"healthy lifestyle in the family" consultation on the topic. The role of the family in creating a healthy lifestyle (report) About a family healthy lifestyle

Our family and healthy lifestyle

A family is a special unit of society where people live according to their own rules. Our family prefers to lead a healthy lifestyle, or in other words, simply live and enjoy life, but in such a way that our habits do not harm our health.

I am 44 years old and do not know such problems as: shortness of breath, high blood pressure, excess weight. My parameters are 90/60/90 with a weight of 50 kilograms, probably every woman’s dream. I believe that a healthy lifestyle for our family is of no small importance. No, we don’t go on constant starvation diets and, in general, we don’t deny ourselves anything. We just stick to proper nutrition, prefer an active lifestyle and don’t indulge in bad habits, that is, we don’t abuse alcohol and smoking.

How we eat

There is one phrase that a person eats to live, and does not live to eat. This is roughly the rule we live by. There is always meat on the table (but not fatty), cereals, pasta, vegetables, dairy products, seafood, fish, fruits and desserts. That is, the diet contains almost everything you need.

Now a little more about nutrition

Fast food brings great harm to humans. These are hamburgers, pies, sausages, dumplings and all with mayonnaise, hot seasonings and, moreover, with various harmful ingredients. There is a golden rule: let there not be a large amount of food on the table with a huge content of soy, chemicals and the like, but a small amount of good natural food. Let there be a small piece of good boiled meat with a light vegetable salad, rather than several kilograms of smoked meats of dubious origin.

Manufacturers add various flavorings and flavoring additives to their products, and this all only increases appetite and therefore people involuntarily eat slightly more than the required amount of food. In addition, all such already fatty, high-calorie foods are additionally flavored with factory-made mayonnaise, which is also high in calories and contains chemical additives.

This is not the case in our family. We have long abandoned all semi-finished products. We cook ourselves. Many people say that this takes a long time and is expensive. This is not true. If you take into account the cost of semi-finished products, then buying a kilogram of meat once a month will not be expensive. Of course, you don’t have to eat it all at once. Add vegetables and greens in large quantities to the meat. That's it, there should be plenty of fruits and vegetables on the table; you shouldn't skimp on them. It’s better to buy a few kilograms of apples instead of a kilogram of sausages and snack on them than to get carried away with sandwiches.

About cooking healthy food

How do we cook? Very simple. We don’t fry, but prefer to cook either in a regular saucepan or steam in a slow cooker, and sometimes we use stewing. It's much faster than frying. Putting vegetables or meat into boiling water is faster and more convenient than standing at the stove and thoroughly frying on all sides. And cutting a vegetable salad will only take a few minutes.

Sample menu in our family


  • Either oatmeal with dried fruits, or low-fat cottage cheese with fruits, or vegetable puree.
  • Tea and preferably with herbs (especially in the summer I collect all the herbs at the dacha: mint, currant leaves, raspberries, birch, strawberry and others), or rosehip decoction. Sometimes instead of tea - chicory (it is quite possible with low-fat milk). Instead of sugar, I add honey to tea.

Honey is also added to cottage cheese or porridge. Very tasty. And after such a meal there is no heartburn, belching or heaviness in the stomach.

  • In the morning, you can treat yourself to a piece of cheese or a hard-boiled egg. By the way, in the morning you can eat whatever you want and as much as you want.


  • Any soup with chicken or meat or fish. I only use recycled broth. I put meat or chicken in cold water, after it boils and cooks for about 10 minutes, I pour out the broth and pour water again and now after boiling I put the meat in again. Everything harmful and fatty was thrown out with the first broth, and what was left was only beneficial. You can season the soup with vegetables and herbs. Only vegetables: I don’t fry carrots, onions, tomatoes, I just add them 5 minutes before readiness. And quickly and there are no extra calories in the soup, which means no problems with excess weight and gastrointestinal diseases.
  • For the second course - any side dish. This can be boiled rice, buckwheat or any porridge cooked in water, or simply boiled or stewed vegetables (it is better to boil them in a slow cooker). For a side dish - a little boiled meat, chicken or fish. I usually take them out of the broth cooked for soup. If the side dish was porridge or rice, then there is always a salad of any vegetables or herbs. There is never mayonnaise or ketchup. I dress the salad with either olive or vegetable oil with lemon juice and apple cider vinegar.
  • For dessert - compote or fruit drink.

Afternoon snack:

  • An apple baked in the microwave (this takes a couple of minutes), or just any fruit, as well as low-fat yogurt or homemade crackers and cookies. Why homemade? Because I put either honey or a little sugar and only a little butter in them. There are no substitutes or anything superfluous in home-baked goods. It doesn't take long to bake. There would be a desire.


  • Vegetables with fish, or a salad of boiled vegetables, a piece of boiled meat is quite suitable. Sometimes I cook cabbage rolls (only from lean meat and add vegetables to the filling). In general, I try to include more vegetables in my diet.

We also love dumplings with dumplings. Only homemade ones. Why not? After all, the most important thing is that they are non-greasy and chemical-free. For dinner, dumplings made with fresh cabbage and seasoned with olive oil are very good. Our family loves dumplings with mushrooms and fish. It is important not to overeat and not at night.

As you can see from the menu, we do not deny ourselves anything. There is always plenty on the table. We just don’t eat everything and in large quantities.

And now about sports

Often, many diseases arise in people from a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle. Therefore, we need to move more. My work is near the computer. To avoid problems, I try to just take walks along the street once a day. Although my little daughter helps me a lot with this. Whether you want it or not, you will always go for a walk with her once or twice a day.

My family and I like to go to the pool, skate, ski, bike, or just go hiking in nature. This is not only sport, it is communication and just a boost of energy for a long time. By the way, we don’t refuse barbecue while camping. Why not? We just cook them ourselves according to our own recipe.

What also saves me is my love for shaping and fitness from a young age. They say that in order to get involved in this business, it is enough not to miss 20 workouts. I simply need these classes. If I don’t exercise, I immediately feel that I become clumsy and clumsy. At 44 years old, I can calmly do the splits and stand on the bridge. I already know what osteochondrosis is, and only my gymnastics helps me. This does not require much time, sometimes just half an hour is enough and you are back to normal and in a great mood.

My physical education

I don’t train until I win, that is, until I fall. Three times a week for 30-40 minutes is enough for me. Most often I work out right at home. I turn on my favorite music, take dumbbells, a jump rope, a hoop and go. First, a warm-up, then abdominal exercises, strength exercises, stretching, and then just dance moves, and twirling a hoop. It's simple. But I feel great for a long time.

Bad habits

No, we are not prudes. A glass of good wine during the holidays – why not? But on holidays, and therefore good, elite wine in moderation. It’s also impossible without this. In the circle of close and dear people, you definitely need to raise a glass and say good, warm words. There is only one condition - there must be a good appetizer to go with good wine. You shouldn't drink on an empty stomach.

As for smoking, this is not the case. We completely deny this. This is already harmful to health. It affects your health, your appearance, and it’s just a waste of money. To be honest, we don’t even understand why people smoke? We don't see anything pleasant in him. We don’t judge others, but we don’t need that.

This is roughly how we live. Nothing out of the ordinary. It's simple. We love life, our children, loved ones and rejoice in what we have.

Kashevarova Irina Borisovna. Perm region, Perm

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GKKP “Nursery-garden No. 27 of the education department of the akimat of the city of Kostanay”

Topic: “The role of family in creating a healthy lifestyle.”

Educator: Abdrakhmanova A.M.

Kostanay 2015.

“Take care of your health from a young age!” - this proverb has a deep meaning. The formation of a healthy lifestyle should begin with the birth of a child so that a person already develops a conscious attitude towards his health.

The conditions on which the direction of the formation of a child’s personality, as well as his health, depend, are laid down in the family. What is instilled in a child from childhood and adolescence in the family in the sphere of moral, ethical and other principles determines all his future behavior in life, attitude towards himself, his health and the health of others.

Even at early school age, a child is not yet able to consciously and adequately follow basic hygiene and sanitation standards, fulfill the requirements of a healthy lifestyle, and take care of his own health and the health of others. All this brings to the fore the task for parents to develop, as early as possible, in a small child the skills and abilities that contribute to maintaining their health.

Of course, the health of children directly depends on living conditions in the family, health literacy, hygiene culture of parents and their level of education.

As a rule, adults become interested in the problem of developing healthy lifestyle habits only when the child already needs psychological or medical help. The readiness for a healthy lifestyle does not arise by itself, but is formed in a person from an early age, primarily within the family in which the child was born and raised.

A healthy lifestyle serves to strengthen the entire family. The child must learn the best family traditions, understand the meaning and importance of family in a person’s life, the role of the child in the family, and master the norms and ethics of relationships with parents and other family members. Spiritual health is the peak that everyone must climb to for themselves.

The main taskfor parents is: the formation in the child of a moral attitude towards his health, which is expressed in the desire and need to be healthy, to lead a healthy lifestyle. He must realize that health is the most important value for a person, the main condition for achieving any life goal, and everyone is responsible for maintaining and strengthening their health. In this, nothing can replace the authority of an adult. Therefore, parents themselves must embrace the philosophy of a healthy lifestyle and embark on the path of health.

