Meaning and origin of the surname Li. Do many trials mean that God has something special in store for man? Whether as a title or surname

To find out when using “means” whether a comma is needed, it is worth considering each case separately. The text environment of the lexeme will tell you where the punctuation mark is placed.

The word “means” is separated by commas

On both sides

1. “So” is highlighted with commas on both sides inside the sentence if it is an introductory word in the meaning of “therefore”, “therefore”.

2. If “means” is a conjunction meaning “thus,” “therefore,” “therefore,” it is also separated by commas.

  • He was diagnosed with a serious illness, which means he will not serve in the army.
  • Today the singer was given a lot of flowers, which means the staff needs to bring additional vases.

3. Identified by commas in the composition complex unions“once..., then”, “if..., then”.

  • Since he received this message, it means he was able to unlock the phone.
  • If the boots cannot be repaired, then they should simply be thrown away.

Before the word

A comma is placed before “means” when the introductory word is at the end of a sentence.

  • You're leaving already, then?
  • There won't be any parcels today, that means.

After the word

1. A comma after “means” is placed when the introductory word is at the beginning of a sentence.

  • So, I'll see you only tomorrow.
  • That means he won't be able to come today.

2. The introductory word is not separated from the preceding connecting conjunction (“but”, “yes”, “a”, “and”). The comma is placed after.

  • Yes, that means you and I are going in different directions.
  • This means that no one will leave without a gift.

3. The introductory word “means” is not separated from the previous one coordinating conjunction(most often “a”) if the lexeme cannot be omitted from a sentence without losing meaning or structure.

  • Last year there were serious violations, which means that now they will check carefully.
  • He loves her too much, which means he has already forgiven her.

No comma needed

1. If the word “means” is not introductory, but acts as a member of a sentence, then a comma is not used.

  • Your status means nothing to me.
  • For her, an expensive bracelet means exactly as much as ordinary jewelry.

2. When “means” acts as a connective (in the meaning “this”) with an infinitive predicate, commas are not needed. A dash is placed before the lexeme.

  • To love means to trust unconditionally.
  • Waiting for those lagging behind means not being on time for lunch.

3. If “means” in the role introductory word stands at the end separate turnover, then only the entire revolution is highlighted with commas (excluding the revolutions taken in brackets).

You must pay special attention First of all, on the quality of the purchased items. Preference should be given to clothing of a simple and strict style, wearable, comfortable and discreet. The main thing is to look correct and neat. And dressing “like you’re going to a ball” doesn’t suit you at all. Your appearance number is “Four.” The practicality of the “two” is reflected, among other things, in her manner of dressing. You should pay special attention, first of all, to the quality of the items you purchase. Preference should be given to clothing of a simple and strict style, wearable, comfortable and discreet. The main thing is to look correct and neat. And dressing “like you’re going to a ball” doesn’t suit you at all.

Compatibility of the name Lee, manifestation in love

Lee, you know how to love sincerely, deeply and reverently. With your characteristic maximalism, you give your feelings paramount importance. And if the partner is ready to reciprocate your feelings and at the same time meets all your requirements - as if he were his own appearance, and internal content - love can take over your entire being for a long time, become the meaning of life. At the same time, your desire to dominate, coupled with the inability or reluctance to demonstrate the depth of your feelings, can greatly complicate the relationship for your partner: you are passionately in love, but cold and withdrawn; You are ready to idolize, but at the same time you are constantly being put in your place.


The basis of your motivation is the desire for an independent position. That is why you always choose the path that no one has taken before. If the direction has not been mastered, it means there are no “authorities”, and no one will be able to correct your actions, indicate how and where you need to move.

As a result, you do not recognize anyone’s right to claim that your opinion is wrong and your choice is not sufficiently justified. It is almost impossible to turn you off the path, to make you doubt your abilities. On the contrary, any criticism spurs you on, provoking you to take even more decisive steps.

What definitely speaks in your favor is the fact that you never try to “shift” the responsibility for your actions onto someone else. Wanting to succeed in singles“You are ready for the fact that, in case of failure, you will be blamed for it.

However, a clear mind and courage, which, as you know, “takes cities,” make such an outcome unlikely. Therefore, they believe in you and willingly follow you.

Stanislav asks
Answered by Viktor Belousov, 12/04/2012

Stanislav asks:“Is it true that God has a plan for every person, and if a person goes through many trials at the beginning of his spiritual path, does this mean that God is preparing a person for something? Do God’s children have something special in store for them in this life?”

Peace be with you, Stanislav!

God knows the path of every person and values ​​it:

29 Are not two small birds sold for an assar? And not one of them will fall to the ground without the [will] of your Father;
30 And the hairs of your head are all numbered;
31 Do not be afraid: you are better than many small birds.

In our life, nothing happens for nothing. When we follow God's path, it is a path of constant development. And through every situation we encounter, God can teach us something special that will definitely be useful to us in the future:

2 Every branch of Me that does not bear fruit He cuts off; and every one that bears fruit he cleanses, that it may bear more fruit.

