Periodic motion theory in physics. Periodic movements in the geographic shell

     Violations electrical balance atmosphere during thunderstorms and the charge transfers accompanying a thunderstorm are sufficient to compensate for the loss of the negative charge of the earth. This hypothesis is based on the fact that on a global scale globe Thunderstorms and lightning strikes are not rare, but on the contrary, they are a frequent occurrence, with an average of 1,800 thunderstorms occurring simultaneously on earth, and the number of lightning strikes across the entire globe is one hundred per second. When the normal direction of the field is disrupted during a thunderstorm, discharges from the edges (trees, pointed rocks, vegetation, high buildings and other irregularities earth's surface). Transfer of negative charges from clouds to the ground by lightning and discharge during a thunderstorm positive charges from the tips compensate for the loss of negative charge by the earth under conditions undisturbed by thunderstorms. Discharges from tall trees, buildings, poles, etc. are often accompanied by a visible glow. Even in the absence of a thunderstorm, these discharges are especially often observed on sea ​​vessels when sailing in low latitudes they are called St. Elmo's fires. 

     Medium Gradient electric field near the earth's surface, in good weather conditions it is usually equal to 50-300 V/m with the direction of the gradient towards the earth's surface. On average, the total negative electric charge of the Earth is close to 600,000 C. 

Of all the hypotheses expressed on this issue, we will dwell only on the following. According to this hypothesis, disturbances in the electrical balance of the atmosphere during thunderstorms and the charge transfers accompanying a thunderstorm are sufficient to compensate for the loss of the negative charge of the earth. This hypothesis is based on the fact that on the scale of the entire globe, thunderstorms and lightning strikes are not rare, but, on the contrary, a frequent phenomenon; on average, 1800 thunderstorms occur on the earth at the same time, and the number of lightning strikes on the entire globe is one hundred per second. . If the usual direction is violated 

In good weather, a current (positive) comes to the Earth from the troposphere, which reaches thousands of amperes. Such a current could theoretically destroy all negative charge Earth for 10 minutes. Obviously, there are some processes that we do not know or understand. 

Electric field in the atmosphere. . Almost always, the vertical component of the electric field in the atmosphere significantly exceeds its horizontal components, which corresponds to the negative charge of the earth's surface. Average surface density electric charge The Earth is equal to ySCyya = -3.45-10 units. SGSE/sl. The total charge of the Earth is Q = -17-10 units. SGSE = -5.7-10 k. The given values ​​are obtained under the assumption that the average, vertical, gradient electric potential, at the earth's surface is 130 in m. 

Of all the hypotheses expressed on this issue, only the following two are currently more or less seriously taken into account. According to the first, the negative charge of the earth is maintained by a flow of very fast electrons or other elementary elements coming from the sun. negative particles, freely penetrating to the surface of the earth without producing ionization of the atmosphere. The difficulties encountered by this hypothesis lie in explaining the absence of such ionization, and also in the fact that all attempts to detect this flow of negative particles have so far failed. According to the second hypothesis 

Atmospheric electricity has been the subject of numerous studies; the most complete data are collected in the books of Train and Coroniti. Although ion concentrations in the upper atmosphere from 80 km and above (i.e., above the -layer) are relatively well known, published data on ion concentrations and concentrations free electrons for the lower part of the atmosphere vary greatly in the altitude range from 40 to 90 km. Below 40 km the influence of weather and geographical location is felt. In Fig. 2 we present summary data taken from various sources. From them it is clear that ions are generated cosmic radiation at all altitudes and that the total space charge in the lower layers of the atmosphere is due to the drift of charged particles of varying mobility towards the Earth's surface. Ionization in layers of the atmosphere close to the Earth's surface can also occur from radioactivity earth's crust. The Earth's charge also changes due to the presence of glow and lightning discharges in the Earth's atmosphere. Takahashi investigated the thermoelectric effect for ice and gave the activation energy value 

Electrical condition earth's atmosphere is established as a result of dynamic equilibrium in each element of the volume; charged particles are constantly formed again under the influence of a number of ionizers, constantly recombine and are constantly carried away by the vertical electric shock. In this dynamic equilibrium, one question is not yet entirely clear: the reason for the constancy (on average) of the earth's surface, associated with the constancy of the charge of the earth's surface. Indeed, no matter how small the vertical current density r is, this current should very quickly compensate for the negative charge of the earth and the field should quickly disappear. 

