What Snowden said about UFOs. Edward Snowden revealed data about UFOs

ladstas Edward Snowden revealed data about a highly developed underground civilization

Former CIA employee Edward Joseph Snowden reported facts known to him regarding a parallel civilization on Earth and UFOs.

According to documents that Edward copied to the CIA and became available back in 2013, the US government has long known that another species of humanoids lives on Earth parallel to humans, and UFOs really exist and are controlled by species more advanced than humanity. These species are not alien, but our earthly ones, only more highly developed. They have lived here for billions of years and are far ahead of humanity in development. The so-called “extremophiles” have been known to the US government for a long time, dating back to the 90s of the last century, but information about them is still classified as “Secret”.

Underground civilization

Information about their existence was found in more than 1.7 million copied NSA files. It was kept in documents of high military secrecy dedicated to anomalous life forms on Earth. According to information disclosed from special management DARPA Pentagon, responsible for secret military developments, these humanoids exist in extreme temperatures, in the area of ​​​​hydrothermal vents underground and underground polar ice, for which we received code name"extremalophiles".

According to Edward Snowden, US military researchers are confident that they represent more intelligent species, how Homo sapiens, since their development was devoid of wars and disasters that occurred on the surface of the Earth.

The Earth's mantle is considered a habitat for extremophiles. Extremophiles can live at different temperatures, they are able to flourish and develop intelligence. According to American scientists, “this is the only place where conditions have been more or less stable for billions of years.”

It is noted that DARPA continues to study a mysterious species of humanoids under conditions of increased secrecy.

Unidentified flying objects

According to Edward Snowden, as cited by the Chronicle.su resource, “the highest echelons of power do not know what to do with UFOs, and are feeding them to citizens official version that they are all just weather balloons or natural phenomena" But the documents say that UFOs are real. Transport ships of this civilization fly not only in the Earth’s atmosphere, but have also been spotted on seabed, in hydrothermal vents, volcanoes and directly in solar orbit.

The CIA stores data from tracking systems and deep-sea sonars, but they have the status state secrets and even scientists do not have access to this data about these objects.

The President of the United States receives daily briefings on the activities of the civilization of extremophiles and the movement of its devices - UFOs. Analysts believe that their technology has advanced so far that we have little chance of surviving any potential war with them. There is an opinion that we are just ants from their point of view and there is a small chance that they will no longer pay attention to us.

But the military is also considering the possibility of aggression. Current action plan in emergency situations includes a plan to blow up nuclear weapons in deep caves to "seal" the enemy in the hope of destroying their communications, which will prevent further attacks from the depths of the earth."

Former CIA employee Edward Joseph Snowden reported facts known to him regarding a parallel civilization on Earth and UFOs. According to documents that Edward copied to the CIA and became available back in 2013, the US government has long known that another species of humanoids lives on Earth parallel to humans, and UFOs really exist and are controlled by species more advanced than humanity. These species are not alien, but our earthly ones, only more highly developed. They have lived here for billions of years and are far ahead of humanity in development. The so-called “extremophiles” have been known to the US government for a long time, dating back to the 90s of the last century, but information about them is still classified as “Secret”.

Information about their existence was found in more than 1.7 million copied NSA files. It was kept in documents of high military secrecy dedicated to anomalous life forms on Earth. According to disclosed information from the Pentagon's special directorate DARPA, which is responsible for secret military developments, these humanoids exist in conditions of extreme temperatures, in the area of ​​hydrothermal vents underground and under polar ice, for which they received the code name “extremalophiles.”

According to Edward Snowden, US military researchers are confident that they represent a more intelligent species than Homo Sapiens, since their development was devoid of wars and disasters that occurred on the surface of the Earth.

The Earth's mantle is considered a habitat for extremophiles. Extremophiles can live in a variety of temperatures and are able to thrive and develop intelligence. According to American scientists, “this is the only place where conditions have been more or less stable for billions of years.”

It is noted that DARPA continues to study a mysterious species of humanoids under conditions of increased secrecy.

