussiaRussia... Wikipedia


  • Barracks (ed. 2011), Sergey Timofeevich Grigoriev. Sergey Timofeevich Grigoriev (Grigoriev-Patrashkin). Russian writer. He began publishing in 1899. He traveled a lot around Russia. Author of historical novels and stories for children and... Buy for 2445 UAH (Ukraine only)
  • Barracks, Sergei Timofeevich Grigoriev. This book will be produced in accordance with your order using Print-on-Demand technology.

Sergey Timofeevich Grigoriev (Grigoriev-Patrashkin). Russian writer. Began publishing in 1899. Much...

Every country needs an army. Guarding borders and defending its territory has always been the initial task of any state. In order for warriors to be strong not only physically, but also morally, they must live according to a certain way of life. It is very important to maintain discipline, be independent and strictly follow instructions. All this can be learned in the barracks, surrounded by teachers and educators. Military affairs require endurance, character and will. In many ways, it is the barracks that cultivates all these qualities in soldiers. The barracks is a “school” through which every defender of the Motherland must go. Life in a team provides the best training for a man’s character.

What is a barracks?

A barracks is a building or room that houses military personnel. The barracks are designed for long-term living and are fully equipped accordingly. The number of people living in a barracks is usually less than a company.

The barracks is the place where military personnel spend almost all their time. Exercises can be carried out on the street or in special premises, but soldiers spend most of their free time here. Such buildings are built according to the barracks type, that is, with a common bedroom. They have a full-fledged life support system so that military personnel can comfortably live here for a long time. Typically, one building or floor (depending on the number of personnel) is occupied by a specific unit. Both junior command staff and ordinary soldiers live here.

Origin of the word

It would seem that barracks is a native Russian word, but no, it came to us through Polish from the Latin language. The word also appears in Italian and German. It is translated as “house of weapons”, “fortified military camp”, etc.

Living in a barracks is not easy - you have to get used to it. Young people cannot immediately adapt to new living conditions, and yet over time everything gets better. It is very important to learn to cooperate and work with a team, to understand that you are one family. The convenience of living in the barracks largely depends on the boy’s upbringing, his routine and lifestyle. If a person has been accustomed since childhood to take care of himself, to clean, to be independent and neat, then life in such a military premises will not bring any particular inconvenience. Accordingly, a person who is sloppy and unorganized will take a long time to adapt to strict discipline, the need to serve himself and the ability to compromise.

The barracks teach young “chicks” that the most important thing is to control themselves and be able to manage everything independently. This is a very important quality for a soldier, because in conditions of military operations he will have to take care of himself.


The routine in the barracks is quite strict. It is important for a young fighter to learn that you will still have to follow the rules, so it is better to get used to it from the very beginning. This routine was not invented in vain; it teaches soldiers that everything should be done in due time, as they say, “a spoon leads to dinner.” Anyone who did not know how to organize his time in civilian life and led a careless life in the army will not be able to quickly get together and react in conditions of war or other extreme situations. It is before military service that the basic qualities of a soldier are best instilled.

The barracks, the essence of which is primarily the education of a worthy warrior, lives according to a certain schedule. Getting up early is important. The day should begin in the morning, and not in the afternoon - “who gets up early...”. For those who like to sleep, this point will be the most undesirable, but once you get used to getting up early, you can discover how much free time remains at the end of the day and how fruitful this time is for any endeavors. The soldiers wake up when the bell rings and get dressed. Surely many have heard that a fighter must be fully dressed while the match is burning. After this, everyone goes out into formation and greets the leader by rank. This is followed by exercises, breakfast and basic classes in which soldiers are taught the art of war. These can be theoretical disciplines or practical exercises in the fresh air, in the gym.

Every evening, a military man can do his favorite thing, take a walk or just be alone. Due to a busy schedule during the day, fighters do not always have time to communicate and exchange information, so the evening time can be spent in the company of like-minded people.


The history of the barracks dates back to the times of the Russian Empire. Then there was a huge complex of everything that the military might need. Bakers, artisans and shoemakers also worked here. In short, the barracks were a very large system. When the question of a regular army arose, they were built throughout the country.

Today the barracks are also in use. Young people live here who have decided to connect their lives with military service. Military camps are surrounded by high walls with wire. They are also guarded by shift guards.


Life in the barracks is impossible without work. Assigned daily to defend the building, as well as perform routine tasks. The barracks, a photo of which can be seen below, is a beautiful building. If earlier the internal arrangement suffered somewhat, now the barracks are equipped with everything necessary for the military to live in comfortable conditions. We are not talking about excesses, but the most necessary and important things should be present in every barracks. Much attention is paid not only to combat training as the main activity, but also to leisure time. The soldier must have a cultural rest and develop as a comprehensive personality. There are many options to spend your free time usefully: music, books, walks, intellectual games, etc. All this is available to every military man to choose from. These are not the Middle Ages, so the dark barracks will not be a problem for literature lovers, because you can stay up late in the library.


The rules of the barracks are determined by its internal order. Each soldier makes a promise to follow the regulations, follow orders and live according to the routine of the military unit. General provisions of military order include:

  • accurate performance of duties;
  • fulfilling the requirements of commanders and complete submission to their orders;
  • active educational work;
  • following the daily routine and regulations;
  • compliance with building safety and weapon use requirements;
  • a clear system of combat training.