Even when we look at the animal world, we see how in the animal world the mother almost always trains her children. She doesn’t do this just like that, it’s an instinct laid down by God - for the survival and development of future generations. All the more so, God can train us - both in certain skills that will help us in the future, and in character traits.

If the picture is clearer with skills, then I would like to dwell in more detail on character.

A person who has suffered can be compassionate, a person who has gone through hunger has a different attitude towards the bread and needs of others. A person who has overcome his shortcomings can help others overcome theirs, because... knows how possible it is and how difficult it is. Experience and spiritual development build a strong character.

Scripture teaches:
20 A V big house there are vessels not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; and some in honorable, and others in low, use.
21 Therefore, if anyone is clean from this, he will be a vessel of honor, sanctified and useful to the Master, fit for every good work.

God has many tasks on this earth. Not every task can be completed by an untrained person. Therefore, for an “honorable” mission, from God’s point of view, people who are clean from sin and prepared are needed.

An honorable mission does not mean being rich and famous. Human standards and values ​​differ from God's. An example of such an honorable mission is Mother Teresa, who served the poor and disadvantaged of Calcutta. She had difficult life, she experienced a lot of suffering, but she was able to help a huge number people.

Therefore, we can say that the trials passed are compensated by God:
33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

God's blessings to you,

Read more on the topic “Personal Ministry”:

Thank you for your opinion, but tell me why it should be more authoritative for me (and perhaps for readers) than the opinion of Valery Zorkin (by the way, this is the Chairman of the Constitutional Court, I’ll explain just in case). You can read his article here

Or perhaps you can tell why I should leave “Spirits”, guided by your opinion, but not by the opinion of Charles Montesquieu, which was formulated in the work “On the Spirit of Laws”.

Are you talking about a literal interpretation? Literally interpreted, the Constitution is the law. The theory of the social contract, of course, it exists and it is the same theoretical basis as discussing the existence of the spirit of the law. I’ll also quote Zorkin: “The Constitution is a formalized social contract on the principles of state and social structure, which should be based on a real social contract. And what kind of social contract can you count on in a society where social stratification Is it just overwhelming? Moreover, in a situation where the injustice of the social differentiation that has developed in the country is no longer in doubt. Meanwhile, none of the projects currently being discussed new Constitution does not offer approaches to solving this key problem."

Well, firstly, Zorkin believes not only in the spirit of the law, but also in the fact that the Constitution is a social contract. And these thoughts coexist quite calmly together, which is a normal situation. Secondly, he hints that in our country the Constitution can hardly be considered social contract. And we are talking, I will note about the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

So, the literal interpretation of the contract. Let’s go over this too; there is a whole article on this subject, 431, Civil Code of the Russian Federation, namely:

When interpreting the terms of a contract, the court takes into account the literal meaning of the words and expressions contained therein. The literal meaning of a contract term, if it is unclear, is established by comparison with other terms and the meaning of the contract as a whole.

If the rules contained in part one of this article, do not allow us to determine the content of the contract, the actual general will parties, taking into account the purpose of the contract. In this case, all relevant circumstances are taken into account, including negotiations and correspondence preceding the contract, the practice established in mutual relations parties, customs, subsequent behavior of the parties.

As we see, if the conditions are unclear, an interpretation is given to a specific condition in connection with the meaning of the contract as a whole. That is, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation directly states that conditions can be interpreted and not always literally, when such a condition is not clear.

A similar, more expanded interpretation is given in the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated March 14, 2014 No. 16, which is known to all lawyers.

I'll go a little aside and give an example from judicial practice about the “literal interpretation” of the contract. Thus, in particular, the courts indicate that the insurer, when formulating the terms of the contract, did not make the necessary and sufficient efforts to ensure that the conditions were clear, unambiguous and understandable to any person without special skills in insurance (resolution of the AS of the West Siberian District dated January 19, 2016 in the case No. A03-9596/2015, Eleventh AAS dated 04.28.15 in case No. A65-6206/2014). What is this for? And to the fact that the court did not interpret the condition literally, but indicated a violation of the rights of one party in relation to the other.

I’ve finished this thought, I’m waiting for your new comments.

If you look at it, Christian humility is still not cowardice or inner weakness. He is cowardly and would be glad to take revenge, but his inner timidity will not allow it, and he thinks that he lacks physical and mental strength - that is, there is no humility in this, but a statement of his powerlessness.

On the contrary, humility is true fortitude, when you can return blow to blow, but courageously conquer anger and resentment within yourself, and show nobility and love towards the offender. Of course, if there is God’s will for the manifestation of strength, then this must be followed, because true strength of spirit is a firm hope in God, combined with personal courage. But in the end, true courage lies not in crushing the enemy as a source of danger, but in making a friend out of an enemy.

So why is it necessary to humble yourself?

