Analysis of the poem I came to you with greetings. Literary analysis: “I came to you with greetings” A.A.

Minutes of communication with the pure, light and bright lyrics of A.A. Feta is unforgettable. His poetry is reminiscent of the paintings of impressionist artists who were able to display in their paintings real world in its mobility and variability, to convey seemingly elusive impressions, the subtlest shades of mood, psychological nuances. Fresh and direct perception life, the depiction of its unique moments that are significant for every person are also characteristic of Fet’s poetry, which can be seen in the example of the poem “I came to you with greetings...”. The landscape captured in it cannot be called static:

I came to you with greetings,

Tell me that the sun has risen

What is it with hot light

The sheets fluttered...

In my opinion, the key word in the quoted lines is “trembled.” It conveys the picture as completely as possible spring morning, as if flowing, shimmering in the glare of the sun. How much air, how much light there is in this landscape! There is no color vocabulary in the poem, but don’t we see the colors of the sky, the rising sun, sparkling highlights on the green leaves of the trees? Sunrise. Still silent in nature. But here the landscape is voiced:

...Tell that the forest has woken up,

All woke up, every branch,

Every bird was startled

And full of thirst in spring.

The picture of a new day evokes lyrical hero mood of joy. It is conveyed using anaphora, lexical repetition(“the forest woke up, woke up all over, every branch, every bird”).

The technique of personification used by the poet (“the sun has risen”, “the forest has awakened”, “is full of thirst”) allows one to achieve a feeling of complete harmony between man and nature, life. This effect is enhanced by female rhymes, which add melody to the poem. Experiencing complete harmony in his soul, the lyrical hero is ready to sing about his love along with the new day of life:

Tell me that with the same passion,

Like yesterday, I came again,

That the soul is still the same happiness

And I'm ready to serve you...

The lyrical hero feels a huge surge of creative strength, inspiration awakens in him, and a still unclear, but already emerging, poetic image appears in his imagination:

...Tell me that from everywhere

It blows over me with joy,

That I don’t know myself that I will

Sing - but only the song is ripening.

Thus, in Fet’s poem “I came to you with greetings...” the fullness of being is felt not only by the lyrical hero, but also by all of nature, the forest, which, as we have already noted, “is full of thirst in spring.” “Spring thirst” - what a desire for life in nature! It is equal in strength human desire happiness, love. Each twig is filled with a thirst for life, like life-giving juice, the hot light of the sun hitting the leaves, the lyrical hero passionately in love with a woman and life, the inspired poet rejoices!..

Man and nature are fused together in Fet's poem. Together they welcome the birth of a new day.

Analysis of the poem

Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet:

Completed by: Elena Molchanova

11 "A" class

Schools GBOU Secondary School No. 276

Checked by: Meshkova Elena Anatolyevna

“I came to you with greetings, to tell you...”

I came to you with greetings,

Tell me that the sun has risen

What is it with hot light

The sheets began to flutter;

Tell me that the forest has woken up,

All woke up, every branch,

Every bird was startled

And full of thirst in spring;

Tell me that with the same passion,

Like yesterday, I came again,

That the soul is still the same happiness

And I’m ready to serve you;

Tell me that from everywhere

It blows over me with joy,

That I don’t know myself that I will

Sing - but only the song is ripening.

The work of Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet (1820-1892) was distinguished by its originality and bold flight of imagination. Being by nature a rather gloomy person, rational in affairs, conservative in beliefs, Fet appears before us as a poet praising the beauty of nature and human feelings. Many critics have often noticed that Fet's poems are not as simple as they may seem at first glance. But in order to understand the work of Afanasy Afanasyevich, you need to learn to perceive it.

My favorite poem is “I came to you with greetings...”. This poetic masterpiece has been associated with the beauty of Fetov’s creations since his youth.

The poem was first published in the journal Otechestvennye zapiski in 1843, in the seventh issue. The main theme of the poem is love. And even though the theme itself is old and hackneyed, the work is distinguished by its novelty and freshness. And many of Fet’s contemporaries testified to the extraordinary methods of writing poetic texts.

The very beginning of the poem is already unusual, if only because the poets of that time adhered to the Pushkin tradition of versification, which required extreme precision in words and combinations of words. Line from text:

I came to you with greetings, to tell you...

It is inaccurate and not even entirely “correct”. Critics of the time saw Fet as a daring and courageous poet. Fet knew about his inaccuracies poetic words, about their closeness to living things, therefore brighter and expressive speech. The poet jokingly called his works poems “in a disheveled state.”

