Analysis of the poem Nekrasova Autumn. Nikolay Nekrasov - Railway: Verse

Glorious Autumn

Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous

Air tired strength invigorates;

Fragile ice on the icy river

It lies like melting sugar;

Near the forest, like in a soft bed,

You can get a good night's sleep - peace and space!

The leaves have not yet had time to fade,

Yellow and fresh, they lie like a carpet.

Glorious autumn! Frosty nights

Clear, quiet days...

There is no ugliness in nature! And kochi,

And moss swamps and stumps -

Everything is fine under the moonlight,

Everywhere I recognize my native Rus'...

I fly quickly on cast iron rails,

I think my thoughts...

N. Nekrasov

Golden autumn

Autumn. Fairytale palace

Open for everyone to review.

Clearings of forest roads,

Looking into the lakes.

Like at a painting exhibition:

Halls, halls, halls, halls

Elm, ash, aspen

Unprecedented in gilding.

Linden gold hoop -

Like a crown on a newlywed.

The face of a birch tree - under a veil

Bridal and transparent.

Buried land

Under leaves in ditches, holes.

In the yellow maple outbuildings,

As if in gilded frames.

Where are the trees in September

At dawn they stand in pairs,

And the sunset on their bark

Leaves an amber trail.

Where you can't step into a ravine,

So that everyone doesn't know:

It's so raging that not a single step

There is a tree leaf underfoot.

Where it sounds at the end of the alleys

Echo at a steep descent

And dawn cherry glue

Solidifies in the form of a clot.

Autumn. Ancient Corner

Old books, clothes, weapons,

Where is the treasure catalog

Flipping through the cold.

B. Pasternak

The plums in the garden are falling,

A noble treat for the wasps...

A yellow leaf took a swim in the pond

And welcomes early autumn.

He imagined himself as a ship

The wind of wanderings rocked him.

So we will swim after him

To piers unknown in life.

And we already know by heart:

In a year there will be a new summer.

Why is there universal sadness?

In every line of poetry by poets?

Is it because there are traces in the dew?

Will the rains wash away and the winters freeze?

Is it because all moments are

Fleeting and unique?

L. Kuznetsova

"Autumn. Silence in the dacha village..."

Autumn. Silence in the dacha village,

And deserted and ringing on earth.

Cobwebs in the transparent air

Cold as a crack in glass.

Through the sandy pink pines

The roof with the cockerel is turning bluish;

In a light haze the velvet sun -

Like a peach touched with fluff.

At sunset, lush but not harsh,

The clouds are waiting for something, frozen;

Holding hands, they radiate shine

The last two, the most golden ones;

Both turn their faces to the sun,

Both fade at one end;

The eldest carries the feather of the firebird,

The youngest is the fluff of a fire chick.

N. Matveeva


October!.. The trees are waiting for snow,

The river floods have quieted down while locked up...

I chose a haystack for myself for the night

Where night found me on my way.

Like fireflies in a slumbering swamp,

The stars trembled in the black heights;

The earth, chilled in its night flight,

In a dream she snuggled affectionately against me.

And I covered my feet with dry straw

And putting a gun under my head,

I warmed myself up and soon little by little

He warmed up the huge one...

The dawn flowed through the gaps in the leaden clouds,

For the whole day, for many, many years

The earth gave me the sun again,

From the dark night

At dawn!

