The earth is supposed to be hollow

From time immemorial, tales have reached us about a strange hypothesis, which to us, zombified by orthodox “science,” seems absolutely unreal - the legend of the “hollow earth.” There are as many variations on this theme in different sources as one can probably think of. The thickness of the earth's crust and the number of internal layers of the earth are described differently; different authors inhabited the center of the earth either with an ancient race, or placed there a base of aliens, or the elite of Nazi Germany hiding from justice, or even completely incorporeal entities. They also placed their sun in the center of the hollow earth.

It must be said that most, if not all, of the world's myths did not arise out of nowhere. As popular wisdom says, “there is no smoke without fire.”

What may be most impressive is the fact that the hollow earth theory was seriously believed not only in ancient times, but also in very recent times. And this was not somewhere on the outskirts of civilization, but in a scientifically developed country for its time - in fascist Germany. Hitler believed that there was living space underground. The existing version said that the entrance to the dungeon was in Georgia and that is why the German army was so eager to enter the Caucasus. Hitler wanted not only to seize Baku oil, but also to penetrate the secrets of the Caucasian dungeons. Yes, the top of the 3rd Reich did not skimp on esoteric research, which seems like a prank to many of us, but we must admit that all German projects were extremely utilitarian - everything that the Germans did not research, they did it for benefit, which means they did not study theories that would have no basis.

Folklore about traveling to the center of the earth is known to every nation in one form or another. The story of Orpheus's journey to the underworld for his Eurydice has been played out in many epics of the world. Both Aladdin and Andersen’s soldier climbed into the depths of the earth. Under the ground there was Hades among the Greeks, Christian hell, the extraordinary holiness of the underworld of Agharta in Buddhist beliefs, where spiritual teachers live and whose capital is Shambhala.

Scientists did not lag behind the mystics. According to one of Leonhard Euler's theories, our planet is hollow, and inside there is another sun that shines above the inner surface of the earth. Euler recognized the existence of one hollow shell, separated by a large space from the core, in the shell of the earth there are exits at the North and South Poles. And the Englishman Edmund Halley, the royal astronomer and discoverer of Halley's Comet, believed that there were three more planets inside our earth. Euler and Halley were first-class mathematicians; they based their theories on what they considered to be rigorous calculations.

It must be said that extremely diverse views agree on one thing - the earth can be hollow inside. And it is possible that this initial idea has over time acquired many variations by different thinkers.

The earth is supposed to be hollow

Image of the North Pole from NASA's WORLD WIND program

And, no matter how fantastic the idea of ​​a hollow earth may seem to us, if we consider simple scientific facts that are widely known today and no one doubts, then we will have to admit that the earth cannot but be hollow. And that's why…

1. The earth has a rotation around its axis, which imparts some centrifugal acceleration to earthly matter. Because of this, by the way, our planet’s poles are flattened. Now centrifugal acceleration slightly compensates for the force of gravity, but this was not always the case. The earth's rotation slows down by about 0.015 s every 100 years. This means that the earth used to rotate faster. The speed of braking is not constant - the faster the planet rotated, the stronger the braking was. This means that the earth used to rotate much faster. Under such conditions, centrifugal force could compensate for the force of gravity.

2. When a large object is formed from small particles, it should receive a chaotic rotation along all axes and only stabilize over time, due to field connections with the objects of the universe surrounding it. When the earth rotates along all axes, all points on the earth will experience centrifugal acceleration.

3. Over the billions of years of the earth’s existence, it cooled down all the time, thereby reducing its volume. The vacated space could be formed not only due to the outer layer, but also due to the interior of the earth, taking into account the following condition...

4. The temperature of the planet’s core, according to modern estimates, is 5000-7000 °C. Iron boils at about 2800 °C. In conjunction with the previous point, this means that bubbles of boiling metal should form in the center of the earth.

5. Due to the centrifugal force and adhesion force, and for a large bubble and the force of gravity, (at the boundaries of the bubble with the matter of the earth’s core), it can stabilize in volume and due to the pressure of the gaseous metal, as well as a reduction in the volume of the earth, due to its cooling, this bubble will increase in volume over time. And over the 4.54 billion years that scientists assign to the existence of the earth, this internal volume could have increased significantly.

6. At high temperatures and pressures, substances can rearrange their structure, forming new materials that have a different crystal lattice, which radically changes the properties of the substance. In this way, artificial diamonds are obtained from graphite. Such substances can serve as shells for voids, and cavities in the ground can be like bubbles in foam rubber.

7. According to scientists, the mass of the earth’s core is 10% less than it should be for such a volume containing an iron-nickel alloy. It is believed that this difference can be formed due to the admixture of lighter chemical elements. But these healing elements should have floated to the surface of the earth long ago. And being in the earth's core, these light elements could group, forming large voids.

It must be said that this is not the only justification for a possible cavity in the ground, and scientists have different scientific hypotheses.

Critics of the hollow earth theory usually point to seismological studies of the structure of the earth's interior. However, this may negate the theory of a completely hollow earth, but not the presence of many small voids.

Is there life inside the earth?

In addition to the internal sun, one more thing that, in my opinion, is thought out in this story about the hollow earth is the existence of a living world similar to our usual one - with the sun, sky, oceans, probably cigarette butts, military exercises, its Zadornov and etc., inside terrestrial space. Such hypotheses are more like simple conjectures copied from our life to some original information about the existence of life in the cavity of the earth.

The closest to reality, in my opinion, are the hypotheses of ufologists, who talk about the possibility of a UFO base existing inside the earth.

Having once looked at an image of a disc-shaped UFO, I suddenly realized that they, with such an aerodynamic shape as they have, cannot fly in the air with the agility that is attributed to them, make sharp turns, and especially dive under water , as if nothing had happened. The disc-shaped shape of such an aircraft is, rather, justified by the internal contents, possibly a circular engine, than by the need to give the device aerodynamic qualities, and they, apparently, can move without interacting with the surrounding matter.