Measurement is a biased parameter, there are many random factors due to which true meaning may differ from measured.

An honest record for the results of any measurements should look like this

X = X0 ± ∆X, the quantity we are interested in lies near the specified number in the specified interval. The value ∆X in relation 1 is called the absolute error. Absolute error∆X does not convey the quality of measurements well. Example: The absolute error ∆X = 10 km when measuring the distance between cities is acceptable. The absolute error ∆X = 10 km when measuring the distance between planets is simply great! The relative error of the value X is the ratio x = ∆X/X0

    Estimation of the magnitude of random error. Confidence interval and probability.

If we have a very good device, for example a very accurate scale, then when we measure the patient’s weight, we will get different results! The patient's mass, it turns out, is a random variable. The set of measured values ​​is actually a sample. X0 = Xgen ≈ Xselect. We already know how to determine the interval ∆X (calculate on a computer, since the formula is very cumbersome), into which the value of Xgen will fall with a probability acceptable to us. A confidence interval is one that covers an unknown parameter with a given reliability. Confidence probability is the probability that confidence interval will cover the unknown true value of the parameter estimated from sample data.

    Estimation of the magnitude of random error in small samples. Student's coefficient.

If the sample is small, then, as already mentioned, the coefficient t is additionally multiplied by the Student coefficient s(p, n). For small samples, therefore: In training measurements, samples tend to be small. Typically, all samples with fewer than 30 dimensions are considered small samples.

    Estimation of instrument error. Estimation of cumulative error.

If we have a very bad device, for example, a scale, which is generally incapable of measuring fractions of a kilogram, then the measurements can give the same results. Identical meanings are an illusion. These meanings are different, but we don’t see it. The absolute error ∆X is equal to the least significant unit or the price of the smallest scale division. So, in our last example, ∆X = 1 kg, if this is a normal scale. But it happens that with multiple measurements, the results of individual measurements are almost the same, but slightly different. The error of the method and the error of the device are comparable in magnitude.

    Estimation of the error of indirect measurements.

Sometimes the required value is not measured directly, but is calculated using some formulas using already measured values. For example, Let us need the area of ​​the table S, and we measure the width of the table x and the length of the table y. We find the area we need indirectly, based on the results of measuring x and y using the relation Stable = x · y. Find S0 and error ∆S, i.e. write the answer in the form S = S0 ± ∆S. The abstract functional connection f(x, y, z...) in practice usually comes down to banal multiplications, divisions and exponentiations, i.e. S = x^ n · y ^m · z ^k ... In this case, the relative error is easily calculated:

    Microscopic and macroscopic movement. Thermal equilibrium.

All atoms move continuously, each independently of its neighbors.

This movement is called microscopic movement. We do not observe it directly. But we feel this movement as a degree of heating. However, sometimes (and always in living beings) atoms make collective, coordinated movements. A huge number of atoms, for example in the body of a fish, begin to move in one direction - and the fish wags its tail. This movement is called macroscopic movement. Macroscopic motion is the collective motion of a huge number of atoms. This movement can usually be observed with the naked eye or with a microscope.

As a result of observations of nature, a rule has been established that knows no exceptions. closed system all macroscopic movements gradually cease. Thermodynamic equilibrium If there are no macroscopic movements in a system, then it is said to be in thermodynamic equilibrium. Therefore, we can say this: The sad law of nature In a closed system, thermodynamic equilibrium will always occur.

