What you need to do to avoid stress. Stress prevention - the best methods and ways to avoid a nervous breakdown

Stress is a nonspecific response of the body to any demand presented to it. For example, in the sun we sweat, the evaporation of sweat cools us - this is a common reaction. So, it is immediately followed by the body’s attempt to quickly adapt to this state (sweating), get used to it and survive without much loss and a feeling of embarrassment in front of others. This is the desire of the body, unsettled by some event, to return to normal as quickly as possible.

It doesn’t matter to the body whether the situation you encounter is pleasant or not. Celebrating the New Year, the death of a loved one or a vacation, no matter how shocking it may sound, cause the same biochemical changes in the body. The only thing that matters is how you react to the event. People die not only from grief, but also from happiness. Pierre Beaumarchais's father died of overwhelming delight when his son read him The Barber of Seville. The feeling of happiness disrupts a person’s emotional calm and balance. For the body, this is already extreme, to which it reacts with pain in the heart, pressure surges, and dizziness. Happiness, like any strong emotion, is also stressful.

It may cause an increase in physiological tone, it increases attentiveness and vigilance, prepares the body for vigorous activity, while it can reduce the ability to think sensibly and complicate the functioning of the motor-skeletal system. By receiving an adrenaline rush, a person seems to stimulate himself to new victories in life.

Often people not only do not try to avoid stress, but they themselves rush towards it in search of new impressions and sensations, living on the edge, drunk from the seething adrenaline in the blood. An addiction to horror and action films is nothing more than a craving for safe stress: passions run high, but only on the screen. Stress often turns into need. There are also “adrenaline junkies” who strive to experience intoxicating strong emotions again and again.


Stress itself is not a disease, but a provocateur that can lead to a huge number of diseases, including cancer.

According to doctors, 95% of patients do not associate their painful or simply unusual symptoms with the internal conflict that they are experiencing. The myth that “nerve diseases” are harmless and not serious is very common. A person is driven to the doctor only by the suspicion that he may have a tumor or the risk of a stroke, but not by the experiences that befell him when moving to a new job or during the sales season.

Scientists provide the following statistics. Now 15–20% of the world’s population needs the help of psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and in Russia this figure reaches 20–25%. According to the World Health Organization, over the past 65 years the number of neuroses has increased 24 times. 13.3% of deaths occur precisely for these reasons, up to 80% of strokes occur against the background of depression. Mortality from suicide takes first place in the structure of mortality, behind only cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

Experts are confident that life events play a significant role in neuroses, a formative role in depression and a trigger role in schizophrenia. In Sweden, subjective stress was assessed as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease in a highly representative sample of 6935 men aged 47–55 years. The control was carried out for 12 years, the depth of subjective stress was determined by feelings of tension, irritability, anxiety, and sleep disturbances. Six gradations of stress were identified. developed in 6% of people with low stress levels and 10% with high stress levels.

About 40% of referrals to cardiologists for palpitations and other cardiac abnormalities are directly related to a stressful situation; About the same percentage of referrals to neurologists (for headaches) and gastroenterologists (for stomach pain) are also associated with stress.

High concentrations of the stress hormone cortisol can cause severe inflammation, which aggravates chronic diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Stress often plays a central role in the development and manifestation of sleep disorders. Research in Europe last year found a direct link between insomnia and heart failure in people who have trouble falling asleep.

When the adrenal glands release stress hormones, the muscles become tense, which can cause long-term consequences such as headaches. Irritable bowel syndrome, bloating, cramping, diarrhea and constipation are often associated with stress levels. Researchers have found that stress can worsen the clinical manifestations of asthma. People under stress tend to accumulate fat in the abdominal area due to excessive secretion of cortisol.

Stress contributes to the development of bad eating habits, which contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes.