There is a rule:

“If you want to raise your child healthy, follow the path of health yourself, otherwise there will be nowhere to lead him!”

The home regime of a preschooler is one of the important components of family education, which allows you to maintain a high level of performance, delay fatigue and eliminate overwork. The family organizes a rational home regime - sleep, optimal motor mode, balanced nutrition, hardening, personal hygiene, moral and ethical education.

The routine in kindergarten should correspond to the routine at home.

Another very important problem related to children’s health is watching TV and using a computer. A computer and TV are undoubtedly useful for the development of a child’s horizons, memory, attention, thinking, and coordination, but subject to a reasonable approach to the choice of games and programs, as well as the child’s continuous time spent in front of the screen, which should not exceed 30 minutes.

When creating a healthy lifestyle for a child, the family must instill in the child the following basic knowledge, skills and abilities:

Knowledge of the rules of personal hygiene, hygiene of residential and educational premises, clothing, shoes, etc.;

The ability to correctly build a daily routine and implement it;

Ability to analyze dangerous situations, predict consequences and find a way out of them;

The ability to interact with the environment, to understand under what conditions the habitat (home, classroom, street, road, forest) is safe for life;

Knowledge of the main parts of the body and internal organs, their location and role in the life of the human body;

The ability to measure height, body weight, determine the frequency of your pulse and breathing.

Understanding the importance of a healthy lifestyle for personal health, well-being, and academic success;

Knowledge of the basic rules of rational nutrition, taking into account age;

Knowledge of the rules for the prevention of diseases of the spine, foot, organs of vision, hearing and others;


Knowledge of the rules of maintaining health from colds and some other diseases;

Parents need to know the criteria for the effectiveness of healthy lifestyle education:

Positive dynamics of your child’s physical condition;

Reducing morbidity;

Formation of the child’s skills to build relationships with peers, parents and other people;

Reduced levels of anxiety and aggressiveness.

It is quite obvious that solving the problem of improving the health of preschool children is possible only if a unified program of hygienic training and education is implemented in the family and kindergarten.

Topic: "

Time: December – February.






Dress code– sports.

Preparatory stage:

  • Invitation to a meeting.
  • Prepare a memo

Event plan:

  • Summing up.

Progress of the event:


Speech by a nurse.


A healthy child, what is he like?

(Parents' statements?)

Healthy lifestyle. How do you understand this?

(parents' statement)

1 Rational mode

(parents' statements)

  1. Duration of the lesson? (25 minutes) (in subgroups, 2 lessons per day 9:00 – 10:30)

2 Hygiene

Video recording

What did the children talk about?

(Parents' statement)

3 Nutrition rules.

Video recording

What did the children talk about?

Drink more clean water.

4 Hardening.

Video recording

What did the children talk about?

(parents' statement)

5 Physical education and sports.

Video recording

What did the children talk about?

(parents' statements)

6 Positive emotions

Video recording

What did the children talk about?

(parents' statements)

7 Bad habits.

No comments


Eastern wisdom says:

Presentationreminders:“Basic rules for family education of a healthy child.”

Summing up:

See you again!


Questionnaire for parents


Very good



This month

This half year

This year

More than a year ago

I don't use it

Very rarely

I use it often

  • Do you smoke?

Very rarely

At the sanatorium

In the village

When how

At grandma's

Walking in the yard

Watching TV

With friends

At the computer

I find it difficult to answer

I find it difficult to answer

I find it difficult to answer

I find it difficult to answer

Difficult to answer End of form

  • Follow a daily routine.

Seven tips for parents

Tip 1.

Tip 2

Tip 3.

Tip 4

Tip 5

Tip 6.

Tip 7

Topic: "Family - healthy lifestyle"

A healthy baby is a happy baby.

Time: December – February.

Form: unconventional. (Game, consultation, master class)

Target: Formation of stable motivation among parents to preserve and strengthen the health of their children.


  • To increase the level of knowledge of parents in the field of formation, preservation and strengthening of children’s health, healthy lifestyle in the family through pedagogical education;
  • Ensuring close cooperation and uniform requirements of the kindergarten and family in matters of children's health.

Participants: teachers, parents, physical education instructor, nurse.

Venue: group room, gym.

Dress code– sports.

Preparatory stage:

  • Invitation to a meeting.
  • Questioning of parents “Conditions for a healthy lifestyle in the family.”
  • Record a video of children's statements on the topic.
  • Prepare a video “Bad Habits”.

Event plan:

  • “Monitoring the health status of children for 2013-2014” - nurse.
  • Educational game “Through the Mouth of a Baby” - teacher.
  • Master class “Get ready to exercise”, report “Physical education in kindergarten taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard for Education” - physical education instructor.
  • Summing up.

Progress of the event:


Good evening dear friends and distinguished guests!

Today we are holding a meeting, which we dedicate to one of the important topics of our days, “Healthy lifestyle!

Human health is the main value in life. You can't buy it for any money!

Being sick, you will not be able to realize your dreams, you will not be able to devote your strength to overcome life’s challenges, you will not be able to fully realize yourself in the modern world, and you will not be able to raise your children healthy and cheerful. Therefore, our meeting today will be held under the motto “We are for a healthy lifestyle!”

Speech by a nurse.


“Health is not everything, but without health there is nothing,” said the wise Socrates.

The health of children and their development is one of the main problems of families and families. Research by scientists has established that human health depends only 7-8% on the success of healthcare and 50% on lifestyle.

Preschool childhood is the most favorable period for developing the right habits, which, in combination with teaching preschoolers methods of improving and maintaining health, will lead to positive results. The foundations of health laid in preschool age are a necessary factor for the prosperous life of any person.

A healthy child, what is he like?

(Parents' statements?)

Generalization: first of all, if he gets sick, it is very rarely. He is cheerful; active; friendly; physically developed, quite fast, agile and strong; hardened, his thermoregulation system is well trained. Thanks to proper nutrition and regular exercise, the child does not have excess body weight. It turned out to be a portrait of a perfectly healthy child.

Raising and raising a child close to such an ideal is a completely feasible task.

How to achieve this? Healthy lifestyle in the family!

Healthy lifestyle. How do you understand this?

(parents' statement)

A healthy lifestyle is an activity of people aimed at maintaining and improving health.

I invite you to take part in the game “Through the Mouth of a Baby,” during which we will highlight the components of a healthy lifestyle.

Attention! "Children's Reflections"

1 Rational mode

Video recording. What did the children talk about?

(parents' statements)

A routine is a rational alternation of work and rest. The famous scientist I. Pavlov noted “Every living working system, like its individual elements, must rest and recover.”
The daily routine for children is the order of alternating sleep, wakefulness, games, walks, and meals.

The main assessment of the regime is the well-being and normal development of the child.

Competition “Do you know the child’s routine in daycare?”

  1. Morning time gymnastics? (8:05 – 8:15)
  2. Breakfast (9:30 – 9:45), lunch (12:30 – 13:00), afternoon tea (15:30 – 15:45).
  3. Duration of the lesson? (25 minutes) (in subgroups, 2 lessons per day 9:00 – 10:30)
  4. Length of nap time? (from 13:00 to 15:00, 2 hours)
  5. How long does your child sleep at night? (10 hours)
  6. What time do children go to bed at night? (21:00)
  7. How long should a child spend outdoors? (at least 4 hours daily)

The first and best clear example for a child is your life, your behavior and actions in different life situations. So be a worthy example in matters of routine: work with your child in the morning. gymnastics, morning and evening toilet, walk as much as possible in the fresh air, eat right, according to the regime; go to bed at the time.

Compliance with the daily routine should become a stable habit of the child, turn into a need.

2 Hygiene

Video recording

What did the children talk about?

(Parents' statement)

Hygiene in Greek means “bringer of health.”

Personal hygiene - includes hygienic rules for people of any age, from infants to the elderly, the observance of which contributes to the preservation and strengthening of health. It is part of a healthy lifestyle. These include: body hygiene, oral hygiene, hair hygiene, toilet hygiene.

It is sometimes difficult to explain to a child why he should not eat only sweets, or why he should wash his hands when they look clean. He is doing well so far without any additional effort. But with age, the need for some restrictions and a moderate amount of discipline becomes more obvious to them, and is perceived adequately.

3 Nutrition rules.

Video recording

What did the children talk about?

Rational nutrition is, first of all, a balanced ratio of nutrients, in which the main thing is not the quantity, but the calorie content of dishes, their variety, and attractive appearance.

We eat food four times a day at approximately the same time.

Monitor the nutritional value of the foods you eat.

Try to minimize the consumption of “harmful foods” and processed foods.

Drink more clean water.

Avoid high-calorie snacks and instead eat fruit

Teach your child proper table manners and practice them yourself.

Create traditions: the whole family sits down at the table in a good mood.

Observe the table setting.

Involve your child in setting the table and cooking (sort out the cereal, peel the egg, mix the salad)

Tell your children what you are cooking; from what and how.

