Humanity survived the fall of a giant comet. Meteors and comets

Russians have known this event for a long time: Summer 13026 from the Great Cold (Great Cold Cold) (11,008 BC)

This chronology originates from the Great Cooling, which was associated with the catastrophe - the fall on Midgard in Pacific Ocean fragments of the destroyed Moon of Fatta. Before the fall, Fatta revolved around Midgard (in the equatorial plane) with a revolution period of 13 days.

It is said in the Santiy Veda of Perun: “...hard times will bring the flow of the River of Time to the Holy Land of the Great Race... And only the Guardian Priests will remain on this land Ancient Knowledge and Hidden Wisdom... For people will use the Power of the elements of Midgard-Earth and destroy the small Moon and their beautiful World... And then the Svarog Circle will turn (the earth’s axis will shift) and human Souls will be horrified...” This event was predicted by Perun during his 3rd visit to Midgard-Earth.

During the Great Migration after the death of the Moon Lelya, the X'Aryan Family, led by the Great Leader Ant, reached the Western (Atlantic) Ocean and, with the help of Whiteman, crossed to an island in this ocean, on which lived beardless people with skin the color of the flame of the Sacred Fire (people with red skin). On that land, the Great Leader built the Temple (temple) of the Trident of the God of the Seas and Oceans (God Niya), who patronized people, protecting them from the Forces of Evil. The island began to be called the Land of Ants or Antlan (in ancient Greek - Atlantis, i.e. Atlantis).

However, the development of culture in the Land of Ants has reached a dead end. Some of the Ants, violating the Laws of Purity of Family and Blood, mixed with the red-skinned people. Great wealth clouded the heads of the leaders and priests who came from mixed families. Laziness and desire for what belongs to others overshadowed their minds. And they began to lie to Gods and people, began to live according to their own laws, violating the Testaments of the Wise Ancestors and the Laws of the One God-Progenitor. And they began to use the Power of the Elements of Midgard-Earth to achieve their goals. In the battle between the people of the White Race and the priests of Antlan, who, experimenting with Crystals of Power, (with the help of which you can modify torsion fields, the cores of the Moons and Earths) accidentally destroyed the Moon Fattu.

When Fatta was destroyed, a huge fragment crashed into the Earth in the region of the western continent (America), as a result of which the tilt of the earth's axis changed by 36 degrees and the continental outlines. In a number of ancient texts this process is described as a change in the inclination of the sky in relation to the earth. For example, in the ancient Chinese treatise “Huainanzi” it is described as follows: “The sky tilted to the northwest, the Sun, Moon and stars moved.” Earth's axis acquired a top-like movement along an ellipse, which modern scientists call the “period of precession.” Yarilo-Sun began to pass through other Heavenly Palaces on the Svarozh Circle. On the wall of one of the Mayan pyramids in America there is an inscription “The small moon has broken.” In the Chinese treatise “Huainanzi” this event is described as follows: “The vault of heaven was broken, the scales of the earth were torn apart. The sky tilted to the northwest. The sun and stars have moved. The land in the southeast turned out to be incomplete, and therefore waters and silt rushed there... In those distant times, the four poles collapsed, nine continents split... the fire burned without subsiding, the waters raged without drying up.”

A giant wave from falling fragments circled the earth three times, which led to the death of Antlan and other islands. grown up volcanic activity led to atmospheric pollution, which was one of the causes of the Great Cold War and glaciation. This is where the word “fatality”, “Fatal outcome” came from, and the number 13 (the number of days Fatta’s rotation around Midgard) has since been considered unlucky. People moved south to warmer habitats, and the glacier practically destroyed all traces of habitation on northern latitudes. Many centuries passed before the atmosphere began to clear and the glaciers retreated to the poles.

This event threw humanity back into the “Stone Age”

For centuries, man has wondered about the mysteries of outer space, trying to unravel them. Astronomical bodies such as a satellite, a star, a meteorite falling to Earth, an asteroid and a comet have fascinated and attracted humanity.

