Responsible person. You have a unique opportunity to register to receive daily recommendations

Man is a social being. He is used to living in society and feels uncomfortable alone. Only a few people are prone to recluse, although everyone needs their own personal space and the non-intrusion of strangers into it. But you cannot live in society and be free from it. Therefore, we are all connected by obvious and invisible threads with many other people: relatives, friends, acquaintances, colleagues and even those with whom we accidentally met eyes on the street or in transport.

Fundamentals of human society

Many guides to action have been written on how to build relationships with people. And we all know the 10 commandments, and that we must treat others the way we want them to treat us. However, speaking about love and tolerance as the most important principles of harmonious and highly spiritual connections, we forget about one more quality, no less significant and fundamental. This is responsibility - to someone and for something. But everything is based on it: family, work, everyday life, career. And not only on a personal, but also on a universal scale. What does it mean to be responsible person? Let's try to illuminate this question from different sides.

From simple to complex

First of all, it should probably be mandatory. Remember, as in the saying: “having given your word, keep it!” Therefore, keeping promises, being responsible for your words, living up to them, not throwing them to the wind - this is what it means to be a responsible person. And this applies to both big and small! A sense of obligation must be cultivated with early childhood. Elementary example of what it means to be a responsible person: her mother instructed her daughter to clean up, she promised to do it, but got too busy and forgot. In the evening, guests unexpectedly arrived, and the apartment was a mess. Who will blush? That's right, mom. And for the mess, and for the daughter, whom she has not yet taught to live up to her promises. And if, after the incident, adults have an educational conversation with the child, they will help to realize that it was he who put everyone in an uncomfortable position - the daughter will learn a lesson on what it means to be a responsible person once and for all.

Conscience and responsibility

Commitment simply needs to be instilled in children in families where there are several children growing up or where there are sick, helpless relatives. Heating and serving tea to an old grandmother, finding lost glasses, picking up a brother from kindergarten or feeding him dinner, checking up on his sister's homework - parents can easily entrust such concerns to their 10-11 year old children.

A child will quickly understand what being responsible means if something really important depends on him. In this case, this will become understandable and close to him. moral category like conscience. And if a teenager tries to come home from school on time not because his parents scold him, but because his grandmother is waiting for him at home, who herself cannot get food out of the refrigerator, or a dog that needs to be walked, he no longer needs to explain what it means to be a person of high responsibility. And in the future, having become an adult, he will not be afraid to take care of loved ones or strangers onto his shoulders. And it will be safe to live next to him.

Is the fairy tale a lie?

In “The Little Prince” by Antoine Exupery there is a phrase that has long and firmly become a catchphrase: “We are responsible for those we have tamed.” It is directly related to what it means to be responsible in our understanding. Exupery's hero left his planet and went on a journey because he was offended by Rose - a beautiful flower, but extremely capricious and restless. It seemed to the prince that Rose was a wayward egoist, did not appreciate his care and attention at all, and was only occupied with herself. He did not understand the simple truth: when you are needed, it is great happiness. The wise Fox opened his eyes to everything. He explained that although the prince saw many roses on Earth, the one that grows on his planet is still special. Because only loved ones become the only ones. And for their sake they risk, sacrifice themselves, endure inconvenience. And they always return to their loved ones. After all, you tamed them, and they tamed you. So the prince flies to his home, because Rose is waiting for him there, sad, and there is no one to take care of her! This is why you need to be a responsible person: they trusted you, and you cannot betray that trust, you have no right. But the little philosopher gives the pilot a truly royal gift. He advises in moments of loneliness and melancholy to look more often at the sky and remember: there, among infinite number shining stars, there is one - a planet Little Prince. And from there the prince also looks into the sky, looking for the Earth among the golden dust particles, thinking about his pilot friend. And about Lisa. And when you know that somewhere far away there is a heart that loves you, you stop being lonely!

This is how responsibility, conscientiousness, care and love are intertwined, forming the moral code of the individual.

Yes, but not for all people. A responsible person is a special person.

We all know that the responsible person valued in society, respected by other people, successful and good example for imitation.

What does it mean to be responsible?

