The meaning of blue color. The meaning of blue color in psychology

Psychology of blue color. Meaning. Some researchers are of the opinion that the word “blue” originates from the word “dove.” But there is also an opinion that this word is a “relative” of the word “deep” (water conceals, in its depths, a bluish tint). Blue is considered the color of creativity. Therefore, it is recommended to use it in educational institutions.

The "sea" color has no bottom. He knows how to attract the attention of anyone. It intoxicates, calls for a search for meaning and truth. By the way, if you suddenly cannot live without the color blue in your clothes, this means that the energy of imagination is “seething” in you.

Blue color in the psychology of ancient peoples. Since ancient times, the color blue has been associated with noble birth. Surely you've heard of the blue blood that is said to flow in aristocratic veins. Some scientists are of the opinion that it all started with Ancient Egypt: there, the “heavenly color” was treated with such adoration that Egyptian women even painted their legs with blue paint. Thus, they tried to demonstrate varicose veins, which, as is known, “bear” a bluish tint. It is because of this that this disease was considered a sign of high origin.

Since cyan (blue) color is very close to black, both have identical symbolic meanings. Among some tribes of South Africa, for example, dark blue or dark blue was considered a mourning color.

Blue is a “scorching” mixture of white and blue colors. Consequently, it affects the human condition in a similar way. “Heavenly Color”, surprisingly, heals suppuration and wounds. It also relieves the consequences of a difficult day and fatigue.

Blue color in psychology. Blue color is a symbol of fidelity, impressionability and affection. About those people who love this color, we can say with confidence that they easily succumb to despondency during failures. Lovers of blue color prefer peace, strive for harmony with people and with themselves, they have the ability for quite deep thoughts and aesthetic experiences. They are artistic workaholics and, therefore, reach incredible heights on the rungs of the social ladder. These people do not know how and do not like to sit in one place for a long time: travel is their element. If you want to agree on something with people who love the color blue, just show patience and it will certainly be rewarded.

Favorite color is blue. This color is extremely comfortable, it comforts and calms. A lot depends on the state of the blue color: a sense of harmony, depth of feelings, degree of vulnerability. Blue color is an expression of reliability, integrity, trust and loyalty. Many people have come to the conclusion that blue is their Favorite color and it comes from the soul.

One of the amazing properties of blue is its “ability” to expand space. Where there is blue color, or some shades of it, there is a feeling that the passage of time is significantly slowing down. Blue is the color of sensitivity. When you look at him, it seems that he is asking you to look inside yourself.

What does the color blue mean? Some people believe that blue is a symbol of peace. The lady who chooses him knows how to tell the truth, looking into his eyes, and, at the same time, not offend with a word. This happens because she is very confident in herself. Men who choose blue are reserved and cold.

In medicine. It has a blue color and medicinal properties: relieves headaches, refreshes. Blue color is simply a “salvation” for those who are trying to lose weight: it helps reduce appetite. It also helps those with high blood pressure: if you believe in the effectiveness of color therapy, then it can also reduce blood pressure. Also, blue color is useful for those who suffer from insomnia. It helps with diarrhea, vomiting and heartburn. For women: neutralizes PMS and reduces the amount of bleeding during menstruation.

The negative thing about color is that sometimes, “unintentionally,” it can bring a person to melancholy and make him sad. The negative aspects that the blue color “infects” are: the inability to maintain contact with others for a long time, a skeptical mood in planning goals, constant, unremitting dissatisfaction with what is and is happening at the moment.

This color is indispensable for shyness, fear of communication and self-consciousness. A person who is interested in meditation should also remember about the color blue, as it helps to “go into oneself” and be left alone with one’s innermost thoughts. Therefore, if you want to do (or are doing) meditation, light and place a blue lamp or candle nearby.

Psychology of blue color in a person’s profession. What professions do lovers and lovers of blue choose? Those who are in any way associated with risk (for example: military man, fireman, pilot).

People who choose this color are distinguished by win-win intuition, incredible determination and determination. And those who do not feel sympathy for this color, or reject it altogether, dream of serious changes that can relieve depression and stress.

American psychology. At Harvard, doctors conducted an experiment. People were divided into several groups. One of them was left overnight in a room that was illuminated in blue, and the other in green. It turned out that the “residents” of the green room do not feel as comfortable and good as those who spent time in the next room (with blue lighting).

