It is expressed to loved ones by a vivid memory. Memories: how to save and get rid of memories

Memories are the only paradise from which no one can kick us out.

A minute of memories is the longest, because years fit in it...

It’s good when there is something to remember, and even better when there is nothing to forget.

Remember everything, but never look back when leaving...

When you want to grow up faster, you are still a child! But when you miss your childhood, you have already grown up a long time ago!

If the wound itches, it means it is healing. It's the same with memories: don't scratch them.

We don't listen to old songs just because there are too many memories associated with them. And we don’t delete them for the same reason.

There is no use remembering the past if those memories cannot help in the present.

However, sooner or later, any person in your life turns into a memory, and the saddest thing is that it is inevitable.

It's good when memories warm the soul and don't disturb the conscience!!!

All our troubles are that we live in memories - we mentally shovel and rebuild the past, which would be more reasonable to level with an excavator and roll into asphalt...

Next stop is autumn! Please don't forget your summer memories!

My memories of you are much better than you.

They say that memories are the only paradise from which we cannot be expelled. But sometimes they are the only hell we cannot get rid of.

Phrase: “Do you remember???” - The only thing that connects us now...

I wish I could find a button in my heart that would erase from my memory what has lost its meaning. To forget... and live without difficult memories.

It's amazing how just one smell of perfume can awaken wonderful memories from the past...! :)

We broke up a long time ago and you weren’t in love, but I feel like you miss me at this very moment... right now.

Don't try to get rid of memories...
We must learn to live with them...

It seems that I once loved him…” she thought lazily, sitting on the balcony and peering at the stars. Then I drank a glass of whiskey in one gulp and ate some lemon. “Ahh, never mind”...

Life must be lived with dignity: so that you have something to remember... you don’t want to forget anything... and rejoice at the mad desire to return and do it all over again!!!

Every night you think about me before you go to bed. I know)

Close your eyes... I will be there... You will feel me... I will be there as long as you need... I will be there for you...

The wind of happiness brings tears of joy...

Do you remember the hungry years? Internet with cards...

Sitting in an empty room. I'm trying to forget the past. And it seems that everything has already been forgotten. But sooner or later, you remember everything again.

Memories are a sediment that is at the bottom of our heart, the main thing is not to stir it up.

Today I lost a friend... It would be better if I lost my keys, at least they can be restored...

Years to forget, minutes to remember.

The name of your beloved, written in the snow, will not freeze as long as it is in your heart...

Nostalgia is like a black and white movie... and the picture is blurry and the sound is not clear, BUT SO NICE...

Life is not about those moments that pass, but about those that are remembered.

The heart beats into fragments, the soul is torn. She wants and strives to be with you forever.

When I feel bad at heart, I think about you... And it immediately becomes warmer...)))

Memory is a crazy woman: she collects bright rags and throws away bread.

In my memories - You smile only for me.

And I smile, remembering our acquaintance...

Memories... all that I have left of you... it’s difficult for me, but this doesn’t solve anything... now even the edge of the world is closer to me than your palm...

The most best moments those that no one films on camera, but you still remember them all your life!

So many years have passed, and the imprints of your kisses still warm my lips...

My memories of him become duller, my feelings subside and he gradually leaves my soul.

Statuses and statements about memories

Memories are not subject to our will. When you try to get away from them and turn your back on them, they pursue you of their own free will.

We parted as friends and everything seemed fine. Only memories continue to torment me, recreating that autumn in my memory again and again...

Memories are valuable and priceless at the same time. After all, they combine so many smells, sensations and pictures that, unfortunately, cannot be touched, smelled or seen again in reality...

Memories of this period of my life warm my soul... but I will hide them in a cardboard box, seal them with tape and sign: “The past... 2009...”

Best status:
Often we love not someone in the past, but the memories associated with them; we want to return exactly that period of time when the feeling of happiness lived inside, and not the person who gave it...

All my memories of past days... so beautiful... I’m trying to erase them from my memory without pain and start living again... until I can’t...

Become invisible...Erase your dreams, delete all your memories of him like viruses! They're too harmful for you nervous system. It can fail and freeze for many years...

Everyone pretends that nothing happened, but doubts torment the soul. That's the essence of memories.

my bed smelled of strange men. in my vases there are flowers from others, but in my heart there are only memories of you... (c)

music is always memories. and now my playlist is like a whole book of history about you

Remembrance is a kind of meeting. (D.H. Gibran)

“Memory warms a person from the inside, and memories give a reason to look back.”

Only memories make us think about age.

"Memory warms a person from the inside, and Memories give us a reason to look back.”

