Where do we live - on Earth or inside the Earth?

In recent years, natural science has increasingly gone to extremes. On the one hand, she directs her gaze into the bottomless expanses of the Universe, on the other, she directs her gaze into the no less inexhaustible depths of the microworld. At the same time, it goes without saying that somewhere in the middle, in the world of everyday scale, everything was established long ago and forever. What madman would now risk refuting the idea of ​​the sphericity and convexity of the Earth or the heliocentric structure of the solar system? And yet I say: humanity is wrong!

The universe is not structured at all as we are taught in school, as it is written about in textbooks and encyclopedias. I was confirmed in this thought after long sleepless nights spent at the telescope, over drawings and calculations.

Here are my postulates. There are also three of them (like Einstein).

1, Yes, the Earth really is a sphere with a radius of about 6400 km, but the sphere is hollow, and we live not on its outer, but on its inner surface. The entire variety of objects and natural phenomena, the entire visible world is contained within this sphere.

2, The earth is stationary.

3. Rays of light propagate in circles passing through the center of the world, and the speed of light slows down as it approaches the center of the world.

Every theory must be based on rigorous evidence. How do they usually begin to convince a schoolchild that the Earth is convex? From the well-known story of a ship setting sail. Now the ship has reached the horizon and begins to slowly disappear behind it. Here the mourners see from the shore only the deck and masts, now only the masts, now only the pennant is visible over the horizon - and finally the ship disappears from sight.

Everything is true in this picture. But is the assumption of the convexity of the Earth really necessary to explain this fact?

Let's turn to my world system (see picture). The circular arc marked with the number 1 is the path of the light ray that comes to the observer. The shaded area into which the ship goes is not visible.

The successive positions of the ship make it easy to follow the process of its disappearance over the horizon.

Day and night. They are usually explained by the rotation of the Earth around its axis. But this explanation is by no means the only possible one. In my system, the change of day and night occurs as a result of the movement of the Sun around the center of the world along a complex spiral trajectory (see figure). Each turn of the spiral corresponds to a certain season.

The sun in my system is not a giant hot ball, as we traditionally consider it to be. I would rather liken it to a narrowly directed spotlight, the rays of which diverge in the form of a kind of curvilinearly expanding fan. It is easy to notice that behind the Sun in the direction of the center of the world there should be a trail of darkness and darkness. When the Moon, in its wandering in orbit, enters this dark zone, a lunar eclipse occurs on Earth (see figure, section 3). When it enters the region of light and blocks part of the sun's rays reaching the earth's surface, a solar eclipse occurs.

In the center of the world there is a clot of matter, which has taken the shape of an elastic ball. The surface of it. dotted with light dots - stars. The center of the world is the concentration of not only matter, but also energy. It is emitted in continuous streams that reach the Earth in the form of starlight and cosmic radiation. Asteroids and planets are also products of the center of the world: at some critical phases of development, they are ejected from there and slowly move away along unwinding spiral trajectories - to the delight of astronomers, who discover them as they arrive.

I have already noticed that everyone who encounters my theory for the first time is at first perplexed: how can all the diversity of natural phenomena, the entire boundless cosmos fit inside such a small sphere? How can a huge firmament, dotted with myriads of stars and hugging the Earth on all sides, be represented by a small clump of matter with luminous points on it? They forget that this is not just a clump, but the center of the world, which is the focus. The inertia of thinking does not allow them to comprehend my harmonious picture of the world from the position of three postulates. Meanwhile, everything is simple here (see figure, section 4). Rays of light come to the observer from the lower part of the spherical central clot of matter along circular trajectories, and at all angles to the earth's surface - from zero. up to ninety degrees. That is why it seems to the observer that the sky sparkling with stars hangs over him like a dome.

New things are always puzzling. As one of the greats said, “every new theory must be a little crazy.” But I personally think the old system of the world is crazy, where distances to celestial bodies are measured by so-called astronomical numbers: to the Moon -384,400 kilometers, to the Sun -149,500,000 kilometers, to the nearest star - 40,000,000,000,000 kilometers! If the typesetter makes a mistake and adds a couple of zeros to such a number, it is unlikely that anyone will notice the error or sense the inaccuracy. Common sense is unable to perceive such things. A monstrous inflation of zeros is happening!