And maybe you’ll introduce the following rule: “Sweets on Saturdays”

A balanced diet is a sensible diet.

4 Hardening.

Video recording

What did the children talk about?

(parents' statement)

Hardening is the effect of contrasting temperatures on the body, the purpose of which is to strengthen the body and its immune system.

Air hardening is walking, up to 4 hours a day, even in inclement weather (in winter up to -22*C); This is daily ventilation of the room with a gradual decrease in air temperature from 22C to 18C. Remember fresh air is an excellent means of hardening a child’s body!

Hardening with water has a stronger effect on the child. The most accessible procedure is pouring water over the child’s feet. The water temperature is 30*C with a gradual decrease by 2*C after 2 days. The temperature is adjusted to 18-16C. After this temperature, it is important to dry the child’s feet with a towel. Teach your child to walk barefoot indoors and on the ground in the summer in any weather. This is the most effective hardening method. It strengthens not only the immune system, but also the nervous system.

Teach your child to rinse his mouth and throat with water at room temperature. This helps to harden the nasopharynx.

Sun hardening is as important as water and air. Start sunbathing no earlier than 1.5 hours after eating and end no later than 30 m. before meals. The head should be protected from sunlight

Never force your child to do something that you yourself would never agree to do. Remember that your child is greatly impressed by your own example.

5 Physical education and sports.

Video recording

What did the children talk about?

(parents' statements)

Movement is life. Nothing exhausts and weakens a person more than prolonged physical inactivity.

Physical education is not only physical education, but a whole system of organizing physical activity: morning exercises, physical exercises. exercises, physical education classes, outdoor games, walking, jogging, cycling, scootering, sledding, exercises at the sports complex.

Physical education in the family involves strengthening health and strength, and the physical development of the child.

Physical education is a joyful activity, in its very essence it relieves irritation and distracts from stressful thoughts.

Joint exercise, a walk outside the city, a hiking trip, family outdoor games and competitions help to establish easier and more natural contact between older and younger family members.

How to choose the right sport?

It is ideal to introduce a child to sports between the ages of 5-11 - at the age of prime physical abilities. First of all, you can engage in sports that require agility, flexibility and speed of movement. These include: figure skating, gymnastics, acrobatics, swimming. The ideal sport for girls is thin. gymnastics. Swimming promotes harmonious development, having a beneficial effect on the respiratory system, improving posture and endurance. Ice skating develops agility, balance, flexibility, and strengthens the leg muscles.

When choosing a sport, it is very important to take into account the individual characteristics of the child’s physical development and character.

6 Positive emotions

Video recording

What did the children talk about?

(parents' statements)

Moms and dads, grandparents, children and grandchildren - family. A small team united by love, caring for each other, and mutual help. Here there is joy and sometimes sorrow - everything for everyone. In a family, everything depends on each other. And irritation and a bad mood can result in irritation and a bad mood for everyone.

A child needs a positive emotional climate in the family, where joy, optimism, sincerity, love and tenderness prevail, for his mental health.

The way adults react to things that come in life around them is of great importance for the formation of the idea of ​​a child who responds to everything that comes with emotional means: laughter, anger, gestures, facial expressions. The child is suggestible, prone to imitation, he sensitively perceives and adopts all emotional reactions. Therefore, if you don’t like something about a child or his moral character, remember: the child, to some extent, is your mirror image.

Creating a calm environment in the family helps adults have a critical attitude towards their actions and take into account their impact on the child.

Do you often hear kind words in your family towards each other and towards children?

7 Bad habits.

Video about bad habits (tobacco, alcohol)

No comments

Speech by physical education instructor:


Remember! Your health and the health of your children are in your hands.

Eastern wisdom says:

If you're thinking a year ahead, plant a seed.

If you think decades ahead, plant a tree.

If you think a century ahead, educate a person.

Parents are the child's first teachers.

Children learn the way of life of their parents.

Presentationreminders:“Basic rules for family education of a healthy child.”

Summing up: It was a pleasure to work with you today! What about you? (Parents' answers)

See you again!


Questionnaire for parents

“Conditions for a healthy lifestyle in the family”

Target: To find out the problems that parents have in raising a healthy child, and also to analyze the parents’ knowledge about a healthy lifestyle.

  • What is your health status?

Very good


  • What is your child's health status?


  • When was the last time you checked your health?

This month

This half year

This year

More than a year ago

  • Do you do gymnastics, physical education and sports with your child?
  • Do you drink alcohol?

I don't use it

Very rarely

I use it often

  • Do you smoke?

Very rarely

  • Do you consider the diet in your family to be rational?
  • How do you spend your vacation?

At the sanatorium

In the village

When how

  • How do your children spend their leisure time?

At grandma's

Walking in the yard

Watching TV

With friends

At the computer

I find it difficult to answer

  • Do you know what it means to lead a healthy lifestyle?

I find it difficult to answer

  • Do you read literature about a healthy lifestyle?

I find it difficult to answer

  • Can you call the lifestyle in your family healthy?

I find it difficult to answer

  • Do you influence your children to form

Do they have healthy lifestyle habits?

Difficult to answerEnd of form

Memo for parents on creating a healthy lifestyle for their children.

  • Start a new day with a smile and a morning workout.
  • Follow a daily routine.
  • Remember: a smart book is better than aimless TV watching.
  • Love your child, he is yours. Respect your family members, they are fellow travelers on your journey.
  • You should hug your child at least four times a day, and preferably 8 times.
  • A positive attitude towards yourself is the basis of psychological survival.
  • There are no bad children, only bad actions.
  • A personal example in healthy lifestyle is better than any morality.
  • Use natural hardening factors - sun, air and water.
  • Remember: simple food is healthier than artificial foods.
  • The best type of recreation is a walk with the family in the fresh air, the best entertainment for a child is playing together with parents.

Seven tips for parents

Tip 1. Carefully and systematically monitor the child’s health, his physical, mental and mental development;

Tip 2. Contact specialists in a timely manner in case of deviations in health status, as well as to prevent child illnesses;

Tip 3. Create a daily routine taking into account the individual characteristics, health status, and employment of the child and strictly observe the main routine points: sleep, work, rest, nutrition;

Tip 4. Remember that movement is life. Choose a set of morning exercises for your child, take walks and outdoor games together with your child;

Tip 5. Monitor the child’s physical development: height, weight, formation of the musculoskeletal system, monitor posture, correct its violation with physical exercises;

Tip 6. If the child is irritated, divert his attention from the “irritant”, switch to another activity, or give him the opportunity to rest. The main thing is not to aggravate the conflict;

Tip 7. Read popular scientific literature on the problems of children's health and its conservation.

Project theme: “Formation of a healthy lifestyle in the family.”

To make a child smart and reasonable,

make him strong and healthy.”

J. J. Rousseau


The proposed project is a system of working with parents in the field of health conservation.

This project is the result of studying psychological, medical and pedagogical literature sources, analyzing modern health-saving technologies, testing original ideas, summarizing the experience of schools and families on the issues of preserving and strengthening the health of students.

The project presents traditional and interactive work with parents.


Among the values ​​that are significant to a person, health occupies one of the leading places. We are especially concerned about the problem of preserving the health of the future generation. Not the least role here is played by the family factor and the factor of the educational institution - to what extent they are able, from a very early age, to create for the child an overall positive and stable background of mental state, to ensure the development of an active and cheerful personality. How should you raise a child so that he understands the importance of health and knows how to treat it with care? Teachers and parents need to begin solving this problem from the earliest years of a child’s life, systematically and together.

Against the backdrop of environmental and social tension in the country, against the backdrop of an unprecedented increase in diseases of civilization, in order to be healthy you need to master the art of preserving and strengthening it. This art should be given more attention in preschool and school age, since it is during this period that the child develops the basic skills for developing health. This is the most favorable time for developing the right habits, which, combined with teaching schoolchildren methods of improving and maintaining health, can and should lead to positive results.

According to the Research Institute of Hygiene and Children's Health, the Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, recently the number of healthy preschoolers has decreased by 5 times and constitutes only 9% of the number of children entering school. Only 5-7% of schoolchildren are healthy, 30-35% suffer from chronic diseases, and over 60% have functional disabilities.

Parents play a huge role in preserving and strengthening the health of children. Undoubtedly, most parents try to instill in their child basic hygienic skills and monitor the preservation of his physical health. However, to ensure continuity and form the habit of a healthy lifestyle among schoolchildren, purposeful, systematic joint work of teachers and parents is necessary. It is wonderful when parents are allies and active participants in the health-saving process both at school and in their families at home. Practice shows that one of the main ways to increase interaction between a school educational institution and the family is the use of non-traditional forms and means of working with parents to promote a healthy lifestyle for schoolchildren.

Project problem: Lack of knowledge, skills and abilities among parents in conducting physical education activities to improve the health of children, reluctance to apply general health practices in the home environment for prevention and correction during the physical development of the child.

Project goal: Formation of stable motivation among parents to preserve and strengthen the health of their children.