Here you go. It was a wonderful morning. She walked and mentally said:
"Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous
The air invigorates tired forces;"
and planned to re-read Nekrasov.
During the day, you can’t always do what you want. If work gets in the way of your hobbies, then don’t bother with that kind of work)
Evening. I'll say something banal. But there is no other way to say it: blue evening. The sky is dark blue. There may be such an effect from the lanterns, but blue, blue.
There is a little time that can be used without benefit)
I asked myself the question: what is it about me that I like about myself?
Appearance is ordinary. Mind? Shaking your head skeptically, you have to admit that it’s good if we get closer to the average. So, taking myself apart piece by piece, I got to what I value in myself. Mainly because I raised this quality herself. I know how to tell myself the truth and I know how to make fun of myself.
For the first almost 20 years of my life I lived under the strange and difficult surname Kutsevolova for the place where I lived. My dear father rewarded me with such a gift. IN kindergarten I didn’t go, but I had a blast at school. It was later, when I became an adult, that I discovered that the roots of the surname stretch from the Principality of Poland-Lithuania. That “cutseval” was the name given to those whose profession was to lay cloth on caftans. This is where the surnames Kutsevalov and Kutsevolov, and Pustovalov at the same time, came from.
Based on the fact that my father’s brother once told a family legend that their distant ancestors fled to the Stavropol region in the 15th century approximately from the Chernigov region and, given that this region is the border of Rus', Belarus and Ukraine, it seems to converge.
Historical excursion - just like that.
As a child, both my classmates and I were convinced that the root of the surname was the word short, tailless. Can you imagine how they teased me? A girl who came to school from home education.
Somehow, apparently through experience, I don’t remember now, I determined that the more you show offense, the more they tease you. I learned to pretend that I don't give a damn.
The next step was the ability to give nicknames. The names I gave usually stuck for a long time. It turned out that I was malicious and very attentive. She noticed subtleties and came up with precise characteristics.
She didn’t tease the weak. Usually it went to those who first entered the battle.
My son’s physical education teacher, seeing me, became shorter. He probably remembered his childhood years and how I chased him around big tree. For what? Neither he nor I remember, but he wore the nickname he received from me until he graduated from school. I didn’t tell my son. I regret it.)
I didn't like my last name. That’s why I tried to change it as quickly as possible. Then I started improving)
From those very distant childhood years, a lesson began - not to be afraid to laugh at yourself, to make fun of yourself and the absence of fear to admit that you are wrong in anything.
Only this quality helped and helps to live and cope with any situations.
Why did I remember this?
Because in the morning, leaving the house, I caught my first thought:

Vanya (in a coachman's jacket). Dad! who built this road?
Dad (in a coat with a red lining). Count Pyotr Andreevich Kleinmichel, my dear!
Conversation in the carriage

I wasn’t thinking about the beauties of nature. Not about autumn.
Seeing the road workers, I imagined the count in a coat with a red lining)

Then I remembered how it was on Town Hall Square. this year, the spruce fell twice, and one of those “in a coat with a red lining” broadcast on the news this morning that the city authorities had absolutely nothing to do with it. That the contractor is to blame. He didn’t say a word about how the contractor was chosen. Why did you choose those who have no experience installing spruce trees on the square?
It's good that there were no casualties. The spruce is huge.

“Good dad! Why the charm?
Should I keep Vanya the smart one?
You will allow me in the moonlight
Show him the truth."

That's why I remembered Nekrasov. My class instincts perked up.
Outrage began to rise. I thought: against whom? Revolt against the owner of our small company? Stupid.
Oh, I won’t start a front.
Better about autumn.

Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous
The air invigorates tired forces;
Fragile ice on the icy river
It lies like melting sugar;

Near the forest, like in a soft bed,
You can get a good night's sleep - peace and space!
The leaves have not yet had time to fade,
Yellow and fresh, they lie like a carpet.

Glorious autumn! Frosty nights
Clear, quiet days...
There is no ugliness in nature! And kochi,
And moss swamps and stumps -..."

And yet, I re-read "The Railroad"

And I advise you.
Let’s read, think, and laugh at ourselves.
What else is left to do?

They say that ten minutes of laughter is equivalent to a glass of sour cream.
This is probably why people love comedians so much.
But they don't make me laugh. On the contrary, their jokes make me sad.

Nikolai Alekseevich showed so well the reality of his time and our time, and time in general and all of us, that the soul becomes joyful and wants to laugh, that we people have not changed and, most likely, will not change.

So: Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov " Railway"year 1845

Other articles in the literary diary:

  • 29.11.2011. Glorious Autumn
  • 26.11.2011.
  • 25.11.2011.
  • 11/24/2011. Signs along the way, turkey, Christmas and other joys
  • 11/23/2011. People, age, sex and the desire to live
  • 11/22/2011. Morning fog and a bath with cockroaches
  • 11/18/2011. Angles - Dmitry Krasnov
  • 11/17/2011. and again a little fs and others - Arvi Siig
  • 11/16/2011. middle of the week. a little fs and a little chat
  • 11/14/2011. tired monday
  • 12.11.2011.

Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous
The air invigorates tired forces;
Fragile ice on a chilly river
It lies like melting sugar;

Near the forest, like in a soft bed,
You can get a good night's sleep - peace and space!
The leaves have not yet faded,
Yellow and fresh, they lie like a carpet.

Glorious autumn! Frosty nights
Clear, quiet days...
There is no ugliness in nature! And kochi,
And moss swamps and stumps -

Everything is fine under the moonlight,
Everywhere I recognize my native Rus'...
I fly quickly on cast iron rails,
I think my thoughts...

Good dad! Why the charm?
Should I keep Vanya the smart one?
You will allow me in the moonlight
Show him the truth.

This work, Vanya, was terribly enormous
Not enough for one!
There is a king in the world: this king is merciless,
Hunger is its name.

He leads armies; at sea by ships
Rules; rounds up people in an artel,
Walks behind the plow, stands behind
Stonemasons, weavers.

It was he who drove the masses of people here.
Many are in a terrible struggle,
Having brought these barren wilds back to life,
They found a coffin for themselves here.

The path is straight: the embankments are narrow,
Columns, rails, bridges.
And on the sides there are all Russian bones...
How many of them! Vanechka, do you know?

Chu! menacing exclamations were heard!
Stomping and gnashing of teeth;
A shadow ran across the frosty glass...
What's there? Crowd of the dead!

Then they overtake the cast-iron road,
They run in different directions.
Do you hear singing?.. “On this moonlit night
We love to see your work!

We struggled under the heat, under the cold,
With an ever-bent back,
They lived in dugouts, fought hunger,
They were cold and wet and suffered from scurvy.

The literate foremen robbed us,
The authorities flogged me, the need was pressing...
We, God's warriors, have endured everything,
Peaceful children of labor!

Brothers! You are reaping our benefits!
We are destined to rot in the earth...
Do you all remember us poor people kindly?
Or have you forgotten a long time ago?..”

Do not be horrified by their wild singing!
From Volkhov, from Mother Volga, from Oka,
WITH different ends great state -
These are all your brothers - men!

It's a shame to be timid, to cover yourself with a glove,
You're not little!.. With Russian hair,
You see, he’s standing there, exhausted by fever,
Tall sick Belarusian:

Bloodless lips, drooping eyelids,
Ulcers on skinny arms
Always standing in knee-deep water
The legs are swollen; tangles in hair;

I'm digging into my chest, which I diligently put on the spade
Day after day I worked hard all my life...
Take a closer look at him, Vanya:
Man earned his bread with difficulty!

I didn’t straighten my hunchbacked back
He is still: stupidly silent
And mechanically with a rusty shovel
It's hammering the frozen ground!

This noble habit of work
It would be a good idea for us to adopt...
Bless the work of the people
And learn to respect a man.

Don’t be shy for your dear fatherland...
The Russian people have endured enough
He also took out this railway -
He will endure whatever God sends!

Will bear everything - and a wide, clear
He will pave the way for himself with his chest.
It’s just a pity to live in this wonderful time
You won’t have to, neither me nor you.

At this moment the whistle is deafening
He squealed - the crowd of dead people disappeared!
“I saw, dad, I had an amazing dream,”
Vanya said, “five thousand men,”

Representatives of Russian tribes and breeds
Suddenly they appeared - and he said to me:
“Here they are - the builders of our road!..”
The general laughed!

“I was recently within the walls of the Vatican,
I wandered around the Colosseum for two nights,
I saw St. Stephen in Vienna,
Well... did the people create all this?

Excuse me for this impudent laugh,
Your logic is a little wild.
Or for you Apollo Belvedere
Worse than a stove pot?

Here are your people - these thermal baths and baths,
It’s a miracle of art - he took everything away!” -
“I’m not speaking for you, but for Vanya...”
But the general did not allow him to object:

"Your Slav, Anglo-Saxon and German
Do not create - destroy the master,
Barbarians! wild bunch of drunkards!..
However, it’s time to take care of Vanyusha;

You know, the spectacle of death, sadness
It is a sin to disturb a child's heart.
Would you show the child now?
The bright side..."

Glad to show you!
Listen, my dear: fatal works
It’s over - the German is already laying the rails.
The dead are buried in the ground; sick
Hidden in dugouts; working people

A tight crowd gathered around the office...
They scratched their heads:
Every contractor must stay,
Walking days have become a penny!

