Lesson on the development of sensorimotor perception for children with mental retardation “Colored meadows with a surprise” outline of a lesson on the surrounding world (junior group) on the topic. Corrective classes for children with mild mental retardation Note plan

State Budgetary Institution of the Russian Federation "Republican boarding house for

children "Teremok" Abakan, teacher - defectologist.

The use of correctional and developmental exercises in classes with children with moderate and severe mental retardation living in children's institutions.

The issue of working with mentally retarded children has always been one of the main and most important in the history of correctional pedagogy. Recently, public opinion has been formed regarding disabled children as people who have equal rights and opportunities for development with other people, but who need certain care, individual psychological, medical, pedagogical and social assistance\

The main task of teaching and raising children with moderate and severe mental retardation who are in orphanages is to develop their potential cognitive abilities, correct behavior, and instill in them labor and other socially significant skills and abilities.

Modern experimental studies have confirmed that the inclusion of a child with intellectual disabilities in the learning process is possible and necessary if certain conditions are provided to reveal the potential of mental, physical, emotional and social development.

Corrective lesson - the main form of organizing educational and correctional work in an institution.

A correctional developmental activity is the most traditional form of communication between an adult and a child, during which various tasks are solved to develop the child’s ways of understanding the world and correcting his shortcomings.

Directions of work in correctional classes are determined taking into account the qualification characteristics of children with developmental disabilities

When organizing correctional and developmental classes, it is recommended to remember that:

    Any correctional and developmental lesson should be a complex, including not only tasks for the development and correction of cognitive and emotional-volitional processes, speech, but also exercises for the prevention of visual impairment, elements of breathing and coordination exercises, relaxation exercises, development of fine motor skills, communication skills. skills.

    To increase the effectiveness of classes, it is necessary to use game methods and work techniques that include a competitive element; it is possible to introduce a system of fines and rewards. This principle is a good means of instilling organization, composure of actions and responsibility for the results of one’s own or team work. The reward can be a “star”, and the fine can be a “crow” (“caught a crow”, that is, he was inattentive, was often distracted, etc.), which the child receives.

Classes should be structured in such a way that one type of activity is replaced by another. Alternating active and sedentary tasks and exercises, conducting physical education sessions. Alternation of written and oral forms of work. This condition is mandatory when working with mentally retarded children, as it makes the children’s work dynamic, rich and less tiring due to frequent switching from one type of activity to another.

Using exercises to test attention. This technique is carried out with the aim of organizing attention and establishing feedback with students. These could be questions like: “who heard me, show me your thumb”; or the use of control cards: “attention!”, “Silence!”, which depict various symbols indicating these requirements; or the use of various aids that attract attention, for example a bell, or the appearance of some toy, after which students must freeze in place, minutes of silence.

Having determined the topic and goals of the lesson, the teacher models forms of communication, selects methods and techniques, and determines the format and content of the lesson.

What is important not to miss at this stage of lesson planning?

A large place in the classes is given to correctional and educational exercises that cultivate stability of attention, observation, the ability to reproduce a given series of sequential actions, the ability to switch from one movement to another, and retain a certain number of movements in memory. Techniques such as showing, accompanying with verbal explanation, showing without instructions, verbal explanation without showing are used.

Firstly, select and come up with correctional exercises that solved the assigned correctional problem and determine their place in the structure of the lesson.

It is best to do this on “Organizational. moment” because then children immediately tune in to the “right wave” and a certain emotional contact is created. \

The question always arises: “How to come up with these corrective exercises and what do they depend on?”

They depend on which of your child’s analyzers will be used as much as possible, that is, through which channel the information will “flow”: visual, auditory, motor, etc. There is no doubt that they will be involved in the lesson, but some of them will work more everyone, so it needs to be “cleaned”, that is, corrected.

In other words, the dominant (in this lesson) analyzer is corrected.

For example:

1. Lesson on modeling “Bear”.

The main actions will be related to the hands, so the correctional goal of the lesson is “Correction of fine motor skills of the hands based on exercises in coordinated movements of the fingers”

Exercise - transfer several items from one saucer to another (3-5 beans, peas, etc.)).

2. Pets. The topic of the lesson is “Cat and Dog”.

Goal: correction of visual perception based on correlation exercises.