Blue color is “born” for timid people who feel fear. There is no need to allow the color blue to be too much, since its excess will certainly lead to scandals, quarrels and manipulation of people. By the way, legends say that a too “flashy” blue color puts a person in a state of horror, causing ghosts and spirits.

Those who persistently reject the color blue acutely feel a lack of teamwork and friendships. Such people are weak, ambitious, but striving for superiority. Quite often, the blue color is strongly rejected by people suffering from nicotine addiction and by those who are not truly understood by their loved ones.

Some researchers are of the opinion that the word “blue” originates from the word “dove.” But there is also an opinion that this word is a “relative” of the word “deep” (water conceals, in its depths, a bluish tint). Blue is considered the color of creativity. Therefore, it is recommended to use it in educational institutions.

The "sea" color has no bottom. He knows how to attract the attention of anyone. It intoxicates, calls for a search for meaning and truth. By the way, if you suddenly cannot live without the color blue in your clothes, this means that the energy of imagination is “seething” in you.

Blue color in the psychology of ancient peoples

Since ancient times, the color blue has been associated with noble birth. Surely you've heard of the blue blood that is said to flow in aristocratic veins. Some scientists are of the opinion that it all started with Ancient Egypt: there, the “heavenly color” was treated with such adoration that Egyptian women even painted their legs with blue paint. Thus, they tried to demonstrate varicose veins, which, as is known, “bear” a bluish tint. It is because of this that this disease was considered a sign of high origin.

Since cyan (blue) color is very close to black, both have identical symbolic meanings. Among some tribes of South Africa, for example, dark blue or dark blue was considered a mourning color.

Blue is a “scorching” mixture of white and blue colors. Consequently, it affects the human condition in a similar way. “Heavenly Color”, surprisingly, heals suppuration and wounds. It also relieves the consequences of a difficult day and fatigue.

Blue color is a symbol of fidelity, impressionability and affection. About those people who love this color, we can say with confidence that they easily succumb to despondency during failures. Lovers of blue color prefer peace, strive for harmony with people and with themselves, they have the ability for quite deep thoughts and aesthetic experiences. They are artistic workaholics and, therefore, reach incredible heights on the rungs of the social ladder. These people do not know how and do not like to sit in one place for a long time: travel is their element. If you want to agree on something with people who love the color blue, just show patience and it will certainly be rewarded.

Favorite color - blue

This color is extremely comfortable, it comforts and calms. A lot depends on the state of the blue color: a sense of harmony, depth of feelings, degree of vulnerability. Blue color is an expression of reliability, integrity, trust and loyalty. Many people have come to the conclusion that blue is their Favorite color and it comes from the soul.

One of the amazing properties of blue is its “ability” to expand space. Where there is blue color, or some shades of it, there is a feeling that the passage of time is significantly slowing down. Blue is the color of sensitivity. When you look at him, it seems that he is asking you to look inside yourself.

What does the color blue mean?

Some people believe that blue is a symbol of peace. The lady who chooses him knows how to tell the truth, looking into his eyes, and, at the same time, not offend with a word. This happens because she is very confident in herself. Men who choose blue are reserved and cold.

In medicine

It has a blue color and medicinal properties: relieves headaches, refreshes. Blue color is simply a “salvation” for those who are trying to lose weight: it helps reduce appetite. It also helps those with high blood pressure: if you believe in the effectiveness of color therapy, then it can also reduce blood pressure. Also, blue color is useful for those who suffer from insomnia. It helps with diarrhea, vomiting and heartburn. For women: neutralizes PMS and reduces the amount of bleeding during menstruation.

The negative thing about color is that sometimes, “unintentionally,” it can bring a person to melancholy and make him sad. The negative aspects that the blue color “infects” are: the inability to maintain contact with others for a long time, a skeptical mood in planning goals, constant, unremitting dissatisfaction with what is and is happening at the moment.

This color is indispensable for shyness, fear of communication and self-consciousness. A person who is interested in meditation should also remember about the color blue, as it helps to “go into oneself” and be left alone with one’s innermost thoughts. Therefore, if you want to do (or are doing) meditation, light and place a blue lamp or candle nearby.

Psychology of blue color in a person’s profession

What professions do lovers and lovers of blue choose? Those who are in any way associated with risk (for example: military man, fireman, pilot).