The barracks in the army also lives according to unspoken laws that the newcomer must follow. We are not talking about hazing, but comrades should still show some respect.

Another important rule is a uniform military uniform. It can only be worn according to established rules. For example, those serving on a contract basis may not wear a uniform in their free time, but conscripted employees are required to wear it even when on leave.

I already wrote that on my first day in the army, the guys and I immediately ended up in the barracks. To be precise, in front of the entrance there was a sign “Soldiers' Dormitory.” Considering that at the time of June 26, 2015, I had just spent the night in the student dormitory where I had lived for the last 4 years of my life, just 24 hours ago, I had certain ideas about what awaited me and the other guys behind the doors of this “soldier’s dormitory.”

However, my expectations were not met. It turned out that this soldiers' dormitory was many times newer and more comfortable than the one where I lived during the last period of my life. However, first things first. I’ll immediately make a reservation that the photographs that you will now see are not the standard and the only option for filling an army barracks. Here I have collected photographs of only those premises without which I cannot imagine any similar barracks in other parts. So, let's get acquainted!

Entrance to the company

Entrance to the company begins with the meeting of the next orderly in the company. He, as expected, is on duty at the front door, near the weapons storage room. Therefore, we cannot pass by it. A soldier entering a company is obliged to perform a military salute to the orderly and vice versa.

The red box in the first photo is where fire extinguishers are stored. There are two of them. There is, of course, more of everything in the company.

Central aisle

Central passage or “take-off”

The central passage used to be called the take-off. The Internet is still full of videos of how soldiers, during activities, washed the runway with foam and rode on mops on it. As if taking off like planes on a runway. This is where the name came from.

From the central passage you can get to almost any part of the barracks. Both the main and emergency exits are naturally connected to it. Well, access to the sleeping quarters and all public places is also only through it.

Tea room

The tea room is a favorite place for many. There is even a schedule on the front door of the tea room indicating who is allowed to use the room. So, dear mothers, fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers, as well as our beloved halves, if you bring us food, know that we are either in the dining room, or this is where we enjoy home cooking and your gifts.

There is always an important rule in the teahouse: if you eat, clean up after yourself. We have no other way!

Information and leisure room

Information and leisure room

This, by the way, is also one of the most popular rooms in the barracks. In the evening there is the opportunity to watch TV or just chat with family on the phone on weekends. And every day at 21.00 - watching the TV program “Time”. A mandatory event in the daily routine in the army!


Here, I think no special comments are needed. The toilet should always be clean, beautiful and smell delicious. And these tasks are what is actively required from.

The foot sinks are where we wash our feet with cold water every night before going to bed and also wash our socks.

Room for drying uniforms

Room for drying uniforms

A room for drying uniforms, or unofficially just a drying room. This is exactly the place where our combat boots, socks and washed clothes end up every day.

In the army, the law is simple: if the boots are not on their feet, they must hang in the dryer. It's the same with socks. in the winter season, the dryer is the warmest place in the company. After all, there are a lot of radiators there, which are especially hot in winter.

Wash room

The wash room is traditionally full only once a day - after morning physical exercise, when the morning toilet is scheduled. One way or another, I still don’t remember a time when a soldier did not have enough time to wash and clean himself up before a morning inspection.

In the last photo you can also see the washing machines that we actively use after the evening check.

Shower room

Shower room

This is what our shower room looks like. It gets especially busy in the evenings of every day, during free time from 19.00 to 21.00. In total, we have 5 shower stalls for our company of 80-90 people, which is enough for everyone to wash themselves evenly in 2 hours.

Household service room

The Housekeeping Room is a place where you can get your uniform in order and ready for tomorrow. Threads, needles, buttons, irons, gauze, uniform cleaning brushes and much more are at your complete disposal.

Here, by the way, there is also a place for haircuts for personnel. The company must have a freelance hairdresser who cuts a certain number of people’s hair every evening as needed.

Even some officers turn to his services from time to time. At such moments, he probably regrets that he cannot make good money on his skill. :-)

Sleeping area

The main place in the barracks for many. Barracks beds are especially comfortable and wonderful, because you fall into them with special pleasure every evening.

By the way, there is one interesting rule in the army on this topic.

A serviceman is prohibited from lying down or sitting on the bed until the “Hang up” command. The punishment can be severe...

By the way, in our barracks there are new beds. They don't creak or fall through. And these are pleasant bonuses that are not available to all Russian soldiers. And, if you noticed, our blankets do not have black stripes, like on the post’s avatar.

This means that we have less hassle with making the bed. Be that as it may, order in the sleeping quarters is the basis of order in the barracks.

In total, we have 3 sleeping quarters (in common parlance - cubicles) per company. Each one sleeps about 30 people. There is enough space for everyone, no complaints. Some sleeping bags even have empty seats.

And this despite the fact that our battalion is traditionally 100% staffed.

P.S. To be honest, I am incredibly glad that I live in such conditions. I repeat once again that in my dorm in St. Petersburg there was no such improvement. Well, you quickly get used to good things. This is probably why I now want, upon returning from the army to civilian life, to live in an apartment with European-quality renovation.

I look forward to your comments and photographs from your barracks and duty stations. It is incredibly interesting to find out what other conditions our soldiers live in.

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