Exercise to develop visual perception. \

Children are asked to select and show a given toy among the toys on the table. Suggested instruction: Show the dog with a pencil. Show the cat with your hand.

Children look at flat images of animals on the board, recognize and identify given animals. According to the instructions, place an image from the board on the dog and cat toy.

3. Topic: "Plants in winter: coniferous plants"

Goal: correction of visual perception based on exercises in recognition and discrimination

Exercise to correct visual perception: name the objects shown on the board.

The teacher draws outlines of plants on the board, which are superimposed on each other. Students look at this drawing for 10 seconds. Then the teacher covers the picture and the children must name the objects they saw. The exercise is repeated 2-3 times.

Literature: 1. Correctional and educational work with children with profound developmental disorders / pod. ed. D.A. Samonova. - M., 1986/2. Shipitsyna L.M., Ivanov E.S., Danilova L.A., Smirnova N.A.. Rehabilitation of children with problems in intellectual and physical development: International University of Family and Child named after. R. Wallenberg.-SPB.: Education, 1995 .- 80 p.

Synopsis of a comprehensive GCD lesson in 1st grade for children with moderate mental retardation on the topics: colors (subject-practical activities, design, manual labor) and the concept of quantity (counting).

Pimonova Elena Vladislavovna, teacher-speech pathologist of the Borisoglebsk boarding school for orphans and children without parental care with disabilities.
Description of material: I offer a summary of a complex correctional lesson in the 1st grade of direct educational activities for children with moderate mental retardation on the topics: colors (subject-practical activities, design, manual labor) and the concept of quantity (counting). The abstract was compiled in accordance with special state standards (SFGOS), which come into force on September 1, 2016.
The material I offer will be of interest to teachers working with children diagnosed with F-70, F-71, as well as preschool teachers. The lesson material is aimed at continuing the formation of the concept of “the same amount”, spatial concepts, as well as developing the ability to independently name colors (red, blue, yellow), differentiate them, and be able to correlate the visual and sound images of an object.
It is assumed that the character of the cartoon “The Engine from Romashkovo” will be present at the lesson: The engine; Brownie, as well as forest inhabitants Belka and Hare.
Target: continue to form ideas about the concept of “the same amount”, spatial concepts; continue to develop the ability to differentiate colors.
General educational and educational tasks:
- consolidation of knowledge about the concept of “the same amount” and spatial representations;
- development of the ability to independently name colors (red, blue, yellow);
- introduce the name and appearance of wild and meadow flowers;
- development of communication skills;
- fostering a friendly attitude towards each other.
Corrective tasks:
- development of purposeful actions with objects;
- development of the articulatory apparatus;
- development of speech and thinking;
- develop children's auditory and visual perception, attention;
- development of the analytical and synthetic sphere.
Lesson form: collective.
Equipment: model of a locomotive; Brownie; a Squirrel toy, a Bunny toy, subject pictures of wildflowers: bell, dandelion and poppy according to the number of children; subject pictures of insects: bees, butterflies (blue), ladybug according to the number of children; three identical cardboard boxes.
The sound of wheels is heard, accompanied by rhythmic, quiet music, and the whistle of a steam locomotive sounds.

Teacher: Guys, I hear the whistle of a steam locomotive, can you hear it?
Children: Yes.

Teacher: Look, the Little Engine arrived alone and brought us a letter.
The teacher takes out a letter from the Train's carriage.
Teacher: Let's find out what is written in the letter. I will read to you, and you listen carefully. So.
“Guys, a mischievous Breeze flew into our forest clearing and carried away all the bugs and butterflies from the flowers in different directions. Help us bring them back to the forest clearing. We are looking forward to Squirrel and Hare.”
Teacher: Well, guys, let's help the forest dwellers bring bugs and butterflies back to the clearing?
Children: Yes.
Teacher: Well, then we sit down comfortably and the Engine will whisk us to our place in an instant.
The sounds of the wheels of a locomotive

Flowers of blue (bells), red (poppies) and yellow (dandelions) are laid out on the carpet in advance. The number of wildflowers of each color corresponds to the number of children present in the lesson. Boxes are placed on one edge of the carpet (in the corners and in the center), in the first there are butterflies (they are blue), in the second there are bees (yellow), in the third there are ladybugs (red). The number of insects of each type corresponds to the number of children.
Children stand with the teacher in the center of the carpet, on which flowers are laid out

Teacher: Guys, here we are in a forest clearing. Here we are met by the Hare and the Squirrel.