The not entirely correct and seemingly sloppy expressions of Fetov’s poems create bizarre, unusually new images. Already the first words of the poem “I came to you with greetings...”, so seemingly random and absurd, create the organic naturalness of living speech. The feeling of improvisation makes a start poetic text even easier and more accessible. The moment of improvisation can be seen in last words poems:

I don’t know what I will be

Sing - but only the song is ripening.

Reading this poem by Fet, sometimes it seems to me that the word has some kind of special property, which, with all its breadth and instability, gives rise to various associations in thoughts. This can only be compared to a musical image.

At the beginning of Fetov's poem, some words sound especially vivid.

In the first stanza it is: “hello”, “sun”, “light”, “trembling leaves”. Their emotional meaning is close to each other.

Based on the associations they evoke, they talk about strong feelings- joy, happiness, love. Resembling a musical chord that gradually increases its sound, harmony is perceived in the sound and verbal series. An important advantage of any poetic text is its integrity. Here it manifests itself with amazing vividness. In the poem “I came to you with greetings..” both the harmony of objects and the harmony of tone are noticeable. In one movement there are objects outside world and the hero's feelings.

Numerous repetitions in the poem also contribute to the integrity of the composition of the work. Repetitions seem to hold words together this poem. Repetition achieves a harmonious, holistic movement of sounds and words. This is called artistic influence on the reader.

For example, the verb “tell” is the main anchor word in a poem, giving the text a unified sense of integrity. This word is noticeable in the second verse of the first stanza and in the first verse of all subsequent stanzas: “Tell that with the same passion”, “Tell that from everywhere...”. In the text you can also find repetition words: “The forest woke up” - “all woke up”, “every branch - every bird.”

I would also like to note the fact that all the rhymes in the poem are female. This ending with an unstressed syllable gives lingering and musicality.

Great attention in their poetic works Fet gave the ending. It may be noted here that lyrical plot ends with a song - highest point joy. The song doesn’t even have words yet, but it’s already bursting out.

In conclusion, I would like to note that Fet’s works have been extremely popular for the past century. His poems are like songs, and songs have always existed and came from the very heart, touching the soul of the listener!

Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet is a rather unusual and original poet. His poems must not just be read, but seen and understood the full depth of feelings that the poet instilled in him.

The poem “I came to you with greetings...” was written in 1843, it was published in the journal Otechestvennye zapiski. The theme of love is raised in it, but everything is written fresh and uncluttered.

The originality of the verse lies in the lack of precision and definiteness in the lines, which contradicted the Pushkin tradition of writing poems. But thanks to this, Fet’s works are distinguished by their liveliness and brightness of language. It is inaccuracy and irregularity that create unusual, light and natural images. Critics note that Fet often resorts to improvisation in his works.

Listen to how easy and relaxed the first lines sound:

I came to you with greetings.
Tell me that the sun has risen
What is it with hot light
The sheets began to flutter;

The peculiarity of the verse is the use of strophic anaphora, when a certain word is repeated:

Tell me that the sun has risen... tell that the forest has woken up...
...tell me that with the same passion...
...tell me that from everywhere...

Thanks to this technique, the poem is read melodiously and smoothly.
It is filled with the emotionality of the author, who really wants to convey to his beloved the whole palette of sensations that he feels. To do this, he uses lexical repetitions:

...the forest woke up,
all woke up, every branch,
every bird...

Fet gave the ending of the verse the most great value. It must be complete, without omissions. And in the last lines, the author’s feelings spill out:

...That I myself don’t know that I will
Sing - but only the song is ripening.

The poem consists of four quatrains, four lines each. The poet uses cross rhyme and trochaic tetrameter.

Reading this verse, the imagination pictures that beautiful morning forest, the beauty of which Fet was so impressed by. The poet’s feelings are conveyed to you, and now your soul is already filled with a feeling of happiness from solitude with nature.

When the poem was published, critics called it " poetic audacity" But it is precisely this ability to convey his own sensations and feelings so vividly and colorfully that makes Fet a unique poet who knows how to reach the heart of his reader. And even though his poems are grammatically incorrect and technically poor, they still remain classics.

Life consists of individual moments that become links in one chain - Eternity. Afanasy Fet created huge world poetry, the “links” of which are his poems. In this world, everything is one and everything tells a person to live and enjoy the gift that has been given to us from above! Each verse is a swarm of impressions, thoughts, joys and sorrows, giving rise to the desire to penetrate into other worlds, to feel the greatness of the Universe - this is what makes us in common with the poet.

The poem was published in the journal Otechestvennye zapiski in 1843. Before it saw the light of day, I.S. Turgenev insisted on cutting off the last two stanzas, although the author himself and N.A. Nekrasov did not agree. In 1863, Fet restored these stanzas. The lines of the poem were set to music by composers A. Arensky, M. Balakirev, N. Rimsky-Korsakov.