    Internal energy and ways to change it. First law of thermodynamics.

Energy is the ability of a body to do work, i.e. move or disperse something that resists. As you remember from your school physics course, energy is usually divided into kinetic and potential. Because molecules undergo microscopic movement (imperceptible to the eye), they have the ability to do work. Molecules have kinetic energy and potential energy. Even an inanimate object can do work! The total energy of all molecules of a body is called the internal energy of the body. All bodies have internal energy, and we understand why. Internal energy is often denoted by the symbol U and is measured, naturally, in J, like work.

Molecules have kinetic and potential energy. And the internal energy of a body can be divided into a kinetic part and a potential part. The potential part of the internal energy of the body is not felt in any way. It takes life experience or experiment to make sure that the internal energy of firewood is greater than the internal energy of the ash obtained from this firewood. The kinetic energy of molecules is felt! Items that have kinetic energy molecules are large, we feel them as very hot. (Well, and vice versa, respectively) Cold dry firewood has less kinetic part of internal energy than warm firewood, but the potential part of internal energy is the same.

Here is an approximate formula for changing that part of the internal energy of a body that depends on temperature ∆U = mC∆T, (3) where m is the mass of the body, C is specific heat body, ∆T – the magnitude of the temperature change. For water C ≈ 4.2 103 J K kg. (4) To heat 1 kg of water (or 1 liter, it’s the same for water) by 1 degree, more than 4 thousand joules of energy will be required. When a body cools down, its internal energy decreases. (And vice versa, of course).

And here is an approximate formula for changing that part of the internal energy that is determined by the potential energy of molecules ∆U = q∆m, (5) where ∆m is the mass of the body that has changed its potential energy. How can you tell if your body has changed its potential energy This is immediately obvious. There was ice - it became water. There was firewood (and oxygen) - it became ash and smoke. There was a diamond - it became coal. The body has changed its phase or chemical state.

Now we can formulate the law of conservation of energy correctly. The First Law of Thermodynamics The change in internal energy occurs due to work being done and due to heat transfer. ∆U = −A + Q (6) Pay attention to the signs in relation (6). This is a matter of agreement. If the body does work A, then the work is considered positive. If a body heats other bodies, then the amount of heat Q is considered negative.

    Thermal machines. Second law of thermodynamics.

It turned out that all the processes in the body and around are happening in such a way that more and more space is needed on the “flash drive”. The system is becoming more complex all the time, if it has not yet reached its maximum complexity. Processes in which a system spontaneously became simpler have never been observed. The second law of thermodynamics All processes around occur in such a way that the total entropy of a system of bodies increases. “The world cannot be turned back, and time cannot be stopped for a moment...” Because entropy is growing all the time

    Man is like a heat engine. Human heat balance.

Man is completely subject to all the laws of physics. Including, for humans, the first law of thermodynamics is also satisfied: ∆U = −A − |Q| (8) where ∆U is the change in the internal energy of the human body, A is the work he does, |Q| - the amount of heat it gives off to environment. Sometimes relation (8) is called the human heat balance. Let's quantify the heat balance of the average person

Stationary person In this case, A = 0. Experiments have shown that in this case a person loses energy at a rate of ∆U ∆t ​​= 80 J/s ≈ 7,106 J/day ≈ 1600 kcal/day. This energy is spent on heating the environment, i.e. is the amount of heat. People who don't work will also have to be fed. Note. Inside the human body, approximately 75% of this energy actually immediately goes to heating the body, and 25% turns into work to maintain the vital functions of the body (heart function, lung function, etc.) However, during external world all this energy is lost in the form of heat

Person doing work In this case A 6= 0. ∆U = −A − |Q| The rate of energy loss ∆U ∆t ​​in this case increases. But studies have shown that energy losses increase significantly more than by the value A. It turned out that in a working person, the processes of heat generation in the body increase many times, and this “extra” energy is still is removed to the outside world by heat exchange, i.e. is the amount of heat. Cold? Move! A useful work A is still a small fraction of total losses internal energy (about 20%)

    Basic characteristics of fluid flow. Continuity equation.

