Dictation in the Russian language in the spring forest. Input control dictation

The train was flying. The pictures changed like the scenery in a theater. The old oak forest began. It was already night, so only the thick oak trees were black outside the window. The moon rose up, came out from behind the clouds, and the picture changed. Some kind of spell has spread through the forest!

Quiet Moonlight began to play in the upper reaches of the trees, covered with the first leaves. A light green light streamed into the most distant corners. Mixed with bright gold sparkles, it painted fantastic pictures. It was as if the dream had vanished. I sat tightly pressed to the window of the carriage, and could not tear myself away from the magical picture of the night spring forest.

The forest seemed somehow unreal. It began to look like a wondrous enchanted temple, lined with dark columns, covered with an extraordinary luminous haze. The black stumps looked like huge mushrooms. The young fern resembled flowers in an enchanted garden.


  1. Write out all complex sentences from the text.
  2. Execute morphological analysis words:
    • Option 1 - light green;
    • Option 2 - bright gold.
  3. Execute punctuation analysis offers:
    • Option 1: I sat tightly pressed to the window of the carriage, and could not tear myself away from the magical picture of the night spring forest.
    • Option 2: Mixed with bright gold sparkles, it painted fantastic pictures.

High water

Spring has come. The river got rid of its ice shackles and overflowed. The water flooded the valley and the forest.

The forest flood drives away the animals. Everyone strives to find a higher place. Gray mice climbed onto an old snag and fearfully watched the water spill. The bravest mouse climbed into a bird's nest out of fear.

Foxes also climb trees and sit on branches waiting for the water to recede. Cowardly hares run for their lives. They huddle in a tight group on the hillocks, which the river has not yet managed to flood. Here they will wait out the flood. Among eared animals you can often see both a fox and a badger. The misfortune reconciled everyone.

Foresters are organizing an expedition to save the animals. People on boats float on the water and look for animals that need help. There are three birds with one stone hiding on a hummock. They watch the boat in fear. But the water is getting closer. Emboldened, the hares jumped into the boat. Now the forester will take the gray eared creatures to a safe place.

(138 words)


. Write out the perfect verbs from the text.

. Find sentences with homogeneous members. Emphasize homogeneous members sentences, indicate their part of speech.

. Parse the word according to its composition: reconciled.

Spring in the forest

The noisiest and most joyful time has come. Spring is the time of nature's awakening from a long winter hibernation. The warm rays of the sun eat up the last scatterings of snow. Cheerful streams rang under the trees and in the field. Swollen buds fill the air with an intoxicating aroma. WITH early morning the forest is filled with the chirping of birds. Birds have returned from warm countries and are in a hurry to settle in a new place.

Bugs, insects and spiders crawled out of their holes. All winter they hid under the bark of trees, in a heap of fallen leaves. And now the insects are happy with the first rays of the spring sun.

The hedgehog got out of his hole. The prickly hedgehog slept all winter. But a thin stream crept into him soft bed and woke me up. The hedgehog examines the surroundings. A quick gray shadow flashed by. This harvest mouse went to the field. Busy ants will soon be running over the hummocks.

Everyone is happy about spring!

(127 words)


. Underline the main parts of the sentences.

. Indicate the case of nouns.

Spring in the taiga

Good in the taiga in early spring!

Next to the narrow winding path, a stream babbles cheerfully. The rays of the warm spring sun break through the thick crowns of trees. A gentle breeze flutters the willow catkins. On distant lake The ice began to melt.

The joyful song of a sandpiper rang in the blue bottomless sky. His sonorous chirping can be heard everywhere. Kulik sings a welcome song. He is glad that spring has come.

A busy woodpecker perched on a tall spruce tree. Its red cap will stand out as a bright spot against the background of young foliage. A woodpecker is intently chiseling the bark of trees. There are some tasty bugs hiding out there somewhere.

An important rook came out into the clearing. He looked around carefully and flapped his wings.

Do you hear sounds of amazing beauty? It is the enchanting song of the warbler that flows over the taiga.

(107 words)


. Indicate the number and case of nouns.

. Parse the last sentence.

. Highlight the endings of adjectives.

Spring thunderstorm

On this day there was no sign of a thunderstorm. The bright rays of the sun warmed the earth. The birds, stunned by the heat and sun, were carrying twigs. The ants were busily scurrying over the hummocks. Butterflies fluttered from flower to flower, collecting nectar and feasting on pollen.