1. The responsible person clearly understands that he only person who is responsible for his present and future.

2. He knows that only he himself is responsible for who he is now and what social level he occupies.

3. Understands that the work he does is the result only of him, as is the level of income (a person earns as much as he wants and not a penny more)

4. A responsible person does not doubt that he has the right to choose. He does this consciously, looks one step ahead, assessing what his decision may lead to. Plus, having made a choice or not made it, he fully accepts the consequences of his decision.

5. A responsible person is free in all his thoughts and actions. He acts without regard for what people will say, what his colleagues will think, or how his relatives will react. He is true to his principles, his philosophy.

6. He is not afraid to take the initiative and.

7. He never looks for excuses or looks for someone to blame for his failures. Asks questions to himself, finds in his actions, actions to correct and change them.

8. considers new tasks as challenges that he accepts. So finds interesting solutions, original ways out of difficult situations.

Taking responsibility is the way personal growth and human development.
Are you a responsible person?

The term “responsible person” has become very popular nowadays. It can even be seen in job advertisements as mandatory requirement to the candidate. As a personality property, the word “responsibility” cannot be found even in large explanatory dictionaries. However, many people have their own opinions regarding its meaning. Characteristics of a responsible person are a very subjective concept. Let's figure out what responsibility is.

Responsibility is the ability and desire of an individual to invest his time, money or part of his freedom to achieve a certain goal. IN in some cases the term may also include the ability to be punished for one's actions. IN similar situations responsibility implies a certain fairness of the individual in how he treats himself. A person agrees that his actions deserve some blame, and is ready to take responsibility for them.

This term is quite ancient, it is found in many languages. Interestingly, in all cases it is associated with the ability to react or respond to something, and is also associated with a certain punishment. Initially, punishment was a completely tangible concept. For example, murder was punishable by some compensation for moral and material damage.

Today sense of responsibility more associated with a person's ability to hold given word, as well as make decisions in which the individual acts not only in own interests. The concept of responsibility is much broader than the term “obligation”. However, the second is an integral part of the first.

Responsibility occurs only when there is a relationship between two or more people. That is, such a thing as responsibility does not exist outside of society. Then when we're talking about that a person responsibly does something specifically for himself is still implied personal quality formed in society. There is a clear direct relationship between the closeness of a person's connection with other people and the likelihood that a person will be responsible. For this quality to develop, you need experience in responsible relationships and developed reflection of activity. Because this property can only be found in a truly active person.

Responsibility, like self-criticism, an essential quality that should be present in any leader. However, in our time, an incorrect attitude towards the concept of a leader has been formed. Everywhere and everywhere the idea is being promoted that every person should strive to be in front or at the head of some group of people. Unfortunately, such propaganda is a trap for responsible people who lack the skills and inclinations of management. Because of this, they have to suffer and lose their health, doing something that, in fact, is not their path. This is especially true for young men who are early age develop a number of illnesses while experiencing serious stress at work.

Therefore, responsibility is social concept, and it is supported by some actions. At the same time, the level of responsibility should be formed by each individual specifically for himself, taking into account his capabilities.

How to become a responsible person

Responsibility is a skill that can be acquired with some effort. To understand how to become more responsible, you need to consider existing levels assessments of this quality. Ask someone you know to analyze you according to the criteria below. Often, after such an assessment, many questions arise, the answers to which will be useful. Since becoming responsible right away is not easy, an outside independent perspective will be very valuable, as discussed below.