Teacher: Look, the mischievous Breeze scared away all the butterflies, bees and ladybugs, so they hid in different corners. We need to get everyone back to their flowers. It is necessary to plant a blue butterfly on each blue flower, a red ladybug on each red flower, and a yellow bee on each yellow flower. But the problem is, we don’t know where to look for them. What to do? Look, Bunny and Squirrel are giving us another letter, who is it from?
The teacher takes the letter and reads it.

Teacher: Yes, it was Veterok who left us a message! Listen carefully. “Dear guys! I was having fun, playing in a forest clearing, and didn’t notice how all the butterflies and beetles got scared and hid in the boxes. Help them return to the clearing. I know that blue butterflies are hiding in the left corner of the clearing.”
Teacher: Let's find where it is?
Children must point to the box in the left corner of the carpet or do this together with the teacher. Non-speaking children, as well as children with mobility problems, take part in the game, to the best of their ability.
Teacher: Okay, let's check it out.
Children take blue butterflies out of the box. The teacher reminds them that they must seat them on blue flowers.

Teacher: Well done! You did an excellent job on this task. Blue butterflies sit on blue flowers. Does anyone know what these blue flowers are called?
If the children find it difficult to name a flower, then the teacher himself says that it is a bell that grows in forest clearings and meadows.
Teacher: And now I suggest you rest a little. Get ready.
The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up (hands on the belt)
I didn't want to sleep anymore.
Moved, stretched (hands up, stretch to the right, left)
Soared up and flew (running)
The sun will just wake up in the morning,
The butterfly circles and curls.
Teacher: Now let’s continue reading Veterok’s letter: “The red ladybugs hid in the right corner of the clearing.” Let's find where it is?
Children must point to the box in the right corner of the rug.
Teacher: Okay, let's check it out.
Children take ladybugs out of a box. The teacher reminds them that they must seat them on red flowers.

Teacher: Well done! And you did an excellent job with this task. Red ladybugs sit on red flowers. Does anyone know what these red flowers are called?
If the children find it difficult to name the flower, the teacher himself says that it is a poppy that grows in forest clearings and meadows.
Teacher: Now let’s continue reading Veterok’s letter: “The yellow bees hid in the middle of the clearing.” Let's find where it is?
Children must point to the box that is in the middle of the clearing.
Teacher: Okay, let's check it out.
Children take bees out of a box. The teacher reminds them that they must seat them on yellow flowers.

Teacher: Well done! And you did an excellent job with this task. Yellow bees sit on yellow flowers. Does anyone know what these yellow flowers are called?
If the children find it difficult to name the flower, the teacher himself says that it is a dandelion that grows in forest clearings and meadows.
When insects are placed on flowers, children are invited to look at their hands, which helped them in their work.
Teacher: Guys, look at your hands, they were your helpers, now they should rest.
Physical exercise.
The teacher recites the verse, accompanying with finger movements.
- Here are my assistants,
Turn them any way you want
Do you want it this way, do you want it this way -
They won't be offended at all.
Hands forward, fingers straightened and unclenched, palms turned down. Fingers clench and unclench to the beat of the verse.
Teacher: Well done! Look at our beautiful meadow and tell me how many blue flowers and how many butterflies we have?
Children: There are as many blue flowers as there are blue butterflies.
Similar questions are asked about red flowers and yellow ones.
Teacher: Great! We returned all the inhabitants of the forest clearing, found out that there are as many blue flowers as blue butterflies, as many red flowers as ladybugs, and as many yellow flowers as bees. OK it's all over Now! Let's wish the forest inhabitants good luck, but it's time for us to go home. Let's take our seats and head back to class!
The sound of the wheels of a locomotive sounds.
Teacher: Here we are at home! Now it’s time to say goodbye to the Little Engine, let’s wave to him and look forward to his visit again.
Children accompany the train.
Teacher: Look, Brownie is already waiting for us. Rather, let's tell him about our adventures.

Correction and development program
for primary school age students
educational institution
(with mental retardation)
Explanatory note
Junior school age is the most important stage of school childhood. The high sensitivity of this age period determines the great potential for the child’s diversified development.