Theme of the poem

The main themes raised in the work are close to every spiritual and dreamy reader. These include:

  1. uniqueness of Russian nature
  2. love is the most cherished feeling
  3. philosophical reflections on the meaning of life and creativity
  4. beauty of the surrounding world

The work is dedicated to the most exciting and beautiful time of the year. The image of Spring is a favorite in Fet’s poetry. Awakening from sleep, the resurrection of the soul, an unprecedented rise in energy and strength, the expectation of everything fresh, pure and tender - all these are the main themes in the poem “I came to you with greetings.” This is a “solemn procession” of a powerful feeling and mood, which “puts an end” to the endless “hibernation” of humanity and calls to a bright, happy future.

Genre and composition

The content side of the composition is interesting: each stanza contains a separate “micro-theme”. In the first stanza there is a dawn coming in nature; in the second - the arrival of spring and the awakening to life of birds, “twigs” and “leaves” in the forest. The next stanza is when spring “settles” in the soul of the lyrical hero, opening towards happiness. In the final stanza, Spring and Love give birth to inspiration. The poet declares his poetic “creed”: to glorify beauty.

The form of the narrative fits within a “certain framework.” Each stanza (except the first) begins with the verb “tell.” The desire to be heard is the semantic side compositional construction. This technique allows you to attract the reader’s attention in order to explain to him for what purpose the author “burst” into the world of literature.

The address to the reader is written in a respectful manner, conducive to mutual conversation. Therefore, in terms of genre, this is most likely a message that also relates to landscape lyrics. However, Fet’s poem is not just an answer to the question about the purpose of the poet’s work. This is a philosophical discussion about love, about the feelings that overwhelm the soul, about the happiness of not only one person, but the entire universe.

The “Spring” poem is also a hymn to the eternal renewal of life, a hymn to the young, burning forces of nature.

Means of artistic expression

How does the poet achieve impression? Rhythm, arrangement of words, poetic syntax “tell” the reader the picture born in the poet’s soul.

Examples metaphorical way there are many conveyances of shades of feelings and thoughts in the poem: “the soul is ready to serve”, “the song is ripening”, he woke up “with every branch”, he perked up with “every bird”. The word “fun” does not mean idleness, but a mood for work and creativity.

An important artistic and visual means is personification, since for the poet nature and man are inseparable, interpenetrating concepts: the sun “rose”, “trembled”; the forest has “awakened”.

Reception rhythmic organization the text is anaphora (use of the repeated verb “tell”). Verbs give dynamism to the entire text. The repeated conjunction “what” creates the melodiousness of the poem, turning it into a “musical” work.

The work consists of four stanzas, each of which has four lines (quatrains), connected by cross rhyme. The meter of the poem “I came to you with greetings” is a dynamic trochaic tetrameter. However, the use of pyrrhic in each line (two unstressed syllables in the stanza) do a line of poetry light and airy.

They convey it accurately emotional state a person who is confident in his thoughts and feelings, alliteration (“I came with greetings”) and assonance (TELL that the sun has risen).

These sound recording techniques associatively give rise to the idea of ​​a bold and energetic attitude towards life itself: enjoy every moment, act, don’t sleep!

Idea of ​​the work

What doesn't give you peace? What stirs your soul? What makes you appeal to the reader, what does the poet want to “tell”? - Oh the sun. About “leaves” and “branches”. About the soul. Oh happiness. Oh fun. About the song. These keywords in the poem - the answer to the questions posed.

However, there is another “side of the coin”. “I” is also the lyrical hero’s address to his beloved. In it, he expresses gratitude for the feelings that stirred his soul, for the passion that it instilled in his heart and brought to life poetic inspiration.

The originality of Afanasy Fet's creativity

The poet's lyrics are intimate and psychological. It is close to the paintings of impressionist artists, evoking different impressions in viewers. Likewise, Fet’s poetry gives rise to a range of contradictory feelings, but admiration, peace, charm, and tenderness prevail.

Many poems begin with a confidently stated “I.” However, it is almost impossible to “restore” the poet’s personality from them. She is present indirectly.

The discrepancy between the real and artistic worlds- This " business card» Afanasy Fet. He created a world where you can go and take a break from life problems. This poetic “island” is like an elixir that helps to avoid tragedy in all its forms.

The poet sees the purpose of lyrics in the ability to perpetuate the most insignificant detail of life. Seasons, natural elements, time of day are reflected in poetry. Fet’s nature is “humanized,” that is, it exists on equal terms with the thoughts and soul of man.

Afanasy Fet believed that everything on earth was created for the sake of love.