Memories smooth out old wrinkles, time adds to them.

All that remains are just memories that bring a smile to your face!

Neither she nor I suspect mutual love... A memory from the future.

memories are my cup of warm tea in rainy weather...

Memory, memory is a warehouse of rubbish, I feel like a watchman at a landfill.

I wanted him to have some good memories. Maybe because of them he will return again someday. Or at least get bored.

It is easier to love memories than a living person.

Memories are magical clothes that do not wear out from use.

Memories are why we grow old. The secret of eternal youth is the ability to forget. (Erich Maria Remarque)

It is impossible to remember, it is impossible to forget - this is my cross.

You turn on “Lullaby” from Twilight and involuntarily, different memories arise in your head. But the main thoughts are about YOU... and I myself don’t notice how tears flow down my cheeks...

Well, why do you need memories that pull you back, when with me you will go forward?!..

Kinder Surprise is small world unique MEMORIES of our childhood

In our today's sadness there is nothing more bitter than the memory of our yesterday's joy. (D.H. Gibran)

There is nothing more pleasant than remembering a happy time.

Trying to forget someone means remembering him all the time. Reflections and memories only strengthen love.

many people like songs not because of the words or music, but because of the memories that are associated with the song...

– Music also smells... – What? - Memories...

I will leave him memories, like they leave waiters a tip - just enough so as not to offend, just enough so as not to be remembered...

memories, they are all about that wonderful past... I want to forget them and start all over again clean slate,......yes, that it doesn’t hurt later

Sometimes all that remains of a person are memories, but they are everywhere.

You can’t help but remember... Memories are your slow poison...

It seems to me that if I get into his car, I will die... - from what? - from memories...

It is easier to love memories than a living person.

Memories are the riches of old age. (F. Ranevskaya)

And when my ex-boyfriend and I got to the memories of our kiss, he immediately came out of Isec: like an advertisement, in the most interesting place!

Memories... sometimes they kill.

Everyone acts as if nothing happened, but inside they doubt. That's what memories are for.

My head is spinning with love... Just the thought of you kissing her makes me feel bad. Only when I say “I love you” do I forget how to breathe... Only when I remember you do I want to soar and cry.

Emptiness. There's nothing left. Just friends - just memories.

You will dream of me silently, and you will endure while the teeth of memories bite...

Many things in life can hurt... but if you live with past memories... then where can you get new ones...?

Remembrance is a kind of meeting.

All your memories, happy and sad, make you who you are.

Many things in life can hurt... but if you live with past memories... then where can you get new ones...?

Memories are wonderful, but they have no taste or smell, they cannot be touched. And over time they inevitably weaken.

All life is divided into three periods: the premonition of love, the action of love and the memory of love.

Memories... sometimes they kill.

All your memories, happy and sad, make you who you are.

somehow I was struck by memories...damn

the city turns into a deserted battlefield filled with mines of memories. You have to watch carefully where you are stepping, otherwise you will be torn to pieces... (c)

There is an end to everything in the world, but there is no end to memories.

I cut out this memory, folded it carefully and put it away in the fragile locket of my heart. (Andrew Sean Greer. “The Confessions of Max Tivoli”)

[...during the day - a fake smile and sparkle in the eyes, at night - tears and memories of you...]

Why should I remember her, she lives in my heart.

Memories are magical clothes that do not wear out from use. (R Stevenson)

A person does not need a gun or a knife...memories are enough.

Memories are willful. If you stop chasing them and turn your back on them, they often come back on their own.

someday this morning will become just a memory for me...

Now you are just my memories and nothing more...

Everyone makes memories that pain the heart.

Love, of course, did not die, she left, throwing her head back, looking into the purple night sky, smiling at the memories, leaving behind only tenderness

Sometimes just one day will be remembered for the rest of your life... and sometimes a whole year will be wasted

let everything decide... one moment, one moment... the memory of love...... let everything decide...

We don’t even suspect how many interesting things people know about us, whose existence we don’t even know about. Either it’s spring, or there’s really something in you, that is, don’t live in memories. you have all your old age for this. make memories

A memory of first love that prevents me from falling in love once a week)))

A memory of first love that prevents me from falling in love once a week)))

I cut out this memory, folded it carefully and stored it in the fragile locket of my heart.

My head is spinning from love... Just the thought of you kissing her makes me feel bad. Only when I say “I love you” do I forget how to breathe... Only when I remember you do I want to soar and cry

It is easier to love memories than a living person.

I lie awake until five or six in the morning. Sometimes, like now, I force myself to remember.