Are you stressed? Take a closer look

Physical symptoms of stress include headaches, spinal discomfort, difficulty breathing, dizziness, and high blood pressure. Psychological - constant depression, absent-mindedness, sleep disturbances, frequent irritability, fatigue, memory impairment. A person under stress tends to make mistakes often, cannot concentrate on anything, gets angry easily, nothing gives him the same joy, and you shouldn’t joke with him - he won’t understand.

Japanese scientists, as representatives of a nation that loves precision, have invented a device - a stress level meter based on the presence of amylase in human saliva, an enzyme that breaks down polysaccharides into glucose. The more nervous we are, the more our body needs. Accordingly, the higher the amylase content in saliva, the stronger the stress.

How to help with stress

Doctors recommend relieving symptoms of chronic stress, depression, and neuroses with drugs from several groups.

The “softest” of them are sedatives based on herbs, which help get rid of emotional stress and improve activity. Neuroleptics weaken psychomotor agitation, suppress feelings of fear, and reduce aggressiveness. With the help of tranquilizers, neuroses and neurotic conditions are treated, antidepressants improve mood and well-being.

Contrary to popular belief, these drugs do not cause personality changes and addiction, unless, of course, you follow the dosage and doctor's recommendations. Uncontrolled use of sedatives can lead to a lack of therapeutic effect and even worsening of the condition.

In addition to medications, there are many ways to help a person cope with stress - about two hundred psychotherapeutic techniques alone. One of the most popular is cognitive behavioral therapy, when a person is taught to understand the cause of his illness and react differently to external events.

Sometimes it is enough to tell a psychotherapist about your problems, and they will seem less serious. Fortunately, today regularly visiting a psychologist and discussing your problems with him is becoming commonplace.

By the way, 46% of Russians consider watching television programs to be the main means of getting rid of stress, 43% prefer to listen to music, 19% choose alcohol, 16% choose gluttony, 15% are treated with antidepressants, 12% get rid of negativity through sports, 9% see salvation in sex and 2% - in yoga and meditation.

It is worth noting that you should not choose alcohol as a sedative. Alcohol can be an anti-stress agent only temporarily - it improves mood, alleviates anxiety, anxiety, tension, makes a person more sociable and sociable, but its systematic use leads to addiction. The nervous system undergoes significant changes under the influence of regular alcohol intake.

It is impossible to avoid stress; it is the most important factor for survival; if you don't have stress, you're dead. You can learn to react to it correctly: just look at the world, listen to yourself, and analyze your lifestyle.

One of the main questions of our time is how to avoid stress? Many people often suffer from severe nervous tension, but they do not have enough knowledge of how to overcome stress. In general, methods for preventing stress are quite simple. Almost anyone can easily learn how and use ways to prevent stress. In this way, you can increase your resilience, understand psychology and get rid of any disorders that negatively affect your quality of life.

Nutrition Tricks

The simplest way that the psychology system offers to get rid of disorders is to carefully consider your daily diet. Surprisingly, a healthy, wholesome and tasty diet can really save a person from disorders, increase his resistance to the negative influence of surrounding events and prevent stressful conditions. Of course, it is difficult to associate the psychoprevention of stress solely with food, but proper nutrition gives the body lightness and good mood, which means that all negativity is much easier to bear.


Including banal lemons, oranges, and more complex and unusual ones, such as limes, and other fruits. They can be consumed just like that with other fruits, as juice, or added to various dishes.

Green vegetables

All vegetables that are green in color. This is any cabbage, onions, cucumbers, zucchini, peppers, herbs and other products. They are rich in vitamins and nutrients, and they also contain chlorophyll, which is beneficial for the body, which has long been sold as a dietary supplement.

Dark chocolate

Definitely high quality with a high cocoa content. It has been established that a few squares of high-quality treats not only improve your mood, but also protect the nervous system and relieve disorders. With the help of chocolate, you can increase the stability of the entire body; the psychological system also benefits from consuming an excellent antidepressant.