The program is designed for the academic year and consists of a series of regularly scheduled meetings.
The duration of one lesson in a subgroup of students is 20 minutes. Frequency of classes - 1 time per week.
STAGE 1: Diagnostic. Determination of the primary level of development.
The diagnostic stage includes examinations, during which information about each person is collected (see Psychological Examination Card). The information obtained helps to outline directions for correctional and developmental work. Based on this information, a profile is compiled for each child, which determines the direction of correctional work.
STAGE 2: Corrective:
The tasks are aimed at the development of basic mental functions (attention, memory, mental operations, perception), the development of oral speech, correction and development of fine motor skills.
+ by the end of the first half of the year, intermediate diagnostics are carried out
STAGE 3: Diagnostic
The block for assessing the effectiveness of correctional interventions is aimed at analyzing changes in cognitive processes.
The program is designed for 34 lessons
GOAL: Based on the creation of optimal conditions for cognition of each object, to give the child a correct multifaceted multifunctional understanding of the surrounding reality, which helps optimize his mental development and more effective socialization in the educational environment and society.
The objectives of the training course are to correct the following mental processes:
The ability to find dependencies and patterns, classify and systematize material;
Spatial representation and imagination;
The ability to foresee the results of one’s actions;
Ability to perform basic crafts
Correction of fine motor skills of the hand.
Learn to highlight the main thing in the text.
Section title, lesson topics Quantity
1-2 Input diagnostics 2
Development of attention 7
3-4 Find the differences 2
5 Find a pair 1
6 Find absurdities 1
7 Find the cut out pictures and color them 1
8 Complete what the artist didn’t finish 1
9 Labyrinth 1
Development of thinking 7
10 Color and count 1
11 What numbers are hidden 1
12 Didactic game “Collecting a Christmas tree” 1
13 Encrypted words 1
14 Exercise “Make a story” 1
15 What first, what then 1
16 Decipher proverb 1
17-18 Interim diagnostics 2
Memory development 5
19 Remember the picture and draw it from memory 1
20 Remember pairs of pictures 1
21 Remember a series of words 1
22 Remember the drawing and color what has changed 1
23 Learning poem 1
Development of fine motor skills 6
24 Color the picture 1
25 Graphic dictation according to sample 1
26 Exercise "draw with one hand" 1
27-28 Complete the drawing to make picture 2
29 Draw what’s missing 1
Development of spatial perception 3
30 Orientation on a sheet of paper (highlighting all corners) 1
31 Spatial orientation on the surface of desk 1
32 Count how many cubes figure 1 consists of
33-34 Final diagnostics 2
Lesson 1

Hearing: car, apple, pencil, spring, lamp, forest, rain, Flower, pan, sparrow. Visual: plane, pear, pen, winter, candle, field, nut, frying pan, duck, lightning. Motor-auditory: Train, cherry, notebook, autumn, chandelier, clearing, thunderstorm, mushroom, cup, chicken.
Analysis of results

Text The old swans bowed their proud necks before him. Adults and children crowded on the shore. Below them lay an icy desert. In response, I nodded to him. The sun reached the tops of the trees and hovered behind them. Weeds are tenacious and prolific. I had already fallen asleep when someone called out to me. There was a map of our city on the table. The plane is here to help people. I soon succeeded by car.

Methodology for studying perception
Read the sentence and write down the resulting phrase (words): IN WINTER THE BEAR FALLS TO Hibernate.

Lesson 2

Establish consistency in deformed texts.
The child is offered a text with a broken logic of presentation. After reading the text, he must reproduce the text in the correct order.
Sample texts
Masha chose a candy from a vase. I ate it with pleasure. Then she unwrapped the candy wrapper and took out the candy.
In the morning
Sasha got up, washed, brushed his teeth, and had breakfast. Then he went to kindergarten. Sasha woke up.

"Find the odd one out"
Cross out what you don't need
Goose, duck, chicken, rooster, fish. Carrot, cucumber, potato, candy, cabbage. Spoon, bread, plate, fork, knife. Sun, moon, wind, star, planet. Tulip, carnation, chamomile, watermelon, rose. Katya, coat, skirt, jacket, dress. Doll, ball, pencil, bear, car. Wolf, sheep, goat, dog, horse. Truck, plane, trolleybus, train, bicycle. Spring, summer, autumn, frost, winter.