Having seen some of these astronomical bodies, we either try to apply them in our imagination in Divine power or think of them as 'shooting stars'. Likewise, some say our destinies are tied to movement celestial bodies.

However, he rejects quite a few such myths.

Today we are much more informed about the realities of planets, moons, comets and black holes.

Asteroids - minor planets

Asteroids, like most of these astronomical bodies, have their own characteristics and properties. Asteroids are celestial bodies moving like planets around the Sun.

Planets are celestial bodies that, such as our Sun, are at a certain distance at a certain speed. The earth also has a fixed rotation time around own axis. This is what causes day and night. In addition, planets have satellites that move around them, like the Moon around the Earth.

Meteors and comets

Like the planets and their moons, many meteors and comets move around solar system. It is essentially lifeless matter created from gases, metals and rocks in space. And they can be either small in size or weigh hundreds of thousands of tons.

Giuseppe Piazzi

Italian astronomer Giuseppe Piazzi was the first to discover such astronomical substances on January 1, 1801. This was the discovery of Ceres, which was then supposed to be a massive asteroid. However, Ceres was later recognized as dwarf planet. Since then, more than 10,000 such asteroids and meteors have been found. Astronomers believe that many orbit the Sun in the belt between Mars and Jupiter and in this belt, Ceres is the only dwarf planet. The distance to this belt is between 32 and 49 million km from the Sun. However, meteors and asteroids are also found away from this belt.

Meteors are luminous particles of falling interplanetary material, and if they survive crossing through the atmosphere and reach the ground, they are called meteorites. Meteors are most commonly referred to as falling meteorites.

In 1961, the International Astronomical Organization classified and named these objects. They named the independently moving bodies as meteors. However, all these differences are in their size. In fact, these meteors are the remains of burnt-out comets or planets. Sometimes these meteors move away from their normal orbit and enter the dense layers of the Earth's atmosphere, moving at speeds up to 30,000 km/h. There are at least 5 to 10 meteorite impacts on Earth every year.

Are falling celestial bodies dangerous?

When a meteor enters the earth's atmosphere from pressure and friction, they most often burn up. We imagine objects such as shooting stars.

In 2016 fallen meteorite A bus driver was killed in Velluru district, Tamil Nadu, India. This is the first official confirmation that an object from outer space has killed a person.

Although it is officially confirmed that a celestial body in 1972 in Venezuela killed a cow by hitting it in the head. In 2007, the cow killer meteorite was put up for auction. Until now, the victim of a flying human meteorite in history was American Ann Hodges, which hit her home in Alabama on November 30, 1954, causing a serious burn. The most famous incident involving a meteorite fall in the recent past was in Chelyabinsk in 2013.

In fact, the history of meteorites hitting the Earth predates the Earth by millions of years. When the age of the earth was relatively small, the fall of a meteorite caused it to split into countless parts.

In addition, the fall of a meteorite to Earth is responsible for the disappearance of dinosaurs from the face of the earth. A massive celestial body about 65 million years ago caused such a huge volume of dust to spread in the sky that there was no sunlight for decades, which wiped out many animal species on earth. But it is also a fact that out of every 5000 such massive bodies, only one is likely to hit the ground. But such a blow could radically change the geography of the planet, destroy biodiversity and cause... In fact, many of the largest lakes on earth were caused by meteorite impacts.

The approach of meteors and the fall of a meteorite can affect radio waves. Among some important meteor impacts in Peekskill, USA in 1999. A celestial body weighing about 12.4 kg crashed into our planet. In 2009, a meteorite struck Earth in Bali, Indonesia, causing a 10-meter crater. The energy released was about 50 kilotons, or twice as powerful as atomic bomb Nagasaki.