Ideal for those who not only want to get rid of disorders, but also prolong their life and improve physical health thanks to the high content of zinc and iodine.


They should be added to salads, choose whole grain bread and other healthy dishes, since they charge the body with energy and strength.

Green tea without sugar

You can drink it several times a day, but we must not forget that green tea in large quantities can cause dehydration, so along with green tea you need to drink a large amount of usually clean water.

Features of communication

Usually, few people know how to protect themselves from stress, so communication with other people may not only not get rid of various disorders, but also deprive them of any chance to avoid stress. That is why you need to know how to protect yourself from stress on your own, so as not to depend on the problems and disorders of all other people. The communication system itself implies the occurrence of disorders due to conflicts arising in society. Measures to get rid of such effects primarily involve attitude to emerging situations. To know how to avoid stress, you need to learn to treat current events as calmly as possible.

Secrets of communicating with people around you

  1. It is worth remaining friendly towards all people;
  2. The most important thing in communication is to avoid unpleasant communication, this allows you to prevent the occurrence of disorders and allows you not to waste energy on fighting them;
  3. In the event of serious conflicts, you need to talk and negotiate, compromises and joint problem solving are the best way out of most serious and difficult situations and develop resistance to conflicts;
  4. Measures to maintain a good mood also include communicating with inspiring and interesting people; you should not avoid interesting communication, on the contrary, it can become an excellent source of new strength and energy;

The healthcare system can also help get rid of excess stress; there is no need to refuse help if negative emotions and persistent disorders increase;

Don’t forget about physical health; health checks should be constant, which will provide confidence in your own well-being and help avoid any problems that arise with the body.

Self-analysis and its possibilities

One of the main recommendations describing how to protect yourself from stress describes numerous opportunities for self-reflection. The self-analysis system allows you to understand your own mood using simple techniques that can be used with available tools and without anyone’s help.

In general, there is a huge amount of techniques, psychological trainings, tests, lectures, lessons and other material aimed specifically at information about self-knowledge, personality development, goal setting, and so on. The most effective of them are the simplest ones, no matter how paradoxical it may sound.

Paper diary

The easiest way to understand yourself is to keep a paper diary. It can be a simple notebook or a beautiful diary, any notebook or album you like, the main thing is that it is convenient to make an entry at any time.

A diary will help you speak out, get rid of unnecessary negativity, think again about specific situations, and understand the pros and cons of a particular matter.

In a diary, you can record stories about past events and talk about upcoming ones, plan, write down ideas, complain and ask questions. A diary is a kind of psychologist, whose role you can take on and speak out, and then, after some time, evaluate past experiences with a fresh look.


The Internet, with its unlimited number of possibilities, can also tell you how to understand yourself. Of course, we are not talking about the entire World Wide Web, but only about online diaries and blogs and thematic communities. The first is good because you can use it like a paper diary, keeping personal notes, or you can publish open posts, find like-minded people or interesting people, communicate with them and speak out. A blog can eventually turn into a significant online platform for interests.

In thematic communities, such as psychological ones, there are usually a large number of people who either understand the topic or are in some similar situation, so communicating with them, talking about problems and questions can help get some answers.

Expression techniques

Another method is very similar to this one, but records should be made in the evening, after the day has passed, so that before going to bed you can leave all its events and get rid of unnecessary thoughts and assessments of events. In the evening, such pages can be filled out point by point with summaries of the day or plans for the near future.

Video:“My happy morning. Morning pages - personal experience"

Setting goals and plans

Setting goals and thinking about pleasant plans for the future can also help get rid of stress. The cause of stress is a lack of interests and plans, so the ability to set precise goals and go towards their implementation means getting rid of a variety of possible consequences of nervous tension and even preventing it.

When you're feeling low and in danger of getting really stressed, you can turn to some simple ways to find inspiration and set new goals in your life.