The foremen entered everything into the book -
Did you take to the bathhouse, did you lie sick:
“Maybe there is a surplus here now,
Here you go!..” They waved their hand...

In a blue caftan - a venerable meadowsweet,
Thick, squat, red as copper,
A contractor is traveling along the line on holiday,
He goes to see his work.

The idle people part decorously...
The merchant wipes the sweat from his face
And he says, putting his hands on his hips:
“Okay... nothing... well done!.. well done!..

With God, now go home - congratulations!
(Hats off - if I say!)
I expose a barrel of wine to the workers
And - I give you the arrears!..”

Someone shouted “hurray”. Picked up
Louder, friendlier, longer... Lo and behold:
The foremen rolled the barrel singing...
Even the lazy man could not resist!

The people unharnessed the horses - and the purchase price
With a shout of “Hurray!” rushed along the road...
It seems difficult to see a more gratifying picture
Shall I draw, general?..

In 1913, sad news spread throughout the world. The giant ocean liner Titanic sank after colliding with an iceberg. Experts explained the causes of the disaster in different ways. It was agreed that in the fog the captain did not see a huge floating ice mountain and, having flown into it, the ship ended its earthly existence.

If we look at this unfortunate event through the eyes of a chemist, we will come to a very unexpected conclusion: the Titanic fell victim to yet another water anomaly.

Frightening ice blocks- Icebergs float like a cork on the surface of the water. Blocks of tens of thousands of tons.

And all because ice is lighter than water.

Try to melt any metal and throw a piece of the same metal into the melt: it will instantly sink. In the solid state, any substance has higher density than in liquid. Ice and water are surprising exceptions to this rule. Without this exception, all bodies of water in the middle latitudes would quickly freeze to the bottom: all living things would die here.

Remember Nekrasov’s poems:

The ice is fragile on the icy river,

It lies like melting sugar...

Knocked severe frosts, the ice will get stronger. Will stretch along the river winter road. But under a thick layer of ice, water will flow, as before. The river will not freeze to the bottom.

Ice, the solid state of water, is an extremely unique substance. There are several types of ice. There is only one known in nature, the one that melts at zero degrees. Scientists in laboratories applying high pressure, received six more ice varieties. The most fabulous of them (ice VII), found at a pressure of more than 21,700 atmospheres, could be called hot ice. It melts at a temperature of 192 degrees above zero, at a pressure of 32 thousand atmospheres.

It seemed that the picture of melting ice could be more ordinary. But what amazing things happen!

Any solid after melting it begins to expand. The water obtained when ice melts behaves completely differently: it contracts and only then, if the temperature continues to rise, begins to expand. This is again due to the strong ability of water molecules to attract each other. At four degrees above zero, this ability manifests itself especially sharply. Therefore, at this temperature water has highest density; That’s why our rivers, ponds and lakes don’t freeze to the bottom even in the most severe cold.

You rejoice at the arrival of spring, admire the beautiful days of golden autumn. Joyful spring drops and scarlet headdress forests...

Again, an anomalous property of water!

It takes a lot of heat to melt ice. Incomparably more than for melting any other substance taken in the same quantity.

When water freezes, this heat is released again. Ice and snow, giving back heat, heat the ground and air. They soften the abrupt transition to harsh winter and allow autumn to reign for several weeks. In spring, melting ice delays the onset of hot days.

“Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous air invigorates tired forces” - these Nekrasov lines are good to recite on the morning in November, when it’s cold, damp and dark... And if it doesn’t help, then you need to find strong emotions or exciting contrasts: bright light, rhythmic music... And also very good books: fascinating stories, unexpected endings, charming heroes and charming heroines.

You, of course, have already heard and probably read the loudest and most successful new releases of the past autumn: “And the Echo Flies Through the Mountains” by Khaled Hosseini and “Inferno” by Dan Brown.

But there are other books, not only cool new releases, but also previously known bestsellers that have received an unexpectedly new surge of interest and new life. Don't miss out on November books!

What do two magnificent little novels, “Buddha in the Attic” and “When the Emperor Was a God,” placed under the same cover, have in common, except the name of the author?