Hydrodynamics and man Internal energy eaten products are utilized in the form necessary for humans using oxidation reactions. Oxidation requires oxygen (this is a gas). The laws of gas movement, necessary for understanding the work of the human body, are studied by gas dynamics. To supply the cells of a living organism with oxygen, molecules containing energy, and to remove metabolic products from the body, a special liquid is used - blood. The laws of fluid movement, necessary for understanding the work of the human body, are studied by hydrodynamics. Hydrodynamics is a special case of gas dynamics. So much (but not all) that is said below about the movement of a liquid is also true for the movement of a gas.

Flow Knowing the speed and density, you can already understand something. How much liquid flows through the pipe per unit time? Definition of flow Liquid flow Q is the volume of liquid passing through the cross section of a pipe in one second (or in another unit of time) Example 1. Let it be known for the flow of water in a pipe that Q = 20 liters/s. This means that two buckets of water will pour out of this pipe every second. In 3 seconds, 6 buckets will pour out (if Q does not change.)

Mass flow Definition of mass flow Sometimes the liquid flow Qm is the mass of liquid passing through the cross section of a pipe in one second (or in another unit of time). These flows Q and Qm are related by density ρ Qm = ρQ Example 2. Let it be known for the flow of water in a pipe that Qm = 25 kg/s. This means that 25 kg of water will pour out of this pipe every second. A hundredweight of water will pour out in 4 seconds (if Qm does not change.)

Examples of flows Water flow in the Ob River Q ≈ 1.2 104 m 3 /s. (Near the Volga River Q ≈ 0.8 104 m 3/s, i.e. less.) Blood flow in the aorta of a pharmacy student Q ≈ 9 m 3 /day ≈ 360 l/hour ≈ 6 l/min ≈ 100 cm3 /s ≈ 10 −4 m 3 /s. The heart pumps 9 cubic meters of blood per day!

eleven) . Viscous friction. Newton's law for viscous friction force. Various types of liquids.

This force is called the viscous friction force. When a fluid moves, a viscous friction force arises, preventing its unlimited acceleration. This force occurs between the walls of the pipe and the layers of liquid closest to the wall. But this force must also arise between adjacent layers of liquid flowing at different speeds.

What determines the force of viscous friction? Intuitively, we understand that this force should depend on the area of ​​contact of the moving layers; from the difference in the speed of their movement; on the properties of the flowing liquid itself.

What affects the magnitude of the viscous friction force?

Let the upper layer move faster, its speed v1 is greater than the speed of the lower layer v2...Newton's law: F ∼ −S ∆v ∆x, another law: It has been experimentally established that a friction force F = −η · S · ∆ arises between the layers v ∆x (4) Relationship 4 is called Newton's law. The coefficient η is called the fluid viscosity coefficient. For each liquid it is “its own”…. Not everyone obeys the laws. In many liquids (water, alcohol), the force between layers can be calculated using relation 4 with acceptable accuracy. Such fluids are called Newtonian fluids. In other fluids, there is also a frictional force, but its magnitude does not obey (or poorly obeys) the formula F = −η · S · ∆v ∆x. Such fluids are called non-Newtonian fluids

12) Laminar and turbulent flow of liquids. Reynolds criterion.

Type a) flow – laminar In laminar flow, the different layers of liquid practically do not mix. Type b) flow – turbulent In turbulent flow, different layers of liquid are intensively and randomly mixed. The flow is accompanied by acoustic radiation. (It sounds, becomes audible)

Reynolds number: You can know in advance what the flow of a fluid will be. O. Reynolds (Osborne Reynolds) in 1883 formulated a criterion named after him. It is necessary to calculate the Reynolds number Re = ρvd η, (5) where ρ is the density of the liquid, v is the average speed of its flow, d is the diameter of the pipe (blood vessel). If the Reynolds number is less than critical (for a pipe< 2300), то течение будет ламинарным.