Project objectives: To increase the level of knowledge of parents in the field of formation, preservation and strengthening of children’s health, healthy lifestyle in the family through pedagogical education; develop cooperation skills between children and parents; promote their emotional rapprochement.

Methods used in the project: Consultation, questionnaire, test for parents, workshop for parents, visualization, conversation, master class.

Expected project results: Involving parents in active work on the physical education of children. Increasing knowledge about the peculiarities of using preventive physical exercises, outdoor and sports games. Creating conditions for the development of a child’s motor skills at home. Introducing children to a healthy lifestyle. Reducing the incidence of children.

Project type: Practice-oriented, short-term.

Project stages:

Organizational stage:

1. Selection and analysis of literature.

2.Collection of information: interview, questionnaire, observation, examination, testing (Appendix No. 1,2,3).

Productive stage:

The family plays a major role in solving the problem of strengthening and maintaining health. The content of the project was built using methods for physical development and the author's development of manuals for physical development. There are various forms of working with parents: collective, individual, visual and informational. A creative, informal approach by teachers to the issue of organizing interaction with parents is desirable. It is important to remember that parents need not only theoretical information, but, most importantly, practical skills. Therefore, it is advisable to organize various workshops for parents, where they can gain certain teaching experience.

The main goal of working with parents was to educate children on the issue of raising a healthy lifestyle in the family, to reorient parents from outside observers into active participants in health creation. A junior schoolchild is extremely imitative, and if the parents themselves take care of their health and their physical fitness, then the child will live according to the rules and laws that exist in the family.

In my work with parents I use the following forms and methods:

1. Parent meetings, the topics of which are related to strengthening and maintaining the health of schoolchildren.

For two years I held meetings on the following topics: “Your daily routine”, “Physical education and sports”, “Hardening”, “The importance of physical exercise for human health” “Healthy lifestyle”, “Starting morning exercises”, “Physical education and sports”, “Hardening the body”, “Motor mode”, “The influence of physical exercise on posture”. “Motor mode in summer, rules of behavior on the water.”

2.Visible promotion of healthy lifestyle.

In order to attract the attention of parents, the following are used: booklets; newspapers, drawings. (They can be as a group, and published by a creative group of school teachers).

In the system, it is desirable to use pedagogical tasks and tasks for parents that have valeological content. These tasks can be logical, the main goal of which is to stimulate the activity of parents, to independently acquire pedagogical valeological knowledge, skills, understanding the important provisions of pedagogical valeology, and raising children in the family. Logical tasks help to analyze, compare with the practical activities of raising children in the family and at school, draw conclusions, notice prospects and ways to improve valeological education.

Practical tasks help parents form and develop pedagogical skills and apply them in specific situations of raising children in the family. This could be research into the specific conditions of raising children, studying the causes of shortcomings in upbringing and, on this basis, developing measures to improve the educational process in the family and at school.

Learning objectives are widely used by teachers in the universal parent education system. Carrying out such tasks, parents individually or collectively analyze the literature on the formation of a healthy lifestyle for children, discuss pedagogical situations, and suggest ways and means of improving the valeological education of children.

In order to ensure continuity of the educational process and deeper familiarity with the subject of the project, the following forms of interaction with the family were implemented: joint activity with parents: “Building a center for physical development” in a group (Appendix No. 8); making a screen “Exercises for children to do at home with their parents” (Appendix No. 10), “Health Corner”, sliding folder “How to dress a child for a walk”, sliding folder “Hardening up children”, screen “How to avoid illness during the cold season ", "Healthy family lifestyle. The role of the family in raising a child" (Appendix No. 11), consultation "A healthy lifestyle is formed in the family" (Appendix No. 4), practical lesson with parents of the class "Health Lessons" (Appendix No. 5), master class "Non-standard equipment used in work with children" (Appendix No. 6), "10 tips for physical education of children" (Appendix No. 7)

3. Conversations and consultations on disease prevention, preservation and strengthening of emotional health.

Modern parents, on the one hand, are fairly educated people, but on the other hand, they are little informed on issues of pedagogy, psychology, physiology and other areas of knowledge.

Parents can receive psychological and pedagogical information from a variety of sources: periodicals, television and radio broadcasts, popular science literature, and the Internet. But do all the parents in your group take advantage of such opportunities? A more accessible way is to communicate with you, dear teachers. And it depends on us what kind of person today’s student will become.

For two years, I conducted the following consultations and conversations: “Prevention of childhood injuries.” Attention, winter is coming”, “Caution, ice drift!”, "First aid for sunstroke and burns", Prevention of childhood injuries." "Hardening the child", "Vitamin calendar. Summer." Be careful, poisonous mushrooms”, Prevention of acute respiratory infections and others.

4. Questionnaire.

5. Open days.

6. Use of video recording.

This refers to the distribution of video materials from educators’ educational collections among parents (classes, routine moments, holidays). Teachers give the video material and they watch the material at home in their free and convenient time.

7. Involving parents to participate in teacher councils and school seminars.

Parents have every right to participate in the life of the school, make suggestions, and plan joint work.

Joint activity of teacher - parent - child.

Joint activities of the child and parent in the classroom;

Joint design of albums, games, manuals

(Diary-Healthy Guy, Class Business Card).

All these forms and methods of work make it possible to carry out informal connections with parents, serve as a means of feedback, and provide objective information about the work of the school, the interests and needs of the family.

I place great importance in my work monitoring.

Having analyzed the responses of parents and students to questionnaires on the development of hygiene skills and motivation for a healthy lifestyle at the beginning and end of the school year, I came to the conclusion : the results have changed significantly (indicators have improved). The percentage of students observing hygiene rules and routines has increased significantly; a positive result is also visible in the development of motivation for a healthy lifestyle.

Psychocorrectional work carried out throughout the year (in 1st grade) contributed to the improvement of the mental state of children, which was reflected in the dynamics of changes in the studied parameters. Adaptation rates increased (from 41.7% to 75% - high level); there were no students with a low level of adaptation at the end of the school year.

At the initial stage of education, there is a high prevalence of colds and chronic diseases. By the end of primary school, these indicators decrease significantly. The number of sick children is increasing (from 3 to 5 people), the number of children with chronic diseases remains stable.

There is a positive trend in the distribution of children by health group. The number of students in groups I and II is increasing.

The indicators of physical education groups, which are largely determined by the general academic load, remain stable.

The level of physical fitness among students has increased. The number of students with a high level increased from 1 person. (in 1st grade) up to 9 people. (in 4th grade).

Analyzing the incidence of students in my class, I came to the following conclusion: a surge in incidence appears in October (end of the 1st quarter), at the end of December (end of the 2nd quarter) in February. These data helped me in distributing the teaching load, program material, and in determining the timing of final tests. There is a decrease in the incidence of students (from 1st to 4th grade), the number of days missed due to illness for the class as a whole and for one student is decreasing, and the health index is increasing from 25 to 41.7.

Having analyzed the results of all the research and observations of students in my class over 4 years, I came to the conclusion: the work I did to protect and improve the health of students gave a positive result. Particular attention was paid to hygienic education: disease prevention, nutrition, hardening, and the development of motivation for a healthy lifestyle. The data obtained allowed me to carry out an individual approach to students through the use of various teaching and educational methods.

In my work, I used various methods to create a favorable psychological climate, I used individual tasks of different types and levels, and an individual pace of work for individual students. Children's anxiety and mental stress significantly decreased, which improved academic performance and increased the body's resistance to the effects of external and internal negative factors, i.e. contributed to the preservation of both mental and physical health of students. Carrying out physical education minutes, dynamic breaks, breathing exercises and eye exercises, ventilating the classroom, maintaining a psychological climate in the classroom and outside of class with a predominance of positive emotions ensures the prevention of nervous system fatigue when working with primary schoolchildren, creating a cheerful mood and optimal performance in children. I taught children independence and developed their creative abilities during physical exercises and outdoor games, which increased interest in physical activity and activated the mental and emotional spheres. These are all traditional and everyday routine moments of a student’s school day. An important aspect is also the formation of health-oriented thinking not only in children, but also in their parents. Only a modern and competent integrated approach will help solve the problems of developing and strengthening the health of schoolchildren.

Thus, one of the leading directions in the work to protect and strengthen the health of students should be hygienic education and training that meets the real needs of children.

Particular attention in primary school conditions should be paid to the beneficial course of students’ adaptation to school learning, the development of motivation for a healthy lifestyle, and an increase in physical activity.

The use of various methods and techniques aimed at preserving health in the educational process allows students to more successfully adapt to the educational and social space, reveal their creative abilities, and the teacher to effectively prevent antisocial behavior.

If we do not teach children to value, take care of and strengthen their health, if we demonstrate a healthy lifestyle by personal example, then only in this case can we hope that future generations will be healthier and more developed not only personally, intellectually, spiritually, but also physically.

The following methods and forms were actively used in the project: conversation, consultation, workshop, visualization, master class.

Presentation stage: photo collage “A healthy lifestyle is formed in the family” (Appendix No. 8).

Final (final) stage: Identification and transmission of positive experiences of family education for the improvement of children's health.