Levels of Personal Responsibility

  • Zero responsibility implies that you play the role of a dependent. You completely remove yourself from any responsibility because you believe that someone else's care for you is a self-evident responsibility. Such a person does not think about how to become more responsible, because he is comfortable in his current position.
  • The first level puts you in the position of a performer. Such a person practices the principle “work is not a wolf.” Usually such people do not do anything until they are told to do something. If the performer is not pushed to take some action, then he will remain at the starting point.
  • The second level of responsibility implies that a person takes the position of a specialist. Such people do their work efficiently, but do not put their soul into it. They view their occupation as a way to earn money and nothing more. You should not expect any initiative from such a person. Such people are not interested in helping or suggesting anything. You need to understand that a specialist can leave you at any time if he finds a more profitable occupation. Such people quite often use the phrase “I don’t get paid for this,” thereby limiting themselves from doing things that are not included in the list of their powers.
  • The third level is occupied by the responsible employee. Even if such a person is currently does not perform its functions well enough, it strives to develop and acquire the necessary skills. Therefore, in the future, the responsible employee will certainly become a professional in his field. The results of his work are important to him, he is quite proactive and open to sharing experiences. Such a person treats his occupation with interest. He views his employer's business as his own. Every employee who works shoulder to shoulder with him is perceived by him as a member of the family. A responsible employee never says, “I don’t get paid for this.” When he is entrusted with some task, he completes it, and then talks to his superiors about paying both him and his colleagues for this work.
  • The fourth level of responsibility is occupied by the local manager. Such a person is a manager who organizes the work of subordinates to achieve set goals. This person takes responsibility for himself and for others. He is not afraid to give orders and take orders serious decisions, on the correctness of which the fate of many depends. The local manager likes work less because he has to delegate it to his wards, who do it worse than he does. However, it is more correct to entrust it to employees rather than to do it yourself. The local manager organizes the work process in the area entrusted to him.
  • The fifth level is intended for a director who supervises superiors for more than low level. This person is responsible for the business as a whole, while placing tactical decisions in the hands of his wards. It remains for him to formulate a strategy. A person of this level is able to open new directions or close existing ones. He is a professional who makes serious decisions. However, his level of responsibility is limited solely by the salary he receives and the prestigious position.
  • The sixth level of responsibility is unique to the business owner. It is this person who organizes a business in which he invests his money, time and soul. He is able to be responsible for the results of his actions not only with finances, but also with his life. The owner views his own business as his child, whom he has been raising for many years. He selects a director who can effectively manage his business, but at any time he can replace him with another. Interestingly, the owner of a large company rarely appears in public. He is a kind of neck general director, which directs the latter to right side. A business owner does not ask himself the question: “How to become a responsible person?” He is responsible by definition, since the well-being of an entire staff of employees and his own financial condition depend on him.

The above levels should not be considered positions. They represent levels of personality development. For example, a person holding the position of director of a large enterprise, from the personal and psychological side, can be an ordinary specialist or performer. At the same time, his secretary, psychologically, may well turn out to be the owner. There are often men who present themselves at work as effective leaders, and houses turn into dependents or executors. There are often cases when women housewives take full responsibility upon themselves, choosing for themselves the role of family owner. At the same time, they raise their husband as the head of the family.

Cultivating a sense of responsibility means teaching yourself to see your obligations, as well as being able to fulfill them and pay for the consequences. Moreover, the fee can be expressed in time or money. You must be able to pay for own mistakes even when there is no desire to do it.

Since developing responsibility right away can be difficult, you can perform the following tasks to acquire this quality:

  • First of all, you need to make responsibility one of your values. You need to realize that this quality is a very important social skill, which gives you a chance to significantly improve your life. Development of responsibility personality is a process that requires only your desire. You should have a desire to cultivate this quality in yourself. Take responsibility for your family life. Then you will be able to realize, for example, that the author of any resentment that arises in a relationship is only you.
  • Development can be practiced personal responsibility, asking yourself questions about what you can do now and what opportunities you have. It is very useful to replace demands like “I want” with questions about what needs to be done in order to get what I want.
  • You can develop responsibility by asking yourself more often: “What should I do to be fully responsible for my actions?”
  • Since developing a sense of responsibility alone is not always easy, you can choose a mentor(partner) who will reward and penalize you as necessary. It is better to select a person who can adequately assess your development and monitor your life activities. A partner will motivate you to follow a certain work discipline, without postponing any tasks for later.
  • It will not be superfluous to send reports on your development to your partner remotely at a certain frequency. It is enough to do this 2 times a week. You can come up with fines for failure to meet deadlines and methods of rewarding for a responsible approach to this issue. By doing this for twenty-one days, you will be able to develop a healthy habit to some extent.

Now you know what it means to be a responsible person. With effort, you will soon notice certain changes in your life. Developing personal responsibility according to the above scenario will allow you to see good results in the near future.

