What does fairy pony mean? Fairy games

Books about magical fairy ponies by the writer Zanna Davidson have already won the hearts of readers in the West, and now they are being published here in Russia.
These books are dedicated to the story of a girl, Holly, who finds herself in a land of little ponies who have fairy wings and can fly. There are six books in the series and you need to read them in the following order:

1. Holly and the magical encounter

One evening Holly saw tiny ponies in her room. The horses asked her for help. Now she has to save one pony from a harmful neighbor.

2. Holly and the Necklace of Wishes

The Necklace of Wishes, capable of making any dream come true, has been stolen from the Pony Queen's palace. Holly and her pony friend decide to help at all costs.

3. Holly and the Rainbow Holiday

Rainbow races are to take place on Pony Island - magical competitions. But the holiday is under threat. The evil pony Shadow dreams of overthrowing the Queen himself.

4. Holly and the pony princess

The Queen's niece, Princess Rosabelle, is kidnapped. All the ponies of the Island set out to search. Holly and her pony friend did not stand aside to save the princess.

5. Holly and the Forest of Unicorns

Holly dreamed of seeing unicorns, and finally she got the chance. Only the girl will have to not only meet amazing creatures, but also save them.

6. Holly and the Magic Pond

The evil pony Shadow came up with a new one evil plan. This time he took away the magic of almost all the ponies on the Island. Holly and her friend have to pronounce a complex ancient word.

Also in present moment Two interesting additions have been released: a book with stickers and a book with coloring pages for fairy ponies.

The books are intended for readers aged 6 years and older.

Some fairy tale characters, for example, gnomes, have an unambiguous image. In any fairy tale, be it “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” or in Tolkien’s sagas, dwarves are always drawn in the same way - they are short, fairly strong builds who live underground, work in mines and mine underground jewelry and metals. By nature they are both good and evil, cheerful and grumpy - but this is already digression and there cannot be more differences in the description of gnomes than in the description of members of the same family.

Fairies are very strange characters. It is difficult to say why fairies are called light, thin, dragonfly-like, carefree girls, fluttering from one flower to another, practicing their simple magic and not claiming to be real sorceresses. Agree that it is difficult to compare them with the fairy godmother from Cinderella - strong and wise woman at an age that does not at all look like a fairy who can spin and sing.

Favorite games about Fairies!

For fairies, just like everyone else positive characters, there are a lot of enemies, because it is very difficult for someone who is kind to protect himself. If a hero is cruel, he can deal with his opponents very easily. It is more difficult for a good hero to do this, because he hopes for the best to the last and cannot respond with evil to evil deeds.
Small and cute fairies are always easy prey for conquerors. They can be captured, their houses destroyed, their magic taken away. Unfortunately, babies cannot protect themselves from violence in any way. In this regard, a typical plot fairy tale or games about fairies, there will definitely be their salvation from evil, which is sure to hang over their easy and carefree lives. The savior can be a good fellow who rode past on a horse and was imbued with sympathy for the fairies. And sometimes the bravest fairy wants to save her country and for this she sets out on a long journey.

Who wants to play with little fairies?

Many would give everything to become a fairy even for a minute, to feel light wings behind their back and know that magic is hidden in your fingertips.
It’s a pity that in reality magical abilities are not available to us; in the game Fairies, every girl can feel like a light fairy and become a little closer to wonderful transformations. Being a fairy from the game, you can fight evil with deed and sword, go on long journeys and participate in such miracles that people have never even dreamed of! This is a whole wonderful country on the computer!

Our website contains various exciting games about the adventures of flying sorceresses, collected online. All games about Fairies are offered absolutely free and you can play them without restrictions. You can play them without downloading and installing, which is very convenient

The animated series My little pony("My little pony") exceeded all expectations. No one could have imagined that the sensational hit about cute horses would be of interest not only to children and teenagers, but also to adults. Who are Bronies, why are they called that, and who belongs to them?

Who is Broni?

The cartoon series about cute ponies united fans around the world, transforming simple interest into a real creative passion. Who are Bronies? The word itself comes from the English brony, where the words brother (brother) and this are the so-called fandom of fans of the series “My Little Pony. Friendship is Magic”.

Animated friends

My Little Pony is a toy that became popular back in the 80s, but real fame came to these children's toys in 2010, after the release of the animated series of the same name. The most surprising thing is that not only little girls, but also adults, including men, became interested in the new product. Who are Bronies? Like any other people who love their cartoon characters.

Youth and youth subculture of Broni

There is an entire online community of Bronies that flows seamlessly from fan sites to real world and already has more than 10,000 confirmed participants. There are also women, but 80 percent are men, most of them between the ages of 16 and 35, although there are also fans over 40.

At joint events, bronies dress like their favorite characters, communicate with like-minded people, and make new friends. Fans express their love for My Little Pony by writing poems, creating themed avatars and attending conventions, the largest of which is in Manchester.

A colorful escape from a gray world

Young people often spend most of his social interaction on the Internet, and the release of the cartoon caused an increase in the crowd of fans; lonely fans found each other, creating an entire subculture. And everyone who has difficulty making friends can feel comfortable, they can interact with each other, talk about any topic, and this gives them confidence. They feel like they are part of something.

Who are My Little Pony fans?

Friendship magic that is now beyond target audience little girls, touches everyone who is not afraid to admit that they like colorful and funny characters. Each of these ponies has unique personality, as well as a magical element known as Together, they can use their powers to defeat evil villains and mythical monsters, be it the power of pure magic or traditional means. When they're not fighting monsters or going on the next epic quest, they live their lives in a quiet and quaint town called Ponyville. They have jobs, homes, friends and hobbies. This balance of adventure and friendly small town atmosphere is winning over new hearts.

Object for research

IN modern world New communities of fans of a certain film, popular TV series, or animated series are constantly emerging. Another such phenomenon can be called armor. This phenomenon has become so widespread that scientists from two American universities have become interested in it. They even conducted research to try to answer the question of who Bronies are. As the survey showed, 87 percent are male, half (53%) are fans under 12 years of age, 41% are people aged 20 to 30 years. Thus, middle age Bronies are 21 years old.

The most popular reaction to the description of Bronies as men who enjoy watching cartoons about ponies is the question of their sexuality. As a result, scientists received the following figures: 70 percent turned out to be normal, that is, they indicated their heterosexuality, and the remaining 30 percent included bisexuals and those who turned out to be uninterested or unsure of their orientation. Only 2 percent admitted they were homosexual. About 60 percent are pupils or students, 40 percent are graduates.

The researchers also wondered what it is that attracts fans to the cartoon and what they find attractive about it. It turned out that 46 percent of those surveyed like the feelings and emotions that the series evokes, 14 percent appreciated the good level of animation and graphics, 43 percent find instructive moments, and for 16 percent the animated series is a real cult and the meaning of life. The phenomenon turned out to be so unique that they even made a film about bronies, which was extremely unexpected for adult fans of the children's cartoon.

The philosophy of this youth subculture much deeper than the cartoon itself. Fandom considers itself among those people who seek purity and goodness among the dirt, anger and hatred in world wide web. A pony is not just a small horse, it is not just a cartoon character. This is probably good, but why then do you get a strange feeling when you see an adult bearded kid with a pink plush pony in his arms...

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