Cinema and books

Reading is an interesting and necessary activity that helps develop personality in a variety of directions. But oddly enough, watching films can also be not only interesting, but also useful. The only peculiarity is that this process needs to be viewed in a special way. To search for motivations and ideas for your own goals, you just need to carefully observe the characters, the situations, their development and resolution.

It’s not for nothing that they say that in books we can live a hundred lives and still gain experience gained by the characters.

IN in this case, this statement can also be applied to films. But stupid comedies or banal love or detective novels will not do - there is absolutely nothing to glean from them, nothing to learn. It is much better to choose serious literature and deep films, motivational and thematic works about the area of ​​interest at a particular moment, and study from beginning to end.

Inspirational Man

A source of inspiration and ideas can be a real-life person, a kind of teacher who influences the “learning” process only by his existence. This could be someone you know, but has already achieved certain results, or a completely great person, a star in his field, whom you want to emulate.

Such an idol should never be imitated. The same clothes and hairstyle, trying to adjust your own habits to the known ones will not bring anything good. And it certainly won’t help achieve any positive results, not at all. This will only distract from the real task and waste energy and strength that could be put into action. It is much better to resemble the chosen person - in actions, number of ideas, energy, attitude towards life. It’s not for nothing that many great people share their stories with society so they can motivate hundreds and thousands of other people to fight for their own dream, to want to go all the way to it to the end.

Psychological tests

You can also find the desired direction using psychological tests. Not those that are published in magazines for girls, but more serious and thoughtful ones that are aimed at real help.

If there are no interests at all in life or at least an approximate guideline for direction, then you can look for tests that reveal your mentality, a penchant for creativity or a particular type of activity. Tests can also help determine personality type, but this relates more to the first problem - the inability to determine oneself. It’s hardly worth relying completely on a textual conclusion, but such questionnaires are quite capable of directing thoughts in an appropriate direction. Perhaps, on the twentieth question of the fifteenth test, an interesting thought will come to your mind, develop into an idea, and at that very moment you will want to implement it.


— the process is extremely complex, and its prevention is an even more difficult task. But in practice it turns out to be much more effective, since it helps to save energy. They could be challenged to get rid of the effects of developing stress, and find new goals in life. So it is much better to think about how to protect yourself from possible negative situations and remain calm and positive.

Video: Natalya Grace, “Setting goals and achieving them”

Stress is a series of nonspecific reactions of the body that arise as a result of exposure to unfavorable factors of various nature (physical, psychological), which disrupt its normal functioning, as well as the state of the nervous system.

As a result of exposure to various factors associated with danger or surprise, the body begins to produce specific hormones (adrenaline), which stimulate energy sources.

Thanks to this reaction, people cope with difficult situations. But, if this helped primitive people survive, such situations are easy for modern people. The whole point is that it is not so much the stress itself that is scary, but its intensity.

Stress in a limited amount is good, but in the modern world this human condition does not go away even for a day, and this leads to exhaustion of the body, and, accordingly, to...

Causes of stress - know to avoid

It is difficult to list all the causes of stress, since each person is individual and everyone will perceive the same situation in their own way: for one it will be the norm, but for another it will cause stress. Be that as it may, one thing is important: a stressful state occurs in cases when a person feels danger, a threat to life, or he himself invents this threat.

Factors influencing the occurrence of stress include:

Prevention of acute stressful situations

In order for acute stress not to take you by surprise, you need to prepare yourself for such situations and be able to adequately accept them, thereby avoiding the destructive effects of stress.

The main task of preventing acute stress is to learn to manage it and respond to the influence of stimuli in a relaxing way.

Relaxation as the main method

Considering that stress consists of three phases (impulse, stress, adaptation), the use of the relaxation method allows you to intervene in this process and stop the impact of the impulse, weaken the situation itself, accelerating adaptation. This will help avoid the development of psychosomatic disorders, and therefore the diseases to which they can lead.

Relaxation, by activating the nervous system, helps regulate the degree of arousal and mood.