Drawing landscape paintings, “painting” love in all its manifestations, the master uses metaphorical and symbolic ways of depicting reality. In the guise of his beloved, he emphasizes childishness as a symbol of purity and sincerity. The image of fire is like a burn of memory. It “beckons”, “teases”, and serves as a test of sensitivity. Poems about love “speak” in the “language of flowers”: “the first lily of the valley” is the first sigh of love, “violet” is the love of a mother. The main flower of this feeling is the rose.

Musicality is clearly manifested in assonant repetitions and in the fact that each consonant is accompanied by vowel sounds. Rhymes in poetry convey the movement of thoughts and feelings. The originality of Fet’s work is the fusion of music, sound, feeling, nature and love, which has so attracted musicians of the romance genre at all times.

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Fet Afanasy Afanasyevich belongs to the movement pure art. Adherents of this trend believed that art should stand apart from political and social problems, it should exist not in order to call for anything, teach or solve some problems, but for its own sake. In contrast to the poets of pure art civil lyrics argued that a writer cannot be indifferent to the problems that exist in the country. This debate has been going on throughout our existence. fiction, but it became especially aggravated during the life of A.A. Feta - in the second half of the 19th century. Detailed analysis"I came to you with greetings" - one of the most bright works Feta - proves that the author was a representative of pure poetry.

Theme and idea of ​​the poem

Determining the theme of Fet's poems, on the one hand, is very easy, but on the other, it can sometimes be difficult. This is due, firstly, to the fact that Fet has only three themes: love, nature and beauty. It would seem impossible to get confused in them. However, sometimes they are so intricately intertwined in one poem that it is almost impossible to see where one topic ends and where another begins. This is exactly what the poem “I came to you with greetings” is like.

At first glance, this work belongs to the category love lyrics. This is clear from the first line, but then Fet continues with a description of the paintings spring nature. So what comes out on top? It is impossible to answer, since Fet with his poem once again showed that man and nature are indivisible. Everything that happens in nature with the arrival of spring is reflected in the soul of every earthly inhabitant.

Content analysis. “I came to you with greetings” as a work of pure art

The main means of expression that the author uses in this work is personification. All of nature is depicted by him as something living creature. The reader imagines pictures of spring nature, how the forest woke up from its winter sleep. Thus, the author brings the reader to the most important category for him - the category of beauty. Beauty lies first of all in nature, and then in man, since he is also a part of nature.

Fet's creativity has one important feature- attention to private details. This can be easily seen in this text. The lyrical hero noticed everything: every leaf and twig, he was able to catch even the very mood with which he was filled spring forest. How did he do it? It’s very easy, because the same mood is in the soul of the hero himself. He is ready to live, create, work and love.

Means of expression

As the analysis shows, “I came to you with greetings” is not a rich work. The author resorts to personifications: “the forest has woken up,” “started up,” “full of thirst.” There is a metaphor in the text - “it blows with joy.” Instead of a warm spring breeze, the lyrical hero feels the very joy and fun of awakening nature.

It should be said that this work very consonant with everything that Fet wrote about nature. Usually he is laconic, does not use too many means of expression, and endows nature with all human qualities.

Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet: poems about nature and love

So, in Fet’s works, the experiences of the lyrical hero are almost always interspersed with descriptions of pictures of nature. Any movement in environment give rise to a series of experiences and memories. This is exactly what happens in the poem “I came to you with greetings.” We can see the same thing in the work “The North Blew. The Grass Cried.” However, harmony and happiness are not visible in this work. The lyrical hero does not experience the most pleasant feelings; he is depicted at the moment of suffering about

Sometimes the author calls on people who have forgotten that they are also God’s creations to turn to the earth itself for help. We find a similar motive in the poem “Learn from them - from the oak, from the birch.” It also has a spring awakening motif.

A striking example of the lyricism of pure art is the poem “Whisper, timid breathing". In it, Fet Afanasy Afanasyevich embodied his basic idea about the indivisibility of all things. The details of the surrounding world are closely intertwined with the movements and emotions of his lyrical hero. There is not a single verb in the poem, but because of this it did not become boring and eventless. We see Fet uses the picture in dynamics. verbal nouns, we, as if live, see “changes in a sweet face.”


Fet's work is a hymn to beauty. He glorified the greatness by showing all her beautiful features. He didn't depict anything unusual. The theme of his work was the annual changes in nature, ordinary feelings of sympathy and love between people. But the poet managed to translate this into an unusually poetic form. As the analysis showed, “I came to you with greetings” is a poem that is one hundred percent consistent creative system poet. As in his other works, here the lives of man and nature are shown in parallel. If there is spring in nature, then an awakening occurs in a person’s soul. If the world is warm and beautiful, then a person is ready to create and work, love and worry.

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