Instructions: “These pairs of words can be called in one word, for example: Pants, dress... - clothes. Come up with a name for each pair: a) Broom, shovel... b) Perch, crucian carp... c) Summer, winter... d) Cucumber, tomato... e) Lilac, rosehip. f) Wardrobe, sofa... g) Day, night... h) Elephant, ant... i) June, July... j) Tree, flower... Lesson 3-4
Find differences

Lesson 5
Find a match
Pick a pair:
weak cheese
fresh light
raw salad
napkin ripe sausages salty herring sunny plums capable student brave
sister happy locksmith dry
formal shirt
Lesson 6
Find absurdities

Lesson 7
Find the cut out pictures and color them.

Lesson 8
Finish what the artist didn’t finish

Lesson 9

Lesson 10
Color and count

Lesson 11
What numbers are hidden?
color each number a different color
Lesson 12
Didactic game “Collecting a Christmas tree”

Lesson 13
Encrypted words
Assignment: take only the first syllables of each word and create a new word:
Assignment: take the second syllables from each word and create a new word:
Assignment: take the last syllable from each word and create a new word:
Lesson 14
Exercise “MAKE A STORY”.
Read parts of the story. Make up a story from these parts. Illustrate the sequence with numbers. Choose the title of the story.
The guys caught fish and cooked fish soup. The sky was strewn with stars, and a nightingale trill came to us from the forest. It was warm and cozy there. One day we went hiking. The fish soup was very tasty. At night we slept in tents. In the evening we stopped at the edge of the forest. We pitched a tent and lit a fire.
Lesson 15
What first, what then

Lesson 16
Decipher the saying.
Using the code, you need to decipher the saying. What other sayings and proverbs about studying do you know?

Lesson 17
Interim diagnostics
Study of the leading type of memory
Hearing:. airship, paw, apple, pencil, thunderstorm, duck, hoop, mill, parrot, leaf Visual: table, viburnum, chalk, elephant, park, legs, hand, gate, window, tank. Motor-auditory: ant, log, house, child, finger, tiger, flea, cockroach, star, flowerAnalysis of results
The normal amount of immediate memory should be considered memorizing 5-9 words. If in any experiment the subject remembered 10 words, then he used some kind of system of means about which it is advisable to learn from self-report and observations.
Methodology for studying the level of attention
Instructions for the test “Read this text. Check it out. If you find errors in it (including semantic ones), correct them with a pencil or pen.” The researcher records the time spent working with the text, the characteristics of the child’s behavior (does he work confidently, how many times does he check the text, reads to himself or out loud, etc.). Finding and correcting errors does not require knowledge of the rules, but attention and self-control are required. The text contains 10 errors.
Text It was a long time ago, about forty years ago. In the fall I was returning from fishing and saw a bird. She heard me, hid in the grass and started running, clumsily falling on her side. I took the bird and, blind from the chase, in the passion of the hunt, I choked it with a raw rod.
Processing and interpretation of test results
The number of missed errors is counted: 0-2 – the highest level of attention, 3-4 – an average level of attention, more than 5 – a low level of attention.
Methodology for studying perception
Read the sentence and write down the resulting phrase (words): BUNNY CLEARED THE HOUSE OF THE EGG POD DRESS STALZ AYKA.
Methodology for studying imagination

Lesson 18
Interim diagnostics
Methods for studying logical thinking
Continue the sentence with one of the words in brackets. To do this, underline it.
1. The boot has (lace, buckle, sole, straps, button)
2. Lives in warm regions (bear, deer, wolf, camel, seal)
3. Per year (24, 3, 12, 4, 7 months)
4. Month of winter (September, October, February, November, March)
5. The father is older than his son (often, always, sometimes, rarely, never)
6.Time of day (year, month, week, day, Monday)
7. City of Russia (Paris, Moscow, London, Warsaw, Sofia)
Researching abilities eliminating unnecessary things
"Find the odd one out"
Cross out what you don't need
orange, cabbage, apple, lemon;
goose, donkey, chicken, turkey;
glass, wood, fragile
Tuesday, winter, Wednesday, Thursday;
tram, metro, trolleybus, dump truck;
sea, wrinkles, marine, sailor.
Research on Generalization Abilities
Name each group of words in one word:
Faith, Hope, Love, Elena - ...
a, b, c, c, n - ...
table, sofa, armchair, chair - ...
Monday, Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday - ...
January, March, May, July - ...
Moscow, Baku, Chisinau, Minsk - ...
cup, saucer, glass, pan - ...
carrots, beets, onions, potatoes - ...
Lesson 19
Remember the picture and draw it from memory
Lesson 20
Remember a couple of pictures