From relation 5 it is clear that turbulence occurs when high speeds fluid flow. The flow of blood in the human circulatory system is normally laminar. Turbulence can occur in areas where blood vessels are constricted and blood flow speed increases. It will be heard.

13) Poiseuille Current. Poiseuille's formula for fluid flow.

The liquid does not accelerate! This means that the sum of all forces acting on a selected area of ​​​​the liquid is equal to zero. A.M. Shaiduk (AGMU) Physics Pharmacy 34 / 45 Poiseuille Flow The selected area is affected by the Pressure force on the left (presses to the right) Pressure force on the right (presses to the left) Friction force (acts to the left if the liquid flows to the right The sum of these forces is zero.

This means P1 · πr2 − P2 · πr2 = −η · 2πrLdv dr . (6) Hence dv dr = −η P1 − P2 2L · r. (7) From relation (7) we immediately find (by integrating (7)) v(r) = C − η P1 − P2 4L · r 2 . (8) For r = R it must be v = 0. So C = η P1 − P2 4L R 2

The liquid hardly moves near the walls of the vessel. Specks in liquid (leukocytes in blood) will definitely turn.

Poiseuille flow Now we can calculate the fluid flow through the pipe (blood flow through the vessel) Q = Z S v (r) dS = 2π Z R 0 v (r) rdr = πR4 (p1 − p2) 8ηL (10) Poiseuille formula Thus, finally Q = πR4 (p1 − p2) 8ηL

14) Diffusion. Fick's law for diffusion flow.

Diffusion So far we have considered the macroscopic movement of a liquid. However, a substance can also move due to chaotic, i.e. thermal movement of molecules

Fick's Law Only now the flow of a substance J is usually calculated in moles [J] = mol m2 · s Fick's Law In the simplest case, J = −D · dC dx (12) The flow of a substance moves in the direction where the concentration C is lower.

15) Physics of blood circulation. Blood pressure, methods of measuring it.

Physics of blood circulation: What pressure is required: Pav ≈ 745 mm Hg It should be kept in mind The vessels in which blood flows are elastic (especially the vena cava). These are not rigid walled pipes. Therefore, even in the veins it is necessary to maintain a pressure somewhat greater than atmospheric pressure. In medicine, blood pressure is understood as the amount of pressure exceeding atmospheric pressure. Pressure difference: It has been established that the excess of blood pressure over atmospheric pressure in the vena cava is about 5 mm Hg. The average pressure (excess, of course) at the outlet of the heart is about 100 mm Hg. Thus, blood moves due to a pressure difference equal to approximately 95 mmHg. Blood flows where the pressure force pushes it. Blood pressure decreases all the time along the line of blood flow.

How is this measured? If the entire body is left under atmospheric pressure, and place any artery in an environment with a pressure of 120 mm Hg. greater atmospheric pressure, then this artery, due to its elasticity, will compress and the blood flow in it will stop. The pulse in it will disappear. The principle of non-invasive assessment of blood pressure, which is widely used in practice, is based on this idea. Local pressure is created by a pneumatic cuff into which air is injected. What happens if the body finds itself in a vacuum? Such experiments were carried out on animals. Contrary to popular belief, nothing bursts and eyes do not pop out (like in movies), because the volume of liquids depends only slightly on pressure. The body dies because oxygen and dissolved in the blood carbon dioxide turn into a gaseous state and blood circulation stops (embolism). It was concluded that within approximately 1 minute after a sharp decrease in pressure, a person will be capable of meaningful actions. This can happen not only to astronauts, but also to air passengers. How does the body regulate pressure? - We already know that blood flow, vessel radius, pressure difference and vessel length are related by Poiseuille’s law. From Poiseuille’s law (6) we immediately obtain (p1 − p2) ∼ Q · L R4 (7) The body must choose the amount of blood flow Q based on energy needs - the blood brings in an oxidizing agent and carries away oxidation products. The length of the vessels cannot be changed. This means that to regulate blood pressure, all that remains is to change the radii of the vessels (changing the tone of the vessels). As the radius decreases (increases tone), blood pressure will increase. Radius - to the fourth power! Pressure is very sensitive to changes in radius.