Photo collage: “A healthy lifestyle is formed in the family.”


During the work, it was revealed that the organization of the process of cooperation between school teachers and parents has a positive effect on the formation of a health-creating position of parents and a culture of health among schoolchildren.

A high level of health culture among schoolchildren is possible through cooperation between teachers and parents accompanying a growing child on the path of his formation as an individual and a subject of life.

The prospect for the implementation of the project will be further self-improvement in the field of health, the development of the process of spiritual and moral growth of the personality of preschool teachers and parents, which in the future will form the basis of health-creating life activity and will serve as a shining example that a growing child follows. Such examples are necessary for the child during preschool and school childhood and determine the further development of the personality of the growing child.

It is expected that the results of work on this problem will confirm the hypothesis that the joint activities of teachers and parents will help create a culture of health and reduce the incidence of illness in preschool children.

Will encourage parents to actively work on the physical education of children.

Working together with parents has led to partnerships between parents, teachers and children. Parents of our students became active participants and assistants to physical education teachers.

Thus , main tasks of a teacher , working on the formation of a health-preserving environment is to prepare a child for independent life, raise him morally and physically healthy, teach him to competently, responsibly and effectively maintain health.

Health is as contagious as disease.

“Infect with health” is the goal that the school strives for.


1. L.V. Proshina “Family: 500 questions and answers.”

2.R.V.Tonkova – Yampolskaya, T.Ya.Chertok “For the sake of children’s health”

3.Internet resources.

4. Krasnovsky L. About parent meetings // Education of schoolchildren - 2003. - No. 5.

5. On the organization of parental comprehensive education in educational institutions // Education of schoolchildren - 2004. - No. 6.

6. Non-traditional forms of holding parent meetings // Social pedagogy - 2005. - No. 3.

7.Butova S.V.Health-improving exercises in the classroom / S.V.Butova //Elementary school.- No. 8.- 2006.-p.98.

8.Elizarova L.N. Health work in elementary school / L.N. Elizarova, S.N. Chirikhin // Elementary school. - No. 9. - 2000. – p.93.

9. Kovalko V.I. Health-saving technologies in elementary school, grades 1 - 4 / V.I. Kovalko. - M.: VAKO. -2004. – 296s.

10.Mitina E.P. Health-saving technologies today and tomorrow / E.P. Mitina // Primary school. - No. 6. – 2006.- p.56.

11. Rakitina L.I. Ways to combat student fatigue and loss of attention in class / L.I. Rakitina, G.D. Chamovskikh // Head teacher of primary school. - No. 8. – 2007. – p.69.

12. Smirnov N.K. Health-saving educational technologies in the work of teachers and schools / N.K. Smirnov. - M.: APKPRO. – 2002.- p.10.

13. Suraeva L. Technology of health pedagogy / L. Suraeva, O. Fedorakhina // Supplement to the magazine “School Director”: “Express Experience”. - No. 2. - 1999. - pp. 6-12.

14. Tsabybin S.A. Health-saving technologies in the educational process / S.A. Tsabybin

Appendix No. 1.

Questionnaire for parents

"Healthy person"

Purpose: to study parents’ attitudes towards health and motivation for a healthy lifestyle.

    How do you understand the expression “healthy person”?

    Is being healthy good or bad? Why?

    Do you care about your health and the health of your child? How?

    What advice would you give to other parents to prevent their child from getting sick?

    Who in your family can be called healthy? Why do you think so?

    Do you have any bad habits? Are there any bad habits in the family? Does your child know about this?

    What useful habits do you have?

    Do you follow a healthy diet?

    Do you consider your family to be healthy and leading a healthy lifestyle?

Appendix No. 2

Questionnaire for parents

"Physical culture and health improvement"

1. Which of all types of children's physical activities are most important?

2. Significance of basic movements?

3. Do physical education classes contribute to the development of basic movements and the emotional sphere of children?

4. Are outdoor games a means of developing children’s basic movements?

5. Is it necessary to develop the emotional responsiveness of children in physical activity?

6. What does mastering the basic movements in physical culture consist of?

7. Is it advisable to involve parents in the work of shaping the basic movements of children?

8. Do you use outdoor games at home?

Appendix No. 3.

“Can your lifestyle be called healthy?”

Activate your entire immune system and get rid of ailments before they become serious. The proposed test will show whether you know how to take care of your health. Mark the answer you selected.

1.Which of the following symptoms does not require a visit to the doctor?

unusual fatigue

winter cold

chronic indigestion.

2.How do you protect your ears when listening to music or recordings through stereo headphones?

I don’t turn it on at full volume;

there is no need for this - the sound from the headphones does not reach a volume that irritates the ear;

I don’t set it at such a volume that you can’t hear outside conversations.

3.How often do you change your toothbrush?

twice a year

every 3 -6 months

as soon as it takes on a shabby appearance.

4.What protects you least from colds and flu?

frequent hand washing

influenza vaccine

refusal to walk in the cold season.

5.What time of day do you prefer to arrive at your destination?

early evening

with sunrise

in the middle of the day.

6. How often do you rest your eyes after using the computer, reading or doing things that require visual attention?

every hour;

every half hour;

every 10 minutes.

7.Which of the statements is true?

you can tan even on a cloudy day

if I want to sunbathe, I should use sunscreen with factor

dark-skinned people do not need sun protection

8.Which of the following is most effective for losing weight?

skipping breakfast, lunch or dinner

reducing alcohol consumption

exclusion of starch-containing foods from the diet.

9.How to breathe correctly?

neither option is worse or better than the other.

10.Which of the following will cause the least damage to your hair?


blow drying hair

hair bleaching.


Give yourself 1 point for each of the following correct answers.

1(b), 2(c), 3(b), 4(c), 5(a), 6(c), 7(a), 8(b), 9(b), 10(b),

add up the points received.

8 - 10 points - You know perfectly well what contributes to a healthy lifestyle, it’s just a matter of applying this knowledge in practice.

5 - 7 points - You may have a good knowledge of the basics of most aspects of a healthy lifestyle, but there are some questions that you would do well to brush up on.

4 points or less - Don’t despair, all is not lost, if you wish, you can acquire useful habits every day

Appendix No. 4.

Consultation for parents

A healthy lifestyle is formed in the family

Topic: “A healthy lifestyle is formed in the family”

Target: To promote parents' awareness of responsibility for developing a caring attitude towards their health in their children.

The problem of children's health today is so acute that we have the right to raise the question: “What is more important for us - their physical condition or training (the training that we have now)”

A. Schopenhauer also said: “Health so outweighs all other benefits that a healthy beggar is happier than a sick king.”

What's going on in our school today? Out of a million relatively healthy children coming to first grade for the first time, after nine months, doctors detect abnormalities in the functioning of the cardiovascular system in every fourth of them (that’s 250 thousand). Over the past 10 years, the number of mentally retarded children has increased 20 times.

The health of children is falling catastrophically. It would be possible to redirect this problem to doctors, parents, and teachers. But health does not wait. Medicine, according to the World Health Organization, cannot change the health of the population, influencing it by no more than 10%. The leading factor in health is lifestyle, which a family can shape.

Teachers monitor posture, conduct physical education sessions, and provide information about health. But all this is very little. A healthy lifestyle is formed in the family. Every parent wants to see their children healthy and happy, but not everyone thinks about how to ensure that their children live in harmony with themselves, with the world around them, with people. Meanwhile, the secret of this harmony is simple - a healthy lifestyle. It includes maintaining physical health, and the absence of bad habits, and proper nutrition, and an altruistic attitude towards people, and a joyful feeling of one’s existence in this world, and the desire to provide help to those who need it.

As a rule, the result of a healthy lifestyle is physical and mental health. They are closely related. It is no coincidence that people say: “A healthy mind in a healthy body.”

Psychologists and teachers have long established that the most favorable age for the formation of healthy habits is preschool and primary school. During this period, the child spends a significant part of his life at home, in the family, among his relatives, whose lifestyle and behavioral stereotypes become the strongest factors in the formation of their ideas about life. That is why it is in the family that the foundations of diverse relationships to oneself and one’s health, to the health of loved ones, to people, to work, and to nature are laid. “Children are the mirror of the soul,” people say. The child needs the help of adults to develop the skills necessary to organize his life in the future. A healthy lifestyle is a joy for big and small in the house, but to create it, several conditions must be met.

One of the important ones is the creation of a favorable moral climate in the family, which is manifested in goodwill, willingness to forgive and understand, the desire to come to the rescue, to please each other, and in caring for the health of family members. Of course, this is completely excluded in those families where scandals are frequent, one of the parents abuses alcohol, where a cult of violence and rudeness reigns.

The second condition is close, sincere friendship between children and parents, their desire to constantly be together, communicate, and consult. Communication is a great force that helps parents understand the child’s thinking and, by the first signs, determine a tendency towards negative actions in order to prevent them in time.

The third condition is increased attention to the health of all family members. Now there is no shortage of special literature that helps people maintain their health, where special complexes are described and recommendations are given. However, we should not forget about the benefits of simple rules, the observance of which helps to maintain health. This includes morning exercises with older family members, jogging around the house, walking together, ventilating the premises and observing personal hygiene rules.