Never return to the place where you were happy if you want everything you experienced there to remain alive in your memory. (Agatha Christie)

Don't spoil your good memories - Damn the memories! I need a future!

A person cannot move forward if his soul is corroded by the pain of memories.

Shitty song, with shitty memories...

A Teddy Bear toy...for children it is an ordinary toy...but for young people it is a memory of an ex or ex.

Remembering our youth is like visiting the grave of a friend whom we offended and have no way to make amends for.

What is it like to live when you have nothing, not even memories to bother you in the middle of the night?

It is impossible to remember, it is impossible to forget - this is my cross. (S. Meyer. “New Moon”)

A woman is constant in love like no one else. Her first love lives in her to the end and the memory of the first person who loved her worries her even in the arms of another...

The tears burn not because they are salty, but because they are filled with memories.

And I’ll fly away like a white cloud in the spring, And let a drop of rain run down my cheek, Let nothing hide my love now, And let the memories in clear puddles be about you. (I)

There is no use remembering the past if those memories cannot help in the present.

And there is nothing ahead. Only gray smoke of memories...

And that’s why, before you fall asleep, you spend a long time remembering what you so want to forget.

The memories are overwhelming. Thoughts are suffocating. Feelings kill...

Memories are wonderful, but they have no taste or smell, they cannot be touched. And over time they inevitably weaken.

Celebrations are memorable for those moments that you would like to forget.

Memories are the only paradise from which we cannot be expelled.

Only unreliable memories or unreliable thoughts can be put into such an unreliable vessel as text on paper.

*I brewed it for myself strong tea without sugar, to forget our sweet memories with you...

A person cannot move forward if his soul is corroded by the pain of memories. (Margaret Mitchell)

Memories are willful. If you stop chasing them and turn your back on them, they often come back on their own. (Stephen King)

Never return to the place where you were happy if you want everything you experienced there to remain alive in your memory.

It is good memories that prevent you from forgetting a person. They tear you apart from the inside, forcing you to go back. But there is no turning back.

What our life is is the sum of our memories. Therefore, it would be a good idea to read quotes about memories. Many people express their point of view on this subject and therefore quotes about memories should be read carefully.

I have a lot to do today:
We must completely kill our memory,
It is necessary for the soul to turn to stone,
We must learn to live again.
Anna Andreevna Akhmatova

When it all ends, the pain of parting is proportional to the beauty of the love experienced. It is difficult to withstand this pain, because the person immediately begins to be tormented by memories.
Film “Sorry for Love (Scusa ma ti chiamo amore)”

Women live on memories. Men are what they have forgotten.
Janusz Leon Wisniewski. Loneliness on the Internet

A person dies when the last memory of him dies.
Joanne Rowling. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

It happens that after reading a quote, memories that have long been forgotten suddenly appear in your head!

There are songs you want to dance to, songs you want to sing along to, but the best songs are the ones that take you back to the first time you heard them and break your heart over and over again.
TV series “Gossip Girl”

Then, of course, I would remember you,
If I ever forgot.
Vera Polozkova

You think she's the only one, but she's not. You only remember the good things. Next time, remember everything properly...
Film “500 Days of Summer ((500) Days of Summer)”

Memories are what make us grow old. The secret of eternal youth is the ability to forget.
Erich Maria Remarque

Well, why do you need memories that pull you back, when with me you will go forward?!..
Film "Inadequate People"

Each of us has a time machine: what takes us into the past are memories; what carries into the future is dreams.
Herbert Wells. Time Machine

Everything you know about me is no more than your own memories!..
Haruki Murakami. Sheep hunting

All she had left was a handful of memories and the reflection of his face somewhere at the very bottom of her memory. A reflection that fades with each passing day.
Cecelia Ahern. P.S. I love you

IN unpleasant memories there is one good side: they convince a person that he is now happy, even if a second ago he did not believe it. Happiness is like this relative concept! Anyone who has achieved this rarely feels completely unhappy.
Erich Maria Remarque. Night in Lisbon

If you don't know how to drive memories into far corner brain and you start to worry - the tower will move inevitably. Make not giving a damn your philosophy of life and enjoy life.
John King. Human punk

The memory of the happiness experienced is no longer happiness, the memory of the pain experienced is still pain.
George Gordon Byron

Hello, lovers of quotes and aphorisms!

Memories are an integral part of our life. We often remember how good moments, and sad. This helps us to cheer ourselves up during difficult periods of life or to draw conclusions and not make new mistakes. The main thing is not to live with memories alone, but to create new ones every day :).