Suddenly a fresh wind blew. A menacing cloud appeared at the edge of the sky. It quickly floated across the sky, growing right before our eyes. It began to get dark quickly. So a cloud crept up to the sun and in the blink of an eye swallowed it, like a huge, voracious beast.

The ringing silence gave way to a distant rumble of thunder. Bright lightning flashed and the first drops of rain fell to the ground. Moments later, the rain poured down extraordinary strength. Streams of water poured onto the ground. The wind grew stronger every minute. Trees bent under its furious gusts.

A few minutes later the thunderstorm raged in full force. The thunderclaps were accompanied by bright flashes. The rain washed away everything in its path.

But spring thunderstorm doesn't last long. The cloud, splashing out a portion of rain, rushed away. There was a smell of freshness in the air.

(149 words)


Easter, or the Resurrection of Christ - main holiday Christian. On this day we not only bake Easter cakes and paint eggs, but also decorate our homes.

The tradition of celebrating Easter has come to us from time immemorial. Gradually folk traditions intertwined with church ones. Thus, Easter symbolizes the end of the strictest fast. With the appearance of the first star in the sky on the eve of Easter, the feast begins.

But many pagan traditions have also been preserved. Before Easter it is customary to do general cleaning Houses. We need to get rid of last year's dust and prepare the house for the spring holidays. Women diligently sweep floors and wash windows. Men are cleaning the garden.

The main treat for Easter is Easter cakes. They look like little towers decorated with a sweet sugar top.

They also paint eggs for Easter. When meeting, acquaintances and friends exchange colored eggs, wish each other health and say traditional words: “Christ is risen! He is risen in truth!”



Nice early spring in the forest! The sun shines brightly. The last snow is melting. The first arrows of green grass cut through the spring soil. A soft breeze drives and hurries the clouds. The wonderful trill of a nightingale is heard. The fragrant buds smelled like resin. A blue snowdrop appeared. The anthill under the old pine tree has already thawed. Happy baby squirrels were frolicking near the spruce tree. Cheerful and joyful forest in spring.

______________________________________________________________(53 words)

Tasks: 1. Underline words with unpronounceable consonants.

2. Divide to hyphenate the words: EARLY, SPRING,




In early autumn, a group of children went to the grove.

The leaves on the birch trees turned yellow and the aspen trees turned red. Bunches of berries began to ripen on the rowan tree. Only the oak tree retained its summer green attire.

Along the forest path the guys came out into a clearing. A fluffy spruce forest grew all around. The young Christmas trees were turning green. A small spring came out of the ground. The girls collected branches and cones. The boys lit a cheerful fire on the shore. It was quiet in the forest. The children sat down by the fire. Teacher Nina Yuryevna explained the habits of forest animals. Seryozha had a book. He read an interesting story.

On the way home, the students sang songs. They returned joyful from a walk.(90 words)

1. Disassemble the fifth sentence by members. (Underline the main members, write down phrases).

    Write out from the dictation text two words with tested unstressed vowels in the root and two words with paired voiced and voiceless consonants. Write two more words using the same rules.

    Select the words from the diagrams and write:

Repetition. Sentences with homogeneous members

    In which pair is the antonym (word of opposite meaning) chosen?

1) sad-cheerful 2) kind-brave

3) fresh-salty 4) sunny-cloudy

    In which pair is the highlighted word a noun?


1) metropolitan metro 2) pillar road

3)school dining room 4) dining room spoon

    In what case was the word correctly divided for hyphenation?


1) declared 2) declared

3) declared 4) declared

    Which sentence has homogeneous subjects?

    Patience and a little effort.

    Labor adorns a person.

    Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him.

    Without salt and bread there is no good conversation.

    Which phrase is missing both letters A?

1) d...rainy..October 2) in...sewage...on

3) red...white pl...current 4) sugar...cane

    In which sentence and which comma is not needed? (90 words)

1. The cat loves fish, wants to eat it, but is afraid to go into the water.

2. The wind tore leaves from lindens, oaks, and birches.

    The day was clear, sunny, but cold.

    The sofas, tables, and chairs were made of beautiful wood.