Consequently, muscle and mental tension is weakened or completely relieved.

“Reworking” the day in the fight against stress

The habit of bringing into your home the negativity accumulated during the working day can cause stress not only for you, but also for family members who are unwittingly drawn into the abyss of events that do not concern them at all. In order to avoid stress yourself and not transfer it to your household, you need to rearrange your day:

  • after you have crossed the threshold of the house, do not say a word about work;
  • sit comfortably in a chair and forget about what happened during the day for 10 minutes;
  • turn on your favorite music and completely immerse yourself in it;
  • prepare strong tea and drink it either alone or with family members;
  • fill the bath with warm, comfortable water (you can add sea salt or lavender essential oil to it), lie in the water for 10 minutes.

Also, when choosing this method, do breathing exercises: closing your lips tightly, take a deep breath. Place your face in the water and exhale slowly for as long as you can.

Each method lasts only 10 minutes. During this time, you will have time to switch to a positive wave and relieve stress.

Aromatherapy in the fight against negativity

The beneficial effects of aromatic oils on humans have been known since ancient times. Their effect is that vapors, entering through the membranes at the base of the nose and into the brain, affect mood.

So, using bottles, aroma lamps, massage, using ether and spraying it around the room can relieve stress. For this purpose, the following oils are used: basil, orange, spruce, jasmine, cedar, lemon balm, mint, rosemary, rose, tangerine, lavender.

How to prevent chronic stress conditions

In order to improve your life and avoid chronic stress, you can use a lot of methods to prevent it, but for each specific case a person will find the most effective one.

Conflict resolution

Conflicts in the family, at work, and other places are one of the most common causes of stress. Unfortunately, not everyone is ready to meet their opponent halfway and this is completely in vain, since in order to get rid of a stressful situation more quickly and prevent stress, resolving the current situation will be the most effective method.

There is no need to argue for a long time and clarify who is right and who is wrong. Just meet each other halfway, take the first step and the situation will be resolved, and at the same time the stressful situation itself will be resolved, accordingly, you will be able to avoid all the negativity.

Reading books

Reading books will help you take your mind off reality and avoid stress. It doesn't require too much time or money to improve your emotional state.

Take a book (not a laptop or a computer, but a book) and immerse yourself in a world of fantasy, wonderful novels that switch thinking to a positive way and stimulate its normal functioning.


For believers, the ideal option is to read a prayer. It suppresses the effects of stress-forming factors and helps avoid nervousness.

Physical exercise

To remove excess steroid hormones from the blood, you should use physical activity.

In addition to the fact that a person takes care of his figure and physical health, he also improves his psychological state.

After playing sports, you can relax as much as possible, getting rid of stress.

You can choose a set of exercises either independently or with the help of a trainer.

How to Stop Stress At the First Sign

As soon as a person notices the approach of stress: frequent headaches, palpitations, unexplained tension in the morning, frequent mood swings, it is necessary to immediately stop this condition.

You need to select the appropriate method:

  1. Pay attention to your breathing and do gymnastics: Inhale deeply and very slowly. This simple exercise relieves anxiety and stress levels.
  2. Visualize a nice picture. The brighter it is, the better. Let your imagination draw only pleasant moments, completely unrelated to the stress factor.
  3. On a piece of paper, sketch out the situation that worries you at the moment.. This simple task will help reduce tension and free your thoughts from stress.
  4. Admit that you have stress. Just say, “Yes, I feel anxious, but I can handle it.”

Prevention of professional burnout

The work of any, even a very well-coordinated team is associated with conflict situations that arise from time to time for a number of reasons. Dissatisfaction with your position, salary, relationships with employees - all this can provoke professional stress.

How to avoid stress at work:

Anti-stress approach to life

Emotional stress is one of the causes of the development of various diseases. The ability to deal with situations that cause such disruptions is the path to a healthy lifestyle and a strong body. In order to avoid emotional stress, you first need to learn to adapt and not “savor” your problems.