Unidentified flying objects

According to Edward Snowden, quoted by Chronicle.su, “the highest echelons of power do not know what to do with UFOs, and are feeding citizens the official version that they are all just weather balloons or natural phenomena.” But the documents say that UFOs are real. Transport ships of this civilization fly not only in the Earth's atmosphere, but have been seen on the seabed, in hydrothermal vents, volcanoes and directly in solar orbit.

The CIA stores data from tracking systems and deep-sea sonars, but they have the status of state secrets and even scientists do not have access to this data about these objects.

The President of the United States receives daily briefings about the activities of the civilization of extremophiles and the movement of its devices - UFOs. Analysts believe that their technology has advanced so far that we have little chance of surviving any potential war with them. There is an opinion that we are just ants from their point of view and there is a small chance that they will no longer pay attention to us.

But the military is also considering the possibility of aggression. The current contingency plan includes a plan to detonate nuclear weapons in deep caves to 'seal' the enemy in hopes of destroying their communications, which will prevent further attacks from deep within the earth."

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Edward Snowden revealed data about UFOs. In the mantle of the Earth lives a civilization compared to which we are like ants

Edward Snowden reported facts known to him regarding UFOs. According to documents that Snowden copied to the CIA, the US government has long
it is known that UFOs really exist and are controlled by species more advanced than humanity.
These species are not alien, but our earthly ones, only more advanced. They have lived here for billions of years and are far ahead of us in development.
Snowden: “The highest echelons of power do not know what to do with UFOs, and feed citizens the official version that they are all just weather balloons or natural phenomena. But the documents say that UFOs are a reality. The transport ships of this civilization fly not only in the Earth’s atmosphere, but have been seen on the seabed, in hydrothermal vents, volcanoes and directly in solar orbit.

The CIA stores data from tracking systems and deep-sea sonars, but they have the status of state secrets and even scientists do not have access to this data about these objects. This species is smarter than Homo sapiens and lives in the Earth's mantle. This is the only place where conditions have been more or less stable for billions of years. Extremophiles can live in a variety of temperatures, they were able to thrive and develop intelligence in at an accelerated pace. Homo sapiens and they evolved at the same speed, but their living conditions in the Earth's mantle protected their civilization from many cataclysms that occurred on the surface of the earth. . .

The President receives daily briefings about the activities of this civilization and the movement of its devices - UFOs. Analysts believe that their technology has advanced so far that we have little chance of surviving any potential war with them.

The general consensus is that we are just ants from their point of view and there is a small chance that they will not continue to pay attention to us. But the military is also considering the possibility of aggression and the current contingency plan includes a plan to detonate nuclear weapons in deep caves to "seal" the enemy in the hope of destroying their communications, which will prevent further attacks from the depths of the earth."

According to latest information(not officially confirmed) - Edward Snowden accepted Venezuela's offer of political asylum on Friday and is now in Caracas.

Edward Snowden lifts the government's curtain on UFOs and aliens

Humanity has "neighbors" and they live in the Earth's mantle.

Snowden's testimony was as follows:

"The upper echelons
authorities do not know what to do with UFOs, and the official version is that they are all
simply weather balloons or natural phenomena were clear
discarded. ...As it turned out, the most reliable and inexplicable observation
are vehicles who were seen leaving
seabed in hydrothermal vents and in direct
entering into solar orbit. . .

"Because the data about
ballistic missiles, tracking systems and deep-sea sonars
are kept as state secrets, scientists do not have access to data on
these objects. However, most DARPA contractors are confident
that there are species superior in development to homo sapiens and living in
Earth's mantle. This makes sense if you think about it because
that the mantle is the only place where conditions were more or less
are stable for billions of years. Extremophiles can live
at different temperatures, not like us, but they were able
thrive and develop intelligence at a seemingly accelerated pace. This
not so, because they simply evolved at the same speed,
but without many of the vicissitudes that set for life on the reverse
surfaces. . .