16. Physics of gas exchange in the human body.

Gas exchange is the exchange of gases between the body and the external environment, i.e. breathing. Oxygen is continuously supplied to the body from the environment, which is consumed by all cells, organs and tissues; The carbon dioxide formed in it and a small amount of other gaseous metabolic products are released from the body. Gas exchange is necessary for almost all organisms; without it, normal metabolism and energy, and therefore life itself, is impossible.

C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6 H2O

Glucose will have to be burned 0.7 kg or 4 moles. The respiratory organs must emit 4 · 6 = 24 moles of carbon dioxide CO2. Fat will have to be burned 12/38 = 0.315 kg or approximately 1.1 mol. The respiratory organs must emit 1.1 · 16 ≈ 18 moles of carbon dioxide CO2. So, we will have to exhale approximately 20 moles of CO2 and 20 moles of H2O per day (and inhale a little more oxygen).

Measurements have shown that CO2 in exhaled air is about 4%, i.e. roughly 1/25 part. A person should inhale and exhale approximately 20 · 25 = 500 moles of air. One mole of warm air occupies a volume of approximately 25 liters. This means that a person needs V = 25 · 500 = 12500 ë ≈ 13 Ð 3 A person must pass approximately 13 cubic meters of air through the respiratory organs per day.

It has been measured that approximately 0.5 liters of air are taken in per breath. This means that you will have to take approximately 26 thousand breaths per day (18 breaths per minute).

17. Characteristics of periodic motion. Harmonic vibrations.

Observing the processes occurring in the human body, we can notice that sometimes some processes, phenomena, movements are repeated. Therefore, the periodic process can be depicted graphically (electrocardiogram). If something is repeated at strictly equal intervals of time T, this is a periodic movement (phenomenon, process). If something is repeated at approximately equal intervals of time T, this is a quasiperiodic motion (phenomenon, process). f(t) = f(t + T)

There are periodic movements that are particularly simple and suitable for mathematical analysis.

If a physical quantity depends on time according to a sinusoidal law, (then such oscillations are called harmonic oscillations). The maximum deviation of a quantity from the equilibrium position is called amplitude.

18. Free vibrations. Distinctive features and properties of free vibrations.

There are systems that are in equilibrium, despite the fact that the outside world sometimes takes them out of this position. Why is this happening? For these systems, when their parameters deviate from the equilibrium position, a cause arises that returns them to the equilibrium position. Example 4. 1. A load suspended by a thread or rope. When it deviates, forces arise that return it to the equilibrium position. In this case, the system “overshoots” the equilibrium position due to inertia. Hesitation occurs. Free vibrations Vibrations that occur in a system due to forces present in the system itself are called free.


The period of free oscillations is determined by the properties of the system.

The amplitude of free oscillations is determined by the initial deviation.

Free vibrations will stop sooner or later.

T = 2π *square root m/k

Periodic processes are those changes in the state of a system in which it repeatedly, at certain intervals, returns to the same state. The simplest periodic motion is the rotation of bodies; These also include repeatedly repeated movements of bodies along any closed curves, for example, the movements of planets in elliptical orbits, etc. Periodic processes are also oscillatory processes, when the system sequentially deviates from its equilibrium position - first one way, then another the opposite side. The simplest example oscillatory motion is the movement of a point mass suspended on a thread or spring, near the equilibrium position - point O (Fig. 1.36).