Engage in physical exercise: evening walks, jogging, Chinese gymnastics will allow a person to relax and unwind as much as possible.

Remember that nutrition should be complete and rich in various vitamins, enzymes and mineral salts. Drink carrot juice, sprouted grain products, fish oil, and brewer's yeast more often.

The use of medicinal plants is widely used in the prevention of stress. Help to relax and calm: sage, valerian, peppermint, chamomile, motherwort.

Allow yourself to relax for 10-15 minutes in a warm bath, after adding essential oil (melissa, lavender, geranium, orange, rose, chamomile) to the water. And if you add any of the listed oils to the massage cream and perform a self-massage procedure, relaxation will come even faster.

To calm the nervous system and prevent stress, drug treatment in the form of medications can be used. The most commonly used are: valerian (tablet form and tincture), motherwort, hawthorn, Novo-Passit, Persen.

Stress is the cause of various somatic diseases, so its prevention is the key to human health and normal performance.

What are stressful situations, can you avoid them or at least mitigate their impact on your life? Yes, it is possible to avoid stressful situations. To do this, you need to study their causes and apply methods to control and overcome stressful situations.

It seems that we are powerless in the face of stress. No matter what you do, utility bills will still have to be paid, there will be no more time in the day, a professional career requires increasing effort, and family requires time and responsibility. And yet, increasing resistance to stress is quite possible. And this will bring enormous practical benefits, because a person who controls himself is actually able to lead his life, and not go with the flow. Mastering stress means learning to manage yourself: your own thoughts, emotions, schedule, and most importantly, how to solve the problems that have piled up.

Look at the root

Where to begin? By identifying the triggers of stress in your life. It's harder than it seems. The cause of stress is often hidden behind a mass of insignificant little things. They need to be analyzed and filtered to understand exactly what thoughts, feelings and behaviors cause stressful conditions. For example, many are horrified by deadlines at work - but what causes them: their own shortcomings or the demands of their superiors?

To find the real reasons that lead to stress, carefully analyze the usual explanations that are given for them.

Do you think that being overwhelmed with things is temporary: “I’ll just do a thousand and one more things now and I’ll be free” (in fact, you can’t remember the last time you had a peaceful rest? Has stress become the norm in your work schedule or home life (“It’s always a madhouse here”) or your own personality (“I have nerves of iron, I can handle it”)? What is a stressful situation for you: the result of random external circumstances or something internal and therefore inevitable?

Without recognizing your own role in creating stress, you will not be able to take control of it.

Keep a written record of stressful situations

Keep a diary of stressful situations. This will help identify those factors that regularly lead to increased tension in your life. If you do this daily, the same type of situations in which this happens will gradually appear. Record the following information:

    what made you nervous (out of several versions, write down the most plausible one);

    how you felt (both physical and emotional aspects are important);

    how you acted under stress;

    as a result of what actions relief came.

Analysis of ways out of a stressful situation

The journal helped to identify the causes leading to stress. Now you need to understand what methods you use to get out of it: healthy or not so healthy, useful or completely unproductive? Unfortunately, too many people use methods that only make problems worse. These include:

  • excessive alcohol consumption;

    undereating or overeating;

    immersion in virtual reality, for example, sitting for many hours in front of a TV or computer;

    withdrawal from friends, loved ones and all kinds of active activities;

    taking relaxation pills;

    sleeping too long;

    procrastination, delaying active actions;

    filling your time with trifles so as not to face real problems;

    attempts to transfer pressure to others (anger, irritation and other emotional outbursts).

If you have a list like this, it's time to learn more productive ways to cope with stress and get out of stressful situations. They are all based on radical change. It sounds quite banal: change either the situation or your attitude towards it. You need to choose one of the following methods: avoid, change, adapt, accept.