"The President receives daily briefings on their
activities. Analysts believe that their technology has moved far from us, and
we have little chance of survival in any potential war. General
the opinion is that we are just ants from their point of view, and that
there is a small chance that they will empathize with us or try
communicate with us. And the current contingency plan is
to detonate nuclear weapons in deep caves to "sting" the enemy,
since we have no hope of its destruction, but only that it will
prevent further attacks."

Critics may argue
that what the 30-year-old ex-NSA and CIA employee presented as
information from the authorities regarding our “extraterrestrial” neighbors has already
well known. But information about georadar, or GPR scanning,
which Internet Chronicle shared and confirmed by sources in
intelligence community, will be able to highlight popular public
regretting strategically timed earthquakes and tsunamis.

Just like the PRISM system shed New World on the habits of the NSA and
computer system "Echelon", identified back in the 1990s, extensive
complexes underground cities– laser cut on the basis of pure
diamond - undisputed GPR - scanning will also turn into public
discussion about the balance between freedom and security.

Former CIA employee Edward Joseph Snowden reported facts regarding a parallel civilization on Earth and UFOs. According to documents that Edward copied to the CIA and became available back in 2013, the US government has long known that another species of humanoids lives on Earth parallel to humans, and UFOs really exist and are controlled by species more advanced than humanity. These species are not alien, but our earthly ones, only more highly developed. They have lived here for billions of years and are far ahead of humanity in development. The so-called “extremophiles” have been known to the US government for a long time, dating back to the 90s of the last century, but information about them is still classified as “Secret”.

UNDERGROUND CIVILIZATION: Information about their existence was found in more than 1.7 million copied NSA files. It was kept in highly classified documents concerning anomalous life forms on Earth. According to information from the Pentagon's special directorate DARPA, which is responsible for secret military developments, these humanoids exist in conditions of extreme temperatures, in the area of ​​hydrothermal vents underground and under polar ice, for which they received the code name “extremalophiles.”

According to Edward Snowden, US military researchers are confident that they represent a more intelligent species than Homo Sapiens, their development was devoid of wars and disasters that occurred on the surface of the Earth. The Earth's mantle is considered a habitat for extremophiles. Extremophiles can live in a variety of temperatures and are able to thrive and develop intelligence. According to American scientists, “this is the only place where conditions have been more or less stable for billions of years.” DARPA continues to study the species of humanoids under conditions of increased secrecy.

UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECTS: According to Edward Snowden, cited by Chronicle.su, “the highest echelons of power do not know what to do with UFOs, and are feeding citizens the official version that they are all just weather balloons or natural phenomena.” But the documents say that UFOs are real. Transport ships of this civilization fly not only in the Earth's atmosphere, but have been seen on the seabed, in hydrothermal vents, volcanoes and directly in solar orbit.

The CIA stores data from tracking systems and deep-sea sonars, but they have the status of state secrets; civilian scientists do not have access to data about these objects. The President of the United States receives daily briefings about the activities of the civilization of extremophiles and the movement of its devices - UFOs. Analysts believe that their technology has advanced so far that we have little chance of surviving any potential war with them. There is an opinion that we are just ants from their point of view and there is a small chance that they will no longer pay attention to us.

PROTECTION AGAINST AGGRESSION: But the military is also considering the possibility of aggression. The contingency plan is to detonate nuclear weapons in deep caves to 'seal' the enemy in hopes of destroying their communications, thereby preventing further attacks from deep within the earth."