Quotes about memories

Memories are like islands in an ocean of emptiness. Mikhail Shishkin “Venus Hair”

When our pain has already passed, the memory of it is already enchanted by memories. Jane Austen "Persuasion"

In every person's life, there will probably be moments with memories of which he does not want to part. Wilkie Collins "Moonstone"

The memories are so ridiculous. Some of them are quite vague, others are absolutely clear, others are too painful and you try not to think about them, and some are so painful that you will never forget them. Anna McPartlin "Wrap the Moon for Me"

My memories are dear to me. That is all I have. This is the only true value... Clifford Simak "All the Traps of the Earth"

Memories are magical clothes that do not wear out from use. R. Stevenson

We all need memories to know who we are... From To film "Memento"

Memory is the only paradise from which we cannot be expelled. J.-P. Richter

After all, memories are not as constraining as Living being, although sometimes the memories torment the soul! Alexandre Dumas "The Three Musketeers"

What is it like to live when you have nothing, not even memories to bother you in the middle of the night? From the cartoon "Lilo and Stitch"

There is no use remembering the past if those memories cannot help in the present. Charles Dickens "David Copperfield"

Memories are not yellowed letters, not old age, not dried flowers and relics, but a living, trembling world full of poetry... K.G. Paustovsky

You can't live only on memories. From the movie “Forbidden Love” (The Edge of Love)

The memory of the happiness experienced is no longer happiness, the memory of the pain experienced is still pain. J. Byron

You shouldn't try to get rid of memories, you need to learn to live with them. From the movie "1408"

Getting rid of memories is like robbing yourself. Sometimes memories are all we have, and they taste sweeter than any fruit. Margaret Brenton "Pearls of the Damned"

Memory is our life. If it did not exist, as I.M. Sechenov said, people would remain in the developmental stage of infancy, living by instincts alone. At all times it has been a value. Even in Ancient Greece was considered a gift from God, whose patroness was the goddess Mnemosyne. Often memory interferes, frightens, and prevents you from moving on. Let's find out how to get rid of this and much more.

Memory according to Freud

He considered it the most important component of the human psyche, determining personality. He put forward a theory about three types of memory:

  • Conscious. Characterized by awareness of reality. That is, what happens to a person in this moment time. This tactile sensation(book in hand) visual perception(what color is it) or gurgling in the stomach and so on. Consciousness, in this case, is determined by what is heard, seen and through feeling.
  • Preconscious. It's about about memories that the individual is not aware of at the moment, but which, if desired, can be recalled and activated, these are, for example, driving a car, dates of birthdays and anniversaries.
  • And unconscious. This memory is the most significant, it includes experiences and memories that are not consciously realized by a person, which sit deep in the memory, and access to them is limited. Freud believed that the unconscious bowl is filled with those images, pictures and feelings, that is, memories of the past that a person wants to forget.

Memories and the degree of their awareness determine a person’s personality.

What is a memory?

This is a reproduction (from English) of pictures of the past cut off in time and space from autobiographical (episodic) memory. It cannot be attributed to the entire past. This is just the sensory part of it: feelings and experiences. Experience, thoughts and assessments do not apply here.

Memories can be different: joyful and sad, bright and dark, good and evil. Of course, you want to return to sweet memorable events, because you can’t live in the past. Now we have general idea about past memories. Memories of the future will become a further topic of conversation.

It's about déjà vu

A mysterious and little-studied phenomenon, the occurrence of which intersects the present, past and future. A person gets the feeling that this has already happened to him once. For some reason, our consciousness travels to the future, remembers something there, as a result of which, before the onset of an event, there is confidence that we know what will happen, since we remember it from the past.

Every healthy man experiences it at least once in his life. What is this - a play of our imagination, fragments of memories, fragments of dreams, mental disorder or evidence that we are not living our first life? Or is this a misinterpretation of the timing of the event? There are many questions, but there is no reasonable answer. What if there is no time, and we can remember the future as well as the past?

Let's continue talking about mysticism

Let's talk about memories, about past lives. There are many myths regarding this topic, but reincarnation has been proven by scientists.

“Science cannot provide absolutely reliable arguments against the idea of ​​eternal recurrence.”

This also confirms this. US medical doctor Ian Stevenson has devoted decades to studying past lives. He worked with children from Asia, who told him about memories, about the past. He checked the data that supported their story.

IN eastern culture there is no prohibition on talking about past lives; the idea that there is only one life is not promoted there. That's why they talk about it calmly. Another scientist proved the theory of past lives through hypnosis.

Is it possible to learn to see?