Saint Nicholas of Serbia offers us the following wise instruction: “Crime is always weakness. A criminal is a coward, not a hero. Therefore, always consider that the one who does evil to you is weaker than you; and just as you do not take revenge on a small child, so do not take revenge on someone who has done you harm. For he is a villain not because of strength, but because of weakness. In this way you will gain strength in yourself and become like the sea, which never overflows its shores to drown all the people who throw stones at it.”

Among the fierce tortures, Fausta prayed for her tormentor: “I pray to You, Lord, enlighten him with faith and confirm him in Your fear.”

In the lives of the saints the name of the now little-known holy martyr Favsta (beginning of the 4th century) appears. She's completely at a young age, in the thirteenth year of her life, was given over to torture for the faith of Christ. The emperor ordered the tormentor Maxim to pour out all the horror of his torment on the saint. Among the fierce tortures of Favsta, contrary to the expectations of those around her, she only thanked God and meekly prayed for her tormentor, uttering the following words: “I pray to You, Lord, love Maxim, enlighten him with faith and confirm him in Your fear.” This meek prayer and desire for the good of his torturer so struck his heart that Maxim himself believed in Christ and, together with Saint Favsta, accepted martyr's crown. Thus, love and humility always end in spiritual victory.

So, if you see that passions are boiling around you, that they are looking at you with anger, and people are speaking irritably about you or making all sorts of slander, then do not give in to the impulses of your own irritation. If your offenders want to burn in the fire of their own passions, in the flame of their own indignation, then at least you yourself do not step into this fire. With peaceful prayer in your soul, with sympathy for the indignant, stay away from these passions. Who knows, maybe your prayer, as if abundant, clean water, will cool the fire, after which regret and repentance will remain in the souls of the enemies.

In the realities of our scary world There is such a phenomenon - Satanism. The servants of this insane cult, having chosen outright evil and violence as the main values ​​of life, sometimes do not hesitate to sacrifice living people to the devil. Few people know that in this savage ritual, unthinkable in its cruelty for common consciousness, the actual victim is the moment when the unfortunate person admits anger towards the torturers. And this is recognized as a victory.

Alas, the cult intuition of Satanists in in this case corresponds to spiritual realities. Christ defeats the devil on the Cross because, during innocent, unjust suffering, He reveals love, goodness and forgiveness in Himself, and not anger, hatred or the thirst for revenge. This is the only way that good overcomes evil. With His humility on the Cross, the Lord crushes the pride of the devil, and therefore for the past two thousand years dark forces they are afraid of the sign of the cross.

The Ancient Patericon tells a story about how in Babylon the daughter of one of the idolaters had a demon in her. Her father knew a certain monk who told him: “No one can heal your daughter except the hermits I know. But even those, if you ask them, will not want to do this out of humility. Here's what we'll do: when they come to the auction, we'll pretend that we want to buy handicrafts from them. As soon as they enter the house to receive money for the things purchased from them, we will tell them to say a prayer, and I believe that your daughter will be healed.” So, they went to the market, where they saw a monk selling baskets. He was invited to the house to give money there. As soon as the monk entered inside, the mad woman ran out to meet him and hit him on the cheek. He immediately turned her other cheek according to the commandment. The demon, feeling the torment, cried out: “Oh, trouble! The commandment of Jesus Christ drives me out!” The girl immediately cleared herself. They told the elders about what had happened, who glorified God and said: “It is usual for the pride of the devil to fall before the humility of Christ’s commandment.”

Abba Moses said: “He who has humility humbles demons, and he who does not have humility is humbled by demons.”

Even in the Ancient Patericon, it is narrated how one man, tormented by a demon and exuding a lot of foam from the action of the demon living in him, hit an old hermit on the cheek. The elder turned the other cheek to him. The demon, unable to bear the act of humility, immediately left the raging man. And the ancient Christian ascetic Abba Moses said: “He who has humility humbles demons, and he who does not have humility is humbled by demons.”

So why do we talk about the importance of humility? To answer simply, it is because we are Christians, and Christ showed humility in His life. “For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45). The path to the glory revealed by Christ runs through humility, also revealed by Christ.

Archimandrite Sophrony (Sakharov) revealed this truth figuratively. Human society like a pyramid, at the top of which there is a leader - a king, a president, any kind of ruler. Further, on the layers close to the top, there are people who have power close to the royal one, and at the base of the pyramid there are people who are subject to power. Usually in the world the strongest subjugate the weakest, the kingdoms of fallen people are based on exploitation and violence. However, Christ turned this pyramid over. He Himself, having led the renewed humanity, is the base of the pyramid, and in relation to its subordinates He Himself became a servant. Therefore, in the Kingdom of Christ, the greater serves the lesser, the stronger humbles himself before the weak. Accordingly, one can reach true heights only by following the example of Christ, and not the example of His crucifiers.

The meaning of the virtue of humility cannot be conveyed rationally. Its value is comprehended by the experience of spiritual life, when the heart is not torn by passionate thoughts of revenge, resentment, enmity, but feels peace and freedom. May the Lord strengthen every Christian to sincerely fulfill the commandment of humility, which is so significant for gaining true spiritual strength.

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