The creation of a favorable moral climate and a healthy lifestyle for the family is also ensured through the joint participation of children and parents in a variety of activities. Work is one of the leading factors in instilling in children correct ideas about lifestyle.

A healthy lifestyle is unthinkable without creating a normal ecological environment in the home. The environment to which the child gets used is reproduced later in his family. Dirt, stale air, ill-thought-out interiors are, unfortunately, quite widespread phenomena. Meanwhile, in the house it is necessary to create and maintain an environment that meets the requirements of environmental friendliness and aesthetics. Together with your children, you can discuss the most appropriate option for arranging furniture, putting things in order, cleaning, ventilating rooms; it’s not without reason that they say: “Cleanliness is the key to health.” How many interesting activities await children outside the home that contribute to the harmonious formation of soul and body. Direct contact with nature ennobles a person and forms a positive attitude towards nature. The field of activity here is vast: joint planting of shrubs and trees, caring for them; making feeders and winter feeding of birds, caring for domestic animals. All this forms in the child’s soul a sense of responsibility, empathy, the desire to come to the rescue, and pride in a good deed.

Of particular importance are walks by children and parents to the river, forest, and field. It’s good when walking walks alternate with cycling, and in winter – skiing. This allows you to change routes more often and expand children’s understanding of their region. However, we should not forget that, along with health benefits, walks also perform cognitive functions. As our research has shown, the most vivid impressions of junior schoolchildren are walks with their parents in nature.

When adults, holding children by the hands, walk, answering children’s questions, making small discoveries, they show examples of caring for nature and thereby evoke in the child’s soul not only surprise and admiration, but also respect for the world around them.

Thus, a healthy lifestyle for all family members in the present is the key to a child’s happy and prosperous life in harmony with the world in the future.


Appendix No. 5.

Summary of a practical lesson for parents “Lessons


Goal: increasing the pedagogical knowledge of parents in matters of children's health; formation of responsibility for the health of their children, motivation for a healthy lifestyle.

    To introduce parents to the types of health-saving technologies and to help them understand the definition of “health.”

    To deepen parents' knowledge about the benefits of health-saving techniques and practice them.

    To create psychological comfort, to arouse desire and interest in joint cooperation in matters of children’s health.

Progress of the event

1. Preparatory stage

    organize a photo exhibition “We are not afraid of diseases, we are friendly with physical education”;

    organize an exhibition of literature on hardening, physical development, health improvement, healthy eating;

    conduct a survey of parents;

    record children's statements about health on video;

    make medals “For raising strong kids”;

    prepare instructions for each parent on various methods of improving children’s health;

    prepare a crossword puzzle “Health”;

    decorate the hall according to the theme of the event, write proverbs and sayings about health, and an invitation for parents.

2. Stage of the event Presenter.

The theme of our event is “Health Lessons”. Questionnaires helped us decide on the topic, from which we learned about your level of knowledge, requests and interests on this issue. Today we will together try to talk again about the current health problem, discuss new ways of physical development and healing of our children.

In order for us to get closer, we will conduct a “Getting Acquainted” training (Greek dance “Sirtaki”).

Then invite the participants of the event, in pairs, to compose a proverb or saying about health from the blanks on whatman paper and say it to everyone together.

    A sick person doesn’t even taste honey, but a healthy person will eat a stone.

    Bitter is used to heal, but sweet is used to cripple.

    If you are sick, take care, but if you are healthy, take care.

There will be health - everything will be

    A healthy body means a healthy mind.

    I’ll be healthy and get money.

    God grant us health, but we will find happiness.

    Take care of your dress from a new age, and your health from a young age.

    The appetite runs away from the sick and towards the healthy.

    Health is more valuable than anything, and money too.

The presenter invites parents to solve the “Health” crossword puzzle.

Questions for the crossword:

1 A set of gymnastic exercises, usually performed in the morning (exercises).

2. A two- or three-wheeled device for riding, propelled by pedals (bicycle).

3. A type of hardening based on walking barefoot on different surfaces (barefoot walking).

4. A sports attribute used for rotation around the waist, and not only (hoop).

5. A drink based on healing herbal infusions (herbal tea).

6. Organic substance, very useful for healthy life (vitamins).

7. Target for training shooting (target).

8. A sports device for training a specific muscle group (simulator).

What does the concept of health include? Let's listen to what your children say about this (video recording - children's statements).

Let's continue our discussion on the topic, what is health?

Man is the perfection of nature. But in order for him to enjoy the benefits of life and enjoy its beauty, it is very important to have health. “Health is not everything, but without health there is nothing,” said the wise Socrates.

The charter of the World Health Organization states that health is not only the absence of disease, injury, or physical defects, but also complete physical, mental and social well-being.

The health of children and their development is one of the main problems of families and kindergartens. Children's health has tended to deteriorate in recent years. And we are talking not only about physical, but also mental health. The unfavorable ecological state of the environment and the extremely low socio-economic standard of living of the country's population have led to a decrease in the protective and adaptive capabilities of the body. These include chronic colds, blurred vision, scoliosis, and, as a result of the lack of cultural human relations, childhood neuroses. How to ensure that the child does not lose health, to preserve and strengthen it? The health of children is the concern of all of us adults. Therefore, the health problem must be solved comprehensively and by the whole world. You can hardly find parents who do not want their children to grow up healthy.

Well, what do you think a healthy child is like? (parents' statements).

First of all, a healthy child, if he gets sick, it is very rarely and in no case seriously. He is cheerful and active, and has a friendly attitude towards the people around him - adults and children. Positive emotional impressions predominate in his life, while negative experiences are endured by him steadfastly and without harmful consequences. The development of his physical, primarily motor qualities, proceeds harmoniously

A normal, healthy child (this is the most important thing!) is quite fast, agile and smart. Unfavorable weather conditions and sudden changes in them are not scary for a healthy child, because... he is hardened, his thermoregulatory system is well trained, so, as a rule, he does not need any medications. Thanks to a balanced diet and regular physical exercise, such a child does not have excess body weight. Of course, you don’t often see a perfectly healthy child today, but our task is to strive for this together. It must be remembered that preschool childhood is the most favorable period for developing the right habits, which, in combination with teaching preschoolers how to improve and maintain health, will lead to positive results. But the result will be guaranteed only if the problem of health improvement is solved jointly by kindergarten staff, medical workers, and parents. There are various forms and types of activities aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of pupils. Their complex has now received the general name “health-saving technologies”. In today's lesson we will introduce you to three types of health-saving technologies:

1. Technologies for preserving and promoting health.

These include such forms of work as: invigorating gymnastics after a nap, play hour, dynamic pauses, outdoor and sports games, finger gymnastics, health paths, eye gymnastics, breathing exercises.

2. Technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle

These include such forms of work as: physical education classes, healthy lifestyle classes, morning exercises, sports games, acupressure, physical education, holidays, club work, swimming.

3. Corrective technologies

These include such forms as: exercise therapy, musical influence technology, fairy tale therapy, sand therapy, psycho-gymnastics, articulation gymnastics.

At today's meeting, our teachers and specialists will tell you about the benefits of the health-improving techniques that we use with our students. Together they have a positive effect on both the physical and mental health of children.

Teachers talk about the benefits, the methods used and practically practice them with parents:

1. Physical activity

Physical activity is a natural need of a child, as important as sleep and food. For normal functioning of a child’s body, it is necessary to provide him with 6 to 13 thousand movements per day. In kindergarten, much attention is paid to the organization of motor activity. This is achieved by: morning exercises, physical education classes, independent activity of children in sports corners in groups, leisure activities, dynamic breaks in classes, alternation of static and dynamic types of activities, outdoor games on walks, etc.

An important condition for strengthening a child’s health is the implementation of a unified motor regimen in kindergarten and at home.

On weekends, this issue can be resolved through sports and active recreation.

I bring to your attention one of the types of playful morning exercises. Our children are very active, so when going for a walk, take sports equipment with you.

One little eye woke up, and behind it another,
We will wake up as a family.
Let's hold hands together,
And let's smile at each other. (everyone stand in a circle, hold hands)
The sun has risen outside the window,
Stretch your palms towards him, (stretch your hands up)
We raise our hands higher,
And then we lower them (lower your hands down, repeat 5-7 times.)
So that the back is beautiful,
We need to do some warm-up.
Hands to the sides, at the seams,
And bent in half (lean down, touch the floor with your hands)
Let's look at each other
And we'll do it all again. (repeat 5 times)
Tick-tock, tick-tock
The clock goes like this! (hands on the belt, feet shoulder-width apart, bend left - right)
On one leg, like a heron,
Let's wait now, guys.
We need to change the leg
And now stand on the other one, (stand alternately on your right and left leg)
Let's squat together -
One, two, three, four, five, (squat with arms extended forward)
Kolobok, Kolobok,
He has a ruddy side. (sit down, clasp your knees with your hands, perform)
Along the path, along the path
Our legs will jump (jumping on two legs)
Now let's get together
We'll run on the spot.
One, two, three start
Don't leave me behind! (running in place)
Inhale and exhale, bend over,
Thank you everyone, you worked hard! (deep breath, exhale, bend over)

2. Finger gymnastics

People have long noticed that movements of fingers and hands, accompanied by short poems, have a beneficial effect on the development of children. And they came up with folk finger games. And in our time, scientists have proven that subtle movements of the fingers have a positive effect on the development of children's speech. The use of finger games increases the functional activity of the brain and tones the entire body. The child's thought and eye move at the same speed as the hand.