What do I have? None of the distances exceeds 12 thousand kilometers. To the uninitiated, this may seem strange.

1. The assumption of non-linear propagation of light makes the disappearance of a ship over the horizon in the world of Kifa Vasilievich explainable. 2. The same assumption allows us to explain why, in this hypothetical world, the rays of the Sun change their inclination towards the earth's surface during the day. 3. This is how lunar eclipses occur in the “inner world”. 4. This is how the illusion of a star dome arises in the “inner world”. 5. So, as a result of inversion relative to the earth’s surface, the near-earth world passes into the earth’s sphere. 6. Scheme of an experiment that would allow Kifa Vasilievich to prove that light rays do not propagate rectilinearly. 7. Diagram explaining the absence of gravity in the “inner world.”

After all, for example, the above distance to the Moon is “convincingly” confirmed by radar data. But what does radar measure? Is it distance? No. It measures the time it takes for a radio signal to travel to the Moon and back. That's all the experiment can give on this score. And then - calculations based on the old system of the world. Time is multiplied by the “speed of light” at which the signal supposedly propagates, by the so-called “world constant” c, approximately equal to three hundred thousand kilometers per second. And please! - that's an astronomical value for you. But the trouble (the trouble with the old theory!) is that this constant speed c does not and cannot exist. The speed of light slows down as it approaches the center of the world (see my third postulate!). And here the result of multiplying time by the average speed of light cannot exceed 12 thousand kilometers. And the speed of light at every point in space is the limit for the speed of propagation of any signal - “you can’t cross it” (this was rightly noted before me by another brilliant thinker of our time - Albert Einstein).

And therefore, flights to the stars remain a problem to this day, because the time it takes to reach the stars, even in my system of the world, is very, very long.

However, who knows, maybe there will be a way to pierce space along other trajectories? The goal is tempting: truly, the most distant planet is not so far away! No further than from Moscow to Vladivostok. But the elbow is close, but you won’t bite.

Of course, my theory also has blind spots - a rich field for research and new wonderful discoveries. Well, for example, what does our Earth look like from the outside? And what surrounds her?

Personally, after much thought, I came to the following conclusion. Like the Moon and planets, the Earth is deserted and covered in craters on the outside. Moreover, it, in turn, is a planet in some larger, enclosing and also closed world. Reasoning by analogy, I inevitably come to the conclusion that there is life on the Moon and other planets, but not outside, but inside. And it's joyful.

How can one not rethink the famous essay by the famous Swift about Gulliver’s travels! If Gulliver had walked onto the outer surface of the Earth, he would have found himself a dwarf in that world. And if he had penetrated inside the Moon or another planet, he would have been considered a giant. Here you have Gulliver, and the Lilliputians and the Brobdinden giants!

Any new knowledge is beneficial to civilization, and so is my theory. Deep drilling should be prohibited everywhere. For we do not know the thickness of the earth’s shell and we risk drilling through it and releasing the entire fertile atmosphere into another world.

And a few more words in conclusion.

At one time there was a planetary model of the atom. However, it turned out to be untenable. I am sure that the same fate awaits the planetary model of the Solar System and the model of the Universe that includes it. Let my theory not remain for centuries, let it be replaced in due time by a more perfect one. But at this stage of the development of science it contains the truth.

The land of the ancients was flat. Then the scientists bent the edges of the disk and turned it into a sphere, giving all living things its convex surface. I guess they took a wrong turn.

Kifa Vasilyevich’s manuscript was prepared for publication by Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Yu. POPOV and Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Yu. PUKHNACHEV. They also comment on the theory presented in the manuscript.

Sculpture "The Globe". Installed in the Vatican!

Kifa Vasilievich’s thoughts about the fact that we live somewhere inside are staggering at first, aren’t they? But if you think about it: what is wrong with the author of the strange theory? Where does he sin against the truth, against obvious facts? Try, reader, to refute his conclusions with evidence - and you will see that this is not so easy to do! The fact is that the picture of the world that Kifa Vasilievich paints, for all its apparent absurdity, can be supported by strict relationships associated with a geometric transformation called inversion.