1) 1st sentence, 2nd comma 2) 2nd sentence, 1st comma

3) 3 sentences, 2nd comma 4) 4 sentences, 2nd comma

Control dictation No. 3


In the summer, Dima and Lena came to rest with their grandmother in the village. They traveled along the river by steamboat to the village. In the morning, Uncle Sasha met them at the pier. He took them by car to their grandmother. Her house stood on the shore. Bay. Ducks and geese swam in the bay. The grandchildren helped their grandmother take care of the bird. They worked in the garden, in the garden. Often the guys went into the forest to pick mushrooms and berries.

Words for reference: pier.

    In the first and second sentences, find nouns of the 1st declension and indicate their case.

    Disassemble the words according to their composition: grandmother, helped.

Control dictation No. 4


In gold autumn days The cranes were preparing to fly away. They circled over the river, over their native swamp. Here slender shoals have reached distant countries.

Cranes were flying high in the sky above forests, fields, and cities. We made a stop in a deep forest.

It’s still dark, but the cranes have already woken up. An early dawn appeared in the east.

The cheerful sun will soon rise over the river. The cranes will fly high. We will hear their farewell voices from heaven. They have a long road ahead.

(According to I. Sokolov-Mikitov. 70 words)

    Make a diagram of the second and seventh sentences (according to options).

    Indicate the case of nouns in these sentences.

    Find in the text two words with the unstressed vowels being tested in the root. Write them along with the test papers. Choose one word for the same rule. Write it along with the test papers.

Control dictation No. 5


A snowstorm caught an Irish doctor and his dog named Bjorn in the snowy desert. The travelers took refuge under the protection of a rock. In five days they ate almost their entire supply.

Now the storm has died down. The doctor got out of the cave. The bright light blinded him. He forgot to take dark glasses on the trip and suddenly became blind.

With difficulty, the doctor wrote a note to the Eskimos asking for help and with a map of the area. I wrapped it in a rag and tied it around the dog like a collar. Then he led Bjorn out of the cave and gave the command.

A few days later help arrived. She was brought by the faithful Bjorn. He was very thin, but joyful.

(According to V. Krasnovtsevts. 95 words)

Write down the words on the board:

Bjorn, to the Eskimos.

1. Disassemble the second and fifth sentences by members (according to options). Write out a phrase with a noun from the sentence, indicate its declension and case.

2. Parse the words according to their composition:

Option 1: BLINDED, NOTE.

Option 2: KITTED, ASK.

3. Parse as part of speech.

Option 1: take it ON THE ROAD.

Option 2: gave a COMMAND.

Presentation of a narrative text.

It was freezing. I was walking along the river bank.

Suddenly a quiet chirping was heard. A white-breasted bird was jumping along the edge of the ice hole, right next to the water. She twitched her short tail and burst into song in every possible way.

I wanted to take a closer look at her. I took a few steps. But the bird rushed headfirst into the hole. She disappeared under the ice. My bird drowned. I rushed to the ice hole. The drowned woman was nowhere to be seen. Tears welled up in my eyes.

I ran home to my father and told him about the bird. He laughed for a long time. I didn’t understand what was funny about it, and I was very angry with my father. Father said it was a dipper. She did not drown, but is now burping across the ice again.

I didn’t believe it, I ran to the river again. (According to V. Bianchi. 120 words)

Dictation No. 6

Black Grouse

The cheerful winter sun had set and began to play over the forest.

Elegant black grouse flew out of the night holes. Birds are sitting on a birch tree, pecking fragrant birch buds. They walk calmly under the trees. They leave beautiful crosses of their footprints on the snow tablecloth.

These birds live in large friendly flocks in the grove all winter. At night they bury themselves in the snow and make deep holes in the snowdrift. There won't be enough black grouse in the snow worst enemy- hawk. The cunning fox will not find it.

From afar he sees an old fox in the trees beautiful birds. The fox's mouth is watering.

(According to I. Sokolov-Mikitov. 81 words.)

1. Analyze the proposals by members and draw up diagrams.

Option 1: second sentence

Option 2: fourth sentence.

    Determine the cases of nouns in the sixth sentence.

Free dictation No. 7


In the spring, our neighbors gave us four goose eggs. We planted their nest with our black hen.

The hen brought out chicks and four yellow goslings.