Lesson 21
Remember a series of words
Ball, Kitchen, Rain, Pear, Samovar, Flower, Pencil, Air, Fish
Lesson 22
Remember the drawing and color what has changed

Lesson 23
Learn a poem
The hedgehog stomped and stomped up the hill.
Things didn't move quickly.
Tired, angry,
I sat down on a bump and was surprised:
“How short the legs are!
Like buttons on a hat.
They don't let you rise up
To become the fastest!"
The hedgehog sighed, then bent down,
And curled up into a prickly ball,
Turned into a light ball
Rolled down the hill,
He walked up for so long,
To become the fastest.
Lesson 24
Color the picture

Lesson 25
Graphic dictation based on the model
1 cell up, 6 cells right, 1 cell down, 1 cell left, 2 cells down, 3 cells right, 1 cell up, 1 cell left, 1 cell up, 4 cells right, 1 cell down, 1 cell right, 3 cells down, 1 cell left, 1 cell down, 1 cell left, 1 cell down, 2 cells left, 1 cell up, 1 cell left, 1 cell up, 1 cell left, 1 cell down, 1 cell left, 1 cell down, 2 cells left, 1 cell up, 1 cell left, 1 cell up, 1 cell left, 2 cells up, 1 cell right, 3 cells up, 1 cell left.

Lesson 26
Instructions: Draw exactly the same picture.

Lesson 27
Draw it to make a picture

Lesson 28
Torn paper applique

Lesson 29
Draw what's missing

Lesson 30
Orientation on a sheet of paper (highlighting all corners)
Game "Decorate the Christmas tree." Each child has a Christmas tree drawn on a piece of paper, but all the balls on it are white. Children paint the balls according to the teacher's instructions.

Lesson 31
Spatial orientation on the desk surface
Geometric dictation. For example: put 1 blue square in the upper left corner, 2 red triangles in the upper right corner, 3 blue circles in the middle of the sheet, 1 green rectangle in the lower left corner, and a yellow star in the lower right corner.
Lesson 32
Count how many cubes the figure consists of

Lesson 33
Final diagnostics
Study of the leading type of memory
Hearing: car, vase, birch, book, flower, machine, dove, rocket, cabbage, world Visual: pencil, sun, plane, pear, pen, winter, candle, field, book, hand Motor-auditory: snow, pharmacy, elephant, park, legs, hand, gate, window, duck, house Analysis of results
The normal amount of immediate memory should be considered memorizing 5-9 words. If in any experiment the subject remembered 10 words, then he used some kind of system of means about which it is advisable to learn from self-report and observations.
Methodology for studying the level of attention
Instructions for the test “Read this text. Check it out. If you find errors in it (including semantic ones), correct them with a pencil or pen.” The researcher records the time spent working with the text, the characteristics of the child’s behavior (does he work confidently, how many times does he check the text, reads to himself or out loud, etc.). Finding and correcting errors does not require knowledge of the rules, but attention and self-control are required. The text contains 10 errors.
Yura lived in a large and friendly family. Everyone in this family worked. Only Yura was not working. He was only five years old.
Once, Yurina’s family went to catch fish and cook fish soup. We caught a lot of fish and gave them all to grandma. Yura also caught one fish. Ruff. And I also gave it to my grandmother. For fish soup.
Grandma cooked fish soup. The whole family on the shore sat down around the pot and started praising their ears:
- That’s why our fish soup is delicious because Yura caught a huge ruff. That’s why our fish soup is fatty and rich, because fish soup is fattier than catfish.
And even though Yura was small, he understood that the adults were joking. How big is linavar from a tiny brush? But he was still happy. He was happy because in the big family ear there was his little fish.
Processing and interpretation of test results
The number of missed errors is counted: 0-2 – the highest level of attention, 3-4 – an average level of attention, more than 5 – a low level of attention.
Methodology for studying perception
Read the sentence and write down the resulting phrase (words):
Methodology for studying imagination
What does the item look like? Complete the drawing