Actually, a simple conclusion comes from this - that neither air nor water are an obstacle to the movement of UFOs. And if the earth also does not interfere with their movement, or the internal cavity really has exits to the outside, then a convenient, inconspicuous position for locating their base, if they need it, could be right in the center of the hollow earth. The high temperature inside the earth may also not be a hindrance for alien ships. An example is, according to scientists, at altitudes up to 400 km. above the surface of the earth in the thermosphere, the temperature can reach 2000 ° C., and nothing - both UFOs and our spaceships fly through it..

Where are our brothers in mind?

Disc-shaped aircraft "Haunebu II", created in Nazi Germany at the end of the war.

Despite the abundance of evidence of UFO sightings, the problem today is the lack of official confirmation of the detection of aliens. This gives rise to skepticism.

End of the Aztec Empire

1519 is the year when the Aztec Empire ruled a vast territory with a variety of rich natural resources from the northern regions of what is now Mexico to the borders of Guatemala: the arid regions of the northern Valley of Mexico, the mountain gorges of the present states of Oaxaca and Guererro, the coastal regions of the Gulf of Mexico, the Pacific mountain ranges. By this time, Tenochtitlan of the Aztecs had grown into one of the largest cities in the world with a population of 150-200 thousand people and became a huge trading center with a large market in the satellite city of Tlatelolco, where up to 25 thousand people gathered on a trading day. The second largest city in the empire was Texcoco with a population of 30 thousand people. Many other cities had populations of 10-25 thousand people.

But, to their misfortune, across the ocean there existed, for the time being, unknown to the Aztecs, Spain, whose inhabitants thirsted for fame and gold. In 1519, a Spanish expedition led by Hernando Cortes sailed from Cuba with 11 ships, carrying 508 soldiers, 16 horses and several cannons, and headed west.

Upon the arrival of the Spaniards to the Mexican coast, the Aztec emperor was brought a report: “The gods have returned. Their spears spew fire. Their warriors have two heads and six legs and they live in floating houses.” Montezuma expected the fulfillment of an ancient prophecy about the return of Quetzalcoatl in the year Se Acatl (year of the reed rod), which corresponded to 1519.

Ten years before this event, there were 8 omens of impending trouble in the Aztec empire:
◦ Every night for a year, a flame appeared in the eastern sky.
◦ For an unexplained reason, the temple of Huitzilopochtli in Tlacateccan burned down.
◦ Lightning struck the Xiuthecuhtli Temple in Tsonmolco.
◦ One afternoon a comet appeared and broke into three parts.
◦ The water in Lake Texcoco boiled up and destroyed the surrounding houses.
◦ One night the voice of a woman was heard crying: “My dear children, we must go! Where should I take you? (Florentine Codex).
◦ One fisherman caught a heron with a crest in the form of a mirror, in which Montezuma saw the heavens and an army galloping on animals like deer.
◦ People with two heads and one body were found, who then mysteriously disappeared.

During his stay on the Gulf Coast, Cortez repeatedly clashed with local tribes.

On August 16, 1519, the Spaniards began their march on the capital of the Aztec empire. Along the way, they were joined by several thousand Indians.

On November 8, 1519, the Spaniards entered Tenochtitlan, and Montezuma greeted them: “Welcome, we have been waiting for you. This is your home." He was waiting for God, Quetzalcoatl. But it was not the gods who came... In the following weeks, the Aztec emperor discovered that he had actually become a hostage, and the Spaniards began to destroy all the shrines of the Indians and put up Christian altars in their place. Then the Indians became more and more convinced that the Spaniards, posing as gods, were in fact no less bloodthirsty and greedy for gold. Dissatisfaction with the actions of Montezuma, who still supported the white newcomers, grew. One day he was taken to the roof to calm down the raging crowd, but they threw stones at him, from which he died three days later (this is according to the Spaniards, but there are other versions that say that the Spaniards themselves killed the emperor before their flight from the city). After Montezuma, his brother Cuitlaulac (1520-1520) became emperor for a short time.

Soon, under the pressure of a huge number of rioting crowds of Aztecs, Cortes and his army were forced to leave the city. In the same year, Cuauhtémoc of Tlatelolco (“The Descending (Falling) Eagle” - 1520-1521) became the last supreme Tlatoani ruler of the Aztec empire.

Cortez, who fled the city, did not intend to give up. Having built the ships, he placed all his people on them and, relying on luck, gunpowder, horses and iron, he led his army to storm Tenochtitlan.

On August 13, 1521, the Spanish captured Tenochtitlan along with the last Tlatoani, Cuauhtémoc, and a number of his high councilors. Subsequently, Tenochtitlan was completely sacked and destroyed, Cuauhtemoc was executed (in 1525), and the Aztec empire was completely conquered by the Spaniards.

You are no longer my friend...

The entire history of mankind is continuous wars, destruction of each other, deception, plunder...

Look at us - we don't even need bread and circuses. Just show us the enemy and we can immediately be controlled like toys.

Maybe the correct opinion would be that... we really are not worthy of the mercy of aliens?

Extraterrestrial intelligence does not want to make contact with us, and we don’t even have to argue with this. The only correct decision would be, in their place, in relation to earthlings, unless we are immediately destroyed as dangerous warlike competitors for world domination, this would be to pit us against each other with the help of psychotronic technologies, to implant thoughts into us through idiots and traitors - sexots (like Academician Kruglyakov) that aliens do not exist, to control and slow down our scientific and technological development (namely, to block torsion technologies), so that we, as late as possible, reach the level when we naively decide that we can conquer the discovered aliens.

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