The study of meteors has also shed light on many other theories about the cosmos. Scientists are studying the presence various forms matter or elements in outer space from dust and stones, pieces of fallen celestial bodies. AND the last blow The meteor warned astronomers to remain vigilant and try to estimate the next time such an event might occur again, so that safety measures can be taken in advance.

The year in Chelyabinsk led to the emergence of many questions.

According to the data, a meteorite with a diameter of about 15 meters and weighing 7,000 tons entered the atmosphere at an angle of about 20 degrees at a speed of 65,000 km per hour. It passed through the atmosphere for 30 seconds before breaking apart. This resulted in an explosion approximately 20 km above the ground, producing shock wave with a capacity of 300 kilotons. As a result, more than 1000 people were injured.

Meteorite fragments were recently found near Lake Chebarkul.

Events such as the fall of a meteorite once again remind us of potential danger, which is located in outer space. What are a meteorite, an asteroid and a comet? How often do such events occur and can they be prevented?

meteorite fall

Meteor, meteorite, meteoroid - what's the difference?

A meteor is the scientific name for a "shooting star" and is the glowing trail of space debris that ends up in the Earth's atmosphere. They can be small as a grain of sand and large meteoroids up to 10-30 meters in size. As a rule, they burn up in the atmosphere, and those that fall to Earth are called meteorites.

How often does a meteorite fall to Earth?

Small drops happen every few months, but we don't see them. The thing is that two-thirds of the Earth is oceans, so we often miss these events. Such large objects as the one that exploded in Chelyabinsk occur much less frequently, approximately every five years. So in 2008, a similar event was observed in Sudan, but no one was hurt.

A meteorite is flying to Earth: can it be prevented?

Typically, such meteor bodies go unnoticed, since most telescopes are aimed at identifying huge potential dangerous asteroids. There is no weapon yet that can prevent the fall of a meteorite or asteroid.

Asteroid impact

The Chelyabinsk meteorite was the largest after Tunguska meteorite 1908 in Siberia, which was caused by an object approximately the size of asteroid 2012 DA14, which safely flew within a minimum distance of 27,000 km from Earth on February 15, 2013.

Asteroid Passage: What is an asteroid?

An asteroid is a celestial body that orbits the Sun, usually between Mars and Jupiter. Asteroids are also called space debris or fragments left over from the formation of the Solar System.

Because of the collisions, some asteroids are ejected from the main belt, and they end up on a trajectory that intersects the Earth's orbit.

Large asteroids are called planetoids, and objects smaller than 30 meters are called meteoroids.

Asteroid sizes: how big can they be?

Asteroid 2012 DA14, which flew by on Friday, was about 45 meters in diameter and weighed about 130,000 tons. Scientists believe there are about 500,000 asteroids the size of asteroid 2012 DA14. However, less than one percent of asteroids have been discovered so far.

The supposed asteroid that killed the dinosaurs 65 million years ago is believed to have been around 10-15 km in diameter. If an asteroid of this magnitude fell today, it would wipe out all modern civilization.

Statistically, asteroids larger than 50 meters fall to Earth once a century. Asteroids larger than 1 km in diameter can collide every 100 thousand years.

Comet crash

2013 can be called the year of comets, since we will be able to observe two of the brightest comets in history at once.

What is a comet?

Comets are celestial bodies in our solar system, consisting of ice, dust and gas. Most of them are located in the Oort Cloud - mysterious area outer edge of the solar system. Periodically they pass close to the Sun and begin to evaporate. solar wind turns this steam into a huge tail.

Most comets are too far from the Sun and Earth to be seen with the naked eye. Bright comets appear every few years, and it is even rarer for two comets to appear in one year.

Comet 2013


Comet PANSTARRS or C/2011 L4 was discovered in June 2011 using the Pan-STARRS 1 telescope located on the summit of Haleakala in Hawaii. In March 2013, the comet will be closest to the Sun (45,000 km) and the Earth (164 million km).