Lesson 34
Final diagnostics
Methods for studying logical thinking
Instructions: “Choose one of the words enclosed in brackets that correctly completes the sentence you started.” a) The boot has... (lace, buckle, sole, straps, button). b) In warm regions lives... (bear , deer, wolf, camel, seal),c) In the year... (24, 3, 12, 4, 7) months.d) The month of winter... (September, October, February, November, March).e ) The largest bird... (crow, ostrich, falcon, sparrow, eagle, owl). c) Roses are... (fruits, vegetables, flowers, tree). g) The owl always sleeps... (at night, morning, afternoon, evening), h) Water is always... (clear, cold, liquid, white, tasty). i) A tree always has... (leaves, flowers, fruits, roots, shadow). j) City of Russia... (Paris, Moscow, London, Warsaw, Sofia).
Researching abilities eliminating unnecessary things
"Find the odd one out"
Cross out what you don't need
Tulip, lily, bean, chamomile, violet. River, lake, sea, bridge, swamp. Doll, teddy bear, sand, ball, shovel. Ivan, Peter, Nesterov, Makar, Andrey. Chicken, rooster, swan, goose, turkey. Number, division, subtraction, addition, multiplication. Monday, January, Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday
Research on Generalization Abilities
What common word can be used to describe the following words:
bread, butter, porridge, milk
plate, vase, cup
dog, cat, cow, chicken
bus, plane, train, ship, car
fly agaric, boletus, white
tomato, cabbage, carrot
socks, shorts, jacket, jeans

Methodology for conducting correctional classes with mentally retarded children (ID) in a correctional boarding school.


Mentally retarded children are capable of development, although it occurs slowly, atypically, with many, sometimes sharp deviations, nevertheless, it represents a progressive process that introduces qualitative changes in the mental activity of children, in their personal sphere.

The purpose of educational work - socialization of pupils.Main (general) task - maximum correction of deficiencies.

The content of correctional and educational work is as follows:

1. Correction of basic mental processes (thinking, speech, perception, memory, attention, imagination) in the process of education occurs first of all through correctional classes, and then through other types of activities (creative, labor, etc.), which aimed at correcting developmental defects and social adaptation in modern society.

2. Correction and development of students’ communication skills: formation of an adequate self-assessment of their capabilities and interpersonal communication skills.

3. Development and optimization of interhemispheric interaction, voluntariness, increasing the regulatory role of intelligence in the behavior of students and self-control.

N.P. Konyaeva, T.S. Nikandrova argue that CORRECTIONAL ACTIVITY is associated with consolidating the positive qualities of the individual and the team, overcoming negative phenomena. Specific results of the development and self-development of the team and the individual are presented as certain new formations in the children's team and reflect the formation of the qualities of the individual, his abilities, needs, motives, beliefs, feelings, mastery of certain knowledge, skills and abilities.

Based on the above, a structure for a correctional lesson has been developed that is optimal for the conditions of a correctional boarding school and allows the lesson to be structured as efficiently as possible, without overworking the student.


Direction: "______________ "


Target: noun

Tasks: verb

Correctional - educational.

Corrective and developmental.

Correctional and educational.

Planned result:


Dictionary words.


Progress of the lesson.

Start of class ritual (the psychological mood for the lesson is aimed at organizing the children, equalizing the emotional state so that they can work in a group, and focusing on the personality of the teacher.)

Introduction to the topic (exercises to include children in the lesson or to arouse children’s interest in the material of this lesson).

Correctional and developmental block (work on the main topic). It is carried out in accordance with the set goals and objectives of correctional pedagogical work and involves obtaining, practicing, forming certain knowledge, skills, development of certain mental functions, etc. The main part includes tasks, exercises, games, the content of which is aimed at implementing program content, i.e. assigned tasks. The number of tasks, exercises and games depends on the complexity, age of the children, their ability, duration of the lesson, etc.

Phys. minutes.

Lesson summary (is a generalizing part of the lesson). Involves the formulation of conclusions on the lesson, control (self-control), assessment (self-assessment) of the participants in the lesson. In this regard, in the final part, assignment questions are provided aimed at summarizing the material.

End of class ritual (end of class). This is the end of activity, but not communication. Therefore, the ritual should, on the one hand, show that the lesson is over, on the other hand, show that the children are ready to communicate in a group. The ritual can be the same, or it can be thematic.