Spring has passed, summer has come. And then one day a chicken was walking in the yard.

Suddenly the sun darkened, thunder roared, lightning flashed. The hen called the goslings under the shed.

She fluffed her feathers and covered the goslings with her wing. But the spring thunderstorm quickly passed. The bright sun shone.

The goslings did not want to sit under the chicken. They rose to their feet and raised their long necks.

And the chicken rose as if on four pillars. She swayed in the air high off the ground.

After this incident, the hen stopped walking with the goslings.

(M. Prishvin 98 words)

Dictation No. 8


Tanya and Vitya lived in a forest lodge near the village. In winter, Vitya built a bird house at the edge of the tree under the tree. Thick spruce branches covered the feeder from the snow. The guys have been preparing food for their feathered friends since the fall. On Sunday they started bird watching. The first to fly to the feeder was the long-tailed tit. Then a flock of noisy goldfinches began to have breakfast. Suddenly a fluffy squirrel appeared at the feeder. She ran to the fluffy spruce tree, looked back and jumped onto the table. The rare Guest began to deftly eat the delicious berries.

(According to G. Skrebitsky)

Words for reference:


    Emphasize adjectives, indicate their gender and case and highlight the endings.

    Write down one verb and one noun with unstressed vowels in the root, add test words.

Control dictation No. 9


Early in the morning we gathered at the station. We were having fun. The train brought us to a quiet station.

We got on our skis and headed into the forest. It was a beautiful morning. By blue sky light clouds floated. The snow sparkled under the bright sun and blinded my eyes. The frost stung my nose.

Wonderful in the winter forest! Birch trees quietly sway their flexible branches. Frost sparkles in the thick air. A black woodpecker chimes loudly on a dry tree.

We had lunch at the forest lodge. The forester treated us to sweet mountain ash. Late in the evening we approached the city.

    In the last three sentences, indicate the cases of adjectives and nouns.

    Draw up a diagram of the penultimate sentence. Make up your proposal according to this scheme.

    Write down two phrases with adjectives.

Presentation of a narrative text perceived by ear.

Two greedy bear cubs.

(Hungarian fairy tale).

Two little bears found a large round piece of cheese. They wanted to divide it equally, but failed. Greed overcame the cubs. Each was afraid that the other would get more.

The fox came up to them, took the cheese and broke it in two. But she split the head so that one piece was larger than the other.

The cubs shouted:

    This one is bigger!

The fox took a good bite out of most of it and swallowed it. Now the smaller piece has become larger.

The fox continued to divide the cheese. And the cubs only led their black noses back and forth, from a larger piece to a smaller one, from a smaller one to a larger one.

Until the fox had eaten his fill, she divided and divided everything.

But then the pieces became equal, and the bear cubs had almost no cheese left: two tiny pieces!

That's what happens to those. Who's greedy?

Key phrases:

Divide equally, greed overcame, broke in two, continued to divide the cheese, (noses) moved back and forth, ate to the full, the pieces were even, two tiny pieces, etc.

When preparing for the presentation, use the memo on p. 249 of the textbook.

Dictation No. 10

Everything is wet and shines in the sun, as if covered with varnish. The winter field spreads out like an endless carpet right up to the horizon. The aspen grove stands, does not move, and slowly drops light drops of rain from its washed branches. Crested larks will soon be singing in the air. The sounds of a cuckoo will come from the middle of the grove. How charming is the wonderful smell of the forest after a spring thunderstorm!

(According to L.N. Tolstoy)

Write down the verbs and do a morphological analysis.

Final test No. 2

    In which sentence is the verb used in its literal meaning?

    Time flies fast

    Tears ran down her cheeks.

    The young athlete was the first to reach the finish line.

    A ringing voice runs between the bushes.

2.Which of the “fairytale” words could be a verb?

The glok kuzdra gored the kuzdrenka.

3.Which part of speech changes in numbers, gender and cases, but does not change in tenses?

1) noun 2) verb

3) adjective 4) preposition

    Which sentence has homogeneous predicates?

    “Two little kittens had a fight in the corner.

    The angry housewife took her broom

And swept the fighting kittens out of the kitchen...

    And it was at night, in January.

    Two little kittens are cold in the yard.” (S.Ya. Marshak)

    Which word has the same root as a noun? rice?