Definitely. Will help with this special techniques and trainings. Moreover, scientists claim that children under five years of age have this property; memories of past lives are not closed to them. Why do we need to know about them, you ask. It's simple - they contain the key to the future, or rather, to understanding what is happening to you in the present. Thanks to this, it is easier and faster to understand yourself than through childhood memories and analysis of comparisons of situations within one current life. We remember only the accumulated experience that we received in past lives.

After all, you can see your talents and happy lives. Find out what you did well, what made you successful and famous, how you achieved your goals, by what means, what emotions you experienced. It is this state of internal upliftment vitality ensures success. It’s possible to “relive” all this again.

With the help of past lives, you can get answers to all the questions that concern you, understand why something doesn’t work out, and remove obstacles to achieving your goal. It is understanding and re-awareness of the problem that helps get rid of it.

Is there any benefit to viewing past lives?

Of course yes. This eliminates mechanical reactions. We use only 5% of the brain's capabilities, and 95% are beyond our control, these are programs. That is, beliefs, hidden benefits, psychological characteristics, oaths, taboos and so on that a person formed or gave in past lives. You can also get rid of fears.

What are the causes of memories of the past?

A person quite often returns to the events that happened, thinks, immersing himself in them. Those, in turn, absorb. By fixating on them, the individual causes harm psychologically and physical health. Here are the main situations that provoke this:

  • Death of a loved one or loved one.
  • Betrayal, separation from your beloved.
  • Unfulfillment in life, in particular, lack of demand in the profession.
  • Change of residence (different district, city, country).
  • Everyday monotonous life.

There are many reasons, but whatever they are, you cannot look back at the past, otherwise you will be doomed to constant failures.

You can get rid of the memories of past years. Let's give some advice:

  • Analyze the past. It is necessary to forgive, admit the mistake and let go of the situation.
  • Extract errors.
  • Use meditation and positive affirmations.

It also happens that a person understands and tries to get rid of the memories of past years, but nothing works. Here the individual is either dishonest with himself, or there really is a deep-seated reason in the subconscious. Then it might be better to contact professional psychologist.

Now, here are the statements of famous people

So, quotes about memories, about the past:

  • “Memory is the only paradise from which we cannot be expelled” (J. Richter).
  • “The memories are so ridiculous. Some of them are quite vague, others are absolutely clear, others are too painful and you try not to think about them, and some are so painful that you will never forget them” (A. McPartlin).
  • “Getting rid of memories is like robbing yourself. Sometimes memories are all we have, and they taste sweeter than any fruit” (M. Brenton).
  • “The paths have diverged, but the memories remain” (S. Yesenin).
  • “Memories are what make us grow old. The secret of eternal youth is the ability to forget” (Erich Maria Remarque).

So many sayings famous people, and each definitely has its own truth, because it’s not for nothing that these phrases have become catchphrases. Memories of the past, in a word, are the key to the future. Of course, you can’t live by them, but you can and even need to use them as experience in order to avoid making mistakes.

How to get rid of torment?

The main thing is to understand that the past cannot be canceled and corrected, no matter what it was. Use it as resources or experience. For example, before an important negotiation, to cope with anxiety, remember the moments when you achieved success.

Use bad memories from the past as experience. When learning a lesson from them, remember only this so as not to repeat previous mistakes. Living in the present is worth living. It is at this moment that you can influence something and change the course of events. It is necessary to properly use and appreciate the past, because the future will depend on it.

What to do to avoid living in the past?

Let's consider the algorithm of actions, so:

  1. In the event of the loss of a loved one or separation, a person experiences deep depression and pain. Of course, you won’t be able to forget everything quickly, but you need to try to reduce this time. The main thing is to stop blaming yourself for this, figure it out, and evaluate it.
  2. No matter how strange and stupid it may sound, take time to experience it. Let it be, for example, a week, two or three, a month. Spill out your emotions however you like, just without harming others, and then pull yourself together and let the situation go into the past.
  3. You can mark this event with a tea party or a feast. The main thing is to decide for yourself that there is no more pain. You start new life.
  4. Don't go back to the past. As soon as it starts to tighten again, switch. Let's say, come up with your own fairy-tale world, town or village, where you will feel comfortable and calm, and return there.
  5. Improve yourself. Keep yourself busy with a hobby or something you love. Go deeper into your profession, improve your skills.
  6. Cheer yourself up. Remember yourself in your youth, when you were full of strength and confidence. Transfer that energy to the present, start new communication, get acquainted, enjoy life.

Concentrate solely on if it doesn’t work out yet, focus on bright dreams. Of course, it is very difficult to learn to let go of the situation, forgive offenders and yourself, and not cling to the past. But you have to try. The past should serve only as an invaluable experience, and not become a source of troubles and bad mood.

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