Although comet PANSTARRS was a dim and distant object at the time of its discovery, it has steadily become brighter since then.

Comet ISON, discovered in 2012

When can you watch? Mid November – December 2013

Comet ISON or C/2012 S1 was discovered on September 21, 2012 by two astronomers Vitaly Nevsky and Artem Novichonok using a telescope International Scientific Optical Network(ISON).

Orbital calculations showed that Comet ISON will make its closest approach to the Sun at a distance of 1.2 million km. The comet will be bright enough to be visible in the sky at its closest approach to the Sun in the first weeks of November.

It is believed that this comet will be brighter than full moon, and it will be visible even during the day.

Comet Impact

Could a comet collide with Earth? It is known from history that the comet Shoemaker-Levi 9 collided with Jupiter in July 1994, and it became the first comet collision observed by scientists. Considering that this happened on an uninhabited planet, the event became more likely interesting example destructive forces Universe. However, if this had happened on Earth, history would have taken a completely different turn.

Comets and asteroids

Comets differ from asteroids in their unusual elongated elliptical orbit, that is, they move away at a very long distances from the Sun. On the contrary, asteroids remain within the asteroid belt.

Fortunately, it takes many years to pass the comet's orbit. A comet approaches Earth once every 200,000 years. To date, there are no known comets that pose a threat to our planet in the near future.

Comets with an orbital period greater than 200,000 years have a less predictable orbit and, although there is little chance of colliding with Earth, they should not be forgotten.

The northern hemisphere began to change its climate to a hotter one 13 thousand years ago. When ice age was coming to an end, the ice was melting and the spreading meadows were turning green. The warming was so rapid that the climate sometimes changed over decades, or even years.

But because of one thing unexpected event sudden changes occurred, expressed by a sharp drop in temperature. Then the Earth, almost approaching modern climatic conditions, returned to its former cold for another thousand years. And only after this time the climate became similar to the modern one.

What influenced the earth's climate

This cooling was called the Younger or Younger Dryas (after the dryad flower). However, the reasons for its occurrence were unclear until recently. New research is poised to shed light on this mystery. Scientists are confident that they have found evidence that the Earth was subject to numerous comet impacts, which at that time caused large-scale forest fires.

Most likely, one huge comet, split into parts, fell on our planet in the form of fragments. The fires caused by them were so strong that the ash and smoke entering the atmosphere prevented the passage of sun rays. As a result, this led to a change ocean currents, destruction wildlife and, ultimately, the return of glaciation of the planet.

Consideration of the hypothesis

To the Younger Dryas for a long time many were doubtful, expressing their skepticism. Some didn't believe in external influence on last stage glaciation followed by warming. This hypothesis was put forward only in 2007, and it talked about the impact of comet impacts that hit the Earth 12,800 years ago, which led to the Younger Dryas.

Previously it was believed that a circulation disorder led to the cold snap Atlantic waters north due to a sharp increase in volumes fresh water, released from glaciers as a result of their melting under the influence of warming.

Evidence found

As evidence base comet particles were collected. These include tiny particles of the substance discovered in Pennsylvania, and traces of platinum in Greenland glaciers that survived an ancient comet collision. And in 2012, particles of the comet in the form of diamonds and impact spherules were discovered at the bottom of a Mexican lake.

A clue to such a hypothesis was also found on the walls of a temple complex in Turkey. Using the drawings, it was possible to study the position of celestial bodies, which indicated the fall of a comet.

The most most A meteorite fell in what is now Canada. It was there that rare particles of osmium and iridium were found.

Evidence of large-scale fires ancient period scientists searched all over the world.
Thus, the researchers were able to prove that at that time terrible fires really raged, covering vast areas of forests. They were much larger than those that occurred during the time of the dinosaurs.

According to scientists, new facts can help in studying the history of life on Earth in those ancient times. They can explain the extinction of numerous animals, as well as the changes in human culture that occurred then.

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