1) rice (porridge) 2) porous (chocolate)

3) (sea) pier 4) (children's) drawing

    In which sentence is the subject expressed by a noun of the 3rd declension?

1) The rooster bakes pies in the oven

2) The cat is sewing a shirt at the window.

3) the mouse is pounding peas in a mortar.

4) The horse at the porch beats its hoof.

    What letters are missing from the endings?

In the winter morning... each tree stood out beautifully against the light background... of dawn.

1)and;and;and;and; 2)e;i;i;e; 3) i;e;i;e; 4)e;e;e;e;

    Which word prefix can be a preposition?

1) heaven 2) lane 3) bindweed 4) fence

    What letters are missing?

“The cook was cooking...ba...,

And then the lights were turned off.

The cook l..sh.. takes

And puts it in compote.”

    Find the main members in the sentence:

After the spring rain, everything in the birch grove breathed with extraordinary freshness.

    breathed freshness

    breathed in the grove

    everything was breathing

    everything is in the grove

    Which noun is used in the same case as the highlighted word?

Flooded oven b

1) write a letter 2) slept on the stove

3) long speech 4) cut hay

    Find verb 1 conjugation.

1) load 2) decide

3) hold 4) look

    How to add words correctly?

I have a friend Dima Bolshov. Dima Bolsho's father... plays in the orchestra of the Bolsho... Theater

1) - va, - th 2) -th, -th 3) -va, -va 4) -th, -va

    Find the incorrectly highlighted phrase from the sentence:

The surrounding swamps were firmly frozen in ice.

    chained (how?) tightly

    frozen (what?) by ice

    bound (what?) swamps

    swamps (what?) surrounding

    Find test word for a missing spelling:

There are apples on the branches

1) weight 2) will hang 3) hang 4) window

    Find a word with only voiceless consonants

1) thunderstorm 2) detour

3) pine 4) table

    Find the word with the largest number consonant sounds

1) edge 2) house 3) floor 4) window

    Compose a text from the sentences and determine its features.

    Some by force, some by cunning.

    He curls up into a ball and snorts angrily.

    And the hedgehog saves itself from enemies with its needles.

    Each animal defends itself from enemies as best it can.

    Try and take it!

    It is a description of someone or something.

    This is a story about events.

    This is proof of some thought.

    The text didn't work.

Control dictation No. 11


Cheerful squirrels are frolicking near an old branchy spruce. They are happy about the warm sun and young greenery. Animals. We changed our fluffy gray coats for spring. Throughout the long winter, squirrels lived in the high forest, hiding in the dense thicket. Squirrels scurried from tree to tree through the forest, gnawing on heavy resinous cones.

The squirrel will have a lot of worries in the summer. We need to feed the little squirrels and stock up on nuts. In hungry years, the squirrel embarks on long and dangerous journeys. She boldly swims across wide rivers, runs across open fields, and runs into cities. Peaceful squirrels do no harm. It is joyful to look at squirrels in the forest.

(According to Sokolov - Mikitov. 92 words.)

Tasks. 1. Analyze proposals by members.

Option 1 – first sentence.

Option 2 – tenth sentence

2. Parse the words according to their composition.

Option 1 - branched, gnawed, fed.

Option 2: replaced, resinous, look.

3. Parse words as part of speech.

Option 1 – TO THE SUN (second sentence)

Option 2 – IN THE MOST OFTEN (fourth sentence)

    Make a proposal according to the diagram.

Option 1 – which ones? _________ Where?

Option 2 – where from? ____________ Which?

  1. “Repetition”-23. 09 Goal


    Students' knowledge of adjectives. Spring V forest good early spring V forest! Bright shines spring Sun. light clouds decorate the blue... students have mastered the spelling of the studied spellings. in spring Spring Sun warmed the earth. The cheerful ringing...

  2. Practical guide for preschool educators and methodologists abstract

    Thematic planning

    They tell fairy tales.) Educator: If early Autumn is called “golden”, then... let’s rest... (the recording of “Voices” plays forests»). Bright shines Sun, Blowing light wind, I inhale... Insects fly in. IN forest birds are singing. Fine in the spring! APPENDIX 4 Calendars...