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    In the process of development - from birth to death - a person acquires important character qualities for life, which determine his activity, thinking and character. Among important properties personality that is required from a person in modern times, be it a job, friendship, relationship, personal organization - this is responsibility, implying the following points:

    • harmony with your conscience;
    • loyalty to your promises;
    • respect for yourself and others;
    • the desire to achieve results at any cost;
    • diligence and personal interest in the result;
    • resilience and perseverance in the face of problems;
    • reliability and firmness in the sphere of personal and public relations.

    I really like this quote from Antoine de Senty’s story The Little Prince:

    Responsibility is the ability to be responsible for one’s actions and do them efficiently, as well as responsible people must accept important decisions not only related to the decision of their own tasks, but also for those who depend on him with the same attention and care, for example, caring for pets, children, subordinates, while being completely confident in decisions made that the actions will not harm anyone.

    This means being responsible for your actions, deeds of promise. If you made a promise or word, do not give up and fulfill it. If you were asked for something and you agreed, then you need to do what you signed up for. Responsibility is a very good quality that suits any person.

    I think that it is not enough to follow the principle: I am never late. If I said that I would arrive at 08.00, then I would arrive at 07.58. This is a wonderful principle that not everyone can master, oddly enough. But punctuality on time is instilled in a fifth-grader, not an adult.

    Adult responsibility has a completely different look. Responsible is reliable. In time, in words, in actions, in thoughts, in ideas, in sympathies, in love, in work and in leisure. Responsible is constant. Not a weather vane hung on the seven winds. And finally responsible is incorruptible for any price.

    If a person meets the three criteria that I have highlighted, then, in my opinion, he knows how to be responsible for himself.

    This means that a person is responsible for his actions. When he makes decisions, he understands that he is responsible for these decisions. He approaches his work and everything he does responsibly. If he promises something, he will definitely fulfill what he promised. He is also responsible for his family, not only for children, but also for parents, and can help any person, even a stranger, who is in trouble and needs help.

    A responsible person is someone who doesn't do the job carelessly. Which approaches the solution of a problem (task) in a complex manner. Thinks everything through possible options solutions to the problem (task) and chooses the most correct solution. In addition, it is not unimportant to choose a solution tool, which is also not unimportant, and the responsible person does this scrupulously and again chooses the most correct tool.

    In general, you can rely on that person and be sure that if you entrust him with any task, it will be done correctly. top level, and that he will approach the decision responsibly and will not let you down.

    Being responsible means taking on a bunch of responsibilities (very often unnecessary).

    Now no one owes anyone anything. And I think that loading yourself with unnecessary morality is just a path to a dead end or a path to mental illness.

    Society has changed significantly and people have become different since Antoine De Saint Exupéry lived.

    Nowadays, many people put material well-being first and try to achieve it by any means - they take bribes, deceive, steal, use their official position for personal purposes. There are even rumors that clergymen are also involved in business.

    There is no place for responsibility in the race for money. On the contrary, here main principle- to bully a friend or your own compatriot (or even a relative!). What kind of responsibility can we talk about in such conditions?

    If you are 100 percent responsible, you will become poor!

    There are people who feel responsible to their classmates and school friends. They begin to help them, feeling responsible, and at what stage they understand that they cannot also drag on SOMEONE else’s life... This is very difficult, and sometimes impossible! What to do then with a sense of responsibility, you ask? There is only one way out: do not take on unnecessary responsibility. Needed in everything golden mean. There are some things you just need to close your eyes to.

    This means being aware of your actions, making smart decisions and not being afraid to admit your mistakes. Responsibility must be taught from childhood, because this quality also requires perseverance and self-discipline.

    Being a responsible person means not letting other people down, completing work or assigned tasks on time and with high quality. Respecting other people's work, other people's time is also one of the characteristics of this concept.

    If they ask me if I am a responsible person, I will probably answer yes, since I try to live up to everything I listed above. And here irresponsible people I personally am annoyed, I try not to communicate with them and not to do business, because joint projects with them usually do not lead to anything good, or after them I have to redo everything later.

    The question itself already contains the answer. To be a responsible person means to be responsible for your actions, to keep your word or given promise. Take charge of the decision complex problems, do not go aside in certain sensitive situations life situations. In other words, BE RESPONSIBLE for yourself and for the people close to you.

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