People who choose this color are distinguished by win-win intuition, incredible determination and determination. And those who do not feel sympathy for this color, or reject it altogether, dream of serious changes that can relieve depression and stress.

American psychology

At Harvard, doctors conducted an experiment. People were divided into several groups. One of them was left overnight in a room that was lit blue, and the other green. It turned out that the “residents” of the green room do not feel as comfortable and good as those who spent time in the next room (with blue lighting).

Blue color is “born” for timid people who feel fear. There is no need to allow the color blue to be too much, since its excess will certainly lead to scandals, quarrels and manipulation of people. By the way, legends say that a too “flashy” blue color puts a person in a state of horror, causing ghosts and spirits.

Those who persistently reject the color blue acutely feel a lack of teamwork and friendships. Such people are weak, ambitious, but striving for superiority. Quite often, the blue color is strongly rejected by people suffering from nicotine addiction and by those who are not truly understood by their loved ones.

We see a wide variety of colors every day. They are present in clothes and the world around us. Each color has its own meaning. Let's talk about what the colors symbolize.

White color

White color is a symbol of purity and perfection. It has a beneficial effect on human energy. People who like him are usually honest and careful, but they have many enemies. As a rule, they have a calm temperament.

Red color

Red color is a symbol of vital energy. It activates, attracts the eye and warms. This color is liked by strong and brave people, who often turn out to be very vindictive. Red clothes are worn by those who want to stand out from the crowd. It charges people with special energy, giving them activity and vigor.

Orange color

Orange represents the color of creation. He is optimistic and encourages freedom and action. Orange color can activate the hidden capabilities of a person. With its help you can achieve any goals. Those people who prefer the color orange are strong in spirit, they have the ability to influence others and quickly gain popularity. They often become leaders.


The color yellow symbolizes love of life. It can bring joy and laughter, and also stimulates mental abilities. It is believed that the color yellow is liked by creative people who are honest and diligent. It is also chosen by those who want to become rich and succeed in life.


The color turquoise symbolizes harmony between heart and mind, experience and wisdom. It activates a person’s hidden talents and allows them to be developed to their maximum. This color is preferred by people who want to achieve not only success in life, but also enlightenment.

Green color

Green color symbolizes harmony. It reduces arousal and helps get rid of negative emotions. This color has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. People who like it usually lead a quiet life, are compassionate and sentimental. They are trusting and constant, but they are often betrayed by the people around them.


The blue color represents not only wisdom, but also a calm disposition. It promotes relaxation and inspires you to do good deeds. This color is chosen by people who strive for spiritual achievements. They are not selfish; they can be spineless and passive.

Blue color

The color blue symbolizes inspiration, justice and devotion. It contributes to the fulfillment of desires, even those that at first glance seem unrealistic. People who like the color blue tend to be very organized and self-possessed. They are receptive and can submit to others. They have well-developed logical thinking.


Purple is a color that symbolizes kindness and wisdom. It is very powerful, which is why it is preferred by leaders. The color violet helps balance spiritual and physical energy. People who give preference to it tend to put on airs, they have a well-expressed sense of self-esteem and have oratorical abilities. But at the same time, they often do not notice their shortcomings and can be quite harsh with others.

Pink color

Pink is the color of Venus, symbolizing love. It allows you to build relationships with people around you. With the help of the color pink, you can attract a soul mate into your life or fill an existing relationship with tenderness. It also helps to heal from emotional wounds, increase self-esteem and prevent troubles in life.

Brown color

The color brown symbolizes protection. It allows you to protect yourself and attracts only good events into life. The color brown attracts wealth, success and abundance. It appeals to people who are willing to do anything to achieve their goal.


Indigo is a color that symbolizes spiritual healing and enlightenment. It helps to learn about past lives and other worlds. It is preferred by people who like mysticism and the unknown.

Grey colour

The color gray represents protection from mental and physical attacks. It effectively neutralizes negative energy and allows you to quickly get rid of problems. People who choose this color are sensitive and kind-hearted.

Black color

The color black symbolizes mystery and enigma. It is chosen by people with a calm character. They often have foresight abilities, but not everyone uses them.