  3. Hot summer, typical for central Russia, where winter captures people in its harsh embrace, it’s good if at the end of November, and not earlier, and spring is in a hurry


    ... Fine, if at the end of November, and not earlier, but spring in a hurry to warm the sun's rays previously...found somewhere in forest employees law enforcement agencies who were engaged... Although it was the height of the day, and bright

Night in the spring forest

The train was flying. The pictures changed like the scenery in a theater. The old oak forest began. It was already night, so only the thick oak trees were black outside the window. The moon rose up, came out from behind the clouds, and the picture changed. Some kind of spell has spread through the forest!

A quiet moonlight began to sparkle in the upper reaches of the trees, covered with the first leaves. A light green light streamed into the most distant corners. Mixed with bright gold sparkles, it painted fantastic pictures. It was as if the dream had vanished. I sat tightly pressed to the window of the carriage, and could not tear myself away from the magical picture of the night spring forest.

The forest seemed somehow unreal. It began to look like a wondrous enchanted temple, lined with dark columns, covered with an extraordinary luminous haze. The black stumps looked like huge mushrooms. The young fern resembled flowers in an enchanted garden.


  1. Write out all complex sentences from the text.
  2. Perform a morphological analysis of the word:
    • Option 1 - light green;
    • Option 2 - bright gold.
  3. Perform punctuation analysis of the sentence:
    • Option 1: I sat tightly pressed to the window of the carriage, and could not tear myself away from the magical picture of the night spring forest.
    • Option 2: Mixed with bright gold sparkles, it painted fantastic pictures.

Annual control dictations for 9th grade.


None of the plants can be only evil for a person. It’s just that a person handles it ineptly - it defends itself, and due to ignorance it is classified as harmful. For example, nettles grow everywhere and constantly remind you of their existence. You're weeding a garden bed and suddenly you burn your fingers. If you step off the side of the road, you might hit a bush with your foot, and when the fragrant raspberries ripen, you can’t avoid encountering nettles. Raspberries themselves are prickly and even took this burning plant as their neighbor.

Why, exactly, do nettles bite so much? It turns out that both the tetrahedral stem and the leaves are all completely strewn with burning hairs - a kind of syringes. The tip of the burning hair, impregnated with silica, easily breaks off, the sharp end injures the skin, and the contents of the hairs - a caustic liquid - gets into the wound.

However, the benefits of stinging nettle are much greater than the harm, but unfortunately, not everyone knows this. Nettle is a real treasure trove of vitamins. The leaves of the plant are rich in vitamins; you can use them to make vitamin-rich salads and cook cabbage soup. Just remember: you need to collect them before and immediately after flowering, and then beneficial features will disappear.

(169 words) (According to T. Gorovaya)

In the spring forest

Just recently, in the first ten days of April, nature looked like winter. But then the warm winds blew and splashed more cheerfully from the cloudless sky Sun rays, and under their pressure the streams of melt water began to rustle louder.

Ruffled ice on forest rivers rises higher and higher. It has already become fragile, white and is about to move downwards, crushing the congestion.

There is still snow in the forests, but it is very loose: when you step in, the wet grains fall off and ring like shards of glass. Now if only I could spend a night or two warm rain, and from snow cover there would be no trace left!

Like a fairy-tale hero, the awakening forest begins to straighten its mighty shoulders. Over there, on a drying hillock, a yellow light lit up. This coltsfoot, one of the first flowers, welcomes the young spring. This early flower is very delicate, and it blooms only with the appearance of the sun.

As soon as it rolls towards the horizon and the evening coolness fills the air, the coltsfoot flowers curl up and the yellow light goes out until the next morning. On rainy days, do not look for this flower; its yellow basket is closed. Coltsfoot - medicinal plant, leaves collected at the end of spring are used in medicine.


Of the many sounds of the earth: the singing of birds, the fluttering of leaves on the trees, the crackling of grasshoppers, the murmur of a forest stream - the most cheerful and joyful sound is the song of the larks. Even in early spring, when there is loose snow on the fields, but the first dark thawed patches have already formed in some places during the warming up, our early spring guests arrive and begin to sing.

Rising into the sky in a column, fluttering its wings, permeated through and through sunlight, the lark flies higher and higher into the sky, disappearing into the shining blue. The song of a lark welcoming the arrival of spring is amazingly beautiful. Many great composers in their musical works tried to portray this joyful song...