Periodic processes are characterized by a sequence of states through which a system passes during one period. If this sequence repeats exactly at regular intervals, then the oscillations are called undamped. With increasing or damped oscillations Only certain states of the system are periodically repeated, for example, the passage of an oscillating body through an equilibrium position, etc.

Among many different continuous oscillations The simplest is harmonic oscillatory motion, described by the sine or cosine function:

where the oscillating quantity (displacement, speed, force, time, and some constants. The quantity is called the amplitude, the argument of the sine or cosine is the phase of the oscillation, and the magnitude is the initial phase. the phase of oscillation determines the value of the oscillating quantity in this moment time. The initial phase determines the value of x in starting moment time: for a sinusoidal oscillation at If, when studying oscillatory motion, we begin, the countdown of time at then will be equal to zero.

In all cases when one oscillation is considered, it is possible to choose the beginning of the time count so that, however, when several oscillations exist simultaneously (for example, when adding oscillations), the initial phases of each oscillation differ from each other and only in special cases can these phases simultaneously be equal to zero.

Formula (4.1) describes harmonic oscillatory movements occurring along a line - a segment of a straight line or a curve. In this case, to determine the position of the oscillating body, it is sufficient to specify only the distance x from the body to the equilibrium position. Oscillatory systems in which only one thing is possible

oscillatory motion (along one line), shown in Fig. 1.37; they are called oscillatory systems with one degree of freedom. A simple pendulum (see Fig. 1.36, a) can make two oscillations independent of each other in two mutually perpendicular directions, therefore it is classified as an oscillatory system with two degrees of freedom. Spring pendulum, shown in Fig. 1.36, b, can oscillate in three independent directions and is therefore oscillatory system with three degrees of freedom.

To describe the oscillatory motion of a solid solid(Fig. 1.38, a) it is more convenient to measure the angles of rotation a from equilibrium state; angles measured on one side of are taken to be positive, and on the other side - negative. A similar rule of signs is chosen for bodies that perform so-called torsional vibrations (Fig. 1.38, b). Harmonic vibrations for rotation angles have the form where is the amplitude of the rotation angle.

“Uniformly accelerated motion” - Sx = 2t + 3t2; 2) Sx = 1.5t2; 3) Sx = 2t + 1.5t2; 4) Sx = 3t + t2. The equation for the dependence of the projection of the speed of a moving body on time: ?x=2+3t (m/s). How can this be illustrated graphically? uniformly accelerated motion? Speak out the summary. Answer the questions. Write down formulas for this lesson topic. How is average speed determined?

“Rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion” - Acceleration. 1. 0. 8. average speed... Velocity and acceleration do not coincide in direction. Dependency?(t). 2. How can you call this type of movement? Lesson topic: Rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion. The figure shows graphs for 3 bodies. 3. 5. Give examples when the speed of a body changes.

“Inertia in physics” - Test. 1. What is inertia? As friction decreases, the ball rolls further. Without action there is no movement." Report on physics by Anastasia Guseva. A. The stone falls to the bottom of the gorge. Galileo Galileo in inertia. Therefore, the action of a body on another body cannot be one-sided. Inertia translated from Latin means inactivity or inaction.

“Body dynamics” - Reference systems in which Newton’s first law is satisfied are called inertial. Dynamics. Dynamics is a branch of mechanics that examines the causes of the motion of bodies ( material points). Newton's first law states: Newton's laws apply only to inertial systems countdown. In what frames of reference do Newton's laws apply?

“Uniform and uneven movement” - Yablunevka. Chistoozernoe. t 2. Uneven movement. L 1. =. Uniform movement. L2. Uniform and t 3. t 1. L3.

“Non-inertial frames of reference” - The principle of relativity. The modulus of the inertial force acting in the rotational reference frame on stationary bodies: Where is the distance from the body to the axis of rotation; - latitude of the area. OY: Example: In a stationary train carriage, there is a toy car on a smooth table. Non-inertial reference systems. - Newton's second law.

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