SNOWDEN: Edward Joseph Snowden (born June 21, 1983) North Carolina) - American technician and special agent, former CIA and Agency employee national security(NSA) USA. In early June 2013, Snowden told newspapers The Guardian and The Washington Post, classified information from the NSA regarding the total surveillance by American intelligence agencies of information communications between citizens of many countries around the world using existing information and communication networks, including information about the PRISM project, as well as X-Keyscore and Tempora. According to a classified Pentagon report, Snowden stole 1.7 million secret files, most of the documents relate to “vital operations.” American army, fleet, Marine Corps And air force" In this regard, in the United States on June 14, 2013, Snowden was charged in absentia with espionage and theft of government property. Put on the international wanted list by the American authorities. Soon he fled from the United States, first to Hong Kong, then to Russia, where he spent more than a month in the transit zone of Sheremetyevo airport. On August 1, 2013, he received temporary asylum in the Russian Federation, a year later - a three-year residence permit, which in 2017 was extended until 2020. Lives in Russia outside of Moscow (according to other later reports - in Moscow); his exact location not disclosed for security reasons. Snowden's revelations have sparked heated debate (in the United States and elsewhere) about the permissibility of mass surveillance, the limits of government secrecy, and the balance between privacy and national security in the post-9/11 era.

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"The United States is run by aliens." This news was reported by the Iranian news agency with reference to an American resource. At first glance, the seemingly absurd information has an unusual political overtone. It turned out that the publication of such information is primarily beneficial to the government of the country.

It is not for nothing that Edward Snowden is called a man of mystery and the king of compromising evidence. Everything connected with him is either shrouded in mystery or causes scandal. This time passions flared up not even around former agent CIA, and around the documents that he allegedly handed over to the FSB ( Federal service security) of Russia. They are called neither more nor less - “dossiers on aliens.” According to him, the United States is not really governed by American politicians, and aliens. And they do it secretly.

The special piquancy of this already amazing story gives what the Iranian news agency FARS News Agency (FNA) reported about it with reference to the American resource What Does It Mean (translated into Russian - What does it mean?) The answer to this question is documents former employee The CIA and NSA apparently don't. But they talk about how aliens began to rule the United States.

It turns out that the “Tall White” aliens entered into an agreement with US President Dwight Eisenhower to create a secret regime to rule America and the whole world. The head of the Cosmopoisk research association, Vadim Chernobrov, has extraterrestrial civilizations there is no doubt, he is surprised by something else - why would aliens enter into an agreement with the Americans.

“If someone highly developed wants to organize his affairs on a planet where a wild civilization lives, he does not have to come to an agreement with the local rulers. This is, for example, when people need to pick berries at the edge of the forest, for this they do not have to sign an agreement with local moles.”

Information that the 34th American president conspired with aliens leaked to the media back in the 50s. Immediately after the arms race began between the USSR and the USA, says the director of the institute strategic planning and forecasting Alexander Gusev.

“In fact, this news is yesterday. Indeed, there was information in the media indicating that the US administration during Eisenhower turned to extraterrestrial civilizations to provide and develop new technologies and ensure national security systems. Maybe there was some kind of contact.”

Although at times many of the US actions defy any logic and only cause surprise, this is not about aliens. Information about Washington's connections with aliens is right for him American government, continues Alexander Gusev.

“From the point of view of foreign policy regulation, Barack Obama’s current position is unenviable. Therefore, now, against the backdrop of the scandals associated with Snowden, the US position regarding North Korea, in relation to Iran, and even more so in relation to Syria, we are forced to think: who actually controls the United States. Therefore, similar information appears that it is neither Barack Obama, nor the White House administration, nor the State Department, but, it turns out, aliens from extraterrestrial civilizations are ruling the United States.”

This story, as befits an American blockbuster, has several more surprising twists. Allegedly, according to documents obtained by Edward Snowden, the same aliens several decades before meeting with American President helped Nazi Germany in the 30s of the twentieth century, supplying Adolf Hitler with secret technical developments.

According to the published report, the aliens did not stop there. And they are currently creating a global electronic surveillance system in order to completely hide information about their presence on Earth.

As it turns out, the topic of extraterrestrial civilizations is not alien to Canadian politicians. Thus, the country's former defense minister Paul Hellyer, in an interview with a Russian channel, said that aliens have been visiting Earth for thousands of years and are also among us today. Hellyer is believed to have made his claims after gaining access to Edward Snowden's documents.

Based on site materials