The life of larks is connected with the warm earth. In the fields, among the green seedlings of grain, they make their hidden nests, hatch and feed their chicks. Larks never sit on tall trees and avoid dense, dark forests. From the shores of the warm sea to taiga forests, larks live in fields cultivated by humans. Over the wide steppe, over fields and meadows, their joyful songs can be heard almost all summer.

In past times, our mothers baked larks made from dough in Russian ovens. With larks in our hands, we cheerfully ran out to the river bank to watch the earth awaken. (176 words.)


Every peasant job must have its own talent. But nowhere is it more evident than at mowing, because here everyone stands in a row, one behind the other, and you can immediately see who is capable of what. Each village knows its best mowers, and they themselves know that they are the best mowers, and are secretly proud of it.

Each of us, the children carrying breakfast, has a father or an older brother working in the meadow, and everyone wants him, and not someone else, to go ahead and lead the entire stretched chain.

The mowers rejoiced when they saw us coming down the hill. However, none of them abandoned the swath in the middle, but, having reached the end, they wiped the scythe with a bunch of wet grass, and if the swath led to the river, then they dipped the spit in sleepy water. The small herbs stuck to it will wash off the scythe, and when you throw the scythe over your shoulder, river drops will flow from the sharp toe.

Having laid freshly cut grass under them, the mowers will sit down to have breakfast, but not very close to each other: on the one hand, so as not to go far, but on the other hand, they are afraid: what if the neighbor’s pancakes turn out to be whiter than ours! However, such dispersal of the mowers does not prevent them from exchanging jokes.

Without fail (it’s customary) each mower will leave both pancakes and milk in a half-liter bottle. After walking two or three hundred paces, we sit in a circle and begin our breakfast.

(179 words) (According to V. Soloukhin.)

Real friendship

Every person is unique on earth. Each person has his own character, which, of course, develops not only on its own, but primarily under the influence of the environment - parents, school, society and friends, because friendship, real friendship- a person’s reward is precious.

Sometimes it is stronger and truer family ties. It has a special effect on human relations in extreme, disastrous circumstances: only true, devoted friends carry a fighter out of the battlefield, risking their lives. I had such friends in the war, and I have them in my present life and in literature, and I try to pay for devotion with devotion, for love with love.

I look through and read each of my books, and every line, and my actions through the eyes of my friends, especially those at the front, so that I would not be ashamed in front of them for poorly, dishonestly or sloppily done work, for lies, for dishonesty.

good people there was and is and, I hope, there will always be more than bad and evil people in the world, otherwise there would be disharmony in the world, it would be warped, like a ship loaded with ballast or garbage on one side, and would have capsized and sank long ago.

(175 words) (According to V. Astafiev)

Piano sounds

Anna sat on a bench in the garden, in the place where the window of the room where the piano stood looked out, and listened to what seemed to be a musical story about herself. They could hear the chirping of cicadas, the flapping of the wings of a dove flying into the air, the cry of a night bird, the distant ringing of a bell from a village two kilometers from their house.

Sometimes a slight cracking of the tightly fitted parquet floorboards could be heard when someone passed through the rooms in the evening silence. By the crunch of gravel in the garden, one could know in which direction her father was walking, taking lonely walks in late hour. When Anna was lying in bed and the window in her room was open, she could not sleep from a vague and incomprehensible excitement about what she heard in the sounds of the piano, in the distant tinkling of bells.

In addition to the feeling that she had recovered after a very long and serious illness, Anna now felt for the first time how calm and happy life could be. She sat down at the table and began to compose. Unbeknownst to her, pages followed pages, and visual memories appeared before her, then everything was filled with sounds.

(180 words) (According to G. Gazdanov)


It touches me when people thank me for the good I have done. I am grateful when they do good things to me. But I am deeply outraged when someone who has done me good expects gratitude from me. Then all his goods are devalued, I want to pay him with interest for what he has done and turn away.

In the Crimea, in Koktebel, I had a Bulgarian acquaintance, a strong economic man. For some offense, committed more out of stupidity, he was exiled to the North. I worked hard for him and managed to arrange for him to be released for two years. ahead of schedule. He came to thank me: he laid out a pound of grapes, several heads of sheep’s cheese, and three liters of grape wine on the table. No matter how I refused, I had to accept: I felt that by refusing I would severely offend him.