You can often hear from parents that no one used finger gymnastics before, they didn’t play with us like that. Yes, indeed. But previously, children did not have such benefits of civilization as they do now - Velcro, zippers, buttons. The clothes and shoes had buttons and laces that the child had to button and lace himself. Therefore, by the time they entered school, children’s fingers were trained, dexterous, skillful, mobile and could hold a pen correctly and write letters beautifully.

In this regard, in kindergarten, every day we play with our fingers 3-4 times with the children, accompanying the movements with the simultaneous pronunciation of rhyming lines.

We invite you to play too. The game is called “Pickling Cabbage”:

We chop the cabbage, chop it,
We three carrots, three
We salt the cabbage, we salt it,
We press the cabbage, press it,
We put it in jars.

Children love finger games. Therefore, you can do finger gymnastics with your child at home, especially since it requires a minimum of time - 5-19 minutes, no special “tools” are needed except fingers, and at the same time the muscles of the fingers develop, speech skills develop, skills necessary for learning at school are formed.

For you, we have prepared Reminders with different finger games that you can use during your lessons with children.

Thank you for your attention. I wish you success!

3. Gymnastics for the eyes

The life of a child is complex and multifaceted. She introduces him to the world of nature, science, art and social phenomena.

And there is no need to talk about the need to have good eyesight. And today this problem is relevant; many children in preschool age have visual impairment. To protect children's vision, proper hygienic organization of activities at home is important.

At home, children especially love to draw, sculpt, and at older preschool age, read, write, and work with children's construction sets and computers. These activities require constant eye strain. Therefore, adults should monitor the nature of the child’s activities. Today we will introduce you to one of the gymnastics complexes for the eyes. The child has a bunny on a stick. Children perform movements according to the text.

The bunny jumped to the right,
Everyone saw the bunny.
The bunny jumped to the left,
Everyone saw it with their eyes.
Bunny - to the right, bunny - to the left.
Oh, what a brave little bunny!

(Children follow the movements of the bunny with their eyes, the head remains in a fixed position) The bunny jumps up and down. Look at the bunny.

The bunny hid from us (they hide the bunny behind their back, turning their head, looking over their right shoulder, then over their left) No need to take your eyes off. (Close eyes for a few minutes).

4. hardening

What is hardening? Hardening is training the immune system with short-term cold stimuli. Once upon a time, people were much more seasoned than us, children ran around in their shirts and walked barefoot even in severe frosts.

Hardening activities are carried out using water, sun and air.

Let's talk about water hardening. Any hardening must begin with a gentle one; we cannot start immediately with winter swimming or dousing with cold water. Therefore, there is a sequence of water hardening:

    Washing your face and hands with cool water 2T up to 16 and;

    Pouring the feet and rubbing them with a towel, starting from 28° and bringing to 15°, reducing the temperature after 2-3 days by 1-3°;

    Walking barefoot on wet paths.

    Daily dousing with warm water before bed (36°).

A little about air hardening. A preschooler is very sensitive to a lack of fresh air. He becomes lethargic and irritable. That is why walks in the fresh air are necessary at any time of the year for up to 2 hours, and in the summer most of the day is spent outdoors.

In kindergarten, in the warm season, we conduct morning gymnastics and physical education on the street, in winter - in a well-ventilated room, children in lightweight clothing and barefoot.

As for solar hardening, skillful use of solar energy has a positive effect on the body. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays from the sun, vitamin D is formed in the child’s skin, which is of great importance for the growth and development of the child. But, you need to be careful with sunbathing; their duration should not exceed 5-7 minutes for the first time, gradually increasing by 2-4 minutes. While sunbathing, the child should not lie down, he should move and play calm games.

Hardening cannot take place from case to case. The system is important in this matter. It is necessary to take into account the child’s age, his health characteristics, and the time of year. Otherwise, hardening procedures will not be beneficial.

One of the effective methods of hardening is “barefoot walking”. Back in Ancient Greece, “going barefoot” was a cult, and children received the right to wear shoes from the age of 18.

Did you know that the soles of the feet are one of the most powerful reflexogenic zones of the human body. The legs are a kind of shield with 72 thousand nerve endings. Irritation of the active points of the foot is the prevention of many diseases. In kindergarten, my children and I walk barefoot on Health mats. I suggest you walk on the rugs and feel the influence of external stimuli.

Thank you very much for your attention. Be healthy!

5. Aromatherapy, herbal tea

Modern children have a lot of things that we could only dream of: a variety of sweets, beautiful clothes, toys, computers. Children spend more time at home, walk less, and, as a result, get more tired. Their fragile organisms receive too many unnatural substances: from air, water, food, synthetic drugs and vitamins. But there is such a miracle of nature - grass. This is a strong and good remedy.

Today, aromatherapy is widely used and allows for the prevention and treatment of many diseases in children and adults with the help of medicinal plants and natural oils. Aromatherapy can be carried out in every apartment. To do this, you can make small pillows and fill them with dry herbs. You can take one component, or you can create a composition of “bouquets of smells”.

How to choose the right plant

    If the child is lethargic and passive, he is activated by the aromas of jasmine, lavender, mint, and anise. In addition, they stimulate brain function and the development of mental abilities.

    Chamomile, rose petals or rose hips have an antimicrobial effect.

    Salvia officinalis is good for colds and skin diseases.

    Birch, poplar, and tansy leaves are effective for colds, acute respiratory infections, and flu.

    The smell of cloves, bay leaves, currants, and rowan will have a stimulating effect.

    The smells of orange, tangerine, valerian, lemon, geranium, fragrant rose will have a calming effect.

In the cold season, fragrant pads or bunches of herbs will create in the room the atmosphere of a summer meadow, a coniferous forest, and will drive away winter drowsiness.

Herbal tea has the same effect as aromatherapy; we practice it in the autumn-winter period.

Today I invite you to taste 2 herbal tea recipes.

    For vigor: currant leaves, oregano, lemon balm, mint.

    General strengthening: rosehip decoction with honey.

6. Music therapy

The technology of musical influence or music therapy has a beneficial effect on a person’s overall health.

Science has proven that properly selected music has various effects:

Therapeutic and recreational, as a result of which the protective and immune properties of the body are increased;

Psychocorrectional - normalizes a person’s condition;

Psychotherapeutic - acts on a person’s consciousness, changing his attitudes and healing from certain mental illnesses;

Psychohygienic - instills certain mental skills, helps relieve stress, and protects against conflicts.

The technology of musical influence is widely used in the lives of our students. Thus, it has become traditional to listen to music while putting children to bed for a nap. The music of famous domestic and foreign composers is used (“Ave Maria” by F. Schubert, “Nocturne” by F. Chopin, “Moonlight” by Debussy, “The Swan” by Saint-Saëns, “Autumn Song” by P. Tchaikovsky). As a result, the child relaxes, calms down and falls asleep faster.

To lift the mood, we use stimulating music in classes, during morning exercises and other events. Children's tone increases, confidence appears and, in general, an emotionally positive mood is created. (“Little Night Serenade” by W. Mozart, “The Joke” by I. Bach, Strauss’s waltzes, “Festive Overture” by D. Shostakovich, “Waltz - a Joke” by F. Chopin.

I offer you a reminder with a list of musical works that you can use for listening, both yourself and together with your children. There is also a music library with these works in the garden, which you can use.

Now I invite you to listen to the wonderful Strauss waltz and invite everyone to dance.

Present medals “For raising strong children” to parents.

Invite parents to evaluate the past event “Bag of Wishes”:

Red circle (excellent rating, useful to the cause);

Green circle (satisfactory, so-so);

Yellow circle (the rating is unsatisfactory, time was wasted). Parents express their impressions and wishes.

Take care of each other's health,

We are a small part of nature,

You answered someone rudely -

Someone's life was shortened by an hour.

Appendix No. 6.

Master class

“Non-standard equipment for physical education at school and in the family”

November 2014

Goal: to develop and maintain children’s interest in various physical education activities.

Our school has a health complex: a physical education center with traditional sports equipment (hoops, balls, jump ropes, cubes, dumbbells, sticks, arches, gymnastic benches, ribbed paths, teaching aids, didactic material).

Increasing the motor activity of schoolchildren is possible both by changing the methods of conducting physical education classes and by using non-standard equipment in physical education classes. When using it, motor skills and abilities are quickly formed.

Understanding the need to create various equipment, my parents and I decided to make our own version of non-standard equipment. These are expanders of different colors and shapes, pads of different sizes and colors, stuffed with various materials (beans, peas, pebbles, cones, etc.), “health paths” with sewn buttons, “rugs with footprints”, “sensory path”, an arc and dumbbells, a basket for throwing balls and so on.