That this is the story of strangers in a strange land. The heroes face the same problem: they need to go to someone else's world and make it their own, they need to learn new language, adapt to new culture and realize that children born in America will reject both their ancestors and their history. This is a story about immigrants who suddenly became strangers to both neighbors and friends when war broke out. This is a story about what it means to live in America during turbulent times. This is a story about people who are outwardly calm, although a storm is raging in their souls.

For the first time in Russian!

In the novel by a French journalist main character- modern business woman.

The publisher is pressing on Josephine, demanding that she new book. But she has no time for creativity: youngest daughter has just started her first adult romance, the eldest is turning into a copy of her intriguing grandmother; Josephine's affections are sought by the handsome Philip (but it is not so easy to accept the advances of his dead sister's husband!), and her best friend is depressed and constantly demands attention and consolation.

One morning, Josephine finds someone's diary in the trash. She could not even imagine that it was in him that she would find her lost inspiration and taste for life...

The tenth book in the series about Harry Hole by the Norwegian J. Näsbø after long wait finally translated and published.

Nesbø likes to call himself a rock musician, composer, author of rock lyrics, professional economist and only then – as a writer. However, he is clearly disingenuous...

This book is a brilliant, if not the best, example of a detective thriller. The corpses are multiplying, the mysteries are growing... New murders are committed with incredible cruelty, and the police do not have a single clue. And worst of all, they lost their best investigator. Meanwhile, in one of the hospitals in Oslo, a seriously wounded man lies in a coma. The patient's identity is kept secret, his room is guarded by the police...

Sergei Lukyanenko starts new project"BORDERLANDS". There will be many authors, but one place of action.

In the first book, Lukyanenko introduces Centrum - central world Universe, surrounded by petals of other worlds, including our Earth. Centrum was once great and strong, but disaster threw it back into the past.

Here, at the crossroads of thousands and thousands of civilizations, the Border Guard Corps is on duty, guarding the borders between worlds... The choice of an earthling who accidentally finds himself in Centrum is small: to become a smuggler or a border guard. And the differences between these professions are sometimes also small...

But sooner or later you have to decide: what is it for you? border service? Because the Earth is threatened by a disaster that once came to Centrum...

This fall, the premiere of "Ender's Game" is making noise on cinema screens. legendary book Orson Scott Card.

Earth civilization is under threat. For seven decades now, humanity has been waging an unwinnable war with alien alien race, and the chances of winning are dwindling. But here on Earth a genius is born, a child who is destined to become the savior of humanity. His name is Andrew Wiggin, or Ender, which means winner.

"Ender's Game" is an absolute masterpiece of modern science fiction, it won two of science fiction's highest awards in the same year - the Hugo and Nebula awards. One of the most brilliant, most memorable works of recent decades.

In 2013, another bestseller, the cult novel by Tonino Benaquist “Malavita,” also received a film adaptation. The film of the same name was directed by Luc Besson and starred Robert De Niro, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Tommy Lee Jones.

This novel is a fascinating, ironic detective story full of subtle humor, combining the toughness of the American " Godfather"with a subtle, charming French charm.

So, the Blake family with their dog Malavita, leaving a luxurious house in the States, moved to live in France, in a small town. At first glance - ordinary family. But in fact, the humble writer Blake - former head mafia, whom the authorities are hiding here under the witness protection program. And so the Cosa Nostra people come to the town...

The author of the book is a professional journalist, owner Pulitzer Prize, as well as a National Magazine Award for Documentary Filmmaking. When Katherine Boo married an Indian and moved to Mumbai, she was shocked by the extreme poverty of the slum dwellers. For three years, Katherine lived among them, spending whole days in rat-infested garbage sheds and making nightly forays with thieves to the new airport terminals. And so this book was born - winner of the 2012 American National Literary Award.

The book's characters live in slums and seize every opportunity to escape extreme poverty, and their attempts lead to incredible consequences...

A new book from a French writer, world fame which brought him his debut novel "Between Heaven and Earth".

This is a novel about New York Times journalist Andrew Stillman, who is trying to find a new interesting topic for the article. Having accidentally met a girl named Susie, he soon realizes that her life is in danger: the girl intends to shed light on the old family history, but influential politicians don’t like it at all. Andrew decides to help Susie, and together they begin a search that threatens both of them with death.

John Miller, Karen Miller

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