Blue is the color of calm and harmony, a color that helps you concentrate and find harmony with yourself. It relaxes and calms, helps strengthen the immune system (this is precisely one of the reasons why newborn babies should be surrounded with this particular color). - This is the color of dreamers, creative individuals and deep natures. The walls of classrooms are often painted the “color of the sky.” Blue knows how to “clean” a person, relieving stress and excess tension accumulated during the working day.

Blue color is chosen not only by dreamers and people of science, but also by aristocrats, as well as people from high society who consider this color to be noble and luxurious.

Blue color in psychology: moderation is always important

The heavenly color undoubtedly has more advantages than disadvantages, but its disadvantages cannot be ignored. It is always important to remember that moderation is good in everything, and the amount of blue should also be strictly dosed. An excess of heavenly tones can cause apathy and melancholy. It can also lead to loneliness, detachment and withdrawal. A person who has been in contact with the color blue for a long time may feel drowsiness, extreme fatigue and even some irritation.

Psychology of blue- this is the psychology of contemplation, the feeling of flight and freedom. Blue symbolizes a calm and clear sky above.

In the interpretation of the Luscher color test, blue is characterized as the color of carelessness and carelessness, it is the color of the absence of problems.

People who love its shades are usually very spiritual. They are romantic and gentle, love to travel and are drawn to the water element (the sea, river, lake). They look for perfection in everything and strive for their fictitious ideal, especially when it comes to love and relationships. These are people with well-developed intuition.

There are many shades of blue.

Blue is the color of intuition, emotionality and spiritual growth. Blue is associated with a clear sky and the transparency of water. It gives the impression of lightness, airiness and purity. This color teaches, it is called the “color of truth.” Blue is also the color of peace, meditation and inner harmony. He is quiet and calm and is able to help in solving any problem.

in psychology

Blue is the first of the cool colors of the spectrum, and its effect is opposite to that of red. If red excites, expands and warms, blue calms, contracts and cools. Blue color is a symbol of fidelity, impressionability and affection. About those people who love this color, we can say with confidence that they easily succumb to despondency during failures. Lovers of blue color prefer peace, strive for harmony with people and with themselves, they have the ability for quite deep thoughts and aesthetic experiences. They are artistic workaholics and, therefore, reach incredible heights on the rungs of the social ladder. These people do not know how and do not like to sit in one place for a long time: travel is their element. If you want to agree on something with people who love the color blue, just show patience and it will certainly be rewarded.

Blue is the color of emotion and communication. This is the color of pure consciousness, it cools and calms. Blue color comforts and calms the soul. This is especially important for children suffering from fears and obsessions. It also reduces emotional pain and counteracts cruelty and rudeness.

Blue color helps to concentrate attention on your feelings, with its help you can detach yourself from the outside world and feel spirituality. This is the color of contemplation and calm reflection. When practicing meditation, it is useful to light a blue lamp or candle. Then consciousness slows down and inspiration can strike the mind. Blue is also considered the color of writers, poets and philosophers. People who choose this color are distinguished by win-win intuition, incredible determination and determination. And those who do not feel sympathy for this color, or reject it altogether, dream of serious changes that can relieve depression and stress.

Positive characteristics

Introspection, contemplation, calmness, ability to communicate, tact, sincerity, purity

Negative characteristics

Tongue-tiedness, manipulation, treachery, isolation, indifference

If you want to inspire confidence in someone, wear blue clothes. Blue will not only inspire confidence, but also respect for your person, and will also emphasize your high social status and show others that you are prone to stability. Water and ice blue soothes and cools. Heart rate becomes lower. If you want to motivate your employees to work efficiently, paint your office walls blue. This will help not only office staff to work productively, but also weightlifters to exercise more effectively. It has been proven that in rooms with blue walls, athletes' performance increases.

Blue is considered the color of spiritual purity and sublimity. For example, in the Orthodox tradition, the Mother of God is usually depicted wearing clothes of this color. In this way, the artists emphasize her purity and devotion to God. Blue color can also be called a symbol of perfection, striving for the ideal. There is even such an expression as “blue dream” - that is, the most cherished, precious desire for which one can sacrifice everything. This meaning of blue is confirmed by the saying “bring it on a saucer with a blue border” - arrange everything in an impeccable manner. Blue also means originality and privilege. People of blue blood are those who have a noble origin and are at the very top of the social ladder.

Blue color in psychology

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