Because everyone responds to tension differently, there is no one-size-fits-all recipe. No method works the same for everyone in all situations, so experiment and try different techniques and methods. Gradually select those that calm and relieve stress.

Let's consider the possible methods in more detail.

Methods for coping with stress and getting out of stressful situations

Method 1: Avoid Unnecessary Stress

It is not always possible to avoid stressful situations, and this is not necessary. But there are many factors in life that are easy to bypass.

    Know how to say no. It is not enough to know the limits of your capabilities - it is important not to go beyond them. Whether we are talking about household chores or professional activity, do not burden yourself with additional tasks. Taking on more than you can handle is what causes stress.

    Avoid meeting people who put pressure on you. Are your relatives or acquaintances among such people, and does communication with them lead to increased tension? Try to cut off all communication with him. If this is not possible, at least keep contact to a minimum.

    Control your surroundings. The evening talk show is annoying - turn off the TV. Too busy traffic makes you nervous - change the route to a longer, but calmer one. If you don’t want to leave home to buy groceries, just order home delivery.

    Avoid topics that are too hot. Do not participate in discussions of issues that cause irritation, whether they concern religion or politics. Do not fall for provocative attempts to drag you into such disputes.

    Review your list of daily responsibilities. Analyze everything that needs to be done, checked, controlled. If the list seems too long, try dividing it into “it would be nice to do” and “I should do.” Move everything that turns out to be unnecessary to the very bottom or cross it out altogether.

Method 2: Change situations

If you cannot avoid a stressful situation, you can try to change it, minimizing the chances of the same problem occurring in the future. Most often, this means changing the usual ways of communicating and interacting with others.

    Don't keep your feelings inside, but express them. Otherwise, resentment will lurk deep in your soul, and the situation will repeat itself again and again.

    Be prepared to compromise. Asking another person to change their behavior? Then you yourself should be ready for the same. Only in this case do you have a chance to find a solution that will suit everyone.

    Cultivate self-confidence in your abilities. Sounds simple, but how to implement it? First of all, don't look to the past. Think about the problems that may arise tomorrow, take steps to avoid them. If on the eve of a difficult exam the arrival of an annoying girlfriend is completely inappropriate, immediately tell her that you have exactly 5 minutes to talk - and don’t give her a second more.

    Learn to manage your time. Often stressful situations arise due to the inability to do this. Under time pressure, it is difficult to remain calm and act wisely. But by planning your actions ahead, you will always have enough time to complete your plans.

Method 3. Adapt to the stressor

If you cannot influence the stress factor, change your attitude towards it and your expectations. This will allow you to adapt to a tense situation and take control of it.

    Reassess the situation. Find the positive aspects in it. It was not possible to avoid a traffic jam - and great: consider it an unexpected opportunity to relax in pleasant solitude, enjoy pleasant music, or even take a nap.

    Distance yourself from the situation and evaluate it from afar. Ask yourself what difference it will make in the long run. Will it be just as important in a month? In a year? Or will it be forgotten by the end of the week? Do you have any reason to be upset at all?

    Change your standards, get rid of perfectionism: it is a tireless provocateur of stress. Demanding perfect results from yourself or others is doomed to failure. Set reasonable standards: It's okay if things go well.

    Focus on the positive. When tension and a feeling of exhaustion overwhelm you, stop for a second and think about something very important and dear to yourself, including your own strengths and talents. This will also help you look at what is happening in the long term.

    In fact, mindset has a huge impact on your physical and emotional well-being. Whenever you think about your failures, your body responds as if you are already in a stressful situation. Positive thoughts and responses are positive. Avoid words such as “always”, “never”, “should”, “should”. Psychologists believe that these are markers of thoughts that doom you to failure.

Of course, life is not a computer game, and unwanted aspects cannot simply be turned off with the press of a button. There are causes that lead to stress that a person cannot change in any way. However, everyone can overcome stressful situations, control them, and have a positive attitude towards them.

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