The figure on the right and the caption to it give a strict definition of this mathematical operation. To put it descriptively, it can be likened to a reflection in a distorting mirror. The role of the mirror in this case is played by a certain sphere; Every point outside the sphere, as a result of “reflection,” falls inside it.

If we take the earth's surface as such a sphere, then the Universe will seem to turn inside out: all the space surrounding the Earth will find itself inside the ball, from the vast expanses of space to the vicinity of the center of the earth's sphere, planets, stars, galaxies will gather into a small cluster...

The rays of light will undergo curious transformations. The fact is that inversion converts straight lines into circles. And since light rays seem to us to be rectilinear, then as a result of inversion, in order to fit inside the earth’s sphere, they will curl up into rings and take the form of circles passing through the center of this sphere (see figure). Using mathematical formulas, which we do not dwell on in the pages of a popular magazine, we can be convinced that the speed of propagation of light, which was constant outside the sphere, inside it should decrease as it approaches the center of the sphere in inverse proportion to the square of the distance to it.

Take a closer look at the picture that appears thanks to the described transformation: the features of a strange world created by the imagination of Kifa Vasilyevich emerge before you.

However, despite the striking strangeness of this world, everything in it, in the opinion of its inhabitants, will look exactly the same as the reality around us appears to us. In fact, we evaluate the size and shape, arrangement and relative position of the objects we are considering by the angles at which rays of light from these objects enter the pupils of our eyes. And inversion preserves the angles at which the lines intersect, including the trajectories of light rays. Therefore, having moved thanks to inversion from the world familiar to us into the world of Kifa Vasilyevich, we would see all objects at exactly the same angles at which we saw them before. We would not notice any visible difference between the old and transformed world, which means we would not be able to determine by eye, based only on visual impressions, where we live - on Earth or inside the Earth.

It turns out that Kifa Vasilyevich’s theory does not contradict the obvious facts visible to the naked eye! To refute his fantastic constructions, experiments are necessary.

At the upper end of the long vertical rod, we will attach a mirror perpendicular to it. From the other end of the rod, we fire a laser beam along it towards the mirror. As long as the rod stands perpendicular to the earth's surface (see figure on page 131, section 6), the beam will travel in a straight line and, reflected from the mirror, will return to the same point from which it was released. This will be the case in the world we are accustomed to and in the world of Kifa Vasilyevich. We will now tilt the bar and at the same time carefully monitor what happens to the beam reflected from the mirror. In the world we are familiar with, where light travels in straight lines, the emitted and reflected rays would still merge. In the world of Kifa Vasilyevich they would have diverged: the emitted beam, bending more and more as the rod was tilted, would have fallen on the mirror no longer perpendicularly and, having been reflected, would have gone on a different trajectory. Beam splitting could be confirmed by moving the bunny on a suitable screen.

The experiment seems clear and conclusive, but it has a weak spot.
Let us imagine a certain sphere in space (in the diagram it is depicted as a thick circle). Let us associate each point in space with another point so that both lie on the same radial ray emanating from the center of the sphere, and the distances from them to the center of the sphere are inversely proportional to each other. Let us take the coefficient of proportionality equal to the square of the radius of the sphere: then each of its exact points will correspond to the same exact point, and as a result the sphere will remain in place.

This is how the inversion transformation is accomplished. In this case, straight lines turn into circles (only those that pass through the center of the sphere will remain straight). In the diagram, corresponding lines and circles are depicted by lines of the same pattern. Straight lines intersecting at a certain angle, as a result of inversion, turn into circles intersecting at the same angle. Therefore, body M, visible from point B at the angle indicated in the diagram, will go into body M", visible from point B" at the same angle (assuming that light inside the sphere propagates in a circle).

Here it is - an internal cavity with a radius of 6370 km known to us. In the center there is a special mechanism that provides visual effects of the starry sky: the Starry Sphere (SS). Stars are depicted on the GS. The planets and the Sun move along it. Moreover, the Sun is not a lighting device: the light is created by half of the rotating stellar sphere, and the Sun makes only a small addition.

The article was prepared based on materials from the journal “Science and Life” for 1981 (No. 6, “But still it is concave!” from the archive of Kifa Vasilyevich).

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