Reflection (self-analysis of activities and their results).

It is necessary to take a responsible approach to formulating goals and objectives. It is clear that the goal is the basis that reflects the content of the entire correctional lesson. The goal is formulated as a noun and assumes the following beginning:


Continuation of acquaintance...



Formation of skills...


It is necessary to take the formulation of tasks no less responsibly, since they reveal the goal and reflect the content of certain blocks of correctional classes. Objectives are formulated as a verb.

There is no need to separate the correction task separately. The tasks are already corrective, since throughout the entire lesson there is a correction of certain shortcomings (defects).

When formulating tasks, it is important to understand well what needs to be developed, educated, formed, etc. For example, in no case should the task be set to correct cognitive processes, or speech, memory, thinking, attention, etc.

Why? ( question to the audience).

During the correctional lesson (20-30 minutes) it is impossible to cover the development and correction of all mental processes. This is virtually impossible.

For example, a teacher should know well what thinking is, the thinking characteristics of a mentally retarded child, and what exactly he needs to correct and develop in a specific lesson (cycle of lessons).

Question to the audience- types of thinking, the most disturbed and preserved type of thinking.

I remind youthinking is inextricably linked with language; it is carried out in speech form. Speech is a means of thinking, a tool of communication between people, a way of transmitting thoughts and feelings from one person to another. The most impaired is verbal-logical thinking, and the most intact is visual-effective thinking.

For example, it is necessary to lay a full-fledged foundation for visually effective and visually imaginative thinking. In the process of developing visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking, conditions are created for the formation of a recreating imagination (the child has the opportunity to mentally reproduce a visual situation based on a word).

This approach applies to all other mental processes.

I bring to your attention an approximate list of correctional tasks.


1. Develop your horizons and observation skills.

2. Develop the ability to generalize objects and highlight the main thing in them.

3. Develop flexibility and quick thinking.

4. Develop logical thinking, the ability to think consistently, and notice inconsistency in judgments.

5. Teach object recognition based on a description of individual features.

6. Teach children to find the cause of events.

7. Develop the ability to establish patterns.

8. Develop the ability to think consistently.

9. Develop the ability to compare...

10. Stimulate verbal regulation and visual-figurative thinking when performing physical exercises.


1. Development of initiative speech.

2. Development of coherent speech as a means of communication.

3. Development of coherent speech.

4. Development of the ability to clearly pronounce each word.

5. Carry out work to cleanse the dictionary of distorted, colloquial and slang words.

6. Enrich vocabulary and develop practical ability to use it.

7. Teach to listen and understand questions, and ask questions yourself.

8. Teach children to ask questions correctly.

9. Develop the ability to reproduce from memory the details of what was seen.

10.Develop the ability to construct sentences with words from the text read.


Promote the development of concentration, distribution and stability of attention.

Promote the development of active attention.

Promote the development of auditory attention (testing the ability to listen and follow instructions from an adult).

To develop the skill of self-control in the process of planning activities.

To develop the skill of self-control, the ability to perform tasks according to a model.

Development of voluntary attention during the game.

To develop children’s skills by step-by-step checking their work...

Raising and developing in children such personality traits as perseverance, independence, discipline….


Develop observation, selectivity and integrity of visual and auditory perception.

Help children understand their emotions and feelings.

Contribute to the enrichment of the emotional sphere of children.

Develop the ability to understand other people's emotions.

Cultivate a sense of empathy and contribute to the creation of an emotionally positive background of communication in the children's team.

Teach the child to perceive himself as an individual, to be aware of his own capabilities.

To develop in children the ability to sympathize with others.

Develop the ability to react constructively to disappointment and failure, and make decisions independently.

To develop in children the ability to navigate social life and be able to communicate with other children.

Enrich sensory cognitive experience (based on the formation of skills to observe, compare, highlight essential features of objects and phenomena and reflect them in speech).


To teach how to use comparison in the process of memorizing...

Develop the ability to find similarities and differences between objects.

Develop the ability to consciously and purposefully remember essential information and facts (highlighting the essential).

To develop the ability to divide material into separate semantic parts, comprehend each of them and establish logical connections and relationships between them.

Develop interest and a positive attitude towards the material in the process of learning and memorizing.

Encourage independent and active work.

Form purposeful activity in the process of performing practical and game tasks.

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