We use non-standard equipment to develop a sense of balance, form correct posture, prevent flat feet, strengthen the muscles of the back and foot, massage the foot, and for relaxation. All this helps to diversify the content of work with children, arouses interest in classes, and creates conditions for the most complete self-expression of the child in physical activity. And most importantly, it arouses in the child a positive emotional mood and interest in exercise.

Step-by-step instructions for manufacturing non-standard equipment.

Software tasks:

    Improve children's motor skills;

    Exercise walking in various ways;

    Prevention and treatment of flat feet, club feet, self-massage of the soles and hands, training of the vestibular apparatus;

    Form correct posture;

    Increase the body's resistance to colds, stimulate blood circulation and tactile sensitivity;

    Relaxation of individual muscle groups;

    Develop a sense of cohesion and cooperation skills;

    Cultivate a sense of joy and a desire to engage in physical education.

Appendix No. 7.

“10 tips for physical education of children”

1. Teach your child to follow a daily routine, wisely alternating loads with rest.

2. Remember: you cannot reduce the sleep time required to restore physical and mental health.

3. Walk with your child in any weather! Outdoor games activate metabolic processes, stimulate the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and strengthen the body's defenses.

4. Dress your child in practical, comfortable, light clothes that do not impede movement according to the time of year.

5. Take care of the child’s nutritious, varied and regular nutrition, necessary for his growth and proper development.

6. Support the child’s cognitive interests, do not ignore any of his questions, and together with him look for answers to his “why?”

7. Talk to your child, learn to listen to him, develop his speech - the key to good studies in the future.

8. Allow time for the information your child receives while watching TV.

9. Control the duration of classes and the conditions in which they take place. Do not forget that the smaller the child, the more difficult it is for him to engage in monotonous activities for a long time.

10. Praise your baby more often, encourage him with a word, a smile, affection and tenderness. Don’t waste time communicating with him – don’t get away with toys or sweets!

Appendix No. 8

Photo collage


Outdoor games

Vitamin Day

Walking in the fresh air

Certificates to the winners of “Recipes for Health”

Drawings on healthy lifestyle

Happy Starts

“To make a child smart and reasonable,

Make him strong and healthy."

J.-J. Rousseau

A child’s health is influenced by a huge number of factors: environment, nutrition, lifestyle, heredity, living conditions in educational institutions. The last factor is of utmost importance; it accounts for 25% of all possible causes of deterioration in a child’s health. Every 5th teenager by the age of 14 has a visual impairment, every 8th has a posture impairment, every 3rd has a respiratory impairment. The All-Russian clinical examination of the child population, carried out in the region, identified the main classes of pathology in children:

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Digestive diseases

Eye diseases.

A healthy lifestyle, the basics of which is taught not only by school, but also by family, helps to avoid many diseases and reduce the influence of harmful factors on the formation of health. The school has three tasks: education, training, enlightenment. School can sometimes help in solving many educational issues. But she will never be able to compete with her family. The family is the most powerful tool in shaping a child’s lifestyle and health. It is in the family that the child learns to walk, pronounce the first words, it is the family that develops healthy lifestyle skills and attitude towards his health, and takes care of his physical and mental development.

Health is a state of physical, spiritual, social well-being.

A healthy lifestyle is a lifestyle that helps maintain, strengthen and restore health.

A healthy lifestyle includes: balanced nutrition, regular exercise. combination of work and rest, good mood. A person’s health is more than 50% determined by his lifestyle. Health depends on many factors: the state of the environment, the socio-economic development of the country, the sustainable development of the family, the culture of teachers and parents. The family has a decisive influence on the child’s health culture: its lifestyle, habits and traditions. The child must be raised by the parents, and all social institutions can only assist them.

The family is the environment for a child’s life and development, the quality of which is determined by a number of parameters. The influence of the family on the formation of a child’s health culture depends on the following factors:

  • Social and cultural. (determining the educational level of parents and their value systems for strengthening and maintaining their health and the health of their loved ones).
  • Socio-economic.
  • Technical and hygienic (living conditions, lifestyle features)

The issue of means of creating a culture of children's health comes to the fore in family education. These means include: activity, communication, relationships.

Activity is the main factor in human development and it should be aimed at the benefit of the person.

Communication as an attribute of activity increases its educational effect. The connecting link between activity and communication is relationships. They must be of a clearly humanistic nature, because relationships-criteria for family development.

1 mechanism: By encouraging a child’s certain behavior to preserve and strengthen his own health and the health of others, punishing him for violating and failing to comply with certain health-preserving rules, parents introduce into the child’s mind a system of value systems and norms of a health culture

2 mechanism: Identification is imitation of one's parents. Focus on parental example.

I would like to state that parents do not always demonstrate an example of a healthy lifestyle (Exercise in the morning: we force the children to do it, but what about ourselves?)

Parents' task - to convey the importance of daily care of one’s health to the consciousness of your child, to teach the art of promoting health.

This art is mastered by children in the process of joint activities with their parents. Parents need not to direct their children on the path to health, but to lead them along this path by their example. Children must realize that health is the most important value for a person, the main condition for achieving any life goal, and everyone is responsible for maintaining and strengthening their health. To solve this problem, parents need to remember the rule - “If you want to raise your child healthy, follow the path of health yourself, otherwise there will be nowhere to lead him!”

It has been noticed that children internalize the lifestyle of their parents, their habits, their attitude to life, including physical education. The positive example of parents significantly influences the formation in children of the desire to engage in physical education in their free time as a family. The forms can be different - hiking or skiing, games, participation in collective competitions.

In many families, children from an early age have sleds, skis, bicycles, skates, rackets and shuttlecocks for playing badminton, not to mention balls, hoops, rolling pins, pins, etc. However, they themselves cannot always organize games, as they need in the guidance of parents, who must introduce children to the ways of using physical education equipment, the rules of action, and the content of games.

The formation of a healthy lifestyle serves to strengthen the entire family. The child must learn the best family traditions, understand the meaning and importance of family in a person’s life, the role of the child in the family, and master the norms and ethics of relationships with parents and other family members.

A quiet, full-flowing river, children who cannot swim well can swim in it. Ahead is a huge waterfall. Suddenly the current picks up and carries away the children. They find themselves in a falling stream of water, at risk of breaking and dying, and we, adults, stand below, stretch out our hands and try to save them, while we should all be at the top, where the current is calm, teaching them to swim. If we transfer this metaphor to the area of ​​health, then the river is a way of life, and our common task is to teach every child to swim safely along it, helping him in every possible way in choosing a lifestyle that promotes strengthening and maintaining health. Most parents do not understand the very essence of the concept of “health”, considering it only as the absence of diseases, completely ignoring the relationship between physical, mental and social well-being. As a result, children form bad habits that can be very difficult to break.

Parents need to know the criteria for the effectiveness of healthy lifestyle education:
- positive dynamics of your child’s physical condition;
- reduction of morbidity;
- developing the child’s skills to build relationships with peers, parents and other people;
- reducing the level of anxiety and aggressiveness.

If only parents lead a healthy lifestyle, they can develop healthy lifestyle habits in their children.

The children were asked: “What is health?”

  • This is the best thing in life. Health for a person is the most important thing.
  • This is life, goodness, happiness.
  • Health doesn't just mean eating fruits and doing exercises. You also need to be kind. If you are angry, then it affects your body and other people.
  • A person is not completely healthy if his soul is restless.
  • Moral health is more important.
  • Healthy people love nature, see the world as beautiful, are not lazy and do not get sick.
  • Health itself depends on the person. Proper nutrition, kindness, exercise. and most importantly, purity of soul.
  • Being healthy and athletic becomes prestigious
  • To be healthy, you need to have healthy thoughts: not think badly of anyone and not wish harm to anyone.

We all have the opportunity to choose. But it depends on the parents how the child will grow up. The school will correct something, but it molds from what is already involved. Real actions are what shape a child’s behavior, not words and moral teachings. According to research by scientists, human health is
50% is his lifestyle,

20% - heredity,

another 20% - environment and

only 10% - healthcare

A family is a whole world with its own rules, attitudes to life, health, and upbringing. Educational and health programs can only help supplement and enrich knowledge, but they cannot replace family upbringing and the example of parents. We need to start with ourselves – an adult, and let our children be healthy.

There is a rule:“If you want to raise your child healthy, follow the path of health yourself, otherwise there will be nowhere to lead him!”.

Literature used

  1. Aboskalova N.P. Health must be taught / Methodological manual for teachers. Novosibirsk: LLC Publishing Company "Lada", 2000.
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  4. Report on the state of health of children in the Russian Federation (based on the results of the All-Russian medical examination in 2002) // Medical newspaper. 2006. No. 30. P.15-18.
  5. Health-saving technologies in secondary schools: methodology of analysis, forms, methods, application experience / Ed. MM. Bezrukikh, V.D. Sonkina. M.: IVF RAO, 2002. – 181 p.
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