In the fall we left our dacha. The train ticket has already been taken. My wife was very unwell, and she asked the Bulgarian’s daughter, Anka, to come to us on the day of departure to help pack our things. On the morning of that day, a crying Anka came running and said that she could not come: her father told her to go with him to the forest to collect acorns for the pigs. No matter what she said, what a difficult situation she would put us in by not coming, he didn’t want to listen to anything.

He appreciated the service I rendered him, honestly thanked me for it according to the tariff, and considered all his relations with me to be over. From this day on I hate grateful people.

(198 words) (According to V. Veresaev)


Every year, one of the most famous flower gardens in the world, located in Denmark, hosts an exhibition of tulips. The homeland of tulips is Türkiye, and not Holland, as many people think.

The tulip, whose cup resembles a turban, originally grew as a wild flower, then for centuries was used in Turkish art as a decorative element. In the capital Ottoman Empire Huge gardens planted with tulips were created.

The first bulbs of the precious flower were brought to Europe by travelers and diplomats. When a tulip reaches the continent, people fall passionately in love with it and become a cult. It reached its peak of fame in the seventeenth century, when one flower bulb was equal to the cost of a painting or sculpture famous master. The tulip is considered one of the wonders of nature that should be represented in the garden of every self-respecting collector.

The Dutch began to grow it with such diligence that in a certain sense took this flower for themselves. The search for the rarest tones and shades, including the mythical black (blue and black tulips do not exist in nature), incredible experiments to obtain hybrid varieties - this is only part of legendary history, the hero of which is this delicate flower.

(163 words)

Additional task

1. Parsing offers:

Every year in one of the most... (1 option); When a tulip hits the continent... (option 2).

2. Title the text. Determine its topic and main idea. Write a coherent argumentative text about this.

"I knew friendship..."

Life brought Pushkin into contact with a variety of people: poets and writers, intelligent and famous warriors, officers and outstanding thinkers, actors, artists and musicians. And among all these different people Pushkin found friends: some for life, others for brief moments. But both of them, illuminated by Pushkin’s glory, who went through life with him or who just met him, are dear to us: their destinies, characters, their relationships with Pushkin allow us to better understand and feel Pushkin's lyrics, and the personality of the poet himself.

Pushkin's friends were not only people with whom he generously shared his thoughts and feelings, the inexhaustible riches of his genius, but also people from whom he received constant feedback, impulses for creativity and ordinary human support. No wonder Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky, the poet-teacher, poet-predecessor and at the same time Pushkin’s elder and caring friend, who came to his rescue every time, called: “We all need to unite to help this future giant grow, who will outgrow us all.”

Friendship was a constant moral, spiritual, creative support in the lives of these people, allowing them to withstand any life circumstances. Without a feeling of friendly support, participation, dedication, and loyalty, neither the personality nor the poetry of Pushkin can be understood.

(182 words) (According to A. Terentyeva.)


The radiant sun after the cold weather caressed the city. Spring mood and among Moscow sparrows. There is no end to the enthusiastic tweeting. We spent the winter, cheered up, and became cheerful. And their appearance changed.

Usually in the spring, all birds change their feathers. And sparrows change the color of their plumage without losing their feathers.

Muscovites took a closer look and, generally speaking, do not notice the sparrows. But these are special birds in the world of birds. They have three advantages over all the birds in the world. The first is the most revealing example of repainting an outfit without the usual shedding. Secondly, they are the most numerous birds on our planet. Third, only sparrows do not live in cages and do not fall into the traps of bird catchers, justifying the saying: “You can’t fool an old sparrow with chaff.”

The city sparrow is an incapable singer. But he’s a terrible bully, a fighter and a smart guy. This is what happened in Moscow. One frosty January day, attracted by the warmth, a sparrow flew into the metro lobby. The feathered passenger hovered over the ticket offices for a long time and went down to the trains at the Smolenskaya station. He chirped at the feet of people and begged for a reward: bread and cereal. The metro station employees decided to catch him and release him when it gets warmer. What is it here! Nothing can lure you into a cage! The sparrow liked it in the metro: no frost, no snow, they feed you during the day, and in the mornings and evenings while cleaning you can drink and swim in the water. All the fun! So I lived in the metro all winter, and flew away in the spring.

(207 words) (According to D. Zuev.)

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